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S05.E10: Rebel With A Cause

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OMG, Alyssa's hair at the judging.  The Schwartzkopf team should have had an emergency intervention for her.


About the clothes:


Emily:  I'm very happy that she won.  She SHOULD have won, this challenge was made for her.  The dress was funky, interesting, flattering, a win all around.  Hated the booties, though.  I'm ready for those hoof like shoes and booties to go out of style.


Kini:   It's a very good thing he abandoned that jacket.  On it's own, maybe with black cigarette pants and a little white top, it would have been fine.  Put the jacket with the pants and you have MC Hammer's sister.   On their own, the pants and top were interesting, wilder than you expect from Kini, but I'm glad they didn't win.


Sam:  I swear I don't know what the judges see in him.   That outfit was a long series of bad decisions and poor taste.  It's a good thing he's cute.  NO ONE would actually wear that, no matter what they judges say.  He should have been in the bottom and should have been the one to go home.


Ken:  He should have been sent home, right behind Sam.   A basic cream colored jumpsuit with a ragged hem at the bottom of the legs and a belt that was badly pieced together.  That is a safe outfit for week one.  


Asha:  She really missed the target this week in pretty much every category.  That said, her outfit was better made than Ken's and he should have gone home instead.


Dom:  She was designing for a Star Trek alien ambassador this week.  Pretty in it's way, well made, but not right for this challenge at all.  She's still the most consistently interesting designer in the competition at this point, though.

Edited by terrymct
  • Love 5

Wasn't Asha's fabric the same one Peytie was in love with on PR juniors?

I can't believe I recognized it too! I miss Peytie. And all the kids on PR Junior. These guys are terrible. Except Dom. 


I'm from Boston and I can assure you that Sam is high. Maybe if he gets in his time machine and goes back to 1949 people are wearing seersucker in the summer. 

  • Love 10

Wasn't Asha's fabric the same one Peytie was in love with on PR juniors?

OMG. Thank YOU! I sat here the whole show going "Wait wait that's Peytie fabric that she made look absolutely wonderful!" And on here? Not so much. Really pointed out that a 16 year old has more talent in her little finger then these "all stars". 


I liked Alysas puffed out hair. Very 70's.


Have any of these fools ever been out of NYC in the summer? Or ,say, Maine. Because apparently hot and 100% humidity is NOT something they care about. Thanks designers I'll take my shorts and tank tops here in the south. You can keep your neoprene (unless I'm going surfing in the winter) and your black clothes.

  • Love 2

Per Sam, the authority on Massachusetts seasonal trends, "everyone" wears seersucker in summer...you would expect to see it all over "the Cape, in Boston..."  Well, I am also from Mass, and when I think of seersucker, I think of baby clothes.  The last time I personally wore seersucker was in 1974.  It was a romper my mom made from a Simplicity pattern, sewn on a machine she picked up at the S & H Green Stamp Store.  The only time I can remember seeing seersucker on an adult was in the movie "Jaws" (1975). So, not so much with the Summer of Seersucker Sam.


I hated Kini's.  Those pants looked they were made out of thousands of discarded Werther's wrappers.  At least it wasn't denim.


I did like Ken's, even if it was another damn jumpsuit.  It looked very basic, but it looked the most wearable (if I were 18, and 6'2" with no boobs, butt or hips)

Edited by BusyOctober
  • Love 7

Can we talk about Sam's amazing talking head? "This is for a sophisticated badass, not... for... a... drag queen..." Oops, the SamBot needs new batteries! Also someone should reset the Quip Module, because that was a truly pathetic attempt. 


Alyssa's runway hair made me scream "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT" at my screen. I could not look at it with a straight face. I think the show is just messing with us now. Or with her. Or both/all of us, I guess. Yeah, that's gotta be it.


I don't get the big deal about flats, why is it such a bold move? I mean, come on, it's not a ground breaking choice or anything... especially not when Sam does it every single week. 


Agreed; I really need everyone to stop being so orgasmic over the apparently revolutionary idea of FLAT SHOES. 


This was a really disappointing runway. I didn't love anything; didn't care much for Emily's this week although I've liked most of her work this season so I'm glad she won. I could never get away with wearing Kini's pants (I don't think I know anyone who could) but they won me over anyway with that beautiful construction. Everything else was uninspired or made me sweaty even to think about wearing it with the mercury above 75. 

  • Love 5

I'm from Boston and I can assure you that Sam is high. Maybe if he gets in his time machine and goes back to 1949 people are wearing seersucker in the summer. 


The fact that the judges have to work as hard as they do to justify Sam's continued presence is actually the most entertaining thing on this show.  At no point in existence was seersucker ever considered badass, especially if you're from Boston, which is a fairly tough city.  I mean, I'm sure Whitey Bolger wore seersucker suits all the time. :):)

  • Love 11

Can we talk about Sam's amazing talking head? "This is for a sophisticated badass, not... for... a... drag queen..." Oops, the SamBot needs new batteries! Also someone should reset the Quip Module, because that was a truly pathetic attempt. 


Especially since the reason he said the outfit was for a drag queen is that it made the model's ass look wide, which, little boy, whoever loves you will be looking for the scraps of you if the drag queens can be bothered.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

The fact that the judges have to work as hard as they do to justify Sam's continued presence is actually the most entertaining thing on this show.  At no point in existence was seersucker ever considered badass, especially if you're from Boston, which is a fairly tough city.  I mean, I'm sure Whitey Bolger wore seersucker suits all the time. :):)

How much work do they even do, since they just always point out the shoes that he picked for the outfit as the reason he is such a genius.

  • Love 8

Per Sam, the authority on Massachusetts seasonal trends, "everyone" wears seersucker in summer...you would expect to see it all over "the Cape, in Boston..."  Well, I am also from Mass, and when I think of seersucker, I think of baby clothes.  The last time I personally wore seersucker was in 1974.  It was a romper my mom made from a Simplicity pattern, sewn on a machine she picked up at the S & H Green Stamp Store.  The only time I can remember seeing seersucker on an adult was in the movie "Jaws" (1975). So, not so much with the Summer of Seersucker Sam.


I hated Kini's.  Those pants looked they were made out of thousands of discarded Werther's wrappers.  At least it wasn't denim.


I did like Ken's, even if it was another damn jumpsuit.  It looked very basic, but it looked the most wearable (if I were 18, and 6'2" with no boobs, butt or hips)

LOL--I had a seersucker Ralph Lauren blazer in the mid 80's--I got it in Filene's Basement on final markdown because apparently no one got the memo that everyone wears seersucker in the summer. I did get a lot of compliments on it, because it was so unusual! I wish I still had it. And my friend Tom had a seersucker suit he enjoyed wearing, but again, it was for shock value. Young guys in their 20's didn't wear seersucker. Their grandpas did. Sam is insane. 


I liked Kini's--I get that it was supposed to be fashion with a capital F, not wearable necessarily. But he always defaults to the upside down umbrella when he wants to be daring.

  • Love 3

Just got to watch the episode.  Yay!! Asha is gone.  I've been waiting patiently for her and Sam to make their exits.


I absolutely loved Emily's outfit.  Now that I'm in the process of losing a ton of weight I'd actually buy it!!  But her model's hair?  WTF was that?  More importantly, why?????


I liked Kini's...not that I'd ever wear it but it looked nice on the model.


Please Sam stop with the flats for Isaac!  Please take your seersucker and go home..pleeease!!  Next week Ken should kick his ass...then he'd be badass...lol

  • Love 2

Uh-oh!  Asha's had a pretty obvious vagina motif on the butt.


I could not figure out Emily's design.  Was it dissonant geometric shapes of black voile?  (I hope blinding the models doesn't become a thing.)


Dom?  Less time on fabric manipulation, more time on end look.


Anyone who purposely designs white hems to be dragged along the ground should probably not be designing clothes.


I'm mostly just sorry Sam didn't repeat last week and send down the cray-cray shite so Zac could de-squeak him like my dogs with a fresh chew toy.


I guess that leaves Kini as my default winner for abbreviating the full upside-down umbrella pants and stepping away from the denim.

  • Love 2

I feel like every week Sam ignores the challenge, makes either a jump suit or a simple dress, and the judges just say "well, he missed the mark completely but I like it, therefore TOP THREE"


Genius quote - thank you.  I will be back for more praise to rain


Come on...at this point, it's very clear that the flats are Sam's signal to Isaac: "This is my garment, score it high!" It was tacky, it was odd, it was not edgy or sophisticated or cool in any way, yet it was in the top?!


Genius quote - thank you.  Oh dear.  At this rate I will be quoting everyone.  Just assume I love you all.


Will be back for more

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 8

Seersucker is not badass.  

My first thought was, "Matlock wore seersucker suits in every episode. MATLOCK!" Based on that, I had to agree that taking seersucker and *making* something badass out of it, is pretty badass. Sam's look failed. Miserably. Also? Not even fashion forward. It didn't even match his narrative of a girl who cut up some outfit her mother made her wear. Because a girl who is badass enough to do that, will create something really rebellious and, dare I say it? Badass.


Damn. I was hoping to use "badass" more in this one post than I heard in one segment of the show. I failed.

Edited by Captain Asshat
  • Love 3

Dom was working any angle on those 3 years in cancer research she could, wasn't she?  At least it's more tolerable than staying in the competition week after week by worming your way into a judge's heart via the pitter pat of flats plucked from the Chinese Laundry shoe wall.


Recognized Asha's fabric right away.  If that outfit alone doesn't drive home the fact that the 15 year olds did rings around the last round on Runway and these All Stars, I don't know what will.


Emily did a great job and I was delighted to see an apparently nice person finally get a win -- but I desperately want to take away her access to eye makeup and authority to put ridiculous wigs on her models.


Debi Mazar was everything I could have wanted.  Although she did make me twitch when she gushed about flats being such a revelation.

  • Love 5

Dom almost went home before ass kisser Sam.   Asha and everyone left is better than Sam.   Fade was better than Sam.   Layana was better than Sam.   Sam's skills are rudimentary at best, and I'm being charitable.   Yet week after week, and I dread in weeks to come, we see better designers being sent home while Sam continues his campaign of suckage. 

Mark my words--the King of Suckage is going to win the whole damn thing.  

  • Love 1

PR All Stars challenge this week -- and I will NOT be exaggerating, I'm going to use quotes from the show:


- Make an outfit for a sophisticated, badass woman.  (Challenge)

- With an edge.  (Zanna)


- For summer.   (Challenge)


What the fuck????????????????  It needed to be sophisticated, badass, with an edge, light and airy, upbeat, and summer-appropriate~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Are you kidding me!


Now that I've calmed down, my normal notes from this episode.


I liked Dom's quote this episode:   "Seersucker = badass?  Come on.  I'm done."  

But then she lost me by once again complimenting her dress out loud to the other designers during the runway show.


Why does Emily always resort to culottes/shorts?  Can somebody make the lambs stop screaming?  I'm  happy that it brought her success this time, not lying.  But no.  If you're not a 6 foot model, I don't see any woman wearing that, can we all be real?


Sam's babysling dress.  And Isaac loves Sam's insane outfit overalls  thing that literally no one would wear unless they were breastfeeding.  Who could have predicted that bullshit.  I like Debi as a person but she was an idiot judge and useless.  Patricia Field who actually styles the clothes for Younger should have been a judge, not Debi.  Not sorry.  She liked the flats.  As if that comment wasn't paid for.  Now that you have all revealed to me what a fucking sellout moron Isaac is I can't unsee it.  


I love Zac unapologetically and forever, and always.  He is my favourite all time PR judge, above MK and Nina Garcia.  


I'm really sorry if I sound so hostile.  Unlike the majority, this was the first episode where I actually questioned why I'm watching. 


Add it to the Kentionary.  When Ken said "I think Asha is a sollen threat" I had to ruminate on it until I realized he meant "silent".

  • Love 11

Here's hoping next week every single designer sends their model out in flats. How d'ya like THEM apples, Isaac? Flats everywhere! Flats upon flats upon flats! FLATS FOR EVERYONE! 


Sorry, I may have had a minor flats-induced seizure. Give me a minute, I can walk this off. [wanders slowly into corner, muttering "flats" to herself]

  • Love 20
I think the biggest BADASS of the episode was the bird that took a shit on Isaac's jacket before runway judging. You go, seagull!

Emily's print fabric looked more like bird droppings than paint spatter to me.

I'm glad she ditched the idea of hand painting the leather top. It seems like whenever the challenge is to create a garment that will actually be sold, half of the designers forget that their garment will have to be mass produced?


I also loved Zanna's green dress in the work room. It's was a strange night for me.

Me too. I thought she looked great. Which was astounding.


I don't get the big deal about flats, why is it such a bold move? I mean, come on, it's not a ground breaking choice or anything...

Apparently it is huge news in the fashion world. I saw an article a few weeks ago that Victoria Beckham said she's started wearing flats during the day for work, and it was breathlessly reported like it was the most forward-thinking idea ever.

it's feasible that they could bring some of the kids from PR: Junior on board to compete against the adults.

All season long there have been comments about how much better the juniors would be than the adults. The juniors were very creative, but the circumstances were very different for them. They didn't have the insane schedule the designers have on regular PR, and they had access to the Mood closet for do-overs, and sometimes Tim actively telling them to go get a different fabric. A couple of the juniors will be old enough to compete in regular PR in a year or two. It would be interesting to see if they did as well.


Mark my words--the King of Suckage is going to win the whole damn thing. 

It will be interesting to see how the judges bend over backwards to praise his collection of random, uninspired, unfinished, jumpsuits.




Someone upthread asked about Dom's experience in cancer research. She said she did it for three years before her season in project runway, which was three years ago. There's no trace of that on her linked in profile. It's all fashion stuff. Maybe she scrubbed her resume so it only includes things related to fashion, but I'm giving her the side eye on the whole cancer thing.

OMG RealityCowgirl! Who knew we were so fashion forward with our FLATS! I totally refuse to wear heels because they make my feet hurt and they're not good for tramping around in the mud at the barn so I think Issac should declare us both to be FASHION ICONS. We are everything. (cyber high five in RC's direction)

Could someone explain to me why so many designers are so allergic to color? The unrelenting parade of black just gets so boring.

  • Love 5

I can't believe I recognized it too! I miss Peytie. And all the kids on PR Junior. These guys are terrible. Except Dom. 


I'm from Boston and I can assure you that Sam is high. Maybe if he gets in his time machine and goes back to 1949 people are wearing seersucker in the summer. 


I'm a native New Englander.   My father and all his siblings are from Boston (soda is "tonic," the whole nine yards).


I find it hard to believe Sam is from Boston, unless he's a transplant from somewhere else.

  • Love 2

Mark my words--the King of Suckage is going to win the whole damn thing.  


It would be interesting to see what would happen if somebody didn't save him each week.   It seems that most challenges, he starts off with a concept he considers brilliant, then somebody, Zanna, whoever,  comes along and says "Really?"   And then he changes it up and puts flats on it.   Ta da!


And in the preview for next week it appears things will be no different -- Zanna calls him out for designing a awful rainbow dress (Which I hope will prompt Boy George to ask, "Do you really want to hurt me?")

He's actually from Newton. Does that count? I think his professional experience was as a dressing room boy in a Boston Gap.


LOL, that's considered professional these days?

Zac was about the only judge making sense and telling it like it really is, not playing favorites or having an agenda.



Before we anoint Zac as the Voice of Reason, let us remember he was part of the team that crowned Ashley Flowerhat queen of the runway.

  • Love 9

I'm not sure how "fashion-forward" Dom's dress was. My mom sewed me a bunch of dresses with what we called "butterfly-sleeves" back in 1973. I'm from CT (not far from Boston) so one of them might have even been out of seer-sucker. :D Do people really still wear seer-sucker? I thought maybe it was out-of-style. I haven't really noticed anyone wearing it for years.


Sam's garment was breathtakingly hideous. I'm not sure what kind of girl would be caught dead wearing it. 

I'm fine with Emily's win. She met the criteria of the challenge, and plenty of people still wear black in the summer. Overall, I liked Kini's the best not that I ever would have worn it even when I was young and beautiful. :)



I'm ready for those hoof like shoes and booties to go out of style.


I just had to requote this because those hoof-like shoes are the ugliest things ever--even worse than the rather hideous platform shoes of the disco-era that populated my closet back in the day.

  • Love 3

Dom's comment about the slit on her dress being too high was the first time I've ever heard her criticize one of her own looks. Of course, her next remark was "Overall, though, it's a great design!"


Was happy to see Emily win. I thought her look was the only successful one on the runway, and it's nice to see her get some praise after being undervalued by the judges on her original season. Still, I think she and Ken are destined to be the two cut before the finale. The producers want to keep the Kini-Sam feud going until the end, though I'd be shocked if either won. 


Wasn't feeling Zac Posen last night. No one who produces garments like this should criticize another designer's work. Read that he hired Horrid Helen from last season...it seems like they would get along. 

Edited by ThatsDarling
  • Love 1

I also was going to say that the type of sleeves Dom used makes any outfit look extremely dated (but I had rambled on forever already at that point).  Yes, I agree.


I work in a major business district and every woman wears the same pair of black ballet looking flats, for Christ's sake.  Or old sneakers.  Hey!  Maybe that will be the new trend that Sam "starts" that will make Isaac jizz in his pants.


Seriously, this show is making me post in ways I should be ashamed of

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 6
When I saw her my first thought was "WTF is she dressed up as?" It looked like she was going to a Star Wars themed prom.


I just assume Alyssa just came from a set of a movie where she's playing Carrie Fisher in her drug addict years.  Like a scene where Carrie shows up when they're filming the bar scene on Tatooine, disheveled and screaming in a ruined Princess Leia costume, and has to be dragged off-set.


Isaac is almost at the point where he's blatantly saying "Sam's outfit was awful and completely atrocious... but as per my contract with the producers of PR,  I liked it... top three!" 


Honestly, are they even trying anymore not to be blatantly obvious when the fix is in?

  • Love 3

Do people really still wear seer-sucker? I thought maybe it was out-of-style. I haven't really noticed anyone wearing it for years.


Oh, you folks clearly thought I was kidding about Brooks Brothers.


I think it's one of those affluent WASP things, like bleeding madras or Lilly Pulitzer housedresses with spouting cartoon whales on them. Or, god help them, this.

  • Love 6
A couple of the juniors will be old enough to compete in regular PR in a year or two. It would be interesting to see if they did as well.


And heartbreaking, because then they'll have to be a part of the idiotic producer-created stupidity of the regular PR, where instead of being treated with respect they'll be told to play up their worst qualities, back-bite, and insult everyone else.


I liked those kids on PR Juniors. They don't deserve to be treated the way the regular PR treats supposed adults.

  • Love 4

Here's hoping next week every single designer sends their model out in flats. How d'ya like THEM apples, Isaac? Flats everywhere! Flats upon flats upon flats! FLATS FOR EVERYONE! 


Sorry, I may have had a minor flats-induced seizure. Give me a minute, I can walk this off. [wanders slowly into corner, muttering "flats" to herself]

I wonder why no one else is using flats. Is there only one pair on the wall? Do they fit only Sam's model? If I were another designer, I'd grab those flats first thng and then design my outfit. I'd like to see the other designers grab all the flats (if there is more than one pair) before Sam can get them.


He's actually from Newton. Does that count? I think his professional experience was as a dressing room boy in a Boston Gap.

What is a dressing room boy? It sounds disturbing.

  • Love 5

I, like some other posters, did not mind Alyssa's hair.   I didn't go nuts for it but I was okay with it.  If they were doing a disco or super-glam challenge for the 70's show "Vinyl" or for the Bride of Frankenstein or something I might be yelling "Yas Queen" at it; who knows?   The posts about it did make me laugh though, so here:



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 6

Here's hoping next week every single designer sends their model out in flats. How d'ya like THEM apples, Isaac? Flats everywhere! Flats upon flats upon flats! FLATS FOR EVERYONE! 


Sorry, I may have had a minor flats-induced seizure. Give me a minute, I can walk this off. [wanders slowly into corner, muttering "flats" to herself]


You better get yourself some flats to wear while you walk it off... gotta be fashion forward, you know!

Earlier this season Isaac wore a camouflage suit - slacks and jacket.  I got kinda nauseous just looking at it, and for that wardrobe choice alone, he should never open his mouth to criticize anyone else's design.  Or maybe it was just a good indication of his taste level!  Also, hate Dom's dress this week, and Asha's dress had the worst fitting skirt ever.  Sam's was simply. . . nothing.  Top 3, seriously?

  • Love 1

Here's hoping next week every single designer sends their model out in flats. How d'ya like THEM apples, Isaac? Flats everywhere! Flats upon flats upon flats! FLATS FOR EVERYONE!

Sorry, I may have had a minor flats-induced seizure. Give me a minute, I can walk this off. [wanders slowly into corner, muttering "flats" to herself]

If all the other designers put flats on their models, Isaac would just declare that he hates the idea and styling of all the other designers and proclaim that only Sam got it right! Lol!

  • Love 1

Oh, you folks clearly thought I was kidding about Brooks Brothers.


I think it's one of those affluent WASP things, like bleeding madras or Lilly Pulitzer housedresses with spouting cartoon whales on them. Or, god help them, this.


Yup....lots and lots of BB women where I live.  Also tons of Lily Pulitzer sundresses, bermuda shorts and capris and hideous skirts--the younger ones of that crowd are very into Vineyard Vines clothing.

I wonder why no one else is using flats. Is there only one pair on the wall? Do they fit only Sam's model? If I were another designer, I'd grab those flats first thng and then design my outfit. I'd like to see the other designers grab all the flats (if there is more than one pair) before Sam can get them.


What is a dressing room boy? It sounds disturbing.

The week after Sam got his first major "ooooh flats, so unexpected and chic" compliment, another designer used the same flats in a different color.  Asha's winning look with the godawful peplum also was shown with flats (maybe it made the top because they initially thought it was Sam's?).  There have been others. So a few of the designers have caught onto the ultra chic put 'em in flats idea.  Of course when I got a corporate contract last year I went downtown to see what people were wearing.  Went out that day to buy a few pairs of black flats.  Heels were an anomaly.


In defense of black summer wear, like Emily I live in San Francisco.  We wear black in summer.  We wear black in winter.  We always wear black. 

  • Love 2

Sam's looks are horrid (the fit on those pants!). His piece did not say bad-ass, and was sloppy, IMO. The judges want to keep him so badly that they'd praise a Pampers from him. Gretchen and Anya may soon have company in the "Worst Winners" circle.


Maybe Sam's look was "badass" after all - if the fit is off in the derriere, it will give someone the look of a "bad ass".      ;-)

  • Love 9

I, like some other posters, did not mind Alyssa's hair. I didn't go nuts for it but I was okay with it. If they were doing a disco or super-glam challenge for the 70's show "Vinyl" or for the Bride of Frankenstein or something I might be yelling "Yas hQueen" at it; who knows? The posts about it did make me laugh though, so here:


I did't recognize her at first and was somewhat startled when I realized it was Alyssa with spackled on or airbrushed makeup. I kind of liked it but that pic... BoF did cross my mind.

Why was everyone raving about Ken's top? Big deal. Halter. And the pants? As Ken stated, his model could walk in them. Doesn't mean anyone would want to with those floor-dragging hems. I'll have to look again but it looked like he even extended the hems?

Loved Emily's and was concerned that her outfit might not be as easily manufactured as Kini's and might lose for that. Kini got a shitload done.

Sam pulled that seersucker at Mood and all I could think was, Dear God, he's going forward with seersucker?

Asha's model looked like she was stashing a hardcover book in her abs region. And back by her ass.

Summer my ass.

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 1

Apparently I completely misunderstood. I thought Emily's winning look would be sold by nphilanthropy. But nope. The win gave Emily the chance to design something else to be sold on nphilanthropy. (What a dull non-creative name for an organization of creative fashion people., by the way.)


These are her two tops (I don't think the bottoms are hers). The website has a more interesting photo of the shirt on the left in black.

These are $70 and $128 respectively. That's way the hell more than I'd pay for a t-shirt. I wonder how much of that goes to charity.


Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 3

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