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S12.E04: Week 3, Part 2

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Big Ben said to her on the football field, "one of these guys has a brother that plays football, who is Aaron's brother?", or something like that.  And Jojo knew.  Did I miss when Jordan told her that he was Aaron Rodgers' brother?  When did this happen?  

Evan has got to be one of the most awkward guys on the show to make it this far.

Chad is your typical roid raging meathead.  I can't believe he actually thinks that if somebody pushes his buttons enough, the way to solve it is by getting violent.  And that it's ok.  Seriously?  (As he would say.)  Jojo just saying "and here is where I say goodbye", standing up, and walking away without even giving him another look or hug was all sorts of awesome.

I hope he somehow doesn't get another chance to get back in the house.  Hopefully he's going back to selling his luxury real estate in Tulsa, if there is such a thing.  Apologies to anyone from Tulsa.

The guy that busted his eye playing football looks like the retired American soccer player Alexi Lalas.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Fable said:

Tessa from Andy Baldwin's season "won" the 2-on-1 and went on to become F1 in season 10, leaving behind Peyton Wright who was left on a ship's deck while Andy and Tessa flew away in a helicopter.   Ironically, she went on to marry Chris Lambert who was F2 at From Ali's season on the TB-ette.    

I wasn't watching then, but that seems to be the exception. For a long time now the real contenders have been spared the 2-on-1 dates. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

Chad's default to violence to solve an issue is mind-boggling to me. I love how he won't have a conversation with anyone, he goes straight to "wanna go outside?" 

Chad was doing the classic abuser move - It's not my fault.  It's all YOUR fault.  If you didn't provoke me, I wouldn't have hit you.

Edited by DEL901
adding one sentence for clarity
  • Love 17
4 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Did it not occur at least to "rugged, outdoorsy" Luke, to test the hot tub water before throwing more wood into the furnace? Nothing more romantic than being boiled alive, I guess.

The only thing that helps me keep Jordan, Chase, and Robby apart is the facial hair, so I hope none of them changes theirs.

Well JoJo had ordered him to chop wood as soon as they got there.  I wouldn't go so far as to call her "naggy," but she is kind of bossy.  She starts so many sentences with, "Don't be..." she reminds me of the old "Romper Room," kiddie shows.

I agree about her identical triplets. She definitely has a type and it seems like the one with the highest hair, narrowest face, and most close set eyes is the most handsome in her view.  That's one reason I would never bring race into her decisions.  The three men she cut last night were all the opposite of her type.  In fact I'm beginning to wonder how sincere her love for Ben was, when he doesn't  seem to fit her ideal at all, other than being tall.

  • Love 3

The show is getting more stupid. But I will watch it until its demise!!

Very brief comments about last night.

Luke is hot. I can definitely see him being the next Bachelor. I think it will be a race between him and Chase. Right now, I'd bet on Luke.
Jordan needs a haircut....still! Can't Vinny the barber take care of that??
I wish JoJo would stop touching her hair. If we took a drink each time she pushed it back, we would be dead of alcohol intoxication!
Alex and Chad aren't even worth commenting on. Maybe the show will really start once Chad is gone for good.

Robby does nothing for me. He looks so much like Emily Maynard's husband, and I do not find him attractive either. Actually, he looks like a cross between Robby and Chad.  http://hubmesh.com/former-bachelorette-emily-maynard-and-husband-tyler-who-had-a-country-wedding-last-year-overjoyed-with-their-new-baby.html

She is chasing Jordan....classic F1! Though JoJo and Luke got "the music".

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, wovenloaf said:

I still have no idea which one is Robby...

I just figured this out last night. If you find yourself thinking, "Wow, Chase's hair is coiffed without a hair out of place. Hmmm, did he just trim this perfectly symmetrically groomed beard?" Then THAT's Robby. They look EXACTLY the same, but Robby looks like he just had a full hair and makeup team prepping him for his GQ photo shoot at ALL times. 

Edited by JenE4
  • Love 9

Not white?  She's not interested.  Dangerously crazy (but white)?  She'll consider it. 

Normally, I'd be saying amen but Ali and Christian were boring McBoringsons and Chad may be cray but he is HOT. His 'roided up body is fire and that sexy glare thing he does....he's just the kind of bad boy every woman lets break her heart at least once. The other thing I found redeeming about him is that Jojo took him to task more than once and he never came back at her with any aggression and actually seemed cowed a couple of times. That's why I could take his behavior with the guys in stride...I never felt like he was turning any of that towards Jojo. 

Edited by PetuniaP
  • Love 14

All this Chad crap is ruining the show. It was amusing for like a half second and now is just a mess. It is obviously manufactured drama that is just wasting my time. If he was truly dangerous legal concerns would have shut that down in 10 seconds. Did we need four hours of Chad this week? Uh no.

She kissed on Luke and Robby a bit but obviously it's all Jordan. He's the only one she is seeking affirmation of because she is so into him.

The football game was phone though having an accused rapist on was definitely the wrong move. 

  • Love 8

I can't decide if Chad is a plant or not.

I mean, are Bachelor producers really unReal levels of evil and reckless? Since he hadn't gone beyond a fairly tame push and issuing verbal threats, I could maybe see why they didn't pull him in the name of drama. But making the date include "hey, here's a hatchet, go chop some stuff" was baffling. I suppose it's possible that when they do the whole dramatic "abandon the 2:1 date loser at the site of the date" thing, they typically keep the loser there for a while to film interviews, it seemed super implausible that they would just let the guy seethe back to where the guys are, a literal cabin in the woods.

My thinking is if this happened where women were the ones being threatened - if he was stalking towards JoJo's cabin rather than the guys, or this had happened on Bachelor in Paradise or something - the network and show would have to answer for it, and explain if they were creating a storyline or had been reckless in the name of good ("good") TV. I'm guessing no one's going to get too riled about this, unless actual major violence goes down next episode, and we'll never really know. I think we still haven't seen whatever caused a man's shirt being absolutely covered in blood that they kept teasing was coming up this season. My guess is it's a red herring and Chad doesn't cause it, maybe it's an accident from some future date.

Also, is it just me or are the Bachelorettes (or production, anyway) into increasingly aggressive guys? I feel like Kaitlyn's season also included a lot of "beat the shit out of each other" full-contact group dates. Don't get me wrong, if I had a couple dozen guys in a pack to choose from, I'd want at least one hot dirtbag type (there's an Inside Amy Schumer sketch that is so me, where she's Weird Science-ing a dream guy and wants a guy who's all like, sensitive and sweet and enlightened, but fucks like an ex-con). But really only one, not half of them.

Also, I forget who it was, but the really forgettable guy in hour 1 uttered the word "misogyny" when he was dressing Chad down and it blew my mind.

  • Love 4
On 6/7/2016 at 9:42 PM, backformore said:

Good point.   Evan "tattled"  to Chris H about Chad - but Chad is threatening, raging, etc, in front of a camera operator!  Chris H knows all about it already!

Yes, Evan's character is in the plot line. The fact they could not stage that interaction in a more believable way says they need a better writer.  If Chad were really as violent as he has it appears, production would not be so casual about it.  The security guard is just for show.  That chubby little guy would be useless in the face of roid raged Chad.  

I have read too much about how these shows are put together and they are getting more and more "scripted."

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, JenE4 said:

I just figured this out last night. If you find yourself thinking, "Wow, Chase's hair is coiffed without a hair out of place. Hmmm, did he just trim this perfectly symmetrically groomed beard?" Then THAT's Robby. They look EXACTLY the same, but Robby looks like he just had a full hair and makeup team prepping him for his GQ photo shoot at ALL times. 

Ha! Okay that should help, thanks! I must be conflating the two of them...

  • Love 1

I wish JoJo would stop touching her hair. If we took a drink each time she pushed it back, we would be dead of alcohol intoxication!

Really.  JoJo's face is too flat, so when her hair is down and we see the profile view all we see is nose sticking out of hair, like the girl at the pub in the Andy Capp cartoons.  She looks sooo much better with her hair up in a bun.  Then she has some distance from ear to lip, her natural dark hair brings out her eyes and I can finally see the "beautiful," everyone keeps raving about.

  • Love 5

 Luke always looks uncomfortable and his eyes are distant when he isn't talking directly.  He didn't seem to enjoy the hot tub thing much.  You would expect smiles and enthusiasm being with Jojo and having her all over him--he's not.   And he touches his face when he talks about home in Texas.  I think he had his heart broken there and is still carrying a torch.   Whatever.. he just comes off as depressed.

  • Love 8

I don't think Chad is going to be a good addition on BiP.  I was glad to see him go and everyone relax.  He was entertaining for awhile but that is it.  

3 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

She looks sooo much better with her hair up in a bun.  Then she has some distance from ear to lip, her natural dark hair brings out her eyes and I can finally see the "beautiful," everyone keeps raving about.

Yes she does!  


18 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:


I can't decide if Chad is a plant or not.


Believe it. 


1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:


Robby reminds me of Bob on The Biggest Loser in appearance.


That is it!  I have been thinking about who he reminds me of.  Thanks.  


But isn't Grant biracial? I may be wrong but he looks biracial to me.

True, but it's still perfectly keeping in The Bachelorette's usual patterns that all African-American contestants are quickly shown the door within the first few episodes except for one contestant who'll be booted a little later but has no real chance of making the final three. That pattern is so old that even the Bachelor/Bachelorette parody Burning Love was spoofing it three or four years ago.  Maybe Grant will break the pattern, but let's watch and see.  Meanwhile, Lifetime's UnReal is absolutely savaging The Bachelor/Bachelorette on the race issue this year, and their best criticism might be that, social issues aside, these "same old, same old" patterns have become seriously outdated and boring.

  • Love 1

Well every person who goes on the show has about a 1 in 28 chance of getting that final rose, all the rest are booted at some point.  I can't expect The Bachelor/ette to marry someone they aren't in love with just to satisfy a superficial quota based on pigment content.  This isn't a job or a place in college or even a talent contest, physical attraction is something much more intangible and will never be "fair."  You might as well complain  that no obese person has won even though they represent a big percentage of the population.

  • Love 21

As creepy/funny as Chad's whistling in the woods was, I fully believe that he wasn't really whistling and it was added in post.

I agree so much with the resemblance comparisons.  Especially Derek/John K, Evan/Harry Potter guy, and Robby/ BL Bob.

I was less annoyed about JoJo touching her hair than the constant lip licking.

I think that Evan and Alex will be let go next week.  They aren't her type.

I don't really agree with other posters that Chad is "smoking hot".  He has a cute face, but his attitude and overworked body ruin it for me. I really hope that this was planned/scripted, but I agree with the posted above that it seems like he was abused and doesn't know a better way to handle conflict.

I think I am at the point in the season where I go to reality steve and get the scoop.  I need to see what his take on Chad was.

  • Love 4
50 minutes ago, seasick said:

 Luke always looks uncomfortable and his eyes are distant when he isn't talking directly.  He didn't seem to enjoy the hot tub thing much.  You would expect smiles and enthusiasm being with Jojo and having her all over him--he's not.   And he touches his face when he talks about home in Texas.  I think he had his heart broken there and is still carrying a torch.   Whatever.. he just comes off as depressed.

I have no idea if Luke is suffering from PTSD but my dad served in a combat role at a similar age to Luke and well he never was "happy go lucky" after that experience.  There is something about leading men into battle and seeing some of them not survive that affects you for the rest of your life.   There's also survivor's guilt to deal with.

Why Luke thought going on this show was a good idea is beyond me--guess his agent talked him into do so for his career but its sad knowing that there are thousands of young men & women that have been changed forever by their experiences.

  • Love 12

Speaking of Luke, I thought it was interesting that he made he sound like he just ended up at West Point when it's incredibly hard to get into that school. Is that supposed to show how humble he is? War veteran isn't really an occupation...I wonder what he really does. And I'm generally not a fan of Botox but I have never wanted to take a needle to someone's face as badly as I did while watching Luke in that hot tub. That forehead wrinkle was driving me crazy. 

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Does anyone think this whole thing with Chad is scripted?   My sister and I were talking after the show and I said I thought it was a possibility that Chad is acting.  But then she said why would anyone want to be portrayed as such a crazy asshole

Well, a crazy asshole would.  Because they don't see it as being a crazy asshole.  

I've been 100% on Chad = Plant from Day 1, but heretofore I've presumed that he's also come up with some witty (and pretty accurate) digs at the other contestants.

But now I'm convinced that all of the witty stuff we've heard from Chad has been fed to him (probably verbatim) by a Producer.  I just think someone witty enough to say the kind of things he's said is also smart enough to not have to go directly to "YOU WANNA GO?!?!?!" as soon as someone retorts.  

Now I believe that he's just a stupid fucking lunkhead trying to compensate for his steroid-induced raisin-dick.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, PetuniaP said:

Speaking of Luke, I thought it was interesting that he made he sound like he just ended up at West Point when it's incredibly hard to get into that school. Is that supposed to show how humble he is? War veteran isn't really an occupation...I wonder what he really does. And I'm generally not a fan of Botox but I have never wanted to take a needle to someone's face as badly as I did while watching Luke in that hot tub. That forehead wrinkle was driving me crazy. 

Well, he did say he got recruited to play football there, so he may not necessarily be "best and brightest".  Which may explain why he seems to think West Point is part of the Ivy League.

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, PetuniaP said:

Speaking of Luke, I thought it was interesting that he made he sound like he just ended up at West Point when it's incredibly hard to get into that school. Is that supposed to show how humble he is? War veteran isn't really an occupation...I wonder what he really does. And I'm generally not a fan of Botox but I have never wanted to take a needle to someone's face as badly as I did while watching Luke in that hot tub. That forehead wrinkle was driving me crazy. 

Luke is a singer and has a band.   Plays primarily in the Austin, Texas area and in Nashville.  

And I can see how coming from a small town in Texas and attending West Point with the "best & brightest" was overwhelming and seemed like the Ivy league.  

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, scribe95 said:

We never saw Jordan tell her he was Aaron's brother cause she already knew. They were in contact before the show I thought I heard. 

I'm pretty sure the lead gets a mini bio of the contestants before they show up. She seemed to know Alex was a marine, Luke was a veteran etc. It's also possible she heard of Jordan before and he does have a strong resemblance to his brother ( not as cute as Aaron though). The show won't admit it, but I'm sure they know the basics of each guy before the first Rose ceremony and that helps them decide who to dump the first day.

Edited by Madding crowd
Spellcheck changes
  • Love 1

Jordan was announced in the media as a contestant 13 days before filming started.  She knew exactly who he was. 

And if you Google the admissions requirements for West Point, you don't just gee, golly, gosh.....end up there somehow.  It's very competitive and he didn't get in just because he could play football.  He had to have solid connections and put a lot of effort into his applications.  I understand he's downplaying it, but coming off like a hayseed who doesn't know how he got there wif them there Iveee Leege folks is pretty fake to me.  

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, PetuniaP said:

Normally, I'd be saying amen but Ali and Christian were boring McBoringsons and Chad may be cray but he is HOT. His 'roided up body is fire and that sexy glare thing he does....he's just the kind of bad boy every woman lets break her heart at least once. The other thing I found redeeming about him is that Jojo took him to task more than once and he never came back at her with any aggression and actually seemed cowed a couple of times. That's why I could take his behavior with the guys in stride...I never felt like he was turning any of that towards Jojo. 

There's nothing hot about Chad IMO. His roided up body is gross, and his immediate switch to threatening people with violence is extremely off putting. When he told JoJo that there was no other option, other than violence, when you are mad at someone, let's me know that if they had gotten together, and she had pissed him off, he would have turned that violence on her. He was acting like a classic abuser when he was bashing her at the end, for something that he caused.

  • Love 16

It seems to me that in his one-on-one commentary to the cameras (especially the ones that filmed "on set" as opposed to in a separate room) Chad is always three-sheets-to-the-wind.  He's barely avoiding slurring his words and he's swaying back and forth. (given the time he obviously devotes to his body, I'm guessing he's not a big drinker and it doesn't take much to get him shit-faced).

But alot of his really threatening behavior seems to occur when he appears completely sober.

I realize you can't always extrapolate "reality show" behavior to real world behavior.  But with Chad we've seen that the way he responds to any sort of challenge or confrontation, no matter how mild, is to threaten violence.  I think that is something you have to take into consideration in terms of the real world.  I don't think that's something that occurs to someone who wouldn't try to go there in real life.

  • Love 7
5 hours ago, JenE4 said:

I just figured this out last night. If you find yourself thinking, "Wow, Chase's hair is coiffed without a hair out of place. Hmmm, did he just trim this perfectly symmetrically groomed beard?" Then THAT's Robby. They look EXACTLY the same, but Robby looks like he just had a full hair and makeup team prepping him for his GQ photo shoot at ALL times. 

I went and checked your theory on the show's web site, and I had to laugh.  Looking at Chase and Robby's photos reminded me of that Buzzfeed article about Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood. 

Regarding Chad: I didn't finish watching all of last night's episode, but a part of me thinks he should go home. I don't agree with him resorting to violence. Apart from that, I don't mind his straightforwardness. Overall, though, I keep wondering why Chad's still there. When he said things like how he wasn't going to resort to fawning over JoJo, I thought,"Dude, have you seen this show before?" 

Chad has never seemed interested in playing the game, and on The Bachelor(ette) being googly-eyed over the person you're pursing is Rule #1.

ETA: NoWhammies, I just saw your post...*dead*

Edited by C76
I was wrong. Chad's not gone yet! ;)
  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, MissE said:

He was acting like a classic abuser when he was bashing her at the end, for something that he caused.

That rant was also standard Red Pill MRA spew: he KNOWS how she's feeling because she kissed him (or: she spoke to him; or: she looked at him; or: she exists in the world as a woman) and therefore she must want him and only him. Otherwise, she's an "actress" (said with disgust because "in the old days actresses used to be prostitutes you know") or a "[bleep] [bleep] [bleep]." There are no alternatives. 

  • Love 9

It's funny how you guys all seem to know who "Chase" is but Robby is just the GQ Pretty Boy.  I am the opposite, I think Robby is the most beautiful and seriously have zero idea who Chase is.  

I agree that Ali and Alex were very beautiful.  It's too bad I hated Alex's personality because he was so obsessed with Chad it was a bit psychotic (and yes I see that Chad is also psychotic.)  Alex is like the typical Nice Guy Saviour.   Just physically - as soon as I saw Chad's body and veins I could never be attracted to that.

I was into Christian but I wondered why he got ZERO screentime and then Jojo unceremoniously gave him the boot.  Ugh!!  He had the most interesting introduction segment.

Derek is just boring.  I get that he looks like John K. and that's cute, but then you see how boring he is. 

So funny how another poster saw it as The Blair Witch Project - so did I.  I've never seen Deliverance but maybe that too

  • Love 1

 He said she's "really a good actress" or ????

I believe it was "bitch" which, is unfortunate.

I laughed so hard at this Chad-Alex exchange: "You should drink some milk." "I don't like milk." "You should! Milk is delicious!" It was hilarious. I thought maybe she might eliminate both just bc Alex was way more invested in Chad than her. I did think it was an interesting observation of Jojo's that Chad's mother died 6 months ago and he hasn't processed it. Makes sense--pushing the pain deep down and it's coming out as anger.

"Your nose is bleeding AGAIN!" Sorry but Evan....she's not actually vibing him? Christian goes home before him? Last night Evan was reminding me of DJ Qualls.


I also wondered if Robbie was wearing a man bump-it.

I'm dying! His hair is so ill-advised. He also had on the weirdest shoes---they were like moccasins with like, racing stripes?

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, leighdear said:

Jordan was announced in the media as a contestant 13 days before filming started.  She knew exactly who he was. 

And if you Google the admissions requirements for West Point, you don't just gee, golly, gosh.....end up there somehow.  It's very competitive and he didn't get in just because he could play football.  He had to have solid connections and put a lot of effort into his applications.  I understand he's downplaying it, but coming off like a hayseed who doesn't know how he got there wif them there Iveee Leege folks is pretty fake to me.  

Don't those who aspire go to West Point usually go with the idea of being career military?  But Luke's just playing in a band?  I agree, he definitely had to have connections.  Either his parents own the King ranch ( are they still there?)  or his Dad was big time military.   He didn''t just fall into West Point.  I would guess you needed to show  interest in the military for years before ,like ROTC thru high school, or attending a military school for high school.

And all he does now is play in a band?  Weird.

  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's funny how you guys all seem to know who "Chase" is but Robby is just the GQ Pretty Boy.  I am the opposite, I think Robby is the most beautiful and seriously have zero idea who Chase is.  

Robby reminds me of dbag, Nick Peterson, the guy who scammed Rachel in Bachelor Pad 3. 

Chad ripped Evan's shirt - no big deal; Chad threatening the guys - he's not serious; Chad threatens Jordan - he has got to go now.  Interesting!

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I'm pretty sure the lead gets a mini bio of the contestants before they show up. She seemed to know Alex was a marine, Luke was a veteran etc. It's also possible she heard of Jordan before and he does have a strong resemblance to his brother ( not as cute as Aaron though). The show won't admit it, but I'm sure they know the basics of each guy before the first Rose ceremony and that helps them decide who to dump the first day.

I think so too.   Also they all talk to Jo more than we see, as well.  Clearly she has had a bunch of private conversations with Jordan that did not make the edit.


9 hours ago, portergirl99 said:

Have you seen Vinny's hair? Don't trust him!


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!  I have heard his name mentioned when the conversation lands on hair, because he is a barber but I have no memory of ever seeing him!   

Do they have new editors and writers?   This season is more disjointed than the last and that was chopped up.  I think they are getting carried away with the plot and cold scripts.   This show is very different now than it has been. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

I didn't get the downplay of West Point either. I've had friends go to both West Point and USNA, and it takes major hoops to get in. Throw in that he's from Texas and it's even harder. He comes across so confident and calm, but if he said "like" one more time, I was going to reach through the screen and pull out Luke's tongue. 

Robbys hair just looks like comb over to me. I totally see Donald trump hair in him when he hits 55. The makeup comment makes me laugh cause it's true.  

From previews (no spoilers), I'm saying final 5: Grant/Luke, Robby/Dj guy(his name just totally left my brain) Jordan the final. I keep kind of hoping Jordan screws up though and DJ guy or Luke are final. one of the talking heads in the previews that supposedly was about Jordan was about Chad, so not so sure if any dirt in him will come to light. I just don't like that it looks like they hooked up before hand. Other than that he would probably be a front runner for me. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, seasick said:

Don't those who aspire go to West Point usually go with the idea of being career military?  But Luke's just playing in a band?  I agree, he definitely had to have connections.  Either his parents own the King ranch ( are they still there?)  or his Dad was big time military.   He didn''t just fall into West Point.  I would guess you needed to show  interest in the military for years before ,like ROTC thru high school, or attending a military school for high school.

And all he does now is play in a band?  Weird.

This isn't necessarily the case. My best friend in high school, who was the smartest person I have ever met in life, went to West Point and I was pretty shocked that he was applying because he'd told me of no previous interest in the military, did not come from a military family nor did we have have ROTC at our high school. He did have to get a senator to write him a letter of recommendation which was no small feat.

I suppose Luke decided career military wasn't for him after a tour in Afghanistan and nothing wrong with choosing to be a creative instead but I did find the West Point downplaying to be odd. Also, I wonder if they consider themselves Ivy League, even without the official designation. They are certainly at the academic level. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, seasick said:

Don't those who aspire go to West Point usually go with the idea of being career military?  But Luke's just playing in a band?  I agree, he definitely had to have connections.  Either his parents own the King ranch ( are they still there?)  or his Dad was big time military.   He didn''t just fall into West Point.  I would guess you needed to show  interest in the military for years before ,like ROTC thru high school, or attending a military school for high school.

And all he does now is play in a band?  Weird.

All the service academies (West Point, The Citadel, The Naval Academy) have extremely rigorous application requirements than generally start early in the person's high school career.  But their education is paid for in exchange for their active-duty service after graduation.  Most individuals do have a military career in mind, but it appears Luke did his time in, then transitioned to music.  Which is fine, as he did more than what he was contractually obligated to provide in exchange.  He does appear to be a fine young man but I just can't wrap my head around why he's on this show.  Exposure for his band is my only answer as he doesn't come off as somebody craving attention and the personal limelight. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 3

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