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Season 5 Discussion

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Did Mike have a black eye at their Shabbat dinner?

Also was Mike checking out MJS ass or noticing that she had a wetspot in her nether regions which was visible when she got up from the table the first time.

I really find it disrespectful when people speak in another language about someone right in front of them without translating. It is so incredibly rude even if it's not disparenging.

The "surprise" wedding talk at the dinner party was so obviously producer driven it was ridiculous.

I believe GG is a hot mess but so are half of these people. Reza threw the cake that first got Asifa complaining about her dress, then GG threw some more at her to annoy her, then Asifa picked up cake and physically put it on GG while MJ was drunk cackling in the corner before she would go on to pick up the cake and throw it. I mean she needs help but I can also understand not taking any of these "friends" or viewing it as "help." Hell even Sherwin who I like, drinks with her a lot.

Because they are both assholes I can delight when Jessica and Mike talk about their wedded bliss.

Edited by biakbiak
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Everybody is fixated on what a mess GiGi is but I don't think there could be anything more disgusting that watching Reza put whipped cream on MJ saggy boobs, MJ mostly naked and eating a banana with that sticky jizz all over her face, and Reza taking photo's of it all! It looked like low budget soft porn. Now you've gone too far BRAVO. And MJ, have a little self respect, for cryin' out loud.

  • Love 6

Am I the only person that thinks MJ looks like Gene Simmons in drag?

No, I see the similarity too, hahah!!!

And I don't get what "beauty" everyone else on these boards seem to see in MJ, because all I see is a lumpy, dumpy mess in too-tight clothes and trashy make-up---not to mention how she acts stoned most of the time, like she's deadened all her senses on pain meds.

Not that I'd blame her for being heavily medicated since she has that godawful excuse of a mother to deal with regularly.

I do think she'd look a trillion times lovelier if she classed up her wardrobe and lost a good 20 pounds, both from her body and from her usual hair/makeup(trimming that long mop of hers up would also update and lighten her look)---a makeunder would seriously do wonders for her.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 5

I used to like Adam before this episode. I thought he acted like a bitch last night. GG needs a rehab period. Why don't the help her instead of talking about her? I kinda like MJ and the new beau. Laughed out loud when she ate the banana at that gross photo shoot, but I guess her goal was accomplished. Mike and Jessica make me sad. She has tried, with her converting, etc. I think Mike liked the idea of being married but not the reality of it. She is a bitch tho.

I can sympathize that getting stitches out of your hand can totally suck ass. I had surgery on my hand a couple of years ago and I nearly passed out while they removed my stitches....but the way she was jumping around and carrying on you'd think the doctor was doing the actual surgery on her while awake. Sheesh. Dramatic much?

I'm glad someone confirmed it DOES hurt before I went on a rant. Why don't they use a local if it's so painful? Weird. But still, take it down GG. And don't talk about your vagina.

It cracked me up that Shervin went from the MJ "I'm whispering because it's a secret, secret wedding" convo straight to asking Reza about it. Probably editing, but still - go Shervin!

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I'm glad someone confirmed it DOES hurt before I went on a rant. Why don't they use a local if it's so painful? Weird. But still, take it down GG. And don't talk about your vagina.

It cracked me up that Shervin went from the MJ "I'm whispering because it's a secret, secret wedding" convo straight to asking Reza about it. Probably editing, but still - go Shervin!

She kept crying about how hot it was and the vagina fires and all I kept thinking was, "Look at what you're wearing, fool." Old "leather in the summertime" wearing ass.

It's amazing to me, the amount of plastic surgery all these young women have had. I'm pretty sure all of them have gone under the knife, including Asa. I don't remember that ass being as round and Janet-esque in the first few seasons and I sure as hell don't believe it was made by squats. I think she probably went to the same build-a-booty doctor MJ went to. I remember Adam having a significant bald patch that is now gone.

I guess it's good that Mike finally admitted to being lazy. That's why he's not successful at anything in life.

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Why, why,why do I love this show? There all a mess and that makes them so much fun to watch....Is Reza still selling real estate? Is MJ? Neither has mentioned a job this year. And what the heck does Shevrin DO? Dudes got a lot of cash......

Can not stand Asifa and I have NO idea why she's even back. Another one who lives with her ex husband (RHOP). Geez people get divorced or get married. Pick a dam lane! And Asifas smug little smile while she smeared cake on GG? Then sits there saying gg has a drinking problem. Pot meet kettle.

Hey Reza...Just because YOU think a surprise wedding and all concrete house is the last word doesn't mean your partner does. Maybe try talking to him?

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I don't know if Reza and Adam are going to last. First episode this season, they seemed fine and everything was going well. Now the cracks are showing. The truth is Reza is completely selfish and he's going to get what he wants. A wedding the way he wants, a house like he wants, etc. Adam has a very passive personality and he seems to resent the situation he's in. I don't think he has it in him to challenge Reza enough.


Agree that GG is jealous that MJ has a boyfriend and she seems to be digging for something to break them up (reminding me of the Mike/Jessica situation last year).


God, Jessica has such a sour personality. 

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I don't feel any empathy or sympathy for any of these people:

1) They ALL drink too much. And have been a hot mess from the start. So why else is new.

2) No sympathy for Jessica because she's a bitch who pushed Mike to get married in the first place. Any marriage that goes bust in 6 months had to have problems before hand. So bye-bye bitch.


3) If anything I feel sorry for MIKE, because he doesn't' seem to know who he is at his core. And that IS sad, when a person has no TRUE self awareness.

4) No sympathy for Adam because I have not time for door mats.

5) I AM surprised Asa is going along with the surprise wedding idea. How could she be so "off" about this when she supposedly talks to them both every day.


6) GG  -- I just don't know what to say. Same for Reza, but for a different reason.

7) MG is also a bit lost. Now she's in love with a new guy. Heck she was in love with the last guy. Why can she never meet any one with any class. Why are they always "rough around the edges?"

8) Disappointed that Bobby and Asifa are together, but they're the ones who have to put up with each other…Bobby just escape already...

9) Asa and Shervin seem to be the most grounded, and …..??normal??

10) It was tacky to see the way Asa's caftans were packaged…just stuff into a mailer. How about a box with some tissue paper and a special tag enclosed. How about some presentation Asa? So a person could think about sending one as a gift….that someone might be thrilled to open?

Edited by selhars
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I guess I'm the only one but I like Reza.  I think he's funny.


I'm kinda thinking that GG's drinking is just for a story line.  I mean, I'm sure she does drink a lot but every hard core drinker that I ever knew didn't talk about it constantly.  They just drank and even at times try to cover it up but GG is mentioning how much she drinks every chance she gets.  I just find it strange.  

  • Love 2

I guess I'm the only one but I like Reza. I think he's funny.

I'm kinda thinking that GG's drinking is just for a story line. I mean, I'm sure she does drink a lot but every hard core drinker that I ever knew didn't talk about it constantly. They just drank and even at times try to cover it up but GG is mentioning how much she drinks every chance she gets. I just find it strange.

I do begrudgingly like Reza too, despite how selfish and ridiculous he often is...he's pretty much the only reason I keep watching this mess, since he's the OTT glue that holds this messy gang together. He is so silly and theatrical that you can't help but enjoy his ongoing quips and hijinks, but he's definitely got a bitchy streak too.

I think what makes GG's drinking binges so much worse than the others' is the fact that she takes it to such a self-destructive level, even more so than everyone else in this hard-partying cast.

This has been steadily getting worse with her every season, and I think now that she's getting older and feeling more pain in more areas of her life, she's having to come to terms with the sad fact that she can't handle the excessive booze anymore.

She always used to get violent/aggressive with her drinking binges, but I think she didn't party nearly as frequently and as hard as she does now---and now it's gone from something fun and recreational to her to almost a daily necessity, if her anger over the booze-free dinner with MJ was any indication.

Maybe she just sees the clock ticking for her((no real job, no relationship, no hope of marriage/motherhood anytime soon)) and realizes finally that she needs to curb it already, but she's already too addicted to the hooch and self-medicating to dare curb her urges.

And what was fun and silly in your 20's can get dangerous and pretty pathetic as you hit your mid-30's, after all.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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10) It was tacky to see the way Asa's caftans were packaged…just stuff into a mailer. How about a box with some tissue paper and a special tag enclosed. How about some presentation Asa? So a person could think about sending one as a gift….that someone might be thrilled to open?

This! I went to her website and all her caftans are well over $100. For this I expect some nice tissue paper and something other than stuffing into a Flat Rate Priority envelope. With as much as Flat Rate has increased lately, she probably would actually save money putting the items in a nice little box and shipping Priority rate fee according to zone. (I think way too much about this because I have my own business that ships items.) Anyway, what I am trying to say is: presentation of a product is important if you want the buyer to feel they are receiving quality AND you want them as a return customer. Since Asa is ALL about her personal presentation, you think she would understand this.

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MJ is going thru with fertility testing with a guy she is dating...hmmm. I think she needs a story line because what gave her the idea that she has fertility issues?


Why did it look like a nail salon that GG went to have her stiches removed, very store front looking.


What fairy came in and transformed Mike's backyard for dinner, suddenly there were chandeliers and you didn't see the patched cement wall of the house.

  • Love 3

I guess I'm the only one but I like Reza.  I think he's funny.


I'm kinda thinking that GG's drinking is just for a story line.  I mean, I'm sure she does drink a lot but every hard core drinker that I ever knew didn't talk about it constantly.  They just drank and even at times try to cover it up but GG is mentioning how much she drinks every chance she gets.  I just find it strange.  


I think GG does drink.  About two years ago TMZ caught GG and her sister coming out of a club because GG was fighting someone who said something nasty to her sister.  The guy holding the camera was yelling, "Shahs of Sunset" over and over again and I could see GG was about five sheets to the wind. 

MJ is going thru with fertility testing with a guy she is dating...hmmm. I think she needs a story line because what gave her the idea that she has fertility issues?



She's in her mid to late 40's. That's her fertility issue. Her chances of getting pregnant naturally are slim. She's gonna need some help. She did say she had some of her eggs frozen. At least she had the foresight to do that. The reason she went to the Dr. with that dolt of a boyfriend is to make sure his sperm was good. Now that was a stupid storyline!

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Am I the only person that thinks MJ looks like Gene Simmons in drag?


Gene Simmons going as Kathy Najimy for Halloween.


I think both Jessica and Mike got married because both of them wanted to "be married."  The problem is that neither one of them really wants a marriage.

MJ's "photo shoot" was more of a "look at me, look how hot and sexy I am."


I agree that is why Jessica got married.  With Mike I think part of it was simply the show, part was that it was a move past the rest of the cast and part was that odd stupid wish fulfillment element he seems to employ.  That by getting married it would make him "more".  Failing to realize he needed to be more first. 

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Everybody is fixated on what a mess GiGi is but I don't think there could be anything more disgusting that watching Reza put whipped cream on MJ saggy boobs, MJ mostly naked and eating a banana with that sticky jizz all over her face, and Reza taking photo's of it all! It looked like low budget soft porn. Now you've gone too far BRAVO. And MJ, have a little self respect, for cryin' out loud.


I'm not a prude by any means, but I FF through that mess.

I agree with the MJ scenes. My bf sits next to me while I watch this mess on my laptop and he thought it was really unsexy. That whip cream thing worked in like 1990's Varsity Blues only because Ali Larter was smokin. 


I still love Asa. Despite her fake pretension, I love the relationship that she has with her family, as well as, her love of food. Boy do I wish that I could attend one of these parties and eat all the food.


You could tell that everybody at that party was heavy inebriated. Plus, I think that I agree with MJ that Adam might not like the idea of a surprise wedding. Plus, you shouldn't talk about that shit when the dude is like two feet away from you. 

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No one came off looking good in this episode - particular losers are MJ's boyfriend - what a boor! - and Reza, who seems determined to get what he wants, when he wants it, Adam's wants and needs be damned.


Lots of talk about GG hitting bottom, but I think there needs to be police or ambulance involvement before that happens. (Why is the very grounded and good-natured, as someone astutely noted above, putting up with her crap?)

  • Love 1

MJ is going thru with fertility testing with a guy she is dating...hmmm. I think she needs a story line because what gave her the idea that she has fertility issues?

Why did it look like a nail salon that GG went to have her stiches removed, very store front looking.

What fairy came in and transformed Mike's backyard for dinner, suddenly there were chandeliers and you didn't see the patched cement wall of the house.

Re: the removing of GG's stitches, they were in an uber hipster hive part of town, called Abbot Kinney. I stay as far away from those poseurs and their holistic storefronts as possible.

GG needs inpatient treatment, bless her heart.

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On April 25, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Juneau Gal said:

This! I went to her website and all her caftans are well over $100. For this I expect some nice tissue paper and something other than stuffing into a Flat Rate Priority envelope. With as much as Flat Rate has increased lately, she probably would actually save money putting the items in a nice little box and shipping Priority rate fee according to zone. (I think way too much about this because I have my own business that ships items.) Anyway, what I am trying to say is: presentation of a product is important if you want the buyer to feel they are receiving quality AND you want them as a return customer. Since Asa is ALL about her personal presentation, you think she would understand this.

100%! The packaging really bothered me because it was so trashy and low rate. What happened to branding? 

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Well, MJ was the one who organized Reza's stripperific bachelor party last season. She did supply a ton of condoms for the party and Reza did make out with that stripper. MJ did lie to Adam about the party.

Adam, like Jessica, needs to realize that none of these folks are actually their friends and that they only have your back by showing you what awful human beings they are. Last season GG wasn't trying to help Jessica out by loudly proclaiming that Mike was a lying cheating whore, but it could have been a side benefit had Jessica listened. MJ isn't really trying to help out Adam, but she is letting him know that Reza is a selfish asshole who will put Adam last.

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On 4/25/2016 at 0:18 PM, selhars said:

I10) It was tacky to see the way Asa's caftans were packaged…just stuff into a mailer. How about a box with some tissue paper and a special tag enclosed. How about some presentation Asa? So a person could think about sending one as a gift….that someone might be thrilled to open?

ITA. IMO, packaging can make or break whether I will be a returning customer. I've ordered from independent businesses where it was clear they put a ton of thought into how they packaged the merchandise - there are small touches like handwritten letters, free gifts, elegant tissue paper and ribbon, etc. Not sure what's going on when Asa's 'team', but surely they can find a better way to ship the caftans.

Anyway, I just want to rescue Adam. I think it is typical Reza that the wedding must happen on his terms. Didn't matter that Adam wanted to be married before because Reza wasn't ready. Now he is and he can't even include Adam in the wedding planning - he MUST have a surprise wedding! Run, Adam, run!

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Reza really is the prank king. Like his hilarious prank of gassing them out of the RV, which got GG distracted, she crashed the RV and they died. Or that time Reza funkified the RV and an RV full of Persians emerged from an RV coughing stopped in front of a government building and then got arrested as enemy combatants. Prank King!!!!

Mike and Jessica's spending is as moronic as Reza's pranks. Mike's only income is this show. Is Jessica working? How are they spending $5000 on tea sets? How has Jessica never paid a phone bill? She is a nurse. That's good money. I know she's the Fiji Water princess, but did her father really think it was a great idea for her to go from his house to her husband's without sometime on her own to learn how to be an adult.

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Reza really is the prank king. Like his hilarious prank of gassing them out of the RV, which got GG distracted, she crashed the RV and they died. Or that time Reza funkified the RV and an RV full of Persians emerged from an RV coughing stopped in front of a government building and then got arrested as enemy combatants. Prank King!!!!

Mike and Jessica's spending is as moronic as Reza's pranks. Mike's only income is this show. Is Jessica working? How are they spending $5000 on tea sets? How has Jessica never paid a phone bill? She is a nurse. That's good money. I know she's the Fiji Water princess, but did her father really think it was a great idea for her to go from his house to her husband's without sometime on her own to learn how to be an adult.

OMG!  Reza is a real asshole.  He wears dark socks with shorts and does his stupid prank while on the highway.  Adam should really run from this guy.  Jessica seems like the old fashioned type to go from daddy's wallet to her husband's wallet.  Seriously a $500 phone bill?  Who has that these days?  I liked how GG called out Asa on her caftans whilst camping.  Protect the vagina indeed.

  • Love 6

I'm so perplexed by GG's condo situation---it's obviously the same one she's lived in the past several seasons, and it seems spacious and nice, but would it kill the gal to maybe add a few decorations and some interior design that would make it look a bit more homey and a bit less like a sad hotel room?

No wonder the girl is so depressed if she's often stuck at home in pain in that grim and personality-devoid condo. I know not everyone is into interior design and all, but sheesh, just a few paintings and elegant personalized items spread around there would at least put a nice personal touch on that sad place...for chrissakes, your home is being filmed for national television audiences, so why not jazz it up a bit? Even the sad apartments of the "Vanderpump Rules" gang have more going on in them than her condo!

Also, I usually find Asa's mom sweetly goofy, but she was beyond extra annoying on that beach photoshoot. Tone it down a few notches, lady.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 10

Reza, it's not a pranking gene that you have, you are just a douchebag.  The fake poo and whatever else he had, from the reactions of everyone on the RV, looked like it could make someone physically ill.  Not cool.   

I'm not a big camping person, but c'mon.  If you agree to go on a camping trip, then you need to roll with the punches.  Yeah an RV isn't just to get you there, people actually sleep in it, that's the whole point - a vehicle that also doubles as your shelter.

Asa's mom needed to dial it down several notches while at the photo shoot.  Hopefully, her actions were producer instigated.  If that's the real her, I wouldn't have her doing anything with my business as that persona clearly wants to be in charge.  

Jessica is so getting the bitch edit, like she was the problem in the marriage.  She wasn't ready for marriage and neither was Mike.  $5,000 for a tea set?  A $500 phone bill?  How would you get a phone bill that high?  Don't most plans give you the option for unlimited minutes, texting, etc., which would be cheaper options?  Instead of saying oh babe, we're horrible with money, why don't you ask someone for help or have a financial planner/accountant help you set up a realistic budget.  And Mike wants to start a new business, yet he's horrible with money.  What does he bring to the business except maybe his reality tv card?  He's certainly not a financial or marketing genius.  Doubt he has any design skills, except maybe saying those shoes are 'dope'.  

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I, of course have to snark on Mike and Jessica's incredibly doomed marriage.  Jessica - no job (except for the show), Mike's fake job(s) (except for the show) and she's buying $5,000 tea sets and racking up 500 dollar plus phone bills?!  Say what now?  Ummmmm ...  I don't even know what to do with that.  I thought Jessica was a nurse.

Jessica's in her mid-20's and never paid a phone bill in her life?  Oy.  According to Mike he is drowning in debt to the tune of about 200K?  Did he say that on WWHL?  Can't remember for sure. I do know this though.  When I was Jessica's age (25 or 26 yrs. old) it wouldn't have taken a mental giant to figure out $5,000 tea sets, $13 smoothies, and $500-plus dollar per month phone bills were not in the cards when I still owed 200K on my wedding and wanted to save money to start a family.

Heck, if Mike and Jess had two brain cells between them to rub together they could have had a very small but tasteful wedding and used the extra money to start their family or put a down-payment on a nice little condo.  I thought Jessica's family had money.  Wondering how much they contributed to the event if they newlyweds are 200K in the hole.  That must have been some party ...

Instead, we have Mike throwing money into stupid business(es) that will most likely never see a profit - he fancies himself a shoe-designer now?  GTFOH.  Mike should take a hint from Rob Kardashian's less-than-stellar designer-sock venture.  The only difference between Rob K and Mike is that Rob comes from a baller family and they have the money to back to bail Rob out financially if need be.  Hell, Rob probably doesn't need to be bailed out at that.  He has plenty of coin.

Agree with the poster up thread that Asa most likely got butt injections.  I know I'm in the minority but IMHO Asa's ass is getting into "gallons of cottage cheese stuffed in to a trash bag" territory. Sometimes she just looks like she's dragging around humongo ass cheeks stuffed into a big wet diaper.  (I'll seem myself out now)

Asa is right one one thing though.  Bingo is not leisurely, calming, or fun.  I've only gone a few times and I hated it.  Very fast-paced.  You blink once, you miss everything, and you're all like, "Wait, what just happened?"  Other players are cut throat!  Very serious.  

Love me some Sherv but why is he not snatched up yet?  Inquiring minds want to know!

I hated the whole camping segment.  I FF'd through it.  Seemed stupid and forced?  Couldn't quite put my finger on it.  Even next week's intervention for GG doesn't interest me.  ZZZZZZ.  She's just gonna do what she always does - deny and run away.  Didn't we already sit through all that a few seasons ago?

MJ's color choices for those business cards didn't seem at all practical.  Gold lettering on a black background seems it would be hard on the eyes and hard to read.  Black letters on a somewhat light gold background seems a more practical choice.  I'm surprised the saleswoman didn't mention that as an alternative.  

I sort of like MJ's BF - he seems like he really loves MJ but sometimes he's so rough around the edges it's cringe-worthy.

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 5

Gearys of Beverly Hills is expensive and you could very easily spend more than 5k on a full tea service (that would be pretty basic) which is what I am assuming Jessica meant  when she called it a tea set but until I see it on the show I refuse to believe that she actually purchased it because she seemed to think it was ridiculous and he was the only one who said she bought it.

I don't understand how her phone bill is $550 but will give her a pass on nor paying her cell phone bill. I have multiple friends who got their cell phones in their teens and are now 30 plus and make a crazy good living but their parents still pay their bill because they are grandfathered into a sweet family plan or no one has cared enough to do the official changes so even if they reimburse their parents it's still in their parents name.

I am not saying these people aren't the worst but let GG have her weekend, limit the alcohol and then when you get back have hour intervention (or not because you are all hot messes!)

I also know several people who take in RV camping but sleep in tents, I think it's stupid and uncomfortable but many people love to sleep in tents. Why take an RV? In a large group it can be economical, does provide emergency shelter and have bathroom facilities and a refrigerator and burners, etc. 

A beautiful cabin with all amenities is as rough as I go. I can hike, swim, experience nature during the day. Give me a comfortable warm bed, a tub and a full functioning kitchen .

Reza is straight up a vile piece of shit. Why would you want to look and at that or smell it even if you knew it was a joke? 

Also you weren't in front of a government building , that was a straight up rent a cop from the firm Securitas (I recognize the uniform) on a rental golf cart. 

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Wow, these people, with the exception of Shemp, are assholes.

MJ's boyfriend seems obnoxious to me.

I enjoyed watching the plates appear and disappear during Mike and Reza's meting.

Nice to see MJ still has horrible taste in clothing. She made the drag host at Hamburger Mary's look sensibly dressed!

I have no idea why the gang decided to go camping as a pretext for an intervention. I'm not sure why they raided that army surplus store for supplies either. Reza has all sorts of shit in his genes, apparently, including "prankster". I think he meant "asshole". I guess Adam is relieved he didn't have to go on that excursion. What is "liquid shit"? Isn't "liquid ass" redundant? It's no wonder GG almost crashed the RV! Who the hell does that shit? I found the dubbed in car horn and traffic sounds obnoxious.

Sorry, I think Assa's Kaftans are fugly.

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Mike isn't wearing his wedding ring in his talking confessionals. I'm assuming they edited new confessionals after he and Jessica split because obviously he wouldn't be saying half the shit he is if they were still together at the time. 

Bingo was so weird. Why did MJ bring her mom? I didn't spot GG but I saw Jessica there. I thought she hated these people? 

Agree that Asa's ass looks as rediculous as Khloe Kardashian's.  Her mom and dad were annoying, are they turning in to little fame whores? 

I want Asa's recipe for the "green sauce".

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