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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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Anne very often rode along with Charles as he flew on his travels. He especially expected her to go with him when their children started arriving. He insisted that the kids be left with the nanny or family and they'd fly all over the world. One time she was pregnant and the fuel fumes and loud noise of the plane became too much. When they landed and he hopped out to meet folks who were there to greet them, she sat in the plane and sobbed. Otherwise, she did enjoy the travel and meeting people but thanks to her writing, she found her own identity. Also, she got her gliders pilots license early in their marriage.

Edited by Spunkygal
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I smugly answered Mary Leakey for FJ, just knowing I was correct.  Oops!

I shouted "Mary Leakey!" about midway through the music, so impressed I had quickly accessed a name deep in the recesses of my undergrad memory. Womp womp.

For TS, I got Eureka and Cosi Fan Tutti. On the Miracle Worker DD, like Derek(?) my mind went straight to Faulkner even though I didn't think he was from Alabama or that his novels had been produced as plays also.

Our time with Loren is going to be very special...

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8 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

I missed the last half of the J round.  Did Loren wager a huge amount on a DD or something to get so much money?  He drives me insane with his slow clue selection and slow answers.

I got Palermo, harvester, and The Miracle Worker (I was screaming at Derek hoping he'd give Loren a run for the money).

I smugly answered Mary Leakey for FJ, just knowing I was correct.  Oops!

Loren doubled his $1600 score with the first DD, but I think he made it a runaway just because he buzzed in more often and made fewer errors. I was disappointed that Derek bet $5000 on the last DD and lost it; otherwise the game wouldn't have been a runaway. I agree about Loren's slow picks and hesitations on the answers. Let's hope it was just first day nerves and he'll pick up the pace. He reminded me of that car bumper sticker: "I may be slow but I'm ahead of you." I don't think he'll last very long, though.

I knew the play settings, Palermo, Cosi fan Tutte. and Arrivederci. I also thought of Leakey for FJ, although I couldn't come up with her first name. I got stuck on "Jane", but that was Jane Goodall. I assume "Lindbergh" without a first name would have been OK, since there's only one famous female Lindbergh.

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Boooooooo.......for allowing "Dopamine" to count for "neurotransmitter".  Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, but clearly not what the "answer"(question) was geared towards.  They obviously wanted the general term, not a specific one. 

It would be like if the answer was "NFL" and someone said "Cowboys" and they counted it. 

Missed FJ.  I should have read the biography that came out a few years back.....or longer than a few years by now. 

What I have learned watching this now as I just started back into it vs when I was younger is I am incredibly slow anymore at thinking of the answers.  I know the answer but just can't think of it quickly before they say it on TV.  Frustrating.  The joys of aging. 

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I thought of Earhardt, but knew her husband was in publishing and unlikely to get an explorer award. Lindbergh must have been the only woman of note in that time period I didn't consider and then dismiss (Leakey being one of them). But along the lines of Leakey, I decided maybe Margaret Mead's anthropological work might count as "exploration." Wrong.

4 minutes ago, M. Darcy said:

And that no one knew the Importance of Being Earnest

Mister and I shouted it out at the same time - it's kind of an in joke here.

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25 minutes ago, M. Darcy said:

And that no one knew the Importance of Being Earnest

I said Lady Windermere's Fan, so at least I had the right playwright.

I went with Leakey for FJ since I hadn't known about Anne Lindbergh's explorations.

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

What I have learned watching this now as I just started back into it vs when I was younger is I am incredibly slow anymore at thinking of the answers.  I know the answer but just can't think of it quickly before they say it on TV.  Frustrating.  The joys of aging. 


52 minutes ago, M. Darcy said:

And that no one knew the Importance of Being Earnest

I knew it sounded familiar, but... Oh well. The joys of aging. *sigh*

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9 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Boooooooo.......for allowing "Dopamine" to count for "neurotransmitter".  Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, but clearly not what the "answer"(question) was geared towards.  They obviously wanted the general term, not a specific one. 

It would be like if the answer was "NFL" and someone said "Cowboys" and they counted it.

That whole question bothered me. It was phrased "Agonists are drugs that can mimic the activity of these brain chemicals that send impulses across synapses", implying that agonists are drugs that can mimic neurotransmitter activity. Agonists don't HAVE to mimic neurotransmitter activity. Agonists can mimic the activity of any ligand on any enzyme, not just limited to neurotransmitters. And the guy didn't even say 'dopamine', did he? I thought he said 'dopamines', which isn't something anyone would ever say. There aren't multiple dopamines, it's just dopamine.

The clue/answer in and of itself was false by being too specific, and then they went and allowed an even more narrow answer. It's like the writers just read some fact off of Wikipedia and have no clue what it actually means.

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Thanks to Thomas Middleton acrostics, I know that Anne Morrow Lindbergh wrote a book (unfortunately, all I can remember is that the title had the word "North" in it), so I figured "north", maybe she was exploring the north. And, when the clue contains "Keller", there is no excuse for not getting "the Miracle Worker"!

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Loren sounds like Peewee Herman.  How on earth does he have a podcast?  I fear he will be around for several days if Wednesday's challengers are the best the producers could find.

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Right, it might have been Hill Carnegie!  :)

I missed last night (thank goodness) -- was Loren as slow at picking clues as he was tonight?  They left way too many clues on the board.  I'm not a fan of Peewee Loren, either.  I was so distracted by his jiggling and slow clue-picking that I forgot to write down any TS I got, but I think there were a couple.

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OMG!  What a terrible game.  I didn't even mind that there were clues left.  I couldn't wait for it to end.  Peewee Loren is insufferable.  Now, not only is he slower than molasses in January, but he's bouncing and has a smug smartass look on his face.

There were about 468 TS's of which I got Mattel, drunk as a skunk, decommission, agriculture, Patton (missed DD), vouch, Man of La Mancha, and Irene Cara.

For FJ I would have written, "Who are the Moonies?" since I was clueless.

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I looked up Loren's twitter and it made me like him better, for what that's worth.  He replied to a ton of people with what seemed like good humor, AND gave Cindy a shout-out.

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I have posted on this site only a couple of times and I know rocks will be thrown at me for this one, but I honestly don't mind one bit when contestants start at the bottom or middle of a category, or if they hop all over the board. It isn't against the rules and I assume they are just looking for those daily doubles and trying to win.

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OK, when the FJ category was "Religious Groups," how many of us were yelling, "Moonies!" ?


Okay, so Moonies was wrong (I didn't bet any of my imaginary money), but I was also yelling THE MIRACLE WORKER and IRENE CARA. I take J! personally and yell a lot. My chocolate Lab, Magic, doesn't even blink.

The protag in my mystery series is a Jeopardy! fanatic...and she plays the Kevin Bacon 6 degrees of separation game, too.

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For the agriculture clue, did it say the origin of the word? I thought it said definition, and agriculture is not just cultivation in soil. 

Edited by Pallida
Soul cultivation would be a whole different thing.
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I just watched all of this week's shows in the wee hours--got all three FJs but dozed off during most of the first two shows. I woke up enough for last night's ep, and did pretty well, sweeping the U category, but I did get hung up on Yvonne Elliman instead of Irene Cara, even though I knew it was a wrong answer. I am a big fan of the film Fame, so I could see Cara in my head but could not come up with her name at all.

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OMG!  What a terrible game.  I didn't even mind that there were clues left.  I couldn't wait for it to end.  Peewee Loren is insufferable.  Now, not only is he slower than molasses in January, but he's bouncing and has a smug smartass look on his face.

Hubby and I are NOT going to watch tonight because we HATE Loren so much.  Join us in the boycott until he loses.

I'm a Gen Xer, and a big fan of the song Fame and the TV show, so I got Irene Cara. 

"I will return." "I'll be back"  Are you kidding me?  Why not say, "See you suckers!"   I'm no history buff, but I know "I shall return."

I also am not an expert at probability, and I know that Daily Doubles are hardly ever at the top, but the jumping around drives me absolutely nuts since it really doesn't increase your odds of finding the Daily Double, right?  Not to mention how it can slow the game down leaving clues on the board, as previously mentioned.

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Well, since "I'll be back" gave the mister and  me a good solid laugh (along with impersonations), it didn't bother us as much as amuse us.

Don't hate Loren. Other than noticing an odd affect, I haven't really noticed anything that bothers me. Of course, I'm a little fuzzy due to a cold, so maybe I'd join in if I were a little sharper.

I got Cara - though I struggled with her first name. The mister got Coptic (though Alex's admonishment about Copts vs Coptics didn't make sense to me, everything I've ever seen says Coptic - maybe I missed something due to my general fuzziness).

Edited by Clanstarling
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I don't get the point of hopping around for Daily Doubles at the start of a game. You won't have enough money to make it worth while.

I must have loads of info hidden in my brain. I guess a lot of the answers correctly without knowing how I know. LOL

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I don't hate Loren.  He has sort of an idiot savant air about him.  He looks genuinely happy to be there and I prefer that to looking bored.  I knew there would be a lot of snark about him being so slow, though.  Starting in the middle is something that really bugs me and I didn't notice Loren doing that.  It seemed like it was the other contestants.

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40 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Sometimes the hopping around isn't about the Daily Doubles, it's to keep their opponents on their toes.

And there's a point to keeping the opponents from landing on the DDs themselves. You can do far less damage to yourself typically from getting a DD wrong than letting an opponent get a DD right. Those are nice money earning chances that you should want to control. I still don't love hunting for DDs but I do get why people do them.

I never watch the interviews, but Loren is a basketball podcaster? Why is he so bad at the sports questions then? It's seemed to me that the last couple of nights have had more sports questions than usual (of maybe it just feels that way because it's not an area in which I excel) and Loren hasn't really stood out as strong in those categories. And I do get that knowing basketball isn't a guarantee that you'll be knowledgeable in NASCAR, but if you're that into the sports world that you podcast on the subject, you'd think you've seen enough SportsCenter to have a broad knowledge. He did better with the sports abbreviations last night but I don't think he got any of the devils in his first episode.

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I just want to say hi because I miss you guys since I have not been able to watch Jeopardy! since the end of December.  FOX is still gone in Syracuse.

Sounds like I have missed some interesting things.

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Heh, I shouted out Arthur Miller when the category was revealed.  Because Jeopardy! LOVES Arthur Miller.

Okay, all y'all who were boycotting until Peewee Loren lost can come back now!  The new champ is okay, but she needs to quit with the middle of the category thing. 

Did Loren mean "oublier" or "oubliette" when they all missed "negligee"?  Either way, it was seriously a WTF moment. 

I got the TS of Chris Rock, tourista, Bobby Flay, Chopped and Pellegrino.  Although I do wonder what restaurants one "always" hears about Pellegrino, Alex.

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Yay, Christy!  This was a runaway I was happy about.  Bye, Peewee.  Don't let the door hit ya on your podcasting butt on the way out.

I got negligee, tourista, Chopped and Two Fat Ladies (one of the most entertaining cooking shows ever).

Yeah!  Finally an instaget FJ.

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I'm counting this FJ as an instaget, even though what I actually said was "Willie Loman!" "Death of a Salesman!" "Arthur Miller!"

 But in like under 2 seconds.  I like the new champ too, I think, but I was definitely happy to have a change of regime.

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41 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Heh, I shouted out Arthur Miller when the category was revealed.  Because Jeopardy! LOVES Arthur Miller.

I got the TS of Chris Rock, tourista, Bobby Flay, Chopped and Pellegrino.  Although I do wonder what restaurants one "always" hears about Pellegrino, Alex.

Unless you follow American theater closely, there aren't a lot of American playwrights that are household names. O'Neill, Miller, and Williams are likeliest to turn up. For the tougher clues--William Inge, August Wilson, and David Mamet. Neil Simon for comedy. When can we see some "Women Playwrights"?

I knew the above except for Chris Rock;  I also remembered the Two Fat Ladies, "Excuse my dust," and voyager.

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I am no jumbo brain but to not know Arthur Miller? Wow. 

"Lake Superior!" we both yelled at the same time. I also said "Voyageur" with a roguish French accent. 

Edited by Quickbeam
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13 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

I am no jumbo brain but to not know Arthur Miller? Wow. 

No kidding. The whole clue screamed Death of a Salesman. 

6 hours ago, vibeology said:

And there's a point to keeping the opponents from landing on the DDs themselves. You can do far less damage to yourself typically from getting a DD wrong than letting an opponent get a DD right. Those are nice money earning chances that you should want to control. I still don't love hunting for DDs but I do get why people do them.

I do too. It's a valid strategy as far as I'm concerned. Particularly if the DD is at the $400 or $800 your opponent is likely to know it and bet big. 

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