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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Why not? Michael Jackson named his kid Blanket.  They can be besties!

I am not lying when I say you people are cracking me up. A whole family of Seahorses!  Brown towel, wash cloth, linen, dishrag, tea towel, paper towel.  Then they can move to paper plate, plastic fork and so on.  It has a lovely ring to it. 


On the off chance this kid ever has the chance of making it to school or playing football, I have feeling his teammates will forever call him brown towel or BamBam if he is lucky.  LOL  People called my son BamBam for a couple of years when he was born. (He had a name BTW.  We had no people article waiting around for the announcement.) I thought it was cute but I doubt the Duggars would have a clue what it means.


OR, maybe they do.  I remember thinking Pebbles and BamBam were so adorable that I couldn't wait to have children!  All they do is play and  say go go gah gah and sleep. 

  • Love 7

Jessa responded to a fan on FB saying that they haven't decided on a name for the baby yet. Since she is someone who is just another J name in the bunch, I can reasonably see why she would want to take her time (if she's being truthful)!


I believe she's being truthful. Because I think they had decided on Gabriel, but now that SIL leaked that Jessa'll be damned if she gets one upped on that announcement, too.

  • Love 6

I believe she's being truthful. Because I think they had decided on Gabriel, but now that SIL leaked that Jessa'll be damned if she gets one upped on that announcement, too.

I really hope they wouldnt change the name from Gabriel to...James. 


Aunty Jessica sure sucks!!!! 

  • Love 2

Man, I hope it's not James Michael. Both names are already spoken for (besides the grandfathers). I was kinda digging the "Gabriel" rumor. Gabe Seewald is cute!


Jessa, honey, you can give him two middle names. Gabriel James-Michael Seewald? You're still stroking the immense egos of both grandfathers this way. 

  • Love 4

Man, I hope it's not James Michael. Both names are already spoken for (besides the grandfathers). I was kinda digging the "Gabriel" rumor. Gabe Seewald is cute!


Jessa, honey, you can give him two middle names. Gabriel James-Michael Seewald? You're still stroking the immense egos of both grandfathers this way. 

Exactly.  Get rid of the grandfathers names in one sweep, stick it in the middle where it doesn't matter as much and that's that.  They had a name poll for heaven's sake and they knew it was going to be a boy, how much help do these people need naming their baby?  I mean really.  It's not like they're going to wait to see what his personality is like to see who he takes after.  At a week old he's not going to be acting just like Josiah or anyone, come on.

  • Love 3

We were discussing filming births in the hospital. Discovery Channel and TLC filmed Michelle giving birth several times in the hospital, including at least one c-section.

The Discovery Channel also aired a special called Birth Day a few years back. It was a live 24-hour program that followed delivering women at, I think it was 3, hospitals around the country.

I had been admitted at about 36 weeks with high blood pressure. My OB told me that he was being featured on the program. If the decision was made for me to deliver, he said I would have the option to be filmed. As it was, my blood pressure stabilized, and I went home until two weeks later when I did deliver.

I watched Birth Day when it aired, and sure enough - there was my OB, helping with the delivery of another baby. It was really surreal, as I had just been there, in that hospital.

Amazing now to think that was totally live... The issues of malpractice must have put an end to it, as it only aired two, maybe three times.

  • Love 3

Man, I hope it's not James Michael. Both names are already spoken for (besides the grandfathers). I was kinda digging the "Gabriel" rumor. Gabe Seewald is cute!


Jessa, honey, you can give him two middle names. Gabriel James-Michael Seewald? You're still stroking the immense egos of both grandfathers this way. 


I agree. I wonder why Jessica would immediatley type Gabrielle on her face book when asked the name? I realized she must have been too ignorant to know that was the feminine spelling, but the name 'flashed' on like it had been pasted. It seemed to me she had been told the name Gabriel, but was unsure how to spell it and did a super quick search and got Gabrielle. It was like she wanted the attention and knew it was a boy and pasting the name, even though wrongly spelled, made her really seem 'in the know'.


Since so much time has passed without a name announcement I firmly believe Jessa is either waiting to be paid for her son's name, or she knows Jessica leaked it and is working on a new one. Or possibly both. Which is only one on my ever growing reasons for believing the Duggars are the epitome of low lifes.


Edited by BasqueGirl
  • Love 1

I believe she's being truthful. Because I think they had decided on Gabriel, but now that SIL leaked that Jessa'll be damned if she gets one upped on that announcement, too.

Hell if my sister in law leaked EVERYTHING about my child while i was bleeding out on a couch, I'd be changing much more than a name (I'm sort of kidding). I think she liked Gabrielle but Jessica opening her mouth ruined it and now she's scrambling for something else she likes.

  • Love 5

Hell if my sister in law leaked EVERYTHING about my child while i was bleeding out on a couch, I'd be changing much more than a name (I'm sort of kidding). I think she liked Gabrielle but Jessica opening her mouth ruined it and now she's scrambling for something else she likes.


I absolutely believe she is trying to find another perfect name. And Jessica would never be forgiven. And 'Benji' as she called him in a message to her MIL would either agree with me, or his glory days of toilette cleaning and being a pseudo Duggar would be in peril.

Edited by BasqueGirl

Ha. It's exactly the kind of thing my sister would do, but I wouldn't change the name. It's giving her too much power. I'd find some other way to get back at her.

(Kidding -- maybe.)

My sister was in the deliver room with my husband. He said he wanted to be the one that called and told my mother. My sister did not get it, really she thought he was being controlling. Ended up with a c section and she was not in the operating room. I can't even remember who called whom at this point.

I keep checking this thread for news about Jessa. I'm not really concerned about the baby's name, but I want to hear what happened during/after his delivery and that Jessa's okay. I'm not a Duggar fan, but I do want her to have a successful recovery from appears to be a traumatic delivery.

  • Love 5

This is my take on the "Jessica leaking the baby's name": I think Jessica was correct to have said that they chose Gabriel(elle). What Jessica didn't know was that dear, sweet Jessa and Ben had a contractual agreement with People Magazine for THEM to reveal the all awaited name of this holy child...Jessica messed up the financial agreement...that's why Benessa now HAVE to come up with a new name so the "reveal" wouldn't be breached. If this weren't the case, "so what", that Jessica posted the name, if they had their hearts set on Gabe for the baby, they's announce it anyway as normal parents would.

It's all about money, contracts and publicity for this "godly" family, don't ya know...

Also, it is my belief that their silence in withholding information about what happened to Jessa during/after the birth is all about wanting "their fans" to watch the new TV spinoff show that will tell all...ratings, and money my friends...Their public silence about this is quite telling about just how much of a damn they really don't give for their "public". As long as the check's good.

  • Love 12

This whole birth debaucle just shows how completely insensitive and clueless these families really are. I think what really bothers me is passing the baby around for selfies while poor Jessa was bleeding out in the next room. Seriously, that could have waited a day or two until Jessa was stable and had a chance to spend time with her son. These people are just such assholes, I don't even know how else to put it.

  • Love 20

My sister was in the deliver room with my husband. He said he wanted to be the one that called and told my mother. My sister did not get it, really she thought he was being controlling. Ended up with a c section and she was not in the operating room. I can't even remember who called whom at this point.


The thing about this situation is..IF Jessa was a real human being instead of a grifting, 2 steps ahead of poor white trash, celebrity wannabe... she could still name the baby Gabriel. The only thing stopping her is MONEY. There is no doubt the magazines continually watch Duggar related news online. I am sure they saw the name Gabriel briefly on the "Pickles" site and probably on this one. Of course they would tell her, and no way they would pay for an exclusive that's not exclusive because it's been on the net.



I could see that Floridamom.  They could be under a contract and since SIL innocently let the name out, they have to pick a new one otherwise People doesn't get the scoop.


I am still refusing to read it on People and give them the traffic.  I will read it here.


Oh...you put it a thousand times more eloquently than I did!





Edited by BasqueGirl
  • Love 1

You all really like the name Gabe? The only person I can think of is Gabe Kaplan and yuk! And Gabby for a girl seems like an adjective, not a name. No offense to those with that moniker, just no good associations for me personally. Names do have a way of growing on you. I hated Israel as well but now it seems normal. As a person with an uncommon first name I'm still getting over the childhood trauma of never getting to buy anything personalized off the rack.

"More Bort license plates over here please!"

  • Love 7

This is my take on the "Jessica leaking the baby's name": I think Jessica was correct to have said that they chose Gabriel(elle). What Jessica didn't know was that dear, sweet Jessa and Ben had a contractual agreement with People Magazine for THEM to reveal the all awaited name of this holy child...Jessica messed up the financial agreement...that's why Benessa now HAVE to come up with a new name so the "reveal" wouldn't be breached. If this weren't the case, "so what", that Jessica posted the name, if they had their hearts set on Gabe for the baby, they's announce it anyway as normal parents would.

It's all about money, contracts and publicity for this "godly" family, don't ya know...

Also, it is my belief that their silence in withholding information about what happened to Jessa during/after the birth is all about wanting "their fans" to watch the new TV spinoff show that will tell all...ratings, and money my friends...Their public silence about this is quite telling about just how much of a damn they really don't give for their "public". As long as the check's good.


I believe this as well. The Duggars are known for having numerous motives for what they do....all of them involve money.



Jessa is fine if not the family would be all over people magazine and Facebook giving interviews about their death bed vigil. They are milking it for the show....just like the twin speculation. I think it's sheer perfection that the name got leaked and now they have to change it due to contractual obligations. Its funny that it happened on social media. Hey live by the sword, die by the sword. It's all just so perfectly Duggar.

  • Love 17

I honestly don't believe the home births are about being able to film for TLC.  I believe that Anna and Jill believe strongly in natural childbirth, and convinced Jessa, who in another family would probably have scheduled a C-section.  Natural childbirth advocates are not necessarily fundies -- some are even pagans and atheists -- but it ties in nicely with the idea that God made women perfect for birthing babies.  The natural childbirth and home birth movement mostly stems from the perception that OBs and hospitals impose procedures and rules that aren't always best for baby and mom.  One example being big baby+smaller mom = C-section.  Or Pitocin after every single birth and during nearly all labors.  Some natural birth advocates end up going to the other extreme, believing it's safer to birth at home without a trained attendant.  Sometimes that happens because birthing choices are so limited where the woman lives.  I had my babies a decade ago, in a hospital with a CNM.  Currently, my area has no CNMs practicing in hospitals and the stand-alone birthing center was shut down, so women have two options: hospital birth with an OB or underground home birth.   I have no idea what options are available where the Duggars live, but birthing in the U.S. is very different than in countries where midwives are the norm. 


I do suspect that the limited information being released about the birth, Jessa's condition, and the name is related to profiting off of an exclusive and building interest in TV specials.  But honestly, I'd rather Jessa and Ben profit from their minor celebrity in those ways rather than either depending on Jim Bob or begging for "love offerings."   I would love for Jessa to realize that there are plenty of ways to limit their family size without using the types of birth control that they've been taught can cause abortion.  I wish that she and Jill would view their traumatic birth experiences as a sign from God that it's okay not to be quiverful. 




  • Love 4

You all really like the name Gabe? The only person I can think of is Gabe Kaplan and yuk! And Gabby for a girl seems like an adjective, not a name. No offense to those with that moniker, just no good associations for me personally. Names do have a way of growing on you. I hated Israel as well but now it seems normal. As a person with an uncommon first name I'm still getting over the childhood trauma of never getting to buy anything personalized off the rack.

"More Bort license plates over here please!"

I like Peter Gabriel, so I like Gabriel as a name. His song Big Time suits Ben too.
  • Love 3

Jessa is fine if not the family would be all over people magazine and Facebook giving interviews about their death bed vigil. They are milking it for the show....just like the twin speculation. I think it's sheer perfection that the name got leaked and now they have to change it due to contractual obligations. Its funny that it happened on social media. Hey live by the sword, die by the sword. It's all just so perfectly Duggar.


So do I! Poetic justice..or maybe even a little Karma.


I believe another reason for the delay is they have to find another name that's as righteous or holy as Israel David. Or better still, one that trumps it. Gabriel was an Archangel.




Edited by BasqueGirl
  • Love 1

I can imagine a scenario 17 years into the future. It's a fantasy, because Jessa has become a REAL Christian, and also grown a conscious.


Her first born son comes to her and asks why she decided to name him 'Jim-Bohunk' after his grandpa. She tells him she had chosen another name but his exiled auntie Jessica leaked it on the Internet, therefore she couldn't make any money from it, and had to choose another name that was more worthy of kudos than his cousins' name.

Edited by BasqueGirl
  • Love 7

The general term is a post partum hemorrhage. The most common cause is uterine atony. The uterus is a muscle and bleeding after delivery is slowed when the uterine muscle contracts and clamps down on the uterine blood vessels. If the uterus doesn't contract properly after delivery of the placenta, hemorrhage can ensue. We know that someone was massaging her fundus (the top of the uterus), this encourages the uterus to contract and bleeding to slow down. There are several known risk factors for uterine atony including having had 5 or more previous births (grand multiparity is the term), prior history of hemorrhage. Other risk factors are prolonged labors and exceptionally large babies (over 9 lbs.). That's why many homebirth practitioners would risk someone like Jessa out of home birth or at least, transfer her to the hospital if her labor was prolonged. It is also why most reputable homebirth attendants will have things like IV fluids, Pitocin, methergine, and hemabate (medications to aid in contracting the uterus after birth) with them in the home, to get ahead of any bleeding and minimize blood loss.

Other causes of bleeding from the uterus after birth are things like retained placenta (a piece of placenta breaks off and remains inside the uterus), placenta acreta (abnormal attachment of placenta to uterus), uterine tears (one of the risks of labor after any uterine surgery including cesarean). There is also a situation where someone tries to deliver the placenta before it separates from the uterus and actually turns the uterus inside out (uterine inversion). This causes all of the big blood vessels of the uterus to start bleeding briskly; it's the situation where a woman can bleed out within minutes. It's unlikely this happened since Jessa would've been in far worse shape than she looked in the photos.

I presume that Jessa didn't have a licensed midwife in attendance at her birth although perhaps Vanessa, the defrocked midwife was there. She wouldn't have had access to the aforementioned meds and also would've made herself scarce before the squad got there since, if she ever hopes to get her license back, she cannot be doing unauthorized births.

It is highly unlikely that Jessa had a hysterectomy, it is pretty uncommon. She might've had a D&C if there was concern about retained placenta. I would be willing to bet she had a blood transfusion, probably more than one. In extreme hemorrhage not responsive to medications and D&C, etc., a laparotomy (abdominal surgery) would be done to try to tie off some of the blood vessels feeding the uterus or suture the uterus itself to try to get it to contract. She could've needed this.

There are other non-uterine , causes of hemorrhage including cervical or vaginal lacerations. If Jessa didn't have competent attendants who knew how to properly examine her for these and then repair them, it could've lead to the situation we saw. There are also severe cases of pre eclampsia where the blood clotting factors are depleted as part of the disease and this could conceivably lead to hemorrhage. In addition, as hemorrhaging continues, the blood runs out of clotting factors which leads to DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) which is life threatening and usually requires massive transfusions and replacement of clotting factors to save the mother's life.

I do feel for Jessa and what was undoubtedly a traumatic experience.

I had an unplanned homebirth due to preciptous labor/ delivery. The Ob was called when contractions were 5 min. aprt, but he told me to stay home because I didn't sound that bad and I hadn't been having contractions long. Well, I took a hot shower and before I knew it, my water broke and the baby started to come out. Thank god the emts were a few minutes away, they cut the cord and rushed me to the hospital with the placenta still inside. It need to be helped out and heavy bleeding ensued with clots. (Sorry if this is tmi)

Holy hell, the removal of the clots was more painful than the birth. I practically boke the nurse's hand squeezing it so hard. I am very very thankful for modern medicine, though-- my daughter and I were fine.

P.s. I switched doctors after that even though I had no more children.

Edited by Adiba
  • Love 8



Do you believe for one second they do not have a name for this baby boy? I don't! Even if they had to pick a new name because dumb dumb Jessica revealed their first choice. Five days is a pretty long time right? I bet she had 15 backup names lined up for the next kids.

  • Love 9



Do you believe for one second they do not have a name for this baby boy? I don't! Even if they had to pick a new name because dumb dumb Jessica revealed their first choice. Five days is a pretty long time right? I bet she had 15 backup names lined up for the next kids.


What if that's the problem? They have to have a line of matching alphabet names for all the potential Seewalds and now the G's are ruined for them. They have to come up with another letter and then agree on 19 names to go with it. You know that Jessa likes to plan things out.

  • Love 5



Do you believe for one second they do not have a name for this baby boy? I don't! Even if they had to pick a new name because dumb dumb Jessica revealed their first choice. Five days is a pretty long time right? I bet she had 15 backup names lined up for the next kids.

Well I am glad to know that Jessa is alive and well posting to FB. Seriously. She is kind of an ass not to address it- like hey guys I'm ok!



And I am a non believer but was raised methodist. I haven't been to church in years, and even longer if you don't count funerals and major holidays. I nearly fell off my chair when I recognized the Hymn. I actually like that one. LOL! I think they sang it on Easter in my (old) church. Now its stuck in my head. 

Edited by yogi2014L

One can only imagine what Jessa Blessa will do when she realizes that no, her midsection is not going to return to its prior form.

The PTB at TLC are most likely wetting themselves with glee that the specials will be BLOCKBUSTERS. ("Jessa's EMERGENCY BIRTH!")

Jessa's Cloaca Revealed! 9/8c. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3

Maybe People didn't pony up and another magazine did?

When I clicked on that link, that horrible feature of Ben and Jessa popped up.  Holy shit, Ben is such an idiot.. It's like a knee jerk response every time I see that clip. haha. I'm surprised he doesn't drool. OMG he is someone's parent! Oh well, there are much worse than him, but Jessa will quickly realize how tough she will have to be now that they have a child and Bin isn't really a strong decisive type.

It's not like they're going to wait to see what his personality is like to see who he takes after.  At a week old he's not going to be acting just like Josiah or anyone, come on.


To be fair on the James front, since Baby Moist Towelette is an infant, he probably is acting more like Jim Bob than anyone.

Hell if my sister in law leaked EVERYTHING about my child while i was bleeding out on a couch, I'd be changing much more than a name (I'm sort of kidding). I think she liked Gabrielle but Jessica opening her mouth ruined it and now she's scrambling for something else she likes.


If they really did like "Gabriel," it kind of surprises me, actually. I'd think they would think the nicknames sound too much like that awful thing "gay."

  • Love 4

Haven't been here for a while except to pop in a few times to see if Jessa has given birth


Let's just go with "Peter Gabriel." Nice and biblical, and an unwitting secular tribute.

Agree that Peter Gabriel is a nice name but, it reminds so much of the singer in the 80's and his song Sledgehammer.  I don't know if any of you have watched the video but, it starts out with sperm swimming.  Ha!

  • Love 2

To be fair on the James front, since Baby Moist Towelette is an infant, he probably is acting more like Jim Bob than anyone.


If they really did like "Gabriel," it kind of surprises me, actually. I'd think they would think the nicknames sound too much like that awful thing "gay."

"Gay" probably never entered their minds.

I've been on the Bam-Bam train (in fact I have a creeping feeling that I may have started that train) but I'm now officially calling him Baby Moist Towelette.

  • Love 6

To be fair on the James front, since Baby Moist Towelette is an infant, he probably is acting more like Jim Bob than anyone.





Baby Moist Towelette it is!


OMG he is someone's parent! Oh well, there are much worse than him, but Jessa will quickly realize how tough she will have to be now that they have a child and Bin isn't really a strong decisive type.


It's even worse. Bin THINKS he is a "strong decisive type", but he'll fold like a house of cards at the first sign things won't go his way in life.

  • Love 6

I think they decided to not use Gabe but not because People wouldn't pay them, just because Jeasa is stubborn like that. I can't imagine many people besides us know that Jesaa's SIL posted then quickly deleted the name. People would still make money off of that reveal.

I don't doubt that they changed their mind and have to come up with a new name, but it's odd to think that everyone is passing this baby around, posting pics of him just hanging around the house with everyone, and he doesn't even have a name yet.

  • Love 1

It's like they think the new baby is a puppy. Passing around the baby and seeing which name sticks.... Quincy, Bam Bam, Gabe. Who are we kidding. He'll be named Ford, Lincoln, Bentley, or maybe even Greyson!! Also Jessa is a terrible liar! It's fine to say we don't want to share yet, but why say it is because we haven't picked a name. Yes you have!!!!!!

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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