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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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For a bunch of people who place so much importance on purity, it was weird to me that Jessa wore a pink wedding gown. That plus the private kiss makes me wonder if it was fundie shotgun wedding? (Not that she was knocked up, but that she had done stuff with him that made it urgent that she marry him).

For a bunch of people who place so much importance on purity, it was weird to me that Jessa wore a pink wedding gown. That plus the private kiss makes me wonder if it was fundie shotgun wedding? (Not that she was knocked up, but that she had done stuff with him that made it urgent that she marry him).

I think those were both "F* you, Jim Bob" moments.

  • Love 7

Jessa posted a pic today ( I guess a throw back friday???)

jessaseewald"" Throwback to our very first date-- 2 years ago, today! September 11th, 2013 #MarketplaceGrill with @ben_seewald ❤ Love you more today than ever before! "


She is getting a LOT of heat in the comments about not being sad about 9/11, lol. People are not amused with Amy stunt either!


"Sick of the Duggars and the Seewalds and the Dillards whoring themselves out for publicity on social media. Especially in light of what Josh just did recently, they should have the good taste to remove themselves from the spotlight, instead they keep shoving themselves out there. Jessa posting this today on 9/11 is in bad taste. Who the fuck in the world really cares that she and Ben went on their first date 2 yrs ago except her creepy ignorant stupid Christian idiot fans? Thousands of Americans were tragically murdered just 14 years ago!"

  • Love 8

I do feel a little sorry for Jessa. I think using your cousin’s wedding to flood the internet with pictures of your own wedding is tacky as hell, but I think its because they are 1) smug in general 2) panicked about the future and using this to generate interest.

Going on Megyn Kelly and managing to minimise other people’s abuse was wrong, but they have a right to claim what they are feeling, even if it isn’t what people want them to say. Of course the spectre of Boob and Mechelle constantly minimising it at home and scripting them muddies the waters. I do think it was mostly about saving the show and they legitimately think that the show (or spin off) shouldn’t have been cancelled because of what happened to them in the past and that they might feel more victimised by people using the scandal to attack their family/livelihood from their perspective. No one should count on reality TV as a secure income, but Benessa were (correctly) expecting a birth special, until Josh’s sins past and present tainted them all, unfairly or otherwise.

I really do wonder why Jim Boob let the Ben/Jessa courtship happen. Derrick I can totally see, an adult in his 20s with a job and a missionary calling, fine. A 17 year old with no job, who’s family and religion don’t exactly match up with Gothardism or IFB in general. Jessa either liked him a lot more than she let on, Boob fancied a leghumper family looking up to them or Michael Seewald drives a hard bargin

But still tacky on the photos.

He probably let the marriage happen because he was trying to find a righteous outlet for any sexual feelings Jessa may have been having, or that he thought she was having.  I feel like I need a shower now, after typing that. Blech!

  • Love 3

Jessa posted a pic today ( I guess a throw back friday???)

jessaseewald"" Throwback to our very first date-- 2 years ago, today! September 11th, 2013 #MarketplaceGrill with @ben_seewald ❤ Love you more today than ever before! "


Look how young she looks though!

  • Love 2

Jessa posted a pic today ( I guess a throw back friday???)

jessaseewald"" Throwback to our very first date-- 2 years ago, today! September 11th, 2013 #MarketplaceGrill with @ben_seewald ❤ Love you more today than ever before! "


She is getting a LOT of heat in the comments about not being sad about 9/11, lol. People are not amused with Amy stunt either!


"Sick of the Duggars and the Seewalds and the Dillards whoring themselves out for publicity on social media. Especially in light of what Josh just did recently, they should have the good taste to remove themselves from the spotlight, instead they keep shoving themselves out there. Jessa posting this today on 9/11 is in bad taste. Who the fuck in the world really cares that she and Ben went on their first date 2 yrs ago except her creepy ignorant stupid Christian idiot fans? Thousands of Americans were tragically murdered just 14 years ago!"


I think 9/11 is meaningless to the Duggars. 

Look how young she looks though!


I think Jessa and Ben have both aged.

  • Love 1

Panicked fame-chasers. Who are astoundingly tone-deaf to the national significance of this date. It's pathetic. 

Tone deaf is right. Look, I get wanting to post a little memory thing, but a first date doesn't become all that significant until you've been together a lot longer than two frakkin years*. I'm 58 years old; I met my husband when I was 13 and he 14. If I posted about our first date, that would carry the weight of shared memory and time. Beyond the fact that the "anniversary" is largely irrelevant, it would have probably not riled so many people if she had just NOT referred explicitly to the date. The words "September 11" or "9/11" are still so raw and evocative in our country. If she absolutely HAD to post this, she could simply have said "the anniversary of our very first date" and left it at that. One leg-humping dork commenter chastised others by asking if they'd be upset over a reference to December 7. Not truly analogous. If it was 1955 and someone wrote "It's the anniversary of our first date! Pearl Harbor Day, 1953!" then YES...people would have been offended. We've never referred to Pearl Harbor Day as just "December 7." Not true of September 11.


*ETA: I realize that in Duggar World, a first date is such a massive event that Jessa might hold it in a lot stronger reverence that most normal people. What a sad little world they've made for themselves.

Edited by SometimesBites
  • Love 9

I think they are tone deaf in general. OTOH I have a few mixed feelings about it. Yeah the World Trade Centre attacks are mostly remembered as 9/11 or September 11th and it is still a gaping raw wound, so people have all sorts of emotional reactions to the date, understandably.

OTOH Jessa was under 10 when it happened and probably doesn't have a huge amount of details on it considering their education. And it *was* significant for them as well, for an apparently happy event. Good things can be acknowledged on this date as well, (that's how the terrorists don't win) /factious. Maybe she shouldn't have mentioned the date, but I live in London and I don't think anyone would object if I posted positive news on 7/7 (which is also referred to by date). I know a few people who would be sniffy if I got married on 11/11/Remembrance Day but couldn't tell you the exact date of VE day or VJ day.

I get the distaste, I don't think there is call for outrage.

  • Love 13

I think they are tone deaf in general. OTOH I have a few mixed feelings about it. Yeah the World Trade Centre attacks are mostly remembered as 9/11 or September 11th and it is still a gaping raw wound, so people have all sorts of emotional reactions to the date, understandably.

OTOH Jessa was under 10 when it happened and probably doesn't have a huge amount of details on it considering their education. And it *was* significant for them as well, for an apparently happy event. Good things can be acknowledged on this date as well, (that's how the terrorists don't win) /factious. Maybe she shouldn't have mentioned the date, but I live in London and I don't think anyone would object if I posted positive news on 7/7 (which is also referred to by date). I know a few people who would be sniffy if I got married on 11/11/Remembrance Day but couldn't tell you the exact date of VE day or VJ day.

I get the distaste, I don't think there is call for outrage.

I think outrage is uncalled for, too. But I do understand hurt feelings. Here in the states, the wound is perhaps more than just raw--for some it's still bleeding. For example, there are still first responders struggling to get adequate healthcare for exposure to toxins they encountered when the WTC collapsed.


Bottom line, of course, is that that Jessa is insensitive and boorish, no matter the circumstance.

  • Love 8

I get the distaste, I don't think there is call for outrage.

I agree. Given that Jessa was so young when it happened I don't think she's capable of understanding the depth of the tragedy the way those of us who experienced 9/11 as adults would. This is a rare case where I don't think a Duggar is being willfully ignorant.

  • Love 10

I agree. Given that Jessa was so young when it happened I don't think she's capable of understanding the depth of the tragedy the way those of us who experienced 9/11 as adults would. This is a rare case where I don't think a Duggar is being willfully ignorant.

Honestly not sure. I was six when President Kennedy was shot, and I've understood all my life the gravity and sensitivity of that moment for our country. But then again, I wasn't raised in front of a TV camera, nor to think the world revolved solely around me, me, me. These Duggar kids have a lot of crippling influence to overcome if they ever want to be fully-functioning adults. I pity them, even the ones old enough to start figuring stuff out on their own.

  • Love 8

We've actually had a national convention held here since which turned out not to be a really enriching experience for either the visitors or the natives. The very strong impression I came away with is that there are quite a few people who are upset that America was attacked who didn't dislike New York even a tiny bit less as a result. I have a feeling Jim Bob is one of them. I doubt 9/11 is much of a day of mourning in their household.

  • Love 3

I agree. Given that Jessa was so young when it happened I don't think she's capable of understanding the depth of the tragedy the way those of us who experienced 9/11 as adults would. This is a rare case where I don't think a Duggar is being willfully ignorant.


Jessa is 22 (almost 23) so she would've been very young on 9/11. 


I was three months shy of my 12th birthday on 9/11. I understood the depth of the tragedy, but only because I saw it unfold on television. The Duggars don't watch television and I can't picture them reading a newspaper, so it is very likely that she was completely oblivious to what had happened that day. 


Edit: I should add that there were a lot of adults who rightly went out of their way to shield us kids from the horror of 9/11 -- my mother eventually turned off the TV news and said that I shouldn't watch it anymore -- so it is possible that Jessa was intentionally shielded from the news like a lot of very young children, so she just doesn't understand the importance as an adult. 


Personally, I don't take offense to her post. It's tone-deaf, but they're always tone-deaf! 

Edited by Guest

I lost a loved one on 9/11. It is a date we hope nobody ever forgets. But I am not offended by happy tweets and FB posts. Many good things have happened on that date and will continue to happen. First dates, births, new jobs, etc. IMHO, Days of honor, respect, and remembrance don't have to be mutually exclusive of joyous occasions and happiness.


I'm so sorry for your loss <3 and I agree. 

I honestly don't get why people would attack her for going on a date on 9/11. Is this a mourning date now where everyone will all have to render their clothes and put ash on their faces for the rest of eternity? It was a horrible day, so many people died or got injured and it's left a mark on our world that still resonates today but horrible things, worse things, happen with depressing frequency all over the world (quite a lot of them as a direct result of 9/11 and it's aftermath) all the time.


I find Jessa to be an obnoxious, self-centered zealot but I really don't see why should she put her life on hold because of an event that happened 14 years ago (or 12 if you look at the original date). Do other Americans do that? I understand if someone lost a loved one that day, because then every 9/11 must be a horrific reminder and a day of grief, but everyone else? I'm not trying to be offensive, I realise it's a sensitive topic, I'm just wondering if 9/11 is still a day where everyone stops going about their daily lives and if not, why Jessa should be.


And guh, I just spent two paragraphs defending Jessa Blessa; I feel a little bit dirty now. Let's get back to snark: I can't believe how much the both of them has aged these past two years. People's faces do change a lot during those late teen, early twenties years but Jessa and Ben hasn't changed so much as they have aged; both rather look like they're in their mid- to late twenties by now.



ETA: I'm so sorry you had to go through something so horrible GeeGolly, I hope you don't take my post as trying to diminish your loss in any way.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 13

I agree. It's not like Jessa posted a photo of her and Bin making out in front of the 9/11 Memorial.  Nobody should feel bad about sharing a happy memory today.  Life goes on, and it doesn't mean it can't be a day of remembrance as well.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
  • Love 4

Yeah, it makes me feel bad for people born on September 11th! It'd suck to feel as though you can't even be outwardly happy/exuberant on your birthday.


That said, I don't get the big deal with ~omg we had our first date two years ago~. Two years... big whoop. 


And Ben's hair was just tragic back then. Although at least he wasn't sporting bama bangs. 

Edited by galax-arena
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After releasing 100 new photos from her wedding, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald is taking fans back to when her romance began: Her first date with now-spouse Ben.


I see People's indignation on behalf of Amy was short-lived.

  • Love 6

Omg, are Bin and Jessa the only people in the history of the world who dated, got married and had a baby?! If Jessa wants to put something on Instagram, okay fine, but was a People article really necessary?

The fact that this family is still being covered so much in the media gives me a sneaking suspicion they're going to worm their way back on tv. They're like a bad rash you just can't get rid of.

  • Love 13

I lost a loved one on 9/11. It is a date we hope nobody ever forgets. But I am not offended by happy tweets and FB posts. Many good things have happened on that date and will continue to happen. First dates, births, new jobs, etc. IMHO, Days of honor, respect, and remembrance don't have to be mutually exclusive of joyous occasions and happiness.

I'm sorry for your loss .. and I too agree.  In fact focusing on the good things that happen on this day can help remind us that there is good and happiness. A friend of mine had twins 4 years ago today. They were miracle babies the doctors never thought she would be able to have. In some ways having them born on 9/11 made it all the more amazing. So now when I think about where I was when it happened, the tragedy of the lives lost, and remember the horror of the day, I look at pictures of her kids and somehow the sad tears get mixed with some happy tears. 

  • Love 4

Jesse posted on Instagram in response to the 9/11 criticism.  


Proof that she reads the comments posted on her photos and maybe even on forums like this, which actually makes me feel bad for her. There are some really heartless comments made on her photos, especially on her IG and Facebook, which would hurt my feelings if I were her. 

I don't feel bad for Jessa. All attention is good attention to a narcissist.


We can agree to disagree on this issue. 


IMHO, Jessa spent her childhood lost in the J-herd of 19 children. Her courtship and wedding storyline was the first time that she has ever been treated as an individual of any real importance, even by her parents. Add a heap of positive, adoring attention from the media and fans, it's not pathological that she would be grasping at straws to reclaim her "fame."


I agree that fame feeds her needs, but it's not narcissism. It's positive praise and love and individual attention that she should have received from her parents growing up. 


Edit: I'm not trying to diagnose the girl. I'm just speculating like everyone else here. 

Edited by Guest

I made the "tone deaf" comment above. Just to be clear, I'm not offended by Jessa's post. I thought it was, as I said tone deaf and kind of pathetic. "First date" two years ago? Yawn. 


Nor do I think people shouldn't have a happy day on September 11, or celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, because life indeed goes on, no matter what awful things are done by awful people. 


OTOH people in the public eye, including reality TV stars, need to be careful what they say/write/post when it comes to sensitive days and sensitive subjects. Jessa and Bin are, IMO, in over their heads when it comes to that. 


I wonder if People's just cashing in on all the hate-clicks their Duggar articles draw. As long as the public is paying attention, I doubt if People magazine gives a flying fart whether people like the Duggars or hate them. Because the magazine draws readers either way.


If it weren't that I've gotten kind of fond of the discussions here I'd have bailed a long time ago. Because I really loathe the Duggars.

Exactly everything you just said here.

Maybe she should just step away from the computer for a while. Give it a rest. Find out what her life is. Just a thought.

  • Love 7

We can agree to disagree on this issue. 


IMHO, Jessa spent her childhood lost in the J-herd of 19 children. Her courtship and wedding storyline was the first time that she has ever been treated as an individual of any real importance, even by her parents. Add a heap of positive, adoring attention from the media and fans, it's not pathological that she would be grasping at straws to reclaim her "fame."


I agree that fame feeds her needs, but it's not narcism. It's positive praise and love and individual attention that she should have received from her parents growing up. 


Edit: I'm not trying to diagnose the girl. I'm just speculating like everyone else here. 


I agree with this. I think that all of the (biological) Duggars are extremely emotionally needy. I think it's a personality trait -- it's really noticable in JB, Amy, and Jill. Every choice that JB and J'chelle have made to date makes that situation even worse. There are sooooo many children. J'chelle appears to be -- for whatever reason -- incapable of providing even token emotional support to her children, They haven't been allowed to do anything that they might excel at that would earn them recognition from outsiders (excelling at school, or sports, or whatever).


The whole experience of the courtship was probably heady for Jessa -- she got to buy a pretty dress (new!), she got to choose what people would eat at her party, she got to go to the People offices and get her hair and makup done and have pictures taken of just her! People asked her about herself!


I don't particularly like her, but I do have compassion for her (and her siblings), and at this point, I'm not holding a lot of this against her.

  • Love 8

I think outrage is uncalled for, too. But I do understand hurt feelings. Here in the states, the wound is perhaps more than just raw--for some it's still bleeding. For example, there are still first responders struggling to get adequate healthcare for exposure to toxins they encountered when the WTC collapsed.


Bottom line, of course, is that that Jessa is insensitive and boorish, no matter the circumstance.

Bravo standing Ovation ,

  • Love 4

Back to the empathy thing with the Duggars, right? They have none. I think Jessa is an uneducated hillbilly basically. She didn't even think for one minute about the significance of the date. She is so self absorbed and so desperately trying to remain relevant that she knows she needs to keep her face on social media in order to not disappear from the public. Like a frantic little squirrel gathering nuts for the dry spell. If she wasn't so bloody obnoxious to anyone not exactly like her, I could actually be softer in my judgement. But her and her pontificating ridiculous hubby have hammered that nail in the coffin for good, IMHO.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 13
Back to the empathy thing with the Duggars, right? They have none. I think Jessa is an uneducated hillbilly basically. She didn't even think for one minute about the significance of the date. She is so self absorbed and so desperately trying to remain relevant that she knows she needs to keep her face on social media in order to not disappear from the public. Like a frantic little squirrel gathering nuts for the dry spell. If she wasn't so bloody obnoxious to anyone not exactly like her, I could actually be softer in my judgement. But her and her pontificating ridiculous hubby have hammered that nail in the coffin for good, IMHO.


I can't believe that I'm going to provide an excuse for Jessa's ignorance, but Jessa doesn't work, and I don't think she gets up in the morning and puts on CNN (or even Fox News).  Sometimes when a person doesn't work they forget what day it is.  Seriously.  I know.  I may know what day of the week it is, but as far as the date, I can forget if I don't have something important going on like a job or school, etc.  I do agree though.  She is obnoxious. 

  • Love 7

I can't believe that I'm going to provide an excuse for Jessa's ignorance, but Jessa doesn't work, and I don't think she gets up in the morning and puts on CNN (or even Fox News). Sometimes when a person doesn't work they forget what day it is. Seriously. I know. I may know what day of the week it is, but as far as the date, I can forget if I don't have something important going on like a job or school, etc. I do agree though. She is obnoxious.

Totally agree with you! That date means nothing to her in her insular little universe. But i think even if she did know some of its significance,with her limited intellect and empathy, she would think a pic of her and shit-for-brains would cheer people up! Haha
  • Love 10
That date means nothing to her in her insular little universe.


I believe that as well.  Come to think of it, both of my kids are about Jessa's age.  They're 22 & 23.  They remember where they were when the Twin Towers were hit.  It was first thing in the morning when they got to school.  The Duggars were probably asleep. 

  • Love 8
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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