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2 hours ago, bannana said:

Could he be coming back as 😱 Morgan? They keep mentioning Morgan's name.

I know you're joking, but given the Zander/Carly pairing that was briefly teased in the early TB days, that would be bizarre as hell to see lmao. 

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I would turn my brain off and buy some kind of faked death/witness protection thing for Zander.


If it's just a ghostly visitation I pick Alexis to have it and for him to comfort her and confront about her grief and drinking.

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2 hours ago, UYI said:

I know you're joking, but given the Zander/Carly pairing that was briefly teased in the early TB days, that would be bizarre as hell to see lmao. 

Yes I was, but anything is possible these days. 🙃 I didn't know about the Zander/Carly thing, eek!

It does seem weird that Morgan is being mentioned every other day or so.

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I practically got whiplash at how fast I grabbed my phone when I saw the alert from EW (really surprised they broke the story as if it was big news) about Brannon coming back. I was almost back to 20 years (20 YEARS - man that makes me feel old) when Zander and Emily's relationship first started and I fell for it almost instantly. He became pretty much my favorite character ever. He was done so dirty after TC came back and especially at the end. I was shocked when they had him come back to usher off NL's second ill-conceived character. Even though he's Cameron's dad I'm shocked the rare times they bring him up. I never thought I would see them bring him back to the show. This is one of the first genuine shocks this show has given me in a really long time. 

It could just be a dream sequence with Cameron, but something about the way they mention his first day back filming seems like it's something more than just a one-off. Could they bring Zander back? Sure. Yeah, he died on-screen, but there's almost no soap death they can't retcon (other than if the actor died, or the character died of old age, or the death was too significant - like BJ's.) He could also be playing a different character like with NL, Tamara Braun, Sarah Brown, etc.

5 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

And let us remember, despite Guza throwing Zander/CB under the bus for the yuck that was Nik/Emily, back when they still had some prestige, he won an Emmy for it, so... And I loved Zander's vibe with Alexis almost as much as I loved him with Amber Tamblyn's Emily. Of course, Nik just had to ruin that, too! (Yes, I will always be salty about that.)

I fell for ZEm first, but I also loved his relationship with Alexis. It sucked how they tore that apart for Nik and stupid Nik/Emily.

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2 hours ago, UYI said:

I know you're joking, but given the Zander/Carly pairing that was briefly teased in the early TB days, that would be bizarre as hell to see lmao. 

I thought about that, but stranger things have happened on soaps, especially since it wasn't LW's Carly. Not that I want him to be Morgan at all.

2 hours ago, ouinason said:

I would turn my brain off and buy some kind of faked death/witness protection thing for Zander.


That could be a somewhat plausible (for a soap) explanation.

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I highly doubt they'd be bringing Chad Brannon back as Morgan. Brannon is 41. He looks great but he looks that age -- eight years older than Other Chad (Duell), who plays Morgan's older brother.  

If he's playing some other not-dead character besides Zander, it would be easier for me to believe he's coming back as a recast Drew Cain, now revealed not really to have died in the plane crash that Peter engineered.  

My first thought was a Ghost Dad scene for a dream of Cameron's, but as @FilmTVGeek80 says, the wording of "begins filming" on a certain date makes it sound like more than a day's work. So does Brannon's own social-media commentary about heading back to Port Charles. 

Edited by Asp Burger
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I loved ZEm so much (I even set up a pretty popular message board for them -- cheesily titled "The Heart of ZEM" -- LOL!). I wrote fanfic for them, the whole shebang.  I HATED how dirty they did him with Amber's departure, and I stopped watching when she left. Was infuriated when I heard that Elizabeth actually slept with him (UGH!) and got pregnant, that he went back into crime, (DOUBLE UGH!). Just awful. I really wanted Alexis to adopt Zander, CB and NLG had AMAZING chemistry.

I would absolutely love to see his story initially revolve around Alexis, and I imagine we will see stuff with him and Cameron.

If he is going to be back more long-term somehow, in terms of love interest, I'm thinking potentially Maxie cuz we know that her and Peter are coming to an end soon. Willow maybe (yeah, I know), and hey, if Nelle comes back, I could so get on board with Zelle! (Yes, I will pair Nelle up with every male cast member I like because I will adore Nelle FOREVER!)

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42 minutes ago, driver18 said:

I loved ZEm so much (I even set up a pretty popular message board for them -- cheesily titled "The Heart of ZEM" -- LOL!). I wrote fanfic for them, the whole shebang.  I HATED how dirty they did him with Amber's departure, and I stopped watching when she left. Was infuriated when I heard that Elizabeth actually slept with him (UGH!) and got pregnant, that he went back into crime, (DOUBLE UGH!). Just awful. I really wanted Alexis to adopt Zander, CB and NLG had AMAZING chemistry.

That was you? Oh, that's so cool! I LOVED that board. It's when I really first started to get into fandom. ZEm fanfic was the first I started to write. I kept watching after she left, because she left voluntarily, and Zander was my favorite. I actually really ended up loving Zander and Elizabeth, though the show didn't seem to know what to do with them and that lame triangle of the two of them and Jason. The first time they hooked up was months after Emily broke up with him off-screen. And, no, no, a thousand times no. If Zander comes back, I don't want that sociopath Nelle anywhere near him.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm forever grateful Emily didn't have a child. 

Oh, I don't care about it for Emily's sake, but IMHO there was more story potential in a Quartermaine/Cassadine kid than a Corinthos/Cassadine (especially since there already was one in Kristina). Of course, this show being this show...

Chad Brannon? That's...something, I guess. I liked Brannon and I liked Zander sometimes, but I'm still apathetic. I think I'm incapable of being excited about anything with show anymore.

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1 hour ago, Melgaypet said:

Oh, I don't care about it for Emily's sake, but IMHO there was more story potential in a Quartermaine/Cassadine kid than a Corinthos/Cassadine (especially since there already was one in Kristina). Of course, this show being this show...

Chad Brannon? That's...something, I guess. I liked Brannon and I liked Zander sometimes, but I'm still apathetic. I think I'm incapable of being excited about anything with show anymore.

I rather not bring him back alive but instead want it reveal that Jason, Courtney and Carly framed him for shooting that cop. Hopefully by Cam. In someplace very public.

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5 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I rather not bring him back alive but instead want it reveal that Jason, Courtney and Carly framed him for shooting that cop. Hopefully by Cam. In someplace very public.

Carly had nothing to do with that.

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10 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Carly had nothing to do with that.

Yes she did. She knew right after Courtney shot the cop and Jason dumped the weapon and defended Court's actions and encouraged to keep her mouth shut. She was at the penthouse when Courtney and Jason returned. Zander was still alive and hiding from the police. Not hugely different when she found out that Sonny killed AJ. 

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6 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

That was you? Oh, that's so cool! I LOVED that board. It's when I really first started to get into fandom. ZEm fanfic was the first I started to write. I kept watching after she left, because she left voluntarily, and Zander was my favorite. I actually really ended up loving Zander and Elizabeth, though the show didn't seem to know what to do with them and that lame triangle of the two of them and Jason. The first time they hooked up was months after Emily broke up with him off-screen. And, no, no, a thousand times no. If Zander comes back, I don't want that sociopath Nelle anywhere near him.

Yes, that was me. That was my board. Glad to hear you loved it. Me too. It was pretty active, yeah. Ah well.

Aww, see, I LOVE Nelle so much, and both Chloe and Chad are great actors and would give 100% to each scene and can't quite say that about everyone on GH. I have zero doubt the show could retcon some of Nelle's worst acts. And, if CB is gonna be around longer term, I want to see him paired with someone I like not someone laaaaaame who can't act or doesn't bring it in scenes. (That's partly why him and Amber were sooo good together.)

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2 hours ago, driver18 said:

Aww, see, I LOVE Nelle so much, and both Chloe and Chad are great actors and would give 100% to each scene and can't quite say that about everyone on GH. I have zero doubt the show could retcon some of Nelle's worst acts. And, if CB is gonna be around longer term, I want to see him paired with someone I like not someone laaaaaame who can't act or doesn't bring it in scenes. (That's partly why him and Amber were sooo good together.)

You and I will never see eye to eye on Nelle. 😁  Partly because I don't think CL was all that. She was good, but I've seen better. The only bad deed of Nelle's they could retcon would be her killing her ex-fiancé. They can't retcon her leaving Michael to burn to death or slicing Brook-Lynn's throat. I think AT and CB mainly worked because they had amazing chemistry and he was able to generate that with a lot of people, so I think he could do it again with someone other than CL. Plus, whether he's coming back as Zander or someone else, given how badly they trashed him on his way out, I'd rather he not start off this new run immediately at odds with the Corinthos crew. Not because I care what those characters would think of him, but anyone who goes up against them inevitably loses and is painted as a loser. I'd rather he stay far away from that crew. Hopefully, it's a moot point and she doesn't come back.

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14 minutes ago, ulkis said:

How about Sam for Zander? :runs away: seriously though, you were/are a fan, right @FilmTVGeek80? If she started having more energy again maybe?

I have been a fan of Sam at certain periods - right now is definitely not one of those periods LOL (though I don't hate her as much as some people do.) I know, physically, they would look amazing together. It would be interesting to see if they had any chemistry. But like I said about a potential Nelle pairing, I would prefer him away from the Corinthos orbit. His last go-round he clashed with Jason constantly and Jason always came out on top. Unfortunately, the writing has not changed and it would be the same outcome. Pairing him with Jason's "soulmate" 🙄  would do him no favors.

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8 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

You and I will never see eye to eye on Nelle. 😁  Partly because I don't think CL was all that. She was good, but I've seen better. The only bad deed of Nelle's they could retcon would be her killing her ex-fiancé. They can't retcon her leaving Michael to burn to death or slicing Brook-Lynn's throat. I think AT and CB mainly worked because they had amazing chemistry and he was able to generate that with a lot of people, so I think he could do it again with someone other than CL. Plus, whether he's coming back as Zander or someone else, given how badly they trashed him on his way out, I'd rather he not start off this new run immediately at odds with the Corinthos crew. Not because I care what those characters would think of him, but anyone who goes up against them inevitably loses and is painted as a loser. I'd rather he stay far away from that crew. Hopefully, it's a moot point and she doesn't come back.

Yeah, probably not (us seeing eye-to-eye).

They could TOTALLY retcon leaving Michael to burn in the car. She was in her 9th month of pregnancy, had just been about to die, her child had been about to die, Michael was the cause (yes, legally, what Michael did--despite Nelle setting it up, once she demanded to be let out of the car and he wouldn't do so, that was kidnapping in the eyes of the law on his part, not that GH would go there), roll that all together you've got a woman out of her mind because of the chemicals running through her body. Any doctor could wave that away. 

And if you want to not go with that, they just introduced a win-all the other day. Nina's line about the serious drugs that Madeline had put in her system to put her in a coma for 20 years. So that could have messed with Nelle mentally/emotionally, but she likely never had any therapist, psychiatrist, doctor look at her from that angle. With that in evidence, there is the possibility that a drug cocktail could be used to help her.  A good lawyer, again, could help her.

Unlike many criminals, lawbreakers in PC, Nelle actually DID serve quite a bit of time so she's got that on her "retcon" side and many hate her, so if she gets meds, Nina/Maxie/Britt (I loved that scene) having her back, and we see her work to rehabilitate herself, that could work. Of course, Chloe probably wouldn't stick around for that, sigh, but it could be done.

Edited by driver18
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2 hours ago, driver18 said:

you've got a woman out of her mind because of the chemicals running through her body. Any doctor could wave that away. 

I don't deny pregnancy hormones do a number on women, but that plays into the "wimmins be hysterical" stereotype that is really damaging.  This show is misogynistic enough without adding that to the mix.

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Even ditching Michael to die and switching the babies, as batshit crazy and diabolical as it was, they could eke out a justification that Nelle was crazed and desperate from all of the stuff that had gone down between all the characters involved, mainly Carly, who had her own less than angelic years when she first came to town. But the BL throat slash was an evil act too far and took Nelle to the point of no return, IMO. Barring a Franco-esque, "the brain tumor made me do it" or nicki/vicki multiple personality route, I can't see Nelle being anything but a straight up Helena type villain who only wrecks havoc every time she returns. And if CL is only interested in doing short term stints I'd enjoy her as that character because I think she plays the remorseless bitch very very well.

Ditto to keeping Zander (or any character CB plays) far away from the Corinthii crew. Although, I think we all know it's inevitable that he'll be roped into their bullshit somehow. 😑

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On 2/11/2021 at 1:32 PM, driver18 said:

I loved ZEm so much (I even set up a pretty popular message board for them -- cheesily titled "The Heart of ZEM" -- LOL!).

That was you? That was my second home! (Same username there!  🙂 )

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22 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't deny pregnancy hormones do a number on women, but that plays into the "wimmins be hysterical" stereotype that is really damaging.  This show is misogynistic enough without adding that to the mix.

I thought of that even as I was typing it. HOWEVER, just because GH does this crap (well, honestly, they don't do it that much now, that was done in the past by different teams), it's a legitimate thing in this case. It's not just something pulled out of one's ass. So in addition to Nelle overhearing Michael telling Jason--A MOB ENFORCER--that he was getting rid of Nelle and taking her baby from her, something that a woman in the late stages of her pregnancy who was being led on by a former lover, a cop pretending to do dirty, illegal things for her... Well, yeah, in that case, legitimate pregnancy hormones is the right call to go with if one wants to retcon her actions.

 16 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

That was you? That was my second home! (Same username there!  🙂 )

I KNEW there was a reason why your user name was always familiar to me. I just couldn't place it. Yeah, I set up that board (as JenniferH).

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8 hours ago, driver18 said:

I KNEW there was a reason why your user name was always familiar to me. I just couldn't place it. Yeah, I set up that board (as JenniferH).

JENNIFER! I do remember you!  🙂 The 'net is a small world, after all! (Sometimes!)

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28 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

JENNIFER! I do remember you!  🙂 The 'net is a small world, after all! (Sometimes!)

It is indeed. I just tried to see if I could track down any archived, cached ANYTHING of the HOZ, but no such luck. Darn!

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1 minute ago, driver18 said:

It is indeed. I just tried to see if I could track down any archived, cached ANYTHING of the HOZ, but no such luck. Darn!

Yeah, I tried via the Wayback Archive. I think it's because EZ Board is no more.

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For those who want to feel a wave of second hand embarrassment and hear a character played by MB say he got cranky because he didn't get his intimate time, watch the short movie MB made: 

Cameo cliffhanger by


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So WR responded to TR’s video about the character of Peter and how WR was miscast.


this quote stands out for me because well, yes that is the job. But sadly he’s not very good at it.


My job (& my only job) is to bring fearlessness, playfulness & passionate conviction to what has been created for me. My aim is to stretch myself (beyond the limits of where I think my boundaries may lye) each time I’m entrusted with material that allows those boundaries to be tested.


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I did see people saying TR was defending him and WR misinterpreted it. I think that was his intention but saying he was miscast and is too much of a gentleman to play this kind of character is kind of a backhanded compliment. It’s heavily implies that he lacks the range to play this type of character so I get being offended. However, WR comments were a mess. It shows he lacks self-awareness because he isn’t doing a great job and the audience feedback has been consistently saying that. It would be a different story if he was getting a lot of praise and it was just TR making these comments but there was a reason TR was asking fans to back off WR in the first place. 

Edited by ffwbe
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On 2/11/2021 at 1:32 PM, driver18 said:

I loved ZEm so much (I even set up a pretty popular message board for them -- cheesily titled "The Heart of ZEM" -- LOL!). I wrote fanfic for them, the whole shebang.  I HATED how dirty they did him with Amber's departure, and I stopped watching when she left. Was infuriated when I heard that Elizabeth actually slept with him (UGH!) and got pregnant, that he went back into crime, (DOUBLE UGH!). Just awful. I really wanted Alexis to adopt Zander, CB and NLG had AMAZING chemistry.

I would absolutely love to see his story initially revolve around Alexis, and I imagine we will see stuff with him and Cameron.

I was a member of the Heart of ZEm! I will forever hate Guza for throwing Zander/CB under the bus. And the day that Emily cheated on his with Nik, both Emily and Nik were dead to me. 



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5 hours ago, ChicksDigScars said:

I was a member of the Heart of ZEm! I will forever hate Guza for throwing Zander/CB under the bus. And the day that Emily cheated on his with Nik, both Emily and Nik were dead to me. 



Aww, cool! Yeah, ugh to Nik/Em. I stopped watching after Amber left.. I did finally watch a bunch of Elizabeth, Zander stuff a few days ago actually and was surprised at how good it was. It really honored ZEm. Then, I read up on what happened with Zander and der Lord bus-runagge-over indeed! The only good thing about it was his Emmy and nods.

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On 3/5/2021 at 2:21 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

I was a member of the Heart of ZEm! I will forever hate Guza for throwing Zander/CB under the bus. And the day that Emily cheated on his with Nik, both Emily and Nik were dead to me. 



Do you remember your old username at Heart of ZEm? As I said in a prior post, that was another home to me!  🙂

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I gotta say it's giving my heart a little squee to see the memories and love for Heart of ZEm. Aww, I put a lotta heart (hee) and work into setting up and maintaining that board. I'm glad people remember it fondly.

Edited by driver18
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2 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

From the whole pyramid juice scam to this current...whatever it is...backstage GH would probably garner huge ratings versus the actual show. ABC should put cameras in the hallways.

I was just thinking the same thing. Juicegate...friction between cast members who play good friends or even love interests...the former cast member who was aggressively trying to recruit all the younger actresses into her controversial religion...the actress who was balking at masking up when they first got back to shooting...the soap behind the soap is juicier.

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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oooh, I don't remember this one. Details please!

And, who was the anti mask wearer? Such great tea and I’m here for it all. Okay, I’m ready..........

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On 3/12/2021 at 4:21 AM, WendyCR72 said:

From the whole pyramid juice scam to this current...whatever it is...backstage GH would probably garner huge ratings versus the actual show. ABC should put cameras in the hallways.

I would watch the hell out of that show.

On 3/12/2021 at 7:07 AM, Asp Burger said:

I was just thinking the same thing. Juicegate...friction between cast members who play good friends or even love interests...the former cast member who was aggressively trying to recruit all the younger actresses into her controversial religion...the actress who was balking at masking up when they first got back to shooting...the soap behind the soap is juicier.

Is the actress who tried to convert younger actresses Michelle Stafford?

13 hours ago, ByaNose said:

And, who was the anti mask wearer? Such great tea and I’m here for it all. Okay, I’m ready..........


7 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I think that's Kelly. 

Monoco or Thiebaud?

3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

And, then they replaced her. Too funny!


I keep dropping in and out of the show, because our governor is still giving Covid updates during this hour, and I get frustrated with watching half episodes. Which Kelly was replaced?

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3 minutes ago, General Days said:

I keep dropping in and out of the show, because our governor is still giving Covid updates during this hour, and I get frustrated with watching half episodes. Which Kelly was replaced?

Monaco. Lindsay Hartley filled in for ~2 weeks, I believe right when new episodes started airing after the shutdown hiatus. 

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