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S02.E02: Date Nights & Bright Lights

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The adoption talk is just that: talk. I think Jessa knows damn well that no social service agency would give her a kid, especially after the debacle with that State Senator and his freakshow wife. So Jessa can file the paperwork, get denied and blame it on the Lib'ruls who refuse to place children in upstanding, Christian homes. She'll get tons of support from outraged leghumpers and love every minute of it. It's a win/win for Jessa either way.

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I didn't hate this. Despite her HBIC attitude, Jessa seems to appreciate and Jana. I liked JD's story about the calf.

I felt bad for Joy. It's obvious that she was really close with Jill. I wish they would have let the little girl shopping with her to say hello to Jill.

Sierra is annoying, but I'm glad that Jessa has a mom friend outside of her family somewhat close in age. At least Spurgeon will have a playmate or two outside of his cousins.

I would much rather watch a show about Sierra juggling all those kids. Sierra has a personality, can function solo as a human being, and has actual life experience. Honestly I would much rather see her life seeing as she was pretty normal before the cult and even now that she is in the cult she seems to be a normal person.


Sierra doesn't seem to do the whole ' holier than thou' thing like the Duggars and honestly is probably a LOT more relate able to any converts because she has stuff in common with them

Edited by yogi2014L
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I can see Jessa adopting an older kid. This way she can have a live in house keeper. After her horrible experience with the last pregnancy, I don’t see her popping out any of her own soon unless she had Jana as a surrogate

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I just noticed that Bin and Jana did a full frontal hug while Jessa was making a speech in the bedroom. Scandal!

Also, in the depths of my cold, blackened heart I feel small stirrings of pity for Bin. During those TH, he looks like he's contemplating slitting his wrists. I think he was pressured on all sides to get married in order to make him grow up faster. Now he's stuck and stuck good. There's no way out and he probably hasn't figured out how truly f*cked over he is.

Jana. Poor Jana. She probably knows that in five years she's going to be stuck in the same place "God" (coughJimBobcough) has her now. Taking care of children who don't belong to her and sinking into a deeper depression. She seems to be hanging on to her composure by the skin of her teeth. Jana doesn't always cook and take care of babies? Surprise, sometimes she is allowed to drink a cup of coffee and eat two eggs. What an exciting life she leads.

John David is a sexist asshole. He needs to shut up while he's ahead. No wonder they never let him speak before. Jana could survive on a deserted island, like all women, with just a purse. Jinger is just into fashion. Stellar observations, there, Mr. Wants To Name The Next J-Kid After Jefferson Davis.

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Jessa and Ben haven't said if they are looking to adopt an infant or an older child. I'd like to see them say that they are willing to take an older child since they are so blessed to be able to birth their own children. I will be totally disgusted if they come up with some perfect infant given up by a leghumper. I really don't see any of it happening since it is just a story line. Why couldn't they have a story line about working with children in the foster care system or becoming foster parents? That might impress me.

They said they were looking to adopt a baby.

I would much rather watch a show about Sierra juggling all those kids. Sierra has a personality, can function solo as a human being, and has actual life experience. Honestly I would much rather see her life seeing as she was pretty normal before the cult and even now that she is in the cult she seems to be a normal person.

Sierra doesn't seem to do the whole ' holier than thou' thing like the Duggars and honestly is probably a LOT more relate able to any converts because she has stuff in common with them

You haven't seen Sierra's social media. She is the Queen of holier-than-thou, and real life interactions have revealed her to be a bitch.

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Maybe Ben has figured out that he isn't preacher material and won't be the next Billy Graham.  And he doesn't have any other ideas, other than being a slave for Jim Bob.  Ben should be learning a trade and not wasting his time on preacher school.  As others have noted, he wouldn't even make a competent youth pastor.

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It isn't so much a Christian Mingle ad as it is a "Please won't you adopt Jana ad. For only pennies a day you could provide Jana with clean drinking water, healthy food and perhaps even a night off from embarrassing questions and babysitting. Monthly, Jana will send you a letter detailing the lives of her sisters and what she does with her new night off. Please help Jana help the children."


THIS deserves a really big laugh!!

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Egad, talk about watching paint dry.


I think the editors are having some fun being a little snarky. Jana, looking sad, talking about it being difficult to be not one of the little kids, yet not one of the big kids who are married with kids - cut to Jessa, looking like a bored lump on the couch with Spurgeon latched onto her under a blanket. Oh, Jana - if only you could conceive of a million places to be in five years - not just tied down and spitting out kids. You're depicted as having a kind heart, drive, brains, curiosity, determination - you could do ANYTHING. Honestly, you can handle the big world. You can adhere to your own convictions even if you're not blanketed in siblings 24/7. Think about it. I like you.


Ben - he just seems like a complete and total drudge and wet blanket. I did see him spontaneous and apparently happily hug Jessa in the background in one shot, though, so maybe he just is uncomfortable on camera. But he always looks blah and miserable.


ETA: Wait, was he hugging JANA!?!? I need to rewatch! Either way - wow!


Anna blabs! Central America = El Salvador. Why does NO ONE ever specify? Glad she let it out of the bag.


Jinger: "It's scary any time you leave the States, especially if you go somewhere dangerous." Yes, I quake in my boots every time I go to Canada. Let's try not to demonize EVERYTHING. Frankly, I'd be more scared in the many U.S. communities that have strong gun cultures than I would be in a lot of foreign nations.


Derick and Jill: I dunno, I am not on board with their "mission," but they do seem happy, and Derick looks like the anti-Ben in terms of personality. So I'm OK with him.


I wonder why they didn't ship all those backpacks in advance of the trip? Maybe they had to take the duffles anyway so this was less expensive? Seemed odd, though.


Joy: Cute glasses. Wear them.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Oh I totally think Jessa thinks she can adopt a child. That's why she keeps talking about it. She thinks it sounds so caring and makes her appealing to people.

She has no clue how messed up her family is. She truly believes they are holy and good people who "walked through a fire" and could provide tons of children with a fabulous family.

I also don't think Jessa, Jill and victim #3, 4 & 5 have actually processed all of this.

They were told it was just "curiosity" and it's not a big deal. It happens in plenty of families and boys will be boys!

They also haven't connected the dots that Josh had problems as a teen and has those same problems in 2016.

I don't think Jessa is bluffing about the adoption. She doesn't get it because she has never been exposed to any other thought than Duggar or Gothard. She has no other way to view the world. So, in her world, adopting a baby makes perfect sense.

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Jessa and Ben haven't said if they are looking to adopt an infant or an older child.  I'd like to see them say that they are willing to take an older child since they are so blessed to be able to birth their own children.  I will be totally disgusted if they come up with some perfect infant given up by a leghumper.  I really don't see any of it happening since it is just a story line.  Why couldn't they have a story line about working with children in the foster care system or becoming foster parents?  That might impress me.

I am mulling this over. I don't think they should be allowed to adopt period. In the case of foster kids, I realize there is a great need but I am suspicious that Jessa might be looking for a caretaking "buddy" for Spurge or maybe not sure she wants to squeeze out another baby herself.

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Re: adopting, I thought Ben was looking for his 15 sons that way. Seriously, he said something like that on an earlier Counting On. He's so blah that it's hard to tell if/when he kids, but he said he always wanted 15 SONS. Jessa has possibly told him Forget it as far as birthing more, after her horrible time with the horribly named SPURGEON. So now they have to adopt.


She may seem like HBIC but I think Ben is, as far as their household goes. When explaining Spurgeon's name he blathered about how Charles Spurgeon was such a force in his life. "Oh, in Jessa's, too" - cut to Jessa looking half clueless. In their joint talking heads, she will generally look at him after she speaks, as if to say, Right, hon? And he barely looks at her or cracks a smile. I bet he is really tough to live with.


There's a fine line between what the world perceives as assertiveness or bitchiness in a woman. I am not ready to call Jessa a bitch - I hope she can channel her "strong personality" for good and not evil, and never just give up the way Jana seems about to.


I was happy to hear her cite Sierra and Mark as parenting guides. You would THINK she'd learned everything you need to know from Michelle, but noooooooo......

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I'm always torn in my thoughts for Bin. Every time we see him his eyes are inflammed and red so I wonder if he has been hardcore crying or it's raging allergies. Being a cynic I think he cries everyday because he has no way out but the truth is that he has allergies and needs meds stat!

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I think ben googled himself and saw a lot of "SHUT UP BEN".

So, in order to keep the TLC party going, he is shutting up. He looks awkward sitting there like he doesn't know what to say.

ben thought having TLC cameras rolling would be kinda fun. He could talk and preach. Pretend to be smart and know things. Ben sees the other side of "fame" and is just being super careful and guarded about what he says.

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Jessa and Ben haven't said if they are looking to adopt an infant or an older child.  I'd like to see them say that they are willing to take an older child since they are so blessed to be able to birth their own children.  I will be totally disgusted if they come up with some perfect infant given up by a leghumper.  I really don't see any of it happening since it is just a story line.  Why couldn't they have a story line about working with children in the foster care system or becoming foster parents?  That might impress me.

Ben and Jessa would never qualify as foster parents.  Plus, in Arkansas, they would have to put the child in an accredited school and take the child to the church that the foster child is used to attending.  Can't see Jessa taking a child to a Catholic church!  Foster parents have to provide the child with clothing "comparable to the community standards", not Gothard standards, and foster parents are not allowed to spank children.  Those are just a few of the reasons they would never be approved as foster parents.

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I thought this episode was even more boring than usual. I barely paid attention so thanks to you folks for commenting on the details.

At this point, I just want Jana to be happy and if marriage is her only shot at some happiness and independence, as sad as that it is, I hope she gets married this year.

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I've always heard those lights referred to as "pot lights". Not because of Marijuana, but because they're the same shape as a cook pot.

And am I the only one who thought that they're putting those in because it makes for easier filming with more lights.

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They said they were looking to adopt a baby.

You haven't seen Sierra's social media. She is the Queen of holier-than-thou, and real life interactions have revealed her to be a bitch.

Ah, I havent. No wonder her and Jessa are such good friends. Maybe Sierra is secretly doing coke and that explains her energy. Wouldn't that be a scandal. 

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I've always heard those lights referred to as "pot lights". Not because of Marijuana, but because they're the same shape as a cook pot.

And am I the only one who thought that they're putting those in because it makes for easier filming with more lights.

Oh, it's definitely for filming. We saw this plotline before, twice. TTH had the opaque blinds put in, and the Mold House was lighted for the Smuggars. What I find hard to believe is that these Duggar electrician wizards didn't light for filming from the outset. They still had a TV show with no end at that point. 

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Unless she believes in, and practices, birth control, there is no way she will be adopting. Why do they insist on talking about it constantly? Adopting is for infirtile couples; why should Jessa and Ben get a baby when so many couples try to conceive for years, then spend years on waiting lists for adoption.


She talks about adopting constantly precisely BECAUSE she knows it will never happen. For many reasons. But talking about it provides a modicum of "interest" and "plot line" for this unmitigated dreck of a television program. At least it does for the leghumpers. For those of us who haven't drunk the Koolaid, it just looks stupefyingly-ridiculous. I have the feeling if she and Ben actually WERE serious about adopting, she wouldn't be saying a word about it right now.

Ah, I havent. No wonder her and Jessa are such good friends. Maybe Sierra is secretly doing coke and that explains her energy. Wouldn't that be a scandal. 


I could totally see Sierra doing that - the way that creature bounces off the walls.  And yep, that would be a hoot of a scandal!

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I would much rather watch a show about Sierra juggling all those kids. Sierra has a personality, can function solo as a human being, and has actual life experience. Honestly I would much rather see her life seeing as she was pretty normal before the cult and even now that she is in the cult she seems to be a normal person.


Sierra doesn't seem to do the whole ' holier than thou' thing like the Duggars and honestly is probably a LOT more relate able to any converts because she has stuff in common with them


While I wouldn't want to see a Sierra show anymore than I want the Duggars on the air [she's far too much of a ding-dong spazz for me], I definitely do agree that the holier-than-thou characteristic seems to apply solely to the Duggars. None of the other fundie families we've been exposed to via this show seem to display this smugness - and I think Boob is the reason why. He's clearly so very impressed with himself that he gives off this vibe - constantly - and of course the kids have picked this up.

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John David is a sexist asshole. He needs to shut up while he's ahead. No wonder they never let him speak before. Jana could survive on a deserted island, like all women, with just a purse. Jinger is just into fashion. Stellar observations, there, Mr. Wants To Name The Next J-Kid After Jefferson Davis.


I think he was actually trying to compliment her with his purse comment. I have no doubts Jana's bag is like a Mary Poppins bag with everything under the sun that she might need to make sure all of the 87 people she's responsible for at any given time has what they might need. I took it to mean her bag has all sorts of shit that she could use to survive.


From the previews, what the hell kind of "tree house" is Jana planning on building? That thing looks like a legit house fro her plans. Her escape pad? 

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Are they setting up a courtship announcement for someone? Why else mention it at every turn? 


JB could be feeling the pressure. Counting On is his last shot at the Duggar Dynasty continuing. No doubt he'll sacrifice Jana/JD for ratings.


This show just reminds me of those YouTube vids of young mothers taping themselves taking care of their kids. One half of me is amazed that people actually watch toddler meal idea compilation videos, the other half of me is pissed when I think of all the money I could have made when my kids were young.

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I found Jessa's adoption talk at the Taco Shop a little strained...like, she was hesitant (or not enthusiastic) to talk about it. Her speech seemed halting, and she seemed unsure.  She would glance at Ben every few words. Either that, or that was one heck of a piece of editing.

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While I wouldn't want to see a Sierra show anymore than I want the Duggars on the air [she's far too much of a ding-dong spazz for me], I definitely do agree that the holier-than-thou characteristic seems to apply solely to the Duggars. None of the other fundie families we've been exposed to via this show seem to display this smugness - and I think Boob is the reason why. He's clearly so very impressed with himself that he gives off this vibe - constantly - and of course the kids have picked this up.

I follow Sierra on social media. She takes holier-than-thou to the zillionth degree. And from what I've seen, she's a block bitch like Jessa. Early in her marriage, her husband demanded that she create a "ministry." That's the strawberries. The Sams (Christian furniture store for those not keeping score) connection apparently got these trainwreck families together. 

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I found Jessa's adoption talk at the Taco Shop a little strained...like, she was hesitant (or not enthusiastic) to talk about it. Her speech seemed halting, and she seemed unsure.  She would glance at Ben every few words. Either that, or that was one heck of a piece of editing.

I think adopting is all Ben's idea. He needs his 15 sons. Am I the only one who HATES that he said that?? He always wanted 15 sons. Thank goodness Sponge isn't a girl. Jessa also look a little flummoxed when she recalled her mom having 11 kids 10 years and under (GOD). She had the usual fixed smile but then it kind of faltered. Geez, Spurge isn't even sitting up yet and they're yakking about more kids? How about enjoy and raise the one you have? There is no way in hell you can have a million kids, one a year, and give them anything like the attention they require.

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Jessa seems to have the attitude of "I'm too pretty to work". I went to high school with someone like that. She did go to college though and ended up marrying a professional athlete. Jessa seems like that type to earn her MRS. degree.

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Loved that Anna said El Salvador- guess they forgot to tell her to say Central America. Also, Jana wouldn' t take a bible with her to a desert island- surprising. Jessa is so full of herself, how she mugs for the camera. She does think she is pretty hot stuff. I agree with Missy Vixen, this adoption is just fodder for the show. It'll never happen through any reputable agency.

Edited by jacksgirl
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Jessa putting Spud in the van before going to Sierra's.  Quick glimpse of the front of that van- lol.  Lots of fast food cups.  I'm not giving anyone crap for having stuff in your car- but if I knew I was filming, I would be cleaning that crap out.  Interesting outfit that Jessa had Spud in.  Kind of like a cross between a devil and Super Mario.  (Snarking here. I thought it was cute but a fundie might get the wrong idea.)  Sierra seemed annoyed with her own kids half the time.  She is a whack job anyway.  I'm sure #6 is on the way by now. 


I think Bengermin mentioned the 15 kids BEFORE he actually had a child and realized he has to pack the 7, 8, 10, no 11 diapers and 4 outfits before he can walk out the door.  The adoption thing is quite hilarious actually.  Two kids wanting to adopt.  LOL  Of course it is a plot line for TLC, but I think it is Jessa's way of getting out of popping another one out so soon.  Let us not forget how vain she is.  She wants her body back and I'm sure and from everything she has said since giving birth-  she realizes that babies are work and Jessa does not like work. 


Could anyone make out what was written on the back of the car when Joy was driving?  My first thought was dirty but I'm not sure.  Why wouldn't they wipe that off when they knew they were filming.  I suppose it's like the unmade beds and 4 inch dustballs under the bed.


Love it that Jill and Derrick leave plastic bags on the floor while Iz is crawling around.  Hey, cheap toys and CA is DANGEROUS.


Jessa and Bengermin went on dates every day before Spud was born?  (from the mouth of Jinger) Wow!  What a lifestyle these two unemployed kids have. 

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Well I've never known anyone with a six week old that didn't roll their eyes at the thought of another child. Most moms of infants wish for 4 consecutive hours of sleep, or making it out the door without spit-up on their clothes, not ANOTHER baby..


I would hazard to guess that some moms of infants might feel tempted to punch someone if asked when they're having another child.


But not Jessa, she is already planning on adopting her next kid. I call BS on that one.

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Are they setting up a courtship announcement for someone? Why else mention it at every turn? 


Duh.......for ratings....JB realized that the courtships/weddings/babies are the stuff that sells. He still has his greasy, Bryll-creamy mitts all over this show. He'll force some J-kid into something. Gross.


I flipped by this for 2 seconds, and Binjermin was counting out diapers. Forget being the next TV preacher,....he could be the new cool-hatted Mr. Rogers (and no offense to Mr. Rogers, who was way more awesome than BIn).....I was waiting for him to stare into the camera and say, "Can..... you.... say..... nine?"


I'm kinda scared that some little leg-humper is going to get pregnant so she can offer up her spawn to Jessa Blessa in a private deal, with JB at the helm of the contract, of course.


Speaking of greasy and creepy.......where is Josh ?? Were there any sightings?

Edited by drafan
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I don't believe for one second that these two numb-skulls will adopt. I think that adoption was all part of Ben's big anti-choice agenda, and now that they have a baby, he has less than zero interest. He barely seemed to know what Jessa was talking about when she brought it up on their "date."


I think it's all moot anyway, it's all for the cameras, and I can't see this snooze-fest lasting too long. The original show was kind of a freak-show about an over-sized family. The kids were cute, and they made a big deal about being "Christian" and pulled in some fans who were looking for inoffensive family fare.


Now, though, the kids are grown and no longer cute. The super-special Christian sauce that the Duggars were so proud of flaunting hasn't produced much. Their sons aren't moral, upright Christian headships their parents guaranteed their methods would produce: one son is a molester/serial adulterer, one son can't get a date, and then there are a couple of other rapidly balding young men who "work" for their father. Their daughters are hardly the "helpmeets" that they were raised to be either. Neither Jill nor Jessa can cook or keep house, and Jessa in particular seems to revel in her idleness. 


While I'm sure that there are enough humpers out there to keep this mess afloat for a while, I just can't believe it will last. If I were a parent who thought that this was a good, wholesome show for my children to watch a year ago, I certainly wouldn't think so today. If I were an older woman who had thought that Jill and Jessa were lovely young brides, I would not be charmed watching these two lazy, slovenly young women sit around and do nothing, nor would I be impressed by those two Jesus loving young men, Derick and Ben, who seem to be developing the same allergy to work that affects the entire Duggar family.

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Maybe Jessa is looking to adopt an older girl so she can pass off the care and feeding of current and future babies? It's the Duggar way and she kind of lost out on that for at least the next 7 or 8 years by having a boy first.

I think the producers are trying for a Kardashians for Christian girls angle. There are many parallels, including the men being shoved into the background while the sisters hang out doing nothing and having dumb conversations using poor grammar. And the limitations on the girls' life choices are parallel to the controlling momager Kris Jenner.

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I follow Sierra on social media. She takes holier-than-thou to the zillionth degree. And from what I've seen, she's a block bitch like Jessa. Early in her marriage, her husband demanded that she create a "ministry." That's the strawberries. The Sams (Christian furniture store for those not keeping score) connection apparently got these trainwreck families together. 


Oh yuck - she hasn't any more business being holier-than-thou than the Duggars do. And I must have something somewhere - what are the strawberries? Or am I in the dark because I'm only learning about what's going on on Counting On from posters here who are taking one for the team and watching it? Thanks... 

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What if, and this is a big what if, but what if the adoption talk is Jessa's way of practicing birth control on the side? Like if she says they've been "called" to adopt and if they a) have to wait till the baby is 9 months old to start the process and then b) it's likely to take an impossibly long amount of time before (like never) they are approved. Well then they wouldn't be able to pop out a kid once a year, now would they, and what's the family going to do, argue with the "calling" from god? If they have to practice birth control to follow this calling, I think she could manage to space her kids to like 1 every 4 years, or to at least less than a dozen.

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I have noticed that Derrick is not shown much or really in any talking heads. I think he wants out of the reality TV business, was and still is furious about the Josh situation and wanted to move as far away as possible. There was plenty of time to show the Duggars in CA but very little footage? I think Derrick has put his foot down. I suspect we won't see much more of him on camera. I think Jill has to be scared and lonely .

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Bin: "If you cut the hole (in the ceiling) in the wrong place, you'll have a, uh, gaping hole."


Very observant, Bin!

Dangerous!  He was amping up the suspe...what was I talking about?

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I feel annoyed with TLC that they tried to make me watch Joy shop for eyeglasses all while face timing...REALLY? This is the show?


I second all other PP where Jessa is lazy as hell. Seriously. Every scene she is parked on the couch doing nothing aside from sometimes feeding Spurgeon. Lazy entitled bitch! 


I also felt sad when JD (?) said that Jana used to be really outgoing until MECHELLE AND BOOB beat (figuratively and probably literally seeing as they support the Pearls) the life out of her and turned her into a slave. God I seriously hate them for what they did to their kids. 18 year old JOy cant even pick out glasses alone, Jill seems completely lost in CA, Jessa thinks being a huge bitch is funny and loves to do nothing and is seriously lazy. ITS NOT ADORBS JESSA- ITS SAD AND GROSS!!!  Josh is chester the molester and Anna is holding on by a thread. 


Free Jana and Hannie. God I hope some good guy comes along and gets Jana out of her hellish life.


Ineloquent aside:  it's possible Joy needed the face-timing help because she can't choose frames because she's blind as a bat.  I used to be no worse than -6.0 and I literally never came home with decent frames, because everyone in my family always needed glasses and were being simultaneously exammed.  The minute I had to take off my old glasses and don the new empty test frames, all I was seeing were flesh colored and frame colored blurs.  I had honestly just as well not have been pretending I could evaluate them!

Edited by queenanne
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Ineloquent aside: it's possible Joy needed the face-timing help because she can't choose frames because she's blind as a bat. I used to be no worse than -6.0 and I literally never came home with decent frames, because everyone in my family always needed glasses and were being simultaneously exammed. The minute I had to take off my old glasses and don the new empty test frames, all I was seeing were flesh colored and frame colored blurs. I had honestly just as well not have been pretending I could evaluate them!

Cue to Joy driving with Hannie in the backseat.

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The whole TH with Jana "opening up" about courting was painful. She looked like she was in physical pain, and clearly wasn't comfortable answering questions. I can't imagine what she is actually feeling or what she actually wants but it's 100% clear that she is not "excited to see what the Lord has in store!"


I don't watch this, but my guess would be that Jana's already seen 26 years of what the Lord has in store and she's not impressed with it. Which is probably especially difficult for her because I expect that she's a very strong believer, hoping in the Lord faithfully and getting years and years of Job's boils and pot shards in return. And she doesn't seem like a person who has any interested in sharing her confused feelings about her difficult life with the world either. Yet she has to do it -- for the family.

Her life is in no way her own, it appears. Poor woman.

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 Why couldn't they have a story line about working with children in the foster care system or becoming foster parents?  That might impress me.


Because they're lazy, unimaginative, non-empathetic, ignorant, idiotic, hypocritical jerks?       And yet they "deserve" to be paid to be on TeeVee and millions of people watch. That's one of the most baffling things in the world to me.

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Cue to Joy driving with Hannie in the backseat.


I loved the irony of Joy driving a child around to go get glasses because she CAN'T SEE. I know that's the first thing I would be doing driving a kid around with bad eyes. And I loved when the producer or whoever was doing the interview asked her why she wasn't wearing them after the bit we saw. 

Edited by Fostersmom
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Well i don't know about all of you.... but if the only options are for them to have more babies or adopt... I would much rather they adopt.

And after watching an episode of my 600lb life where a lady who weighed 600-800lbs adopted 4-5 kids just so they could be her personal slaves to bathe her bed-ridden body and clean up her waste.... I give any duggars the A-Ok to go out and adopt. More power to them.


i loved seeing more of Jana.  I love that she's pretty self sufficient.  she can cook, take care of kids AND do household projects! this was probably the most she's talked out of the entire freaking series!  And when her and JD(?) were asked about who's courting next Jana was pointing at JD. 


I can't fault for Jessa not cleaning under her bed.  I've lived in my house almost 10 years. The floor underneath my bed has only been clean a handful of times (if that).  Because I can't move my bed if a mattress is on it. 


I was also going to defend jess on a not so perfect/clean house because I am single, no kids and my house is never super duper clean.  Most of the time it's pretty messy.  but then I remembered that I do have a full time job and part time side business. 

I loved the irony of Joy driving a child around to go get glasses because she CAN'T SEE. I know that's the first thing I would be doing driving a kid around with bad eyes. And I loved when the producer or whoever was doing the interview asked her why she wasn't wearing them after the bit we saw. 

Her eyes probably aren't that bad.  I had lasik over 10 years ago.  Just about 6 months ago I decided i should maybe go see about getting some glasses for nightime driving and what not.  I rarely wear them.  I rarely wear them at night if I'm in a familiar environment.  I mainly just wanted them if I'm driving around at night in an unfamiliar area so I can see road signs correctly.  

so she can probably drive just fine.  she can probably see and recognize normal road signs.  But if she's looking for a specific street sign, that's probably something she can't see clearly. 

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I would hazard to guess that some moms of infants might feel tempted to punch someone if asked when they're having another child.


But not Jessa, she is already planning on adopting her next kid. I call BS on that one.

Jessa thinks it's a great idea because she's not actually doing the work involved. That's Janarella's problem.

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