guilfoyleatpp April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 OMFG Lincoln shouting puta every 10 seconds killed me. We had to watch that scene twice because the first time we were cracking up every time he yelled it. Missed most of the dialogue. 5 Link to comment
FozzyBear April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Ok I'm going to hell, but Leah does not have cute babies. I mean I love the twins(especially Gracie. Go you little backwoods drama queen. You do what you got to do in this mess), but they are all kind of funky looking. the shot of the baby in her car seat made me gasp. Also, what was Leah doing when she got to the choir practice? Filling out paperwork? And poor Corey looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole when he saw Mama Dawn. Yet he still managed to give the baby more attention then either Leah or Dawn. BTW, I apologize for not using any of the 3 girls real names, but I can never remember them. They're all these vague A sounds and I swear it's the same name 3 times. In my mind it's Gracie, not Gracie, and the baby. Who was watching the kids while Janelle and David went to the restaurant? Was that why David's sister was there? I didn't get the logistics of all that, but judging by the scar Janelle got falling out of a taxi I'd say they were pretty drunk when they got home. So, classy. Chelsea: whatever. Kali: whatever. 15 Link to comment
crazychicken April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 With all the drama Corey has gone through with Leah I would not have held it against him if he ignored Addie, instead he showed he is a bigger person than Leah. I wish that Jeremy and Corey could share custody of baby Addie to give her a chance. 14 Link to comment
hankthetank April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 3:10 AM, CofCinci said: Most of us have wondered if Barb was still working at Wal-Mart... Guess she's still there since Janelle doesn't pay child support or since MTV isn't paying Barb fairly. She's been working for years.... She knows that the MTV gravy train is going to come to an end and why not work? It's an escape from taking care of Jace and the other one (jenelle's sister's son). They are in school all day anyways. Babz is just keeping things normal. She gets paid as much as the Dad's do on the show which is around 200k a year. 4 Link to comment
blubld43 April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Quote I wish that Jeremy and Corey could share custody of baby Addie to give her a chance. I've often thought the same thing, and I bet Corey and Miranda will include Addie in some family events in the future. They seem like good people. Looks like Jenelle actually let Kaiser play in his play room in this episode. She must realize how terrible she appears as Kaiser's "mother", I did notice he wasn't even fully dressed. Yes, I know, babies can play in their diaper and it's no big thing, but when it's Jenelle I just assume it's her uncaring attitude. Then she blows up Barbara's phone, wanting her to bring Jace over after a long work day? Eff right the hell off Jenelle. If I were Barbara, I would change my phone number. Is Cole deliberately baby-talking? His speech is odd. 7 Link to comment
woodscommaelle April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 When Corey was giving Ali her little pep talk before choir practice, he said something (can't remember what) and Ali did this cute little hand-motion (kind of like she was blowing him off) and said 'oh stop.' It was so freaking cute. Such an adult-like mannerism. 10 Link to comment
Primetimer April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Leah and Jenelle both enter an apparent "who can use their kid as a weapon the most" contest. Read the story 9 Link to comment
Evie April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 4:45 AM, BitterApple said: Forgot to mention earlier, that the time line was wonky. I spotted Chelsea's engagement ring in one of the scenes. I noticed that too. I think Corey getting the girls ready might have been after the baby was born. I spotted what looked like a hospital bracelet. 3 Link to comment
ivgotspirit02 April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 I can't believe Leah was JUST getting everyone up 15 minutes before they had to be out the door. She only has to get them to school on time one day a week and I have a hard time believing they weren't late. The shot of the clock said 6:24am when they were leaving and if they live 45 minutes away they'll really be cutting it close. I liked seeing the contrast between Corey getting the girls ready and Leah getting them ready, it was like night and day. I really just love seeing Corey interact with the girls and talk about them. He is just so clearly in love with them, he's such a great dad. Kail was thrilled Javi was going to be deploying. Like others, I definitely noticed she could barely contain her smile. As usual, Chelsea's segment was pretty boring but I was really happy I didn't have to see Adumb's gross mug on my screen this week. I think she and Cole are cute but I thought her friend (the one they were talking to about the house) was getting annoyed by their baby talk and cutesy selves. That's about how I feel when I'm with my friend and her boyfriend. But I'm thrilled that the worst thing I can say about C&C is that they are too much in love and too goofy with each other. That's a good thing. I could just watch A TM2 repeat to know what was going on in Jenelle's life. Same exact storyline each time a new penis enters the picture. 10 Link to comment
Chicken Wing April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Is this the first time Chelsea's mom didn't bring up Adam in conversation for no reason? Where's that champagne I've been saving? 12 Link to comment
BitterApple April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 1:30 PM, PreviouslyTV said: Leah and Jenelle both enter an apparent "who can use their kid as a weapon the most" contest."> Read the story That was a hilarious recap, especially the Cole/Jughead comparison. 6 Link to comment
suzeecat April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Thank goodness Chelsea is getting engaged and will have a story line soon. Seriously MTV, having her friend shoot popcorn across the room into Chelsea and Cole's mouths is the best you can come up with to entertain your viewers? Ugh. It kinda felt like they threw the house hunting in just to have something to talk about. Bravo to the producers for shining a light on the differences between the girlses' lives at Corey's house as compared to Leah's. At Corey's they were actually sleeping in BEDS (thought it was cute that they had two beds but were sleeping together in one). It appeared that Leah was attempting to go over their homework in the dark just before leaving the house for school. Barb did not come across in a good light this episode. The part where she was grilling Jace about what happened at Jenelle's was so uncomfortable. I can understand her concern and frustration, but it appears that Jenelle has learned how to handle conflict by her mother's example. I learned a new word in Spanish (puta - had to look it up). Oh boy, Kail must have been mortified to have her son say it while the cameras were rolling! The party looked wonderful and I have to say that Kail's kids are both adorable. Isaac is the sweetest child! 4 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 That interrogation from Barb was cringey. That family is so toxic it actually feels painful to watch instead of funny. 7 Link to comment
Ljohnson1987 April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Leah: The girlses finally have stability, and you're confusing/manipulating them. Let them be with who has stability. Also, someone needs to worry about when they're getting to school, because you're sure as hell not. Chelsea: The baby voice is so goddamn annoying. Enough! Cole has it too. As does her Mom. Kail: You and Javi continue to be fucking miserable. Why stay married for the sake of the boys, if you're not happy? Javi gets deployed. Even though you're sure it won't happen. Jenelle: You don't spend time with Jace, when he's with you, so why do you want more time? The last thing Jace needs, is Coke. He needs a mom that cares about his needs, rather than the dick she's sucking. Jenelle will never change. 11 Link to comment
woodscommaelle April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Isn't getting deployed part of enrolling in the military? Do you just hold your breath the entire time and hope it doesn't happen? But that's exactly what DOES happen when you enroll. You get deployed. **correct me if I'm wrong** 4 Link to comment
ClassyCourtHeels April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 3:47 PM, woodscommaelle said: Isn't getting deployed part of enrolling in the military? Do you just hold your breath the entire time and hope it doesn't happen? But that's exactly what DOES happen when you enroll. You get deployed. **correct me if I'm wrong** Yeah. Acting all shocked I was like WTF. That's what you sign up for when you're in the military. Maybe you shouldn't have pushed Javi in to for the benefit if you didn't want to deal with this. 6 Link to comment
WhitneyWhit April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 I'm sure Javi's deployment will eventually be Jo's fault. If only Jo had worn shoes, Javi wouldn't have been deployed. 18 Link to comment
DCC April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 I hate when Jenelle's boyfriends talk about custody with her. Like, you're not going to around long enough to help parent him. Everyone of her boyfriends talk about custody like it's their business. 18 Link to comment
JoannKB April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Quote General advice? Please! STOP QUIZZING your kids when they come home from a visit with the noncustodial. You are scaring the kids and painting them into the WORST possible corner. Instead, greet your returning kids with open arms, huge hugs, kisses, I missed you's. NO QUESTIONS. STOP demonizing your kids' other parents. I really hate when they do that. It's awful. In this episode, we saw both Leah and Barbara do it, and I know Kail has done it in the past. The other thing I hate is when they have a "conversation" with their kids as a cover for them to say something to the cameras. If you want to make your case about something, just say it to the camera or another adult. Do NOT have a convo with your kids about something as a way of conveying info to the viewing public. 11 Link to comment
GreatKazu April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Fozxy Bear I am with you on Leah's kids. Addie reminds me of a little alien. The twins are alright, but Grace is not at all cute to me. Ali looks just like her mom, which is not a good thing. Poor baby. Eh, wanna bring drinks while I grab food for our trip to hell? 8 Link to comment
Chicken Wing April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 4:25 PM, JoannKB said: I really hate when they do that. It's awful. In this episode, we saw both Leah and Barbara do it, and I know Kail has done it in the past. The other thing I hate is when they have a "conversation" with their kids as a cover for them to say something to the cameras. If you want to make your case about something, just say it to the camera or another adult. Do NOT have a convo with your kids about something as a way of conveying info to the viewing public. Though it still doesn't make it right, in Barbara's case, at least in this episode, she had reason to want information because Jenelle's got yet another new guy in her life, in her house, and Barb has no idea anymore what's going on there when Jace is over so she wants to know what's going on. I'm not sure what she really expected to get out of Jace, poor kid's so afraid of saying the wrong thing or saying anything bad about anyone that he doesn't know what the "right" answer is to anything. 9 Link to comment
GreatKazu April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 5:12 PM, Chicken Wing said: Though it still doesn't make it right, in Barbara's case, at least in this episode, she had reason to want information because Jenelle's got yet another new guy in her life, in her house, and Barb has no idea anymore what's going on there when Jace is over so she wants to know what's going on. I'm not sure what she really expected to get out of Jace, poor kid's so afraid of saying the wrong thing or saying anything bad about anyone that he doesn't know what the "right" answer is to anything. At this point, if Barb is worried about Jace being around strange guys, she has options such as keeping Jace away from Jenelle's home. Barb can go to therapy with Jace and get help with how to deal with the entire situation. She should be doing that anyways. I seriously hate the interrogation these mothers do. All of them do it. Children should not be put in such a position. I imagine Barb eventually yells at Jenelle how Jace has told her everything as to what goes on at Jenelle's house. I understand what you are conveying. It must be hard for Barb knowing she is sending Jace to a war zone. I just think she needs to lay down the law as far as Jace is concerned and get professional help. 6 Link to comment
BitterApple April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 (edited) On 4/11/2016 at 5:12 PM, Chicken Wing said: Though it still doesn't make it right, in Barbara's case, at least in this episode, she had reason to want information because Jenelle's got yet another new guy in her life, in her house, and Barb has no idea anymore what's going on there when Jace is over so she wants to know what's going on. I'm not sure what she really expected to get out of Jace, poor kid's so afraid of saying the wrong thing or saying anything bad about anyone that he doesn't know what the "right" answer is to anything.Back when I was a flight attendant we used to have a saying "just smile and nod." I feel like Jace has adopted the same technique. No matter what's being asked he just says "yes" and "okay" because he's realized it's the path of least resistance. I think Barb actually handled him really well in that scene. She was calm and was trying to be sensitive of Jace's feelings. I think Jace was secretly relieved when Barb told him she was putting the kibosh on his visits until she had a better understanding of what was going on at Jenelle's. As far as interrogations, Chelsea is by far the worst. She rapid fires questions at Aubree to underscore how awful Adam is, followed by a thinly veiled sales pitch for Cole. I don't think Leah is anywhere near as bad. Edited April 11, 2016 by BitterApple 9 Link to comment
lasandi April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 5:12 PM, Chicken Wing said: Though it still doesn't make it right, in Barbara's case, at least in this episode, she had reason to want information because Jenelle's got yet another new guy in her life, in her house, and Barb has no idea anymore what's going on there when Jace is over so she wants to know what's going on. I'm not sure what she really expected to get out of Jace, poor kid's so afraid of saying the wrong thing or saying anything bad about anyone that he doesn't know what the "right" answer is to anything. I dunno Chicken Wing, if Jace, who I like and feel bad for, is really afraid to say the wrong thing because he sure told his Grandma to shut up and kicked the back of her seat. Now I know he was over tired and all, but I can't imagine any of my grandkids speaking to me in that way. I would have undid my seat belt, got up and opened that back door and well you know the rest. My granddaughter who is 14 is reading this as I type and cracking up laughing. Yep she knows the deal. Lol. Having said all that I do feel for Jace. So young to have to deal with certain things and be expected to take sides. So sad. 5 Link to comment
AhFillAck April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 It's awful, I know, but I laughed at Leah bumbling back to the car for Addie, because it looked no different than if she was thinking "Oh, I forgot my can of Mr. Pibb." I DIED reading the recap regarding Lincoln saying "puta": "Kail is probably more horrified by the Spanish part than the 'whore' part." SPOT ON. 15 Link to comment
TaxNerd April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 4:20 AM, Maharincess said: I wonder what kind of excuse Leah will make for the scene of her forgetting Addie. Maybe she'll use editing again but she just used that one recently so maybe she'll try to be original and think of a new excuse. Here's an excuse for her, Mama Dawn was in the car too, so she wasn't really alone. It was Mama Dawn's fault for not getting Addy! Speaking of, Addy definitely wasn't in the car when Leah drove the kids to school. So WHO was with her then Leah? I missed the point of attending the choir practice. It looked like a closed meeting, they just left the door open for filming. So Leah drove 1.5 hours round trip to awkwardly sit next to Corey? 7 Link to comment
ivgotspirit02 April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 6:09 PM, TaxNerd said: I missed the point of attending the choir practice. It looked like a closed meeting, they just left the door open for filming. So Leah drove 1.5 hours round trip to awkwardly sit next to Corey? Yeah what was up with that? I thought it was going to be a performance. 3 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Jace doesn't seem like he is afraid of Grandma, but he has inherited Grandma's and Mommy's penchant for screaming. 2 Link to comment
Miss Chevious April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 5:28 AM, chuckity said: What the hell was the red thing in Leah's hand while she was driving - directly after she dropped off the girlses? I swear it looked like a snuff/snorter bullet/container thing. (Whatever the trendy vernacular is.) I've slowed it down five different times and I can't make it out for sure. I saw that too and I think it's probably a lighter. I'm guessing Leah was waiting to light her morning cigarette and waited exactly one nanosecond to light up after she dropped off the girls. Although I'm sure not only do they get subjected to careless driving but secondhand smoke on the regular as well. 3 Link to comment
dorcastrilling April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Last week I was going to ask if anyone thought Lincoln might be a little developmentally delayed. The kid garbled the word "no". Now here he is perfectly communicating "puta". I love it. I am also bound for Hell. Poor Jace is so full of understandable rage. I hope Barb realizes he takes it out on her because he feels safe with her. So Addie has the same crib as Kaiser. Does MTV provide them? Ali is so freaking cute. Love Aubrey's voice. It's like Freaky Friday the larynx edition in that house. Kali and Leah maintain their status quo of suck. Janelle just goes along Jenelle'ing. 7 Link to comment
TexasGal April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 12:08 PM, woodscommaelle said: When Corey was giving Ali her little pep talk before choir practice, he said something (can't remember what) and Ali did this cute little hand-motion (kind of like she was blowing him off) and said 'oh stop.' It was so freaking cute. Such an adult-like mannerism. I just LOVED that whole scene with Corey and Ali. He was so cute with the whole ladies first conversation. And the pep talk was adorable, can you imagine in a million years Leah having a talk with any of the girlses about being confident. Go ahead, I'll wait for you all to stop laughing hysterically. Ali's face in the car when Gracie was ratting her out/melting down was awesome. She just had no shits to give about any of that nonsense. 13 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 "It just breaks my heart when she don't talk to me" was pretty cute, though. 12 Link to comment
Mkay April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Maybe the twin girl knows when she's late to scjo because the teacher says something like "your're late. Go to the office." Because that's used to be what happened when you were late to school. No Leah, no one HAS to be telling them anything. They are old enough to figure out if they are late with you and not with Corey. 7 Link to comment
NikSac April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 6:27 AM, guilfoyleatpp said: OMFG Lincoln shouting puta every 10 seconds killed me. We had to watch that scene twice because the first time we were cracking up every time he yelled it. Missed most of the dialogue. Me too! I don't really condone use of that word or teaching it to kids but damn that was funny. 5 Link to comment
Lemons April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 9:37 AM, FozzyBear said: the shot of the baby in her car seat made me gasp. This right here. I'm right there with you in hell. I can still picture it. 4 Link to comment
NikSac April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 6:16 PM, ivgotspirit02 said: Yeah what was up with that? I thought it was going to be a performance. I thought that was weird too but then when I realized Ali didn't know any of the songs, I thought maybe it was her first time at choir. I do give Leah some credit for being there to support her if that's the case. She seems to do better with evening events. 4 Link to comment
teapot April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 (edited) man, how good of a dad is Corey? I'd thought that Miranda was the one who brushed their hair & got them dressed. I loved this big, burly guy gently brushing their hair, I loved him telling Ali not to eat her fingers, but he knew that was what she did when she was nervous, and I loved that he told her to "walk in like a lady." He's awesome, that one!!! Edited April 11, 2016 by teapot 22 Link to comment
AhFillAck April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 6:19 PM, dorcastrilling said: Janelle just goes along Jenelle'ing. LMAO!! 3 Link to comment
Lemons April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 5:12 PM, Chicken Wing said: Though it still doesn't make it right, in Barbara's case, at least in this episode, she had reason to want information because Jenelle's got yet another new guy in her life, in her house, and Barb has no idea anymore what's going on there when Jace is over so she wants to know what's going on. I'm not sure what she really expected to get out of Jace, poor kid's so afraid of saying the wrong thing or saying anything bad about anyone that he doesn't know what the "right" answer is to anything. Barbara definitely needs to know what's going on there during Jace's visits. It's too bad she doesn't have the skills to do it in a way where Jace doesn't know what she's up to. On 4/11/2016 at 6:33 PM, NikSac said: I thought that was weird too but then when I realized Ali didn't know any of the songs, I thought maybe it was her first time at choir. I do give Leah some credit for being there to support her if that's the case. She seems to do better with evening events. I think it was Ali's first day in joining a group that has been together for awhile. It's nice they found something appropriate for Ali to do and not just throw her into the other twin's activities. 6 Link to comment
Darknight April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Foes Jenelle watch the news? Look at how many boyfriends and girlfriends abuse and kill kids 4 Link to comment
poopchute April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 I hope Kail elaborates on Twitter or somewhere what the appropriate hours are for wearing sweats inside your own home. Because I'm not seeing the difference between when Jo was wearing them when she picked up Isaac and last night when she was wearing them when Isaac got dropped off. Does anyone know what the recommended hours are for wearing sweats? 14 Link to comment
Chicken Wing April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 7:39 PM, poopchute said: I hope Kail elaborates on Twitter or somewhere what the appropriate hours are for wearing sweats inside your own home. Because I'm not seeing the difference between when Jo was wearing them when she picked up Isaac and last night when she was wearing them when Isaac got dropped off. Does anyone know what the recommended hours are for wearing sweats? I think it's between shaking your husband's head and quarter after ugly-ass tattoo. 10 Link to comment
Nancybeth April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Who was the extra kid that Leah and her mom had with them when they went to the church for Children's Choir? They had an infant carrier, but Addie (or whatever the younger girl's name is) was clearly way too big for it. 1 Link to comment
Miss Chevious April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 7:57 PM, Nancybeth said: Who was the extra kid that Leah and her mom had with them when they went to the church for Children's Choir? They had an infant carrier, but Addie (or whatever the younger girl's name is) was clearly way too big for it.My guess would be the brother's kid. The one Leah almost dropped when she nodded off holding him/her. I forgot if it was a boy or a girl. 4 Link to comment
Mkay April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 (edited) On 4/11/2016 at 6:09 PM, TaxNerd said: Here's an excuse for her, Mama Dawn was in the car too, so she wasn't really alone. It was Mama Dawn's fault for not getting Addy! Speaking of, Addy definitely wasn't in the car when Leah drove the kids to school. So WHO was with her then Leah? I missed the point of attending the choir practice. It looked like a closed meeting, they just left the door open for filming. So Leah drove 1.5 hours round trip to awkwardly sit next to Corey? I'm going to guess that maybe Jeremy had Addie. He may have been home briefly. He has been posting a lot of pics with her in the last few months. Unless, T.R. was home. I'm also guessing that was T.R.'s Cadillac Leah was driving. I've never known her to have two cars around. Just a thought, though. Edited April 11, 2016 by Mkay 3 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Who wants to bet Kaiser's first word is going to be 'dude?' First sentence: "Oh my god, Dude." 13 Link to comment
Elizabeth9 April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 I'm betting on FUCK. 4 Link to comment
starfire April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 On 4/11/2016 at 2:32 PM, ivgotspirit02 said: ivgotspirit02, on 11 Apr 2016 - 07:32 AM, said: I can't believe Leah was JUST getting everyone up 15 minutes before they had to be out the door. She only has to get them to school on time one day a week and I have a hard time believing they weren't late. The shot of the clock said 6:24am when they were leaving and if they live 45 minutes away they'll really be cutting it close. I liked seeing the contrast between Corey getting the girls ready and Leah getting them ready, it was like night and day. I was wondering if they got there in time for breakfast. Doesn't their school start at 7:15am or is that when breakfast starts? I noticed that at least the girls had blankets in the car for the commute so they wouldn't freeze. Leah probably got them after the uproar about the "I'm hungry, cold, and I don't trust you" episode. 2 Link to comment
Mkay April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Y'all know we get a new episode tonight, too, right? 5 Link to comment
ReadMeLattice April 11, 2016 Share April 11, 2016 Kaiser: Well Jenelle, I seen you with ______ (insert bfs name here) 5 Link to comment
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