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S06.E09: Battle Of The Bastards

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Yay! They whacked Ramsay the way I hoped/guessed they would! 

It looked like Drogon was bigger than his siblings who had been kept in the basement, so yay for continuity there, too.

Why don't they ask Melisandre to bring Rickon back? Although, now that Davos knows about Shireen Melisandre may not be safe from him.

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Sad about Rickon but kid you got to zig and zag.

Jon being trapped under the bodies was too claustrophobic for me. Jon did make a lot of mistakes however, I liked the end with him charging after Ramsey blocking each of the arrows.

Yara was definitely hitting on Dany who didn't seem to mind. Theon is just going to get crapped on by anyone he knew.

Now it becomes interesting to see how Winterfell gets ruled by Sansa and/or Jon. Sansa has LF and the Vale while Jon has the Wildling and Northerners.

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Was I the only one hoping the eagles were coming?  They might as well have charged shouting "For Frodo!"

Ha ha .... when the Vale army arrived to save the day and Ramsey heard the horn blow, I said, "It's the horn of Gondor!" Serious LOTR inspiration in this eppy!

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5 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

If the Vale had shown up at the beginning, they wouldn't be outside the Bolton army and would have been in the same crushed horde as Jon's army, so I thought it was wise to withhold that info.

Keeping the Vale forces a secret from Ramsay would have been a good tactical move, and used the Stark army as the "bait" to draw Ramsay in; but had they known those forces even existed, they could have played it a little differently perhaps and saved some men.   The only explanation I can think of is Sansa refused to be indebted to Littlefinger until she realized there was no other way.   I don't know how / when she got word to him though in time.

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Ok I'm better now ( not really teeheehee) I prayed to the gods for dog food and I got dog food.  And that it was Sansa too. Perfect.

I didn't mind Ghost being absent.  It means he didn't die.

Meereen was great.  Loved seeing all the dragons together.  I'm kinda shipping Dany / Yara now.  There I said it.

Poor Rickon but unfortunately it was expected.  Wun Wun went down a champ.  I knew they would win and that the Vale would Ride to Ruin but it was still sitting on hands and grinding teeth.  Tormund taking down Small jon was pretty awesome too.

Davos has Flames. On the Side. Of his Face.  Can't wait to see that next week.  

What else can I say.  Loved it.

Edited by kittykat
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Seeing Jon essentially survive without a scratch being stormed by horses and men makes me wonder if "the Prince That Was Promised" was coming into play.  While Tormund and Davos also survived, they came in later and weren't practically the only ones staring down an entire army.  Jon was slicing through people like they were butter.

Yes I had the same feeling about Jon...that he was unkillable; it was almost like he had a force field around him that kept him unharmed.

Edited by Paws
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Everything about he episode was fantastic minus Sansa not telling Jon about the Riders of Rohan..Knights of the Vale but like Hardhome it doesn't feel very ASOIAF to me.

I do feel bad that show only fans will think that Houses like Glover and Umber aren't loyal and awesome. And instead we get these simpering fools. Rip Small Jon and Robett Glover.

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It looked like Drogon was bigger than his siblings who had been kept in the basement, so yay for continuity there, too.

Wasn't Drogon always supposed to be the biggest of the three in the books? Though that's a good reason too..

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That was one intense episode! 

Jon was stupid but it still ended with Ramsey getting what he deserved. I'm fine with that. Don't know why Sansa didn't tell Jon about the Veil army. She did warn him about Ramsey and Jon didn't listen. He was definitely raised by Ned. 

Finally someone that can reign Dany in. Tyrion is not great at everything but he knows how to play smarter than she does. Burning everyone is going to solve anything. The Greyjoy entrance was a little more lackluster than I thought it would be. However I did know that Dany would appreciate another woman wanting to lead her people as long as they recognized her as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I also liked Dany saying how horrible all of their fathers were. 

And also Dragons! I loved when Drogon landed right by Dany. 

Edited by Sakura12
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2 minutes ago, benteen said:

I loved Dany declaring that they all had horrible fathers.  So true.

Wonderful scene for all parties involved.  Great division to both locations.  Meereen didn't dominate but was used just the right amount so time could be spent on the battle.

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I assume Rickon will not be inheriting Winterfell in the novels either.

I'm enjoying imagining the phone call where the actor who plays Rickon was informed of his character's return.  "Well, I have some good news and some bad news . . . "

Then again, he lasted more episodes that Ian McShane (which is a motherfucking McShame).

Edited by WatchrTina
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Ramsay was an asshole to the very end. His death may have been a bit anti-climactic for my liking, but he was a sniveling coward to the end, and his death by his starved dogs was actually fitting. And Sansa standing there, and telling him how he will disappear, along with House Bolton was kind of awesome. 

Bye Bye House Bolton. Next stop, House Frey. 

Jon is a mess, but I get why he did what he did. One of Jon's regrets, in the books at least (I don't remember if they addressed that in the series), was that he wasn't there to have Robb's back. So to see Rickon running towards him, and his life threatened like that, I get the impulse. 

Umber, how fitting that you got bitten to death by a Wildling. Die bitch, you and your Lord whom you refused to bend the knee to but didn't have a problem sacrificing your men to, you effin' turncoat traitor.

I was relieved to see the knights of the Vale, even if it's LF. I just wanted to see the end of the battle.

And Wun Wun. he is the reason they were able to take Winterfell right away. The Direwolf banners unfurling was an amazing moment.

Lyanna Mormont on her horse was something fierce.

Mereen was sort of awesome too. Dany and Yara, chemistry much? I love Tyrion reminding Theon of certain things he did, and said. The 3 dragons setting fire to much of the fleet, the Dothraki arriving. It was all pretty great.

RIP Rickon, we hardly knew you, Wun Wun, and countless others. 

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Excellent ending for Ramsey! And Jon Snow lives! I was so worried when he was talking to Melisandre, and he was wondering why the lord of light would save him, only to die in the battle. I was hoping he wouldn't die again, and then when they said that I thought, oh shit. Not Jon!

Ha! Tyron complaining about the dwarf jokes - now he can make dick jokes (or lack thereof) to Theon.

I'm so over Dany and her story.

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Aww, pupskies! Cutie lil doggies! Milk Bones for all those good boys!

Bonus points also to Grey Worm for one-slice-double-fatality.

Rickon was DOA from the start, but I really thought/feared either Tormund or Davos would be a goner after their little chat. It was weirdly satisfying to see Wildlings storm Winterfell; somehow I hope they end up chillin' in peace with the surviving Starks.

YES to the dragon trio and their awesomely pinpoint accuracy! Now I see why this ep was the most expensive ever.

As much as the writing on this show gets knocked hard sometimes, that throne room scene was fucking amazing. I could watch a whole episode of the dynamics of that group. Put me on the Dany-Yara ship.

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4 minutes ago, Brn2bwild said:

Seeing Jon essentially survive without a scratch being stormed by horses and men makes me wonder if "the Prince That Was Promised" was coming into play.  While Tormund and Davos also survived, they came in later and weren't practically the only ones staring down an entire army.  Jon was slicing through people like they were butter.

I had to laugh when Tormund and Davos were talking about how Jon is not a King. I'm thinking, wanna bet? Maybe he's the Prince That Was Promised or maybe we may find out next episode that he's something else.

I'm still breathless and shaking.  I felt like I was suffocating right along with Jon. I was furious the Ramsay the Super Villain was able to play Jon like a fiddle. Ugh. At least Jon got to get his duel, bloody as it was. Ramsay's death was fitting and well deserved. 

Sansa has learned to play the game. But I still don't understand why she didn't tell Jon about the Vale forces. Maybe she wasn't sure they'd show up? I'm sure we'll get some kind of explanation next week. 

The Mereen battle was great fun but almost cartoonishly good. All the good guys got a good outcome. All the bad guys were vanquished. Witty banter between Dany, Tyrion and the Greyjoys. Good stuff, but such a different fluffy flavor compared with the blood and guts and butchery of the Northern battle. 

I cannot wait until next week. Gah! 

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and this was up there alongside Henry V

Hell yes to this.  That's the first thing I thought when things started closing in, how similar it was and how dirty and beautiful.  That's an Emmy winner right there.  Kudos to the cinematographers, hell kudos to everyone.  Well played all!  

Dany and the Dragons, that portion was pretty awesome as well, and I enjoyed her meeting with Yara and Theon.  I glad at least one of the dragons lit a fire under the writers to get that storyline moving.  

Given that we have Dany as Queen, and Yara as a potential Queen, it wouldn't surprise me if we get a Queen of the North out of this.

ETA - looked up the cinematographer and it's Fabian Wagner that has done work for Sherlock and DaVinci's Demons, both of which were beautifully filmed.   

Edited by CherryMalotte
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Yeah, looks like Bran will be the next Lord of Winterfell, possibly with Meera as his lady.  Or Sansa will be the Queen of the North.


And RIP Wun Wun.  Sob. 

And I must say I am glad we're getting momentum on Mereen.  Looks like Dany starts sailing to Westeros next week.  FINALLY. And damn we'll need those (now full grown) dragons against the White Walkers.

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14 minutes ago, Advance35 said:

I wonder if Sansa was sure LF WOULD show up.  I have know doubt that for the most part, she lost faith in him and she did say to Jon she didn't want to attack until they had more men.   Even before they got word on the state of the Blackfish and Riverrun Jon was determined to attack.   If she had told him she sent a raven to LF and decided to take him up on his offer of aide would Jon have listened?  For some reason I don't think he would have.


I am not even sure what Sansa's thinking is. It's hard to fathom why she does anything at this point besides lecture Jon and being bad-ass. 

Earlier she is all 'We have to save our little brother Rickon from the monster, Jon!'.  Then she was like 'He's already dead. No point in trying to save him, Jon!'. And why would Jon not take up the Vale's extra men? He knew that they needed more men. Why would he refuse the offer? He went to war because he thought that they would get no more reinforcements. Besides they could have used the Vale army support to get more men like Glover who backed off when he heard that the Starks had only Wildling support.

Her decision to keep back the Vale info lead to a lot of unnecessary deaths but I am sure they will sweep it under the carpet, because we get Sansa getting her revenge on Ramsay and LF entering the story.

At this point, Jon' idiocy makes him unfit to be King in the North. He has done nothing this season to deserve it. Swinging around the sword a few times means nothing. The North plot has been more about Sansa and she deserves to be Queen in the North considering the Vale army loyal to her won that battle.

Also it sucks that we get so much of the dragons and no direwolves at all. Where was Ghost?

Edited by anamika
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They kept toying with us when Ramsay released Rickon, but they foreshadowed his fate all along; Sansa outright said "We won't be getting Rickon back."  But boy, did they toy with us.

That means right now Bran is the only one left to carry on the Stark name.  (Jon's parentage still unresolved.)  I'm guessing both Bran and Arya are on their way.

Edited by jcin617
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I noticed that Tyrion dropped the foreshadowing anvil about the wildfire in Kings Landing pretty heavily.  I'm a little surprised that Jaime had told him about it, since S3 Jaime-in-the-bathtub-with-Brienne seemed like he'd never told anyone.

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Keeping the Vale forces a secret from Ramsay would have been a good tactical move, and used the Stark army as the "bait" to draw Ramsay in; but had they known those forces even existed, they could have played it a little differently perhaps and saved some men.   The only explanation I can think of is Sansa refused to be indebted to Littlefinger until she realized there was no other way.   I don't know how / when she got word to him though in time.

The episode was well-done and I was nervous during it, but Sansa lying to Jon about LF/Vale Army kept me from feeling a real love for the episode.  It wasn't like there was a scene between Jon and Sansa in which they argued about tactics for five fucking minutes?!  Maybe Rickon was always going to die, but Sansa, didn't you want to fucking even try to save your little brother?  What of all the people who died in the battle? Canon Fodder for boss bitch moves?  Fuck Her.  I'm pissed that one of my favorite characters has done this.  What's the excuse?  Show is just going to brush by this shit?  LF is one of the reasons Ned is dead, and the whole reason Starks went South to KL anyway.  I can't enjoy it, just pissed right now.  

Edited by sunflower
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5 minutes ago, ybrik said:

Sad about Rickon but kid you got to zig and zag.


I thought the same thing! Or at least Jon could have pointed for him to run to the left.

However, this was the best. Episode. Ever. I only wish I could have watched it in a theatre full of GoT fans. I clapped at the Stark banner replacing the Bolton banner. I clapped at the very end as Sansa walked away with an evil smile. My dogs got the zoomies as a result.

And Yara and Dany will rule the seven kingdoms laughing at guys who brag about their dicks. Or at least I have dreams of that happening. I loved that there were two women who respected each other and didn't use beauty or sex for power. One has dragons, the other has ships.

Littlefinger has partially redeemed himself. Partially.

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1 minute ago, mac123x said:

I noticed that Tyrion dropped the foreshadowing anvil about the wildfire in Kings Landing pretty heavily.  I'm a little surprised that Jaime had told him about it, since S3 Jaime-in-the-bathtub-with-Brienne seemed like he'd never told anyone.

That was as heavy as the whole Jon Snow isn't a king, nope Jon isn't a king.

Okay then...wildfire caches under the Sept of Baelor (among others) where the crazy, religious fanatics are, and Jon Snow not being a king.

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2 minutes ago, mac123x said:

I noticed that Tyrion dropped the foreshadowing anvil about the wildfire in Kings Landing pretty heavily.  I'm a little surprised that Jaime had told him about it, since S3 Jaime-in-the-bathtub-with-Brienne seemed like he'd never told anyone.

I'm actually glad they did this, even if it seemed a little heavy with the anvil. It will at least make it hopefully more clear to the non-book readers what the "rumour" was that Qyburn spoke of last week.

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I like that Dany was furious with Tyrion and he acknowledged his mistake.  And I like when she wanted to go all scorched earth he was able to talk her down.  They work well together, and I think Tyrion can help ensure Dany doesn't follow in the mad king's footsteps.  She no longer defends her father, and open acknowledges he was evil.  I'm feeling optimistic about her future.

I found Yara's outrageous flirtation amusing - as did Dany.  I know I was being manipulated, but I like the girl power! moments.

I read the Rickon spoiler before the season started and it broke my heart.  It was still sad, although not quite as much as I imagined since he was almost as big as Ramsay versus looking like a little boy.  For Jon to see that - just something else for him to experience guilt about.

Seeing Wun Wun go down was moving.  I think it would be amazing to watch season four's The Watchers on the Wall and this episode back to back.  There seemed to be deliberate references to the older episode.  Most especially when Wun Wun died heroically breeching the gate, as compared to the four who died heroically to keep the giant from breeching the gate in season four.  I think they've done a fine job in redeeming the wildlings and making them so rootable.  Not so much the Thenns, but even the "I fucking hate Thenns" Thenn died heroically in Hardhome.

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Huh. While it was well done, I found the battle interminable. I FF'd through chunks of it. Just too much, going badly, for too long.  

Lots of catharsis, however. 

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I guess we're supposed to think Sansa didn't share her information with Jon because he wasn't listening to her, or respecting her opinions. Like when he told her she didn't need to be at their parlay with Ramsay. He was more interested in saving her feelings than letting her be useful. He certainly took the Rickon bait, despite Sansa warning him. 


Really, they just wanted it to be hopeless and then, Suprise! the knights of the Vale show up. 

Edited by Skeeter22
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7 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

Serious question -- is there ANYONE left to fight the White Walkers?  The death toll from that battle was catastrophic.

At the least, all the Northern Houses that didn't join Jon and Sansa's army.  

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Maybe Sansa didn't trust LF to have the Vale soldiers fight on Jon's side until it really happened.  Wun Wun was terrific; he will be missed!  Poor little Rickon.  He really did look like a wild lost boy--kudos to Art P.  Loved Sansa's revenge on old what's his name.

The dragon action is fantastic!

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And now the little moments that were beautiful...

The direwolf banner.

Tormund and Davos waxing poetic about their fallen kings and finding friendship.

Tyrion calling out Dany for wanting to execute an Aerys-esque move.  There's our little politico, we've missed you.

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I think there is an argument to be made that Sansa didn't tell Jon about the Vale forces because LF's plan was to draw Bolton's forces in using Jon's forces as cannon fodder and Sansa didn't tell Jon because she knew he would want to fight with larger numbers instead of sacrificing the Wildings and the Northerners that pledged their loyalty to him.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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In order for Ramsey's tactic to work, there needed to be a wall of corpses to form the back wall of the enclosure.  It was made up of as many of his men as Jon's (if not more.)  How did he get his "supporters" to agree to that?  Lies and evasions I presume but it does make me wonder who among his men knew the real plan.

Where do you suppose Lady Lyanna was all during the fight?  Up on a hill watching her fighting men being cut down like wheat?  I wonder how loyal a supporter she is now.  I wonder how many of her 62 men survived?

How does one go about having a funeral for a giant?  I guess you burn him.  The did seem to be able to drag him out of the courtyard.

Man the smell of burning corpses and death will be choking around Winterfell.  Good thing Winter is Coming.  Wait -- didn't winter already come?  Didn't Sansa and Theon jump off the battlements into very deep snow.  Where did that snow go?

I know, I know -- it's a fantasy.  Don't look to closely at things or you'll go mad.

Edited by WatchrTina
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1 minute ago, ParadoxLost said:

I think there is an argument to be made that Sansa didn't tell Jon about the Vale forces because LF's plan was to draw Bolton's forces in using Jon's forces as cannon fodder and Sansa didn't tell Jon because she knew he would want to fight with larger numbers instead of sacrificing the Wildings and the Northerners that pledged their loyalty.

As I said, if Jon had sticked to the plan, the causalties would've been considerably less. He would've had the Boltons engaged on three sides and the Knights of the Vale would've taken them from the fourth.

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33 minutes ago, Mya Stone said:

I also LOVED seeing Sansa's Starkness come through. Her stare down of Ramsay, and her parting words to him, were fantastic and strong. Rickon's death...sigh. Watching his body get ladled with even more arrows post mortem bothered me. A lot.

Man, fuck this show a little bit, lol. I was mostly watching from a detached point of view but Rickon's death got to me. imo Ramsey's death was too quick. They should hung him in a cage to rot.


16 minutes ago, SeanC said:

I would be all for Dany/Yara, incidentally.  Yara is clearly superior to any of Dany's previous love interests

Agreed. Seriously, there was actual chemistry there. Although to be honest I am anti Jon/Dany (if they were cousins I'd be down with it cause it's fake medieval times but nephew and aunt - although who knows, maybe they aren't - bleh.) so anything to avoid that would be cool with me.

And on a shallow note, I liked Dany's dress. Usually I'm not too fond of the costuming on this show, but that was nice. (I get they don't want to copy exactly from medieval times but some of the stuff they come up with is not too great.

17 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

Now we need Sansa to tell Littlefinger that the save makes them even and to get the hell out of Eddard's house and back away from the weirwood. If he inserts himself between the siblings, I'll take him to the dogs feeders personally.

He should go there either way, but I will blame Sansa and Jon if they start turning on each other. Both should know better than to listen/be influenced by freaking' Littlefinger.

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 Then she was like 'He's already dead. No point in trying to save him, Jon!'. And why would Jon not take up the Vale's extra men? He knew that they needed more men. Why would he refuse the offer? He went to war because he thought that they would get no more reinforcements. Besides they could have used the Vale army support to get more men like Glover who backed off when he heard that the Starks had only Wildling support.

But what proof did she have.  LF told her in an abandoned brothel that he would do anything he could to help her but he never sent a raven or anything else that officially committed him to their side.   Sansa was operating on pure backroom dealing and I don't think SHE was sure he would come.   I think the show could have articulated it better but that didn't bother me. Oh well.


He wants her.  She knew he'd show up.

Bad things tend to happen to people who have faith in LF.  Rob, Joffrey, Cersei, Olenna, Lyssa and Sansa herself can all attest to that.  I think she mean't it when she told Jon that "no-one can protect her" because she doesn't have faith in anyone anymore.

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I was both proud and heartbroken for Sansa when she tried to explain to Jon that Rickon was lost no matter what and they needed to plan accepting that fact. I know that heroes don't accept the world the way it is, but she was still right and the battle plans did need to be made with Ramsay's psychology in mind. That said, rot in hell Bolton Bastard. You could never suffer enough for everything you've done. 

Mr. AuntieMame answered my query of "What is the range on a medieval long bow?" with "240 yards with a very steep angle, 120 without, less with accuracy." So, Rickon should have had a chance in theory.

I'm so thrilled the story is moving on every front. We do need to know what the Night King is up to though. And how far south does the wight effect go? I'm thinking it doesn't extend beyond the Wall until the wall falls, but can anyone confirm this? The wights that almost killed Mormont died beyond the Wall and were brought into Castle Black.

Can't wait to see the confrontation between Mel and Davos. I wonder if she'll survive it. Beautiful episode. I do think we're going to have the board set for endgame. I just hope we get some surprises in how the story ends as we got with how the story began. 

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22 minutes ago, anamika said:

At this point, Jon' idiocy makes him unfit to be King in the North. He has done nothing this season to deserve it. Swinging around the sword a few times means nothing. The North plot has been more about Sansa and she deserves to be Queen in the North considering the Vale army loyal to her won that battle.

I don't think Jon would ever accept it anyway as long as Sansa and Arya around. Did they ever bring up Robb wanting to legitimize Jon on the show? I kinda hope they reveal he ended up doing that, just because it would have been a nice gesture on Robb's part, but I doubt they bring it up.

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Ugh at the inevitable proposition that Littlefinger will make now.  "My army saved yours, give me your hand in marriage."


Personally I think the actor who plays Baelish is very attractive but the character is so slimy.  BLECH.

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