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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)


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7 minutes ago, mojoween said:

I worked in the insurance industry when AIG mucked everything all up and not even then did I ever hear that term.  I do get what it means, just did not know it.

It's because of the things that AIG and others did to muck up everything that the concept was introduced.  It's only been since the financial crisis, 4 or 5 years ago, that SIFI was defined.  I work in the financial services industry now, we're not on the SIFI list, but we are a big place, and do follow many of the guidelines, so I got FJ immediately.

Edited by Moose135
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Fortunately, we don't have neighbors close by, because if we did, when I screeched, "What the hell is wrong with you?!?" at Seth once his wager was revealed, they'd have drawn a whole other conclusion.  But seriously . . . the woman bet $6 grand on a DD to tie it up--he had to know she was willing to go big in FJ.  Maybe he's just feeling over it.  He's seemed a little lackluster the last few days.  I guess he's entitled.  But what about me, Seth?  I even said you looked like Chris Pratt.

Congratulations anyway.  It was a very cool run.

And go away soon, Margie, or whatever your name is.

ETA:  Hope you did great, Teebax!

Edited by Mondrianyone
Just saw Teebax's post
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, mojoween said:

FJ was written all in English in words I did not understand.

I got it because for years I totally misunderstood the phrase, thinking that <xyz bank> was literally too big to fail, and would not fail, not that it was important to our financial system so we could not allow it to fail. So once I had my "aha!" moment, it was seared into my mind.

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I like the new champ. She knew stuff about Scotch, Nichelle Nichols, and wagered like a boss!

I also thought she had a great interview story. I used to hate the interview portion, until my roommate in university got the idea to start rating them.

For the cringe-worthy tulip-Amsterdam mixup, I'm thinking she got caught up in the category name.

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3 hours ago, mojoween said:

I worked in the insurance industry when AIG mucked everything all up and not even then did I ever hear that term.  I do get what it means, just did not know it.

That TBTF phrase was the title of a book about the 2008 financial collapse by Andrew Ross Sorkin


and that book was turned into a HBO movie


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Maybe he really had made enough to pay off his student loans, and knowing that he beat Arthur Chu in number of games was enough for him.  Seeing the lady bet $6000 on a DD he had to know she would go big.  I can't believe he bet that way thinking she wouldn't get FJ.  Especially since he had a pretty good track record of being right on FJ.  It seems like he was just ready to go home. I mean, why $5?  He could have bet zero or $1000 and still won if she hadn't gotten it.  I'm sad.

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I missed seeing this episode, because I am visiting family in Michigan and their local channel played Thursday's episode because a local woman is one of the contestants for that episode. I guess football is preempting Jeopardy tomorrow and they wanted to show this local woman playing. It was strange. Though I am kind of glad not to see Seth lose. It is only a game show, but I hated watching Matt Jackson lose and even Alex Jacobs in his first go around as well. I obviously get way too invested.

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11 hours ago, Fex said:

I like the new champ. She knew stuff about Scotch, Nichelle Nichols, and wagered like a boss!

I was impressed that she knew Nichelle Nichols' name. I knew what the answer was, but I couldn't bring it to mind.

I did terrible this game. I think my brain is rapidly going downhill. I did get FJ. At first I was trying to make an acronym out of the long description -- "systemactic financial blah blah" whatever -- then I dropped that and remembered Too Big To Fail.

I was disappointed that Seth wagered so little. Maybe he made a mistake, but in my scenario he purposely lost because he was wanted to hand the mantle to someone else. He's that kind of guy. :)

Oh, and I liked his story about his parents quizzing him and his sister after trips. Good parents good.

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Oh I am so sad to see Seth go.  He's not a big wagerer for DDs and FJ, but $5????  I think he was done.  I had absolutely no idea about FJ and when Margie showed TGTF I assumed it was a made up answer and she was out.  She was fine, but she will be a one and done.  At least Seth beat AC, but who is above him?  Julia and Ken of course, but who else?

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1 minute ago, PaulaO said:

Oh I am so sad to see Seth go.  He's not a big wagerer for DDs and FJ, but $5????  I think he was done.  I had absolutely no idea about FJ and when Margie showed TGTF I assumed it was a made up answer and she was out.  She was fine, but she will be a one and done.  At least Seth beat AC, but who is above him?  Julia and Ken of course, but who else?

If he had won he would have tied Matt, they are currently showing his games in my area.

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I remembered Seth made a similarly small wager (not $5 exactly) when the final category was African Geography.  And all 3 contestants got that one wrong.  So my theory is that when he faces a category in which he has no confidence, he uses the small wager strategy to bank on the other contestants betting big and getting it wrong.

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6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I was impressed that she knew Nichelle Nichols' name. I knew what the answer was, but I couldn't bring it to mind.

I did terrible this game. I think my brain is rapidly going downhill.

Nichelle Nichols, I absolutely knew who it was and that her first name was a little unusual and then nothing.... crickets.   As soon as they said it I was all, "duh!"  Probably could have told you her name last week.  Probably could tell you her name this week.  But last night?  Nothing.

I had that problem on several questions last night.  Probably my worst performance in a long time.  Not ready to declare myself down and out, yet, but it was a disturbing Jeopardy night for me.  

My mom's 77.  She's 1 year out from her second battle with cancer in 2 years, she's had hip surgery twice in the last 62 days... she's had a rough year.   She totally kicked my ass last night in Jeopardy.  She normally doesn't play out loud, I just assumed that is because she is a much more reserved (read less obnoxious) person than I am.  Turns out it might be that I'm so obnoxious with answer shouting she doesn't get a word in edgewise.   Last night I was very, very, very quiet (knew nothing) and she was on fire.

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If I had been faced with The Economy as an FJ category, I probably wouldn't have bet very big at all.  Middle guy's smart bet would have been zero -- had FJ actually been difficult, he just might have won.  Glad he didn't.  Margie annoyed me from the intro, but I'd rather have her than him.  Of course, I'd really rather have Seth, but we can't always get what we want.  FJ was an instaget for me.

But, by the way, Seth, peat is not a grain!  And he definitely should not have been ruled correct with "Live long and prosper."  Not all Vulcans have the same salutation to go with the salute. 

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Thoughts when I saw FJ: wow I have absolutely no idea....wait Wellesley, that's a women's college! HRC went there! So it's her and Albright! Yes, Albright definitely went there too!

I'm not American, so I was excited to get it right. Condoleeza Rice didn't even cross my mind, and I don't know enough about her to know how good of a guess that would be.

I wasn't really paying too much attention while watching, but I like the new champ. I would have missed any annoying mannerisms, though.

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I knew Booker T. Washington, Franz Kafka, and Xerxes (missed DD). I got FJ, but if I had remembered Condoleeza Rice, I might have mixed myself up.

Sarah may turn out to be one of those polarizing champs. I can't quite put my finger on why, but she's definitely very confident.  I personally enjoyed her, especially her comment about AT never having been in her bathroom. 

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6 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Thoughts when I saw FJ: wow I have absolutely no idea....wait Wellesley, that's a women's college!

That's how it went in my head too.  Unfortunately I did think of Condoleeza Rice; dh came up with Hillary Clinton and I couldn't remember Albright's name.  I was pleased I was able to come up with any name at all.

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26 minutes ago, secnarf said:

Thoughts when I saw FJ: wow I have absolutely no idea....wait Wellesley, that's a women's college! HRC went there! So it's her and Albright! Yes, Albright definitely went there too!

That was my thought process on FJ, too.

I really liked Randi.  I'm glad Margie flamed out and I certainly hope Sarah does, too, tomorrow.  Her waving her hands in the intro was an instant turn off and then yelling, "No, I didn't!" made me want to slap her.

The only TS I remember was Channel Islands.  There were a couple of others but I was busy cooking dinner and didn't write them down.

  • Love 6

I figured Margie would be a one and done. It makes her beating Seth that more painful.

The only TS I got was Booker T. Washington but I did share two missed answers: One small step and Elizabeth Taylor.

I didn't know HRC went to Wellesley; I only associate her with Yale. But I figured she would be part of the answer because they had a Trump reference earlier. Don't know whether game shows have equal time restrictions but that's how I got half of FJ. After that the other half was easy.

Taking my Jeopardy! fandom online, I missed the online test because I didn't log in until 2 minutes before start time! I was only taking it for fun anyway; if I were ever on national TV I'd do a total Cindy Brady (#BatonRouge).

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Yeah, Sarah lost me with her opening salute and never gained on me after that, though she did seem smart.  Was hoping the middle lady would pull it together and win because I found her the most pleasant.

On another note, now that the online test is over as far as becoming a candidate for the show, is there a place to now take it just for fun? I'd ask in the other forum but they're discussing the questions/answers there and I don't want to see them if I can take the test.

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Nichelle Nichols, I absolutely knew who it was and that her first name was a little unusual and then nothing.... crickets.   As soon as they said it I was all, "duh!"  Probably could have told you her name last week.  Probably could tell you her name this week.  But last night?  Nothing.

I used to work with a woman who went to high school with Nichols. Ann said her name is really Grace and she was in *every* production the drama department did and in *every* talent show. Everybody knew her as Grace Nichols and then they see her on TV as "Neeee-shelll."  The way Ann said it, I assumed she was very jealous of Ms. Nichols.  What an asshat. If the girl is talented, why *shouldn't* she be in every production?  Oh, yeah, to give the other students a chance.  Well, y'know, show biz isn't like that & the earlier they learn that, the better off they'll be.  Life is not fair and it doesn't give you a trophy for just showing up.

On another note, I perceived Albright as being much older, so I went with Clinton & Rice.

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1 hour ago, cinsays said:

On another note, now that the online test is over as far as becoming a candidate for the show, is there a place to now take it just for fun? I'd ask in the other forum but they're discussing the questions/answers there and I don't want to see them if I can take the test.

I remember seeing the tests on youtube last year.

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7 hours ago, cinsays said:

On another note, now that the online test is over as far as becoming a candidate for the show, is there a place to now take it just for fun? I'd ask in the other forum but they're discussing the questions/answers there and I don't want to see them if I can take the test.

Two of them are available as (real-time, not fast like the twitter one) videos here. I'm not sure if that person will put up the third, which is available in text form here (show the spoilers on that post, it's only the questions, but the rest of the thread will discuss answers).

8 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I used to work with a woman who went to high school with Nichols. Ann said her name is really Grace and she was in *every* production the drama department did and in *every* talent show. Everybody knew her as Grace Nichols and then they see her on TV as "Neeee-shelll."  The way Ann said it, I assumed she was very jealous of Ms. Nichols.  What an asshat. If the girl is talented, why *shouldn't* she be in every production?  Oh, yeah, to give the other students a chance.  Well, y'know, show biz isn't like that & the earlier they learn that, the better off they'll be.  Life is not fair and it doesn't give you a trophy for just showing up.

On another note, I perceived Albright as being much older, so I went with Clinton & Rice.

That sounds like some trophy generation BS, which I can't stand. I had the same thought process in FJ as you did and, therefore, made the same mistake. I thought Albright was way too old to have only preceded HRC by a decade.

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Just catching up with Thursday's game.  I got The Eagle Has Landed because One Small Step didn't sound right.  Lucky guess, in other words.  I also got Mount Desert Island (helps that I very recently visited Bar Harbor, and am seriously considering a return trip next summer!) and Booker T. Washington.  I initially thought of Elizabeth Taylor for the diamond one, but then paid attention to the whole clue, and Tiffany's got me to Audrey Hepburn.  I whiffed FJ with Clinton and Rice.  I knew Clinton was right, but Albright escaped me.

Sadly, I won't get to see today's game until Sunday.  :(

Edited by Browncoat
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At first I said "Roots" and then realized they wanted the character. I was completely blanking on his first name, but I came up with Kinte as soon as I realized they wanted the character.

I feel bad for Bryn, since it sounds like she did misunderstand the clue - or has very limited knowledge of Roots. She was on the right track, anyways. I liked Nate well enough, also.

Sarah was a bit more annoying today (when I actually sat down and watched) compared to yesterday (when I was just listening as I was packing/cleaning).

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I was disappointed that Sarah was a "one and done." Her initial performance seemed much more promising. I thought of who she reminded me of: Dr. Lilith Sternin-Crane, of Cheers and Frasier fame.

Calvert was a giveaway for Maryland; that's one of those names that always seem to recur. I also knew Tales of the South Pacific (I played Bloody Mary in high school), slag, and the Atlas Mountains.

i got FJ but did not think Kunta Kinte was that well known. If you never saw the original Roots and missed the remake, you wouldn't necessarily have heard of its protagonist.

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Gosh, I ran the Bessemer category. I surprised myself, though the clues weren't that tough. I was going to ask if anyone here watched the old Karl Malden TV series Slag because that's where I learned the word 'slag,' but when I googled I saw that the title was actually Skag. He played a foreman of a steel mill, so maybe I actually did learn the word there.

Besides slag, other TSs I got were Jennifer Saunders and Maryland. I couldn't remember the name of the guy in 'Roger and Me,' so my answer was "Who is Roger Somebody."

I screwed up FJ. I didn't pay attention to the wording and said Roots.

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I couldn't remember the name of the guy in 'Roger and Me,' so my answer was "Who is Roger Somebody."

Same here. I think the only TS I got were Jennifer Saunders and the Civil Rights Act. I was surprised at the latter.

Just like Carpe, I had Kunta Kinte before Ales finished the clue. John Paul Jones? Really surprised the champ was a one and done.

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