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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Maybe Jessa has an actual accredited OB/GYN who refuses to let her practice be reality teevee fodder?

Well, you could hope, anyway...

Why would she do that?  I am sure TLC pays based on how much they're able to film.  If Jessa's OB wouldn't let her film the whole shebang, the $$$ would significantly decrease.  As far as regular, competent obstetric care; her own sister, the childbirth 'professional' didn't get it, why would she?  At least 3 of Anna's kids were birthed at home with folks in attendance who perhaps were not licensed or trained properly. For that matter, after she got good and fundified, Michelle apparently also had home births supervised by lay midwives maybe at least, until even the lay midwives figured out she was courting death with every birth and bailed, forcing her into a regular OB/GYN practice. 


As far as Jessa being large enough to carry twins, I think Jessa and Bin planted that one themselves to keep the leghumpers excited about the upcoming blessed event and maybe to solicit more 'love offerings' from them.  All the Duggar girls are on the short side, if Jessa was carrying twins, she'd be wider than she is tall.  Looks like one baby who isn't going to be as big as Izzy even.

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 7

Jessa's latest selfie. Little over 3 weeks till baby Seewald makes its grand appearance, y'all excited?

One person said Jessa was huge and that it's gotta be twins. Jessa isn't huge enough to be carrying twins. IMO. https://instagram.com/p/8lO1XOjfi8/


Well, that was kind of the tv-friendly meme the Seeweirds have been planting in various pronouncements for months. They're "not a tv family" but they love their tv teasers. What will we have? Girl? Boy&Girl? Boy&Boy? Etc. So I guess people are going along. She doesn't look twinny to me. She's not particularly tall.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 1

I'm so curious about what kind of prenatal care Jessa has had these last 8 months. Has she been taking Folic Acid and other supplements, has anyone continue to measure the baby's growth, does anyone no the position of the baby? I find it odd that a trip to a medical professional was never included in any episodes while Jill was pregnant.  Is it because they are using the midwife who was stripped of her credentials?


We've seen snippets of ever other medical thing that has occurred, including eye glasses, wisdom teeth, stitches, fertility consulting, etc. The Bates family is big on showing medical appointments too, yet with the Duggars, an ultra sound is the only prenatal 'care' that they have filmed. Curious.

I've mentioned it before that one of my coupon friends belongs to a huge mega church. Willow Creek seems to have a service (ministry) for just about everything. They have volunteer dentist that help out the church members. I'm sure they have a medical staff to help too. I'll ask her because it's probably what Jessa is doing getting "almost free" medical care through Cross Church.

I thought they stated in one of their paid appearances that it was NOT twins?


I think they did. I also think I remember that, since then, though, they've made other posts (perhaps kind of inadvertently) still pushing the twin thing -- maybe through the name contest, or something? Could be wrong about that, though.

Jessa's latest selfie. Little over 3 weeks till baby Seewald makes its grand appearance, y'all excited?

One person said Jessa was huge and that it's gotta be twins. Jessa isn't huge enough to be carrying twins. IMO. https://instagram.com/p/8lO1XOjfi8/

She really is into herself, isn't she?

  • Love 4

For some reason, Ben is reminding me of all the people who sneered at President Obama because he was "too intellectual." They wanted someone they could have a beer with. Ben and his ilk decry book-learning and such so maybe THEY secretly want a God that fits in a little bitty box (WTF, what would that even MEAN in regards to a GOD??). Me, I like authority figures to be wiser, smarter, BETTER than us regular humans. And I want a BIG God - not a smite-y Old Testament one, but a wise, loving, compassionate, incomprehensible being. So shut up, Ben.

He sounds like some three-dollar preacher pontificating in a storefront church, dreaming of becoming Joel Osteen.

I can honestly say I've never sneered because I thought Obama was too intellectual.  Quite the opposite, actually.


Bless Ben's itty, bitty heart.

  • Love 3

I'm going with boy and food baby.


And I'm not body-shaming her.  Lots of women put on weight when they get pregnant.  Most just acknowledge it's baby weight and don't play up the twins angle to double-down on their "love offering" baby gifts.

I don't think she looks large at all.

  • Love 6

I think they did. I also think I remember that, since then, though, they've made other posts (perhaps kind of inadvertently) still pushing the twin thing -- maybe through the name contest, or something? Could be wrong about that, though.


I've unfollowed her on instagram because I couldn't handle her "holier than thou" attitude she has, but from the few times I've looked at her instagram and whatnot since then, I've picked up on that, too. They're still letting the leg-humpers guess that they're having girl/girl, boy/boy, boy/girl, rather than just a boy or girl. I think it's pretty obvious she's not pregnant with twins. She'd be much larger, and there'd be a good chance that she would've already went into labor by now, since not many go full term with twins. I just think it's really weird. Like, if I was pregnant, I would never string along the idea that I was having twins if I wasn't. I'm also much different than Jessa!


Also - I've been wanting to make a comment about Jessa's excessive highlighting/underlining her Bible. I've mentioned before that I'm in grad school, so I do a lot of reading and highlighting. I've always found that the more I understand a concept, the less I highlight chapters that are related to that concept, because I already know the stuff. To me, when I see all the excessive highlighting, it comes across like Jessa struggles to understand the concepts she's reading and needs to underline/circle them to help her make sense of them. For me personally, it makes her look really unintelligent. That's just me, though. 

  • Love 9

I've unfollowed her on instagram because I couldn't handle her "holier than thou" attitude she has, but from the few times I've looked at her instagram and whatnot since then, I've picked up on that, too. They're still letting the leg-humpers guess that they're having girl/girl, boy/boy, boy/girl, rather than just a boy or girl. I think it's pretty obvious she's not pregnant with twins. She'd be much larger, and there'd be a good chance that she would've already went into labor by now, since not many go full term with twins. I just think it's really weird. Like, if I was pregnant, I would never string along the idea that I was having twins if I wasn't. I'm also much different than Jessa!


Also - I've been wanting to make a comment about Jessa's excessive highlighting/underlining her Bible. I've mentioned before that I'm in grad school, so I do a lot of reading and highlighting. I've always found that the more I understand a concept, the less I highlight chapters that are related to that concept, because I already know the stuff. To me, when I see all the excessive highlighting, it comes across like Jessa struggles to understand the concepts she's reading and needs to underline/circle them to help her make sense of them. For me personally, it makes her look really unintelligent. That's just me, though. 

There is a type of Bible study (called an inductive Bible study) that involves using lots of different colors, squiggles, circles, stars, waves, etc. It's almost like a secret code. :)  Maybe that's what she was doing??

  • Love 3



I guess Jessa never got her Target gift cards for baby Seewald. It seems baby will be dressed in wrinkled old, used clothes! Is it a boy??? Is it a girl???


Actually, I love thrift stores and have NO problems with gently, used clothing!


Holy Crap! Those are LEGGINGS under that BABY DRESS!


A BABY can't show a bit of knee? A BABY is going to "defraud" someone.


You know what, if there is a grown man out there who is sexually stimulated in any way by the knees of a baby, he needs to be institutionalized right now.


ETA: removed double post.

Edited by cmr2014
  • Love 10

Holy Crap! Those are LEGGINGS under that BABY DRESS!


A BABY can't show a bit of knee? A BABY is going to "defraud" someone.


You know what, if there is a grown man out there who is sexually stimulated in any way by the knees of a baby, he needs to be institutionalized right now.


ETA: removed double post.

Oh god I can't believe I am about to defend a Duggar...but it could be the leggings are to keep the baby warm since it will be fall.

However, if it's for modesty reasons that's insane.

  • Love 6

I lived in Cleveland OH for 40+ years and never did I see anyone put leggings on a baby in the fall/winter.

They wear onesies and receiving blankets.

Leggings are stupid for a baby. They're difficult to change diapers, and baby Seewald WILL have loose stools at some point and mess their clothes. Babies are like that.

I hope Blessa & Dim Bulb understand that.

  • Love 2

I lived in Cleveland OH for 40+ years and never did I see anyone put leggings on a baby in the fall/winter.

They wear onesies and receiving blankets.

Leggings are stupid for a baby. They're difficult to change diapers, and baby Seewald WILL have loose stools at some point and mess their clothes. Babies are like that.

I hope Blessa & Dim Bulb understand that.

I put tights on my newborn in November in Cleveland, it wasn't anything unusual. She was dressed up for Thanksgiving.    She also had a snowsuit that winter.

      I loved dressing her in nice clothes. I remember she had a winter flannel shirt, corduroy pants and little hiking boots.

  • Love 9


      I loved dressing her in nice clothes. I remember she had a winter flannel shirt, corduroy pants and little hiking boots.

That sounds adorable.  When my first son was an infant we lived in the northeast and I put white tights under his corduroy overalls to keep him warm.  No one knew but us.  Looked like socks at the bottom.  

  • Love 4

Holy Crap! Those are LEGGINGS under that BABY DRESS!


A BABY can't show a bit of knee? A BABY is going to "defraud" someone.


You know what, if there is a grown man out there who is sexually stimulated in any way by the knees of a baby, he needs to be institutionalized right now.



I kind of suspect that, since it was apparently Jinger who picked those outfits out -- and for fun -- she just thought it'd be cute to have a girl's outfit that looked exactly like what the older girls in the family wear. ....


Ultimately, of course, what it boils down to is that they think that female knees "defraud" males, but I doubt that that played any part in her picking this particular outfit. In other words, we'll have to wait until one of them actually pops a girl baby before we find out whether they see defrauding in baby knees as well. Wouldn't surprise me at all if they do. But in this particular case, I think all we see is a brainwashed young woman's -- not wholly inaccurate -- idea about what might make a cute Duggar picture on instagram.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 2

Leggings on babies isn't really strange.  My one year old granddaughter has had leggings since she was a few weeks old.  As for the messy diapers, the leggings help keep it contained.  It's a lot easier to wash out a pair of leggings than all the clothes, the blankets, the car seat, etc.  My daughter is a fan of tunics and leggings so her daughter gets dressed in similar fashion.  The Duggars probably do the leggings for different reasons, but for a fall or winter baby aren't out of reason.  Boys would have long pants so there's nothing wrong with covering a girl's legs, too. 

  • Love 11


What is with their fake baby name Quincy? Why not just say they won't release that info until the baby is born?

I guess it's better than calling it it.

Eh. We had a "fetal name" for DD1. My older sister had one. Maybe it's a first baby thing. It was always something absurd that would not be mistaken for baby's real name. DD1, for instance, was referred to as Little C. Everett, after the former Surgeon General, Dr. C. Everett Koop. I really can't remember why, it was just a thing that happened. So I'm giving Benessa a pass on this -- it's either not weird, or its weird in a way that's compatible with my own weirdness.

  • Love 5

I put leggings on her majesty instead of tights because they were sturdier, more durable, and easier to get on and off. You also don't have to find new socks after an accident. Most of the time I went with a shirt or sweater instead of a dress, though. I don't really see the point of a dress for play clothes.

ETA Her fetal name was Ziggy, for Zygote.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

Wow, I must be behind the times.

But then, we haven't had a girl in the family in 17 years.

I still think leggings on an infant are stupid, but then again, I don't understand what happened to snaps on pants - which made it easier to change diapers.

Has anyone seen them on Meredith?

They do make snap on leggings. Aaaand maybe we ought to move this to the Prayer Closet.

  • Love 1

Quincy? I hope they're not naming the baby that. Couldn't have thought of a better nickname? Just announce the damn jender and name. No one cares.

Jebus in a sidecar ! If that's the actual name, then are we all in for the next X number of Seewalds with names starting with a "Q" ? If that's it (which it probably isn't, but let me enjoy my nightmare for a while, please) then what's next ???


Quinjer ?

Quoshie ?

Quechelle ?

Quim Bob ?

Quik-Fil-A ?


Oh, the humanity !!!

  • Love 6

Quincy? I hope they're not naming the baby that. Couldn't have thought of a better nickname? Just announce the damn jender and name. No one cares.


Quincy Seewald? Love it!


Made me think of a VERY funny bit from Comedy Central's Key & Peele. Enjoy.



  • Love 3


There she blows! Another post about sinner/salvation! I know lots of conservative christian young people, not fundies, and they never constantly post all this fire and brimstone religious stuff!


In another coffee shop! No jobs, baby on the way, let's hang out and drink expensive coffee!!!

  • Love 3


There she blows! Another post about sinner/salvation! I know lots of conservative christian young people, not fundies, and they never constantly post all this fire and brimstone religious stuff!


In another coffee shop! No jobs, baby on the way, let's hang out and drink expensive coffee!!!

Jessa Blessa might not want to get too comfortable. The shit's already hitting the fan over Derick and Jill's scam of a ministry. If any more skeletons come tumbling out of the closet, she can kiss that TLC special good-bye.

  • Love 7


There she blows! Another post about sinner/salvation! I know lots of conservative christian young people, not fundies, and they never constantly post all this fire and brimstone religious stuff!


In another coffee shop! No jobs, baby on the way, let's hang out and drink expensive coffee!!!


I keep wondering whether Jessa's really as grumpy as her quotes make her seem and whether their two unemployed currently-not-paying-rent asses are really as heedless of money as their eating and drinking out make them seem.


Because if either is true .... yeeps.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9

Wellfleet  Loved the link to the football roster names.  LMAO  

I hear there was a dustup on the View which I don't ever watch, about throwing out resumes of people with ethnic, no other name like it, monikers.  I've done that.  Not if their resume shows they were born in another country, but for those born here.  Called in a few for interviews as well and they were as classless as their names.  

Oh god I can't believe I am about to defend a Duggar...but it could be the leggings are to keep the baby warm since it will be fall.

However, if it's for modesty reasons that's insane.

I second that. Hate to defend them, too, but just about every baby girl I know wears leggings in cooler weather. They're just easy and comfy.


I lived in Cleveland OH for 40+ years and never did I see anyone put leggings on a baby in the fall/winter.

They wear onesies and receiving blankets.

Leggings are stupid for a baby. They're difficult to change diapers, and baby Seewald WILL have loose stools at some point and mess their clothes. Babies are like that.

I hope Blessa & Dim Bulb understand that.

I've actually had several moms stop using onesies and go back to shirts/dresses/tunics and leggings (boys and girls, not dresses on boys), because they said the onsies were too hard to snap if the babies were long or chubs, and in colder weather, they still needed something to cover their legs. Baby tights are cute for church or whatever, but so hard to get on them and they stretch and look sloppy quickly. I've even seen some of the knit/legging pants that snap up the side for easy changing. No idea if they work or not. 


Jebus in a sidecar ! If that's the actual name, then are we all in for the next X number of Seewalds with names starting with a "Q" ? If that's it (which it probably isn't, but let me enjoy my nightmare for a while, please) then what's next ???


Quinjer ?

Quoshie ?

Quechelle ?

Quim Bob ?

Quik-Fil-A ?


Oh, the humanity !!!

I kind of like Quincy. We've heard far worse. Quincy is spelled normal, too. I wonder if Jessa is choosing a Q name as some sort of silent protest - as in there aren't many Qu names, so she won't be able to stick to a letter. Makes more sense to just name your kids what you want, but Qunicy isn't bad.


I fully expected them to name baby Seewald some hipster bible name - Silas, Selah, Roman, Ezra, Jesse, etc. Maybe a Hudson Taylor or Jim Elliot missionary name.


Jill will have the market on super obnoxious, holier than though names - I expect Israel to be followed by a lot of prophet names that end with -iah or maybe an Ezekiel.

Wellfleet  Loved the link to the football roster names.  LMAO  

I hear there was a dustup on the View which I don't ever watch, about throwing out resumes of people with ethnic, no other name like it, monikers.  I've done that.  Not if their resume shows they were born in another country, but for those born here.  Called in a few for interviews as well and they were as classless as their names.  

Ironic part is - Raven-Symone' said she'd never hire someone named Watermelondrea. Bc Raven-Symone' isn't an ethnic name? I digress.

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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