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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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3 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

I wouldn't be surprised if this was deliberate, a passive-aggressive way to "punish" Jinger and Jeremy for moving so far out from under Jim Bob and Michelle's umbrella. They must feel threatened by Jinger's newfound "independence" and Jeremy's influence over her. Despite all the talk about leaving and cleaving, the Duggars are used to sons-in-law who knuckle under and kowtow to them. The idea that the Vuolos could put off immediately having a baby, possibly by using birth control (gasp!), must be giving them fits. And the Seewalds and Dillards must resent the fact that Jeremy and Jinger can flout Mama and Daddy's authority, live their own lives and do exactly as they please while STILL appearing on Counting On and collecting TLC paychecks. 

You could very well be right, but I think people give JB and J'chelle too much credit.

I think they're both selfish and controlling people, but I don't think they sit down and think (or say) things like: if we give the kids their own money, we won't be able to control them anymore, or Jinger and Jeremy are showing too much independence, let's snub them!

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, cmr2014 said:

You could very well be right, but I think people give JB and J'chelle too much credit.

I think they're both selfish and controlling people, but I don't think they sit down and think (or say) things like: if we give the kids their own money, we won't be able to control them anymore, or Jinger and Jeremy are showing too much independence, let's snub them!

Yeah, I don't think they plan it like that or issue threats to the married kids. It's more likely that are differences of opinions between them that result in frostiness. And any frostiness is more likely directed at Jeremy, since he's the headship and Jinger is supposed to do what he says. 

Both Jinger and Jeremy's posts were very nice but I hope that this fad passes sooner rather than later.

Jinger has no frame of reference for "private" and I think Jeremy is too much of a fame-whore for "private" to mean anything, and I know it's generational as much as Duggar-related, but it would be nice if two people could celebrate something that is completely and totally between those two people without "sharing" with the public.

  • Love 12

See the thing is… minus all the references to god etc in their posts honestly nothing they post is any less cringey/sappy than the crap I see on my FB and insta from the nonreligious heathen friends who are newly married or think that their relationship is the Greatest Thing On Earth. Seriously, I roll my eyes just as hard at my own sister’s Instagram posts about my 10 month old nephew.

It’s cringey, but oddly.... normal.

  • Love 17

I wonder if Jinger is trying to get pregnant and is having problems. And I bet dollars to donuts, Dwerp is looking at Jeremy and Jinger and wishing he had their life right now. No honeymoon baby and away from the Duggar clan. Jinger bugs me at time, okay most of the time, but she does not seem to be a Stage 5 Clinger and is willing to try new things. Jeremy may have a massive ego problem, but he is not totally obnoxious about it like Dwerp is.

I can't imagine being 20-something before I got to wear pants, let alone jeans.  Jin must feel that Jer is really her knight in shining armor, rescuing her from that awful family, even though she probably does love them (well, most of them?)  I think Jer is way too full of himself, but I don't have to like him or live with him.

  • Love 10

Not only is she wearing jeans and sneakers, but she is READING. Jeremy may not be my cup of tea, but these young women have such limited choices. Even more limited after the Volderjoshgates, and she seems happy. On a completely shallow note, we saw Jinger wearing white canvas sneakers, the retro MJ high tops, and it looks like she is wearing a different pair on that picture. I seriously doubt she is still wearing used shoes, so good for her.  Donkey face must be mortified about mocking Jeremy’s “modest salary.” 

  • Love 19
4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I wonder if Jinger is trying to get pregnant and is having problems. And I bet dollars to donuts, Dwerp is looking at Jeremy and Jinger and wishing he had their life right now. No honeymoon baby and away from the Duggar clan. Jinger bugs me at time, okay most of the time, but she does not seem to be a Stage 5 Clinger and is willing to try new things. Jeremy may have a massive ego problem, but he is not totally obnoxious about it like Dwerp is.

I honestly think Jinger doesn't have a say in when she'll get pregnant. Jeremy is the one in control here. Jinger is so inexperienced in the BC department that if she would have married any other fundy guy she would have been pregnant asap without a say in anything, also. Jinger is only 23, enjoying her new freedom, and has no interest in children so she's just living it up while she can. Jeremy will decide when the time is right and how many children they will have and I think Jinger is fine with that because it's what her headship wants. I'm just happy she didn't get stuck with an inexperienced loser Derick or Bin.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, SMama said:

Donkey face must be mortified about mocking Jeremy’s “modest salary.” 

Nevertheless, preaching at that little tiny church is certainly supplying Jer with a "modest salary" at best. Many many pastors of congregations that size have working spouses and additional part-time jobs themselves, just to make it, as far as I've seen. I think there's little doubt that Jingle's TLC salary is paying for her new shoes. 

That's perfectly fine. I'm glad she's got new shoes. But if the TLC gravy train ever comes to a halt, this couple will have to find better and/or more income sources, just like all the rest of them Their decision not to have kids at this juncture is helpful too, of course.

I'm pretty sure that Jer's making sure they look very prosperous as yet another PR move aimed at making him a better candidate for more upscale church jobs.

You're only going to make money and get clout in the Protestant religion by getting involved with its larger and more upscale institutions. And image is not unrelated to getting such jobs, as far as I know. Sometimes brains and an impressive theological education will do it. But Jer doesn't have those. So he needs to use image.

He's strategic, certainly. But I wonder whether marrying into the Duggar clan -- even if it's Jingle and they live away from the TTH -- will help or actually hurt him (and the other churchy adjacents) when it comes to getting work and recognition from anybody closer to the fundie upper crust. Even many of the Gothard people tend to look down on and sort of edge away from the Duggars. They seem to look at them as both tacky bumpkins and sellouts -- a ridiculous non-winning combination. .... So I sort of doubt that any of the pastors Jer wants to hang around (or, in fact, the ones that Jer and Bin hang around) would think much of the Duggar connection either. 

  • Love 9

? You are right, I should have acknowledged Jinger’s income is most likely responsible for her new clothes and shoes. I do snark, but I’m human, and those kids were the draw for the show, not Boob and Mullet. I’m happy that Jinger is able to buy new clothes/shoes and does not have to SHARE them. Hopefully Jeremy knows how to budget since he has been on his own for almost a decade. I grew up SDA and they are a devoted bunch, more so in P.R. But every kid I met while growing up had regular when I grow up I want to be dreams. My much older cousin was a pastor, his children wanted to have regular jobs when they grew up. None of my heavily indoctrinated (like me) Saturday bible classmates never expressed a desire to become a pastor. Same in my catholic school. Never heard any of my classmates declare a desire to become a priest. How can the Duggar kids and kidults only aspire to being in “ministry.” And what the actual fuck does it mean? 

What is Benessa’s ministry? Ben scrubbing toilets and Jessa popping out a kid every eighteen months? Are Derick’s Twitter rants a ministry? Volderjosh’s many transgressions are a ministry? He is like Jesus on the cross, he put himself there to warn all of us heathens about porn, prostitutes, and infidelity? Rock Fort is Joystin”s ministry? I recall a birthday message about Justin, and for a second they got it right. It seems the kid loves to work on cars. What a great opportunity to praise a child’s talent. Until they shat all over it by saying he would become a preacher mechanic. I’m not a violent person, but wanted to punch the parents and break every bone on their smug faces. 

No more caffeine for me, I know better. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, SMama said:

? You are right, I should have acknowledged Jinger’s income is most likely responsible for her new clothes and shoes. I do snark, but I’m human, and those kids were the draw for the show, not Boob and Mullet. I’m happy that Jinger is able to buy new clothes/shoes and does not have to SHARE them. Hopefully Jeremy knows how to budget since he has been on his own for almost a decade. I grew up SDA and they are a devoted bunch, more so in P.R. But every kid I met while growing up had regular when I grow up I want to be dreams. My much older cousin was a pastor, his children wanted to have regular jobs when they grew up. None of my heavily indoctrinated (like me) Saturday bible classmates never expressed a desire to become a pastor. Same in my catholic school. Never heard any of my classmates declare a desire to become a priest. How can the Duggar kids and kidults only aspire to being in “ministry.” And what the actual fuck does it mean? 

What is Benessa’s ministry? Ben scrubbing toilets and Jessa popping out a kid every eighteen months? Are Derick’s Twitter rants a ministry? Volderjosh’s many transgressions are a ministry? He is like Jesus on the cross, he put himself there to warn all of us heathens about porn, prostitutes, and infidelity? Rock Fort is Joystin”s ministry? I recall a birthday message about Justin, and for a second they got it right. It seems the kid loves to work on cars. What a great opportunity to praise a child’s talent. Until they shat all over it by saying he would become a preacher mechanic. I’m not a violent person, but wanted to punch the parents and break every bone on their smug faces. 

No more caffeine for me, I know better. 

Totally agree about being happy that Jingle doesn't have to share clothes. I'm happy for any of them that are out of the house and living in proximity to someone who is not their parents, actually, even including Jill. 

I think JB and M believe that every time somebody notices anything a Duggar does, that noticing -- all by itself -- has the potential to bring the noticer to the correct Jesus. Every damn breath they take is a ministry, in their tiny minds, I fear. That's just how important the Dugg parents think that they, personally, are. 

Especially ironic because, as you say, it's not only insane it's meaningless. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9

I truly believe that if Jeremy wanted to pop out babies every year, Jinger would gush about her babies. If Jeremy wants to wait, Jinger is waiting too. 

I don't think Jinger has much opinion on anything other than "Ok, Jeremy, sounds amazing!"

I guess I'm not seeing how Jinger is so free.  She is free because Jeremy lets her be free. 

I do agree that they love each other and Jeremy seems to be overall a decent guy,  excluding his hatred for certain people etc., (if you can even exclude such a thing, but this IS the Duggars). 


I don't see Jinger any more or less free than the other girls.  Jeremy is just more "modern" but he is just as much as a patriarchal headship as the other guys.  He lets her do more "modern" things but it is still Jeremy who makes the decisions 100%.   She is wearing pants and reading a book but only because Jeremy allowed this. If Jeremy said "no more pants, no more books" Jinger would not be wearing pants or reading any books.  

At least Jinger is actually doing some new things but she is still under the authority of Jeremy and what Jeremy wants her to do.

(BTW, I went to a very controlling IFB church for a while and women were  allowed to read books. What you didn't see was that the husbands had to approve the books. I guess I kinda thought it wasn't real because I was very shocked when a woman asked me if my husband approved a book i was reading on prayer. To the outside, they looked so open and modern.  Uh huh.  Until you have to say  "hey, husband, is this book OK for me to read?". It was 1992 but in 2017, I would've been on Instagram with a pile of books. You just wouldn't know I had to have permission for those books. ) 

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Totally agree about being happy that Jingle doesn't have to share clothes. I'm happy for any of them that are out of the house and living in proximity to someone who is not their parents, actually, even including Jill. 

I think JB and M believe that every time somebody notices anything a Duggar does, that noticing -- all by itself -- has the potential to bring the noticer to the correct Jesus. Every damn breath they take is a ministry, in their tiny minds, I fear. That's just how important the Dugg parents think that they, personally, are. 

Especially ironic because, as you say, it's not only insane it's meaningless. 

I feel more like I did when I was growing up, that wearing obnoxiously themed Christian tee shirts was the wearer's way of justifying their saying they were "evangelizing", without having to donate an actual scrap of effort.  The lazy person's (or introvert's) method, if you will.   

What I suspect is, the actions the Duggars self-aggrandize into "ministry" are what other, more mainstream born-again Christians would, at best interpretation, call "witnessing".  

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

This is what frustrates me when we talk about Jinger and Jeremy.  I feel like a lot of assumptions are made that aren’t backed up by any evidence. I think people assume that because Jinger is a Duggar, her marriage is exactly the same as all the other Duggar marriages. But i’ve never seen any evidence that is the case. We don’t ever see Jinger asking Jeremy for permission to do anything, or Jeremy telling Jinger what she can and can’t do. In fact what we have seen is Jeremy talking about wanting Jinger to become more self-confident, praising Jinger for the things she is good at (like photography), and encouraging her to try new things. I know Jeremy is a poseur and does a lot of things for show, but given how happy Jinger and he seem to be together I really doubt he’s putting up a facade of treating Jinger like an autonomous human being and then telling her behind the scenes that she has to wear skinny jeans or else. 

I think they might have a different kind of marriage because Jeremy is a different kind of guy. He’s not the typical Duggar spouse, an inexperienced homeschooled fundie who’s never seen a girl’s collarbones before and is barely out of his teens. He’s definitely a conservative Christian, and I don’t agree with his political and social views, but I do think those views are more flexible than those of the average Duggar/Duggar spouse, and that Jinger gets more autonomy and freedom than her sisters/sisters in law. 

I don’t know. I just feel like Jinger is slowly feeling her way into adulthood and becoming her own person, and I feel like we are doing her a disservice by saying, with no facts to back it up, that she’s still a personality-free automoton who only reads and wears pants because Jeremy tells her she can. Why not give her the benefit of the doubt and allow for the possibility that she’s actually making her own choices for a change?

I don't think that's what most people think. It's more like, yes, she wants to wear pants and he's fine with it--maybe even encourages it-- so she does. But if the day comes that he decides he wants her in prairie dresses, that's what she'll wear. He doesn't have to order her to do anything because so far nothing she wants to do runs counter to what he's already okay with. And the evidence for that is everything we know about their religious beliefs, coupled with what we know of Jinger--that she likes to follow, that she, by her own admission, isn't opinionated about anything. A choice is only a choice if she would do it in spite of his disapproval.

Same thing with the lack of pregnancy. I think they're both on board with not having babies yet--Jinger wants a break from childrearing, and she's expressed a fear of childbirth--so yeah, she chose well in the husband department on that score. But does anyone really believe that Jinger wouldn't immediately acquiesce if Jeremy said he wanted to start trying for a baby? 

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

This is what frustrates me when we talk about Jinger and Jeremy.  I feel like a lot of assumptions are made that aren’t backed up by any evidence. I think people assume that because Jinger is a Duggar, her marriage is exactly the same as all the other Duggar marriages. But i’ve never seen any evidence that is the case. We don’t ever see Jinger asking Jeremy for permission to do anything, or Jeremy telling Jinger what she can and can’t do. In fact what we have seen is Jeremy talking about wanting Jinger to become more self-confident, praising Jinger for the things she is good at (like photography), and encouraging her to try new things. I know Jeremy is a poseur and does a lot of things for show, but given how happy Jinger and he seem to be together I really doubt he’s putting up a facade of treating Jinger like an autonomous human being and then telling her behind the scenes that she has to wear skinny jeans or else. 

I think they might have a different kind of marriage because Jeremy is a different kind of guy. He’s not the typical Duggar spouse, an inexperienced homeschooled fundie who’s never seen a girl’s collarbones before and is barely out of his teens. He’s definitely a conservative Christian, and I don’t agree with his political and social views, but I do think those views are more flexible than those of the average Duggar/Duggar spouse, and that Jinger gets more autonomy and freedom than her sisters/sisters in law. 

I don’t know. I just feel like Jinger is slowly feeling her way into adulthood and becoming her own person, and I feel like we are doing her a disservice by saying, with no facts to back it up, that she’s still a personality-free automoton who only reads and wears pants because Jeremy tells her she can. Why not give her the benefit of the doubt and allow for the possibility that she’s actually making her own choices for a change?

For all we know, Jinger is naturally the sort of person who actually likes having someone to guide her through decisions. I can relate. I'm a very indecisive and not terribly self-motivated person by nature. It could well be that Jeremy's "headship" role is that of actually pushing her out of her comfort zone, encouraging her to branch out and be more confident in her own talents and abilities. That's not entirely unlike my own marriage dynamic. Having a leader and a follower in a relationship is not necessarily a bad thing if both parties are comfortable in their roles.

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

For all we know, Jinger is naturally the sort of person who actually likes having someone to guide her through decisions. I can relate. I'm a very indecisive and not terribly self-motivated person by nature. It could well be that Jeremy's "headship" role is that of actually pushing her out of her comfort zone, encouraging her to branch out and be more confident in her own talents and abilities. That's not entirely unlike my own marriage dynamic. Having a leader and a follower in a relationship is not necessarily a bad thing if both parties are comfortable in their roles.

Exactly!  We have no proof that Jeremy has been unkind to Jinger or that he has her squished under his thumb.  Yeah, he’s full of himself, and he’s a total poseur, but as long as Jinger is reaping the benefits of being exposed to a whole new world, then it’s all to the good.  Despite what we might think goes on at their house, Jinger has a million times more freedom with Jeremy than she could ever dream of as a single slave under the roof of the TTH.

I agree with Jynnan about the leader/follower dynamics and one partner being more decisive than another. Let’s face it, the whole idea of making a decision, any decision is probably difficult for a Duggar as they’ve never been empowered much in that regard.  Fear keeps them paralyzed in that area, I’d imagine.

  • Love 24
On 11/5/2017 at 5:55 AM, Churchhoney said:

Well, they are in the Uriah Heep sense.  ;  ) 



Man, these deep-fried Twinkies are meek! 

This is the meekest big fat book about Calvinism that I've ever photographed and not read! 

Side bar here:  I mentioned these things to Mr. Natalie after the Dickweed post showed up.  His response?  YUM!  Can't take the 10 year old out of the 49 year old.

  • Love 9
16 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Side bar here:  I mentioned these things to Mr. Natalie after the Dickweed post showed up.  His response?  YUM!  Can't take the 10 year old out of the 49 year old.

My nephews brought a box of Twinkies to our bonfire last summer.  Toasting them on a stick like a marshmallow was actually pretty good! I could only eat half because it got cold and, well, Twinkie.  

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

There is not enough money in the universe to pay me to see these two.

Actually, there is enough money in the universe to pay me to see them. I've seen much worse people for no money, so if I were getting paid, why not these two?  ... So, you know, if somebody's like to offer a few million for a person to go and take notes, I'd volunteer. 

6 minutes ago, mynextmistake said:

Oh, Jinger. A cheetah-print maxi skirt and gold blazer? Together? You’ve been doing so well! 

Well, she's sheltered. I expect she thinks that's very sophisticated. And it might have been. In 1957. 

  • Love 13
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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