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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Ben tried to post their entire wedding video on Youtube. TLC flagged it for Copyright Violation and the sound is now muted. 





Edited to include link. 

I love how at the 1:05 minute mark, Guinn starts playing the itsy bitsy spider with Pa Seewald.  He was definitely not giving her the attention she needed. 

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I see Jessa's face in her latest selfie, as totally devoid of sass, snark, or fame-attention-look at me-ish. Just an honest Jessa sharing her belly with whoever wants to look. Is she frightened of her and her unborn babe's future?

I would be if i was her. Big brother chester single handedly destroyed the only way she's allowed to make money. Now she's pregnant and stuck with a guy with no real job. All snark aside, this is a rough situation.

She got the rug pulled out from under her, with no real coping mechanisms. Maybe fire and brimstone instagram posts are her only outlet.. I dunno, i can't bring myself to hate any of the other 18 kids, this is just a shitty time all around.

  • Love 5

I would be if i was her. Big brother chester single handedly destroyed the only way she's allowed to make money. Now she's pregnant and stuck with a guy with no real job. All snark aside, this is a rough situation.

She got the rug pulled out from under her, with no real coping mechanisms.

Jessa should get a job. Isn't that right, Josh??

Jessa can also pray really hard to Baby Jeebus too. The Lord will provide, right? If not, Jessa and Bin could go on welfare.

  • Love 5

I see Jessa's face in her latest selfie, as totally devoid of sass, snark, or fame-attention-look at me-ish. Just an honest Jessa sharing her belly with whoever wants to look. Is she frightened of her and her unborn babe's future?

I saw resting bitch face. .funny how everyone sees things differently hey? Lol
  • Love 16

Having that wedding video muted must have been quite a shock. Would Jessa have been required to sign a release type document at age 18? If so, and we get a 'tell-all' made into a movie, there will be that moment when the kids turn 18, and sign away everything. That will be when we shudder and wonder why the girl is going into the dark basement after seeing the kitchen block empty of knives.

And one thing in particular I remember very clearly when I was a senior in college myself [40+ years ago]. Insurance companies were not at all picky about what your major was. That really couldn't be said about any other employer that visited our campus. They had jobs for accounting people, and philosophy graduates. Or at least were willing to talk to graduates in nearly every area.

Hah! We're the same generation and I remember that well. Except you had to move to Hartford, Connecticut (where I guess all the insurance companies were) and I wasn't willing to do that at age 20 from my hometown of Chicago.


Wasn't someone going to attend Jessa's presentation last week? I recall seeing a mention but I thought we'd get a blow-by-blow account.

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I see Jessa's face in her latest selfie, as totally devoid of sass, snark, or fame-attention-look at me-ish. Just an honest Jessa sharing her belly with whoever wants to look. Is she frightened of her and her unborn babe's future?

I think a honest Jessa IS "sassy" (I prefer the term smug), bitchy and a fame-hungry narcistist. I don't find anything deep or vulnerable about Jessa sharing yet another mirror selfie but YMMV. The girl just likes the attention, that's all. 

  • Love 7

I think a honest Jessa IS "sassy" (I prefer the term smug), bitchy and a fame-hungry narcistist.

And that's why I root for her. It's refreshing that she doesn't "keep it sweet". Smugette has a lot of pain and resentment underneath the candy-coated bitch shell.

Oh sweet summer child Ben. I'm laughing as he is now realizing that when you sell moments of your life, like your wedding, you don't own the event and can't even share video of it freely. Perhaps they'll think twice now about what they sell in regards to their child's birth and infancy (but probably not because they the money).

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 4

History degree here, have worked in financial services for the last ten years, and the legal world before that.  It didn't used to matter, before '08.  And it still doesn't if you have industry experience.  Which leads to the interesting question of, what do you list "Being JimBob Duggar's Indenture Servant" as on a real life resume?


Yes, overall I think a person having the tenacity and drive to complete a degree is most important - the subject being studied is not always so critical. My college roommate was an undergrad social work major and at the time we graduated, an MA/MS was necessary for an entry-level position in social work. She couldn't afford to go right to grad school, so she got a job in a bank, which she ended up loving. The bank sent her to school for an MS in finance and she is now the associate bursar at an Ivy League school. Another pertinent fact - lots of people start college but roughly only about 25-30% earn a bachelor's degree. Just one in four, Something I found appalling the first time I heard it, about 30 years ago. This, IMO, is wrong - America should be better than this. I haven't seen statistics in about 5 years so I don't know what the data is now, but it could be even worse, with higher ed being so outrageously expensive.

  • Love 3

Yes, overall I think a person having the tenacity and drive to complete a degree is most important - the subject being studied is not always so critical. My college roommate was an undergrad social work major and at the time we graduated, an MA/MS was necessary for an entry-level position in social work. She couldn't afford to go right to grad school, so she got a job in a bank, which she ended up loving. The bank sent her to school for an MS in finance and she is now the associate bursar at an Ivy League school. Another pertinent fact - lots of people start college but roughly only about 25-30% earn a bachelor's degree. Just one in four, Something I found appalling the first time I heard it, about 30 years ago. This, IMO, is wrong - America should be better than this. I haven't seen statistics in about 5 years so I don't know what the data is now, but it could be even worse, with higher ed being so outrageously expensive.


Binjermin had better get serious. The competition's doing better these days:


"The 2013 6-year graduation rate for first-time, full-time undergraduate students who began their pursuit of a bachelor's degree at a 4-year degree-granting institution in fall 2007 was 59 percent. That is, 59 percent of first-time, full-time students who began seeking a bachelor's degree at a 4-year institution in fall 2007 completed the degree at that institution by 2013. Among first-time, full-time undergraduate students who began seeking a bachelor's degree at a 4-year degree- granting institution in fall 2007, the 6-year graduation rate was 58 percent at public institutions, 65 percent at private nonprofit institutions, and 32 percent at private for-profit institutions."


So, since we know that some people do go back and finish after the six-year window and some people begin part-time and so on, we've now got a 60-plus percent completion rate, for people who start at a four-year school at any rate (which I guess signals your intention to get a bachelor's degree -- if you start at a two-year school, you might be intending an associates' degree as your terminal degree. ... not if it's in poli sci, though!)



Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 3

Didn't notice the pic but loved her shower curtain!

Love it too, but reminds me of a book I read of Middle-Eastern patterns where that particular pattern is supposed to look like a woman's nether part, and the paisley represents sperm. Nice choice for a follower of Gothard.   I don't believe the sperm part, as the pattern is quite old and I don't think the ancients knew what sperm looked like. Maybe a twisted teardrop?

Binjermin had better get serious. The competition's doing better these days:


"The 2013 6-year graduation rate for first-time, full-time undergraduate students who began their pursuit of a bachelor's degree at a 4-year degree-granting institution in fall 2007 was 59 percent. That is, 59 percent of first-time, full-time students who began seeking a bachelor's degree at a 4-year institution in fall 2007 completed the degree at that institution by 2013. Among first-time, full-time undergraduate students who began seeking a bachelor's degree at a 4-year degree- granting institution in fall 2007, the 6-year graduation rate was 58 percent at public institutions, 65 percent at private nonprofit institutions, and 32 percent at private for-profit institutions."


So, since we know that some people do go back and finish after the six-year window and some people begin part-time and so on, we've now got a 60-plus percent completion rate, for people who start at a four-year school at any rate (which I guess signals your intention to get a bachelor's degree -- if you start at a two-year school, you might be intending an associates' degree as your terminal degree. ... not if it's in poli sci, though!)




Good to know the numbers seem to be better. I'm wondering if the stat I heard was - of people who start a 4-year degree, only 25-30% of them finish within that 4-year time frame. Although I do remember asking our VP for enrollment management at that time whether the one-out-of-four number could actually be correct. Not only did he say Yes, but he said it might not be that high at certain schools.

I saw resting bitch face. .funny how everyone sees things differently hey? Lol

A little bit this.  But I mostly see it as the "suck in the cheeks, raise the eyebrows to make my face look skinny" pose that is popular now that duck lips are finally out of style.


I just can't get on board reading anything into that selfie other than "look at me! I'm growing a baby!"

  • Love 4

It upsets me that Jessa's probably going to be like this when she's a brand-new mom. I'm leery of a rage-filled mom who seems very set in her ways. Even if she doesn't take any rage out on her kid, she'll be an odd model and not a particularly healthy one for a child, I think. But maybe she won't be like my old college acquaintance. I would think that lightening up is possible, too, with more maturity. Don't know what would be likely to make her do it, though, given where the Duggar family is at present.

Yeah, that was my mom. If the pattern holds, Baby1 will be the perfect little angel who can do no wrong, and Baby2 will be the devil-spawn. (Guess which one I was...) But she could mix it up, maybe she'll hate Baby1 instead. It's a pretty common pattern for narcissistic mothers -- the angel and the scapegoat. As it happens, the scapegoats tend to grow up to be more confident and independent than the angels, but it's not an easy childhood for anyone.

  • Love 5

She just posted a pic of a Taco place that donates a meal to a kid in Honduras for every meal sold. That's a great idea. For some reason my train of thought went; hey product placement, so they get a free meal. My second thought was to wonder how they (or someone in the family) are  taking advantage of this charity. If this place is legit, and sadly because of who posted I am suspect, then kudos to Jessa for taking the time out of her busy schedule damning people and taking selfies to draw attention to this place.


I noticed that Jessa's top was cute, and not skin tight (In the bathroom selfie). She does have an intake valve for information. This is a good thing. She also has chained herself to someone who may be more rigid in beliefs than she is. This is a bad thing.

  • Love 2

She just posted a pic of a Taco place that donates a meal to a kid in Honduras for every meal sold. That's a great idea. For some reason my train of thought went; hey product placement, so they get a free meal. My second thought was to wonder how they (or someone in the family) are taking advantage of this charity. If this place is legit, and sadly because of who posted I am suspect, then kudos to Jessa for taking the time out of her busy schedule damning people and taking selfies to draw attention to this place.

The Overseas kids will eat better than the Howlers at home.
  • Love 4

Jessa takes a lot of selfies without the wedding rings. 

Not that i personally care but you would think she would be all excited to have some "Ben Bling" and let the entire world know she is married to Binjerminseewald. 


She doesn't look swollen but maybe she is...who knows...just an observation. 

Jessa's crappy engagement ring had one of those knife-edge bands. I can imagine it would dig in and hurt even with minor swelling. I'm not sure if her wedding band was designed to wrap around it or not, but it could be just too uncomfortable for her to wear at this stage.

I stopped wearing my wedding band at 8 weeks pregnant and my engagement ring at 12.  And right now I'm still down 18 pounds (at 19 weeks). But apparently my fingers didn't lose that weight.


I wouldn't judge Jessa at all for not wearing her ring while pregnant.  Although if she plans on being pregnant as much as her mother was, she should probably just have that thing resized.

  • Love 6

I stopped wearing my wedding band at 8 weeks pregnant and my engagement ring at 12. And right now I'm still down 18 pounds (at 19 weeks). But apparently my fingers didn't lose that weight.

I wouldn't judge Jessa at all for not wearing her ring while pregnant. Although if she plans on being pregnant as much as her mother was, she should probably just have that thing resized.

yup during my pregnancies I could not stand anything touching my skin, no rings, nor bras or underwear when I could get away with it. My poor doggies would try to like my face or arms snd I would freak out. Jessa Seewald ....JUST LIKE US!
  • Love 2



I wouldn't judge Jessa at all for not wearing her ring while pregnant.  Although if she plans on being pregnant as much as her mother was, she should probably just have that thing resized.

Oh totally no judgement.

You would think that in a culture that is so hyper focused on marriage that she would have that ring on in pictures! Especially since it was designed so so very special by Ben and was part of an episode.

It's just...it's Jessa...she likes her appearance...

  • Love 2

Oh totally no judgement.

You would think that in a culture that is so hyper focused on marriage that she would have that ring on in pictures! Especially since it was designed so so very special by Ben and was part of an episode.

It's just...it's Jessa...she likes her appearance...

But if she is taking it in a mirror ... wouldn't that be her right hand holding the phone and her left hand under her belly? You can kind of see a watch.

Good to know the numbers seem to be better. I'm wondering if the stat I heard was - of people who start a 4-year degree, only 25-30% of them finish within that 4-year time frame. Although I do remember asking our VP for enrollment management at that time whether the one-out-of-four number could actually be correct. Not only did he say Yes, but he said it might not be that high at certain schools.


Yeah, I think that could have been the four-year time frame. There has been a pretty continual, if gradual, improvement in U.S. education attainment rates over the past several decades, though, I think.


Except in the Duggar family, of course.

  • Love 2

If Ben wants a 4-year degree, I'm sure he could find a religious themed college with married family housing (and financial aid).  I live close to Regent University (founded by Pat Robertson) and although I don't think Ben could handle that particular university, it does have apartments and such for students with families.  

  • Love 1

Yeah, I think that could have been the four-year time frame. There has been a pretty continual, if gradual, improvement in U.S. education attainment rates over the past several decades, though, I think.


Except in the Duggar family, of course.


Heartbreaking to think of the waste that's going on. And not just that the Duggar kids aren't being encouraged to learn and grow and make contributions to society. But all fundie kids everywhere, regardless of their fundie "species." Nothing but a  damn waste. Maybe God, or the Celestial Magistrate, or Nature, intended for one of those kids to be the next Steve Jobs - Albert Einstein - Martin Luther King - Gandhi - Leonard Bernstein - Beverly Sills - Jonas Salk - Billy Graham - Pope Francis - Meryl Streep - Daniel Day Lewis. I could go on and on. Heavy sigh...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 9

If Ben wants a 4-year degree, I'm sure he could find a religious themed college with married family housing (and financial aid).  I live close to Regent University (founded by Pat Robertson) and although I don't think Ben could handle that particular university, it does have apartments and such for students with families.  


And if you think about it, Christian lifestyle consultant for CBN is one of the vanishingly few things Jessa's qualified to do that she can support a family with, so win/win. Doesn't Regent have some version of a boot curriculum? 7,000-Year-Old Rocks for Jocks?

Edited by Julia
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What's with the bathroom pictures? Public restrooms, her bathroom, a hidden closet somewhere.  Just making sure Bin doesn't get in the pic?  Hiding in bathrooms and closets for some privacy? 


Bathrooms have mirrors. You need a mirror for a really good selfie, or so the kids tell me.

  • Love 5

A little bit this. But I mostly see it as the "suck in the cheeks, raise the eyebrows to make my face look skinny" pose that is popular now that duck lips are finally out of style.

I just can't get on board reading anything into that selfie other than "look at me! I'm growing a baby!"

Jill's selfie eyebrows are by far the worst.





  • Love 4

What's with the bathroom pictures? Public restrooms, her bathroom, a hidden closet somewhere.  Just making sure Bin doesn't get in the pic?  Hiding in bathrooms and closets for some privacy? 

Well Jill used to hide and eat in the bathroom, so it must be a Duggar thing. 

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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