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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I'm starting to imagine Spurgeon`s whole childhood turning into some kind of reverse . GYPSY thing. Jessa and Ben's lifelong quest to make Spurgeon a celebrity televangelist.

"Watch out, Spurgeon, Mama's going make you a star!"

It could happen.


I think that everyone who has been posting about the lack of joy in this whole thing has hit the nail on the head.  The story here isn't that Spurgeon is a horrible name, but that they chose a horrible name on purpose. They specifically don't want their child to have a name that he will like -- or that anyone else, including his grandparents, will like. They want him to walk around for his entire life with that name draped across his back like a sandwich sign showing that his parents are better, and more godly than anyone else. Hey, life is about suffering, and being better and more godly than everyone else, not happiness.


And I think that flyingdi could be completely right. i don't think Ben has any intention of ever getting a job; I think that he and Jessa envision a TV Ministry empire, and I don't think that they have a more realistic backup plan, either. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they started Spurgeon down the Marjo Gortner path when their TV ministry business fails to pan out.

  • Love 16
I'm sure she was misquoted. Because not wanting a lot of children, would be unthinkable heresy in Duggarland. Of course Jessa Blessa wants all the babies God sends. And I'm sure she will follow the example of her Godly precious special parents by carefully tracking her fertility cycle to maximize the number of babies that "God sends."

The thing is, I don't think Jessa genuinely wants eleventy+ children. I think she'd be quite happy with one or two, maybe three with some spacing between them. Unlike Jill (who I do think would be quite happy with having twenty kids) Jessa has never come across as a naturally nurturing mother-type of person to me. The problem is, as you say, that the idea of wanting to limit your family-size is heresy in this family and Jessa hasn't ever been allowed to even think about it without having the fear of eternal damnation hanging over her head.


I'm hoping that now, after her less than perfect birth experience, both Jessa and Bin will be practicing some creative natural birth control. They might have to do some mental gymnastics in order to reconcile it with their beliefs, but maybe a strategical headache or two on certain days won't be out of the question. I just hope that they won't be pressured into another pregnancy by Boob and his weird-ass fantasy of a world populated by Duggar "tribes".

  • Love 5

Okay, I'm watching an episode of 48 Hrs on Investigation Discovery right now (while reading this thread at the same time) and the cold case detective is named Roger SPURGEON. They keep saying it. "Spurgeon got a tip." Spurgeon thought he had a promising lead." SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON. I rewound it 3 times to make sure this stupid ass family is not seeping into my subconscious. 


That poor kid would have been better off with one of those urban legend names like Orangelo or Lemongelo. Or something from the Teen Mom franchise. Fucking Spurgeon. What enormous tools these people are. I'm still waiting to hear we've all been punked. 

  • Love 5

Actually, I also think Jessa doesn't want to have a lot of kids. My sarcasm wasn't well-expressed in my post. Because I don't really think that she was misquoted. But as you say, I also think it's heresy for a Duggar daughter to *not* want to follow her mother's ultra-fertile example. 


Whatever her thoughts on family size, though, unless she and Bin can get something interesting going on his so far nonexistent religious career, what can they do to provide TLC show fodder, except have another baby as soon as they can? If Bin got accepted into a seminary or Bible college, would they move so he could attend? And how could they afford it. plus how would Jessa cope, taking care of a house and baby without her sisters around to help her, so she'd have time to take selfies?

At this point, so close to the delivery, she's probably telling Ben that he better come up with something damn quick cuz she is not going to continue to tear up her lady parts to support the family.

  • Love 4

It's super cute but I find it strange that Jessa was sitting there filming it with the camera right in the little one's face. Was she just sitting there, waiting for him to do something that she could put on FB?

I think that pretty much sums up her daily life.......watching and waiting for something to post on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Love 7

I was at Barnes and Noble and I read the Ben and Jessa article in People while I was there. For those who haven't read it or don't plan to, here are some highlights:

  • Jessa was in labor for more than 48 hours meaning her entire birthday. 
  • The facts checking team at People is too lazy to figure out which child Jessa is. It said she is the fourth of 19. She is in fact the 5th of 19.
  • The name was never revealed in the article. It was all about the labor and delivery. 
  • Ben was at her side almost constantly during the birth. (Everything I've read including here makes it sound like he did better than Josh did when Michael was born.)
  • Her birth team included Michelle, Guinn, Jana and Jinger.
  • Jinger and Jana were both listed as some sort of  midwife (maybe lay mid-wife? I forget?) and present at the birth. It's the first time I've seen Jinger listed as a midwife of any kind or seen her show any interest in midwifery. Maybe it's the only profession for Duggar girls. 
  • Jessa was only in the hospital overnight. 
  • Jessa was quoted at the end saying "At one point in labor I told Ben I didn't want anymore kids." Obviously we'll have more kids but "At the time I meant it." Jessa
  • The next challenge after giving birth is picking a name. As mentioned the article never mentioned the name they picked.


I probably could have read it a little more carefully. I did skip some of the gory birth details, and they were a lot. It also mentioned the scandals a little at the beginning and showed some of her Instagram picks. 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 11

Wow, so Jessa had no midwife? I wonder what was up with that. I long suspected she wasn't receiving any kind of real prenatal care. Her ultrasounds were done at one of those strip mall places, not a medical office. Although I don't wish a dangerous delivery on anyone, I'm not surprised Jessa's arrogance came back to bite her in the ass. Will these people ever learn?

Note to Bin and Jessa: use some of your People money to buy some freaking health insurance through the ACA so you don't have to do another Dark Ages birth. Or better yet, get an actual job with benefits.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 16

Okay, I'm watching an episode of 48 Hrs on Investigation Discovery right now (while reading this thread at the same time) and the cold case detective is named Roger SPURGEON. They keep saying it. "Spurgeon got a tip." Spurgeon thought he had a promising lead." SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON. I rewound it 3 times to make sure this stupid ass family is not seeping into my subconscious. 


That poor kid would have been better off with one of those urban legend names like Orangelo or Lemongelo. Or something from the Teen Mom franchise. Fucking Spurgeon. What enormous tools these people are. I'm still waiting to hear we've all been punked. 


At least it was a LAST name. I always kinda figure you don't have that much choice on the last name thing. First names, on the other hand, are totally on the parents.  I'm with you on the being punked thing. I bet it ends up being a legal name only but no one ever calls the kid that.

  • Love 1

And I think that flyingdi could be completely right. i don't think Ben has any intention of ever getting a job; I think that he and Jessa envision a TV Ministry empire,


So, uh, Ben is about to learn that man proposes and God disposes. At last, something that'll be good for him.

  • Love 2

At least it was a LAST name. 

Oh, totally. I just couldn't believe I was hearing it at the exact same time as I was reading this particular thread. That was some spooky shit. 


I know this has been mentioned but I think of spooge every time I hear it. And unfortunately I don't think he has to go to traditional school to get beat up for that name, but someone should beat up Jessa and Ben on his behalf for giving it to him. 

  • Love 5

You're probably quite right about Ben, but I hope not.

He still is awfully young, and he's also been awfully sheltered (plus he's pretty dim). I'm still hoping that he's as self-righteous and arrogant-seeming as he is partly because life hasn't yet met him and smacked him in the face and kicked him in the balls. And I'm hoping for the smacking and the kicking to begin, although disgusting TLC has thwarted me with their crap "specials." Wish they'd learn that there's nothing at all "special" about these people. And then maybe some of these people, such as Ben, could learn that, too.

Churchhoney you are one of my favourite posters here so bear with me while i honestly laugh my ass off at the dichotomy of your screen name. .what i know of your background. .and your easy use of the phrase " smacked him in his face and kicked him in the balls. "

You made my day :)

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 7

Wow, so Jessa had no midwife? I wonder what was up with that. I long suspected she wasn't receiving any kind of real prenatal care. Her ultrasounds were done at one of those strip mall places, not a medical office. Although I don't wish a dangerous delivery on anyone, I'm not surprised Jessa's arrogance came back to bite her in the ass. Will these people ever learn?

Note to Bin and Jessa: use some of your People money to buy some freaking health insurance through the ACA so you don't have to do another Dark Ages birth. Or better yet, get an actual job with benefits.


I probably could have read it a little more carefully. I did skip some of the gory birth details, and they were a lot. It also mentioned the scandals a little at the beginning and showed some of her Instagram picks. 

I'm not explaining it well. She had other midwives present I believe. Those people I mentioned were part of her birth team, but I don't think they're the whole birth team. I think she had other medical care there. 


Jana, Jinger? So you're a midwife if you call yourself one now?

Jinger was surprise. Jana had much of the same training as Jill, because Jana was Jill's accountability partner when she was midwife training before her marriage.Possibly Jana chose to continue training to be a midwife and needs an accountability partner who is now Jinger, since you know they can never do anything alone and on their own.

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 2

If People is on the money, at least Bin didn't give up, do the cliched faint, or crawl under the bed.  That says something about his propensity for grit, I think.  Maybe he should be the missionary.  (Or the midwife!!)


Also, I bet the stiffly uncomfortable speech about the kid toting the name around for the rest of his life, was said specifically in response to cries from family members about how it's cruel to saddle the little mite with such a moniker.  Ergo, "He'll grow into it."


ps.  Love that the kid covers his mouth when he yawns.

Edited by queenanne
  • Love 1

Yes, Joan.

*cough*:The Dr. is in. *cough*

is 'Midwife' a regulated term in Arkansas? know 'Nurse' is, basically everywhere. You can't call yourself one if it's regulated or it's big trouble. I'm sure People will be blamed for a typo, but Jinger and Jana need to come out against that, pronto.

  • Love 2

Okay, I'm watching an episode of 48 Hrs on Investigation Discovery right now (while reading this thread at the same time) and the cold case detective is named Roger SPURGEON. They keep saying it. "Spurgeon got a tip." Spurgeon thought he had a promising lead." SPURGEON SPURGEON SPURGEON. I rewound it 3 times to make sure this stupid ass family is not seeping into my subconscious. .

Heh, I saw this, too, and of course thought of everyone here. We are forever changed.

  • Love 5

I read some of comments on their Paris picture.  What a group of ignorant, stupid people.  One commenter said about the Paris bombings, Beirut bombings, earthquakes, etc, that she hoped all the rest had repented now.  So what, is her theory that God did those things to make innocents repent?  Another bizarro said about Nepal, Jill and Dereck were there and a year later a quake, then Jessa and Ben go to Paris and a year later a bombing.  And so that means what, you little twit?  That I should make sure I never go to any country visited by any Duggar for at least 2 years, or what?

Edited by Micks Picks
  • Love 12

I read some of comments on their Paris picture.  What a group of ignorant, stupid people.  One commenter said about the Paris bombings, Beirut bombings, earthquakes, etc, that she hoped all the rest had repented now.  So what, is her theory that God did those things to make innocents repent?  Another bizarro said about Nepal, Jill and Dereck were there and a year later a quake, then Jessa and Ben go to Paris and a year later a bombing.  And so that means what, you little twit?  That I should make sure I never go to any country visited by any Duggar for at least 2 years, or what?

People say weird shit after natural & man-made disasters. We had a natural disaster in my area a few years back, I was in line at a Dunkin and the Dunkin employees were commenting that not one church was damaged and that should send a message to the people whose homes were damaged. I was speechless.

  • Love 11

I agree. Elliott is a classy name, even if it's not commonly used today. My understanding is the family is calling him Quincy, so what was the point of going with Spurgeon Elliott if they weren't going to use either name? Quincy isn't even an offshoot, nickname or anything remotely close to the original.

Calling him Quincy - proof that they don't even like his name.

  • Love 13

I agree. Laughter is one of Mr. Barb's better qualities & after 31 years of marriage, he still makes me smile & laugh. Our anniversary was last week & we still found different wedding memories to laugh at. Laughter & joy is definitely missing from the Duggar Family and now it looks like the lack of it is being passed to the next generation. How sad.

My God, this is so true. Remember when Jill and Derrick were in childbirth classes, and she kept scolding him for being funny? She was so uncomfortable. And I mean, I doubt Derrick's humor is anything to write home about, but she was upset about the entire idea. They finally agreed on her stern instruction, "No jokes during labor!" What is that? Laughter was the thing that got me through. Jill seemed almost frightened by the idea of lightening things up. And now Benessa and their attitude.

The Boob was always making terrible jokes, but I wonder if he didn't do that off camera, or if it was just that he was the only one allowed to be funny. I can see where Ben gets it; Mr. Seewald Sr. is a Very Stern Man, and you can see Ben playing out the role and even trying to exceed his dad. Bin-boy always seemed to enjoy children and interact pretty naturally with them, but I could see him being very different with his own child and turning into Mr. Stern and Serious himself. Of course he's not going to do any of the things that genuinely serious parents do (you know, like get a job); it will all be on the surface.

  • Love 10

Jana, Jinger? So you're a midwife if you call yourself one now?


It seems to be worse than that because I've never even seen Jinger call herself one.


Maybe just having a massive number of siblings automatically makes you a midwife. .... Or perhaps even an obstetrician. Heck, having a couple of baby grands in the house automatically makes you a concert pianist.

  • Love 8

And I think that flyingdi could be completely right. i don't think Ben has any intention of ever getting a job; I think that he and Jessa envision a TV Ministry empire, and I don't think that they have a more realistic backup plan, either. It wouldn't surprise me at all if they started Spurgeon down the Marjo Gortner path when their TV ministry business fails to pan out.

Considering how Marjoe Gortner turned out later, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Child evangelist, then actor, then head of a sports charity, now retired. Definitely not an evangelist now.

Jana, Jinger? So you're a midwife if you call yourself one now?


I feel genuinely bad for Jana if she was coerced into acting as midwife. She explicitly said in an episode that being in charge of a birth situation scared her. That is why she chose to train as a doula, not a midwife. 


Why in the world would you put someone in charge of a situation that scares them? Did even a CPM refuse to film after the botched nightmare that was Jlil's birth?

Ben the know nothing know it all feels superior in enlightenment so much so he can correct Catholics 'in their deadly errors' as he calls them.  Naming his kid after the guy that called the Pope the Anti-Christ.  But of course Ben knows best.   How humble of Ben to pray for the Catholic people he thinks are going to hell.  Guess what Ben not everybody wants or needs your prayers. Once you realize that you will begin to be a little more enlightened than you are now because right now you can't even notice the darkness around you that you are swimming in. 

  • Love 11

I think it was the poorly written People article that has everyone believing Jana & Jinger are now midwives. It said they were part of her birthing team, but the way it was written made it come across that MEchelle, Guinn, Jana & Jinger were the ONLY members of the team. Later on in article it mentioned her midwife became concerned about Jessa's bleeding but it didn't state her name. I'm still thinking it may have been the unlicensed Miss Teresa. I wonder if we'll find out on the special or did the midwife footage end up on the cutting room floor?

I got a good laugh that one of the commenters on the Baby Quincy video told Jessa to enjoy the baby & not worry about the housework. Think she has this advice down pat.

  • Love 2

Later on in article it mentioned her midwife became concerned about Jessa's bleeding but it didn't state her name. I'm still thinking it may have been the unlicensed Miss Teresa. I wonder if we'll find out on the special or did the midwife footage end up on the cutting room floor?


I'm guessing the midwives are unnamed because they're not licensed or the "midwife" was Jilly Muffin on Skype.

  • Love 4

People magazine update: Okay so when people on this forum were shocked that Jana and Jinger were midwives and that Jessa's team included other midwives, I felt like I must have read the article wrong. I felt for sure there must have been a real midwife, and I missed her name since by not reading the article carefully enough. I did think Jana might be sort of a midwife since she went with Jill for a lot of the same training. I felt Jinger might have started training along the same lines of her sisters, since she's independent and it's one of the only careers open to Duggar girls. But to be sure I went to the drug store and reread the article particularly the parts I was sure I was mistaken about. 

  • I couldn't find mention of another midwife.
  • The people I listed who were present at the birth, (Michelle, Guinn, Jana, and Jinger) were there. However they were (to my shock) described as "a team of midwives" (literally quoting People). Michelle is a midwife! Because she gave birth 19 times?! Guinn is  a midwife? IT literally said a team of Midwives, Michelle, Guinn, Jana and Jinger arrived to help her [Jessa]. It also helpfully explained who the people mentioned are to those just joining in.
  • At one point Jessa wanted to go to hospital and get an epidural, but some of her "team" said things like "You don't really want to do that do you?" and she decided not to. I was so angry when I read this I was literally hopping mad. How dare Michelle!
Edited by Temperance
  • Love 8

There is no evidence that there was any midwife in attendance at all. In fact, the article argues against it.

I am also livid that Jessa was talked out of going to the hospital. Her outcome might have been different had she been allowed to transfer. I agree that this has MEchelle's (and Jill's) fingerprints all over it.

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 6

When Michelle called 911 I think someone was telling her to say "Mother is bleeding! After birth!" Don't know who, but Michelle doesn't do natural DIY birth, and I don't think the drugs she was administered allowed her to remember much of her hospital deliveries.

Could be the booklet learned Jill in this case though.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

Considering how Marjoe Gortner turned out later, it wouldn't be a bad idea. Child evangelist, then actor, then head of a sports charity, now retired. Definitely not an evangelist now.


Of course, Marjoe Gortner is an extremely bright guy, something that was evident even when he was a little child. .... Offspring of Jessa and Ben .... maybe not so much.

  • Love 3


People magazine update: Okay so when people on this forum were shocked that Jana and Jinger were midwives and that Jessa's team included other midwives, I felt like I must have read the article wrong. I felt for sure there must have been a real midwife, and I missed her name since by not reading the article carefully enough. I did think Jana might be sort of a midwife since she went with Jill for a lot of the same training. I felt Jinger might have started training along the same lines of her sisters, since she's independent and it's one of the only careers open to Duggar girls. But to be sure I went to the drug store and reread the article particularly the parts I was sure I was mistaken about. 


I love that you went to the drugstore to read People and didn't buy it.

  • Love 19
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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