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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Where is this baby already?????

That ice cream looks gross.

And they served ice cream to their guests because Jessa and Ben like ice cream. Remember how they said cake is dry and not moist like ice cream? Nice going on making your guests feel welcomed and taken care of. So much for hospitality.

What happedened to JOY??




Those two are so self involved.

  • Love 1

It looked to me like he was actually looking down at a script occasionally.

Yeah, that's exactly what it looked like to me. At least four times he looks down to where his left hand would be off camera.


And the sundae looked sooooo gross. I have eaten (and made) very moist cakes. And calling ice cream "moist?" Ick.

Edited by carrps
  • Love 6

I remember one filmed birthday had a store bought sheet cake. I'm sure TLC paid for that. Storebought cakes can be expensive, especially enough to feed 20+ people. I don't think Michelle even knows that you can bake a cake at home. In her experience, food just sort of appears.

I recall Famy buying a particularly neon cake for a birthday at a skating rink. Might have been for Joy-Anna.
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Do all American cakes have frosting on them? No whipped cream? No marzipan? Fruit or berries?


Anyways, at least Jordyn looks happy in these pics. Must be nice to get out of the house and spend a day with her mom.

I hate frosting. Most Italian cakes have whipped creme or we just sprinkle on some powered sugar. When I eat a cake I push the frosting off. 

Not all American cakes have frosting, but most birthday cakes do as it makes it easier to make "birthday decorations."


Ben looking up and to the right repeatedly reminded me of the body language theories.  It just might apply in his case.  There was nothing heart felt in his birthday video.  I think Anna looks really good and her resemblance to her sister Suze is really coming out.  I bet lunch was filmed since there were so many additional family members there. 

Edited by Absolom

Do all American cakes have frosting on them? No whipped cream? No marzipan? Fruit or berries?

Most store-bought cakes have frosting on less it's pound cake, or angel food, etc.

At home we sometimes do the whipped cream and berries. Also at least around here there are cakes with fruit on them, especially in season. 

In general we (in my experience) don't eat a lot of Marzipan and I've never see it on a cake. But we do do candy. Usually Hershey's.

Most wedding cakes have a ton of frosting. Most weddings have cake. Ice cream isn't as traditional.

Edited by Temperance
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Lol, did she really say that? I guess a woman who hasn't cooked in twenty years would have no idea that you can buy boxes of Duncan Hines for less than $2 at Wal-Mart.

That sundae looks disgusting. I bet they didn't even eat it.


Yeah, I remember seeing it mentioned on TWOP back in the day, based off of a blog post that has seemingly since been retconned.  Now it's "we always have an ice cream social at 7:00 PM" (insert eyeroll).  

  • Love 1

Wait till Ben finds out ice cream cakes are a thing:





Oh, but they know already:




Layered Ice Cream Cake


24 Ice cream sandwiches

8 oz. Cool Whip™

1 Hershey’s™ chocolate syrup bottle

1 Smuckers™ caramel syrup bottle

2 king size Butterfinger™ candy bars chopped up


1st layer - 12 ice cream sandwiches

2nd – half of whipped cream

3rd - half of Butterfinger™ bars, Squeeze 1/2 of caramel & chocolate over that.

4th - rest of ice cream sandwiches

5th – Cool Whip™

6th - rest of Butterfinger™, caramel & chocolate

You can freeze this and eat as desired! Yummy! Yummy!

*Makes a 9”x 13” Pan

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 1

That sundae probably looked much better when it came to the table. They probably had to take 50000 pictures to get one they liked and in the meantime, it melted into a gross mess.

And I love frosting on cakes. Unless it's that tasteless whipped cream frosting. Yuck. That stuff gets taken off immediately. Give me the sugar frosting that makes your teeth hurt.

  • Love 3

I really don't believe Nov 1st was Jessa's due date. It just made a precious story. She may not even be overdue. And, to be real, only the baby knows for sure.


Why wouldn't the 1st have been her due date? Women deliver later than their due dates all the time, and her sister was quite late with her first just a few months ago. I'm not at all surprised.

  • Love 2

Where is this baby already?????That ice cream looks gross.And they served ice cream to their guests because Jessa and Ben like ice cream. Remember how they said cake is dry and not moist like ice cream? Nice going on making your guests feel welcomed and taken care of. So much for hospitality.What happedened to JOY??JesusOthersYouThose two are so self involved.

Is our long national nightmare over?

  • Love 5

Do all American cakes have frosting on them? No whipped cream? No marzipan? Fruit or berries?

Anyways, at least Jordyn looks happy in these pics. Must be nice to get out of the house and spend a day with her mom.

Shortening and corn syrup emulsified is cheaper than actual cream/butter and sugar, so probably.

And marzipan? Fruit? That's for queers!

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 1

Cool whip, candy bars, and ice cream sandwiches. Still too much work for Jessa.


Yeah, but she could call Jana over to fix it.

Why wouldn't the 1st have been her due date? Women deliver later than their due dates all the time, and her sister was quite late with her first just a few months ago. I'm not at all surprised.


Well, I always kind of wondered whether she was given a ballpark date or a specific date around now and then decided to say it was the nearby date of Nov. 1 so she could have the cool made-for-tv story of the baby's being due on their anniversary. She didn't necessarily do that, of course, but it would be an awfully Duggarlike thing to do, seems to me.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 7

With both Jill and Jessa going so late over their due dates, I have to wonder if they weren't fudged up a little bit for the theatrics. If both have a due date of two weeks later, the media wouldn't pay attention to them until that date came and went. Moving it up two weeks ensures that People is calling every day to see if Baby Dillard/Seewald is here yet.

  • Love 9

Oh, but they know already:


Layered Ice Cream Cake


24 Ice cream sandwiches

8 oz. Cool Whip™

1 Hershey’s™ chocolate syrup bottle

1 Smuckers™ caramel syrup bottle

2 king size Butterfinger™ candy bars chopped up


1st layer - 12 ice cream sandwiches

2nd – half of whipped cream

3rd - half of Butterfinger™ bars, Squeeze 1/2 of caramel & chocolate over that.

4th - rest of ice cream sandwiches

5th – Cool Whip™

6th - rest of Butterfinger™, caramel & chocolate

You can freeze this and eat as desired! Yummy! Yummy!

*Makes a 9”x 13” Pan

This makes my pancreas cry.

  • Love 17

Well, I always kind of wondered whether she was given a ballpark date or a specific date around now and then decided to say it was the nearby date of Nov. 1 so she could have the cool made-for-tv story of the baby's being due on their anniversary. She didn't necessarily do that, of course, but it would be an awfully Duggarlike thing to do, seems to me.

Yeah. Exactly. And a due date is a best estimate, not a firm date, so no harm in massaging it a little...

  • Love 3

Re: cake toppings. Butter cream seems most common. Chinese bakery cakes are usually whipped cream and strawberries ( and very light sponge cake -- yum!), but I have never seen marzipan on a cake IRL ever.


I only remember Mrs. Hudson from Upstairs Downstairs making marzipan decorations for a wedding cake (James' and Hazel's?). Most people I know hate marzipan. I love it. Usually if there's an assorted box of See's around, I always get the marzipan. No competition. At all.

  • Love 3

With both Jill and Jessa going so late over their due dates, I have to wonder if they weren't fudged up a little bit for the theatrics. If both have a due date of two weeks later, the media wouldn't pay attention to them until that date came and went. Moving it up two weeks ensures that People is calling every day to see if Baby Dillard/Seewald is here yet.


While I understand that most new moms go over their due date, I am beginning to suspect that the poor quality of Jill and Jessa's prenatal care is partially to blame here. For example, has Jessa had a single ultrasound performed by a qualified midwife or doctor, because the only ultrasounds that I have seen have come from that non-medical, boutique ultrasound place... Perhaps their projected due dates were really, really off. 

Edited by Guest

Well, now we know their meals there are comped for the product placement.


Remember when Josh and Anna got married and eating out was supposed to be a rare 2-3 time a year event?

Edited by JoanArc
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Jessa and Ben do seem so very stiff with each other now!

One can only imagine the fun of spending any time at all with Jessa Blessa, nine months and counting pregnant and most likely making Bin wish he was never born...

  • Love 9

Wow. We're getting hard up for things these days.


Is is a dieting thing? -- Like, you order it but it looks like such a mess you then refuse to eat it?

Maybe I was hallucinating but I think I've seen those dripped things and I think they're premade, put in a display type freezer and dressed up a bit before service.

That yellow goop has to be your butterscotch. I hope.

Oh, I read that as Shriner's hat and I didn't even want to know. Beer makes more sense.

And then the thought of Shriners made ME think of how they all come out of those little clown cars at parades, which THEN purposed me to think of Mechelle and childbirth. .am i normal? Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 9
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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