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S18.E24: Double Eviction 7, 8


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They just jumped in the Flip The House segment, didn't they? I guess they had no choice. There's a lot more that went down with the house flip:


There's a lot more that went down, and Natalie's actually more of the mastermind. Bridgette and Michelle helped, but Natalie had a lot to do with this. They gave her a dumb edit and I don't know why. She started all of this and was the one to convince James to flip, or else he would have evicted Michelle. 

It's nice to see Paul flipping very quickly. 

Michelle's speech was not bad. I'm so glad she called out Paulie and helped Natalie out.

Zakiyah got evicted and not put back into the game. But that shade Julie threw at Zak was glorious. Paulie needs equal shade, if not more. I guess no goodbye messages for Zak. 

Seeing Paulie get out made me scream internally. Corey winning HOH made me pissed. 

I was so sad when Natalie wasn't chosen for veto. Her winning was our only hope. Corey winning veto? Urg. I saw Michelle run off right after Corey decided to not use the veto. I guess it was to change! 

Michelle's second speech was beautiful.

I guess it's good because Paulie's side is down two votes? Although Paul/Vic are still playing on their side. Paulie is so smug, though, and pissed. It's time to shut him up. 

I'm ok with Bridgette going. Out of her and Michelle, I think Michelle provides more entertainment. Michelle was totally blindsided that she SURVIVED being on the block twice in a night. I would have rather it been one of the boys, though. Hmmph. But a waste of a DE, that's for sure. That's not surprising, though.

Also, Bridgette taking the credit and not knowing why she would be evicted? I think one reason pops into my mind and his name rhymes with Drank.

Hopefully Michelle gets super safety, seeing as Natalie can't win it. But that could mean she goes home if Paulie/Nicole win HOH. 

I wonder what happens if the next evicted houseguest has the RT. What happens on the Friday show? 

  • Love 9

How about Bridgette defaulting to the baby voice, wink and smile technique and then Michelle completely rolling over in their POV speeches? All Michelle had to say was "Corey, this is your best chance and may be your only chance to win Big Brother. You just proved that neither one of us can beat you in a physical competition, but Paulie can, take one of us down, put him up and improve your chances to win $500,000!"

If he still chose to keep the nominations the same, then fine, but you had to at least put that out there!

Paulie may be safe, but he looked petrified and is feeling it too. Good!

But, I am glad that Bridgette is gone, even if that means Da'Vonne is stuck in the jury house with her. Sorry, Da'Vonne.

I also doubt that even one teardrop has actually fallen from Michelle's eyes this season.

No words about Zakiyah, I'll leave that to everyone else.

I see that Julie made sure to tell us that we'll get to see all of what went on in the house, but first you have to tune in on Sunday! Please give us back our ratings!

  • Love 6

Wow. It had a good start. . .

Zakiyah. I don't even know what to do with this girl. She reaches out for Paulie during her speech; she says she hopes Paulie will talk to her after the game. 

And Nicole, voting--is everything supposed to go her way? I vote to  evict Meech, even though I know she's gonna stay. (But I have to say, this whine wasn't high pitched )-

And now Corey wins something, so the execs are back. And PP too, I guess, since Paul admonished, "No more boning." Corey asked James, of all people, what to do; the others just seemed to gather around. 

Paulie really is a baby! "I'm not going to say because I don't want to be forceful." (Paraphrase) 

Loved Michelle's speech, even if Julie said it was a bunch of insults.

Looks like Paulie orchestrated a blindside of his own.

Edited by Porterest
  • Love 4

Oh Big Brother, you can be so awesome, but inevitably you follow that by yanking the rug right out. I knew, I KNEW as soon as Corey's answer was different than everyone else, that waste of space would win. 

I honestly didn't pay much attention to the rest of the evening. Apparently Michelle made an ass of herself. Not surprising.

My least favorite people left in the house were highlighted by these two moments - Paulie flexing his pecs, staring at himself in the mirror while Paulie was trying to talk game. Piss poor gameplay, by the way. And Nicole sitting down on the couches one of the times Julie called them in, staring at herself, adjusting that fucking rats nest of a perfectly mussed bun that I now hate more than anything else in the house. I want to chop the damn thing off!

I might be a bit pissy right now.....

  • Love 19

Every bragging word Bridgette says, every forced, perky movement she makes, has me gagging.

Julie might as well quit asking these yoyos if they regret the things they did to get voted out.  They regret nothing.  They would do the very same thing if they had a second chance and get evicted on the very same week.  Because they're morons.

  • Love 15

Wow.  Nicole quickly turned into a petulant snot when she realized she might not coast to the end. Luckily, the man she's affixed herself to won some comps.  How funny that she thinks she has a voice.  Did she not notice the meeting to determine noms excluded her?

So shocked I was sad to see Bridgette go!  Wanted her to have the RT. 

Suddenly, I like Paul. Shocker. 

My new preferred eviction list - Paulie, Nicole, Victor, Corey

  • Love 4

Double Eviction, Double Disappointment.

I only hang on hoping to see Paulie's fall from power (hopefully) continue but I feel that this is the beginning of the end as Corey and the rest of the bros will still wield all the power in the game.

Sidenote: Could you take maybe more than five seconds to put your hair up Nicole? This 'I just got out of a convertable' windswept chaos going on is not attractive. (Edit: Ahhh, didn't see it but word Katesus7!)

Also, nothing good has ever come from that goddamned Clown Shoe veto so my stomach dropped when seeing it. Maybe the guy with the fifty foot long arms will win? *eyeroll*

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 7

After weeks of stupifying boredom s Paulie ruled the house we finally have a contender for best episode of BIG BROTHER this season. Seeing the house turn against Paulie early on was a thing of beauty.

And then dunderhead Corey winning HOH was crushing as it eliminated a chance to throw some Bros up on the block. But all was redeemed with the crazy second eviction. Apparently The Upside Down world of STRANGER THINGS took over the BB house where you have a nominees best friend casting the only vote against her while a cadre of enemies votes to keep her in!

In more subdued news Zakiyah goes quietly into the good night stroking Paulies leg on the way out and hoping for some sort of future beyond the BB House....and all of this possibly without sampling any  carnal bliss with him (unless that was on the live feeds) because on the broadcast shows I didn't even see ONE kiss between them. Even Julie was incredulous she torched her game for a dude.

A word of caution everyone....with every passing week the odds increase that Paulie is the holder of the two way ticket....you can see that coming a mile away if the troops rally and evict him next week.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, NeelyOh said:

Seriously, the guy has been working so hard all season for camera time and AFP. 

Ugh.  Your boy is no AFP.


I'm seriously disengaged this season.  Usually around now is when I start to get obsessed with the show.  But I didn't even finish watching Sunday or Wednesday's episodes.  I had some faint hope for the DE but then Corey happened. 

  • Love 8

It seemed like both Paulie and Michelle knew Zakiyah was leaving. If that's true, I'm not sure Michelle's sniping at him in her pre-eviction speech was a good idea. It's as if she wants to have a target on her back.

Why did Z not get any goodbye messages? Poor girl. She seemed like she was barely holding it together during her exit interview with Julie. Even though I'd like to see Paulie go next, she could use a few days to decompress and think about what a huge mistake she made wrt that douchebag.

Ugh, wonder how hard production tried to find two games that dim bulb puppet boy Corey could win?

Michelle is such a whack job. I really don't understand why she's still in the house.

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Of course the lumbering meat heads go after 2 girls for the double eviction. Don't take advantage of this rare moment to take out a huge threat and competition beast or anything. Seriously, of all the people to win, I didn't want Paulie or Corey, so of course Corey wins with dumb luck. 

What in the world is Nicole's end game? Does she think she's not disposable to the alliance of men who are clearly working together? She's just sorta coasting behind Corey's shadow, yet still managing to piss off some of the girls it seems. 

I was hoping Bridgette had the round ticket for 2 reasons: 1) She's gunning for Paulie and 2) It means Paulie doesn't have it.

I'm glad Michelle kept calling out Paulie... not sure if it's enough to get the goons to open their eyes, but just maybe Paul and James will try for a big move and take a shot at him before he wins the whole thing if they get HOH. Or they'll just take out another girl, because.... cooties? Who knows with these guys. 

I wonder how Zakiyah will feel about Paulie after watching the show? She still held out hope that there might be something once the season's over, despite how much he's played her. 

Please, please, please don't have Paulie win the next HOH. 

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, Meatball said:

Can someone explain why it was a forgone conclusion to keep Michelle over Brigette?

Bridgette was viewed by Paulie And The Douchebros* as posing a much more significant strategic threat than Michelle.  The primary threats Michelle poses are drowning them in a river of tears, or deafening them with her wailing.


* Sounds like a 60s band, don't it?

  • Love 6
21 minutes ago, HeShallBMySquishy said:

For the LOVE OF SWEET ZOMBIE JESUS, Michelle....STOP CRYING!!!!!!!!!

It would be one thing if she were on the point of dehydration from leaking a steady stream of tears.  It's the WAILING that's the problem.

(But her caterwauling is also the very part that makes me laugh and goodness knows the amusing bits of this show are few and far between.)

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, Tiggertoo said:

I'm seriously disengaged this season.  Usually around now is when I start to get obsessed with the show.  But I didn't even finish watching Sunday or Wednesday's episodes.  I had some faint hope for the DE but then Corey happened. 

I've lost interest this year too and have missed the last several episodes. I only watched last night as it was a DE.  As I have not been following the house goings on, I was shocked that Michelle survived 2 evictions. But disgusted, as usual, that the guys have power and keep evicting the girls. 

Edited by buffynut
to correct have been following to have not - which have 2 completely different meanings.
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Paulie flexing his pecs, staring at himself in the mirror while Paulie was trying to talk game.

Noticed that too. He wouldn't even look at Paul while he was talking to him. Too busy looking into the camera doing his "hoochie girl" boob flexes. And speaking of boobs...(no I'm not talking about Victor)...I just realized tonight as Zak was sitting on the block - why were they going on about Natalie's fake boobs when Zak looks as if she is smuggling two balls from the ball pits on her chest????

  • Love 1

Ugh, what a crappy episode. I started out so hopeful. Michelle was blowing up Paulie's game (which means I can forgive about 1/3 of her hysterical sobbing). P was over P (as well he should be, when Paulie makes these totally arrogant faces if Paul deigns to have a strategy different from his). James was going to actually USE his vote-blocking capability ("America, I hope you're ready!" Bitch, I've BEEN ready). And then Zak goes home. Yes. We're off to a good start!


But then no. No. The freaking HOH comp. I was so hopeful when Paulie was the first eliminated. I never thought Corey would win. He's about as bright as a bag of rice. He was the ONLY "more", how was he right???? Ugh.....out of all of Paulie's butt kissers, he's the least likely to think for himself - as evidenced by his begging for approval and direction with his nominations. Then he goes and wins Veto too. Of course, with his 10 feet long arms and legs. 

Boo, I was hoping for a real shakeup. I really hope Paul is still done with PP after this week. #Friendship over. 

I just really cannot stand Paulie and he needs to go down. I wonder what it was that Michelle alluded to regarding Natalie.  Please, please let Paul and James defect from the stupid fucking Executives and work with Nat and Michelle to get rid of that dickbag. I can't stand looking at his smug face for another minute. 

Also, why is Paul always wearing that duck floatie around his waist during ceremonies? Did he earn a punishment I somehow missed? Or is he just trying to be weird?

  • Love 8

I have-not read full comments on this thread so forgive me if this has been mentioned, but did ANYONE out there in TV land hear  that little p.o.s.,James after all his pandering to his "fans" (UGH!) say to Cory before commercial break while all the "bros" were gathered around that wonky eyed idiot Cory that he would go along with anybody Cory would put on the block even if it was....... Then I went to commercial. Could that spineless asshole really have said Natalie's name? I'm so over him and Nicole and Paulie that they are keeping me from watching my summer quilt.  

Edited by kathybgd
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I really like how Paul gets pissed at Michelle when she is wail crying. While Bridgette was going out the door you could hear in the background Paul telling her to suck it up and get it together.  There was so much happening in that 10 seconds, including Bridgette telling Paulie he's a piece of shit, in so many words.

Happy Corey won if only because he can't win again this week and him and Nicole never got the HoH room. 

Edited by AndreaK1041
  • Love 1
13 hours ago, North of Eden said:

quote box misfire sorry


12 hours ago, candall said:

I thought I saw Bridgette win that ball bin thing when I caught a spit second of "Live" as I was starting the DVR recording.  Imagine my chagrin.

Bridgette was reasonably close, she'd found all her clocks. But 6'5" Corey had a major advantage, bounding over the obstacles like they weren't even there.

I assume Michelle was kept for the goat factor. She was as surprised as anyone!

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