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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Is something weird going on in front of Jessa's ear? Looks like a massive bump to me.

She's a Klingon!

Some e-outlet "reported" that this hospital shot has been scrubbed from the FatherSite. Supposedly, now only the hospital/gallery shot is up. And nothing says gallery like a hoicked up bedsheet. I just don't have the energy to sort through it all.

One commenter questioned, Why?

Another answered, Bare shoulders! She can't be seen like that!

(paraphrased by me)

ETA Starpulse

Comments remain fanny.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 3

So who hasn't held baby boy Seewald yet?


Three or four outfits in a day or two!


He has quite the wardrobe. He might be the first newborn that size to actually be able to wear all his newborn clothes before he outgrows them next week.

  • Love 7

And do the newborns get medical checkups?  I assume they don't get immunization shots, but I may be wrong.  Izzy must have gotten shots to go "overseas".

I'm glad you mentioned that...

When are these babies circumcised? I know they are, because the Bible commands it, but when does it happen, who does it and where?

  • Love 1

I'm glad you mentioned that...

When are these babies circumcised? I know they are, because the Bible commands it, but when does it happen, who does it and where?

I think some things are better off not known.

Can you imagine teenaged Michael, Marcus, Isreal, and Gabe when their friends make fun of them because their circumision was on national tv, or pictures on the internet?

That kind of stuff should be private.

Now, whether Jessa "Instagram" Seewald keeps it private is another story.

  • Love 7

After looking at all the pics, I think Jessa is still in the hospital. Personally, I think a lot of the post-delivery bleeding may have been caused by some severe tearing that happened during the delivery. If she tore badly enough, they would probably keep her in the hospital for more than a day to give her IV fluids, IV antibiotics, IV pain meds, and possibly even a transfusion. I had a friend who had an almost ten pound baby and a very fast delivery (the doc didn't get to the hospital in time so the nurse had to deliver) and it tore her so badly that she had to have surgery to repair it (it ripped completely thru her clitoris and then all the way into her rectum). She was in the hospital for over a week and had to sit on one of those donut air pillows for about a year. She refused to even consider getting pregnant again after that God-awful ordeal. My friend was about the same size as Jessa.

I think some things are better off not known.

Can you imagine teenaged Michael, Marcus, Isreal, and Gabe when their friends make fun of them because their circumision was on national tv, or pictures on the internet?

That kind of stuff should be private.

Now, whether Jessa "Instagram" Seewald keeps it private is another story.

I'm just curious to know when all male babies delivered at home are circumcised. Is it done in the doctor's office when the baby gets his first vaccinations?
  • Love 2

After looking at all the pics, I think Jessa is still in the hospital. Personally, I think a lot of the post-delivery bleeding may have been caused by some severe tearing that happened during the delivery. If she tore badly enough, they would probably keep her in the hospital for more than a day to give her IV fluids, IV antibiotics, IV pain meds, and possibly even a transfusion. I had a friend who had an almost ten pound baby and a very fast delivery (the doc didn't get to the hospital in time so the nurse had to deliver) and it tore her so badly that she had to have surgery to repair it (it ripped completely thru her clitoris and then all the way into her rectum). She was in the hospital for over a week and had to sit on one of those donut air pillows for about a year. She refused to even consider getting pregnant again after that God-awful ordeal. My friend was about the same size as Jessa.

I'm just curious to know when all male babies delivered at home are circumcised. Is it done in the doctor's office when the baby gets his first vaccinations?

OMG re your friend.
  • Love 14

After looking at all the pics, I think Jessa is still in the hospital. Personally, I think a lot of the post-delivery bleeding may have been caused by some severe tearing that happened during the delivery. If she tore badly enough, they would probably keep her in the hospital for more than a day to give her IV fluids, IV antibiotics, IV pain meds, and possibly even a transfusion.

Oh, man. I'm not a Jessa leghumper, but that sounds excruciating. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I do think Michelle was selective with what she told 911, so maybe the real story was more gruesome than she let on. I wonder what would have been done differently if Jessa had seen an OB or CNM rather than a Google-trained lay midwife.

  • Love 6

At one of the hospitals close to where I live, the beds in L&D are double beds so the father CAN lie down with the mother and baby.

OMG re your friend.

Ikr? Her ordeal played a large part in my decision to not have kids.

Edited by bigskygirl
Edited out hidden post
  • Love 4

Oh, man. I'm not a Jessa leghumper, but that sounds excruciating. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I do think Michelle was selective with what she told 911, so maybe the real story was more gruesome than she let on. I wonder what would have been done differently if Jessa had seen an OB or CNM rather than a Google-trained lay midwife.

Had she been delivered in the hospital, there's a good chance that she would have had a C-section solely because of the baby's size IMO.

  • Love 4

I know that she probably has lots of practice but I'm cringing seeing Jinger hold a newborn with one hand while taking a selfie with the other.

My neighbor holds her baby that way while walking her 50lb untrained puppy. Makes me cringe. It does seem like Jessa who is pretty controlled about what she puts out on social media has lost control over Bam Bam's introduction into the world.
  • Love 5

On the Duggar FB, a woman made a harmless comment that it might be best to give Ben and Jessa alone time to bond with their baby and was rewarded with half a dozen comments calling her a "hater."

I can see Jinger, Jana and Michelle staying behind to help, but everyone else could have waited a freaking day or two before they manhandled the baby and posted selfies. The kid ain't going anywhere.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 15

I know that she probably has lots of practice but I'm cringing seeing Jinger hold a newborn with one hand while taking a selfie with the other.

With Jessa as the baby's mom, I think there's going to be a lot of that.

It's a Duggar baby. Useless after the first 72 hours. Everybody needs to get their little bit of attention with him NOW. In a month, no one but Jessa and Ben will give a rat's ass.

I was over the whole thing months ago.

Are they going to be nuts enough to bring him to church this Sunday then finally announce his name?

What church? Their own?

  • Love 6

I'm glad you mentioned that...

When are these babies circumcised? I know they are, because the Bible commands it, but when does it happen, who does it and where?

My sister-in-law who at least leans toward fundie mentioned her intention to have her oldest circumcised "on the eighth day".  She seemed to think she could have it done in the Dr.'s office.  I don't know if that happened or not-- I did not care to ask follow up questions.  Typically, circumcisions are performed by the OB (who is qualified as a surgeon) NOT the pediatrician and they happen within the first 24 hours.


We didn't hear anything about Izzy did we?  I really hope that Ben & Jessa don't see this as info that needs to be shared with the general public.

  • Love 2

I think some things are better off not known.

Can you imagine teenaged Michael, Marcus, Isreal, and Gabe when their friends make fun of them because their circumision was on national tv, or pictures on the internet?

That kind of stuff should be private.

Now, whether Jessa "Instagram" Seewald keeps it private is another story.

It's not likely they'll have any friends that aren't related to them, anyway.

  • Love 5

That kid is getting passed around more than the Stanley Cup. I'm guessing everyone has had to kiss him, too. Josie probably licked him.

Don't forget the camera crew was probably still there, these people love to be on camera.


I still haven't gotten over the news that Ben wanted to be an actor. Slants this whole thing for me.


It's also what one sounds like when under the influence. Ex-tra ... care-ful ...

I thought she sounded altered. A little Ativan, anyone? Xanax, maybe? But maybe her kids are so used to the "baby whisper" voice that they find it calming, so she lays it on extra thick in a crisis? That's my only other theory, and come to think of it, they may both be true.

Or if she spoke like an actual adult JB would be intimidated. That's my theory. I could be right.

  • Love 7

That kid is getting passed around more than the Stanley Cup. I'm guessing everyone has had to kiss him, too. Josie probably licked him.

On the bright side, Jessa and Bin will save a lot of money on vaccinations because Little Gabie will have already had every communicable disease known to mankind before he's a week old, so he won't need any shots.

I heart you. I'm saving this post.

  • Love 6

Why is Ben in the hospital bed? Did he just birth a big-ass baby and nearly bleed to death?

And why is Jessa in prison garb too?  I wish Ben had been the one to call 911, it would have been like manning up in front of JB and Michelle. My Wife just delivered Our son and is bleeding heavily I need to get her to the hospital..  He could have done that but Michelle probably told him - oh no I'LL make the call so my public will know that I am here...

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 7

So how do they qualify events like this? What message is God giving them now? If God told them that children are blessings after losing Caleb, is He now saying home births are not cool for Duggar girls? Or is the devil somehow involved?


It's whichever of these offers the best chance of more TeeVee shows. God is very invested in making sure that the Duggar ministry and mission remain on primetime TeeVee, doncha know.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 12


God is very invested in making sure that the Duggar ministry and mission remain on primetime TeeVee, doncha know.

Which makes me wonder why God is considered a supreme being if his or her taste is this questionable? Ah questions for the ages.

Well you and I might wonder, I'm sure the Duggars consider(scratch that-insert know) that God will do everything they want.

Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 7

So how do they qualify events like this? What message is God giving them now? If God told them that children are blessings after losing Caleb, is He now saying home births are not cool for Duggar girls? Or is the devil somehow involved?

When things go their way, it is because they are blessed by God. When things don't go their way, it's the devil.

Nothing, in this plan, ever calls for personal responsibility.

  • Love 22

Why is Ben in the hospital bed? Did he just birth a big-ass baby and nearly bleed to death?


Because there were 47 Duggars in the room using up every chair the hospital could provide, Seriously, though, I thought that bit was kind of sweet. I don't remember if DH sat on my bed post-baby but I bet he did.

  • Love 5

My sister-in-law who at least leans toward fundie mentioned her intention to have her oldest circumcised "on the eighth day".  She seemed to think she could have it done in the Dr.'s office.  I don't know if that happened or not-- I did not care to ask follow up questions.  Typically, circumcisions are performed by the OB (who is qualified as a surgeon) NOT the pediatrician and they happen within the first 24 hours.


We didn't hear anything about Izzy did we?  I really hope that Ben & Jessa don't see this as info that needs to be shared with the general public.

The eighth day is an Old Testament mandate and most observant Jews wait that long. There's a bris where the baby is circumcised, officially named, and welcomed into the Covenant between the Jewish people and God. Traditionally the circumcision was done by a specially trained rabbi called a mohel (pronounced moil); nowadays this rabbi may be a doctor with rabbinical training, or they may bring in a rabbi for the prayers and a doctor for the procedure. Or it may just be a traditional mohel. It's normally done in the home, surrounded by relatives, friends, and food.

Among Jews, circumcision is not an embarrassing topic. It's a religious rite that all males go through. I can't even tell you how many of these I've been to.

  • Love 12

The eighth day is an Old Testament mandate and most observant Jews wait that long. There's a bris where the baby is circumcised, officially named, and welcomed into the Covenant between the Jewish people and God. Traditionally the circumcision was done by a specially trained rabbi called a mohel (pronounced moil); nowadays this rabbi may be a doctor with rabbinical training, or they may bring in a rabbi for the prayers and a doctor for the procedure. Or it may just be a traditional mohel. It's normally done in the home, surrounded by relatives, friends, and food.

Among Jews, circumcision is not an embarrassing topic. It's a religious rite that all males go through. I can't even tell you how many of these I've been to.

Yes, well written JenCarroll. Our son was circumcised in our home on the 8th day, and his Hebrew name announced. Our rabbi was in attendance for the service, but my OB/GYN did the actual circumcision. It's something he did on occasion for Jewish patients. I was happy that he did it. The 8th day part was hard. I had a c-section after my 10lb. 3oz. baby failed to progress during labor. However, loving family and friends were present, and I napped with the baby as soon as it was over, while the guests ate lunch!

When my daughter arrived the next year, there was no circumcision, and we had her naming about six months after delivery.

It's probably good if Jessa is still in the hospital, as she will hopefully be getting much-needed rest.

  • Love 2

Maybe the black and white thing means they've decided to consider the kid a panda and not announce his name for 100 days. Obviously by now they have to come up with some new tricks to heighten public excitement for the big announcement, and that seems to work well for the zoos.



  • Love 8

I think Jessa ultimately had the choice and, assuming she was told there was no medical reason not to make a particular choice, chose whatever the producers wanted. She and her husband must be extremely desperate for her tv show to survive, considering it's by far their best chance at a decent income, they have nothing to fall back on, aside from her controlling cheapskate father.

Edited by Kokapetl

Maybe the black and white thing means they've decided to consider the kid a panda and not announce his name for 100 days. Obviously by now they have to come up with some new tricks to heighten public excitement for the big announcement, and that seems to work well for the zoos.



Is that a monster wreath hanging on a curtain? It doesn't make sense to me.

I am sorry that I am not reading the rest of these because I am still laughing at Celia's comment from yesterday that Josie probably licked him!!!


Oh Geez, the drama of holding  onto the name.  No watching them kiss and now we all have to wait for the name.  Is this only so Jill will be forced to wait to announce her 2nd pregnancy?  "Spotlight on me please!!"


I am going to church.  See y'all later.

  • Love 7

The official first People picture just popped up in my FB feed.   Can't believe he is wrapped in a ragged old brown bath towel.  Also, Jessa saying they are not quite ready to release the name.  She needs to get over herself already.

Maybe she is waiting for the bris.

I hope it is Gabriel, and I hope they are all pissed at the sister who let the cat out of the bag. These people bring out the bitch in me.

  • Love 10
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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