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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Even though the airing of an ED ad during a sexually violent show is a bit off-putting, it's better to me than having the ads in heavy rotation during sporting events- explaining baseball to little kids can be a fun bonding experience, explaining the commercials is less so.


I am a college educated, fairly articulate woman but I do not have the capacity to adequately articulate how much I cannot stand the Sprint iPhone commercials with all the ladies screaming at such a high frequency that all of the glass breaks. I neither use Sprint for my mobile service nor want a new iPhone (my personal phone is a one-year-old Samsung and I'm quite pleased with it), and this commercial makes it so much less likely for that to change. It's making me dislike Judy Greer, and that's just not acceptable. 

  • Love 7

I am a college educated, fairly articulate woman but I do not have the capacity to adequately articulate how much I cannot stand the Sprint iPhone commercials with all the ladies screaming at such a high frequency that all of the glass breaks. I neither use Sprint for my mobile service nor want a new iPhone (my personal phone is a one-year-old Samsung and I'm quite pleased with it), and this commercial makes it so much less likely for that to change. It's making me dislike Judy Greer, and that's just not acceptable. 

I am a college educated inarticulate man, and I would summarize my reaction to that commercial as: It sucks donkey balls.


It hits the trifecta of loud, annoying, and stereotypical.  Congratulations, Sprint, you really got your money's worth from that one.

  • Love 6

I'm wondering why she's so close to the toilet in the first place! I don't think I've ever heard of a contact lens flying several feet away and into a toilet before.



You are obviously not familiar with the escape abilities of contact lenses, they can fly, they can hide in plain sight & they laugh at your pain. :-)

  • Love 12


It always sounds to me like she is saying "If VD is stopping you from finishing what you started . . . "  All I can think is I hope you didn't even start until you finished the medicine for your VD.  Let's be safe out there.

That reminds me of a PSA jingle from the '70s. Who remembers this one? "VD is for everybody. Not just for a few. Everyone can catch VD..." and I forget the rest. But the song had an upbeat, Broadway-musical vibe. Weird.

If this ad is targeted at women it explains a lot. She speaks like a nurse at a doctors office doing a ED pre screening. She is blonde, blue eyes, fair skin. In short the prototypical perfect female(western standard). She is what most women aspire to be and man is she appealing to men. That line about finishing what you started. That is a female centric line, usually scathing in delivery, after some bitter disappointment for not the first time. That is one well psychology produce commercial.

Well the content might make sense but the setting and the delivery don't.  I think if a nurse were talking to me like that, it would make me uncomfortable.

Edited by janie jones
  • Love 2

I am a college educated, fairly articulate woman but I do not have the capacity to adequately articulate how much I cannot stand the Sprint iPhone commercials with all the ladies screaming at such a high frequency that all of the glass breaks


The way I articulate how I feel about that commerical is to grab the remote and change stations before the screaming starts. My eardrums feel like the glassware being shattered.  

I don't get how the most annoying  ad on TV  is going to sell phones.

  • Love 3
The way I articulate how I feel about that commerical is to grab the remote and change stations before the screaming starts. My eardrums feel like the glassware being shattered.


I have started hitting mute as soon as I see it start. 

I am a college educated inarticulate man, and I would summarize my reaction to that commercial as: It sucks donkey balls.


My issue is that "it sucks donkey balls" doesn't convey quite how horribly, irritatingly awful I find the commercial. Donkey balls would be a vast improvement over my current opinion. 

  • Love 4

You are obviously not familiar with the escape abilities of contact lenses, they can fly, they can hide in plain sight & they laugh at your pain. :-)

Yeah I still wear hard lenses and they cost a fortune. If one of those boogers goes in the toilet I'm digging it out! And yes, it has happened so now I put my toilet seat down when I put my contacts in or take them out. And now you know way more about me then you need to.

  • Love 6

The E.D. ads don't make much of an impact with me, I just ignore them. And as for children watching, I think it depends on the age of the child & if they are asking, maybe parents should be talking. Many years ago, there was an ad for Herbal Essence with a woman in the shower orgasmically screaming. My nieces, age 7 & 9 came to live with me during that time & I worried about what to say about the ad. One night, while we were watching tv together, the ad came on, I cringed, but asked the girls what they thought was going on. The 9 yr old replied - "she really likes that shampoo". I agreed and stopped worrying about it.

  • Love 4

There's this Chevy Cruz commercial with the Cheers theme playing in the background while this guy talks to the people at the gas station, and then this guy comes in and doesn't buy gas because his dumb car gets such good mileage.  The thing that bugs me because he cuts in line!  The lady (Cindy from Orange is the new Black) is in the middle of ringing the first guy up when the Chevy guy elbows his way in.  Ugh.

  • Love 6

That reminds me of a PSA jingle from the '70s. Who remembers this one? "VD is for everybody. Not just for a few. Everyone can catch VD..." and I forget the rest. But the song had an upbeat, Broadway-musical vibe. Weird.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the 'Up With People' singers!"

Yeah, I remember seeing that ad after someone else posted it from YouTube.


I see that the Progressive soup pain in the asses are back with their stupid can and string phones.  God I hate them.

And they're getting calls from increasingly insane people. I swear this one with a black woman keeps becoming more threatening. First she just tells the guy she's keeping an eye on him, and now she says that after telling him he is forgiven for stealing her recipe!

Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 1

There's this Chevy Cruz commercial with the Cheers theme playing in the background while this guy talks to the people at the gas station, and then this guy comes in and doesn't buy gas because his dumb car gets such good mileage.  The thing that bugs me because he cuts in line!  The lady (Cindy from Orange is the new Black) is in the middle of ringing the first guy up when the Chevy guy elbows his way in.  Ugh.

when did assholes become such a selling point?

  • Love 1

when did assholes become such a selling point?

I don't know when it started, but the first time it jumped out at me was when Carl's Jr. (which I now refer to as Hot Carl's*) started their first "Don't Bother Me, I'm Eating" campaign. Not at all incidentally, that's when I stopped buying from them.


That's right C.J., I haven't bought any of your vaguely food-like substances since the 90s. You told me not to bother you, so I've avoided doing so with my money.



*Don't look it up unless you have a strong stomach.

  • Love 4

There's this Chevy Cruz commercial with the Cheers theme playing in the background while this guy talks to the people at the gas station, and then this guy comes in and doesn't buy gas because his dumb car gets such good mileage.  The thing that bugs me because he cuts in line!  The lady (Cindy from Orange is the new Black) is in the middle of ringing the first guy up when the Chevy guy elbows his way in.  Ugh.


This bothers me because I want to be the first guy.  Everyone knows him, they're all chatting so nicely . . . then the second guy comes in and everything stops.  And that's who I'm supposed to want to be.  It bothers me because apparently I am so out of step with my culture.

  • Love 1

This bothers me because I want to be the first guy.  Everyone knows him, they're all chatting so nicely . . . then the second guy comes in and everything stops.  And that's who I'm supposed to want to be.  It bothers me because apparently I am so out of step with my culture.

That's another thing!  "Get this car and you won't be compelled to form relationships with other people!"

I have never liked John Corbett (especially on Sex and the City) and I get particularly annoyed at his smarmy voice telling me that Walgreen's is at the corner of happy and healthy. Ugh.

I will always remember him as that zen bastard DJ on Northern Exposure.


Girl is sitting at the kitchen table doing her homework and a cell phone rings.


"Mom, your cell phone is ringing!  Mom, your cell phone is ringing!"


Mom: "Hello.  Wait, what?"


Announcer: "Go online to see what happens next."


Fuck that.  Tell me what you want to tell me, don't ask me to go looking for your non-informative crap.

Shit, it's like all that work you had to do to watch Lost all over again!


Holy shit. I can't believe what I just saw. Some women were shopping in a clothing store and the clerk asks to measure them. The measuring tape is in "radiant" "strong"  -- all adjectives - no numbers. Just go away. If you're supposed to feel ok with your body, ... oh ....I don't even know why I'm pissed off.

It annoys me to think that they think women are such fragile creatures that they cannot bear to see numbers on a measuring tape.


Why hasn't the Dart owner killed his neighbor yet?   Seriously, he might be a little intense about his silly little car, but his neighbor is OBSESSED with messing with it.   

I can see this becoming the storyline for one of those "ripped from the headlines!" police procedurals in which the neighbor sneaks into his house to touch his crappy car and is shot to death because the car owner didn't recognise him in the dark.

  • Love 2

Okay you have got me there. During local news casts I am constantly thinking. Kill that close up, I have a large screen HDTV. That woman is clearly over 50 and her makeup is doing her no favors.

But on the other hand, I don't think that a woman who looks like that would be caught DEAD dating a guy for whom ED is an issue.

  • Love 2

Andrew W.K. should be ashamed of himself for letting them use that song.

I watched an entire 14 seconds of this commercial.  Honestly, commercials like this never convince me to buy anything.  I'm not going to be in any of those situations, I'm not living life on the edge, I'm not putting my phone into a fish tank to be cute.  Show me the phone that I can find when I've put it on silent, but somehow left it in my sock drawer.  I want that phone.  I don't need a phone for zooming backwards in a go-cart, show me a phone with a good microphone and speaker so when i'm trying to go hands free people don't sound like the teacher in a Charlie Brown cartoon.

  • Love 4

That Android commercial seems pretty innocuous to me.  It actually wins points with me for the one guy realizing he looks like an idiot dancing by himself in the middle of a crowd.  I also like that they show women wearing hijab.  I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen that in an ad.

  • Love 5

That Android commercial seems pretty innocuous to me. It actually wins points with me for the one guy realizing he looks like an idiot dancing by himself in the middle of a crowd. I also like that they show women wearing hijab. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've seen that in an ad.

Also, the proposal in the commercial is between two men. I'm always happy to see more representation.

  • Love 6

Oh, this kid with the iguana and the printer...I don't dislike all children, real-life ones or TV ones, but that whole ad is failing to pull from me the intended reaction. He just seems so over the top and spoiled, and I'm also thinking, "If you're such a super-organized wunderkind, why do you keep letting your pet 'run'?" And also, "Is it really that easy to tell that the iguana some stranger brings to the door is the one? Maybe this woman took pity on you, or just had one around she wanted to get rid of."  

Edited by Simon Boccanegra
  • Love 2

The new Chanel ad with Gisele Bundchen has such a creepy stalker vibe to it.  If it were sung, like the original, by a woman "You better shape up" wouldn't sound so icky.


But dammit, Tom Brady, how do you get everything good?


Well, thats 3 minutes and 16 seconds of my life I'm not going to get back.  


But seriously, was it really necessary to have the "5" earrings and necklace?

  • Love 2

And while we are at it there's a commercial where a guy is learning several languages as he seems to travel a lot for work.  Japanese, etc.


So he is able to say a few words in the other languages.  He comes home and orders a pecan pie and the nasty little piece of work waitress corrects the way he says "pecan".  Are you kidding me?  Since when does a waitress do that.

And while we are at it there's a commercial where a guy is learning several languages as he seems to travel a lot for work.  Japanese, etc.


So he is able to say a few words in the other languages.  He comes home and orders a pecan pie and the nasty little piece of work waitress corrects the way he says "pecan".  Are you kidding me?  Since when does a waitress do that.


Isn't that a regional pronunciation? My hubby and I instantly checked which way we say "pecan." He said "pecon" and I said "pecan." But yeah, what a bitch that waitress is.

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