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S03.E09: Saints And Sinners

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40 minutes ago, Southernbelle55 said:

Those poor babies. I hope the nanny stays till they're in college. I noticed when Kensie was laughing she was looking at the nanny, not her parents. I've seen Thomas hold her more than Kathryn does. In fact, I haven't seen Kathryn hold her once this season. Even when she said good night, she leaned in when the nanny was holding her and kissed her, instead of giving her a hug. And taking Thomas upstairs to show him her Louis Vuitton hospital bag! She reminds me of a 12 year old. Watching her with Kensie makes me so sad, I ff through those scenes. And since I also ff scenes with Whitney and Larissa, I whipped through this episode.

Yes, showing off her LV hospital bag and asking him to take care of her was sorta sweet and yet sorta skeevy. Emotionally as well as physically Thomas comes off looking like Kathryn's dad and Kensie as his granddaughter.

Edited by RedHawk
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I get what Landon is saying about needing a man at her own level. She means financially but won't outright say so because many rich people don't think it's polite to talk openly about money. I get the impression that in addition to the Bravo paycheck she has a trust fund or other "mailbox money" that supports her, possibly one reason she came out of her divorce with such a small settlement. She talks about jetting around and such, and wanting her man to be a a fun friend who can accompany her. I'll admit that I can see why she thinks Shep would be great in that way, she's just overlooking the fact that he wants to have sex with "everyone in the world". If she wants him as a fun play/sex mate, ok, but the odds seem way against him deciding she's "the one" to settle down with.

Also, Landon, what you're doing is called a "blog" not an online travel magazine. Lower your sights and you just might have something that succeeds moderately. 

Edited by RedHawk
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Redhawk, I agree and to me both Kathryn and Thomas seemed sweet and skeevy.  I could see the wheels turning behind both their eyes tonight: Kathryn was still trying hard to get more from Thomas - more of a commitment and/or more money  - and Thomas was only interested in keeping her sweet until she had a smooth delivery.  They're so transparent.  Their conversation in that cafe was all kinds of calculating.  Thomas was trying to wiggle out and see his decorator without having Kathryn blow a gasket, and Kathryn seemed (to me, anyway) unnaturally sweet and nice to him.  "Ugh" to both of 'em.

BTW where are Kathryn's parents?  We haven't seen them since that initial awkward dinner with Thomas, and I think I glimpsed them at Kensie's second christening.  I assume they don't want to appear on camera, but it's as if K. was raised by wolves.  It's kind of unnatural not to see them fussing around her during her second, more difficult pregnancy.

And yes, Landon should do a blog, if she thinks she has anything to offer.  So many people have parlayed successful blogs into publishing deals, but it does take work (something Landon is allergic to).  She's another one who wants to start at the top, with a media deal instead of the hard graft a serious blog takes.

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3 minutes ago, DeepRed said:

Redhawk, I agree and to me both Kathryn and Thomas seemed sweet and skeevy.  I could see the wheels turning behind both their eyes tonight: Kathryn was still trying hard to get more from Thomas - more of a commitment and/or more money  - and Thomas was only interested in keeping her sweet until she had a smooth delivery.  They're so transparent.  Their conversation in that cafe was all kinds of calculating.  Thomas was trying to wiggle out and see his decorator without having Kathryn blow a gasket, and Kathryn seemed (to me, anyway) unnaturally sweet and nice to him.  "Ugh" to both of 'em.

BTW where are Kathryn's parents?  We haven't seen them since that initial awkward dinner with Thomas, and I think I glimpsed them at Kensie's second christening.  I assume they don't want to appear on camera, but it's as if K. was raised by wolves.  It's kind of unnatural not to see them fussing around her during her second, more difficult pregnancy.

And yes, Landon should do a blog, if she thinks she has anything to offer.  So many people have parlayed successful blogs into publishing deals, but it does take work (something Landon is allergic to).  She's another one who wants to start at the top, with a media deal instead of the hard graft a serious blog takes.

I agree on how transparent both of them were! Sheesh, the amount of manipulation is just sad. Neither of them can be honest, I guess just too much to lose, too much they want to gain or "win". Thomas wanted those babies, especially a son, but neither of them were ready at all for a real relationship. So their kids are doomed to, at best, "co-parents" who keep a wary eye on each other at all times and wheedle and manipulate to get what they want.

Perhaps through motherhood and simple aging Kathryn will mature; I'm writing Thomas off. He's got too many around him approving of his behavior (by reminding him how crazy Kathryn is) and encouraging it. I agree that he's the aging playboy who because he's rich and from an "old family", has his hair, and has kept reasonably fit will always be attractive to a certain type of younger woman. Thus, he won't ever feel the need to settle down and marry unless/until he begins to lose his health (or looks and money) and fear being on his own. Since he has older siblings he'll more likely look to them to take care of him. I know this type a bit too well...


One day I think Kathryn will wake up quite glad not to be legally wed to OLD Thomas Ravenel. 

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I just don't buy what some of these folks are selling.

Katherine laid it on real thick as she prepared for the baby's birth. Acting all helpless and batting her eyes at Thomas. I was raised in the midst of plenty of extremely calculating southern belles, so I see you Katherine.

It was nice to see Thomas sober and calm for a change.

I'm pretty sure JD is a fraud. One giveaway is his ridiculous office decor, which appears to be taken from a lesson in "how to pretend you are a 1950s southern gentleman business owner." I suspect they are living beyond their means. The only question for me is whether Elizabeth is in on it.

Shep was out of his element at the LA party.

I wonder why Danni hangs with this crowd.

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Calm and sober Thomas actually looked a bit attractive again. He should shoot for that state more often.

I wonder how Shep will feel after viewing the L.A. party footage. He really did not fit in or look like a winner, and I think all his potential targets blew him off! Maybe he'll start grooming himself a bit better, or up his game from goofy Boykin puppy to actual adult male? He could have worked the Southern gentleman angle. He's got the brains and money but lacks the sophistication. And I am getting tired of the way he treats women as either friends or disposable sex toys. All I seem to be saying today is "Sheesh!"

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1 hour ago, Duke2801 said:

Oh dear.  I think I just strained by eyeballs by rolling them too hard. Oh yeah Craig and the millenials' time is just TOO precious to listen to a damn voicemail. Yeah, they're FAR too busy making vines, or posting fish-lipped pics to Instagram or.... whatever they do.  What the fuck ever. 

eta: Just in case it wasn't clear, I wasn't RME at you, HunterHunted - just the article!  And, well, certain millenials' ridiculous entitlement, in general. ;)

See, and I nearly choked myself laughing so hard at the concept of "if it was really important they would send me a Facebook message."  And I am someone who prefers a text to a voicemail every day of the week.  But, I would not try to dictate how my boss contacts me and if I'd skipped out right before an important work event I would be checking all modes of communication to make sure I was reachable.

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She adores her kids and she is not passive aggressive. She is aggressive-aggressive,

We must not be seeing the same person.

I haven't seen anything yet to make me think Kathryn "adores" her kids. To be honest, sometimes her actions convey that she wishes she HADN"T gotten pregnant, twice.

I also think she'is passive aggressive at times. She's pulled some disappearing acts, and in proviso seasons cut off contact for all of,uh,  1/2 an episode.

2) IF, Landon were Shep's "type, he might have pursued a "relationship: with her. But she's not, AND she has nothing to offer in the challenge department. So she really does just need to forget hooking up with Shep.  Cameron and Elizabeth are the only two women on this show who know how to keep a man? Geez. Kathryn didn't know how to closed the deal with Thomas, Landon can't get Shep's attention. These women are pathetic….no wily ways at all. Naomie has Craig, but he's not the man he could be. So even she clearly doesn't know how to turn her man into a winner. I'm not talking about women wringing their hands over a cauldron, Lady Macbeth style, scheming and planning all kinds of machinations to manipulate her man like a marionette -- but a woman worth her salt should know how to combine the use of her "charms" with a little "psychology" to her benefit.

3) OMG, pasdetrois, I'm with you 100%!…on J.D., Kathryn, and the lot of them.

Edited by selhars
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" Ravenel, party of four" in Kathrine's dreams only.  What a stupid, stupid girl.  The "what about me" whining nonsense should be a cold water wake up to her, that she would even have to wonder such a thing aloud.  I agree with whomever mentioned it before, that one day she will be mighty glad not to find herself in her late thirties with two teenagers, just waiting for her old man husband to die.


And Naomie?  Pretty enough, probably from an old money, establishment family.  I may be alone in thinking she sees Craig as her screen test.  Her string of "likes" last night was impressive, even by Landon standards. 



Edited by arejay
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Was Craig not told he was expected to work that event?  I was not following closely, so perhaps I missed something.  Not sure if JD was not explicit in his expectations, or if Craig just blew him off.  Seems weird.

This entire episode was full of a whole lot of BS.

Speaking about the event, Craig said he thought he had everything set up and organized before he left for L.A.

I wondered exactly "WHAT" he thought he'd organized. Because the launch didn't look that big to me. It looked like a side event flop, to me. If J.D. himself was there setting up then Craig didn't do squat. J.D. called someone else and asked them to do it. And it looked like it was thrown together at that….like the launch at the race may have been planned, but the actual launch LOGISTICS were practically an afterthought. J.D. is definitely trying to use the exposure on the show to his benefit as much as he can. But since producers have the say on filming skeds and edits he can't get but so much mileage out of it.

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Well, if there was ever anything to be jealous of Kathryn about its the fact that from start to finish her labor was 6 hours! My second kids inducement lasted 18 and my third child was 36 hours and two rounds of pitocin later! Gah! Other than that, I got nothing. Home girl still couldn't sit her ass down. Out for decaf coffee and facials does not bed rest make. Neither do the multiple trips up and down stairs to show off LV bags.

Yea, the LA trip was lame. Nothing wrong with never being to LA before. I've been to Hawaii but nowhere in CA and am from the Eastern USA. So what? But, you go to LA for the first time and spend it getting a massage and drunk in someone's home? Did they go out at all? Craig could have done the same shit in Charleston, no need to risk your (probably fake) job to do that shit on the other side of the country.

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Landon just wants a high end publication to call her and finance an exotic trip somewhere so she can write about it. Luckily the freelance travel writing market doesn't require one to have a rare combination of drive, talent, and limitless ambition oh wait.

She should do a blog from the point of view of a single, southern woman who broke societal norms by leaving a financially secure marriage and joined a reality show, and is now exploring the southern fashion and social scene knowing she is a pariah with means. It should have a chick lit tone with some gossip and poignancy thrown in among fashion/make-up shoots and southern tradition. Like Southern Living in blog format for 20-somethings. It's not groundbreaking, but it's a start and she has money to get copyeditors, photographers, advertisers, etc. How come no one calls me to do their elevator pitch?

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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15 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Craig's never been to L.A. before? WTH?  

Kathryn is still hoping she and Thomas might be a family? Is she asking to be hurt over and over again when he starts cheating with other women? Gawd!!  Cooper makes sense, listen to him before you ruin your life.

I don't think it's that odd that Craig has never been to Los Angeles. I know plenty of people who haven't. And they travel,  just not to LA. I have only been because I have family there.  It's not one of my favorite places. 

Craig is just such a freaking child! Run!  Naomi run! Craig is tiresome. 

I skipped the LA scenes.  I don't care about Whitney,  Shep and Craig trying to look cool. 

Thomas and Kathryn were sweet. I just think it was a bit to touchy for me.  I understand they are  having a child,  but you can be civil and not hold hands and look deeply into each others eyes.  They need to set boundaries because there is going to be a lot of hurt. I'm sure there already is. 

I'm not a Kathryn fan but I was so happy she told Thomas just come back in the morning, when he offered to sleep over.  See..... Boundaries. 

Why was cameron making a goofy/icky face as she tried to pit a lemon?  Come on girl!  It's a lemon. 


Landon,  Landon I really can't with this woman. I'm not sure who is more entitled Craig or Landon. 

Landon's website will just happen,  and Shep  will just wake up one day and realize he's In love with her... Ummm Kay. I'm sure that will be the same day,  Craig will be put in charge of the bourbon division ? ? ? 

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50 minutes ago, arejay said:

And Naomie?  Pretty enough, probably from an old money, establishment family.  I may be alone in thinking she sees Craig as her screen test.  Her string of "likes" last night was impressive, even by Landon standards. 

Yes, Craig is a lazy fool, but what is Naomie doing with her life?  Does she have a job?  Or is she another Landon and expects her parents' money to support her forever?

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23 minutes ago, izabella said:

Yes, Craig is a lazy fool, but what is Naomie doing with her life?  Does she have a job?  Or is she another Landon and expects her parents' money to support her forever?


3 excellent questions!  They prompted me to do a little search on her.  I think she's still fairly recently graduated from college. According to #7, it looks like she's planning to get an MBA (or something akin to that).


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I would like to pull J.D.’s  Porky Pig bowtie straight out, let it go, and watch it punch him in the throat.  He is as FAUX as Katherine’s Birkin Bag.  I guess they keep J.D. around to play Uriah Heep to T-Rav’s David Copperfield/Peter Pan. Elizabeth is the brains of this bunch, but she throws some form of shade herself.  I can't put my finger on it at the moment but there is something there...

If  Landon somehow hooks her smarmy claws and paws into Shep,  I will personally call his mama and have her come up there.   NO Landon  you twat – you can’t have Shep!

IMHO, Katherine and T-Rav are both messed-up people, but this episode made me shed a tear for them.  I doubt they would ever make it in real life, still, I bet they will always wonder what could have been. Last night I saw (creepy as it may be) the fondness they have for each other.

Naomi is getting ready to bail on numb nuts (but sweet) Craig. The up and coming Bourbon Division Executive *heavy,heavy sarcasm*  is not going to bring the bling she requires.  Naomi is a low to no bullshit type of gal.

With Craig's latest "leave town while you have a make it or break it business assignment that you let turn into another fiasco" shenanigans, I think Naomi is outy.

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13 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:


3 excellent questions!  They prompted me to do a little search on her.  I think she's still fairly recently graduated from college. According to #7, it looks like she's planning to get an MBA (or something akin to that).


Thanks for digging that up, but it poses more questions for me than gives answers.  She and Craig knew each other in college, and have reconnected.  And she is just now taking her GRE for some kind of grad school (GMAT is usually for business school/MBA), while Craig graduated from 3 years of law school at least 2 years ago.  So my question still stands - what has Naomie been doing with her life since graduating college 3-5 years ago?

According to that link, she does a LOT of international travel.  That's all on her parents' money, I'll bet.  Maybe Landon should try to marry Naomie instead of a rich guy, and they can "roam" together.

Edited by izabella
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3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I wanted to add that when Shep was chiding Craig about cleaning up his, Craig's, voicemail, that it's a generational thing. Millennials hate voicemail. I'm at the tail end of generation x and never leave a voicemail and rarely check it even at work.


Oh, I get what you're saying & I've heard this too, but it's easy enough to see who you've gotten vm's from & even a text of 'em.  He was dodging JD.  It was a pretty stupid & ineffective way to handle him.  Craig is an idiot.  He's also irresponsible & immature.  I'm not seeing how he'd ever make it as a lawyer with this cruddy attitude of his.

Well, this is the way it can go when you work for a small company.  The owner could treat you like a slave & contact you whenever & wherever.  Sounds like working for JD is a really shitty gig.  Wonder if Craigie-poo is stashing away some of the bourbon.  At least Craigie has a nice office.  Could be worse.  He could be working for Bethenny.  Eek!

So is Snowflake really into Horseteeth -- or is this just a thing for the cams & to give herself a storyline?  I don't see ANY sexual chemistry between those 2 -- AT ALL!  Er, huh?

Gee, I wonder if Snowflake has ever held a job.  Ever?  Oh, I know this show is a job, but I suspect at least 50 PA's gotta prop poor widdle Snowflake up.

Oh, and Count Chocula saying how Craigie didn't "amuse" him as much anymore?  What the hell, you freakin' ghoul?  Damn, if he said this shit to me, it wouldn't go well for the creepy jerk.  I'm reminded of Joe Pesci in Goodfellas.  Nuff said.  Fuck off, Count Chocula.

From the way his "girlfriend" was so all over Craigie-poo & Horseteeth, she was lookin' mighty darn horny.  Maybe cuz she ain't gettin' nothin' from Chocula?  Well, hope not -- for her sake, that is.

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3 hours ago, RedHawk said:

I get what Landon is saying about needing a man at her own level. She means financially but won't outright say so because many rich people don't think it's polite to talk openly about money. I get the impression that in addition to the Bravo paycheck she has a trust fund or other "mailbox money" that supports her, possibly one reason she came out of her divorce with such a small settlement. She talks about jetting around and such, and wanting her man to be a a fun friend who can accompany her. I'll admit that I can see why she thinks Shep would be great in that way, she's just overlooking the fact that he wants to have sex with "everyone in the world". If she wants him as a fun play/sex mate, ok, but the odds seem way against him deciding she's "the one" to settle down with.

Also, Landon, what you're doing is called a "blog" not an online travel magazine. Lower your sights and you just might have something that succeeds moderately. 

I don't think Landon has a trust fund.  I think she did get some sort of divorce settlement.  From what I've read, the husband had some money and even if they had a prenup, she probably got something.

1 hour ago, izabella said:

Yes, Craig is a lazy fool, but what is Naomie doing with her life?  Does she have a job?  Or is she another Landon and expects her parents' money to support her forever?

Naomi is attending TCC.

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Who names a kid "St. Julien"?  Considering his parents, Baby St. J. has been dealt a poor hand as he begins life.

Edited by Jeremiad
Autocorrect :)
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All I kept thinking about during the Kathryn/Thomas scenes was .... this is the last night that Kensie will be an only child.  Kathryn's lack of focus on Kensie was typical of Kathryn, yet surprising nonetheless.   Just another day in the life of Kensie and the nanny.   I guess Kensie's world won't change one iota because Kathryn really isn't the one taking care of her.   Kind of sad.   

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Kathryn needs to accept that she was used as a broodmare, make sure that she and those two little "Ravenel family obligations" are well cared for, and create a happy life with someone who loves them all.

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5 hours ago, RedHawk said:

Yes, showing off her LV hospital bag and asking him to take care of her was sorta sweet and yet sorta skeevy. Emotionally as well as physically Thomas comes off looking like Kathryn's dad and Kensie as his granddaughter.

Something tells me that Kathryn purchased that "LV" bag from the same place that she purchased her "faux real" Birkin.....

But, I have to say, I did enjoy Thomas and Kathryn together during those scenes.  There is definitely a spark there between them - too bad the spark erupts into an earth-scorching conflagration all too often!  

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2 hours ago, izabella said:

Thanks for digging that up, but it poses more questions for me than gives answers.  She and Craig knew each other in college, and have reconnected.  And she is just now taking her GRE for some kind of grad school (GMAT is usually for business school/MBA), while Craig graduated from 3 years of law school at least 2 years ago.  So my question still stands - what has Naomie been doing with her life since graduating college 3-5 years ago?

According to that link, she does a LOT of international travel.  That's all on her parents' money, I'll bet.  Maybe Landon should try to marry Naomie instead of a rich guy, and they can "roam" together.

Well Craig is definitely older than her.  He's 26 or 27 now. But Cameron or Landon mentioned in one episode that Naomi is "Katherine's age" - so she's closer to 23 or 24 I guess? So maybe she was a freshman when he was a senior? 

But in any case, yes, you are correct that it does seem like she has not held down a regular 9-5 job since graduating college. But since she comes from a very wealthy family like Shep's I guess she doesn't need to.  Hell, I'd sure have loved for my "job" to be to travel internationally as a young 20-something. Nice work if you can get it!

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All I kept thinking about during the Kathryn/Thomas scenes was .... this is the last night that Kensie will be an only child.  Kathryn's lack of focus on Kensie was typical of Kathryn, yet surprising nonetheless.   Just another day in the life of Kensie and the nanny.   I guess Kensie's world won't change one iota because Kathryn really isn't the one taking care of her.   Kind of sad.   

That doesn't seem fair. Kathryn seems to be with Kensie and interacting with her most of the time. And I'm not sure how she would have behaved differently because it's Kensie's last night as an only child. We've heard her talking to Kensie about the baby that's coming, so Kensie is aware. But she's not really old enough to get her head around the concept of "tonight's the last night it's just us". Doing anything that's out of Kensie's normal routine would just freak her out. You can say what you like about Kathryn, but she seems to me to be a good and doting mother.

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1 hour ago, Jeremiad said:

Who names a kid "St. Julien"?  Considering his parents, Baby St. J. has been dealt a poor hand as he begins life.

There's actually a Bravo article on that too.  Apparently St. Julien is a Ravanel family name.  It was actually someone's first name in his family.  His middle name is after someone in her family.  Either a grand or great-grandfather.  If you look at the baby shower page, you'll probably find the link to the baby name meaning page as well. 

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1 hour ago, Jeremiad said:

Who names a kid "St. Julien"?  Considering his parents, Baby St. J. has been dealt a poor hand as he begins life.

The same people who give little girl a last name as a first name, or name her after a posh district in London.  *sigh*  YMMV but that stuff makes me roll my eyes.  Not that I'm opposed to Julien as a boy's name if it's a family name, but the "Saint" part kills me.  It's all a little too precious for me.

Re Craig's amusing/not amusing Whitney, I know a few upper crusties who refer to people as amusing or boring, and they don't use those words the way we would.  Amusing people seem to run the gamut from, well, amusing, to pleasant to be around, being good at small talk, being socially appropriate etc.  Boring people are boring, tedious, too ridiculous to waste time talking about etc.

ETA thanks, esco.

Edited by DeepRed
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16 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Pretty sure Craig blows off anything that's not convenient for him. Can't believe he told JD he wasn't about to miss a trip to LA just because of a job.  Yes, Craig.  No one ever misses anything they'd rather be doing because of a job. AHole.

I thought Craig kind of blew the fourth wall last night when he said the job with JD was his way to come back to Charleston.  I would say Craig's primary job is Bravo and a good portion of his compensation (if any) from JD has to do with Craig and his storyline for product placement.  I jut didn't see anything terribly complex about what lard butt JD had to put together.

There is a certain innocence and golly gee shucks about Craig that makes him entertaining to watch.  He may never practice law or not get serious about a career until after the show's run, but he seems to be a good man with the way he treats Naomi. 

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4 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I just don't buy what some of these folks are selling.

Katherine laid it on real thick as she prepared for the baby's birth. Acting all helpless and batting her eyes at Thomas. I was raised in the midst of plenty of extremely calculating southern belles, so I see you Katherine.

It was nice to see Thomas sober and calm for a change.

I'm pretty sure JD is a fraud. One giveaway is his ridiculous office decor, which appears to be taken from a lesson in "how to pretend you are a 1950s southern gentleman business owner." I suspect they are living beyond their means. The only question for me is whether Elizabeth is in on it.

Shep was out of his element at the LA party.

I wonder why Danni hangs with this crowd.

Katherine was indeed laying it on thick.  The funny thing is I would be willing to bet most, if not all, of why Thomas keeps coming back (besides the babies) to her is he likes the excitement of her wrath.  He likes the game.  

On Shep, seriously, the flirting the masseuse was gross.  If something were to have happened between Landon and Shep, it would've happened already.  She knows it.  She's one of those girls that was probably adorable when she was in high school.  But at her age (30?) it's not so cute anymore.  Plus, really, she's not all that good looking.  Her skin is looking weathered.  Her eyes are squinty.  That awful voice and laugh.  I bet her cuteness wears off very quickly.  Not to mention I've yet to hear her utter anything remotely intelligent.

Is Whitney's LA pad another rental? It looks barely lived in.

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2 hours ago, Jeremiad said:

Who names a kid "St. Julien"?  Considering his parents, Baby St. J. has been dealt a poor hand as he begins life.

Some of us discussed the little guy's strange name in the Thomas and Kathryn thread back when he was born.  St. Julien Ravenel was a somewhat famous Charlestonian in the 19th Century.  Here's a link to his Wiki page:

I believe the "Rembert" is from Kathryn's side.  I was somewhat surprised when Thomas pronounced it during Monday night's episode.  I had assumed the pronunciation was French (Rem-Behr) but he pronounced the "t" when he spoke the name.

Also, regarding the paternity test that J.D. was prodding Thomas to take, Kathryn had a response on her Twitter last night:

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Kathryn, are you saying a paternity test was conducted? 

The reason I said I was surprised that Craig has never been to L.A. was because of all the other places he HAS been. Tweeting pix from the Grand Prix in Monaco. He would have traveled while in college during his downtime in the summers, I would think. Since he seems more interested in being on TV than doing anything else, that's usually where people go to see what's available.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Katherine was indeed laying it on thick.  The funny thing is I would be willing to bet most, if not all, of why Thomas keeps coming back (besides the babies) to her is he likes the excitement of her wrath.  He likes the game.  

On Shep, seriously, the flirting the masseuse was gross.  If something were to have happened between Landon and Shep, it would've happened already.  She knows it.  She's one of those girls that was probably adorable when she was in high school.  But at her age (30?) it's not so cute anymore.  Plus, really, she's not all that good looking.  Her skin is looking weathered.  Her eyes are squinty.  That awful voice and laugh.  I bet her cuteness wears off very quickly.  Not to mention I've yet to hear her utter anything remotely intelligent.

Is Whitney's LA pad another rental? It looks barely lived in.

Oh I forgot Shep's totally rude and gross flirtation with the masseuse! She was trying to be professional and answer him in a way that set boundaries but he just walked over top of them in stupid incomprehension. I generally like Shep but Craig should have told him to go away and stop harassing the woman who was there to do a job.

Whitney's house seems like a place that's staged and on the market for sale, so he was able to rent it for a week or so of filming. Doesn't look the least bit "lived in" or warm.

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8 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Kathryn, are you saying a paternity test was conducted? 

The reason I said I was surprised that Craig has never been to L.A. was because of all the other places he HAS been. Tweeting pix from the Grand Prix in Monaco. He would have traveled while in college during his downtime in the summers, I would think. Since he seems more interested in being on TV than doing anything else, that's usually where people go to see what's available.

Again I forgot to check Twitter last night! Can they do paternity tests before a child is born? I get Kathryn's annoyance but that was a total storyline and she should know better and not be upset, although I guess Thomas wouldn't have told her that he and JD were filmed chatting about it. He knows she would have blown a fuse at the time, and he was working hard to keep her BP down. She's likely to get a few more nasty surprises this season.

Where else has Craig traveled that isn't this recent trip with Naomie? I had the feeling he wouldn't have had much extra cash to travel during college and law school.

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Craig is too self-entitled. He thinks that he has to be handed the opportunities in order to prove himself and what he can do. That’s not how the real world works. Unless you have money or connections, you have to prove yourself before you earn your opportunities. He’s going to keep falling flat on his face (and burning bridges along the way) if he keeps pissing on opportunities because he feels like he’s not getting enough so soon. Instead of his involvement as ways to learn the trade to be a smart businessman, he sees it as doing bitch work. JD is his boss and owns the company he works for and he gets involved with the nitty gritty stuff too so why does Craig think his unproven ass is more deserving than what he’s gotten thus far? Naomi seems to be the responsible one in the relationship. 

Shep complained about Craig being a slacker though he can’t afford to be one yet he turns around and tells Craig that he thinks people take work too seriously? Some people have aspirations and yes, sometimes they take it too seriously at the expense of things like their health, or their morals, but when someone isn’t taking accountability for their responsibilities, then is not the time to talk about people taking work so seriously. 

Katheryn and Thomas acted like a real family. Katheryn was laying it on pretty thick though. She was trying to frame the picture of them being a happy family...part of her fantasy is simply due to her not wanting to see the writing on the wall. If a man says he doesn't want you, don't do everything in your power to convince yourself that he's not being honest with you. 

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Craig is an entitled, immature jackass. He should never have left town the week of an important event and if he were serious about his work with JD he would not have gone to LA. He shouldn't have to be told or asked by JD to do his job. Now he's like, oh, wow, I'm being held accountable for things, maybe I'd better reconsider that lawyering business. Run, Naomi, run!!!!! I don't know what she sees in him.

Also, while I think JD is definitely using the show to promote his new bourbon brand, it is my understanding that he is very well off and his other businesses are profitable. His good ol boy humor is sometimes questionable, but I like him and think he's pretty funny sometimes.

Poor Shep. I think he knew he was out of his depth with the ladies in LA. As I've said before, he needs a Cameran clone who's willing to put in some work on him. She's his ideal girl, not whiny Landon. 

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Though I don't dig JD's "Southern Gentleman" act, I do agree with him about Thomas getting that paternity test, because as Kanye said, "I ain't saying she's a gold-digger but...."

Even though I said that, I find Kathryn beautiful WITHOUT make up.  There's something fresh and naturally pretty about her face without all that paint on it.  She's a pretty young woman who should realize that even though Thomas might marry her, he'll never be faithful and she'll be made out to be a screaming shrew and Thomas will be that "good old boy."  

Craig is a fool, he has no idea how the world works.  If you have a job then YES you might not be able to go on vacation when you want, that's called life.  

Edited by Neurochick
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9 hours ago, Southernbelle55 said:

Those poor babies. I hope the nanny stays till they're in college. I noticed when Kensie was laughing she was looking at the nanny, not her parents. I've seen Thomas hold her more than Kathryn does. In fact, I haven't seen Kathryn hold her once this season. Even when she said good night, she leaned in when the nanny was holding her and kissed her, instead of giving her a hug. And taking Thomas upstairs to show him her Louis Vuitton hospital bag! She reminds me of a 12 year old. Watching her with Kensie makes me so sad, I ff through those scenes. And since I also ff scenes with Whitney and Larissa, I whipped through this episode.

Kathryn is going through a difficult pregnancy and most likely not allowed to lift things.  I've always seen her being very affectionate towards Kensie.

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It's not unheard of for pregnant women to request their doctors induce their labor, allowing them to dump their newborns on their nannies, allowing them to spend their time getting their bodies back into pre-pregnancy shape, before they start partying & drinking all night again.

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1 hour ago, terminalpreppy said:

Oh, have i mentioned how sick i am of Shep? Same every episode. Drinks excessively, is unkempt, and laughs and jokes about getting laid. Constantly. Ewww. That guy must be a walking std by now. Yuck. 

That's why I don't believe Shep has as much sex as he claims to have.  I think he does a lot of bragging.

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4 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

That's why I don't believe Shep has as much sex as he claims to have.  I think he does a lot of bragging.

I agree - those that are bragging aren't necessarily shagging....    ;-)

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I honestly can't remember Shep talking about having a lot of sex. He talks about going out and implied that cheesy painting girl was a friend with benefits but other than that I can't remember him bragging about it. 

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At some point when Craig was moaning about JD being mad at him he said something like "This was a setup, Shep totally set me up."  It seemed like he was blaming Shep for holding that gun to his head to get him to drag himself away to work to go to L.A.

By the way, my family loves to travel and the only time I've been to LA was for a few days when I was 11 (I'm 49 now). My husband's been to five continents and hasn't ever gone to L.A.

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