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S06.E17: Lymes In The Sand

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this was insane.  How hard is it to remember what it is you're going to wear for a five day trip?  That whole segment came off as really self-involved to me. 

Maybe I'm totally crazy, but I actually thought this was pretty sensible.   Especially when you know you will be filmed/photographed, figure out exactly what you are going to wear and try it on/test it out first.  Then you don't over pack and still have exactly what you need.  The fact that it was all made into a "look book" is a bit silly, but I've been known to make spreadsheets for outfit combos when I travel.   Granted, I am often travelling for 2 weeks out of a carry-on bag, but Erika seemed to be bringing less luggage than the other women.  (Though maybe the glam squad schlepped all her eyelashes/contour/extra hair, that alone probably one full suitcase)   I think Lisa Rinna showing up with 3 suitcases and a tote for a five day trip is at least as over top as a look book.  

  • Love 5

 Smiling or thinking about having fun is punishable by death.

The letters F, U and N are illegal.

Photos of people having fun are illegal.


I once worked with a Filipina woman who worked in the M.E. - she didn't have anything good to say about the place.

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 4

Re: Lisa R and wigs. She may well wear a wig at times for convenience, but I doubt she needs a wig due to hair loss. I keep flashing back to when she and Lisa went to look at the mini-pony. They were in hot, humid Ohio in the summer time and both of their hairdos reflected that; Lisa R's in particular lost the usual smoothness and looked coarser and thicker due to the humidity and her running her hands through it due to the heat. I think she has an enviably thick head of hair that is probably a bit more time consuming to maintain since she wears it short and can't just pull it back into a ponytail. A wig would be an easy out when time is crunched.

  • Love 4

Some quick thoughts...


1.) I can't believe that Erika brought the 3 Stooges to Dubai with her.  Good grief. 

2.) Whoever said that LVP was in her element was spot on.  She looked right at home all muumuu'd up in that hotel suite.

3.) Lyme Gala - yawn

4.) Interesting scene w/My Love getting pissy with Yo.  You can really see that he is done with her.

5.) WTF with Brandi's TH look? Holy shit - she looked atrocious. 

  • Love 19

Vyle checking in carefully enunciating her name addressing the hotel desk employee like a 5 year old. Clerk spoke perfect english. Duh Kyle. haha The parachute pants and stilettos were laughable. She looked like a weeble on thumbtacks. 

I read thru the posts and every once in a while there is a line that tickles me to no end. It will stick inside my head and I won't forget it.


Weeble on thumbtacks.......It makes me laugh even more when I type it out......Thank You!

  • Love 3
Vyle checking in carefully enunciating her name addressing the hotel desk employee like a 5 year old. Clerk spoke perfect english. Duh Kyle. haha The parachute pants and stilettos were laughable. She looked like a weeble on thumbtacks.



It's a good idea to carefully pronounce your name whether or not the person speaks English. Names aren't words and the person's looking it up. It's courtesy, not condescension, at least when I do it.


She did look weeblish, though.

  • Love 14

I thought the episode was boring.  Since they arrived in Dubai in the dark it just seemed like they were at a really fancy Las Vegas.  I hope we'll see it in the daylight.  Their travel outfits were ridiculous. I couldn't believe that Eileen was wearing overalls not just for 24 hours of flying but in first class?  The others looked like they were in a workout video and Kathryn would've frozen to death in that light dress.  They all travel internationally, but no one could figure out how to dress for the flight?


I think the reason they dined in Kyle's room was not only because of how they were dressed (really bare shoulders and mini skirt?) but that they generally make a scene wherever they are.  I can't imagine they'd be allowed to shout or break glasses in a restaurant--which is of course where all of this is leading again.


I appreciate Lisa Rinna, because I think she's really the voice of the audience.  I get that the other women don't want to talk about it on camera, but clearly Yo is manipulating them while fulfilling her contract agreement.  She only films when she wants to (generally at her condo or her events) and only shows up at the group meetings for a short time and then begs off that she's too tired.  I'm guessing that having lunch with Kim and Brandi counted as filming so she felt like she didn't have to go to Erika's that night.  I'm not sure why the other women are afraid of Yo, perhaps they thought it looked like they were picking on a sick person?  Yo probably has lyme, but the leaky implants could've made her very sick in addition to her 2 daughters leaving within a year of each other and going through menopause.  It's a lot of change all at once but most people don't have the luxury of taking to bed as a result.  It's really obvious, that David was done at that point.  He seemed to be after the implants were removed.


Erika's glam squad in Dubai is dumb.  She really can't do her own hair and makeup for a few days?  It looked to me like she might've done her own makeup that first night (because it wasn't overdone).  I did laugh at her having to share a room with Kathryn, even if it's a room where they'll never have to see each other.

  • Love 12

Maybe I'm totally crazy, but I actually thought this was pretty sensible.   Especially when you know you will be filmed/photographed, figure out exactly what you are going to wear and try it on/test it out first.  Then you don't over pack and still have exactly what you need.  The fact that it was all made into a "look book" is a bit silly, but I've been known to make spreadsheets for outfit combos when I travel.   Granted, I am often travelling for 2 weeks out of a carry-on bag, but Erika seemed to be bringing less luggage than the other women.  (Though maybe the glam squad schlepped all her eyelashes/contour/extra hair, that alone probably one full suitcase)   I think Lisa Rinna showing up with 3 suitcases and a tote for a five day trip is at least as over top as a look book.  

See I started doing this too after traveling a few times with basics and favorites only to realize that even with a bag of tops bottoms shoes and some jewerly basics I could never come up with a complete outfit that I was truly happy with. At home you can mix match try on change up til you get the look you want but once you're away from everything and try to do that with a very abbreviated selection you realize how wrong you were to think you could wing an outfit out of all the favorites and basics you brought.


I planned outfits for traveling and it took hours so a look book would have helped. But still I get it. I've tried stuff on and did the whole put an outfit together thing down to the shoes and jewelry. I used to write each outfit combo down in a list that I would keep in my suitcase but then one friend I traveled with for a 3 day weekends thing pulled out gallon sized ziplock bags one for each outfit... top, bottom, And jewelery and I was sold!!  It gets a little tricky for colder months cause I layer up but for the most part it was an awesome idea that i use to this day. If something doesn't fit like jeans maybe I put everything else in and then write on the front in that nifty little labe section which jeans or bottoms I'm pairing the outfit with. BAM!!  I usually also pack a couple of extra outfits so that I have more than the exact amount of outfits than days traveling to choose from... It also helps soooo much with space since the ziplock bags can compact your clothes more. More space for shoes cause I've found that even after putting an outfit together for maybe a night time look I've changed my mind and want to where it during the day which means more casual shoes are necessary. Yeah, it really helps although it is a bit of a grueling process to coordinate a variety of outfits all at once. I usually try to split up the coordinating into a few days so that I don't give myself a headache. LOL.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 8

Weeble on thumbtacks!! LOVE!!


Why the hell does Lisa Rinna always have to remind us who she married? "Don't tell Harry Hamlin." Weirdo. You have been married to the guy for like 17 years or something and you are star struck by him?? Or just insecure and don't want people to forget who he "is". Pretty sad.


I used to like LisaR early on but now I find her intensely annoying. Nosy, pushy, gossipy, shallow, eating disordered, moves her whole body when she laughs at her own jokes, shallow daughters. She reminds me of Kelly Ripa-too bubbly, too "up" and "on" all the time. I know two people like this and I cringe when I see them coming. Way too much. I can't believe "Harry Hamlin" can deal.


Erika Girardi is one weird woman. Deep seated issues, just strange. She always sits rim-rod straight and barely moves her head so as not to move a hair out of place. She has to bring a troupe of flamboyant gay men to Dubai to do her makeup and "style" her...alrighty then. She has no women friends. She never lets loose and just cracks up. Her husband is an old, wrinkled geezer who shushes her and controls her. She is just...off. I would love to know her background story.


I am happy to see Dubai from the luxury of my couch. It looks incredible but a 14 hour plane ride? Wowza. I doubt even Mauricio would drop 40 grand a NIGHT. Must be Bravo.


  • Love 7

I have nothing really to say about Yo's Lymes gala...except, I thought it was wonderful of the notoriously negative Wednesday Addams to show up. Oh wait....that was Kyle?




I am dating myself for posting that, but I laughed when I saw kyle and immediately thought about it....

  • Love 5

Her pretense about her ongoing marriage with My Love irks me so much. It makes me question their whole 'on air' marriage. Was it all fake? These scenes (when we know they were seperated) look as real (yeah, really real ha!) as all of their previous happy married couple scenes. Blerk!


I loathe YO for continuing to try to pull the wool over everyone's eyes about her and David.  To me, it looked like they were always awkward together and it was all for show and image, no substance whatsoever.  I think this marriage has been dead for a long time, and she's just been holding onto it for dear life to give herself some kind of legitimacy.  I wish she wouldn't bother trotting him out to try to fool us into thinking they are a couple and have been.

  • Love 16

Re: Lisa R and wigs. She may well wear a wig at times for convenience, but I doubt she needs a wig due to hair loss. I keep flashing back to when she and Lisa went to look at the mini-pony. They were in hot, humid Ohio in the summer time and both of their hairdos reflected that; Lisa R's in particular lost the usual smoothness and looked coarser and thicker due to the humidity and her running her hands through it due to the heat. I think she has an enviably thick head of hair that is probably a bit more time consuming to maintain since she wears it short and can't just pull it back into a ponytail. A wig would be an easy out when time is crunched.


I don't think Lisa R. wears wigs.  I also think that she has very thick, unruly hair that at times could be hard to manage, so that is why she wears it in the short hair style that she does.


Brandi has been harping on Lisa R's hair for a couple of years now.  I think that comment about the wig come from pure jealousy, because Brandi's hair is limp, stringy, damaged and unhealthy looking, plus, all the extensions, etc., don't really make it look better.


To me, the hairstyle is flattering to Lisa R., and it looks cute on her.  There is nothing wrong with finding a style that works and sticking with it.  It kind of becomes your signature look, if you will, much like Kyle's long, straight hair or Lisa V.'s "Farrah" style.  

  • Love 24

If I was wealthy enough that $40,000 a night was a drop in the bucket I'd go for it as long as it wasn't in Dubai. Wouldn't feel bad about it either. I'm paying for it and it's going back into the economy.


 I see no problem with the wealthy spending their money the way they wish. What they spend it on may seem stupid or garish to me but I am sure there are others who see my hoard of good kitchen equipment and good knives and think that it's wrong and that I could accomplish the same thing with a Ginsu knife and a Tfal pan and give the difference to charity. It's my money. If I worked hard and earned it, if I had inherited it, or like the Beverly Hillbillies it burbled up from my  back yard it is still my money and  I'll spend it as I wish and not feel guilty for my good fortune.


Just like I hate it when the wealthy and famous with all their millions tell me I have to give to charity and try to guilt me into it, I also hate it when those who are poorer chastise the rich for spending their money the way they want to. The rich could give their entire fortunes away and still there would be sickness, starvation, poverty and inequality,  someone would be bitching that it is not enough and someone saying that what they were given is not sufficient and demand more. Don't get me started on those who believe that society owes them a living because of their bad choices and I'm not talking about the truly poor, those who have no options through no fault of their own.


While I can throw a side eye at the galas, the jewelry buying charity events, the mini ponies in the back yard, the gambling,  in the end it is their money and not mine.


  • Love 19

I hope Yo is gone after this season ends. I don't think I can hear the words "my journey" anymore. And lying about her relationship with David.

 Poor david, His 'journey' was like going on a month long sea cruise then getting seasick and salmonella poisoning as soon as the ship left the dock - then spending the next 30 days in bed and praying for the trip to end?

  • Love 10

I thought the episode was boring.  Since they arrived in Dubai in the dark it just seemed like they were at a really fancy Las Vegas.  I hope we'll see it in the daylight.  Their travel outfits were ridiculous. I couldn't believe that Eileen was wearing overalls not just for 24 hours of flying but in first class?  The others looked like they were in a workout video and Kathryn would've frozen to death in that light dress.  They all travel internationally, but no one could figure out how to dress for the flight?


I think the reason they dined in Kyle's room was not only because of how they were dressed (really bare shoulders and mini skirt?) but that they generally make a scene wherever they are.  I can't imagine they'd be allowed to shout or break glasses in a restaurant--which is of course where all of this is leading again.


I appreciate Lisa Rinna, because I think she's really the voice of the audience.  I get that the other women don't want to talk about it on camera, but clearly Yo is manipulating them while fulfilling her contract agreement.  She only films when she wants to (generally at her condo or her events) and only shows up at the group meetings for a short time and then begs off that she's too tired.  I'm guessing that having lunch with Kim and Brandi counted as filming so she felt like she didn't have to go to Erika's that night.  I'm not sure why the other women are afraid of Yo, perhaps they thought it looked like they were picking on a sick person?  Yo probably has lyme, but the leaky implants could've made her very sick in addition to her 2 daughters leaving within a year of each other and going through menopause.  It's a lot of change all at once but most people don't have the luxury of taking to bed as a result.  It's really obvious, that David was done at that point.  He seemed to be after the implants were removed.


Erika's glam squad in Dubai is dumb.  She really can't do her own hair and makeup for a few days?  It looked to me like she might've done her own makeup that first night (because it wasn't overdone).  I did laugh at her having to share a room with Kathryn, even if it's a room where they'll never have to see each other.

I don't think the women are scared of Yo per se I just think in the midst of it how do you actually approach the topic? I mean Lisa R did a whole lot better with expressing it finally but still what it all boils down to is that Okay, let's put it out there.. And then what? It will hang in the air and go nowhere because in all honesty where the hell is that line of discussion supposed to go?  Into an argument? Awkward exchange? Life changing kumbayaing? I get that we as viewers just want to hear it already (well not me but apparently it NEEDS to be said for some strange reason) but when the housewives are the vessel for this to come to fruition they will be the one's just standing there as their words hover in the air and everyone else stands around silently inwardly going "MmmmmmKaaaay" Maybe the conversation will continue for a minute or two but what is there to actually discuss that doesn't sound petty as all get out? Even if they do have some kinda legitimate points?  How do you rag on someone with the motivation being, well I just NEED to share my opinion? There is nothing in this storyline that needs any kind of real "resolution".


Lisa R isn't personally affected by it. Her life isn't interrupted by it, destroyed by it, not facing bankruptcy cause of it. She is just ANNOYED by it. That's all. They are annoyed. So what! There's no meaningful conversation to be had about it aside from a bunch of women just basically complaining about it and it would just sound petty as hell and they all know it. Not to mention the fourth wall. The only significant semi reason that comes close to being a somewhat relevant gripe is the whole filming/paycheck imbalance and we all know they can't use that so as it stands now what will come out of pelting Yolanda with it? She stands there, the women convey how they feel, Yolanda either responds or doesn't and continues doing her regardless. Now what? Awkward, ugly exchange annndddddd theeeeennnn you guessed it, Yolanda hold on to her truths, continues sick selfies, and caring for her Lyme addled children and the women just stare off into awkward silence because the conversation sounds even stupider when voiced. Does anyone feel better afterwards? What is being accomplished? The women have their say? Is that what this is about? Them needing to have their say? If the women really try to tackle it it would all just fall with a huge loud thump which is why they've opted to just leave it alone (minus Rinna) let it go, it ain't that Goddamn serious. At least not for them to be waking up in puddles of sweat and reduced to pouts and shaking in rage over Yolanda's antics. Lisa Rinna needs to give it a rest already! Seriously.

  • Love 4
I appreciate Lisa Rinna, because I think she's really the voice of the audience.  I get that the other women don't want to talk about it on camera, but clearly Yo is manipulating them while fulfilling her contract agreement.  She only films when she wants to (generally at her condo or her events) and only shows up at the group meetings for a short time and then begs off that she's too tired.  I'm guessing that having lunch with Kim and Brandi counted as filming so she felt like she didn't have to go to Erika's that night.


I can't help but think there's some jealousy there on Rinna's part, because she doesn't get to get out of uncomfortable things like the failed dinner party at Erika's (which failed from jump street because nobody really went).  Plus, Yo's off filming with the enemies, the wildcards who can make work super uncomfortable.  You never know where production is going with a Brandi or a Kim scene, or what they'll be on while filming it, but it's nowhere I'd want to go if I were another castmember, especially in a season that was apparently so boring during filming they brought on whole 'nother wife, especially if one of those buddies could easily reinforce a story wherein I'm a villain (for doubting one's sobriety AND another's illness).  


Layer on the fact that one of the buddies insulted Yo's daughter and the other never filmed a friendly scene with her so the whole super friendship is fishy...that'd set me off.  Point is, it's easy for me to imagine why Rinna would be reasonably "outraged" by all of this, illnesses aside. It's so production-oriented it can't really come up until the reunion, though. 

  • Love 8

 Smiling or thinking about having fun is punishable by death.

The letters F, U and N are illegal.

Photos of people having fun are illegal.


I once worked with a Filipina woman who worked in the M.E. - she didn't have anything good to say about the place.


My boyfriends ex worked in Dubai and then came here on an H1-B. He said she said aside from the personal freedom she still slaved for her American employer for two years till her contract was up.


edited for double post.

Edited by Giselle

If I was wealthy enough that $40,000 a night was a drop in the bucket I'd go for it as long as it wasn't in Dubai. Wouldn't feel bad about it either. I'm paying for it and it's going back into the economy.


 I see no problem with the wealthy spending their money the way they wish. What they spend it on may seem stupid or garish to me but I am sure there are others who see my hoard of good kitchen equipment and good knives and think that it's wrong and that I could accomplish the same thing with a Ginsu knife and a Tfal pan and give the difference to charity. It's my money. If I worked hard and earned it, if I had inherited it, or like the Beverly Hillbillies it burbled up from my  back yard it is still my money and  I'll spend it as I wish and not feel guilty for my good fortune.


Just like I hate it when the wealthy and famous with all their millions tell me I have to give to charity and try to guilt me into it, I also hate it when those who are poorer chastise the rich for spending their money the way they want to. The rich could give their entire fortunes away and still there would be sickness, starvation, poverty and inequality,  someone would be bitching that it is not enough and someone saying that what they were given is not sufficient and demand more. Don't get me started on those who believe that society owes them a living because of their bad choices and I'm not talking about the truly poor, those who have no options through no fault of their own.


While I can throw a side eye at the galas, the jewelry buying charity events, the mini ponies in the back yard, the gambling,  in the end it is their money and not mine.

My mom would tell us all to "get a job and earn some money - that way you can earn a nickel and buy yourself some gum or a soda, if you want it.' (she was a child of the depression - the nickel was just a representation of an honest wage) The jewelry shopping makes me laugh - you are paying what for rocks?


What bothers me the most is the idea that having money is glamorous? When I lived alone and had enough money to eat and pay my bills, it was pretty gratifying. I was content. When I was broke and making my own bread, it was tedious but I was content. Having money is nice, but sometimes you get caught up in buying/spending it on shit you think you need, don't need and won't use after you buy it - the worst feeling is to have a hard-on for something you really want, then the wild let down AFTER you get it.........

  • Love 10

I think Rinna has wigs. I think her hair looks the same as a wig, but I used to wear her style years ago and it takes a lot of work. My guess is that she has her natural hair and wigs done to the same style and color so if she has to go out in public and does have time to do it or get it done, she just throws on a wig.

My momma use to do that. Wigs are definitely not bad especially if you get the right ones. It's a form of protective styling that will save one's hair in the long run and of course those lazy or embarrassing hair days. ☺

  • Love 3

Guys - are overalls BACK? Can I pull out my denim and corduroy (don't be hatin'!) ones from the late 90s and start wearing them again? No? Damn. But seriously that look wasn't all that cute when it briefly appeared (or reappeared?) in the 90s and it's certainly not cute now. Not even on beautiful Eileen. Girl, burn those -- along with that Farmer Ted hat!

Aw, lol, I think some are being hard on Eileen with these overalls (even though the shade is funny

Is it wrong of me to have wished that Brandi went on this trip and was now sitting in a Dubai prison for 5 years.


Yes, I'm merrily boarding the bobsled to hell. Tee Hee!


HA-HA!!!  Totally NOT wrong!!!  


I don't think she would have made it out of the airport without getting arrested for something - either cursing, touching someone or wearing inappropriate clothing (or all three of those offenses).

  • Love 6
Guys - are overalls BACK?  Can I pull out my denim and corduroy (don't be hatin'!) ones from the late 90s and start wearing them again?  No? Damn.  But seriously that look wasn't all that cute when it briefly appeared (or reappeared?) in the 90s and it's certainly not cute now. Not even on beautiful Eileen.  Girl, burn those -- along with that Farmer Ted hat


Those overalls weren't even flattering.  They made Eileen look a mile wide in the hips with a flat ass when you saw her from the back.  Burn, baby, burn!

  • Love 4

My mom would tell us all to "get a job and earn some money - that way you can earn a nickel and buy yourself some gum or a soda, if you want it.' (she was a child of the depression - the nickel was just a representation of an honest wage) The jewelry shopping makes me laugh - you are paying what for rocks?


What bothers me the most is the idea that having money is glamorous? When I lived alone and had enough money to eat and pay my bills, it was pretty gratifying. I was content. When I was broke and making my own bread, it was tedious but I was content. Having money is nice, but sometimes you get caught up in buying/spending it on shit you think you need, don't need and won't use after you buy it - the worst feeling is to have a hard-on for something you really want, then the wild let down AFTER you get it.........


100 % agree!!! I loved getting my first paycheck realizing I could do what I wanted with that money. I did and do as my grandmother always said, save some first, pay for your needs next and allow for a bit to enjoy.


Other good lessons. Never invade capital, and Quality not quantity. 

  • Love 3


And when they had to change planes in ATL, oh LVP, yes, it's such a bother to have to slog thru the airport, you need to have a Porsche pick you up. That was just stupid. THey had to climb up and down stairs. It actually would have been easier for them to get picked up at the gate inside and driven on a golf cart.


Atlanta airport is a pain in the butt.  Is having cars take you to your gate necessary? No.  Does it make it a heck of a lot more luxurious and lower the stress?  Absolutely.   It was (not unlike the resort) a luxury. I took it as setting the mood for the trip.

  • Love 11


Erika Girardi is one weird woman. Deep seated issues, just strange. She always sits rim-rod straight and barely moves her head so as not to move a hair out of place. She has to bring a troupe of flamboyant gay men to Dubai to do her makeup and "style" her...alrighty then. She has no women friends. She never lets loose and just cracks up. Her husband is an old, wrinkled geezer who shushes her and controls her. She is just...off. I would love to know her background story.


Not that my opinion is worth two cents......


She reminds me of a burnt out shell of a person that has no personality or heart. Someone emailed a question in when she was on WWHL about her marriage and interactions with her husband, Don Rickles. She laughed it off as something like "All lawyers are like that".

There is something broken deep inside her - she has no women friends, her close friends are gay men who fawn all over her and engage in some really nasty gossip-mongering and assholery. This 'pussy posse' rides for free - if they had to pay their own way and buy their own Dom Perignon would they really be hanging around?

If she wasn't 'wrapped in cash', she'd just be some enigma......

  • Love 13

I thought Kyle looked super cute in her black dress with the white accents; not at all like Wednesday.

Don't care how great the hotel is; I wouldn't travel that long and far just for a fancy hotel. With luck, they'll see some of the real place? or not? confusing....


I really liked it too but when I saw it I immediately thought Wednesday Adams but not in a bad way.

Not that my opinion is worth two cents......


She reminds me of a burnt out shell of a person that has no personality or heart. Someone emailed a question in when she was on WWHL about her marriage and interactions with her husband, Don Rickles. She laughed it off as something like "All lawyers are like that".

There is something broken deep inside her - she has no women friends, her close friends are gay men who fawn all over her and engage in some really nasty gossip-mongering and assholery. This 'pussy posse' rides for free - if they had to pay their own way and buy their own Dom Perignon would they really be hanging around?

If she wasn't 'wrapped in cash', she'd just be some enigma......


Guess it's better for Erika to perform  for one customer than to be in a windowed box grinding for whomever happens to be sitting on the stool watching.

  • Love 6

It's a good idea to carefully pronounce your name whether or not the person speaks English. Names aren't words and the person's looking it up. It's courtesy, not condescension, at least when I do it.


She did look weeblish, though.

You are right about the courtesy, and I am sure it is courteous when you do it. I found it condescending and assumptive- that gal knew who they were it probably took them hours to set up the lighting. "I can give you the other names..." Dude she had them. Bad acting Kyle.


Those overalls weren't even flattering.  They made Eileen look a mile wide in the hips with a flat ass when you saw her from the back.  Burn, baby, burn!

My farmer brother in law, who for some reason has a strongly honed sense of chic has the best expression for when something is so ugly it shouldn't see the light of day:

"I wouldn't even wear that to a shit fight."

The caftans that Kyle, LisaV and Kathyrn were wearing are from this website: 



This makes me nostalgic for Mrs. Roper for some reason. Staaaanley! "Come and knock on our doooorrrr........We've been waiting for you......." 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 7

Atlanta airport is a pain in the butt.  Is having cars take you to your gate necessary? No.  Does it make it a heck of a lot more luxurious and lower the stress?  Absolutely.   It was (not unlike the resort) a luxury. I took it as setting the mood for the trip.

Having flown with NeNe on board, I think they ALL get off the plane like that and are picked up by a car.

They would have left ATL from F concourse due to the size jet needed to fly that far. If they landed at A or T from LAX, a car ride is necessary to get to F without riding the train.

That hotel was something else. But I can buy a nice new car for the price of one night.

  • Love 5

I really liked it too but when I saw it I immediately thought Wednesday Adams but not in a bad way.


Guess it's better for Erika to perform  for one customer than to be in a windowed box grinding for whomever happens to be sitting on the stool watching.

I have heard doing 'private shows' on the internet is pretty profitable and you don't have to leave home!!!

  • Love 2
BlackMamba, on 23 Mar 2016 - 12:26 PM, said:

Aw, lol, I think some are being hard on Eileen with these overalls (even though the shade is funny ) . We all know she's not high maintenance, plus they were going to be on a 14 hr (i forget) plane rides so comfort was top priority and considering the rules in Dubai she also probably wanted to play it self.


I will not argue that they are super comfy while they are ON the bod. But as others have mentioned and as somebody who used to sport her overalls to all sorts of events - bar-hopping, shopping, what-have-you - they can definitely be a pain in the ass when it comes to bathroom time!


As much as she annoys me, I think Erika had the comfiest and most practical outfit for flying. Kyle was fine, too (I don't remember what shoes she wore though) 

Giselle, on 23 Mar 2016 - 12:21 PM, said:

Is it wrong of me to have wished that Brandi went on this trip and was now sitting in a Dubai prison for 5 years.


Yes, I'm merrily boarding the bobsled to hell. Tee Hee!


If wishing this is wrong, I don't wanna be right!

  • Love 5

Erika traveling with her glam squad reminds me of Caroline Stanbury having her makeup/hair guy with everywhere they went, including vacations and having him do the makeup of the other ladies on Ladies of London. But at least he was super cute and seemed to fit into the group as opposed to Erika's paid friends.


I think his name was Luke and he fit in well with the rest of the group. Plus, he came on as more of a friend who does makeup than an entire entourage. And he helped the other girls get ready sometimes too, not just Caroline. After all of Erika's glam squad drama I was surprised they didn't even do her makeup nor did she bring them to New York for the gala. She had a totally different glam squad that day. Maybe Tom has them on rotation to keep Erika in line, just like Camille did with her nannies.


I thought Kyle looked super cute in her black dress with the white accents; not at all like Wednesday.


When I first saw Kyle I immediately thought Wednesday Adams but I thought it was a good look for her. The dichotomy between a bubbly Wednesday in the doorway and Erika Jayne humping the coffee table was too much for me to handle. They were both underdressed for the gala but at least Kyle wasn't trying to compete with the Gigis.



Atlanta airport is a pain in the butt.  Is having cars take you to your gate necessary? No.  Does it make it a heck of a lot more luxurious and lower the stress?  Absolutely.   It was (not unlike the resort) a luxury. I took it as setting the mood for the trip.


Is it that luxurious? Compared to the $40K/night suite I thought their travel arrangements were pretty pedestrian. Economy from LAX to ATL and then no footage of their 14 hour connecting flight? Porsches on the tarmac is a nice perk and maybe Bravo thought it would deflect from the meager flight accommodations. 

  • Love 3

I gather most of the talk has been about Dubai, and I was struck by all that…the opulence -- and how , even in that setting -- the ladies can't stop (or drop) their bull shit conversations about you said what about whom and the circular discussions about….whatever…Kim, Brandi, LVP, Yolanda' disease, etc. Whatever they discuss…the topic never dies.


But to be honest I was most stuck by the Yolanda Lyme Disease scenes. 1) I was struck by Kyle's developing awareness. But 2) something I've thought for awhile also just really cemented itself. 


Yolanda has been sick. OK, no doubt about that. But once again this episode showed her saying to David comments like:

-- You married a lemon….this isn't what you signed up for…..I'm so sorry it's been like this I'll make it up to you…..you didn't think you'd end up being my doctor, etc.

I know you have to thank a person when they take care of you and you may del like a burden ….BUT, BUT, HER comments are the kind that can undermine the other person's thoughts about the situation. I know she was sick…I know chronic illness messes with you mind, self esteem, etc. But for her to tell David he "married a lemon" "this isn't what you thought it would be,"I'm not who you thought you we're marrying,  or that this isn't what he "signed up for" (first of all in MARRIAGE yes it IS what you sign up for, but people don't realize that…but that's another topic)…If you say those things.,…he MIGHT just start to wonder about that and think --uh you know what YOU'RE RIGHT…this ISN"T what I signed up for and you ARE a dud, and my life HAS been negatively affected…and I DO want out.


I have know idea WHY Yolanda and David broke up. But I also don't see how telling him she was a lemon, and not what he signed up for didn't help. Negative comments never HELP a relationship. I think that IF, IF, she could have been more positive…which is hard to to…..MAYBE they wouldn't have broken up.

  • Love 3



I thought Lisar had a good point about why is Yolanda hanging w/Brandi after Brandi called her daughter an alcoholic.  You get to be friends w/Yolanda on her own terms not yours. Yolanda wants attention. Brandi's attention got her on the squad and David's lack of it got him off the squad. 



I don't get this either. It's one thing to say something unkind about me but it is a whole different thing to come at my kids. Yolanda lets Brandi call Bella an alcoholic but then gets her panties in a wad when Lisa repeats what Mohamed (the kids father) tells her.

I think that Yo can overlook Brandi calling Bella an alcoholic because she knows it is not true.  Whereas she gets angry and defensive about them calling her a liar/exaggerating her symptoms, etc. because she knows that that is true!

  • Love 12

Re: Lisa R and wigs. She may well wear a wig at times for convenience, but I doubt she needs a wig due to hair loss. I keep flashing back to when she and Lisa went to look at the mini-pony. They were in hot, humid Ohio in the summer time and both of their hairdos reflected that; Lisa R's in particular lost the usual smoothness and looked coarser and thicker due to the humidity and her running her hands through it due to the heat. I think she has an enviably thick head of hair that is probably a bit more time consuming to maintain since she wears it short and can't just pull it back into a ponytail. A wig would be an easy out when time is crunched.




  • Love 1
Who knows? Maybe there were snaps! Or she took some anti-pee shit before the flight?



I love that I wasn't the only one thinking this. My first thought was that it was funny to see them split down the middle wrt dressing for comfort or fashion--I would always be dressed more like Erika on the plane. So at first I thought I would have gone more like Eileen.Then I thought that overalls seems like they'd possibly be difficult. I guess they're not that difficult, but I was running this through my head.


I gather most of the talk has been about Dubai, and I was struck by all that…the opulence -- and how , even in that setting -- the ladies can't stop (or drop) their bull shit conversations about you said what about whom and the circular discussions about….whatever…Kim, Brandi, LVP, Yolanda' disease, etc. Whatever they discuss…the topic never dies.



But you know that's probably what it's like with all rich people. You can put people in a lavish setting but they're going to have the same conversations they'd have at home in the kitchen in New Jersey. Maybe off-camera these women have conversations about philosophy but they're also happy to worry over the same petty slight over and over. In this case it was even more funny because they won't really speak honestly about all the ways Yolanda's journey up Quack Alley (love that) is false, so they wind up having these odd discussions about how LisaR thinks Yolanda shouldn't have gone out to lunch with people LisaR doesn't like the same day as she had a dinner party at somebody else's house when the hostess herself is totally fine with it.

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