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S06.E09: Battle Of The Bastards

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As the Starks prepare to fight, Davos loses something dear. Ramsay plays a game. Daenerys faces a choice.

Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into a potential spoiler you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

Edited by Mya Stone
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Well. That escalated quickly.

Poor Rickon. But honestly...we all saw it coming, didn't we? He was considered the most expendable Stark, which says a lot when you consider how much of that family has been wiped out already.

Bye Ramsey!! Hahahaha! I almost feel cheated Ghost wasn't the one to rip his throat out but this was better!

Team Dragon Rises! Loved Tyrion trying to get Dany to listen to him while she just has that stone cold "You have five minutes of my attention, make the most of it" face. I know a hookup probably isn't in the cards for those two, but still...

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Serpentine Rickon!  Ramsay's beat down and getting mauled by dogs was more cathartic than Joffery's poisoning.  I can't wait to see what goes on between Davos and Mel.  The crypt is going to start filling up if they keep putting every Stark there.

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 I was hoping Ramsay would be Ghost’s dinner

Wow.  That raises a good question.  Where IS Ghost?

That was was top-level bad-assery tonight from both Fire and Ice.


Serpentine Rickon! 

Yes!  This!  I was actually shouting that at the TV screen.

Edited by WatchrTina
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So what was the point of Sansa keeping the info about the Vale army a secret leading the death of all those men and Wun Wun? Why could she not have let Jon in on that info instead of preaching to him about Ramsay?

Jon was a total idiot this episode and that sucks. Book Jon is so much more measured and a clever general. But of course, they had to write him as making bad decisions so that LF/Sansa can save the day and we get boss ass bitch Sansa. Jon has been a mess this season.

Not all that impressed with the Battle. It was basically the Starks losing miserably and dying all over. Meereen was good and so was Dany/Yara. At least we are getting somewhere there with some story progression.

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My heart is still pounding from this episode! HOLY SHIT.


that scene where Jon was nearly smothered was the most terrifying thing ever. Holy fuck.

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Once, just once, I'd like to see he protagonists execute they're own cunning plan and get one up on the villains, rather than charging headlong into an obvious trap and have to be rescued by an outside force.  Don't get me wrong, I was cheering when I heard a very soft, almost lost in the background, trumpet signaling the arrival of the Vale forces.  


Loved loved loved the Meereen stuff this week, especially the second scene with all the banter between Dany Tyrion and the squids.  That was well written dialog.

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My god, just when I thought Game of Thrones couldn't surprise me anymore with their battle scenes, they go and take it up another notch.

Dany/Yara were surprisingly great together.  So were Davos/Tormund.


So, SO happy Ramsay's gone.  FINALLY.

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Did Sansa smile at the end as she was walking away? It was too dark to see, and I don't have a DVR or anything. Aghhhhh live tv....

I loved Dany and Yara.

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Once, just once, I'd like to see he protagonists execute they're own cunning plan and get one up on the villains, rather than charging headlong into an obvious trap and have to be rescued by an outside force.

Was I the only one hoping the eagles were coming?  They might as well have charged shouting "For Frodo!"

Edited by WatchrTina
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4 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Sansa not telling Jon about the Arryns was a blatantly contrived storytelling device that existed for no reason other than the writers wanting the battle to start before the Arryns arrived.

God, yes. There was NO freakin' reason in the world for Sansa not to tell Jon about the Vale, and every freakin' reason to do so. It made no goddamn sense.

Edited by screamin
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Pretty epic battle sequence.  I'm disappointed that Littlefinger intervened...every major battle on TV and in the movies always seems to end like that doesn't it?  It made no sense for Sansa not to tell him about it.  But still, the battle was great and I'm glad to see Ramsay get his.  I was spoiled about Death by Hounds but it was a fitting, painful end for that prick.

I was happy that Wun Wun seemed to escape death but I should have seen that coming.  Loved the giant action.  The scale of the battle was truly impressive and it felt great to see the flag of House Stark fly once again.

Poor Rickon but at least he wasn't one of those burned to death.

Loved the Davos/Brienne scene.  Anything with Davos is made of win.

The siege of Meereen was nicely done and I was happy with all those scenes.  Well done show and you see how you wrap up the Meerenese Knot, GRRM?  Loved the Greyjoys meeting Dany, with Tyrion presenet.  Dany and Yara have a good chemistry together.

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The babies escaped all by themselves! So happy to see that the CGI people remembered they are smaller than Drogon. 

I really enjoyed the Greyjoys in Mereen. Dany's instant liking for Yara was great. These four should be lots of fun. 

The battle was really well done. I felt like I was suffocating alongside Jon so bravo cinematographer! Poor Wun Wun. 

Speaking of, poor Rickon and (officially) poor Shaggy Dog. Seeing those arrows pierce Rickin's corpse was more upsetting than his death for me. I'm glad they were able to recover the body so he can rest at home. 

They better get on with burning everyone else though cause we don't need zombies popping up outside Winterfell's gates. 

I think the ultimate heroes of the episode are the hounds. For eating Ramsay, yes, but also for kindly waiting until a) he was awake to truly feel it and b) for Sansa to bear witness. Very considerate those Bolton hounds. 

Mel had no idea what's coming and it should be great.

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This was Return of the King-esque, with the Vale army being the ghost army that sweeps in at the last moment and saves Minas Tirith.  I loved it and didn't mind that it happened this way.  Vale needed to get involved anyway and the writers beat us over the head with the fact that Jon's army was vastly outnumbered. 

ETA:  I think Sansa didn't tell Jon about Vale because (1) she was the one who refused Littlefinger's offer of his army in the first place without consulting Jon, and then (2) I'm assuming she sent a Hail Raven to him and wasn't sure if they'd make it in time.  She did all of this without Jon's approval and behind his back.  I doubt he will care now but maybe he will?

Fave episode of the season so far.  Beautifully shot and paced and everything. Miguel Sapochnik for all the awards.

Edited by LilaFowler
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Seeing Jon essentially survive without a scratch being stormed by horses and men makes me wonder if "the Prince That Was Promised" was coming into play.  While Tormund and Davos also survived, they came in later and weren't practically the only ones staring down an entire army.  Jon was slicing through people like they were butter.

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7 minutes ago, Paws said:

My heart is still pounding from this episode! HOLY SHIT.


that scene where Jon was nearly smothered was the most terrifying thing ever. Holy fuck.

Agggh! Right? I swear I almost suffocated just watching it.

4 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:

Yes, she did


Edited by Fex
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Not going to lie, I choked up when they unfurled the Stark banner over Winterfell.
Even Tormund was all "uh, no, Jon. That's called bait. Don't take it."
I loved Dany and Yara. I did think Tyrion went a little long winded when he was yapping at Theon. Shut up already, Tyrion. You don't like being made fun of. We get it.
The dragons were absolutely gorgeous. In fact this entire episode was gorgeously filmed.
Sansa is done sitting by and letting men decide for her. I daresay whatever LF thinks he is going to get out of this....he won't be getting.

As for the lack of Ghost - I am going to fanwank that Jon knew he would be slaughtered right off the bat and has him chained up somewhere. *shrug*

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If the Vale had shown up at the beginning, they wouldn't be outside the Bolton army and would have been in the same crushed horde as Jon's army, so I thought it was wise to withhold that info.

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I just don't understand the writing ala Sansa and !ittlefinger VI's a VI's the Armies of the Vale, except to have those same armies come riding in for the dramatic last minute rescue. So, Sansa had to behave out of character and stupidly so we could have a dramatic last minute rescue that was telegraphed anyway. Better to show Sansa telling Jon when Petyr contacted her and the two of them practicing their political wiles trying to figure out how to use LF without him using them first. Wouldn't that have been fun too? And mature? And believable? And in keeping with the high politics of the show?

That said, I was enthralled watching the episode and the claustrophobia of the battle when they got hemmed in was brilliant. I hope corpses only turn to wights north of the wall. 

RIP Wun Wun. You saved the day and died bravely and to good cause. 

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That was one of the best directed episodes ever.  The pacing, the visuals were amazing.  I literally was staring at the screen the whole time.  And yet, there were absolutely no surprises whatsoever - I think it was pretty obvious that Davos was going to find out about Shireen, that Danny would save Mereen and hook up (ha ha) with Yara, that Rickon would be killed, that LF would save the day at the last minute.

Edited by mjc570
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1 minute ago, WatchrTina said:

Yes.  Her transformation into Lady Stoneheart is complete.

If Sansa's smile at the end was supposed to be indicative of her turn to the Drak Side, I ain't buying it. Lady Stoneheart lashes out indiscriminately. Ramsey had it coming.

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1 minute ago, dizzyd said:

If the Vale had shown up at the beginning, they wouldn't be outside the Bolton army and would have been in the same crushed horde as Jon's army, so I thought it was wise to withhold that info.

They wouldn't have been surrounded if they had the Vale army (and all their horses) from the beginning. There's no way withholding that information was wise. Jon and Sansa are both idiots -- upholding the grand tradition of Ned and Robb.

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FINALLY. A well-paced, well-directed, well-written, beautifully-shot episode. Even better than 6x04 and that episode was the only good thing about this season. I loved it all. Still not "Hardhome" but then again no other episode of GoT has been like that, so... I'll take what I can get.

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3 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

The babies escaped all by themselves! So happy to see that the CGI people remembered they are smaller than Drogon. 

I loved that!  V&R do look at least as big as Drogon was back at the Pit of Daznak, so hopefully they're rideable.  Dany needs a saddle, stat, because Drogon's neck is getting too big for her to straddle and those spines have got to be irritating.

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I wonder if Sansa was sure LF WOULD show up.  I have know doubt that for the most part, she lost faith in him and she did say to Jon she didn't want to attack until they had more men.   Even before they got word on the state of the Blackfish and Riverrun Jon was determined to attack.   If she had told him she sent a raven to LF and decided to take him up on his offer of aide would Jon have listened?  For some reason I don't think he would have.

Anyway, I enjoyed the episode and that was a riveting final scene between Sansa and Ramsay.  Sansa does not quail at BLOODY revenge.  That say's a lot about her IMO.

I assume Rickon will not be inheriting Winterfell in the novels either.

Enjoyed the Dany scenes as well.

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I would be all for Dany/Yara, incidentally.  Yara is clearly superior to any of Dany's previous love interests.

Sansa's spiel about how Ramsay's name was going to disappear was clearly borrowed from Pan's Labyrinth, but if you're going to steal, steal from the best.

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If Sansa's smile at the end was supposed to be indicative of her turn to the Drak Side, I ain't buying it. Lady Stoneheart lashes out indiscriminately. Ramsey had it coming.

Agreed.  I was waxing poetic. But Sansa's soul is darker now.  She trusts less, is more ruthless, she will be forever changed.  She's not a reanimated revenge-seeking zombie but she is not a person to be fucked with.

Edited by WatchrTina
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I've watched a lot of battle movies, and this was up there alongside Henry V, Gladiator, and Saving Private Ryan. Just stunning. The cinematography, the acting, the little scenes, and the big one where Jon almost got suffocated!  I was yelling at the tv.  I really wanted Ghost to be the one to take out Ramsey. And I want Shaggy Dog's head buried next to poor feral Rickon. Tears when the Stark banner went back up. And RIP Wun Wun. You were a giant among giants.

Now we need Sansa to tell Littlefinger that the save makes them even and to get the hell out of Eddard's house and back away from the weirwood. If he inserts himself between the siblings, I'll take him to the dogs feeders personally.

Opener with Dany and the Dragons (a cool name for a band) was pretty awesome. And Yara and Dany, the 2 queens loved it! 

Davos, take Mel down. 

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