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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I don't think the Duggars/Dillards/Seewalds have ever had one conversation between each other where they haven't just thrown a bunch of bible verses and God-fearing phrases at each other. I don't understand why Jill can't just shoot Jessa a text and say "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! You worked hard!" Shoot, I would've even been okay with her posting that on her Instagram. But they always feel like they have to write these long, drawn out, passive aggressive messages to each other. And the religion part always feels so forced. 


'Cuz then you're just not Christian enough.  Plus, it's perfectly natural if you're steeped in this stuff daily.  They mean to shore each other up in their shared Christian glory status, not bore everyone to death with trite pap; though if you don't subscribe, the messages tend to overlap in purpose.  I've known folks so holy their gift tags have to be written sacredly.  The battle I always face when trying to write things that will please them is, if you're so inclined, can't you just slap down a scripture verse?  One of the best arguments for the bible actually being inspired and steered by God, is IMO, that the writers are usually really good writers, and have said many things better than you can anyway.

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Quincy vs. Spurgeon....it's a toss up which one is worse...poor kiddo can't win either way---That said .It's not as bad as Dweezil (that name is so bad it's good) or Fifi Trixibelle or Peaches or Bronx Mowgli..

Actually surprised the Duggette was literate enough to even come up with a name she might have difficulty spelling given her Wisdom Booklet edumacashun!

I find all those names odd and pretentious but Spurgeon is the hands down ugliest name I've ever heard. I am willing to concede that maybe it's awful only to my ear. Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 15

Love how Jessa and Jill have bonded that much more -- I mean first marriage, sex, and now birth. I'm guessing they pretty much roll their eyes constantly when talking to Jana and Jessa bc they are practically children - having not experienced sex or labor.


They call Ben - Benji?? And Iz is Choo Choo. WTH!?

  • Love 4

I don't think any Duggar knows how to cook beyond opening boxes and cans and dumping them into pots. Jill couldn't even figure out the measurements to make instant rice for two people.

I can't see Jessa ever hosting any type of meal or formal gathering. I think she's just too lazy and selfish to make that kind of effort.

  • Love 12

I would so contribute to a gofundme when little Spurgeon files to have his name legally changed. I hope he changes it to John Smith.



Or maybe he'd go with Jesus Christ b/c he'll be hearing that a lot throughout his life.


"What's your name, little boy?"

"Spurgeon Elliot"

"Jesus Christ!"

  • Love 16


How about Crock-Pot Seewald? Not to be confused with his (insert answer) Crackpot Duggar.

Oh sure, that's for when the twins come along. Crackpot and Crock-pot. (Which one do you think is the girl? )

ETA: I never had this much fun naming my own kids!

Edited by JenCarroll
  • Love 2

Oh sure, that's for when the twins come along. Crackpot and Crock-pot. (Which one do you think is the girl? )

ETA: I never had this much fun naming my own kids!

I was just thinking of the wedding scene from Goodfellas when bride said all the boys where named Peter or Paul.

Or this is my brother Darrell and this is my other brother Darrell.

  • Love 6

I don't think the Duggars/Dillards/Seewalds have ever had one conversation between each other where they haven't just thrown a bunch of bible verses and God-fearing phrases at each other. I don't understand why Jill can't just shoot Jessa a text and say "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! You worked hard!" Shoot, I would've even been okay with her posting that on her Instagram. But they always feel like they have to write these long, drawn out, passive aggressive messages to each other. And the religion part always feels so forced. 

To be fair, this again goes back to poor education. They have not been exposed to many writing styles, or encouraged to express themselves creatively. Of course, you'd still think a new mom could message her sister coming along behind her with some warmth and excitement, but once again you'd be disappointed!

I find all those names odd and pretentious but Spurgeon is the hands down ugliest name I've ever heard. I am willing to concede that maybe it's awful to only to my ear.


  • Love 6

I had a friend who said that when she was pregnant she tried yelling out names (as if calling the child for dinner) to see how they would sound. Maybe Ben and Jessa should have tried this.

"Jin-Jin! Din-din!"

Your friend cracked the code.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 6

I had a friend who said that when she was pregnant she tried yelling out names (as if calling the child for dinner) to see how they would sound. Maybe Ben and Jessa should have tried this.

This is so funny, I have a friend who would use potential names at places like Starbucks where they call out your name to see how names sounded when other people used them.

I'm not trying to be funny, I didn't realize Quincy was gender neutral, I always thought it was a boy name.

They say the don't want to be narrowed down to a letter theme as far as names go... But it's ok Jessa... If your not going to use real names you can do whatever you want... I mean your parents only used names starting with "J" but you have a sister named JINGER.

Edited by leighroda
  • Love 6

I had a friend who said that when she was pregnant she tried yelling out names (as if calling the child for dinner) to see how they would sound.  Maybe Ben and Jessa should have tried this.

I remember reading somewhere that you should try out any potential name in 2 sentences and see which sounds better:

1) "And now, the next president of the United States, John Doe!"

2) "Hi, my name is John and I'll be your server today! Would y'all like fries with that?"

  • Love 9

Jessa and Ben are so immature. They are like those teens and young adults who do things just to prove they are adult enough to do as they please. Like if they threw out the name "Spurgeon" and a parent or someone balked or indicated they disliked the name, then Benessa would defiantly choose the name "Spurgeon" because they can. Just like with the ice cream instead of wedding cake, and IIRC she seemed to act like a blush colored wedding dress was just something not done in their culture. Oh, Jessa, you are just sooo cutting edge! What a rebel you are!

  • Love 20

Our dog's middle name is Earl Thomas III. For those who don't know him, he plays for the Seahawks.


Our (male) dog's middle name is Jane. Not coincidentally, this is also our (female) older daughter's middle name. We got the dog as a newborn and I was holding him and cooing at him and it just slipped out; I added Jane on the end like I used to coo to Baby DD1, and it stuck. DD1, strangely, finds this flattering, and the dog has exhibited no signs of gender confusion.

  • Love 10

The hideous name just doesn't get any better, does it? Sometimes I will hear a name that I don't really like at first, but in time it seems ok. Spurgeon will never be ok. What in the hell were they thinking? Poor kid -  born to ignorant, uneducated, narrow minded parents and saddled with such a name. 

  • Love 13

Maybe the next kid will called be called Spam? Or Hashtag.



One can only hope to live long enough to watch Spurgeon's EPIC rebellion against his parents when he hits the teen years. Bin seems to think he's really schooling his parents re: the correct amount of piety one should exhibit (which ends up spelling out how self-righteous, smug and arrogant HE is) but doesn't seem to think he'll ever face the same thing as a parent, does he?

  • Love 14


One can only hope to live long enough to watch Spurgeon's EPIC rebellion against his parents when he hits the teen years. Bin seems to think he's really schooling his parents re: the correct amount of piety one should exhibit (which ends up spelling out how self-righteous, smug and arrogant HE is) but doesn't seem to think he'll ever face the same thing as a parent, does he?


How about: Selfie Stick Seewald?

  • Love 4

The hideous name just doesn't get any better, does it? Sometimes I will hear a name that I don't really like at first, but in time it seems ok. Spurgeon will never be ok. What in the hell were they thinking? Poor kid -  born to ignorant, uneducated, narrow minded parents and saddled with such a name. 



I keep thinking after a few days I will have gotten used to it and it won't seem such a terrible name after all. Nope. Still just as terrible as when I heard it the first time. 

  • Love 8

I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Moody Spurgeon McPherson from the Anne of Green Gables series when I heard Little Seewald's name. A definite sign that there are some "kindred spirits" on this board. Wasn't Moody Spurgeon the character that said in reference to Anne that "it is better to be smart than pretty?" Of course, such a sentiment would not fly in Gothard world, where the women should be svelte, curly-haired and unthinking.

I wonder if Anne of Green Gables would be approved reading for the Duggar girls or not. After all, Anne did edgy things like take walks alone with young men and graduate from college. And she was an adopted orphan. Sins of the father and all that!

Edited by Libby96
  • Love 15

I had a friend who said that when she was pregnant she tried yelling out names (as if calling the child for dinner) to see how they would sound.  Maybe Ben and Jessa should have tried this.

I've always said the name should be said out loud preceded by "Senator". I have changed my mind on that since it could make Spurgeon sound just a tad bit better.

  • Love 4


More SIN Hell Redemption....

When I was a new, first-time mom, I was run ragged with night feeds, cracked nipples, spit-up, mood-swings,post partam depression, finding time to shower, excersise, cook and eat to have such deep religious rants! Great comments.

  • Love 13

Our (male) dog's middle name is Jane. Not coincidentally, this is also our (female) older daughter's middle name. We got the dog as a newborn and I was holding him and cooing at him and it just slipped out; I added Jane on the end like I used to coo to Baby DD1, and it stuck. DD1, strangely, finds this flattering, and the dog has exhibited no signs of gender confusion.

For similar reasons, most of our cats have had "Marie" as a middle name. The first was Opal Marie but we currently have Nathan Marie. We only use that when he's in trouble ("Nathan Marie, get off the counter!"). Normally he's Nate.

Hmmmm. "Spurgeon Marie." Nah...

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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