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Season 5 Discussion

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6 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

Tommy is pretty perceptive about how MJ's parents' marriage and Mike's marriage ending is making MJ panic. She's taking Mike's divorce personally when it has nothing to do with her.

I agree with this.  I wondered too why MJ cared so much about what Mike was doing.  The way she is, she'll run Tommy off, and I won't blame him. 

Reza's stand-up sucked, he thinks he's funny but he really isn't. 

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22 hours ago, FanOfTheFans said:

Reza's idea of comedy is insulting and cursing at the audience. That's a unique way to win people over.  Only Don Rickles gets away with that routine, but he is actually funny, so there's that. 

So over the food fights on this show.

Shades of mommy dearest coming from MJ.  Hmmm. 

You beat me to it. Reza is no Don Rickles. Everybody is fair game for Rickles and it's take no prisoners.  Reza if they aren't laughing don't insult them and make them go from pity to pissed off.

MJ STFU! Tommy get out while you can. If she treats you like this before marriage it will be much worse after.

Edited by Giselle
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23 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

What is it with these people's inability to not make a mess wherever they go? I am sure the Improv owners appreciated them spraying that cheap ass champagne all over everything, including the contents of that bookshelf.

Send Reza or Bravo the bill he invited those animals. Just like the yacht that Shervin had the party on, if the thrown red Velvet cake dye stained the teak or furnishings send a bill for replacement, repair or cleaning.

On 6/6/2016 at 1:45 PM, bichonblitz said:

MJ honey, you really don't know how old you are? Your telling Tommy you are 40-41 when your birthdate tells us you are 44. She is so full of shit. 


I think it was last season that MJ first went to the fertility doctor, he asked her how old she was, she mumbled something, and he said something like, 'uh, really? MJ, we went to HS together'. MJ needs to give it up and stop lying about her age.

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 0:06 AM, terminalpreppy said:

as you guys have said - oh, another bravo show with a questionable disease? really?!!!! erghhhh!!!!!

I love Asa, but i cannot help but laugh out loud at her ridiculous TH outfits!! I mean where does she purchase such crazy garb??!!!

Speaking of crazy outfits, what the hell was MJ wearing at the party? Good lord, put it all away girl, for the love of pete! And does Tommy ever speak, or just yell everything he says? My ears bleed every time he opens his mouth.

I have wondered how much of her jewelry is fake and which investor got the diamond from her Diamond Water fiasco.

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I wonder if she is still dating this guy.

I have never ever heard her speak about her own love life in this show. The only thing she speak about is her parents, her background, businesses and about her co stars ect. We see all the cast dating and going out ect, but we never see Asa date or go out or even speak about love... :-)

Was curious why the rest of the cast is talking about their love lives, while i havnt heard anything about Asas.

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13 hours ago, Amelieee said:

I wonder if she is still dating this guy.

I have never ever heard her speak about her own love life in this show. The only thing she speak about is her parents, her background, businesses and about her co stars ect. We see all the cast dating and going out ect, but we never see Asa date or go out or even speak about love... :-)

Was curious why the rest of the cast is talking about their love lives, while i havnt heard anything about Asas.

Maybe Asa wants her relationship to survive, and that's more likely to happen if she keeps it off reality tv.

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Asa dates/lives with Jermain Jackson's son, I believe? Longtime relationship, obviously; I have no idea what he does, but she maintained very strongly after disclosing the relationship in S2 that she requires complete privacy with her relationships. Sorta reminds me of Cameron on "Southern Charm" who won't film with her husband, but even Cameron mentions her hubby while Asa won't even discuss her man on camera.

Kinda weird how tight-lipped she is about her Jackson beau otherwise...I assume they're still going strong because she's been seen on social media recently hanging out with members of the Jackson family, even celebrating Latoya's recent birthday with her, so there you go.

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Her boyfriend, Jermaine Jackson, Jr., was on the show during an episode of the first season. They went to go visit Quincy Jones' grandson back when Asa's storyline was making music or whatever the hell she calls it. Back when she had her original ass. I recognized him immediately because he portrayed his father in the Jacksons biopic. He's one of Jermaine's original kids that he had with Hazel Gordy, Berry Gordy's daughter, and not one of the unfortunate cousin/sibling offspring  that Jermaine made with his brother Randy's woman. 

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48 minutes ago, jkitty said:

Color me stupid, but how can Reza and Adam's ambush wedding be legal? How could they get a marriage license without Adam? Those things don't have an indefinite shelf life so I don't think the old one would be good. The whole thing -besides being stupid - reeks of "fake."

Lol!!!  Quit studying the drapes.   Fakest fake that ever faked.

  • Love 4
12 hours ago, gunderda said:

Someone posted recently somewhere that they are still dating. 

That was me and yes she is still with Jermaine Jackson Jr and going strong.

She's super close to his family and he's v private - plus she seen what publicity has done to his family and relationships on bravo so they keep it off the show. I actually think she has a really good heart and interesting personality, and awesome body, so he's a lucky guy. 

Even the producers know Mike is full of shit. "But Mike, did you cheat on her?" 

I feel bad MJ. Fuck him then.  I feel even more sorry for Asa.  Of course some of these people can't stand to have the focus on anyone but them. Notice how Reza got so completely involved in the drama and then interrupted Asa in the red carpet step and walk, when she told him to beat it. 

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Wow Asa has had two product launches, and some housewives still haven't launched a real, viable product.  Asa's designs were eye catching and looked nice.  Not sure about wearing them myself as I am short and wide right now, but kudos to her.  

The Mike/Jessica meeting for drinks was pretty bad.  She wanted him to say he was sorry for cheating; I am certain she was done with him by that point and wanted that on tape to use in the divorce.  Mike wasn't having it.  Not sure what assets there were to divide, as Mike doesn't look like he has any real cash, given the way his apartment looks.  It's not a hovel, but it's not a palace.

I didn't see what happened with MJ and her man, but yeah she's had years of Vida's influence.  Not sure I'd want to deal with all that.  I also missed the Mike/Jessica deal at the fashion show.  Of course, Reza HAD to get involved.  Sigh.  Surprised MJ didn't join in with him, saying how Mike & Jessica had betrayed the 'crew' with acting like they were in love forever (MJ can have several seats with that - yes, they were all along just scamming you, not like they thought or were dreaming that they'd make a go of their marriage.)  Asa was right, you couldn't give her 15 minutes, then deal with your shit?  What a bunch narcissistic friends (maybe except Shervin) - should call them the Me Me Me Crew.   (I also don't know why they refer to their group as their "crew".  Seems too wannabe hipster to me).

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So funny, just last week we were discussing Asa's relationship status and tonight LaToya pops up.  She got less mentions than that Vegas Nay whatever.  I haven't a clue who she is other then her recent makeup launch sucked.  Bravo please tell me you aren't trying to make her happen.  Ugh


i don't see how Jessica is vindictive per say.  What I saw was Mike getting semi physical.  Made me wonder if there isn't worse things going on behind closed doors....he's such a douche.  Water seeks its own level so imagine how heinous mike really is that he's making Jessica look sympathetic.  The whole "crew" looked a hot mess at Asa's launch minus GG and Sherven.  His suit wasn't my cup of tea, but at least he wasn't wearing ripped skinny jeans.  Ugh I spoke too soon, he saved his ripped skinny jeans for WWHL.  

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1 hour ago, hoosier80 said:

Wow Asa has had two product launches, and some housewives still haven't launched a real, viable product.  Asa's designs were eye catching and looked nice.  Not sure about wearing them myself as I am short and wide right now, but kudos to her.

Are they actually her designs?  (This is a legit question--I don't know the answer for sure.)  I had the impression she was ordering caftans that were already manufactured--the box she carried into the dressing room tonight said "Made in China" on it--and selling them online.  That somehow morphed, as it always does on Bravo shows, into "her fashion line."  But if she's really got any part in the creative end, credit to her.  There's not a lot to designing a caftan, but whoever creates those prints has a nice eye for color.

And now we have another "Is this a real disease or is it Memorex?" storyline.  Seriously?

Edited by Mondrianyone
bad typing
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MJ is  such an attractive woman so why does she seem to go out of her way to make herself look so bad?  Her clothes are so bad that I don't even know where to begin, too tight, too low cut, too short etc.   I'm all for doing what one wants and wearing whatever you feel like but it seems like she goes out of her way to look bad.   I think she has a very pretty face. 

Awww,  poor innocent Mike.  Jessica is so mean to him, I feel so bad.  (I hope y'all know that's sarcasm). 

How many Bravo shows with the "is he/she sick or faking?" story line does this make?  I can think of three but I'm sure there are more. 

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Omg, is there a mandate from Bravo that each reality show must include multiple episodes dedicated to questioning a cast member's health problem???? Wtf? What I want to know is what GG really did to piss of Reza and make her his next target. He is a terrible person.

I am not a fan of Jessica but I do love how she breaks the fourth wall and is very aware of the cameras. Love that stuff.

Edited by Brooke0707
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I'm not sure how I feel about GG, but I guess it personally boils my blood to have yet another "is she sick or is she not sick?" "scandal". I (also coincidentally a Persian chick) have RA (and Hashimoto's and fibromylagia and PCOS and lupus... yay co-morbidities!) and I hate that when one has an (mostly) invisible disease, you almost feel like you have to prove that yes, I have a legit sickness. I mean looking at everything I listed that I struggle with, you'd assume I must be constantly in pain and stuck in bed all day. While that may very well happen in the future, those of us with autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses are quite capable of having "good" days. Like GG, I have had days and nights where I very well can and do have several drinks and have fun going out and you wouldn't be able to tell there's anything wrong with me (except that yes, it will take me at least half the day the next day to get my energy level back). And then other days, I cannot even force myself to get out of bed - I'll be so fatigued, no amount of sleep or medicine could make me feel like anything besides a depleted lethargic sack of bones. Most days I'm 'okay' and function normally; I just push through the day being in constant pain - although for the most part, since it's always there, it just becomes a part of what "normal" is to you. 

Annnnyway, long story short, people who are healthy can get the fudge out of here with their judgments. GG may be an obnoxious person, to put it mildly, but all these mofos needs to STFU because they don't know what they're talking about. 

Edited by MattDuffysCat
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Asa knew she'd gone too far when her mother said, "Excuse me? What did you just say?" Changed her tune real quick. "Oh mom let me make you some tea." Hee.

Asa:"All the important people are here."

Editors: Latoya Jackson

Me: Ha!

Jessica wears more make up than a street mime. It's distracting. What was her purpose of even coming to Asa's event? It seemed like she showed up to show Mike she had a new man. She wanted him to see those texts. I wouldn't be surprised if they were on the huge assistive technology font. 

Edited by charmed1
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I'm assuming LaToya was there because Asa has lived with Jeramine Jackson Jr. for years. Something she never mentions on the show nor has he ever been on the show. 

Asas' caftans are gorgeous. I was following Twitter and it seemed everyone wanted to know where to buy them at.

Mike harassing Jessica as she got in the car and making HER feel guilty for leaving and for TELLING THE TRUTH about his cheating? Classic abuser. Then his No I never cheated. HAHAHAHA Like we'd believe you after you spent an entire season saying you never slept with GG. Then admitting you did? OK then Mikey. Keep spinning those stories.

Good for MJs boyfriend for booking it the hell out of there. MJ is just Vida lite and that's not good. At least we can say he wasn't a fame whore.....putting up with her just to be on TV......He LEFT! 

Reza I hope GG comes after you and comes after you HARD. You're really a piece of shit. You just want RHOBH ratings with this garbage and it's not going to happen.

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I missed the whole GG is faking RA shit on the first go round.  Reza is a piece of crap.  Plenty of people take those drugs for RA; he has some vendetta against GG.  When he was on WWHL a few weeks back, he just spewed forth rotten names for GG.  Why?  What has she done to him?  And his calling everyone bitch is getting really old.  It's not cute or funny, just vile.

Mike did look pretty aggressive with Jessica at the fashion show.  Maybe that's why Jessica moved out when he was not around?  Girlfriend is so going to get the cheating stuff on film.  I honestly do not know why she stayed with him for 5 years (dating & brief marriage).  She does seem to like bad boys if her current boyfriend is any indication.  Jessica, get yourself to some counseling.

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6 minutes ago, announcergirl said:


Why did Shervin do Reza's dirty work and mess up his relationship with GG.

Better yet, why did Reza set Shervin up like that? He knew how GG would react, he stood there right behind Shervin stirring the pot while sipping/stirring his drink without telling GG he was the one that set the whole thing in motion. Reza is a pig.

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I know that I saw a photo about a month ago of MJ wearing an engagement ring from this current boyfriend so someone needed a story line...hence the move out drama.

The "is GG or isn't GG sick" is a desperate reach for a story line but I am not sure for who, Reza or GG?

Asa spent $50,000 on that 10 min fashion show???? Think of how much money she could have in the bank if she would stop with the get rich quick schemes.  I wonder where she got the money anyway...The Four Season's is not cheap, what is she thinking? 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I know that I saw a photo about a month ago of MJ wearing an engagement ring from this current boyfriend so someone needed a story line...hence the move out drama.

The "is GG or isn't GG sick" is a desperate reach for a story line but I am not sure for who, Reza or GG?

Asa spent $50,000 on that 10 min fashion show???? Think of how much money she could have in the bank if she would stop with the get rich quick schemes.  I wonder where she got the money anyway...The Four Season's is not cheap, what is she thinking? 

She exaggerates! Notice she was drinking Dasani water.

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