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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I know it's only a fetal nickname, but I cannot get onboard with Quinn (or any variation) considering Ben's mom's name is Guinn.

Quinn and Guinn. Gah.

(I actually like the name Roman. If they use it, I will be sad.)

Well Roman was the name of the fictional evil fundamentalist cult leader on Big Love, so there's that.
  • Love 3

I know it's only a fetal nickname, but I cannot get onboard with Quinn (or any variation) considering Ben's mom's name is Guinn. 


Quinn and Guinn. Gah. 


(I actually like the name Roman. If they use it, I will be sad.) 


"Roman" makes me think of the old neighbor in Rosemary's Baby.  

  • Love 5


In another coffee shop! No jobs, baby on the way, let's hang out and drink expensive coffee!!!


There's more to that picture than meets the eye!  That was Jessa and Ben in Birmingham for the Southern Women's Show.  Apparently, no media showed up and no fans took pictures.  She's in the 'nobody-cares-department!'  That's got to be a real blow to her mega ego:


  • Love 9

There's more to that picture than meets the eye!  That was Jessa and Ben in Birmingham for the Southern Women's Show.  Apparently, no media showed up and no fans took pictures.  She's in the 'nobody-cares-department!'  That's got to be a real blow to her mega ego:


Yes, I'm sure ignoring her is worse than protesting her appearance. Wow, that article really went after them both!

  • Love 5

There's more to that picture than meets the eye!  That was Jessa and Ben in Birmingham for the Southern Women's Show.  Apparently, no media showed up and no fans took pictures.  She's in the 'nobody-cares-department!'  That's got to be a real blow to her mega ego:


The hacks at these tabloids are getting worse...in the entire first half of the article, they say the show was in Baltimore, when it was in Birmingham. Nevermind the geography issue, they just inserted a city that began with "B." Sorry for that rant, but I was a newspaper reporter...in Arkansas, no less, and I can't stand to read most of the garbage being churned out. Guess I should consider the source, in this instance.

They will be in my neck of the woods this weekend...I'll pass on any info I glean from the local (and more reputable) news. It's supposed to be s glorious weekend, so I'm wondering if many people will want to hole up in a convention center. We'll see!

  • Love 8

The hacks at these tabloids are getting worse...in the entire first half of the article, they say the show was in Baltimore, when it was in Birmingham. Nevermind the geography issue, they just inserted a city that began with "B." Sorry for that rant, but I was a newspaper reporter...in Arkansas, no less, and I can't stand to read most of the garbage being churned out. Guess I should consider the source, in this instance.



Not to mention that the piece asserts a ton of stuff that really can't be proven and doesn't even bother to make precise arguments to support it -- Does the writer really know that no fans posted photos? It's one thing to say "none of the major fan sites including BLAH and BLAH" have posted photos. But when you make a huge huge statement that you can't possibly prove (after confusing the not-very-similar names of two cities), you don't have much credibility. Ditto for the stuff about how the new decline in popularity (which she doesn't really prove exists) is due to the current controversies. She doesn't make any actual argument for that either, just asserts it..... I don't see what this is except an angry rehash of Josh-related events, so if somebody wants a refresher on those, it's helpful. Besides the timeline, it's just assertion of a couple of overstated conclusions -- that their popularity has now taken a sudden big drop and it's because of the recent controversies such as the Jill stuff --  with little to no corroborating evidence or argument. ....


That's what  we do here. Which is fine. I think individuals are free to speculate as they want. But don't do it and call yourself official media to any degree at all.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 14

That's what  we do here. Which is fine. I think individuals are free to speculate as they want. But don't do it and call yourself official media to any degree at all.

I think we could debate as to whether or not an cheesy online tab is official media, if we wanted to go to another forum and beat the hell out of a dead horse.  


That said, I might actually have to watch L&O: SVU.  They might throw a nasty little Jessa twist in there.  

  • Love 4

I think we could debate as to whether or not an cheesy online tab is official media, if we wanted to go to another forum and beat the hell out of a dead horse.  


That said, I might actually have to watch L&O: SVU.  They might throw a nasty little Jessa twist in there.  

I swear, I am SOOO EXCITED for it. November 4th. I teach all night and am considering subbing out my glasses. LOL. Just kidding. But I am looking forward to it more than Christmas. 

  • Love 3

The hacks at these tabloids are getting worse...in the entire first half of the article, they say the show was in Baltimore, when it was in Birmingham. Nevermind the geography issue, they just inserted a city that began with "B." Sorry for that rant, but I was a newspaper reporter...in Arkansas, no less, and I can't stand to read most of the garbage being churned out. Guess I should consider the source, in this instance.

They will be in my neck of the woods this weekend...I'll pass on any info I glean from the local (and more reputable) news. It's supposed to be s glorious weekend, so I'm wondering if many people will want to hole up in a convention center. We'll see!

My favorite part was when the article went into how the crowds loved the male firefighters at the event...do you think Bin covered Jessa's eyes???

  • Love 4

Wellfleet  Loved the link to the football roster names.  LMAO  

I hear there was a dustup on the View which I don't ever watch, about throwing out resumes of people with ethnic, no other name like it, monikers.  I've done that.  Not if their resume shows they were born in another country, but for those born here.  Called in a few for interviews as well and they were as classless as their names.  


Wow. How proud you must be. Stopping people who may have been perfect for a job from even having a chance at getting it because of their name. 

  • Love 13

Wellfleet  Loved the link to the football roster names.  LMAO  

I hear there was a dustup on the View which I don't ever watch, about throwing out resumes of people with ethnic, no other name like it, monikers.  I've done that.  Not if their resume shows they were born in another country, but for those born here.  Called in a few for interviews as well and they were as classless as their names.

I think it's the parents of these people, rather than the people themselves, that one might object to. If anyone. I really don't think that in America in 2015, individuals should lose out on opportunities because of what their names happen to be.

  • Love 17

Isn't Inquisitr more or less an uncurated HuffPo? It's pretty much a fanblog with pretensions.



Yeah, but it has a lot of pretensions; "covers" everything, not just celeb stuff; and actually does enough pieces that are reported to at least some degree that it's become increasingly prominent among the hordes of 24-7 online "media outlets" that are out there. It's one of the aggregators that tries to present itself as something more than an aggregator in format and so on.

I think we could debate as to whether or not an cheesy online tab is official media, if we wanted to go to another forum and beat the hell out of a dead horse.

That said, I might actually have to watch L&O: SVU. They might throw a nasty little Jessa twist in there.

I actually feel kind of bad its airing on her birthday, but I'm still watching the hell out of it.

  • Love 3
I get stabby everytime I see a relative of this family with Razorback spirit wear. Good enough to wear the spirit gear and cheer the teams and preach on its campus but not good enough to attend. Humph
  • Love 7

This will all be moot in a couple of weeks when Jessa finally drops that baby she has been carrying forever.


I wonder if they will keep the name "secret" to try to drum up interest in the special.

It really does seem like she's been pregnant for five years straight. I wish she'd wear something that wasn't skin tight and looking like it's trying to show every lump, bump, and outline on her body. I know more about the shape of her belly button and boobs than I want. NOT MODEST JESSA.

  • Love 13

I get stabby everytime I see a relative of this family with Razorback spirit wear. Good enough to wear the spirit gear and cheer the teams and preach on its campus but not good enough to attend. Humph


When one of them starts wearing a Phi Beta Kappa key they got from God knows where, then I'll be ticked off. But let's face it, Razorback wear is the closest they'll ever get to being college kids. And they know it, which is really really sad.

  • Love 6

If she delivers a 5 year old does that mean it can be it's own buddy?

And THIS is why Previously TV should have its own line of designer keyboard covers ! Keyboard - meet Pinot Grigio...!!   ;)

READALOT, ON 13 OCT 2015 - 9:59 PM, SAID:

I get stabby everytime I see a relative of this family with Razorback spirit wear. Good enough to wear the spirit gear and cheer the teams and preach on its campus but not good enough to attend. Humph

When one of them starts wearing a Phi Beta Kappa key they got from God knows where, then I'll be ticked off. But let's face it, Razorback wear is the closest they'll ever get to being college kids. And they know it, which is really really sad.

Wellfleet, I'm totally with you on this, with absolutely no disrespect to poster Readalot. He/she has a great point about objecting to wearing university/college gear to support the sports of an institution that they would/could never, ever deign to attend, but still wear it, inexplicably, to follow the football team. Please correct me if I'm wrong, Readalot - your objection is quite valid to me - it's not the wearing of the jersey that bugs you - it's the typical Duggar co-opting of something that they don't actually know anything about, or really participate in or support. Like learning, college, reading, sports, or being part of a group that isn't comprised entirely of Duggars. 


It's like how every plumber, carpenter, electrician, dentist, doctor, etc, etc, must HATE them because the Duggars have watched all of the people in those professions and declared, uncategorically, that they can do it, and not just do it... do it better !!! All in under 1/2 an hour. Experts, my ass !!!


In the end, Ben reminds me of Joey from Friends when he pretended to be a Porsche owner, but had only the jacket, hat, keyring, and fanny-pack, but NO PORSCHE !!! It's the Emperor's New Clothes with Ben here - he's all fan-revved to beat the band to support a football team while clad in Razorbacks togs head-to-toe, while in reality he didn't go there, his wife would never be allowed to go there, and his children will most probably not be permitted to go there because REAL college = freaky people with green hair who are going to Hell.

  • Love 5
It's the Emperor's New Clothes with Ben here - he's all fan-revved to beat the band to support a football team while clad in Razorbacks togs head-to-toe, while in reality he didn't go there, his wife would never be allowed to go there, and his children will most probably not be permitted to go there because REAL college = freaky people with green hair who are going to Hell.


I'm not sure that's the case here. I'm from Arkansas and grew up as a Razorback fan (I still am, although it's hard this year since they're tanking so bad) but I never went to U of A. My parents couldn't afford it. But even as a kid I was a fan; that's how it is there. AR doesn't have any pro sports teams and U of A is the only school that has football and basketball teams in major conferences. So everyone is a fan, even if you went to a Christian college. It's hard to explain Razorback madness unless you live there. So in this case I don't think Ben is co-opting anything--he's a football fan rooting for his favorite team. I still have my Razorback sweatshirt from 20+ years ago, and the only way I'll get rid of it is when it's pried from my cold, dead hands. Even then I might not let it go. 


As far as the religious postings go--being religious is now the Duggar's "brand", and I have to wonder if faith starts to lose it's meaning when its used as identity. If the goal is to proselytize, constantly shouting "I'm a Christian" and "Go Jesus!" dilutes the message. Plus people have to see you acting out your faith, not just posting quotes and wearing t-shirts and writing mini-sermons. 


I know more about the shape of her belly button and boobs than I want. NOT MODEST JESSA.


A thousand times this. I will never understand putting women on blast for wearing pants and bikinis and tank tops, yet it's perfectly fine to wear nearly transparent, skin tight shirts when you're bursting with child. 

  • Love 11

Have you ever noticed that Jessa is the only one of the older sisters who is never a speaker at an ATI conference?  Does anyone remember if she has ever been a speaker at one of those gatherings, like 'Journey to the Heart' or whatever?

I doubt Jessa was ever a speaker. To me she seems only like a 'question & answer' girl. I can't imagine her putting together any coherent or inspirational message to anyone. 


Can you imagine Jessa with a power point presentation of bible quotes? She would shrug at each one and say, "What he said".

  • Love 5

I'm not sure that's the case here. I'm from Arkansas and grew up as a Razorback fan (I still am, although it's hard this year since they're tanking so bad) but I never went to U of A. My parents couldn't afford it. But even as a kid I was a fan; that's how it is there. AR doesn't have any pro sports teams and U of A is the only school that has football and basketball teams in major conferences. So everyone is a fan, even if you went to a Christian college. It's hard to explain Razorback madness unless you live there. So in this case I don't think Ben is co-opting anything--he's a football fan rooting for his favorite team. I still have my Razorback sweatshirt from 20+ years ago, and the only way I'll get rid of it is when it's pried from my cold, dead hands. Even then I might not let it go. 

Agreed! I've lived in Arkansas since I was a child, and Razorbacks love is pretty strong state-wide. (Where I live, it is not uncommon for every single local business that has its own sign to have messages urging the Razorbacks to victory every week during college football season. I know for a fact a lot of these people never attended the school or sent all of their kids to Arkansas Tech or Arkansas State or some other university that was not the U of A. In fact, when I finally went to the U of A for grad school, my relatives were excited that they had a reason to wear Razorbacks stuff beyond just being fans.) I can't stand Ben, but I don't fault him for doing what a lot of other people in the state who have never and will never attend the U of A do. 


One thing that does irritate me about the whole thing is didn't he recently post a blog or Instagram that was being judgmental of people who put sports before religion? Or something like that? I find it hilarious that he is apparently incapable of wearing anything but Razorbacks gear since for him it isn't a matter of school spirit but rather being a fan of their sports teams. 

  • Love 6

I get supporting your state university's football team even if you did not attend the university (go Hawkeyes!), but the Duggars have total contempt for secular institutions of higher education. There's no way they would allow any of their children to attend a heathen university. But rooting for the football team is okay? I still don't get that.

  • Love 10

I doubt that they even notice the disconnect.  Jim Bob has probably supported the Razorbacks from childhood so it's just part of life for him and now the children.  Deep thinking he isn't to see that he's supporting or cheering on something that doesn't fit his religious parameters. 

  • Love 11

Jessa just posted an adorable picture of Michael and Israel.  So I am guessing that Anna and kids are on the compound.


Jessa also posted a picture of Bin holding Meredith, so yeah, I'm guessing that JB has them on lockdown at the compound.


Also, Izzy is almost as big as 4-year-old, Micheal! Yowzers! 



Ben holding Meredith = very cute.


Ben dressing like an outcast from Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch = not cute.


The comments there are HILARIOUS ! One poster suggested Raggud as a name - that's Duggar backwards, y'all ! There was also a suggestion to name the baby Jessben. The poster went on to explain, for some reason, that that's "half Jess's name and half Ben's name".  It's good that she cracked the code for me there - I was really sweating that one...  ;)

  • Love 19


Ben holding Meredith = very cute.

Ben dressing like an outcast from Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch = not cute.

The comments there are HILARIOUS ! One poster suggested Raggud as a name - that's Duggar backwards, y'all ! There was also a suggestion to name the baby Jessben. The poster went on to explain, for some reason, that that's "half Jess's name and half Ben's name". It's good that she cracked the code for me there - I was really sweating that one... ;)

I'd give Bin a break here. When my hubby was holding babies he always turned his cap so the bill wouldn't get in the way when he was snuggling/kissing the baby.
  • Love 1


Ben holding Meredith = very cute.

Ben dressing like an outcast from Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch = not cute.

The comments there are HILARIOUS ! One poster suggested Raggud as a name - that's Duggar backwards, y'all ! There was also a suggestion to name the baby Jessben. The poster went on to explain, for some reason, that that's "half Jess's name and half Ben's name". It's good that she cracked the code for me there - I was really sweating that one... ;)

Benny thoughtfully provided photos of his preachy hat.


  • Love 3

That hat looks like one of those cheap, hastily made baseball caps my cousins and I used to beg our aunts and uncles to buy at the carnival in the 80s. The only difference is that ours had iron-on felt lettering.

It's like a 10 year old's charm bracelet. Like the hat carny asked Ben what his hobbies were and Ben just said, "Um, just put lots of Jesus-y things on it. Needs more dogma."

  • Love 11

There was also a suggestion to name the baby Jessben. The poster went on to explain, for some reason, that that's "half Jess's name and half Ben's name". It's good that she cracked the code for me there - I was really sweating that one... ;)

Wow, I'm impressed you got that all on your own! Now on to Final Jeopardy!

Re: Jessben, I had to giggle, because it sounds a lot like "lesbian," so that's probably not in the running, dear Instagram poster.

Edited by Liz Tudor
  • Love 10
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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