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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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So RP did a periscope from set today. He said NLG was on set today and everything is fine, that people who cared what happened with NLG were "trolls," and that her speaking her mind was "refreshing"

So...yeah. Obviously no one at GH talked to the cast about social media etiquette yet. And now I have another reason to dislike RP besides him being a block of wood

So RP did a periscope from set today. He said NLG was on set today and everything is fine, that people who cared what happened with NLG were "trolls," and that her speaking her mind was "refreshing

Babyboy, you chose . . . POORLY!

ETA: I use to be on Twitter but now subscribe to the Jane Elliot school when it comes to social media. When you say something stupid, while drunk, to your friends at the bar on Saturday night there is no record of it.

Edited by Tiger
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Maybe so, but labeling everyone who criticized her on Twitter as "trolls" was probably not the wisest thing to do (understatement, I know). 


I think he meant people wondering if she is going to get punished, fired, etc, since he said "people who cared what happened to her" and not "what she said". I'm sure there are a lot of "is Nancy getting fired?!?!?!" tweets.


ETA: Or maybe not? Because I read somewhere else now that he said "he said people who cared what she said were trolls"


Either way he sounds not too bright about it. Just don't talk buddy. Just don't talk. Work on that eye contact.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 9

I'm laughing at the "help me", oh man.


RP made some more tweets and he sounds more rational, just saying she feels bad, they've all made mistakes. I suppose he just feels bad for his co-worker and I guess from his perspective, people on twitter just love to bash for anything and keep going, but come on dude, when the tweets end up on non-soap-press, maybe, maybe this is just a little different from your average free-for-all? Just don't talk about iiiiit.


Here's his periscope, for anyone who wants to judge for themselves


Edited by ulkis
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From the NY TImes:

Looks like Viola Davis is taking the high road, although I'd love to hear what, if anything she's said privately.

"Q. For you it is about inclusion.

A. If there has been any backlash, it’s that all people want to feel included in a speech. I know there has been some backlash with an actress who didn’t feel she was included.

Q. You mean the soap opera actress (Nancy Lee Grahn, who argued on Twitter that Ms. Davis’s speech was misleading because she was part of an elite group of actresses who had never been held back by discrimination)?

A. Yes. I don’t know that I want to say more about that."


Edited by wonderwoman
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"Everything is fine! Everything is awesome! We're kicking ass! The show is getting better and better! We're all so happy! If you're complaining, that means you're watching! YAAAAYYYY!"

Jason Thompson [whispering]: help me ....

"Ignore him! Sonny adopts another baby tomorrow! So cute! And Franco and Nina will make out again! YAAAAAY!"

This is made of win.

RP, can STFU. I'm so happy KMc/Robin is away from this shit. I'm pray she doesn't answer the phone if TPTB call.

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That is exactly what NLG was trying to say, and exactly why it got the response that it did.  Just because a black person has achieved success -- achieved a great deal of success -- doesn't mean that she hasn't faced discrimination. I have absolutely no doubt in the world that she has. Overt and subtle. 


The fact that Viola Davis would not have been sent to audition for most of the roles that Nancy was able to audition for throughout her 20s and 30s is part of that discrimination.  And that was merely the point Viola was making in her speech.



Oh I have no doubt that she has experienced discrimination, and as I said, I recognize that Hollywood has standards for age, race, beauty, etc, that make anyone outside of the norm or ideal hard to cast, and that there are fewer opportunities for them. I think the point I was trying to make was that some might see a Julliard educated, award winning and well respected actress (I mean, I've never seen Viola Davis in the tabloids) complaining about discrimination in getting roles in film and television as kind of a first world problem. I mean, it's kind of on a different level than being followed around a store by a clerk because of the color of your skin. 


I'm a therapist by trade, so my thought process is to give people the benefit of the doubt and try and see both sides of things. So while I may not be on NLG's side per se, I am trying to see where she possibly could have been coming from. So in essence, I'm not arguing and saying discrimination doesn't exist, just trying to get some perspective. 

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I don't think she referred to her as "the soap opera actress", initially, as quoted below, she referred to her as an "actress", she simply responded "yes" to the way the followup was specifying who the actress was.



If there has been any backlash, it’s that all people want to feel included in a speech. I know there has been some backlash with an actress who didn’t feel she was included.


Her initial answer was gracious, yet quietly cutting (in essence, after seeing her responses to the first couple of questions, I'll subtext this response as her noting 'I've been overwhelmed by the positive response and what it meant to so many people and I'm glad I didn't let the history of the moment go unnoticed, except I hear ONE actress felt left out').  I also loved her shutting it down on followup saying she didn't want to say anything more about that.  No need, Viola, no need to at all.

Edited by pennben
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From the NY TImes:

Looks like Viola Davis is taking the high road, although I'd love to hear what, if anything she's said privately.

"Q. For you it is about inclusion.

A. If there has been any backlash, it’s that all people want to feel included in a speech. I know there has been some backlash with an actress who didn’t feel she was included.

Q. You mean the soap opera actress (Nancy Lee Grahn, who argued on Twitter that Ms. Davis’s speech was misleading because she was part of an elite group of actresses who had never been held back by discrimination)?

A. Yes. I don’t know that I want to say more about that."


Boom! Take notes, Nancy Meeeeee Grahn. That's how you handle things with class.

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I love how Viola pretty much addressed it without giving NLG much attention, just addressing the backlash she received. If I were NLG, I'd be embarrassed to show my face in the ABC parking lot. She's very,very lucky she didn't receive an immediate suspension, given how viral her tweet became, all the negative press she bought to GH. How lucky for she lives in a time where ABC gives zero fucks about investing any energy into soaps.


NLG is so far below Viola or Shonda's level that if either of them address other than briefly and in passing, then they will just come off looking as petty as she did, IMO.

  • Love 8
I think the point I was trying to make was that some might see a Julliard educated, award winning and well respected actress (I mean, I've never seen Viola Davis in the tabloids) complaining about discrimination in getting roles in film and television as kind of a first world problem. I mean, it's kind of on a different level than being followed around a store by a clerk because of the color of your skin.

I completely disagree with this sentiment. Being denied a job opportunity on the basis of one's race or skin tone is at the core of racism. Its impact is not only on the person being discriminated against, but on their families that they support. Finally achieving wealth at the age of 50 doesn't erase the all the discrimination that Viola Davis most assuredly endured for decades. She persevered and she got lucky. 


There are other reasons for disagreement. But I'll leave off on this topic for now.

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I was very put off by some of what Ryan Paevey said, especially when he said that what Nancy did was "refreshing." It's lazy and in this case borderline offensive to class that "all lives matter" type of attitude as some type of brilliant candor. I'm pretty sure one of her tweets said Viola used the Emmys as a "racial opportunity." Then there was the one about how she would have marched for POC who were criticizing her. 


If he didn't know what her comments were, then he should have stayed out of it. Instead, he was a breath away from saying "politically correct" and starting a Gofundme to help Nancy pay for the costs of whining about awards show speeches that make her feel inferior.

  • Love 8

So RP did a periscope from set today.  He said NLG was on set today and everything is fine, that people who cared what happened with NLG were "trolls," and that her speaking her mind was "refreshing"

So...yeah.  Obviously no one at GH talked to the cast about social media etiquette yet.  And now I have another reason to dislike RP besides him being a block of wood



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Viola Davis is much more lenient and gracious than I'd be in her position. Just goes to show a little class goes a long way. Nancy and other GH actors on Twitter should take notes.


Yup. I said VD had more class in her little pinky than NLG has in her whole body, but it's nice to have confirmation. I don't think she(NLG) is out of the woods. Perhaps nothing in terms of suspension or firing will happen now, but honestly, she doesn't strike me as the kind who can or will stay silent. She'll put her foot in her mouth again eventually, and that'll be the end, and she'll only have herself to blame. Either way-I don't normally intentionally watch her scenes, so in my little world, she's already gone.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I was very put off by some of what Ryan Paevey said, especially when he said that what Nancy did was "refreshing." It's lazy and in this case borderline offensive to class that "all lives matter" type of attitude as some type of brilliant candor. I'm pretty sure one of her tweets said Viola used the Emmys as a "racial opportunity." Then there was the one about how she would have marched for POC who were criticizing her. 


If he didn't know what her comments were, then he should have stayed out of it. Instead, he was a breath away from saying "politically correct" and starting a Gofundme to help Nancy pay for the costs of whining about awards show speeches that make her feel inferior.

As a latino who supports "All Lives Matter" and thinks "Black Lives Matter" is racist, I also am appalled that Ryan called Nancy's comments "refreshing". What exactly was "refreshing" about the they/them comments, thinking the Underground Railroad was a tunnel, and claiming that Viola never faced discrimination?

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I just don't know why NLG thought publicly snarking on someone's Emmy acceptance speech - for any reason - was going to go well.


Drunk/tipsy (imo). And she's too used to saying blunt things and then saying oopsy and having it all blow over, even if she's been through some conversations where she's gone back and deleted some of her tweets before this. Well, now she's learned her lesson I suppose, although we'll see. Her need to talk might be stronger than her discretion, even after all the hoopla.

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Here are the only tweets that remain (and this is from the Tweets & Replies tab on her Twitter account):

Nancy Lee Grahn ‏@NancyLeeGrahn  Sep 21 Los Angeles, CA


Schooled. As surrogate 2 last democratic presidents I thought I needed no lesson in equality. I was wrong. Please accept my apology.


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Nancy Lee Grahn ‏@NancyLeeGrahn  Sep 21 Los Angeles, CA


I apologize 2 anyone who I offended. I'm women advocate since I became one. After reading responses, I hear u and my tweet was badly phrased


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Nancy Lee Grahn ‏@NancyLeeGrahn  Sep 21 Los Angeles, CA


Viola Davis winning lead actress Emmy's historic. My upset is acting awards dont fix racial injustice. As an actor I see how irrelevant we r


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I just don't know why NLG thought publicly snarking on someone's Emmy acceptance speech - for any reason - was going to go well.

Probably because she's said similar controversial things before and nothing much has happened. She was no fan of Miley Cyrus' VMA hosting and yet somehow that didn't go viral, but for some reason this did.


Also, I don't see why she shouldn't be able to snark on someone's Emmy acceptance speech. It's her twitter account she should be able to say what she wants to. Even though I thought her first tweet was dumb that wasn't the real problem, it was the stuff afterwards, like saying VD had never experienced discrimination which were more problematic.


For all the people harping on how actors need to go through social media training, I don't agree. As long as people are aware their tweets may come back to bite them in the ass, they should be able to tweet whatever they want (within reason.) I don't care that people think Bryan Craig is an idiot on Twitter. He shouldn't have to censor himself because people have a problem with it. Neither should NLG or any other actor. I much prefer it when actors are themselves online and interviews, rather than giving stilted and canned answers.



It sounds like the equivalent of 'I have black friends!'


How does it equate to that? She mentioned the last two democratic presidents. Sh'es not referring to Obama' s two terms. The last democratic president before Obama was Clinton, a white man.

I still don't get how Nancy could have thought a speech about all women should have happened. It just makes no sense. A woman wins best actress every year. Every. Single. Year. It's for women! That's not special. It took until 2015 for a black woman to win, that's what was different than every other year. I'd love to ask NLG if Peter Dinklage had said something about being a person with a physical medical condition/disability, would that be unfair to exclude  people who are "fully grown" and have no disabilities? Has his life been easy because he's now a TV star?

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Also, I don't see why she shouldn't be able to snark on someone's Emmy acceptance speech. It's her twitter account she should be able to say what she wants to. Even though I thought her first tweet was dumb that wasn't the real problem, it was the stuff afterwards, like saying VD had never experienced discrimination which were more problematic.


I think most people agree with this. I've seen a ton of people say - and I agree as well - that if it was just the first tweet it would have all blown over. 


I don't care that people think Bryan Craig is an idiot on Twitter. He shouldn't have to censor himself because people have a problem with it.


Oh, I don't think he should censor himself either, I'm a gossip fiend so I love his ridiculousness 98% of the time. But his bosses probably feel differently.


I still don't get how Nancy could have thought a speech about all women should have happened. 


Like above, my answer is drunk/tipsy. She thought someone was telling her she has had it so easy an actress and it pressed her bitter button (or at least, that is my take on it). Or maybe she wasn't even drunk/tipsy and it was just bitterness fueling it.


And this is me purely playing armchair psychologist so I could be and probably am full of shit, but she is/was probably thinking of how hard she campaigns to keep stuff like Julian/Alexis, Alexis afloat and I just feel bad because woman, the end is probably nigh soon. Time to think about what comes next instead of tweeting about spray! tans!


I mean, ultimately, I don't really care what she does - I am just gossiping over here - , so if she wants to tweet about spray tans, by all means. Like I said, it is just from my position as internet bullshitter that she seems to trying harder to get the water out of the boat than making sure she knows the location of the life boat. For all I know, maybe she does have a plan B right now (she's talked about writing a tell all book, and I sincerely hope she does it).

Edited by ulkis
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I still don't get how Nancy could have thought a speech about all women should have happened. It just makes no sense. A woman wins best actress every year. Every. Single. Year. It's for women! That's not special. It took until 2015 for a black woman to win, that's what was different than every other year.


I've seen this point made before and I don't necessarily think it doesn't have merit, but I don't really agree with it. Yeah, VD's win was historic for black women and if she wanted to single out that aspect then it makes sense. And ultimately it was her speech, so she could talk about anything she wanted, but it doesn't mean she couldn't have talked about all women if she wanted to. By the logic of a woman wins lead actress every.single. year, so it doesn't make sense to talk about all women, then I guess that means Patrica Arquette's Oscar speech made no sense, when she talked about wanting equal treatment of all women because a woman wins best supporting actress every.single. year.



I don't think anyone ever said she couldn't snark on someone's Emmy speech. I don't think THAT was ever the issue. And this is the last I'm saying on it. The subject-much like NLG herself-makes me tired.


Then I guess you didn't read the quote I was responding to - which I quoted in my post which stated that they didn't know why NLG thought she could get away with snarking on someone's Emmy speech. Plus, there have been plenty of mentions in this thread about actors needing to take social media training and not say certain things.



But his bosses probably feel differently.


I don't know if they really care otherwise they would have stopped him by now. Plus, maybe they just don't have the same opinions of his tweets as others do. I don't think networks care that much about what their actors say on their own Twitter accounts, as long as it's not problematic (like being racist) and cause problems. I have several actors I follow who don't speak in PC terms and say a lot of stuff that people categorize as dumb, but they don't usually get much flack over it.

Even though the situations aren't exactly the same what strikes me as kind of funny about people talking about Shonda Rimes having more class in her pinky than NLG is SR made a similar tweet in tone to NLG's first one about not liking VD's speech when she crapped on Lady Gaga's performance at the Oscars this year.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
Also, I don't see why she shouldn't be able to snark on someone's Emmy acceptance speech. It's her twitter account she should be able to say what she wants to.




She's certainly able to, and nobody should censor her commentary.   But she said something snarky about someone else's happy moment, and she did it on a very public forum, and she was going to get some push back.   What else did she expect?   It's not like she's a no-name on her Facebook account, broadcasting her thoughts to only her friends -- everyone on this show likely uses their Twitter in part as a marketing tool, because they want lots of people to keep them in mind, and they hope to be followed by the masses.


And then she proceeded to make it way, way, way worse by explaining and over-explaining what her issue was with the speech ... and she wouldn't let it go, because she didn't like that other people had not-so-nice opinions about her not-so-nice opinion.    


Just think before you act.  Especially on the inter webs, where things very quickly spiral out of control.   

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She's certainly able to, and nobody should censor her commentary.   But she said something snarky about someone else's happy moment, and she did it on a very public forum, and she was going to get some push back.   What else did she expect?   It's not like she's a no-name on her Facebook account, broadcasting her thoughts to only her friends -- everyone on this show likely uses their Twitter in part as a marketing tool, because they want lots of people to keep them in mind, and they hope to be followed by the masses.



Agreed.  The vast majority of NLG's followers are people who know her from her soap roles.  So when she tweets, it is going to reflect on the show/network, even though it is her personal account.  If your social media account is remotely associated with your job, then you'd be wise to keep that in mind when posting, because if you tweet something offensive, the reaction is inevitably going to be sent your employer's way.  

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^^Exactly. Obviously she can tweet what she wants, because she did. But being able to do that doesn't mean you are automatically immune from any negative consequences. That's where personal responsibility comes in. I feel like her (and RP's defense) is one of those I'm being "honest" - isn't that refreshing - as a cover for being a racist, sexist, whatever ass lacking in empathy. Refreshingly honest isn't what NGL was.


The fact is, racism is a major issue - in Hollywood and everywhere else. There is no reason that Viola Davis, the FIRST black winner in her category, shouldn't use her speech to highlight that. It's particularly an issue in the context of BlackLivesMatter, the conversation about police brutality, etc. Her speech doesn't exist in a vacuum, nor does NGL's response. Whether she meant it to feed into that discourse or not is irrelevant. Racism is a major public topic at the moment (as it should be) and her response was read in that context. It's also not exactly abnormal for people to use their speeches to highlight political issues. 


I also really dislike the trope of "VD is a rich, famous actress," therefore she has no problems. I have no doubt that she has faced significant discrimination, in both her life and her career. She has spoken about it many times (and been shut down by white actresses many times as well.) Racism is systemic. We have a black president too, but that certainly doesn't mean we live in a "post-racial" society. There are rich, successful women; but that doesn't mean there's no sexism. Personally, I think the fact that VD's speech made people uncomfortable shows exactly how far we as a society have to go in terms of addressing racism.


If NGL wants to give a speech or write an article about women or white women or soap actresses, then she is more than welcome to do that. I'm pretty sure no one's stopping her. But (where's my gospel choir gif when i need it), she needs to "stay in her lane," rather than attempting to address (and dismiss) a lived experience she knows nothing about.

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