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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

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On 5/11/2017 at 5:27 AM, rmontro said:

Marvel really made a huge mistake when they let their franchises go in such a way that other companies could hold on to them basically in perpetuity.  They should have maybe leased the rights for something like three movies, then have them revert back.  Oh well, hindsight is better than foresight.  It would be nice if people boycotted the Sony-only Spider-man if they take it back, but I'm sure the diehards don't have the numbers to really affect it.

The idea of Marvel setting up its own film studio was not remotely within anybody's contemplation at the time they were selling these properties.

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1 hour ago, SeanC said:

The idea of Marvel setting up its own film studio was not remotely within anybody's contemplation at the time they were selling these properties.

I'm just glad that they're doing so good that Sony turned to them to help make Spider-Man so awesome again. 

Marvel is not perfect but they do know their characters. 

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15 hours ago, Jazzy24 said:

I honestly don't know why FOX doesn't just sell the FF back to Marvel, the last movie bombed hard and right now it's just sitting on a shelf waiting to be brought back out(before it hits that mark where if not used in 5yrs it automatically goes back to Marvel)and made into another crappy movie. FOX is not benefiting from FF so why not give it back, Marvel would do wonders with it. 

I've heard that there is animosity between Fox and Marvel, although I don't know what the reason for it is.  As someone above said, Marvel is not perfect, so it's possible even they would not make a good Fantastic Four movie.  But I've lost all hope that Fox ever will.

10 hours ago, SeanC said:

The idea of Marvel setting up its own film studio was not remotely within anybody's contemplation at the time they were selling these properties.

I did say it was hindsight.

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On 5/12/2017 at 2:42 PM, Matt K said:

True, but there was very little they could do as if they didn't sell the rights then Marvel would not exist.  As it was they were going through bankruptcy and there was talk at the time that they would either be bought out or shut down (or bought out and shut down).  So if they didn't sell the rights in the first place Marvel would never have existed to create the MCU. 

Yeah, if they didn't sell the rights to films, a lot of those characters would belong to DC now.  Both were in massive financial shit, but DC being owned by a movie studio means they wouldn't sell those rights and they could eat the loss, and the animation department was well, DC's animation department.

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On 5/14/2017 at 5:32 AM, Jediknight said:

Yeah, if they didn't sell the rights to films, a lot of those characters would belong to DC now.  Both were in massive financial shit, but DC being owned by a movie studio means they wouldn't sell those rights and they could eat the loss, and the animation department was well, DC's animation department.

DC wanted to buy Marvel at one point?

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40 minutes ago, JessePinkman said:

DC wanted to buy Marvel at one point?

Not just that, in the early 80s, DC almost got sold to Marvel.  The only reason it didn't happen was that the comic book distributers put up a fight, saying the two combined would be too much of a monopoly.

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43 minutes ago, JessePinkman said:

DC wanted to buy Marvel at one point?

I remember it being a rumor but I don't think it went any further than that.  That said, it's not like DC hadn't done this before.  Captain Marvel and the Blue Beetle for example each belonged to another company that DC bought out.  



Not just that, in the early 80s, DC almost got sold to Marvel.  The only reason it didn't happen was that the comic book distributers put up a fight, saying the two combined would be too much of a monopoly.

          Plus DC was the publisher for early Marvel comics (for a while Marvel was capped at a max number of books per month which is why we got shared books, like Tales of Suspense was an Iron Man/Captain America book and Strange Tales was a Dr. Strange/Nick Fury book for a while).

Edited by Matt K
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58 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Dammit. With Rothman and Pascal heavily involved you know it's going to suck. However, Tom Hardy makes me want to watch.

The whole idea of a Spider-Man CU without Spider-Man makes me question if we're back in the coke-filled '80s.

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Having seen the trailer that is showing with Guardians, I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie. And not just because we finally have a Peter that *looks* like a teenager but for Tony Stark's role. He is trying so hard to keep Peter on the right path, to deal with the fact that while he has these powers he can't save the world yet and might truly get killed trying. At least the way the trailer cut it, it's an oddly parental role that Tony is very awkward with yet acknowledges he must take on. Peter does need guidance and limits, if only because while he *wants* to do good in the world and use his powers to help, he doesn't know yet how to do that safely and with an eye towards the long-range consequences. Those are lessons Tony learned the very hard way and I'm delight seeing him try to teach the next generation to learn from his mistakes.

Edited by anna0852
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This is Marvel Studio's first chance to make a Spider-Man movie.  You don't think they're going to pass up a chance to include the classic theme song, do you?

Edited by rmontro
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I'm so excited.  I love that he back-flipped over the bed.

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Tony trying to protect Peter is so great and sad at the same time. I like that he has Peter reporting to him what he's doing as Spider-Man(a 16yr old does need that supervision) I'm so ready for this movie and I knew Peter recorded the Civil War fight. 

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So, we've had Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, which built on what made the first so lovable.  We had Wonder Woman, which took even the most optimistic expectations and blew them out of the water.  Now we have this, which I keep reading is the best movie in a franchise that already had one of the genre's best movies.

I'd say we don't deserve it, but given the state of things outside of the movie theater, maybe we do.

Although if this goes 3 for 3 in making me cry, I'm not seeing another superhero movie without tranquilizers.

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1 hour ago, starri said:

So, we've had Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, which built on what made the first so lovable.  We had Wonder Woman, which took even the most optimistic expectations and blew them out of the water.  Now we have this, which I keep reading is the best movie in a franchise that already had one of the genre's best movies.

I'd say we don't deserve it, but given the state of things outside of the movie theater, maybe we do.

Although if this goes 3 for 3 in making me cry, I'm not seeing another superhero movie without tranquilizers.

Which franchise?  Spiderman or MCU?

Edited by dusang
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Just now, dusang said:

Which franchise?  Spiderman or Avengers?

Spider-Man.  Spider-Man II was and is my favorite comic book movie (with V for Vendetta, GotG, and now Wonder Woman #2 depending on the day), which manages to be both a great story about self-doubt AND a thoroughly entertaining thrill ride.  But some of the reviews say this is even better.

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I personally wouldn't rate this at the level of the 2002 Spider-Man, which is my favourite of Raimi's films.  A lot of people crown Spider-Man 2 as the peak of that franchise, but for me it was diminishing returns after the first one, because Raimi did little to vary the formula going forward.  But anyway, that's a lesson that this creative team has certainly learned, because in pretty much all respects this is constructed to deliberately escape the indelible shadow of the Raimi films by trying (and largely succeeding) at doing things we haven't seen before with the character.

This ends up, in some ways, actually making this contrary to the MCU's normal modus operandi of hewing very close to the comics' template.  Uncle Ben's death and his effect on Peter and May (always just called "May" here, rather than "Aunt May", incidentally) is only vaguely alluded to, and even on a visual/powers level this Spider-Man is different -- simultaneously much more high tech (his suit even comes with a JARVIS-style computer for him to talk too, amusingly voiced by Paul Bettany's wife Jennifer Connelly), but also a lot greener, and we don't even get a swooping sequence of him slinging his way around skyscrapers (instead, the movie gets a lot of mileage out of what Spider-Man does when he's operating in less built-up areas).

Both previous iterations of this franchise were promoted with central romances (with Mary Jane in the first one, with Gwen in the second), this one by comparison was pitched as going for a high school movie feel, and it definitely delivers there.  Peter's social circle at school is a lot wider than it was in previous movies.  This also necessarily means the focus is more diffuse; we spend significantly more time with Ned (quite a fun character, and another change in the formula, giving Peter a friend who's in on the whole thing) than with either of the girls in Peter's orbit, for instance.  You've also got the Iron Man cast crowding in, not just Tony himself but also Happy (who probably gets the most screentime here I can remember him having) and even (briefly) Pepper, showing up to patch up Civil War seemingly ending Tony's relationship offscreen.  Marisa Tomei is pretty underused here, I must say.

Michael Keaton's Vulture is quite good, easily in the top tier of MCU villains (granted, not a big achievement).  Though people who insist that the MCU's greatness is directly proportional to faithfulness to the comic will either be bothered by or just ignore (as they have other MCU departures from the comics) that this version of the Vulture has virtually nothing in common with the comics version other than the basic concept of his powers.

Edited by SeanC
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I got back from the movie a little while ago and I really enjoyed it.  A very fun movie with a terrific cast.  I will say that Michael Keaton is a great villain.  He really brought it.  Between Guardians and Homecoming, it looks like Marvel has finally solved their villain problem.

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I had a great time and liked the movie a whole bunch. Frankly, they had me at bodega cat. 

I liked that Peter was a kid played by a kid. One of my favorite scenes was when he broke down crying amongst the rubble. I also liked that his school looked like an actual school in Queens with a diverse population. The tie-ins to all the other Marvel flicks were fun, too. I'll see this one again. 

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23 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I liked that Peter was a kid played by a kid. One of my favorite scenes was when he broke down crying amongst the rubble. I also liked that his school looked like an actual school in Queens with a diverse population. The tie-ins to all the other Marvel flicks were fun, too. I'll see this one again.

I found it hilarious that they had the school located right next to the elevated train stop 36th Avenue (where I grew up). First because it was an obvious green screen where in real life it is a bunch of small factories and stores, not a school with a huge campus. Next, because no school in their right mind would want to be located next to a noisy elevated train on the same block with them.

I love that Peter goes to a school where everyone was smart/gifted.

Spiderman is my favorite comic book superhero and Tom was great as Peter/Spidey.

I thought the tension building was excellent when he met Liz's dad all the way to the car drive to the Homecoming dance.

And I flat out loved how it ended in Peter's room.

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I really loved the movie. I thought the everyone added to the storyline and to Peter's journey. I was afraid they were gonna over use Iron Man but they didn't. If anything this movie gave Iron Man even more layers and they brought back Happy and Pepper which I freaking loved- sucked it Avengers 2. Also love the cameos from Chris Evans as Captain America and Donald Glover. These two's appearance had me in stitches. 

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Saw it a few hours ago and was letting it process for a bit.  Overall, I still prefer Spider-Man 2 (which is still one of my favorite superhero films of all time), but I might give this a solid second above the first Spider-Man film.  Either way, a major and vast improvement over the ridiculous Spider-Man 3, serviceable Amazing Spider-Man, and the stupid, stupid Amazing Spider-Man 2.  But the film pretty much had me at the start with Peter's little "home video."  A fun and unique way to recap his introduction in Civil War.

I'm going to go ahead and call it: I think Tom Holland is the best Peter Parker/Spider-Man.  I appreciated and still enjoyed what Toby Maguire and Andrew Garfield brought in the past roles, but I felt like the former was good with the angsty nerd aspect but failed at being charming and quippy (granted, a lot of that could have been the writing), while I felt like the latter brought the charm, humor, and quips, but was not believable as a geek and relied too much on just stuttering to pass as one.  But I think Holland nailed down all of the aspects here.  Peter was still a nerd who could get picked on and bullied, but he also still friends and acquaintances, who liked and respected him, and he wasn't anti-social.  And despite his status, I could still buy why a popular girl like Liz would like him (until he inadvertently pushed her way.)  But more importantly, this Peter is just funny as hell.  Almost all of his lines and reactions were golden.  And he just felt like one of the few heroes who seems to actually enjoy what he is doing, and doesn't feel burdened by some dark past or loss (even if you can still tell that he has been through some stuff.)  Sure, I do think he wants to save lives and help people, but he still enjoys the simple things like getting to swing around the city and crawl up building.  Who wouldn't? All and all, another spot on casting from Marvel.

Speaking of which, gold star to Michael Keaton as Adrian Toomes.  I wish we got a little more of him, but he was easily one of the better Marvel villains.  In particular, that scene in the car was actually one of the more chilling and even scary moments involving any superhero villain.  You could easily buy him as someone who would kill a fifteen year-old, without hesitation.  I am so glad that Keaton has had a resurgence lately, because he's been on point in everything I've seen him in these past few years.  And I love that, unlike most villains recently, he didn't die, so they are hopefully setting him up to factor in again in a future film.  But between him and Ego from Guardians 2, I'm starting to think Marvel is finally getting their act together in the villain department.

Not enough of Marisa Tomei, but Aunt May was fun in her few scenes (and still extremely hot.)  Laura Harrier was fine as Liz, Zendaya was good as Michelle (or is it "M.J.?"), and Jacob Batalon was fun as Ned.  Loved the appearances from the likes of Donald Glover, Bokeem Woodbine (Mike from Fargo!), and Michael Mando (Better Call Saul's Nacho!!), and I hope their roles get expanded going forward.  It also took me a bit to place The Nice Guys' Angourie Rice as Betty Brant in all of the high school news videos (which was hilariously and realistically awkward.)

I did call Adrian being Liz's father right when Peter rang the doorbell, because I figured there had to be a reason why they were showing this bit, and the scene earlier where Spider-Man clearly saw Adrian at the ferry, would have to come into play later.  Still, it was a nice reveal.

I thought they had the right amount of Tony Stark in this one.  Not enough to take over the film, and just there to help Peter grow as a character.  If anything, there might have been a bit too much Happy, who I find a bit one-note.

The Steve Rodgers videos (and after credit scene) was the best.  They so need to make a web-series or something of just those.  Chris Evans really has become one of the best things about the franchise and I can't see anyone else playing him as well as Evans does.  And Pepper Potts!  I was totally unspoiled and has assumed that Gwyneth Paltrow was done with the franchise, after they claimed she left Tony in Civil War.  I guess not!

Overall, great show.  So far, comic book movies this year have been 3 for 3 (or 4 for 4, if we're including Logan) for me.  It's up to you Thor: Ragnarok and, gulp, Justice League to make it a clean sweep!

Edited by thuganomics85
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I thought they had the right amount of Tony Stark in this one.  Not enough to take over the film, and just there to help Peter grow as a character.  If anything, there might have been a bit too much Happy, who I find a bit one-note.

Agreed.  Stark was in it less than I thought he would be but that was fine.  He didn't overshadow Spider-Man and was still funny and effective when he was in there.

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With Kurt Russell in Guardians 2 and Michael Keaton in Spider-Man Homecoming, I have high hopes that Cate Blanchett will complete the triple crown of Marvel villains later this year.

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Love the movie and my thoughts on it later. 

But I can't believe that Tony sold the Avengers Tower :-( I'm legit so very sad about this. Though the upgraded compound is so very nice. 

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Loved the movie. What everyone else has said. Tom Holland is the best at playing both Peter and Spiderman. Michael Keaton was gold.  I loved the Peter-Ned friendship. That felt genuine with their extended handshake and banter. i think it helped ground the movie too. That makes more sense for a nerdy 14-15 year old than to push the romantic relationships to the forefront right out of the gate.

There's lots of fun little cameos. Tyne Daly as head of Damage Control cracked me up. I hope she gets more screentime during and post Infinity War.  And I'm so familiar with Martin Starr as Guilfoyle that it was strange in a good way to see him play a totally different character.

I guess for me personally the biggest departure even more than May not being the old gray-haired lady was the depiction of Flash Thompson.  It wasn't bad at all. That character is just my go-to prototype for jock-bully. I can see why they would go in a different direction though.

I loved the film by Peter at the beginning too. A fun and unique way to get it going.

For me this right up there with Raimi's Spiderman 2.  I'm going back and forth on them.

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I think this is definitely the funniest of the Spider-man movies. Called Michael Keaton as Liz's dad early on, kind of wondered if Liz would be villainous. I was really happy to see Tyne Daly. It definitely nailed the high school elements and made them believable. Same for Peter trying to learn the ropes. My heart broke for Peter when he was trapped under the debris screaming for help. That really hit the "he's just a kid" idea hard. I liked Tony trying to be a dad to Peter, and just repeatedly admitting that was what he was doing. I loved Peter yelling at Tony that if he really cared he'd be there and the reveal that this time he was. Pepper's back! And back with Tony! Nice nod to the comics with Happy pulling out an engagement ring. I would've liked a Peter and Tony hug to round out the movie. I like that Michael Keaton wouldn't share Peter's identity. I like bad guys with standards. 

"Karen, you gotta stop with the instant kill." - This is my absolute favorite line of the movie. Followed by May's "What the f-?",  "It's been 37 minutes" and "I thought that was the anti-gravity gun!"

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Good stuff. I never thought Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield needed to be shelved in their non-finale movies, but I think Tom Holland did a good job. For one thing, he looks like a damn teenager. He's dorky, but it's not an overwhelming dorky like with Tobey.

Vulture is kind of digging into the barrel, but credit to the writers for making Adrian not be a villain with brain damage (or lizard-brains, in Curt Conners' case). Nice idea to make him a literal scavenger, far from the feeble punching bag most readers have seen. The guy after the first credits . . . was that Electro? I thought he had a lightning bolt scar. Anything would be an improvement over Jamie Foxx. Sorry, but that's true.

I don't have a problem with the multi-ethnic casting. I mean, if people genuinely bothered by that don't show, Disney and Marvel won't be hurting for their money. I heard the guy playing Flash Thompson got death threats . . . why?!? The idea was to set the story at a high school where Peter would fit in . . . and since you can't imagine that one having a football team, we get Pompous Ass Flash, with an IQ over 100. That bugged me a tiny bit. More bothersome: lack of "spider sense." Lack of common sense is to be expected for a 15-year-old, but no way should he have been caught unawares by Ned and May.

I'm also good with the lack of origin, though I anticipate people speculating that the guy playing Uncle Ben will be Joe Pesci. And since when is May Italian? Also, I'm thinking May will be Peter's more responsible younger sister in the reboot for 2042.

Anybody else want to strangle a Marvel exec for that last scene? Having Chris Evans troll the audience wasn't cool. Not his fault, but we're waaaaaaaaaay too dependent on the after-credits stuff. That's why I get a small soda going in . . . it's cheaper, and I don't want to be in severe pain waiting for the next dollop of MCU.

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2042? I'm thinking more like 2025.

I did laugh at the scenes of Aunt May in her big 1970's frames. Why yes, now she's looking dowdy! Just like we're supposed to ignore how gorgeous Michelle is because she's not wearing make-up.

Flash definitely bothered me. We're supposed to believe that Peter is intimidated by this kid who's like a head shorter than him? I guess it goes back a long time with them.


Anybody else want to strangle a Marvel exec for that last scene? Having Chris Evans troll the audience wasn't cool. Not his fault, but we're waaaaaaaaaay too dependent on the after-credits stuff. That's why I get a small soda going in . . . it's cheaper, and I don't want to be in severe pain waiting for the next dollop of MCU.

I feel like that was supposed to be a sly reference to the Deadpool credits. Hell, they even had the Ferris Bueller references in the movie.

Totally a lot of fun. Not the deepest thing, but I kind of liked that they just kept this light and fun and kept the angst to the minimum. This really gave it a fresh feeling which I wasn't expecting for the third iteration of a movie series in 15 years.

Edited by methodwriter85
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We saw it last night and loved it.  I can't say much more without echoing pretty much everything everyone else has said.  Once again, Marvel's casting directors nail the casting and the writers seemed to hit all the right notes. 


8 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

I feel like that was supposed to be a sly reference to the Deadpool credits.

There were a few moments where I felt like I was watching a PG Rated Deadpool-especially in that scene where he was caught in the storage room.  

Did my son and I miss something or was their timeline a bit messed up?  Not that it was anything that messed with our enjoyment of the movie, but in the beginning, they were cleaning up NY from the alien attack in The Avengers (released in 2012), then "8 years later" appeared on the screen .   They also seemed to suggest that the complex in upstate NY was in the process of being completed, yet in Antman (2015) and CA: Civil War (2016) and I think one more--Ultron, maybe? (2015)-- it appeared to be fully functional.  It's a nitpick, but the "8 years later" thing threw me a little. 

Oh, and who was the girl's "marry" choice in the Fuck, Marry, Kill game?  I was so surprised that they threw that in that the middle name didn't register. 

Great inclusion of Cap! :

"The guy's a war criminal now, but whatever"

"So, you're getting older and your body is changing"  hee! 

The suit's interrogation mode and that whole seen was gold. 

There was a lot of applause and even some cheers when Pepper stepped out of the conference room.  Glad to have her back.  Gwyneth has always been one of those actors that I never cared for as a person, but always liked her on screen and have always felt that she and RDJ had great chemistry together.  I missed her in Civil War

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27 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

Oh, and who was the girl's "marry" choice in the Fuck, Marry, Kill game?  I was so surprised that they threw that in that the middle name didn't register. 

Iron Man of course.

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Loved this movie. Have not seen a Spiderman movie since Spiderman 2 with Toby.  Have to say glad they got Tom. He's a great Spidey.

Only issue I had was the plot with Vulture stealing all that stuff from the government. You mean to tell me NO ONE noticed? This is alien tech that was suppose to be on high security. I can understand the first load or maybe second or third. But Vulture has been doing this for 8 freaking years and no one noticed? Comeon. 

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48 minutes ago, Shannon L. said:

There were a few moments where I felt like I was watching a PG Rated Deadpool-especially in that scene where he was caught in the storage room.  

Did my son and I miss something or was their timeline a bit messed up?  Not that it was anything that messed with our enjoyment of the movie, but in the beginning, they were cleaning up NY from the alien attack in The Avengers (released in 2012), then "8 years later" appeared on the screen .   They also seemed to suggest that the complex in upstate NY was in the process of being completed, yet in Antman (2015) and CA: Civil War (2016) and I think one more--Ultron, maybe? (2015)-- it appeared to be fully functional.  It's a nitpick, but the "8 years later" thing threw me a little. 

I was thinking of Deadpool as well. Even better the  Deadpool IMO because I am  it the biggest fan of excessive violence and gore(even some surgeries on ER made me squeamish).

The 8 years later threw me as well since I always assumed that these movies are happening in present day(apart from Iron Man 2 showing the events of Hulk and Thor happening around the same time). Back  in Civil War the Vision mentions it has been 8 years since Tony announced he was Iron Man, which is the same amount of years between Iron Man and Civil War, which makes it more confusing where they are getting 8 years later.

Saw this last night and really enjoyed it. I thought the cast was great, the humor was right on; and I even managed to be surprised and shocked a  couple times. I did not see Pepper making an appearance or Aunt May finding out Peter was Spider-Man (what a note to roll credits on!)

Tom Holland is amazing in this roll. While Maguire got the nerdy Peter down, and Garfield got the jokey Spider-Man down, Holland is believable in both aspects.

Michael Keaton was also amazing. Even though I was spoiled he was Liz's dad, the scene where Peter finds out, and then it dawing on him in the car ride that Peter is Spider-Man was so well done and tense.

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1 hour ago, MadyGirl1987 said:

Saw this last night and really enjoyed it. I thought the cast was great, the humor was right on; and I even managed to be surprised and shocked a  couple times. I did not see Pepper making an appearance or Aunt May finding out Peter was Spider-Man (what a note to roll credits on!)

I love Tony and Pepper and that they fixed whatever happened between them in Civil War. At the end of Iron Man 3, they were super close and together, that I hated that they broke up but we did not know why.

And the story will always be better if Aunt May knows the truth. I love that Peter is not alone and has a bunch of people that care about him that know the truth.

Finally, I love Michelle (call me MJ). She was so interesting, smart, and cute that I wanted Peter to pay attention to her and not Liz.

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1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

So, even if her name's not Mary-Jane, Michelle is supposed to be THE "MJ," right? I can't wait to see them get together in the sequel.

Kevin Feige recently said this about Michelle:


“In setting up this will be a very different thing, she’s not Mary Jane Watson, that’s not who the character is.” Feige tells me. “But giving her the initials that remind you of that dynamic certainly is intriguing about what could go forward.”

Indeed, after we note that Michelle is keeping sharp eyes on Peter’s coming and goings (just like Mary Jane Watson did in Tom DeFalco’s run of The Amazing Spider-Man), Feige adds, “Clearly, she says she’s not obsessed with him, she’s just observant. But she’s there. And to have fun with that while at the same time having it be different characters that can provide a different dynamic [is the point].”

Peter’s had a lot of friends over the years in the comics, and a lot of schoolmates and characters he’s interacted with. It wasn’t just Mary Jane Watson; it wasn’t just Gwen Stacy; it wasn’t just Harry Osborn. So we were very interested in the other characters, and that’s where Liz came from and that’s where the version of the character Michelle came from.

Basically, they took the characteristics of Ultimate MJ and out that into a original character in Michelle. Which, at first I thought I wasn't going to like it, but I love what Zendaya brought to the role ( especially knowing she had some say in Michelle)and she definitely a love interest for Peter I can get behind. She won't bend over for Peter and that's what he needs.

Tom Holland is definitely the perfect Spidey that the movie needed. While Tobey was great as the nerd and andrew was great at Spidey, Tom just nailed both sides of the character perfectly. Loved him since Billy Elliott and The Impossible and it's great to see his star rise and get brighter.

Thank you MCUforactually creatj g a great villain in The Vulture and Michael Keaton once again just brings it. 

I honestly would put this in a virtual tie with Spiderman 2, with the big reason being Tom Holland/Keaton performances, and the diversity/supporting cast in the film especially Michelle/Ned. 

Cant wait to see what they have in store for the sequel.


forgot to say that probably my favorite part would have to be when Michelle flipped off Peter at the dance,Fucking hilarious...

Edited by CheetaraThunder
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4 hours ago, nilyank said:

Finally, I love Michelle (call me MJ). She was so interesting, smart, and cute that I wanted Peter to pay attention to her and not Liz.

I'm kind of glad they didn't go that route.  He has a crush on Liz, gets to the dance with Liz, and still had a crush on her, he didn't all of a sudden realize that Michelle was attractive and always liked him.

I liked that Peter screwed up, he's just a kid, so of course he's going to mess up.  But Peter under the rumble, that was a baseball bat to the gut.

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This is the my favorite Spider-Man movie ever.  And it's a large part because of Tom Holland.  He was even a teenager playing a teenager, though 18 at the time instead of 15, but he's still a dorky teenager learning how to be a superhero.  I also liked that he was already established, we didn't need an origin story.  I thought Happy and Tony were far too douchey towards him, but that's their characters, I guess.

One thing bugged me, though.  Didn't the battle in Civil War at the German airport take place in some city other than Berlin?  I just can't remember where it was, maybe Leipzig/Halle?  But maybe we can just toss it off with Peter not knowing his German geography and he thinks every German city is Berlin.

I hope they don't go with Peter having a crush on Betty Brant, because she was way too dumb blonde.

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Little things I loved about this movie (I place it second behind WW):

  1. How Spider-Man absolutely, positively does not work in the suburbs. Trees just ain't going to get the job done.
  2. Flash being a smart, rich asshole instead of dumb jock asshole.
  3. The crush being a really smart, sweet person.
  4. Everyone lampshading how attractive Aunt May is.
  5. Tony Stark in mentor mode. I don't want him to give up being an asshole completely, but a little sugar is OK. Also...
  6. Tony and Pepper back together. I thought it was lame that they got broken up in Civil War because Gwyneth was busy with GOOP or whatever.
3 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

I hope they don't go with Peter having a crush on Betty Brant, because she was way too dumb blonde.

That was Angourie Rice, who was standout in The Nice Guys.

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23 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

I'm also good with the lack of origin, though I anticipate people speculating that the guy playing Uncle Ben will be Joe Pesci. And since when is May Italian? Also, I'm thinking May will be Peter's more responsible younger sister in the reboot for 2042.

I got an extra little laugh that Mona Lisa Vito was the one who (kinda) got to drop the f-bomb.


I saw it this a.m. and really, really liked it.  I agree that Tom Holland was a great casting choice and I've been excited since his cameo in Civil War.  I was never married to Maguire's portrayal and I down right hated Garfield's.  I think this portrayal was as close to perfect as you can get.  Dorky where could still see him having friends and funny without being douchey.  And it was a treat watching him geek out over everything.  In a universe full of genius scientists, mythical gods, and career government agents it was fun to see a kid be a kid.  Isn't that how any one of us here would've reacted?  And glossing over the origin was fine.  We didn't need to see it for the third time in 15 years.  And the gag of Peter running across the spacious suburbs was hilarious.  


Edited to echo the love for the Cap videos.  Knowingly cheesy without being over the top.  Very well done.

Edited by kiddo82
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On 7/7/2017 at 4:54 PM, Lantern7 said:

The guy after the first credits . . . was that Electro? I thought he had a lightning bolt scar. Anything would be an improvement over Jamie Foxx. Sorry, but that's true.

Scorpion and this is his group.


10 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

They also seemed to suggest that the complex in upstate NY was in the process of being completed, yet in Antman (2015) and CA: Civil War (2016) and I think one more--Ultron, maybe? (2015)-- it appeared to be fully functional. 

They could have been using both for a time and were in the process of upgrading the upstate complex to become the sole facility while decommissioning the NYC complex.


On 7/7/2017 at 2:22 PM, vb68 said:

And I'm so familiar with Martin Starr as Guilfoyle that it was strange in a good way to see him play a totally different character.

He was basically playing the same character from the model UN episode of  "Community".

Edited by ZoqFotPik
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