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Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - General Discussion

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Apparently June and this guy were involved before he went to prison. He isn't the father of any of the older girls, is he? Doesn't one of them not know who her father is?

Jessica's bio-dad is in prison for a sex offense on a child. I don't know the whereabouts of the others, but I'm sure a search of a sex-offender database could easily locate them.

No words for June's behavior other than I hope Sugar Bear is filing for sole custody with the county as I type this.

It is currently not in production and due to June's adventures with a child molester TMZ reported that TLC has said the shows future is being determined.   I was never on the Mama June love train either.  She showed some really manipulative sides during one of those Toddler and Tiara episodes.  It made it seem to me that she was quite duplicitous and would say whatever she needed to the cameras and then do what she wanted when they were gone. 

...Didn't she have a baseball bat once when practicing with Alana?  That's what I remember every time I see the "happy" June...

Wanna bet? It's official now..


TLC has CANCELLED "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" TMZ has learned, in the wake of our story that Mama June is dating a convicted child molester who sexually abused one of her relatives.

The decision comes one day after TMZ broke the story ... June has been secretly dating Mark McDaniel, who got out of prison in March after serving 10 years for forcing oral sex on an 8-year-old.

We've learned June has denied she's seeing McDaniel, despite a photo we posted showing the 2 of them at a small party in a hotel room. TLC clearly did not believe her and cancelled the show because they felt she was putting her children at risk.

TLC has shot an entire new season of episodes but will not air them. Although the show has fallen off its ratings high, we're told it's still very profitable, so TLC is taking a financial hit.

But the network is not turning its back on the kids, telling us, "Supporting the health and welfare of these remarkable children is our only priority. TLC is faithfully committed to the children's ongoing comfort and well-being." Our sources say the network will pay for tutors and counselors for the kids.



Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/10/24/here-c...#ixzz3H4O9Ux1b

Good call on TLC's part.  What if June's boyfriend touched another kid while the show was still on?  How could anyone watch the show without the knowledge of June screwing some child molester in the back of your mind?  Who wants to watch the antics of some woman who would betray a family member by dating said family member's abuser?


The cancellation is for the best and hopefully June wakes the eff up and breaks off contact with this guy.

Wow, TLC decision makers have a rare, lucid moment.

Color me shocked. But relieved.

I know they cancelled the cheerleader show, but the ratings for that one didn't come close to Boo Boo. This feels like more of a "sacrifice" for them. Wasn't sure they had the moral fortitude.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I think they were probably scared shitless about what would happen if he repeated his disgusting behaviour whilst the show was on and maybe getting paid by TLC and all the complaints they would have gotten by him being on TV at all for an alleged "entertainment show". But this is unquestionably the right call. 

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I'm all for paid tutors and counseling for the kids, but since June is their mom, how will TLC enforce this? Will they offer, and if June says "no", just slink away? I'm serious...how does TLC expect to get access and help these kids? Or are they talking about differerent children, NOT June's daughters?

  • Love 1

Wow!  Just wow.  I wanted to believe that they were just a different type of people.  They just lived differently.  I watched a handful of episodes and then I just realized that the term "trash" in relation to people was coined for a reason.  They are trash.  Not because they don't have money, not because they don't live in a fancy house, not because they don't understand fine dining and pour butter and ketchup on spaghetti.  They are trash because they rejoice in their lack of education, their lack of basic hygiene, and a deplorable lack of basic morals.  The way they live is not ok.  They do know better, they just choose to take the easy way out and pretend not to care. I'm glad TLC cancelled the show, but I don't think for a minute they are "committed" to anyone's welfare.  They took the money and ran.  I feel bad for those poor girls.  hey will now be left to grow fatter as their teeth rot out of their heads and babies pop out who will continue the cycle. 

  • Love 13

How could any mother put her sex life over the welfare of her children? He molested one of her relatives. You have nothing to do with that person ever again. Family first. Not some sex pervert.

I hope the dad gets custody. Really I do.

How old are June's oldest girls? Because the convicted pedophile is reported to have molested "an [unnamed] relative" of June 10 years ago, when the child was 8 years old. Does June have an 18 year old daughter now?

TLC can couch its decision to cancel in altruistic terms, but the network is just covering its ass. I don't care, just glad they canceled.

So June doesn't care that she's allowing this convicted monster to be around Honey Boo? Cause she needs a booty call? I really can't adequately describe my reactions to this so-called mother.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 3

June released a video message on Facebook addressing the cancellation of her hit show:

'I just got a phone call this morning from TLC and as of right now there will be no more production of the show,' she says, looking down, avoiding eye contact.


'The statement of me dating a sex offender is totally untrue.  'Pumpkin has openly said that I did not, that I've not dated him, and also his son [has].'
'I would not ever, ever, ever put my kids in danger, I love my kids too much. That is my past. I have not seen that person in 10 years and don't seem to want to see that person.'


'We just want to thank, from the bottom of our hearts, the support that we've had from our fans since May 2012,' she smiles, adding: 'The experience has been awesome to us. The girls have been able to do things that they would not normally have [been able] to do.'


'We are still going to do our Christmas display, if y'all choose to come out and meet the family still, to support our community,' she says. 'We're also going to keep updating throughout what's going on in our life.'


Finally able to speak out with what she calls her 'truth video', revealing that the network had 'kind of told us to hush-hush' up until now, the recently separated star also spoke of ending her relationship with partner of nine years, Mike 'Sugar Bear' Thompson.

'Me and Sugar Bear really have broke up but we are friends and we have stayed civil,' she insists of the father of her youngest child, Alana 'Honey Boo Boo' Thompson. 'We're better off friends than we were a couple.'

As yells in the background demand that she 'shut up', Mama June wraps up her confessional on the upbeat note that: 'Things happen for a reason in life and you live and learn.'


She adds to the fans: 'We do love y'all and we care about y'all. We grately appreciate ever one of y'all and from the bottom of our heart we want to let y'all know that.'



Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2806570/Here-Comes-Honey-Boo-Boo-cancelled-fears-young-stars.html#ixzz3H5LzLyj5

Edited by JerseyGirl


TLC can couch its decision to cancel in altruistic terms, but the network is just covering its ass. I don't care, just glad they canceled.


TLC can say they care about the kids all they want, but if that were true, they would have never put the family on TV.  However, they did make the right decision by cancelling the show.  

  • Love 5

I normally try not to criticize people for their physical appearance. But I'm so upset at what I believe is happening here that I'm going to have to.


June is a physically repellent, uneducated piece of trash who at best exploits her children for money. At worst, I believe she seeks out these low-life criminals because no one else will have her. (Sugar Bear is the exception.) She will cravenly do anything for attention from these men, knowing that they are child molesters, violent, thieves, etc. She does not care about her children; she only plays a loving mother on TV.


I'm glad that TLC cancelled the gravy train. However, who will be watching out for these children?

  • Love 8
Jessica's bio-dad is in prison for a sex offense on a child.


How old are June's oldest girls? Because the convicted pedophile is reported to have molested "an [unnamed] relative" of June 10 years ago, when the child was 8 years old. Does June have an 18 year old daughter now?


Anna is 18, right? 


Is this piece of garbage Jessica's father? And did he molest Anna?  I remember reading that Anna actually lived with June's mother before the show started. This could be a reason why she was removed from June's home as a child. 

  • Love 3

Anna is 18, right? 


Is this piece of garbage Jessica's father? And did he molest Anna?  I remember reading that Anna actually lived with June's mother before the show started. This could be a reason why she was removed from June's home as a child. 

This was my immediate suspicion, that this relative who could not be identified but with whom June still has contact might well have been one of her daughters. I hope June is telling the truth because no matter who the child was, resuming her relationship with the molester would be reprehensible. Would TLC have cancelled the show with episodes ready to air without fairly solid evidence that the reports were true? That's a lot of money to throw away if it were just a rumor. Anyway I'm glad it's over. I see nothing admirable about this bunch.

  • Love 1


Would TLC have cancelled the show with episodes ready to air without fairly solid evidence that the reports were true?


They are taking a financial hit because the show is still doing okay in the ratings.   You don't throw that away for 1 picture and a rumor.    


Don't reality tv families get bodyguards?   If so I am quite sure the bodyguards told TLC exactly where Mamma June was and who she was with.   And Mamma is an idiot if she denied everything knowing there were bodyguards who knew better.

  • Love 2

According to TMZ, Anna has come forward as the abuse victim. I feel sad for Anna, and June is a sorry excuse for a mother. 


This could help explain Anna and June's strained relationship, if this happened to Anna while June was dating this excrement?


And June was apparently lying to Anna about it, until Anna saw and heard evidence that proved otherwise.


Which means June also must have put up "Pumpkin" to lying to try to cover her fat ass, too.


At least TLC has offered to get Anna counseling services.  


Disgusting doesn't even begin to cover it.


This is when I need Heather DuBrow's thesaurus so I can find as many words as possible that equal "disgusting."

  • Love 3







And apparently Anna is talking....


I just can't with this tribe of knuckle-draggers....No words.

I was so afraid of this. Makes me cry for Anna and Alana, all the innocents. What a disgrace.
  • Love 3

If I were Anna, it would be a cold day in hell before that sleazy bitch got anywhere NEAR my baby again, grandmother or not.


What a nasty, vile piece of work she is.


Now I don't feel so bad about snarking on her before and considering her a piss-poor excuse of a mother.  She's worse than I ever imagined in my wildest dreams.



  • Love 10

When I heard the wording "relative of June's" I did think it was possibly likely to be one of her daughters as that sort of legally vague but specific language is used when a close relative (children/nieces/siblings) is involved and not 2nd cousin Leslie from across town. Not that it would have been any better if it had been someone they didn't know or barely knew. Yuck, seriously whether or not she has been romatically seeing him is almost irrelevant, how can she stand to be in the same town he is in and apparently meeting with him?

Edited by Featherhat

I'm not a fan of this show or the family. I have friends who watch and tell me "they have a different lifestyle, but they really love each other." This recent development confirms my initial though that they are trash. I feel vindicated.

Is this the same child molester who fathered one of the older girls?

  • Love 1

that's what gets me is people who watch this show say "Oh they may be rude and crude but they looooove each other."   Clearly not.  If you love your family you don't date the guy who molested your daughter.


So did Mamma and Daddy break up because he was on dating sites or because her "tru wuv" finally got out of jail?

  • Love 6

Here's some info about Jessica's 'chubbs' father:


The father of Honey Boo Boo’s 17-year-old sister Jessica 'Chubbs' Shannon, Michael Anthony Ford, 37, who dated her mother just a few months before she became pregnant, is currently behind bars.  In 2008, he served more than two years in prison for the sexual exploitation of a child over the internet due to an offence committed in 2005.  According to prison documents, he was charged with two more counts of sexual exploration of a child, also steaming from 2005, and is currently serving 10 years for each charge. He is not expected to be released until 2026.



  • Love 1

Is this the same child molester who fathered one of the older girls?

Nope. Different one. Jessica's dad is the one who molested her and is now in prison. June seems to certainly have a type, doesn't she?

Ya know, I defended June up and down because I saw a lot of fat-shaming and poverty-shaming going on with this show. I regret that now, of course. She is nothing but vile trash - and, like I said in another thread, I hope to god Sugar Bear is filing for custody of Alana since it is pretty clear June does not give a single shit about the welfare of her kids. She's in it for the $ only.

My heart breaks for Anna. What a complete betrayal.

that's what gets me is people who watch this show say "Oh they may be rude and crude but they looooove each other."   Clearly not.  If you love your family you don't date the guy who molested your daughter.


That whole "but the looooove each other" crap has driven me batty since I first heard it.  Loving your children should be the absolute bare minimum standard of parenting.  June can't possibly truly love Anna if she has allowed and participated in this kind of stupidity.  I've always thought she was a selfish, manipulative witch and I guess the proof has finally shown up. 


The counseling being provided by TLC makes more sense now as well as Anna's and her husband's determination to move out of state.  I hope Sugar Bear moves for custody of Alana. 

  • Love 5

Is this the same child molester who fathered one of the older girls?


Nope. As JerseyGirl posted, this is a different child molester who June has dated.


I suppose it is possible that McDaniel could be Lauryn's/Pumpkin's unnamed bio father, but there haven't been any indications of that.

Edited by huahaha
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Seems TLC got wind of June buying a car for McDaniel:


June allegedly went shopping for the car last month, visiting at least one dealership near her home in McIntyre, Georgia.  She told the dealer the vehicle was for 'her daughter.' But sources say it was, in fact, 'secretly' intended for McDaniel.  TLC apparently 'got wind' of the secret shopping trips.  Taking into account other 'compelling evidence' and a photograph published by TMZ showing June and McDaniel in bed together, TLC took steps to cancel the reality show.







Anna's father:


David Dunn, the father of her daughter Anna, was convicted of stealing a handgun in 1995, and in 1998 was sentenced for stealing cigarettes.







Lauryn's father is not listed:



Edited by JerseyGirl

So. Ten or 12 years ago, June had a bf, who forced her then-8 year old daughter to perform oral sex on him. Somehow, against the odds, he was caught and sent to prison for 10 years.

The victim was taken from her neglectful, ignorant, stupid mother, to live with grams.

Immediately upon the monster's release, June leaves her live-in and resumes sex and frolic with the deviant.

You know, I am a social worker, and I've witnessed and heard of even worse, more diabolical circumstances.

But June has been idolized and showcased by idiots, through the auspices of a legit American cable network. If anyone paid attention to her behaviors on Toddlers and Tiaras -- REAL attention-- she would never have been given an unbelievable opportunity to become a tv star.

I am speechless with disgust. I urge Alanas dad to move for immediate custody.

  • Love 13

I'm surprised TLC has arranged for counseling. Class act right there.

As a mother myself, I can't believe she'd go back to the man who traumatized her daughter. I'd like to give June the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he showed up at the hotel party uninvited and someone snapped a pic? But who knows the truth. What a sad situation for all the children involved!!! How many child molesters and sex offenders has this woman been with? How many of your children have to be abused before you become vigilant and protective? Most likely June was abused as well as a child.


Perhaps he showed up at the hotel party uninvited and someone snapped a pic?


If it were just the one time, I doubt TLC would have cancelled the show.   Apparently, the hotel party is only the tip of the iceberg.   She has been seeing this guy since March.   That's a long time.   She apparently even bought him a car, used, but still bought him a car.   That's not a guy you just happen to know and maybe run into at parties.

  • Love 5

If it were just the one time, I doubt TLC would have cancelled the show.   Apparently, the hotel party is only the tip of the iceberg.   She has been seeing this guy since March.   That's a long time.   She apparently even bought him a car, used, but still bought him a car.   That's not a guy you just happen to know and maybe run into at parties.


I think there's also a picture of the 2 of them in bed together.


I assume it's them.  The headline said it was.


I was attempting to avert my eyes since I cannot un-see what I have seen.

Edited by Persnickety1

Ugh, I used to defend this show to my friends because, although I thought they were a little different, there seemed to be a lot of love there. Now I just feel stupid. 


My friend always says that anyone can be in a relationship, if that's all they really want, by lowering their standards to almost nothing. (She was not endosing this, just pointing out that sometimes its better to be single). June is the poster child for her theory. Other than Sugar Bear, who has a prison record but seems to have turned his life around, every man June seems to have been with is really unredeemable. I don't have children but I would like to think that if my boyfriend molested my child, I might just stay away from men in order to protect said child, not jump into bed with every man out on parole. June just went from one bad one to the next. I think she has always been the unattactive one in the group so she takes what she can get but there are a million losers without criminal records. I just don't understand how you allow a man who molested your child to even touch you. This leads me to the horrible thought of what did June know when Anna was being molested.  

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