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S07.E02: In The Dark

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TIL that "emotionally drained" is a synonym for "drugged out of my mind." Good for Cory is all I can say, although I still question Leah having the girls on the weekend. It means, even though she doesn't get them to school, she gets them all day and is in charge of all their meals during that time. At least the school serves as a buffer for her "exhaustion". 


As for Adam, I believe in forgiving people for past transgressions when they've proven themselves, and part of that means giving them the chance to prove themselves. Adam has had that chance, but hasn't proven anything yet. He needs to realize losing your license for 5 years and just now getting it back doesn't speak well for you, and NOW is the time to start showing you've changed. Prove it, and you can start having more time with your kid. Oh, and apparently he posted pictures of Aubree in the bath tub according to the preview? Good job ace. 


Joe needs to shave the mess on his chin, he looks ridiculous. I think it's his last attempt at looking "hard" but instead he just looks pathetic (also, see the video from the preview for next week with the way he is talking).


Isaac, however, seems to be raised right by his parents, and that speaks worlds of them. Kids aren't polite and well behaved without guidance and good examples, and they really should be proud of how Isaac acts and how he treats others.


Don't mind the Cole and Chelsea stuff -- I think a lot of what we see is just awkwardness on camera and trying to talk, so asking Aubree questions. No issue with how they handled Aubree in the car because sometimes kids are just in moods. Chelsea could probably speak a bit better (maybe a, "If you want to do your book now, that's fine, but I would love to help you when we get home.")


Compare this to Jenelle and how she talked to Jace at that restaurant. Just such a pathetic attempt at parenting. Plus Jace was obviously playing some video game -- he's not going to listen to you when his mind is somewhere else. I've dealt with kids like Jace before, you can see the glazed over eyes when you talk to them. These same kids seem to be the type that know about all the new movies, tv shows, and video games, and have regular access to all of them. Hm, maybe that's connected somehow? Babs is obviously not doing a great job either but I have sympathy for her because her choice was either leaving him with Jenelle or taking him herself. Jenelle should be the poster story for why you do adoption -- not Tyler and Caitlyn. 


Here's an opposite version of Sophie's choice for you: for some reason the only people in the world available to watch your own child or children are Leah and Jenelle (as they lived at the time of the taping of this episode) -- who do you choose?

  • Love 4

Here's an opposite version of Sophie's choice for you: for some reason the only people in the world available to watch your own child or children are Leah and Jenelle (as they lived at the time of the taping of this episode) -- who do you choose?

I swear I ask myself this question every time I watch. I pick Leah only because the blonde twin is the most responsible adult and I'm sure she can dial 911.

  • Love 14
Exactly. And, nothing is ever her fault and never has been. When she was whining to Tori about the assault charge, it was all Nathan's girlfriend's fault.


Exactly. She acts like Nathan's girlfriend is so horrible because she GAVE her an assault charge. How about....ya know, NOT assaulting people? I'd wager Nathan's new girl has much more of a reason to be mad at Jenelle than vice versa. 


What I don't get is how Jenelle and Leah know the cameras will be there and they don't clean up their acts.


This is the only reason I'm glad they're still filming this show. Who knows how bad it would get if there was ZERO accountability. 

I swear I ask myself this question every time I watch. I pick Leah only because the blonde twin is the most responsible adult and I'm sure she can dial 911.


Exactly. Gracie is the true parent in that house, and even Ali would be able to do some things for my child. And who knows, Germy or a random grandma might show up and babysit.


But Jenelle and Tori? No fucking thank you. 

  • Love 8

Leah and her neglect of the Girlses is making it increasingly difficult to watch the series with a clear conscience.


It's AMP -- so when she says she isn't giving the kids soda, she's right....


Yup, I totally see the bowl here.  I can see Leah's doped up thought process "I'll just hide this behind the remote.  There, now no one can see it.  Now it's time for a nice nap".

  • Love 11

Yup, I totally see the bowl here.  I can see Leah's doped up thought process "I'll just hide this behind the remote.  There, now no one can see it.  Now it's time for a nice nap".

I actually see a key or fob with a key ring on it.  After some staring I could see it as a pipe, too.  But if it were a pipe, I think the camera would have zoomed in on it.  I think she was high on pills.  Which is way worse, IMO.

  • Love 9

What I don't understand about Kaiser's haircut is this, was Jenelle planning on getting Nathan's permission before she took him for his first haircut? Because he's just as much Kaiser's parent as she is so was she going to ask him first like she thought he should do?

That's what kills me about these girls, they seem to think they have more authority or are more of a parent because they are the mom.

She said she had all of these plans for his first haircut but maybe Nathan did too, which is his right because he is also Kaiser's parent. It's like him taking the baby to Boston, why does he need her permission when she doesn't get his permission when she takes him out of state.

They are all just so damn dumb that it makes me crazy.

  • Love 13
grumpypanda, on 28 Mar 2016 - 11:22 PM, said:


My little one isn't much older than Kaiser and it breaks my heart the way that evil witch treats her son. I just don't understand how a mother (she doesn't deserve the title really) can treat her baby so cruelly.


Does "breeder" work for you? It does for me!


toodywoody, on 29 Mar 2016 - 08:31 AM, said:


I am a single parent. Never received a dime of child support and my daughter has never seen her father. She just turned 19. So Leah can fuck off with the poor me bullshit. <snip>. So Leah can just stop with the bs about how overwhelmed, sleepy, whatever the fuck else she uses as an excuse. She doesn't work, doesn't cook, doesn't clean, doesn't do shit and is so tired. <snip>


Pleased to meet you!


I'm also the single mom of a 19 year old girl who is in her first year of college - and I, too, never received any child support nor has my daughter's father ever had any contact with her.


However, I am also short-statured and disabled (I use a manual wheelchair for mobility) - and my daughter is likewise disabled, short-statured, and uses a wheelchair. Although disabled since birth, I worked full-time until I was in a bad car accident when my daughter was 18 mos. old and had to leave my job due to chronic pain. And guess what? I raised my daughter - alone - on 60% of my former salary (SSDI - and because that 60% exceeds Medicaid Income Guidelines I received NOTHING for my daughter - not SSI OR Medicaid). I take care of myself, took care of my daughter (she is now in college out-of-state), AND took care of my house and all that entails - ALONE. Leah has NO EXCUSE.


Oh, and in regards to Javi wanting Kail to get pregnant again (for some reason, quoting the post that questioned that didn't work)....that's ONE way for the insecure Javi to ensure there's no "funny business" between Kail and Jo when Javi's overseas, no? Even though that whole "relationship" is all in Javi's head? I used to really LIKE Javi, but this season? WTF is his problem?

  • Love 11

Sarza, no you're not being premature in judging Jenelle's latest loser. Uncle Dave is a deadbeat dad with a criminal record and two kids by two different women. There's a no contact order in place for one baby mama and child, which he was recently arrested for violating.

No decent guy would touch Jenelle with a ten foot pole, so you don't need to see this one in action to know he's a sleaze.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 4

Does "breeder" work for you? It does for me!

Pleased to meet you!

I'm also the single mom of a 19 year old girl who is in her first year of college - and I, too, never received any child support nor has my daughter's father ever had any contact with her.

However, I am also short-statured and disabled (I use a manual wheelchair for mobility) - and my daughter is likewise disabled, short-statured, and uses a wheelchair. Although disabled since birth, I worked full-time until I was in a bad car accident when my daughter was 18 mos. old and had to leave my job due to chronic pain. And guess what? I raised my daughter - alone - on 60% of my former salary (SSDI - and because that 60% exceeds Medicaid Income Guidelines I received NOTHING for my daughter - not SSI OR Medicaid). I take care of myself, took care of my daughter (she is now in college out-of-state), AND took care of my house and all that entails - ALONE. Leah has NO EXCUSE.

Oh, and in regards to Javi wanting Kail to get pregnant again (for some reason, quoting the post that questioned that didn't work)....that's ONE way for the insecure Javi to ensure there's no "funny business" between Kail and Jo when Javi's overseas, no? Even though that whole "relationship" is all in Javi's head? I used to really LIKE Javi, but this season? WTF is his problem?

Well done. Much respect to you.

That's why I can't cut any of them any slack, they are so overwhelmed and have anxiety and narcolepsy and depression. How about all of them live off of a normal salary and then we can talk about all their depression, anxiety and overwhelmedness.

  • Love 5
Poor kaiser, I really feel for that little boy, he does not deserve to suffer a life with this self centred girl, she just has no affection for him, I just wanna grab him from the TV and give him a big cuddle. Now I am no way a fan of Nathan, but surely he can't do any worse than janelle and I really hope he and his family somehow get kaiser and quickly at that


This is exactly how I feel about that poor baby.  What's going to happen is that he will soon stop crying, realizing that it does no good.  Then he's probably lost forever, no bonding with that rotten little bitch Jenelle, she doesn't care about anyone.  I agree, Nathan is probably an idiot but  I think he might have human feelings.  Jenelle doesn't, so anything is a step up.

  • Love 5

I am on my device. Can someone zoom in on the pipe in the screen cap, please? Thanks in advance.

No pipe. It's keys -- but it does look like a pill blister pack under the remote?... Am I the only one seeing that?


Even if it's an OTC med blister pack, it's not safe to have them out in the open with starving, bored children due over in a few minutes.


If it is a pill blister pack, it's part of the MTV conspiracy to make her look like a bad mother.

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 7

What I don't get is how Jenelle and Leah know the cameras will be there and they don't clean up their acts. The celebrity status has gone to their heads. I know this is how they act day after day but come on, Leah knew Corey would see this and take her to court and Jenelle should know that Nathan will use it against her. Why are they both being like this on camera when it can be used against them? They are both morons that think they are above the law.

If I was a fuck up and didn't want my kids taken away from me, I would be putting on an act for the cameras and the whole world to see how 'great' I am. But no, these two self absorbed twits can't clean up their act for filming because they both think they are so great.

And Leah, maybe if you didn't sleep during the day you could go to bed at a decent time. I say this because my mom does this. Sleeps all day until noon and then wonders why she is up all night. Well duh..... Same applies to Leah.

Because it can't be used in court. Cory tried and it was shot down. The reason was because footage is edited and sometimes spliced together and they can't prove what's true and what's made up. There were a few articles written about it if you are up to searching. Big bummer, but he did try.

  • Love 2

After this past season of TMOG, I really thought I disliked Farrah more than Jenelle. But that's just not true. I think Farrah has got a lot of mental issues. Jenelle is just a sociopath. There's no getting better for her. She blocked me on Twitter. I just said that I'm not a fan of Nathan- obviously- but Kaiser is his kid too. And she's just hurting him by keeping him away from his Dad because he has a girlfriend. That's clearly the only reason why. It wasn't as much that Nathan got his hair cut, it's that Nathan's girlfriend was the one to cut it. Jenelle said that it was the one who pressed charges against her- like Jenelle did nothing to deserve that!! Jenelle deserves to get her ass kicked.

I love Chelsea. I'm glad she found Cole too. (I could do without the baby voice though!) Like most people, I've never liked Adam. But the fact is that Adam is Aubree's Dad. I have a feeling that Chelsea would rather just make Cole Aubree's dad. Hell, I'd rather make Cole Aubree's dad too. But he's not. Adam's a douche bag & he has a lot more growing up to do but he's doing better. There are so many Dads out there that don't want anything to do with their kids, I think that if he wants to see her, he should be able to. I don't know how child support is there. But here, if Chelsea were to ask for more & Adam would pay it, in the courts eyes, it would help him get that visitation.

Kail. One of the biggest reasons I love TM & TM2 is that we get to watch these kids grow up. Isaac is probably the one I've enjoyed the most. He's just so cute & sweet!! I used to like Javi. I used to even side with him at times. But now- I think Kail needs to get away from him. I have a feeling that Javi doesn't like Jo because Kail had a relationship with him. He gets so irritated when Kail is nice to Jo. I think it's great that they can go out to dinner like that. It's cool to see Jo interact with Lincoln. IMO, that's how co-parenting should be. That's great for Isaac too. Javi is controlling & jealous & he's not gonna get any better.

Lastly & leastly... Leah. I know that last season, my opinion of her wasn't popular. I didn't know what a lot of yinz did though. I didn't know about her infatuation with Robbie's penis- when she was married. I didn't know what she was posting on social media either. I didn't know that she was blaming Jeremy for her marriage failing. I don't really like her as a person- but something in me feels bad for her just a little bit. I don't feel bad for her because of her failed marriages- that was her fault. I did get what she was saying about Jeremy never being around- that would be lonely. But she knew how he worked when she married him. She's not winning any mother of the year awards either- but she does love those kids. There's no doubt about that. She's young and pretty and she looks old & bad. I think Corey should have primary custody right now. She's clearly overwhelmed. She knows she's stressed- and so does her doctor. Her Dr.'s obviously given her Xanax or something like that to calm her- and he/she's obviously over medicating her. I had some issues & my Doc prescribed me Xanax. I looked the same damn way. It was around a holiday- I think it was Thanksgiving. I knew it would make me tired but I didn't know it would make me that tired. A few members of my family thought I was a druggie- I just took what was perscribed. And I didn't feel high. I just felt very tired. So unlike a lot of people, I believe her when she says she's tired. But she needs to tell her Doc that she needs something that she can function on. Even though I feel a little bad for her, she needs to get her shit together. A lot of the issues she has are her fault. She needs to learn from that.

  • Love 1

Leah is rude as hell to expect her sister to pick her kids up for her just because she is "tired" when it's time to go get them. It's not like the school is a few blocks or miles away. It's a 1.5 hour round trip. It appears like she has done it before because we didn't see Leah call the school to let them know her sister would be picking them up instead of her -- she just grabbed her blanket and passed out on the couch. I don't think any elementary school lets random relatives and friends pick up kids without explicit permission from a parent/guardian. I wonder how many people are on Leah's "okay to pick up my kids because I am a worthless mother" list.

  • Love 8

Even though I already knew Corey got custody...I was still overjoyed watching it happen.  Those girls deserve a real home and Leah just can't provide that right now.  And yep, it was clear how high she was when she called her sister to pick up the girls.  She can't do the basic things like put food and drinks in the fridge and picking up her kids.  Those girls belong with Corey.  


Jenelle doesn't know anything about actually being a parent.  Anyone who have even spent a second around a baby knows that Kaiser wasn't tired.  He looked sick, but a kid who you try to put down and they just stand there and scream...nope, not tired.  Jenelle wants the status of being a parent, but wants none of the actual work of parenting.  


Chelsea continues to be adorable.  I do wonder though what Adam would need to do in order to be able to have Aubree more in his life.  Do I think he has completely changed his ways?  No, however I think he has done what the courts and Chelsea has asked of him.  He got his license back, which means he can continued to not drink, not get DWIs and not get caught driving without a license.  I do think Chelsea should take him back for child support since if you make them...you should support them, but I also think that Adam should get more time if he wants it.  Do I think he really wants it?  No, but he did what was asked of him.  I am happy Aubree has Cole though since he seems interested in doing the dad things.  


I don't wanna discuss Adam's little nekkid pic.  Nope.  


It's unpopular around these parts, but I still like Kail.  I think she's done a great job with Isaac and it shows.  


As for the after show...Leah does look better.  She looks an old school 60s receptionist, but she looks healthier.  I do hope that she maybe turned a corner and maybe losing her children actually got her to seek help.  Or...she could pull herself together for a day, but usually with addicts, even when they are trying...you can tell.  

  • Love 4

After this past season of TMOG, I really thought I disliked Farrah more than Jenelle. But that's just not true. I think Farrah has got a lot of mental issues. Jenelle is just a sociopath. There's no getting better for her. She blocked me on Twitter. I just said that I'm not a fan of Nathan- obviously- but Kaiser is his kid too. And she's just hurting him by keeping him away from his Dad because he has a girlfriend. That's clearly the only reason why. It wasn't as much that Nathan got his hair cut, it's that Nathan's girlfriend was the one to cut it. Jenelle said that it was the one who pressed charges against her- like Jenelle did nothing to deserve that!! Jenelle deserves to get her ass kicked.

I love Chelsea. I'm glad she found Cole too. (I could do without the baby voice though!) Like most people, I've never liked Adam. But the fact is that Adam is Aubree's Dad. I have a feeling that Chelsea would rather just make Cole Aubree's dad. Hell, I'd rather make Cole Aubree's dad too. But he's not. Adam's a douche bag & he has a lot more growing up to do but he's doing better. There are so many Dads out there that don't want anything to do with their kids, I think that if he wants to see her, he should be able to. I don't know how child support is there. But here, if Chelsea were to ask for more & Adam would pay it, in the courts eyes, it would help him get that visitation.

Kail. One of the biggest reasons I love TM & TM2 is that we get to watch these kids grow up. Isaac is probably the one I've enjoyed the most. He's just so cute & sweet!! I used to like Javi. I used to even side with him at times. But now- I think Kail needs to get away from him. I have a feeling that Javi doesn't like Jo because Kail had a relationship with him. He gets so irritated when Kail is nice to Jo. I think it's great that they can go out to dinner like that. It's cool to see Jo interact with Lincoln. IMO, that's how co-parenting should be. That's great for Isaac too. Javi is controlling & jealous & he's not gonna get any better.

Lastly & leastly... Leah. I know that last season, my opinion of her wasn't popular. I didn't know what a lot of yinz did though. I didn't know about her infatuation with Robbie's penis- when she was married. I didn't know what she was posting on social media either. I didn't know that she was blaming Jeremy for her marriage failing. I don't really like her as a person- but something in me feels bad for her just a little bit. I don't feel bad for her because of her failed marriages- that was her fault. I did get what she was saying about Jeremy never being around- that would be lonely. But she knew how he worked when she married him. She's not winning any mother of the year awards either- but she does love those kids. There's no doubt about that. She's young and pretty and she looks old & bad. I think Corey should have primary custody right now. She's clearly overwhelmed. She knows she's stressed- and so does her doctor. Her Dr.'s obviously given her Xanax or something like that to calm her- and he/she's obviously over medicating her. I had some issues & my Doc prescribed me Xanax. I looked the same damn way. It was around a holiday- I think it was Thanksgiving. I knew it would make me tired but I didn't know it would make me that tired. A few members of my family thought I was a druggie- I just took what was perscribed. And I didn't feel high. I just felt very tired. So unlike a lot of people, I believe her when she says she's tired. But she needs to tell her Doc that she needs something that she can function on. Even though I feel a little bad for her, she needs to get her shit together. A lot of the issues she has are her fault. She needs to learn from that.

After watching her for years, I just can't come up with any reason for her to be overwhelmed. She makes more money than the majority of the parents in the world, has a plethora of relatives that she dumps the kids with (listen to how many times her segments start with "I dropped off so and so with my mom, my cousin, the meter reader, the mini mart lady, etc"), she doesn't work or go to school, doesn't do housework or laundry or grocery shopping. What in the hell is she overwhelmed by? Having a special needs child? Corey has that same special needs child and he goes to work, takes care of his home and manages to get the twins to school and doctors appointments on time.


And, maybe she's getting a handful of meds from a doctor, but that's not what's causing her to act the way she does. She's doing the classic opiate nod. Her behavior and last season Germy's bringing up the fact that they were broke even though she makes 6 figures from the show and he makes 6 figures with his job tells me that she's spending thousands of dollars every month on pills. Her nodding out, chronic stuffy nose and blowing through money like water is all I need to see to form my opinion that she's spending every penny she has on pills, grinding them up and snorting them. She passed a drug test because she had a prescription for some of the things they tested for. If they'd do a more sophisticated urine test that measures the levels of the drugs, she'd fail miserably. If you have a prescription for xanax and vicodin, you'll test positive for opiates and benzos. If they do the more sophisticated test, they can tell that you're taking more than you're supposed to and if you're taking multiple different opiates. That's the way the court needs to test Leah and don't let her have 5 minutes of unsupervised time with the girlses when she fails. If she was a street junkie, she would have lost her kids a long time ago. The only difference between her and a junkie on the street is money. She has enough to support her habit,  have a place to live and family dumb enough to keep enabling her. Take away her MTV paycheck and her life will be in the toilet in a few short months. I have a feeling her family won't be quite as supportive of her without her money.

  • Love 13

If Adam wants more time all he has to do is go back to court. I'm assuming Chelsea's lawyer told her not to make any informal arrangements with Adam, hence her refusal to meet with him to discuss custody.

I agree Chelsea would be more than happy if Adam dropped off the face of the Earth so Cole could replace him, but unfortunately she's stuck with him for another twelve years.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

Leah is rude as hell to expect her sister to pick her kids up for her just because she is "tired" when it's time to go get them. It's not like the school is a few blocks or miles away. It's a 1.5 hour round trip. It appears like she has done it before because we didn't see Leah call the school to let them know her sister would be picking them up instead of her -- she just grabbed her blanket and passed out on the couch. I don't think any elementary school lets random relatives and friends pick up kids without explicit permission from a parent/guardian. I wonder how many people are on Leah's "okay to pick up my kids because I am a worthless mother" list.

Her sister didn't seem too happy about it, she sounded really exasperated when she said yes like it wasn't the first time she'd been asked.

I'm not really in the "Leah loves her kids" camp, if she truly loved her kids she would admit she's an addict and get herself some real help. She has the money and the help with child care to really get into a good program and get herself well to make a better life for her kids. If she really loved them that's what she would do.

Poor Ali doesn't have much time left before her quality of life declines, if Leah loved her kids she would be making sure that Ali has the best life she possibly can before that happens.

At this point I don't even think Leah is being prescribed anything, I think she buys it all on the streets.

  • Love 8

I can't believe fans are defending Leah and Jenelle. What's to defend? They're both shitty moms.How is Cory the bad guy? He didn't take the girls away from Leah? Leah did. How come when dad's get custody it's a problem? How is Miranda the enemy?

Jenelle I hope kaiser doesn't get reactive attachment disorder. I need Babs to cut Jenelle off. She's toxic. Jenelle is a horrible mother and person. Why is she on the show?

  • Love 6

While I rolled my eyes hard at Leah being too tired to go pick up the girls, I also breathed a sigh of relief that someone who was not high was going to go get them. I bet Victoria knew "I'm emotionally exhausted" is code for "I'm high as shit" so she went to get the girls. I shudder to think of what the girlses' lives would be like if Leah was the sole person responsible for them 100% of the time. Thank goodness they have Corey (and not someone like Jace's dad Andrew) & at least sometimeshave random members of Leah's family to help out.

I agree Jenelle is a psychopath with no emotions or feelings about anyone but herself. Nathan is the lesser of two evils. He clearly sucks but I think before they split, we did see Nathqn clearly engaging with and doing most of the care for Kaiser, particularly when he was an infant.

Don't get me wrong - I don't think Kail should have any more kids and I don't think she really wants anymore. But for her to go on about how she goes to school from 8-3 then does everything with the boys from 3pm on? I almost believed it. Then the MTV editors/camera people snuck in a shot with Javi's mom clearly taking care of Lincoln while Kail and Javi prepared dinner. I'm not saying she should have any kids, but bitch please (and really, to all these girls except Chelsea), you have NO IDEA what it is like to be the person who is alone with and responsible for your children the majority of the time. So you can all miss me with how busy and overwhelmed you are.

I agree with posters who say Javi wants to knock Kail up as some kind of insurance plan that she won't cheat while he's deployed. Obviously that's a dumb reason to have a baby and Kail obviously doesn't really want to right now (so sit down Javi). But really....does he think pregnant women don't have hormones and needs? I was more uh, in the mood, during the first trimester of my pregnancies than any other time in my life. I've never wanted sex so much as then. Kail might be like me and be much more in the mood and more often plus she wouldn't be showing yet and we know she's cheated on guys before. Javi is an idiot.

  • Love 7

While I rolled my eyes hard at Leah being too tired to go pick up the girls, I also breathed a sigh of relief that someone who was not high was going to go get them. I bet Victoria knew "I'm emotionally exhausted" is code for "I'm high as shit" so she went to get the girls. I shudder to think of what the girlses' lives would be like if Leah was the sole person responsible for them 100% of the time. Thank goodness they have Corey (and not someone like Jace's dad Andrew) & at least sometimeshave random members of Leah's family to help out.

I agree Jenelle is a psychopath with no emotions or feelings about anyone but herself. Nathan is the lesser of two evils. He clearly sucks but I think before they split, we did see Nathqn clearly engaging with and doing most of the care for Kaiser, particularly when he was an infant.

Don't get me wrong - I don't think Kail should have any more kids and I don't think she really wants anymore. But for her to go on about how she goes to school from 8-3 then does everything with the boys from 3pm on? I almost believed it. Then the MTV editors/camera people snuck in a shot with Javi's mom clearly taking care of Lincoln while Kail and Javi prepared dinner. I'm not saying she should have any kids, but bitch please (and really, to all these girls except Chelsea), you have NO IDEA what it is like to be the person who is alone with and responsible for your children the majority of the time. So you can all miss me with how busy and overwhelmed you are.

I agree with posters who say Javi wants to knock Kail up as some kind of insurance plan that she won't cheat while he's deployed. Obviously that's a dumb reason to have a baby and Kail obviously doesn't really want to right now (so sit down Javi). But really....does he think pregnant women don't have hormones and needs? I was more uh, in the mood, during the first trimester of my pregnancies than any other time in my life. I've never wanted sex so much as then. Kail might be like me and be much more in the mood and more often plus she wouldn't be showing yet and we know she's cheated on guys before. Javi is an idiot.

I honestly believe the kids would have been taken away from her a long time ago if she didn't have family around for her to dump them on all the time. I also agree with you that Victoria sounded like she had Leah's number and it's not the first time she's had to go get the girlses from school. If Leah wasn't a drugged up mess trying to hide it from Corey, the rational thing to do would have been to call Corey or Miranda and ask them if they could get them from school. But, she knows she would have had to answer questions from them. Good for the girlies that their auntie was able to pick them up.


Nathan is an idiot but he does seem to genuinely care about the Roll. He was always interacting with him when he was tiny and he did ALL the taking care of him while Jenelle was laying in bed glued to her phone. Hopefully, all the fucking up Jenelle has been doing with her new soulmate will make a judge see that Nathan should have the little guy the majority of the time. And, order Jenelle to pay child support. That will make her evil, orange head explode.

  • Love 5

Yeah, in my head, Bentley and Isaac are friends.


 I didn't see this last season of Teen Mom OG because Farrah makes my skin crawl, but aren't they total opposites?  Bentley would be one of those southern good ol' boys who are into hunting and sports.  Isaac will be a child with refined taste, best dressed at his school and a love of the arts.

  • Love 3

I didn't see this last season of Teen Mom OG because Farrah makes my skin crawl, but aren't they total opposites? Bentley would be one of those southern good ol' boys who are into hunting and sports. Isaac will be a child with refined taste, best dressed at his school and a love of the arts.

Ha! Ditto on Farrah, but no, Bentley and Isaac are actually very similar. Bentley is very caring and loving towards his baby sister and he doesn't like getting dirty. His man-child of a father dumped pumpkin guts all over Bentley and it made him very upset.
  • Love 5


While I rolled my eyes hard at Leah being too tired to go pick up the girls, I also breathed a sigh of relief that someone who was not high was going to go get them. I bet Victoria knew "I'm emotionally exhausted" is code for "I'm high as shit" so she went to get the girls.


The first thing Mr.SandyStrange said as we watched that scene was "She looks wasted", which he has past experiences of in a variety of ways. Even if she isn't popping pills, she obviously is a mental/emotional mess and isn't functioning well enough to take care of herself. Honestly, as someone who struggled with depression during my life, I think the worst thing for Leah (other then the pillses) is the fact she isn't doing anything with herself but sitting on her ass feeling sorry for herself. I think, along with some real, hardcore therapy and rehab, she needs to do something productive for her life if she has any chance to become a functioning adult and mother. Her louging  around in her messy house, too "stressed" to pick up her kids after a day of doing nothing, is getting old. I wish someone would talk real to her for once.


I'll admit, I got a cheap thrill at how quick Jeremy was to exit Leah's house of horrors. He is sooooo over her shit, and I kind of love it, especially because I'm pretty sure Leah would throw herself at him if he displayed any shred of interest in her.


Corey's happiness was so sweet. He loves those girlses so much, it is so nice to see a parent do the right thing for the right reasons. Doesn't happen too often on this show.


Jenelle manages to show her budding, or barely well hidden, psychopathy at every turn. It is painfully obvious she only values her children for what they can do for her, or how she can use them to control/hurt others. That scene when she was telling Torie how upset Kaiser being kidnapped by Nathan was making her was just. Freaking. Creepy. Bitch had not one shred of real emotion in her face or voice during the entire conversation. You could hear the hamster wheel turning in her head, like "Yay! I can totally stick it to Nathan and get him arrested!" Not only am I glad that MTV cameras are following her soon to be on Snapped ass, I'm glad that the her children have Nathan and Barbara. I truly think if she was on her own with them and had no use for them as pawns, she'd have sold them to the first weirdo willing to give her a bong hit and a Kesha concert ticket. I hope Kaiser ends up with his dad, he is an ass but he does seem to care for his son.

  • Love 8

Leah is so full of it. Her blaming MTV is just another attempt to deflect.

You know what makes me fume about this whole matter concerning the girls? It is all Leah's fault for losing custody because she could not fulfill the BASICS of daily child care such as getting her children to school on time. When you fail at basic day-to-day child care, you are one fucked up person. Leah has mentioned support in the past. I just cannot shake this feeling that all her girls mean to her are support checks and they give her a reason to garner sympathy from people. If she cannot even bother to clean up her act with cameras around, what in holy hell is happening during the off-season?

  • Love 11

The first thing Mr.SandyStrange said as we watched that scene was "She looks wasted", which he has past experiences of in a variety of ways. Even if she isn't popping pills, she obviously is a mental/emotional mess and isn't functioning well enough to take care of herself. Honestly, as someone who struggled with depression during my life, I think the worst thing for Leah (other then the pillses) is the fact she isn't doing anything with herself but sitting on her ass feeling sorry for herself. I think, along with some real, hardcore therapy and rehab, she needs to do something productive for her life if she has any chance to become a functioning adult and mother. Her louging around in her messy house, too "stressed" to pick up her kids after a day of doing nothing, is getting old. I wish someone would talk real to her for once.

I'll admit, I got a cheap thrill at how quick Jeremy was to exit Leah's house of horrors. He is sooooo over her shit, and I kind of love it, especially because I'm pretty sure Leah would throw herself at him if he displayed any shred of interest in her.

Corey's happiness was so sweet. He loves those girlses so much, it is so nice to see a parent do the right thing for the right reasons. Doesn't happen too often on this show.

Jenelle manages to show her budding, or barely well hidden, psychopathy at every turn. It is painfully obvious she only values her children for what they can do for her, or how she can use them to control/hurt others. That scene when she was telling Torie how upset Kaiser being kidnapped by Nathan was making her was just. Freaking. Creepy. Bitch had not one shred of real emotion in her face or voice during the entire conversation. You could hear the hamster wheel turning in her head, like "Yay! I can totally stick it to Nathan and get him arrested!" Not only am I glad that MTV cameras are following her soon to be on Snapped ass, I'm glad that the her children have Nathan and Barbara. I truly think if she was on her own with them and had no use for them as pawns, she'd have sold them to the first weirdo willing to give her a bong hit and a Kesha concert ticket. I hope Kaiser ends up with his dad, he is an ass but he does seem to care for his son.

Jenelle isn't happy unless she's making someone else miserable. Even if that means inflicting misery on her kids.

I'm not a fan of kids, I'm childless myself, but Kaiser really is a little angel. I want to adopt that munchkin and give him a good home.

Jenelle really is the poster child for forced sterilization.

Leah, Leah, Leah...where do I begin? Girl is a train wreck. Thank God the girls have Cory. MTV needs to do a crossover episode with Intervention.

  • Love 7

Can't believe Leah smokes smooths. Of all the great menthol cigarettes, she chooses SMOOTHS? Shit tastes like candy. (smoker here yeah I know I should quit)

Other than Leah tweaking the entire episode and Jenelle breathing, what a pleasant episode! Kail and Isaac being goofy in the car was adorable! Kail and Javi not fighting was a bonus. Sucks Javi is getting deployed, but maybe the distance will help their marriage. Just trying to be positive, I don't like to see marriages fall apart :/ especially because Isaac loves Javi. Ugh.

Chelsea annoyed me in the car after the pumpkin patch. Sounded like she was talking to her younger sibling rather than her daughter. Adam is still delusional as ever. And he only pays $170 a month in child support? Jeremy would love to just have that amount knocked off his payments.

  • Love 1

Chelsea annoyed me in the car after the pumpkin patch. Sounded like she was talking to her younger sibling rather than her daughter. Adam is still delusional as ever. And he only pays $170 a month in child support? Jeremy would love to just have that amount knocked off his payments.

Chelsea's mistake is arguing back and forth with Aubree when she gets whiny and demanding. Just tell the kid no, she has to wait until they get home and let that be the end of it. Quit with the baby voice and let your daughter know you mean business.

  • Love 9

I wonder if Leah will be ordered to pay child support since Corey has the twins more than she does? MTV pays her plenty and there is no reason she shouldn't be made to pay support for them. You know she'd be screaming her head off if the tables were turned. Hell, Germy pays $1700 a month for Adderall. Leah should have to cough up twice that amount for the twins.

  • Love 8

I think Oreo (Victoria) was pregnant.  If she still is she HAS to be close to giving birth.  I'm sure she was THRILLED to driving 45 mins there and back to pick up Leah's kids because she is so tired.  

I think the girlses school is close to Leah's family. The silly cow chose to move further way and now I'm guessing she's sorry she's not next door to a million potential babysitters. 

  • Love 3

Did anyone else notice the anti nausea bracelet/band Leah was wearing when Chasity came over. I think she was playing with it for a second. I knew exactly what they were because I wore mine the entire first trimester that I was pregnant with my daughter.i guess they work. I never threw up,but was still nauseated everyday. Wonder what Leah needed it for? Withdrawals?

  • Love 4

I seriously have to ask. For those who are commenting Leah is overwhelmed, what do you mean by that comment? I can't quote everyone who posted that comment so, just asking the question without quoting.

I am wondering what is it Leah is doing all day that makes her overwhelmed. I have to wonder as well what is she doing taking on two more kids when she cannot muster the desire and energy to care for her own three children.

  • Love 5
I'll admit, I got a cheap thrill at how quick Jeremy was to exit Leah's house of horrors. He is sooooo over her shit, and I kind of love it, especially because I'm pretty sure Leah would throw herself at him if he displayed any shred of interest in her.


I definitely got that too, he couldn't leave fast enough.

The final shot really said it all:  Leah, sleeping and oblivious on the couch, while Corey and Miranda celebrate the good news.  I see that Leah is clearly depressed, probably on pillses, but she isn't an evil person like Jenelle.  I hope she gets some real help.

Just kills me to see baby Roll crying and alone in his crib.

  • Love 4

Let me preface this by saying that Babs deserves 1,000 kudos for mothering Jace since infancy.  However, there are some behaviors of hers that I see that lead me to believe that Jace's life will end up in tragedy of some sort.  Barb- you don't complain about how "bad" a kid is being to someone else right in front of their face like they're not there.  Barb- you don't continue to engage in screaming fights and tears with others with a child around.  You refuse to engage (which means not seeing Jenelle).  Barb- it's obvious you messed something up with your own kids.  Is it possible that you did everything perfect and the fact that all your kids are losers is due to genetic mental illness?  Sure, it's possible.  But it's way more possible that your kids are predisposed to mental illness and their upbringing with lack of boundaries, screaming matches, and no consequences has led to you raising two of your grandkids and the others are in harm's way.  Barb- Jace is exhibiting behaviors that are disturbing.  Call a therapist.  Read some books on how to deal with it.  Don't just badmouth them in front of others for sympathy.


I'm pretty hot on this topic because I know parents who raised a daughter.  Now, the daughter was definitely predisposed to mental illness and delays, but if she was given some structure and guidance as a child I 100% think she would have ended up a functional member of society.  This woman was too lazy to parent, and the kid ran amuck.  Screaming matches, rather than actual punishment, happened 35 times a day in their house.  I guess it was easier to yell at the kid than threaten a punishment and follow through?  Woman talked about how horrible her daughter was in front of anyone who would listen, including the daughter.  Physical violence between them occurred often.  Daughter grew up and had a son as a teenager.  Her mother ended up raising the son in her 50's while the daughter was in and out of group homes, homeless shelters, and living off welfare (which I think would have happened to Jenelle if not for the stroke of luck which was Teen Mom).  Grandmother vowed to raise this kid differently, but ended up repeating ALL the same mistakes as before.  For example, kid would wake up at 5 am and sneak ice cream out of the fridge and binge on it until he was sick.  Rather than not buying ice cream, locking the freezer, setting up a motion alarm, bringing him to a therapist, or getting up at 5 am to intercept him, she just started buying individual ice cream cups so he wouldn't make a mess with his 5 am binges.  The son now resides in a group home after stealing and acts of violence.  Despite this woman WANTING to be a good mom, having good intentions, and raising her grandkid when she should have been nearing retirement, she ended up screwing up two children who will ultimately have no decent life.  I see this with Barb, and as much as I want to think she's a saint for raising Jace, I can't help but see his future mirrored in the boy I know, and it makes me so sad.

  • Love 10
'm not really in the "Leah loves her kids" camp, if she truly loved her kids she would admit she's an addict and get herself some real help. She has the money and the help with child care to really get into a good program and get herself well to make a better life for her kids. If she really loved them that's what she would do.

Poor Ali doesn't have much time left before her quality of life declines, if Leah loved her kids she would be making sure that Ali has the best life she possibly can before that happens.


I do think she loves them, in a very basic way. But she loves a lot of other things MORE. That's where the problem is. She continues to put men, drugs, etc. before her girls. You can love someone and still treat them badly. Loving your kids doesn't impress me. That's what you're supposed to do. When has Leah ever gone above and beyond for her girlses? 

  • Love 9

I wish we could nominate the editors for a special award. They're doing everything they can to show the world what a drugged out, incapable human being Leah is and I love them for it. Showing Corey's relief and joy at the court finally listening to him, then showing Leah nodded out on the couch was perfect. She was so wasted when she called her sister, Stevie Wonder could have seen it. I wonder where little Adderall was while mommy was on the nod? In her room with a box of sugar and aspartame packets? Hopefully, with her dad or with one of the dozens of relatives Leah seems to have around to pawn the kids off on when she's too wasted to take care of them. I hope we get to see Germy or someone call her out for being 'so tahrd all the tahm' before the season is over. She doesn't work, clean her house, go grocery shopping, do laundry or anything else productive. We know it's the pillses, Leah. Admit it and go back to treatment. Preferably, for a minimum of 6 months of intensive residential care.


They're also doing a great job showcasing that Kaiser is nothing more than a prop for Jenelle to use to try to piss Nathan off. If Nathan had taken him to Boston by himself or with one of his guy friends, she wouldn't have given a shit. I guess she thinks that once a guy has been with her, he's supposed to live the rest of his life pining away. I really, really hope Nipples is awarded custody of the Roll. He's the lesser of two evils, for sure, but I believe he's capable of loving the little guy and would interact with him instead of throwing him into his room and shutting the door. Watching part of last week's episode again, I paid more attention to the scene in Nathan's apartment. Remember when he was in the can and the cold, evil bitch was in charge of the dogs? They were locked in too small crates in the garage. When Nathan and his new squeeze were sitting at the counter, the dog was calmly laying on the floor. Nathan is an idiot but, he seems to get that living creatures require love, attention and care. Something Jenelle is incapable of.


But they were together for TWO YEEEEEARS!!!!  For TWO YEEEEEAAAAAARRRRRSSSSS no other man has touched her body!  Don't you get it?  TWO YEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That scene still cracks me up.

  • Love 9

I do think she loves them, in a very basic way. But she loves a lot of other things MORE. That's where the problem is. She continues to put men, drugs, etc. before her girls. You can love someone and still treat them badly. Loving your kids doesn't impress me. That's what you're supposed to do. When has Leah ever gone above and beyond for her girlses?

This right here. Plenty of people love their kids, but love isn't enough to be a good parent. Leah is too selfish to be a good parent to the girls. If she was a good mother, she would get some help, even if that meant giving up drugs and men. She would give those girls to their loving fathers willingly while she cleaned up her act so they could feel safe and taken care of. IMO she likes the status of being a mother, especially to a special needs child, but doesn't want to put in real work. So yes, she is a better mother and person then Jenelle. Which isn't saying much since Jenelle barely acts human to begin with. But she doesn't deserve a cookie for it.

  • Love 5

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