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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Probably something they used to throw out.

They did because they used to push the idea that a diamond had to be colorless to be considered good. Then somebody figured out how to manufacture them better and cheaper than the natural ones, so they started pushing colored diamonds - pink, canary yellow, and now "chocolate" - to get their monopoly back.

  • Love 2

There's an ad running for Ikea, that at first, my thinking was, "What will the Million Moms have to say about this?" because there are two young women working in their kitchen, and they say "Happy Anniversary" to each other. Now, that doesn't bug me. What does bug me, is that one of them opens a drawer just brimming with fast food hot sauce packets. What do these women do, raid their local Taco Bell and steal all of their hot sauce packets?

I feel I should point out that I have a paper bag full of hot sauce packets from Del Taco. Every time I stop at the drive-through there they give me at least 4 times as many of them as I'll need, and I have a compulsive need to save them. One of these days I'll probably just empty them all into a bowl and use it as salsa.
  • Love 4

There is a new GROSS ad campaign from a mousetrap maker that features "dead" mice. Because, apparently, once we've killed the suckers, we need to do things with the carcasses besides trash them and get them far away from our homes.


And yes, I'm aware there are people who use carcasses in art/taxidermy, but I pretty sure that THAT (tiny) audience is mutually excluded from the consumers who actually want to get rid of vermin.

Ahhh, I laughed my arse off at those!


Ask and you shall receive...




The new Geico commercial with Peter Pan makes me want to throw something at my television every time I see it.

Ditto. How annoying.
  • Love 3

There's a new commercial for Geico where I want to climb in the TV and smack the crap out of that kid who plays Peter Pan.  Smart ass little brat.


I know, right?  I want that married couple he mocks to grab him by the foot when he flies by, body slam him to the floor and start kicking him while yelling, "You little smartass punk.  Now we remember why everyone beat the crap out of you in high school!"

  • Love 7

My current least favorite commercial was already mentioned, but not by me. It's the one where you buy a car and apparently name it Brad. If I don't get to the remote before she actually says Brad, I am irritated beyond reason for quite some time. Who names their car Brad and who thinks that's cute?

Then there's the one for Toaster Strudel where the "mom" uses the most affected and irritating possible vocal delivery of her lines. The way she says "gooey, flaky, happy" just like her kid who has frosting plastered all over his face enrages me beyond reason. Is this vocal fry? Because it has turned me off to Toaster pastries which I actually really do like.

Edited by mansonlamps
  • Love 3

I had a friend who would save all the soy & duck sauce packets that came with her order of Chinese food.  Come Hallowe'en, when kids too big to be out trick or treating showed up (and couldn't even be bothered to put on a costume), she handed 'em the orange & black Chinese sauces.  The cute, dressed-up little kids got full-sized Hershey bars.

FULL SIZE? How does that not topple your economy?!?!?
  • Love 3

The ad for some skin clearing medication makes me want to throw things at my TV. It starts out with a man jumping into a pool. And says "Your whatever is showing" Then two women are walking and decide to take a pic of one. She sticks her tongue out like she's so damn cute. And then the last woman who gives a dorky looking confused stranger a weed flower and it's supposed to be cute. No. They're not cute. Their stupid and idiotic childishness is showing. Gah.



Maybe I have different standards than others but, apart from the man jumping in the pool and squirting water at the younger woman poolside, I find nothing that I'd consider potentially offensive or upsetting re what was    depicted .Moreover, the ONLY reason I'd consider the first man jumping in the pool and squirting water at the younger woman to be obnoxious if the younger woman herself been upset or annoyed by the pool man. Since she seemed to laugh at these antics and happily joined him in the pool afterwards, I think that she was amused instead of annoyed.

      However; I DO find the commercial annoying for the sole reason of it being one of the zillions of commercials that pitch the idea that ALL it takes to have a happy, successful life is to bug your doctor to become a licensed Pez dispenser of a 'magic 'pill that will instantly transform your miserable existence - and,of course, be willing to buck the odds of all the bad stuff (which is often worse than what it's supposed to 'cure') happening that the disclaimers mention  to cover themselves but that that they hope you'll ignore.


    As to who names their car? I had an older relative who named her white VW Beetle 'Pearl' and I thought it was apt . Otherwise, I think that's just flaky for no good reason.


    As for  the GEICO Peter Pan? Yes, I think it would have been better had he not been just rubbing everyone's face in his youth (and their mortality) - perhaps having him be more sympathetic re having him recall being dissed for being too short and slight to make the football team but now was  the class's best football player.  At least they didn't have a middle aged woman in a pixie wig and pointed ears play the part. I NEVER thought that was a good plan. Can we hope the GEICO Peter Pan flies directly back to Neverland-   taking Progressive's Flo with him and we never have to see either of them again?

Edited by Blergh
  • Love 3

There's an ad running for Ikea, that at first, my thinking was, "What will the Million Moms have to say about this?" because there are two young women working in their kitchen, and they say "Happy Anniversary" to each other. Now, that doesn't bug me. What does bug me, is that one of them opens a drawer just brimming with fast food hot sauce packets. What do these women do, raid their local Taco Bell and steal all of their hot sauce packets?

According to the IKEA website, "Life is eating takeout at home, and a home that embraces takeout": http://www.togetherweeat.com/takeouts

I find them ("The Takeouts") less annoying than that kid with the herb garden ("The Organics"). They're part of IKEA's "Food Families" campaign.

Edited by editorgrrl
  • Love 4

I feel I should point out that I have a paper bag full of hot sauce packets from Del Taco. Every time I stop at the drive-through there they give me at least 4 times as many of them as I'll need, and I have a compulsive need to save them. One of these days I'll probably just empty them all into a bowl and use it as salsa.

I compulsively save fast food condiments too.  I don't think I've purchased a bottle of ketchup......like ever.  But we always did that in my family so maybe its genetic.


I will say that Del Taco is abnormally generous with their hot sauce, almost the opposite of McDonalds where you have to make it a point to ask for ketchup.  Which I do, because I think its an asshole move on McDonalds part to not even ask if you'd like ketchup when you order fries but to make you ask for it after they had handed you the bag of food.  I have a baggie full of Del Taco hot sauces because you're right, they always give you more than you'll need for your food.

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    As for  the GEICO Peter Pan? Yes, I think it would have been better had he not been just rubbing everyone's face in his youth (and their mortality) - perhaps having him be more sympathetic re having him recall being dissed for being too short and slight to make the football team but now was  the class's best football player.  At least they didn't have a middle aged woman in a pixie wig and pointed ears play the part. I NEVER thought that was a good plan. Can we hope the GEICO Peter Pan flies directly back to Neverland-   taking Progressive's Flo with him and we never have to see either of them again?


I can't stand that Peter Pan commercial.  I know they're trying to be funny, but Peter Pan is just coming off as a little asshole.  I just want someone to slap the snot out of him.  


We have a local car dealership called Priority here in Virginia.  They have a bunch of incentives where if you purchase a vehicle from them, you get free manicures on specific days, free car washes, etc.  They've had annoying commercials for years, but now they have a commercial where a man has surprised his wife with a new vehicle.  She gets upset that she hasn't purchased it at Priority because now she can't get the free manicures, car washes, etc.  Totally ungrateful.

  • Love 3

My current least favorite commercial was already mentioned, but not by me. It's the one where you buy a car and apparently name it Brad. If I don't get to the remote before she actually says Brad, I am irritated beyond reason for quite some time. Who names their car Brad and who thinks that's cute?

Then there's the one for Toaster Strudel where the "mom" uses the most affected and irritating possible vocal delivery of her lines. The way she says "gooey, flaky, happy" just like her kid who has frosting plastered all over his face enrages me beyond reason. Is this vocal fry? Because it has turned me off to Toaster pastries which I actually really do like.

The girl that named her car Brad is annoying, especially her vocal fry on the "Brad". But then she says she LOVED Brad. And then she does her happy dance when she gets her insurance settlement. So much for love.

There's a Geico commercial that leaves me both irritated and dumbfounded. A guy is heating up his lunch in the break room. As the microwave counts down, a rock band sings "The Final Countdown". Why? Because "it's what you do". Huh?

There is a new drug commercial for Alzheimer's.  It shows the patient with her lips closed, never speaking, just kind of duh.  There is another drug commercial for cancer, it shows 2 sisters, and the one that is the patient acts like she is 8 years old, feigning stupidity.  Why do they have to show sick people as having no smarts at all?

The two sisters one is jarring to me. I'm pretty sure that they are actors, but they do look like siblings and the "sick" one does look like she's dying. Whenever I hear that dramatic music start I find somewhere else to look.

  • Love 3

There is another drug commercial for cancer, it shows 2 sisters, and the one that is the patient acts like she is 8 years old, feigning stupidity.  Why do they have to show sick people as having no smarts at all?


On one hand, I have to give them credit for using two actors who look like they actually could be sisters. It's either casting or makeup, but it works for me.


On the other hand, the way the cancer patient sister delivers her lines is odd to me. Both sisters are speaking to an off-camera third person. The caretaker sister is just explaining stuff to the third person but the patient jumps right in every time she stops speaking and comes off as angry and defensive. Bad acting probably, because when I mentally replay her lines in a less strident tone she sounds normal.

  • Love 4

There's a Geico commercial that leaves me both irritated and dumbfounded. A guy is heating up his lunch in the break room. As the microwave counts down, a rock band sings "The Final Countdown". Why? Because "it's what you do". Huh?

Unless that microwave goes up in a spray of rock-band pyrotechnics at the end, it's not the final countdown.


But that is, at least, in character for that band to sing one of their songs - the impostor Peter Pan needs to meet the real Hook. Bet he doesn't even know how to handle a sword.

  • Love 5

On one hand, I have to give them credit for using two actors who look like they actually could be sisters. It's either casting or makeup, but it works for me.

Every time I see that commercial, I'm impressed by how alike those two look. However, let's retire the phrase "I did my homework". I don't know what we should replace it with, but I get tired of the philosophy that one can't make a move without doing their "homework".

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A minor annoyance, but the Sam Adams commercial with the douchebro at the end who says, "I was selling myself short by not even considering this as a possibility"?  I don't think that means what he thinks it means.  I think what he really means is that he was selling the beer short by not giving it a chance.


Like I said, a minor annoyance, but I catch myself saying, "No, you're not!" whenever I see it.

  • Love 5


On the other hand, the way the cancer patient sister delivers her lines is odd to me. Both sisters are speaking to an off-camera third person. The caretaker sister is just explaining stuff to the third person but the patient jumps right in every time she stops speaking and comes off as angry and defensive. Bad acting probably, because when I mentally replay her lines in a less strident tone she sounds normal.


The patient looks really weird at the beginning -- she's staring off into space like she isn't even there.

  • Love 3

I don't understand the commercial I've seen a couple of times today where Jerry Rice is dressed in Cowboys gear watering a star in his lawn. I mean, I don't care how much he got paid. How could he DO that? I cover my eyes just like the guy does with his kid, which is probably why I don't know what the ad is for or why he is doing that. It's not funny if it's supposed to be a joke.

  • Love 5

I feel I should point out that I have a paper bag full of hot sauce packets from Del Taco. Every time I stop at the drive-through there they give me at least 4 times as many of them as I'll need, and I have a compulsive need to save them. One of these days I'll probably just empty them all into a bowl and use it as salsa.

My friend once came across a Craigslist ad for a gallon-size zipper bag full of condiment packets. I think it was being offered free, which somehow made it funnier (and stranger).

  • Love 7

I don't understand the commercial I've seen a couple of times today where Jerry Rice is dressed in Cowboys gear watering a star in his lawn. I mean, I don't care how much he got paid. How could he DO that? I cover my eyes just like the guy does with his kid, which is probably why I don't know what the ad is for or why he is doing that. It's not funny if it's supposed to be a joke.


It's a McDonald's commercial.   McDonalds!!!!!   For some new game they are having to convince people to eat their gross food.    I'm actually less concerned about Jerry Rice suddenly discovering the heartbreak of being a Cowboys fan (and really he's supposed to stick with the 49ers right now?) than he is shilling for McDonald's.   Ain't enough money in the world.

  • Love 4

A minor annoyance, but the Sam Adams commercial with the douchebro at the end who says, "I was selling myself short by not even considering this as a possibility"? I don't think that means what he thinks it means. I think what he really means is that he was selling the beer short by not giving it a chance.

Like I said, a minor annoyance, but I catch myself saying, "No, you're not!" whenever I see it.

Or is he selling himself short by denying himself a new, favorabe experience?

Or is he selling himself short by denying himself a new, favorable experience?


More like he's shortchanging himself by denying himself a new, favorable experience.  It's not the same thing as selling himself short, which means he's deliberately downplaying his own virtues to make someone or something else look better by comparison.

Edited by legaleagle53
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Unless that microwave goes up in a spray of rock-band pyrotechnics at the end, it's not the final countdown.


But that is, at least, in character for that band to sing one of their songs - the impostor Peter Pan needs to meet the real Hook. Bet he doesn't even know how to handle a sword.


I enjoy that they used a recent recording of the song for the ad vs. having Joey Tempest just lip sync to the now-30-year-old original.

Edited by WescottF1
  • Love 1
I feel I should point out that I have a paper bag full of hot sauce packets from Del Taco. Every time I stop at the drive-through there they give me at least 4 times as many of them as I'll need, and I have a compulsive need to save them. One of these days I'll probably just empty them all into a bowl and use it as salsa.


soon to be presented as an ingredient for the dessert round on Chopped!

  • Love 5

My friend once came across a Craigslist ad for a gallon-size zipper bag full of condiment packets. I think it was being offered free, which somehow made it funnier (and stranger).


I always ask the local restaurants not to include plastic utensils and condiment packets with my delivery orders, but nine times out of ten, they do.  So I wind up with a collection of them that I don’t need but don’t want to throw away (wasting usable things makes me twitchy).  If I don’t have anything else for the local food pantry at the time, I post them on Freecycle, and they’re always snapped up.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 4

Ok, there is a commercial for Jublia, the dreaded toe fungus fighter.

In the commercial, a woman dressed in a gown emerges from a limo and the announcer says something like, "EW, toenail fungus".

But the lady in question has shoes that have the toes covered, so how could he tell?

Shouldn't she be wearing sandals or at least open-toed shoes???

  • Love 2

I always ask the local restaurants not to include plastic utensils and condiment packets with my delivery orders, but nine times out of ten, they do.  So I wind up with a collection of them that I don’t need but don’t want to throw away (wasting usable things makes me twitchy).  If I don’t have anything else for the local food pantry at the time, I post them on Freecycle, and they’re always snapped up.

Wow - would never have thought of that.

Ok, there is a commercial for Jublia, the dreaded toe fungus fighter.

In the commercial, a woman dressed in a gown emerges from a limo and the announcer says something like, "EW, toenail fungus".

But the lady in question has shoes that have the toes covered, so how could he tell?

Shouldn't she be wearing sandals or at least open-toed shoes???


That's Mario Lopez.


I thought she had open toed shoes.

I had a friend who would save all the soy & duck sauce packets that came with her order of Chinese food.  Come Hallowe'en, when kids too big to be out trick or treating showed up (and couldn't even be bothered to put on a costume), she handed 'em the orange & black Chinese sauces.  The cute, dressed-up little kids got full-sized Hershey bars.


Today, a friend complained that her kids got 5-month-past-expiration granola bars for Halloween, and one of her friend's kid got a pack of soy sauce and duck sauce - all of the kids were age-appropriate and in costume while out, so apparently, not everyone is as nice as your friend.

Edited by Moose135
  • Love 7

I can't stand that Peter Pan commercial.  I know they're trying to be funny, but Peter Pan is just coming off as a little asshole.  I just want someone to slap the snot out of him. 


I will! 


I can't stand Peter Pan.  The way he acts in the commercial is how I've always thought he acts.

Edited by Aquarius
  • Love 6

OH MY GOD the California Psychics commercials!  Commercial starts out with slow, sad music, a woman painfully talking about her misery, and you are SURE she is talking about a terminal disease, but NO!   She is "Stuck".  She then says ALL is FIXED because of California Psychics.  GAH!!


I just saw that ad, and yeah, the way the woman was talking you'd think she'd just gotten terrible news from her doctor, and then at the end of the ad she's all smiles because she and her stupid boyfriend or whatever have worked out their problems. STOO-PID.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 3

Today, a friend complained that her kids got 5-month-past-expiration granola bars for Halloween, and one of her friend's kid got a pack of soy sauce and duck sauce - all of the kids were age-appropriate and in costume while out, so apparently, not everyone is as nice as your friend.

I always talk shit, but I'm too scared someone will egg my house if I do that.


BUT if you're too old to be out you get one piece of snack sized candy.  If you're cute, and young, dressed up and you have a pumpkin bucket, you get at least 2 full size bars and three handfuls of snack sized bars.  If you're all of the above AND dressed up like a lady bug I'll pretty much empty the bowl.

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My daughter thought of the perfect Halloween costume 1 day too late - the annoying Cottonelle Wench who asks you about your bum.  She keeps randomly dropping into an English accent and asking me that and it never fals to not make me laugh while simultaneously terrifying me. 

She could get her BFF's to go as an Incontinence Expert and the Statue of Liberty carrying a wrecked toy car labelled BRAD.

  • Love 10
As far as I know, SA never had a rep as a bad beer.   So why should you be surprised its good?   It's not like you discovered Pabst Blue Ribbon is actually good beer.


I've heard plenty of 20-somethings sneeringly reject Sam Adams for being another "big, corporate brewery." Honestly, I love microbrews as much as the next girl, but there is no reason to reject Sam Adams outright for being too big.

  • Love 4

I've heard plenty of 20-somethings sneeringly reject Sam Adams for being another "big, corporate brewery." Honestly, I love microbrews as much as the next girl, but there is no reason to reject Sam Adams outright for being too big.

The only thing I really know about Sam Adams is the during The Great Hop Shortage of 2010 or whenever it was,the Sam Adams Co. used their massive buying power to help supply smaller brewers so they could all stay in business.


They just had a WalMart ad on going on about how they are raising the wages of their slaves, because "it's the right thing to do".  Right.  It has nothing to do with the fact that there was a huge public backlash when the fact came out that a large portion of their workers are on food stamps and welfare.  Yeah, the taxpayers in this country should be more than happy to subsidize their crappy wages for their bottom line  Fuck WalMart.

Edited by peacheslatour
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