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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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4 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

What demographic is the Domino's ad for the app that tells you when the pizza is coming targeting?

I can't say that I'm anything but annoyed by the millennial commercial reboot of Ferris Bueller and I can't imagine that millennials are nostalgic for Ferris Bueller.

I would mind it less than I do, because its clear they put some effort into making it an accurate tribute/homage, but that guy's hair just yanks me right out of the moment.

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2 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I can't imagine that millennials are nostalgic for Ferris Bueller.

I wouldn't have thought so either, but I've learned in the last couple of years that Ferris Bueller seems to have joined that handful of movies that parents keep passing along to their children, so kids of various ages do know it, and it's become a kind of permanent classic.

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 "My daughter [odd pause] is studying to be a dentist"  Nobody cares.  Nor does anyone care about the opinion off some half-educated dentist wannbe about what toothpaste to use.   And the mugging for the camera with their doofus pantomime doesn't make we want to take anything they say seriously.  Especially since her using a table fork for her exam makes me think she's studying dentistry in 1884 where she's also learning to be a barber. 

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I would mind it less than I do, because its clear they put some effort into making it an accurate tribute/homage, but that guy's hair just yanks me right out of the moment.

It's the actor's trademark look.  If they hired him and made him change his hair, his fans would be upset.

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5 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

It's the actor's trademark look.  If they hired him and made him change his hair, his fans would be upset.

Somehow I suspect the number of those fans pales in comparison with the number of Ferris fans. And sooner or later either they're going to be upset or the actor will just be a "hey it's that guy" only remembered for his outdated hair.

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3 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I would mind it less than I do, because its clear they put some effort into making it an accurate tribute/homage, but that guy's hair just yanks me right out of the moment.

Same here; they did such a good job replicating other elements, all of which make me smile (and I merely like the film; I'm not a huge fan), but completely blew it on the main character's hair.  It's all I can see.  (It doesn't help that I find his hairstyle really ugly, but it's the "Um, that's not what Ferris looked like" that bugs me.)

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, ennui said:

I noticed for the first time that she's wearing a star pendant. With the Statue in the background, I guess they're going for subtle patriotism.

Interestingly, I noticed about 8 months ago or so that Mike of MyPillow began wearing a very obvious cross in the MyPillow commercials. 

15 hours ago, potatoradio said:

Not sure if this belongs in the obnoxious brat thread or here, but I saw a Birdseye frozen veg commercial today that irritated the crap out of me. Two cute little cartoon birds are dancing on the counter as the family eats dinner. They're happy because the kids are eating vegetables. Yay. Cute. Then, out of nowhere, someone either throws a fork or it goes airborne by accident and it stabs one of the birds in the foot. As the bird circles around, stunned (granted, it's cartoon pain, so no blood), the kids start giggling. Who are these evil spawn and why would I want to buy vegetables from a company that thinks sociopathic demon children that like to impale perfectly harmless birds are a good marketing idea? Did they collude with the Halos brats? 

You know, cartoon or not, this just makes me insane. The sight of kids throwing rocks at birds in the park gleefully laughing while their parents sit by thinking it's adorable makes me want to throttle someone. I have zero love for pigeons, but living things should not be tortured. 

  • Love 18
15 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

What demographic is the Domino's ad for the app that tells you when the pizza is coming targeting?

I can't say that I'm anything but annoyed by the millennial commercial reboot of Ferris Bueller and I can't imagine that millennials are nostalgic for Ferris Bueller.

OK, I have to admit I have some strong nostalgia for Ferris Bueller but I never minded his hair. in fact, I thought they were making him look like the actor who played him in the TV spin-off.



Speaking of "Hey, it's that guy", I was tickled pink to realize it was Cameron driving the car Ferris was running next to!

23 hours ago, SoSueMe said:

Maybe you're right, like I said it is pretty ambiguous. Maybe the girl/guy is breaking up with a SO and running away with the car :)


After puzzling over this wretched commercial for way more time than could ever be warranted, I concluded that the car is simply saying farewell to "predictability."

Maybe the copywriter could say farewell to bad grammar.

  • Love 4
On 6/20/2017 at 6:34 PM, Rinaldo said:

I wouldn't have thought so either, but I've learned in the last couple of years that Ferris Bueller seems to have joined that handful of movies that parents keep passing along to their children, so kids of various ages do know it, and it's become a kind of permanent classic.

I, too, was puzzled by this ad for all the reasons mentioned. So a while back, I took an informal poll of about a dozen late-teens/early-20's folks--and yeah, they all knew Ferris Bueller and loved the movie. (Learning that the guy is on Stranger Things? Makes sense, in a certain level.)

On 6/20/2017 at 7:39 PM, Maverick said:

 "My daughter [odd pause] is studying to be a dentist"  Nobody cares.  Nor does anyone care about the opinion off some half-educated dentist wannbe about what toothpaste to use.   And the mugging for the camera with their doofus pantomime doesn't make we want to take anything they say seriously.  Especially since her using a table fork for her exam makes me think she's studying dentistry in 1884 where she's also learning to be a barber. 

I recognize the dad from a bunch of other local TV shows, so it's hard to take the ad seriously as a testimonial. I mean, I guess that he could legitimately have a daughter in  dental school, but it seems implausible.

13 hours ago, mmecorday said:

Hey, isn't the woman on the right the one who does those commercials for eyelove?

Yeah, that's her. I also remember her from the movie Leprechaun.

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 4

I'm sorry, is the actor in the Ferris Bueller ad a recognizable person from other stuff? 

The only thing I know him from is Stranger Things.

Ironically he played a real asshole in Stranger Things so I don't know why they're trying to pass him off as some lovable Ferris Bueller clone. (And yes, I know they tried to "redeem" him somewhat at the end of Season 1 but I ain't buyin' it.)

  • Love 3
On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 10:39 PM, Maverick said:

 "My daughter [odd pause] is studying to be a dentist"  Nobody cares.  Nor does anyone care about the opinion off some half-educated dentist wannbe about what toothpaste to use.   And the mugging for the camera with their doofus pantomime doesn't make we want to take anything they say seriously.  Especially since her using a table fork for her exam makes me think she's studying dentistry in 1884 where she's also learning to be a barber. 

I hate this commercial so much.  I don't know why but I get a very icky flirty vibe from those two. 


On ‎6‎/‎20‎/‎2017 at 2:40 PM, peacheslatour said:

Back to the Liberty Mutual dumbasses. "Nobody's perfect". The way she says "perfect" makes me want to cut a bitch.

Yeah, I was thrilled to see one of my all-time favorite Liberty Morons is back in rotation.  At least this time there's no "NEWSFLASH!" 

Edited by Aquarius
  • Love 6

Just as I finished enjoying a wonderful 2nd day of summer vacation with my daughter, and rejoicing in all things beachy, poolrific, sun and fun, I was reminded why I actually hate summer.  Turned on the TV to hear these two ads back to back...

"TOY-OH-TAH DAAAAWWGGG DAYZZZ" and "Its gonna be a Subaru Summer!" 

My remote's mute button will be worn out by 4th of July.

  • Love 4

"My daughter [odd pause] is studying to be a dentist" 

There's an epidemic of odd pauses in that ad campaign - there's another one with a woman who's either a dentist or dental student, can't be bothered to remember which. She has odd gaps like she's out of breath, though there's nothing else about her acting that supports it.

  • Love 1

There's a series of fairy tale themed Toyota commercials blighting the airwaves now. One of them involves a vaguely Margot Robbie-looking model removing her braid and using it to slide down a wire to escape a boring party and meet up with her two boyfriends. Another one involves a woman who puts a gown together with stuff from a hardware store so that she can hit the runway at a fashion show before the stroke of midnight. What's dumb about these two particular ads is that the car being advertised is barely mentioned at all. So the viewer is left wondering, "What was that an ad for? Hair extensions? Ace Hardware?"

GaT, that deodorant commercial stinks to high heaven. I hope Brandon/Brendon eventually has a date without someone not so high strung and sweaty.

  • Love 5
On 6/23/2017 at 3:14 AM, GaT said:

I hate, hate, HATE this commercial

I really need to stop clicking on videos when people write "I hate this commercial." I feel like the raccoon in the Geico commercial that says, "I don't want to try it if it's terrible," but I'm foolish enough to try it! :)

The gal looks like such a stupid ass.

Edited by configdotsys
Fixed a wrong word.
  • Love 15
On 6/22/2017 at 2:49 PM, BusyOctober said:

Just as I finished enjoying a wonderful 2nd day of summer vacation with my daughter, and rejoicing in all things beachy, poolrific, sun and fun, I was reminded why I actually hate summer.  Turned on the TV to hear these two ads back to back...

"TOY-OH-TAH DAAAAWWGGG DAYZZZ" and "Its gonna be a Subaru Summer!" 

My remote's mute button will be worn out by 4th of July.

See, I'd like to see a Subaru ad that didn't use the melancholy background music and nostalgia angle of handing the keys to your old Subaru to your teen. It's one thing to have those as part of your ad mix but those are ALL I'm seeing. 

  • Love 2
On 6/20/2017 at 7:29 PM, ParadoxLost said:

What demographic is the Domino's ad for the app that tells you when the pizza is coming targeting?

I can't say that I'm anything but annoyed by the millennial commercial reboot of Ferris Bueller and I can't imagine that millennials are nostalgic for Ferris Bueller.

I've developed an irrational hate of that commercial and the actor in it. It's seriously not healthy just how much I hate it. 

  • Love 6

There are literally people who think it's cute when their brats hurt animals. We were up at Stanley Park in B.C. and there was an exhibition of Timber Wolves. They were in this crummy cage and these rotten little no-neck monsters were poking them with sticks. The poor wolves had nowhere to hide and the "parents" were laughing their foul, ignorant asses off. It made me sick, we were just high school kids so we didn't say anything. If I saw that today I would be all over that.

A couple of years ago, I was at a zoo where peacocks run loose. I was coming back from the bathroom and saw my friend--who is the nicest person--yelling at some kids! Turns out they'd been chasing and harassing one of the peacocks! 

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Jamoche said:

To the smug Susan Sarandon lookalike in the Geico flat tire ad who keeps shushing her family: Would it hurt you to let them talk? https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wwxK/geico-emergency-roadside-service-the-flat-tire-guitar-solo

Oh I hate that bitch!  Actually, I don't even understand why she does it, and then the kid starts playing on the guitar?  It makes no sense.

Frankly, I think GEICO just has too big of an advertising budget to run too many commercials, and has run out of ideas. 

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On 6/21/2017 at 1:04 PM, mmecorday said:

Hey, isn't the woman on the right the one who does those commercials for eyelove?

And the smug doctors who act as though they have the cure for cancer. They do not.


On 6/22/2017 at 7:41 AM, Haleth said:

Jennifer Aniston?


On 6/22/2017 at 2:10 AM, ivygirl said:

I, too, was puzzled by this ad for all the reasons mentioned. So a while back, I took an informal poll of about a dozen late-teens/early-20's folks--and yeah, they all knew Ferris Bueller and loved the movie. (Learning that the guy is on Stranger Things? Makes sense, in a certain level.)

I recognize the dad from a bunch of other local TV shows, so it's hard to take the ad seriously as a testimonial. I mean, I guess that he could legitimately have a daughter in  dental school, but it seems implausible.

Yeah, that's her. I also remember her from the movie Leprechaun.

I so love toying with the possibility that not everyone knows Jennifer Aniston by name. :) She would be devastated. 

  • Love 8

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