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S03.E13: Reunion

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18 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Shep was the first one she slept with.

Really? Should've remembered that since Shep seems to have been with every woman in the area under 35. Thanks for the clarification.

15 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Kathryn probably would have slept with Craig too if he hadn't been so busy studying for the Bar.  Oh.  Wait!

His was the head I saw dip down the lowest...

  • Love 1

Okay, so Kuckoo Kathryn was proudly riding the Hot Mess Express tonight, guns ablazing and self-centeredness on full display. I was so genuinely embarrassed for her and her family.

Hey, I don't like the subtle slut-shaming she gets from some folks either---although did anyone else notice how Kathryn totally(and wrongfully) turned the slut-shaming around and told Landon she "fucks everyone"? Hypocrite much?!

And she's not even in the same league as Patricia, sorry, but that's an insulting comparison; as Whitney attempted to explain, his mother at Kathryn's age was educated, refined, poised, stylish, and involved in upper echelon activities/pursuits that are so much more above Kathryn's current station in every way, especially in the ways of catching a wealthy husband without popping out baby mealtickets first. He was at least stating this very diplomatically until Kathryn went all Monk's Corner on him.

Good lord, on this Reunion she acted like totally cracked out white trash, quite frankly.(tm Aviva)

((and thus I so wanted Ramona to come out and shriek, "Calm downnnn, take a Zanax!!!"))

Seriously, what is *wrong* with this chick? I'm starting to wonder if she is indeed mentally ill/bipolar?? She had the chance to class it up, clean it up, and stay rational by calmly explaining just how wrongful she felt her accusers and the supposedly "cheated" drug-tests really were against her, and damned if her insane temper fucked her chances up again. The "Miss Kitty's Old Time Photos" costume wasn't exactly helping her cause either, especially when Cameron & Landon looked so much more chic and elegant in comparison.

And her constant name-calling was so tacky and immature---notice even though Landon kept poking at her, it was in response to Kathryn coming at her first, and never once did anyone else call Kathryn or their other fellow cast members names. That's the true sign of a classless moron a'la Brandi Glanville, Tamra Judge,Teresa Guidice, etc: when you're too stupid to use your words to fight fair and debate like an adult, so you resort to childish name-calling for shock value. 

She's also quite possibly one of the most self-absorbed cast members I've ever watched on any reality show---did she even attempt to act interested or remotely engage with the rest of the cast members during their own personal reunion moments? Has anyone even seen her discuss any subject or situation that doesn't somehow involve or revolve around her own self??

I'm mostly just so sick of her psycho tantrums and her severe victim complex. Also, her raspy rants scratching over Landon's dolphin squeaks is getting really old at this point.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 16

Kathryn looks like she pulled the Renaissance Maiden costume off the Party City after-Halloween clearance rack.

Whitney calls Andy "Andrew." But not nearly as much shade as Andy repeatedly calling T-Rav "Senator Ravenel." Hey, that's an idea for T-Rav and Kathryn's third baby--just name him or her "Senator" no worse than "St." or "Saint." 

Oh, snap! The total eclipse of shade from the cameraman who pans to Kathyrn's ringless finger as #NewCraig says, "In the South, you're nothing if you don't have an engagement ring when you graduate college." (Oh, I'm watching a recording, and Kathryn actually holds up and looks at her ringless finger first because of course everything is about her.)

Ooh, the reality of the reality is that Craig didn't graduate law school! I guess that's not the big unveiling that Kathryn was talking about. But that was a juicy reveal as to why he hasn't taken the bar. But what's stopping him from writing his damn thesis? 

The veil has been unveiled! T-Rav took Landon on HER Valentine's Day trip!! (I love Whitney ecstatically giggling over it!) 

Or if the reality of the reality is that she is saying Thomas cheated the drug test somehow, but isn't she unveiling her own drug use here? This is all very confusing. But she has been insufferable with the nonstop eyerolls and sniping comments to everyone about everything. No wonder why none of them want to be around her. She definitely didn't do herself any favors, no #NewKathryn for sure.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Southernbelle55 said:

Wow. I hope Kathryn's parents are watching this and take her home and to a good doctor. She was painful to watch. I agree that she might have a condition and is self-medicating. By the way, if she's so poor, she should put her collection of Louis Vuitton bags on eBay.

That collection won't garner her much cash - she admitted on TV that the one she was carrying when she met Cooper was "faux" real.  

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

Kathryn looks like she pulled the Renaissance Maiden costume off the Party City after-Halloween clearance rack.

Whitney calls Andy "Andrew." But not nearly as much shade as Andy repeatedly calling T-Rav "Senator Ravenel." Hey, that's an idea for T-Rav and Kathryn's third baby--just name him or her "Senator" no worse than "St." or "Saint." 

Oh, snap! The total eclipse of shade from the cameraman who pans to Kathyrn's ringless finger as #NewCraig says, "In the South, you're nothing if you don't have an engagement ring when you graduate college." (Oh, I'm watching a recording, and Kathryn actually holds up and looks at her ringless finger first because of course everything is about her.)

Ooh, the reality of the reality is that Craig didn't graduate law school! I guess that's not the big unveiling that Kathryn was talking about. But that was a juicy reveal as to why he hasn't taken the bar. But what's stopping him from writing his damn thesis? 

The veil has been unveiled! T-Rav took Landon on HER Valentine's Day trip!! (I love Whitney ecstatically giggling over it!) 

Or if the reality of the reality is that she is saying Thomas cheated the drug test somehow, but isn't she unveiling her own drug use here? This is all very confusing. But she has been insufferable with the nonstop eyerolls and sniping comments to everyone about everything. No wonder why none of them want to be around her. She definitely didn't do herself any favors, no #NewKathryn for sure.

Ummm....posting Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat photos?  

  • Love 7

Oh, and OF COURSE Kathryn had to pull the oldest trick out of the overdramatic reality cast member handbook: stomp off stage in a huff, because you're just "so done." Or so "over this." Lord, my eyes about rolled out of my head. Get over yourself, hon.

And I honestly don't think Landon slept with T-Rav. Just a hunch. He probably was fighting with Kathryn already, and used their formerly romantic getaway as a friendzone only Landon trip just to get back at Kathryn...because he's childish enough to do silly shit like that.

  • Love 9

Yeah, Craig is going to buckle down and finish that thesis when? If he hasn't done it yet, and they start filming season 4 in the fall, then when? Surely not this July and August, he's too busy instagramming all over the world. I wish Naomi would have been on the show. I would have loved to have seen her face if Andy pointed out to her that Craig's a phony.

Kathryn is so "off" in some major way; probably misdiagnosed as needing anti-depressants when she's probably bi-polar or visa versa. Whatever she's on it ain't working for her. Good thing there are lots of nannies with those babies, but she needs some help, and maybe needs to get off tv. Thomas looked drunk again.

  • Love 5

Double standard.  Let's talk and giggle about rating the women Shep has slept with.  I'm looking especially at you Landon and Cam.  Oh, but Kathryn is a whore. 

Whit was soooo uncomfortable about his 'relationship' with Kathryn.  So Cam, what do 'you' call it?  No one said that Whit was 'in love' but I have no doubt that he cared about Kathryn.  So Pat claims she never met Kathryn and didn't have breakfast with her.  Yet, Whit says she walked into the kitchen when Kathryn was there.  Slip up.  Someone (s) is lying and I think it's Whit and Pat.

Kathryn took too much Xanax.  Yep.  She made a bunch of mistakes but I do get her frustration with being deemed the 'bad' one.  The ironic part is that she 'is' the show.  Without her, the show would be darn boring. 

TRav came off ridiculously immature.  Yep, your antics on this show are probably more embarrassing than your stint in jail.  You look worse than Kathryn.  And given your age and experiences, you're much more screwed up.  You been playing Kathryn for a long time.  She is in love with you.  So, you say things in the moment.  Give me a break.  Your 'moments' have tremendous meaning to somebody else.  Shame on you.  Out of all of them, you are the worst.

Shut up Landon.  I just can't take you seriously.  You sound like a preteen.  You're in your thirties.  Act like it...especially when talking about your pseudo career.

Poor Craig.  He got read.  Get the freaking thesis done.  Reality careers have a shelf life of only so long.

Cameron, you are a mean girl.  You tried to get out of saying tawdry but it didn't work.  And it was just about coffee.  You're not cute anymore.  You signed on to the Whit and Pat team.  Not a good move.  Also, you may not want a baby but your husband does.  I have a feeling that Cam wasn't as honest as she should have been before she got married or Jason just thought she would change her mind.  In any case, I see problems down the road.

Shep 'is' who he is.  He makes no apologies.  He owns it.  That's his choice and he's probably the most honest one in this group.  I don't like that side of him but I appreciate the honesty.

  • Love 22

Katherine is used to getting supporters on social media, and people praising her as the star of the show that she started to believe her own press. The reunion and the rest of the cast giving it back to her, the way she gleefully does in her talking heads must have been unnerving for her.

People talk about Katherine being "slut-shamed", compared to the male members of the cast, but that is not the point of contention in this case, it is more that she pointedly and knowingly slept with a group of friends, and even admitted on camera to doing it intentionally.

Every time Katherine misbehaves, people are so quick to excuse her actions as being that of a young person - but she is 24. She might be younger than the rest of the cast, but in the real world, at her age, no one would be excusing her tantrums and outbursts. Katherine appears to be angry - angry that her dreams of being the next Mrs. Ravenal, Lady of the Manor, is not working out. Angry that Landon ruined whatever 'Hail Mary' attempt she was hoping to pull. Hopefully, she and the people who care for her, will take from this season that perhaps it's time she gets some help for her issues.

Edited by edra
  • Love 16

 Let's talk and giggle about rating the women Shep has slept with.  I'm looking especially at you Landon and Cam.  Oh, but Kathryn is a whore.

When did Cam call Kathryn a whore? Also, Kathryn also said shit about Landon sleeping with everyone. Cam called the situation with Thomas and Kathryn tawdry and it is. It's more than just the two kids it's how tey treat each other on social media and behave in public.

  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, edra said:

@Sonoma - Katherine is used to getting supporters on social media, and people praising her as the star of the show that she started to believe her own press. The reunion and the rest of the cast giving it back to her, the way she gleefully does in her talking heads must have been unnerving for her.

People talk about Katherine being "slut-shamed", compared to the male members of the cast, but that is not the point of contention in this case, it is more that she pointedly and knowingly slept with a group of friends, and even admitted on camera to doing it intentionally.

Every time Katherine misbehaves, people are so quick to excuse her actions as being that of a young person - but she is 24. She might be younger than the rest of the cast, but in the real world, at her age, no one would be excusing her tantrums and outbursts. Katherine appears to be angry - angry that her dreams of being the next Mrs. Ravenal, Lady of the Manor, is not working out. Angry that Landon ruined whatever hail Mary attempt she was hoping to pull. Hopefully, she and the people who care for her, will take from this season that perhaps it's time she gets some help for her issues.

What's the difference between Kathryn hooking up with some of the male members of the cast and some of the male members hooking up with her?  They 'knowingly' hooked up with her.  That was their 'intention'.  Why is what they did any different?

I think Kathryn is angry because TRav led her on.  We've seen it.  He just says things without realizing that what he says has an effect on the person who he is saying it to.   He's the one who is at fault here.  Don't give the excuse that you're caught up in the moment.  The moment counts. 

  • Love 18
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

The last place on earth that Kathryn wanted to be was on that couch.  She looked and acted like a petulant child, forced to sit still and keep quiet during a church sermon.

It would not surprise me to learn that she was not drug free during the reunion. 

Most of her comments were nonsensical, and immature.  All her "shut ups" and "mind your business" were childish and rude.

I'm not going to go so far as to say she was high, but she is essentially a child and she has a temper.  She could be the type that when they see red, things don't come out right, which can change with maturity.  The others are older, have lived longer, received more education, etc., so while I don't think she's stupid, she's young and immature.  I don't think she had to sit there and take it, I just wish she would've come off more articulate because (while I'm not going to stop watching the show) I can't stand the double standard shown to this girl and I kind of want to root for her if for nothing else to hear her tell Landon to shut up again.  Some of the arguments are silly, but I can't help but laugh when she calls her a dolphin or tells her to shut up...

I'm surprised that they didn't immediately start with Landon's friend's confession about TRav and Landon sleeping together.  I hope it does come up.  Based on the relationship fuckery between Kathryn and Thomas with the on again off again, I can see Kathryn getting pissed about TRav taking Landon to London even if nothing happened, which I think it did.

  • Love 8

I snorted with laughter over Kathryn calling Thomas an alcoholic and drug addict and then not wanting to address her drug test results, which we know she failed.  And don't roll your eyes and act all disgusted by Thomas - - and claim that Shep was the only person (on the couch) you hooked up with a brain - -  when you've procreated with him twice.   And while her dress was . . . different . . . at least her hair and makeup looked decent.  She was still higher than a Lohan at a drug bust. 

Both Cameran and Landon looked good.  I loved the color of Cameran's dress.  Why was Miss Kitty rolling her eyes or making a face when Cameran was explaining how she had her own bank account and credit card?  

So maybe if #NewCraig had been working on his thesis instead of digging for dirt on the Prince of Darkness, he could take the bar?  So his "storyline" that he was going to quit "working" for J.D. was b.s.?  And he didn't actually graduate from law school because he didn't write a paper?  What a dumbass.  Maybe he and Kathryn do belong together.  Stupid is as stupid does.

The first 30 min of this reunion was fairly boring.  It finally started getting juicy after the halfway point.   Look forward to part 2.  What was Jennifer blubbering about?  

  • Love 13

At some point in Kathryn's life she was told it was okay to throw temper tantrums.  Shep was right when he said Kathryn was scary when she went after Whitney of Jekyll Island.  She wanted someone who would make her life easy and wealthy and it is now apparent she and Thomas are not compatible.  She speaks of what Thomas provided her (rent) I am thinking she pulls down a pretty hefty chunk of change from the show.  The last thing she needs to be doing is alienating every last person on the show.  It has to feel good to get a big fat six figure check every year--so why blow it over trying to be right over petty stuff.

The other shoot your self in the foot move Kathryn did tonight is she claimed Landon slept with everyone. . . uh bad move when you have slept with three of the four men and had a questionable overnighter with the fourth man.  The second was calling Thomas an alcoholic and drug addict  . . .another bad move when you just failed a drug test.  I think everyone on that couch would have a peaceful coexistence with her if she would behave like a caring mom, let Thomas have his visitation and she could have her reality TV career.  Kathryn is all about scorched earth in her relationships and expects Thomas to stand by her.  It will never work.  See the last episode and Thomas' dinner. 

I am hoping Part 2 of the Reunion she realizes this show is her immediate future and she better start acting civil towards the others.   Too many woman at Bravo have been backed out of these shows over being pig headed and never apologizing or accepting the fact the others have feelings as well.  Kathryn might very well be entertaining next season as a single mom dating and over Thomas. 

  • Love 15

Kathryn is 24.  She was 21 when she hooked up with Whit and Shep.  The only one she has been in a relationship with since then is TRav.  The 53 year old.  The one who makes promises of some kind of future. 

Shep, the thirty something year old has hooked up with Kathryn and dated Danni.  TRav wanted to hook up with Danni and probably hooked up with Landon.  Landon and Shep have come shy of hooking up but Landon announces she's in love with him.  

I don't recall Kathryn saying that she wasn't responsible for her actions.  On the other hand, TRav makes a lot of excuses for his.   In the moment....  And then we have Whit who makes all sorts of excuses for his.  He was 'very' defensive in the mountains and blamed it on the moonshine or whatever.  He was very defensive on the reunion regarding Kathryn.  I think the guy is lying through his teeth.  Imagine how frustrating for Kathryn that is to hear. 

TRav and Whit both need to own up for their actions.... But I didn't hear that.

  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Kathryn might very well be entertaining next season as a single mom dating and over Thomas. 

Any guy would be CRAZY to get involved with that circus - speaking of both Kathryn and TRav. Like he would seriously need his head examined. I think the only guys willing to do that would be only doing it for the reality fame.

  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, biakbiak said:


When did Cam call Kathryn a whore? Also, Kathryn also said shit about Landon sleeping with everyone. Cam called the situation with Thomas and Kathryn tawdry and it is. It's more than just the two kids it's how tey treat each other on social media and behave in public.

When you say that someone has slept with everyone on a couch after saying that you have one talent and that's on your back, you're saying that someone or at the very least implying that someone is a whore.  Kathryn said Landon slept with everyone after those comments.  Should she have?  Nope.  But Landon was voicing her opinions about Kathryn and TRav's relationship.  Well, only Kathryn

Did anyone voice an opinion about TRav and his part in his relationship with Kathryn?  Nope.  Not a peep.  A whole lot of double standard going on IMO.

  • Love 5

Yes, she's 24, but one would hope that she won't be the same at 30 or 40, which is why the others have the edge over her.  I think back on the dumb shit I said and did in my 20s and I know I'm not that person anymore and I think that comes with age and reflection, which she doesn't have yet.  I would imagine it's that much harder with 2 kids in tow--her maturity should be accelerated for her kids' sake and fortunately, she has money and family and privilege, but even with that, I doubt she's fully grown into the person she will ultimately become which is why I say she's still a child or child-like, definitely not a fully formed adult mentally...Although it would be sad if she stays in arrested development like TRav.

  • Love 13
9 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

When you say that someone has slept with everyone on a couch after saying that you have one talent and that's on your back, you're saying that someone or at the very least implying that someone is a whore.  Kathryn said Landon slept with everyone after those comments.  Should she have?  Nope.  But Landon was voicing her opinions about Kathryn and TRav's relationship.  Well, only Kathryn

Did anyone voice an opinion about TRav and his part in his relationship with Kathryn?  Nope.  Not a peep.  A whole lot of double standard going on IMO.

That was Landon who said that not Cam. Landon said they talent on her back on the show but her saying she had slept with everyone on the couch was directly in response to Kathryn saying she fucks everything she sees.

Cam has mentioned Thomas in talking about their relationship being difficult to be around.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

That was Landon who said that not Cam. Landon said they talent on her back on the show but her saying she had slept with everyone on the couch was directly in response to Kathryn saying she fucks everything she sees.

Yep.  Landon did say that.  I don't think I said Cam did....  I didn't mean to say or imply that.

  • Love 1
11 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Kathryn is 24.  She was 21 when she hooked up with Whit and Shep.  The only one she has been in a relationship with since then is TRav.  The 53 year old.  The one who makes promises of some kind of future. 

Shep, the thirty something year old has hooked up with Kathryn and dated Danni.  TRav wanted to hook up with Danni and probably hooked up with Landon.  Landon and Shep have come shy of hooking up but Landon announces she's in love with him.  

I don't recall Kathryn saying that she wasn't responsible for her actions.  On the other hand, TRav makes a lot of excuses for his.   In the moment....  And then we have Whit who makes all sorts of excuses for his.  He was 'very' defensive in the mountains and blamed it on the moonshine or whatever.  He was very defensive on the reunion regarding Kathryn.  I think the guy is lying through his teeth.  Imagine how frustrating for Kathryn that is to hear. 

TRav and Whit both need to own up for their actions.... But I didn't hear that.

Shep had nice things to say about Kathryn and through mutual agreement they were never going anywhere.  Whitney is a prig and Thomas does ask that other respect her as she is the mother of his children.  It is not Kathryn's years old three guys on the couch in two weeks, it is her "attackiveness".  She loves her children and she loved the idea of a family but Thomas will never be the man she wants him to be.  Craig is happy, Whitney has some pretend relationship and Shep is Shep.  Kathryn sounds ridiculous when she is trying to make something of the several night relationship with Whitney, and at the same time it shows she is very linear and kind of a hopeful romantic .  It is not about what she has done or who Thomas has been with or what he promised  (those promises were predicated on a cooperative Kathryn-not one who shows up at a polo match and decides it is not a family event and leaves without a word, or denies visitation for 14 weeks) it is about moving forward, having a custodial arrangement where there is no supervised visitation.  Catching Thomas using alcohol or drugs does not erase her usage.  Get an agreement, make it work and get out from under the Court's eye like 95% of other custodial/divorce relationships. I am quite certain Thomas would like to be out from under the Court's eye.  The court will never give Kathryn a big fat financial settlement and it works against her when she claims she loved Thomas-it sounds like she loved the security his finances might bring.

I am not certain what Whitney will own up to. . .he liked her and she bumped into his mother in the kitchen?  Thomas has said what he envisioned and it did not work-didn't happen in a vacuum. If she wants the others to "own it", I am curious what that brings her?  It doesn't excuse her behavior. 

I don't have a problem with people not owning up to who they have slept with, it is such much nicer to have some things sacred.  Kathryn wanting to be right isn't an excuse for people to have to fess up to who they have been intimate with.  If it were a man demanding Kathryn own up he would be called controlling and a misogynist.  We saw Shep trying to escape that label for saying Bailey was DTF. Kathryn's life doesn't get any better, her children any happier with her being armed with the sexual history and present of their father and his friends.  

  • Love 5

Nothing makes me crazier on these Bravo shows than people trying to claim they are "above it" and "hate drama" and then in the next breath take a nasty shot.  Landon.  Patricia.  Carole Radziwill.  Heather on RHoBH.  

Landon wants to be recognized as a Gracious Lady, while still slinging mud, talking shit, giggling with glee at every slight, and whispering nastiness in people's ears.  She could not even keep her mouth shut when the conversation had nothing to do with her and someone else was talking.

Cameran does a good job avoiding the drama.  Kathryn does not.  If you want to claim you are a Cameran, don't act like a Kathryn.

Also, and this might be "harsh", but until you do have a kid, I think it is hard, especially when you are a simpleton like Landon, to understand the gravity of having a baby and no one is interested in your flippant barbs about paternity and health scares and parenting.

Edited by ninjago
  • Love 16
1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

Ooh, the reality of the reality is that Craig didn't graduate law school! I guess that's not the big unveiling that Kathryn was talking about. But that was a juicy reveal as to why he hasn't taken the bar. But what's stopping him from writing his damn thesis? 

Most schools have a rule that you must complete your work within 2 - 5 years or start over.  How could he have his parents at his graduation and not tell them?

2 hours ago, Sonoma said:

I just realized what Kathryn reminds me of with her drug-induced facial contortions, twitching, and bizarre commentary-- a Manson Family member.

OMG!  You are right.  How can she see herself and then say, "I don't know why we aren't friends..."  I don't even know her and I don't want to be around her.

  • Love 6

Kathryn may have been high, drunk, etc but I am glad she shut down the regret question.  I mentioned this in last week's thread so I hope it doesn't come across as repetitive but they all need to stop with the birth control comments and acting as though those kids are mistakes.   Planned or not, they are here and they seem to love them.

I can't stand Landon's oh so innocent routine.  I would like her a lot more if she had been honest about things when they happened. The birthday party thing made sense when she talked about the fuck you thing from last year. 

  • Love 10

As a lifelong academic, I just cannot understand how #NewCraig's school is allowing him to take an indefinite period of time to finish his thesis. Incompletes have a shelf life, if he even earned that, and he would need to resubmit to his advisor, to a committee, and solicit comments and input from other professors. He is so full of it - he wasted years of his life, years of his family's money, and someone else's spot on the pretense of becoming a lawyer. Shep's anger is misguided and misplaced, but someone needs to knock some sense into third person Craig. 

Kathryn is a lost sheep. *Ducks* Don't hate me, but I didn't really mind her outfit if you took it at tv value - it probably was fun to dress up like a vamp and as long as you don't wear it out anywhere....

  • Love 9

*...Perhaps, express some outrage over women being publicly demeaned as they are classified into numeric categories of 2s and 6s instead of giggling.                                                              

*Ravenel is STILL not held accountable for ANYthing. It's surrealist, really.                                                    

*Craig has astoundingly lied for YEARS about graduating from law school(frackin' AMAZING ❗) but, of course, Kathryn...                                                                                  

*Landon first commented directly to Kathryn then persistently interjected herself into conversations between Kathryn and OTHERS, and repeatedly mumbled about Kathryn yet again but, of course, Kathryn...                                                          

*( Once again, it is not Kathryn 'FANning' to insist that the cast be held to the same level of accountability demanded of Kathryn.)                    

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, IvyDancer said:

As a lifelong academic, I just cannot understand how #NewCraig's school is allowing him to take an indefinite period of time to finish his thesis. Incompletes have a shelf life, if he even earned that, and he would need to resubmit to his advisor, to a committee, and solicit comments and input from other professors.

In my law school experience, the writing requirement was nothing like the masters thesis or PhD dissertation process.  It is much easier in law school; there aren't committees, no defending, etc.  (My sister has a doctorate from an Ivy and I was a proof/copy reader on many, many iterations of her thesis and dissertation, as well as a sounding board for venting during the process.)  In my law school, which sounds a lot like what Craig had to do http://www.charlestonlaw.edu/Academic-Affairs/Academic-Policies/Upper-Level-Writing-Requirement.aspx is basically a long research paper vetted by one faculty member when done within a writing course.  Craig could have, and should have, done it while in school.  But to the other point of why his school would still entertain him finishing the requirement this many years past his coursework is a good question.  It's been a long while since I graduated, but barring some kind of medical necessity, you didn't get much leeway at all to finish a course requirement without taking the course over again. 

What I do find interesting is that, again, this is a 4th wall thing.  It seems Whitney knew Craig really didn't "graduate" from law school, and thus the producers knew and allowed this "will he/won't he take the bar" story to spool out for two seasons.  I kind of wonder why.  I don't remember Craig being all that compelling of a character in the first season, so to my mind, he could have been offloaded with that half glove wearing chick for S2.

I really do wish someone had taken Craig to task for his comment about women from the south being failures for not graduating college with a ring.  That is too antiquated of an idea, even 25 years ago when I was in college.

  • Love 11

I think Kathryn is angry because TRav led her on. 

Go back and watch season 1 episode when Whitney brought Kathryn, as his date, to a party where she zeroed in on Thomas and made a play for him. He never led her on. She had slept with Shep, then Whitney, then set her hat for Thomas. She moved into his house, and it wasn't until he told her "I'm too old for you...." did she move back to her parents' home.  She's a calculating girl, but a girl who doesn't know how to play her cards right. She's a dumb gold digger.

  • Love 16
6 hours ago, psychoticstate said:


So maybe if #NewCraig had been working on his thesis instead of digging for dirt on the Prince of Darkness, he could take the bar?  So his "storyline" that he was going to quit "working" for J.D. was b.s.?  And he didn't actually graduate from law school because he didn't write a paper?  What a dumbass.  Maybe he and Kathryn do belong together.  Stupid is as stupid does.

That's a good point. So #NewCraig has no job and no plans of one? He's #SadCraig over not being handed Gentry Bourban, and instead of buckling down and working hard for JD to eventually earn a higher position or writing his damn thesis to be able to take the bar, he's just--what?--living off Naomi's parents' dime instead of his own parents? JD was even being very Lockhart Steele-ish about the whole thing--giving Craig more leeway and support than he deserved, just like Craig's old boss did, too. 

  • Love 6

They all handled themselves pretty well, with the exception of Landon and Kathryn. Thomas cleaned up his act and looked good.

Landon was poking the bear and it wasn't fun to watch.

Kathryn was loaded - nodding off at one point - and struggling to speak coherently at other times. The flinging up of the shoe was bizarre. She may be trying to manage herself with prescription and illegal drugs and alcohol (and failing miserably). Also, she just can't help herself whining about being entitled to free money. "Thomas gives me nothing...."

I foresee Thomas being a fulltime father in a year or two.

  • Love 9

I have to agree with the posters that said Kathryn was on something, it was so evident.  I feel like she has that long skirt she wore to the reunion in a few different colors.  Maybe she should not rely on her friend Connor to style her, he does not seem like much of a friend, lol.  Her eye rolling is very telling she is not open to hear others opinions or thoughts, must be hard to communicate with her in real life.  I don't see her successfully getting thru life without the woe is me aspect.  Hope her daughter has a stronger role model in her life.

Shame on Shep for sleeping around and publicly rating women on a numerical scale but you really can't fault his honesty for admitting he sleeps around.

I cannot wait for Part 2.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

As far as I can see, the only ones who seems to be raking Kathryn across the coals for sleeping with other people are Landon and Patricia

Sure. I think Landon and Patty are the far most direct in their judgment of Kathryn. I think the others, however, are enabling indirectly by not calling the men out on their own behavior (e.g. the women giggling at the guys' behavior, the men patting themselves on the back for being able to sleep around) . And, I was also trying to convey how production was playing the whole thing out.

I also didn't like what I was watching in lieu of hearing some of things that have appeared to happen Kathryn off-camera. She does not seem well. I don't think being on this show has helped, especially this season. It really reminds me of UnReal, where the producers fill contestants' heads with nonsense and while most can take it, a few can not. Although UnReal is scripted, I wonder how much of it is plucked from these types of shows.

I'll argue my own point and say that she signed up for it; it's her own fault. I think there's just a level of compassion I have when it seems clear someone is having issues. Rather than act in a way that is respectful, they instead trigger her volatile behavior for good TV. I think that's the crux of my issues. There should be a limit.

Or, maybe she's just a really good actress/bitch. We may not know, but I'm choosing to err on the side of compassion here. She's the only one with young kids. She just seems completely out of her element here, and it just feels like production has taken it too far.

  • Love 12

Best Katherine quotes:

"I'm so sick of people questioning the paternity and ethnicity"

"Irrelevance doesn't exist in my brain" - In regards to Landon.  

LOL!  Poor girl is trying to run with the big dogs up there in terms of her vocabulary, and she sounds like a dimwit.  I was having a bad case of secondhand embarrassment.  Although, I think lying about graduating law school on national television may be worse than being inarticulate.   Yikes.  

Landon continues to be the worst.  She isn't any brighter than Katherine, yet she's a decade older.  She also isn't nearly as entertaining as Katherine.  She can get off my screen any time now.

Edited by AngryCarrot86
Double post. Whoops!
  • Love 16

Best Katherine quotes:

"I'm so sick of people questioning the paternity and ethnicity"

"Irrelevance doesn't exist in my brain" - In regards to Landon.  

LOL!  Poor girl is trying to run with the big dogs up there in terms of her vocabulary, and she sounds like a dimwit.  I was having a bad case of secondhand embarrassment.  Although, I think lying about graduating law school on national television may be worse than being inarticulate.   Yikes.  

Landon continues to be the worst.  She isn't any brighter than Katherine, yet she's a decade older.  She also isn't nearly as entertaining as Katherine.  She can get off my screen any time now.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Lizzing said:

I really do wish someone had taken Craig to task for his comment about women from the south being failures for not graduating college with a ring.  That is too antiquated of an idea, even 25 years ago when I was in college.

Uh, yeah. I graduated from college in the South exactly 25 years ago, too, and not I nor one single friend was engaged. The average age to marry for college graduates is about 27, I think. 

He is such a loser. And to think someone would hand over a brand new business, one in which he has no experience, for him to run?

23 minutes ago, AngryCarrot86 said:

Best Katherine quotes:

"I'm so sick of people questioning the paternity and ethnicity"

"Irrelevance doesn't exist in my brain" - In regards to Landon.  

LOL!  Poor girl is trying to run with the big dogs up there in terms of her vocabulary, and she sounds like a dimwit.  I was having a bad case of secondhand embarrassment.  Although, I think lying about graduating law school on national television may be worse than being inarticulate.   Yikes.  

Landon continues to be the worst.  She isn't any brighter than Katherine, yet she's a decade older.  She also isn't nearly as entertaining as Katherine.  She can get off my screen any time now.

What was the word she was looking for when she was using "ethnicity?"  I don't think there were any rumors she was also sleeping with a Latino or Asian guy? In fact, I'm not sure I've seen any ethnic minorities on the show. lol

  • Love 3

You all have covered Katherine's erratic, petulant (and potentially alcohol or drug fueled) behavior well.  I don't think I have much to add.  So let's move onto the purely superficial stuff ...

Did you guys ever do one of those "old-timey photo shoots" on the boardwalk in Ocean City or New Jersey?  Where you and your friends get all tarted up like saloon gals/bar maids from the Old West, and they take that black and white photo. Just me?

In any case, that is what Katherine's getup reminded me of.  Terrible choice.  She is a pretty girl (on the outside) with nice hair and a lovely figure.  Why she tends to get gussied up in these ridiculous, overdone costumes for big events is beyond me.  Does she have a  stylist who secretly despises her? Or maybe she is just as adept at making her own poor wardrobe choices as she is with her life choices.  

Cam and Landon both looked great.  They guys looked good.  Thomas looks the best he's looked since season 1.  I wonder if he was wearing makeup, or got a little "refreshing" done at the dermatologist's office?  Or is it really cutting back on booze/cocaine?  In any case, hopefully he keeps it up. Because somebody needs to be a stable parental force in those poor kids' lives, and from the looks of things last night, it sure as shit isn't gonna be Katherine.

  • Love 5

While I will agree Katherine was high as a kite I also think she's not well mentally. Apparently there was a therapist On Set during the reunion TRav confirmed this in a interview where he said he spoke to the therapist himself. What I saw was a young girl, who was deeply in love and was fed lie after lie after lie about how they would be a "family" and he would "take care of her & the kids". Then he turns around and cheats on her, & she's made out to be the whore of the South by a bunch of people who are not only much older (and should really know better) but by the love of her life. OUCH.

This group giggling over women being 2s or 6s was very telling! Because that's all they really care about. That the MEN screw around but God forbid a woman does! Disgusting.

Hey you idiots it's 2016! Women are allowed to have sex! With whoever they want! Has nada, nothing,zero to do with whether there a good parent or not.

  • Love 22

Craig needs to just admit he doesn't want to be a lawyer. He sabotoges himself at every turn. He doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. I'm curious to know where his relationship with Naomi is now that he outed himself on the reunion about being a lying lier who lies. 

By the time Kathryn got up and stormed off stage she was slurring her words. Andy had a real WTF look on his face. It's as if she kept getting higher and higher as the reunion wet on....what ever she took was kicking in big time. 

Sheps foot shaking and twitching was driving me nuts. Put your damn foot down and off camera for god's sake. 

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Sonoma said:

I just realized what Kathryn reminds me of with her drug-induced facial contortions, twitching, and bizarre commentary-- a Manson Family member. And yet again another "interesting" look. I have no idea how nor why she puts in so much effort to age herself by 30 years.

I don't see people randomly talking shit nor slut-shaming Kathryn just because she's a woman and they're being hypocritical and/or misogynists. I see people who genuinely can no longer stand her nor her nonsense and are tired of it all, and so they talk shit about her since they're forced to be around her for the show. I fully admit I'd be doing the same thing, especially if she was talking badly about me like she does with Landon and Whitney and everyone else who gives it back to her. They are all throwing it at each other. Multiple people disliking her and serving bullshit BACK to her is not bullying nor is it abuse of a poor single mom. Again, Kathryn is her own worst enemy and does it to herself with her vicious and loony behavior.

Kathryn is no victim but I do agree that she needs help.  There is a difference.

I agree with this.  As I watched this last night, I saw just how young and dumb Kathryn is.  When she told Landon that she sleeps with everybody (was she trying to "slut shame" Landon?), Landon hit back, and she was correct.  I thought it was interesting that when Landon said, "you've slept with everybody on this couch," the camera focused on Whitney, Thomas and Shep. 

I don't think anybody has an issue with Kathryn because of who she slept with, but they do have an issue with her behavior.  Also, why shouldn't Whitney be pissed if Kathryn slept with him and then with Thomas, Whitney's best friend.  If a man did that to two women, he'd be labeled a "dog" and correctly so. 

I think there is something seriously wrong with Kathryn, maybe part of it is youth, but I don't know, something else is wrong.  I can see a young woman hooking up with a bunch of young men, but why in the world would she choose Thomas and Whitney?  Maybe Kathryn was looking for the fairy tale, the wealthy, older man who'd sweep her off her feet and take care of her, the "Pretty Woman" syndrome?.  Also in the first season, she didn't even want to admit that she slept with Whitney, I remember her saying that they were just friends, she even said, "Whitney? I thought he was gay."

Did Kathryn said they were questioning the ethnicity of her son with Thomas?  I was confused when she said that, I don't think anybody's questioned her son's ethnicity.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 11
32 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

What was the word she was looking for when she was using "ethnicity?"  I don't think there were any rumors she was also sleeping with a Latino or Asian guy? In fact, I'm not sure I've seen any ethnic minorities on the show. lol

I think that comes from the rumors she was trading with a drug dealer.


7 hours ago, BookElitist said:

*Ravenel is STILL not held accountable for ANYthing. It's surrealist, really.  

I disagree.  I don't like him but he seems to laugh off and own his own wrong doings.  Drug convictions, sex with young women etc.

I still contend that all these people are around him because he still delivers the goods around town and you don't want to piss off your dealer.

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