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S07.E01: Here We Go Again

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Think about it. School is 45 minutes away, one way, right? So that's 45 minutes there, 45 minutes back, 45 minutes to go pick them up, and 45 minutes back. That's THREE HOURS of driving a day. And she was going to drop off lunch somewhere in there? My god, get the clothes and lunches ready the night before. 7:00 pm bath and bed. That's it, lights out, in their own beds. In the morning, a bagel, or cereal and milk, even a banana and a glass of juice, or yogurt. They desperately need a routine! Kids crave it, even if they don't know it.

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Anyone see Leah's Twitter? She is claiming that the soda bottle was empty and so were the sugar packets. Also claims she never drinks soda, nor do the kids. Someone informed her that texting and driving are illegal in w va and that she is clearly not mother of the year. Her response was that she doesn't always text and drive but the person is entitled to their opinion. She also claims that Gracie is just a drama queen and was making stuff up in the car.

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Can footage from the show be used in court cases? Bc seriously I feel like that would be a no brainer for these custody cases. I hope Ali and aleeah go to Corey for full custody but my heart breaks for poor little addy still stuck with Leah. My daughter is about the same age and has never fallen asleep at a table from exhaustion. What time are these kids going to bed??? I feel like in the last season they showed Leah doing their "bedtime routine" and it was midnight before they were done bathing and didn't even really have dinner. No wonder they can't get up in the morning.

And poor poor kaiser just wanting to be held by mom. I can't even imagine ignoring my sick (or teething) baby no matter how frustrated you are. My heart just breaks for the kids of Leah and jenelle.

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I thought the doctor suggesting that Leah and Cory contact the Make a Wish Foundation said that in error. Make a Wish, as far as I know, is an organization that grants wishes to dying children. When he said "You would qualify" I thought he really meant the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) because that organization provides wheelchairs and other help to families with children suffering from Muscular Dystrophy.

Edited by configdotsys
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Lmfao, about the soda bottle. It wasn't originally empty, Leah. So if it was in the backseat there's probably a 99.9% chance one of the girlses was originally drinking it. When Leah arrived at the restaurant, Addie's mouth was sticky and blue, as if she'd been sucking on a lollipop. I think junk food and candy make up the bulk of those kids' diets.

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I don't think in this case she wasn't letting him see his son. She was being practical as they were all out for the pictures that Javi chose not to attend, and they were going to eat afterwards...there was no reason Lincoln had to be driven out of the way to go home that moment.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I know this is a fairly common one here. But I just can't have any issue with something minor like that given all of the issues that some of the other moms have. I feel that there is something somewhat annoying about a lot of us, we just aren't on camera for everyone to see. Chelsea talks how she talks, and it isn't something she is going to change for the cameras. I have far more of an issue with the way that Janelle yells at everyone for saying hardly anything at all... now that is something I can get annoyed with :-)

I don't think anyone is saying Chelsea's baby voice is a bad or a higher level of attention than the other moms issues. The baby voice in itself is just annoying. Compounded by the fact that there isn't really anything else to focus on with Chelsea's story because nothing interesting ever happens. Which is great for that family but beyond boring as a viewer.
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Anyone see Leah's Twitter? She is claiming that the soda bottle was empty and so were the sugar packets. Also claims she never drinks soda, nor do the kids.

That's adorable...

Someone informed her that texting and driving are illegal in w va and that she is clearly not mother of the year. Her response was that she doesn't always text and drive but the person is entitled to their opinion. 


Does Leah know what opinions are?  The person stated that texting while driving is illegal.  That is a fact.  You can't really have opinions on facts.  I mean, I guess, theoretically you could have an opinion that disagrees with that law (even though it is a stupid opinion) but that doesn't make it not true.

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Maybe you mean Munchausen by proxy? I don't think she has either. I don't think she's MAKING anyone sick. Ali clearly has a legitimate condition. I just wonder if Leah doesn't enjoy the sympathy she gets for being a frazzled mom to 3 kids, two of which are twins, one of which has special needs. 


Good point. I don't think she's making anyone sick, either.  But she seems like she enjoys the attention of having a sick child.  Bc then, maybe in her mind, she has a pass to be such a shitty mother.

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Anyone see Leah's Twitter? She is claiming that the soda bottle was empty and so were the sugar packets. Also claims she never drinks soda, nor do the kids. Someone informed her that texting and driving are illegal in w va and that she is clearly not mother of the year. Her response was that she doesn't always text and drive but the person is entitled to their opinion. She also claims that Gracie is just a drama queen and was making stuff up in the car.


Except haven't we literally seen those kids drinking Mountain Dew before? This is from the woman that let the twins huff Cheeto Puffs off the dirty carpet. But the soda bottle was empty! So were the sugar packets! Sure....


Also, I'm pretty sure Gracie wasn't making up that they'd had no breakfast and you didn't have lunch prepared for them either. That was plain for all to see! But go ahead and continue to shirk responsibility. Your daughter must just love drama, like her father. And they're all haters, making your life miserable. 

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As a note, Make a Wish is not only for dying kids. It's for those that have life threatening illnesses, but being terminal isn't a condition of applying. Nor is a family's income taken into account.  Just for clarification.


The way the scene was edited was confusing because I also thought "is the doctor telling them to take the wheelchair to make a wish?" No, he said he thought their wheelchair experts could fix it and then he went on to say that they should apply for Make A Wish because she might not be strong enough to do something physical later on...like if she wanted to be a cheerleader, or even Disney, maybe there would be rides or places off limits to her. 


After the fit and the fixation that Leah had on that damn wheelchair for months and then it gets broken and she doesn't use it?  That's just...Leah.

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Leah seems to forget she is on a show and we can clearly see what she is doing. While editing can be wonky, they didn't add the soda bottle after the fact or take a pic of her texting and make it look like she was in a car. I also don't think we have ever seen her not texting while driving, she does it every time.

Jenelle is pretty much a waste of space and it's clear there is no bond with either of her children. If there were she would have wanted to cuddle Kaiser, not escape to the front porch. I get being overly tired because a kid is sick, but she isn't nurturing even when everything is fine.

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Do Corey and Miranda still live in Elk View? Elk View is only a little over 15 miles from Charleston. I'm about to call bullshit on Leah's claim of it taking 45 minutes for her to get the girlses to school. Although, it could be that the school is some distance from Corey and Miranda's place. Either way, there is no earthly reason (except the pillses) she can't manage to get her kids in bed at a decent hour and to school on time after a decent breakfast and with lunches in their backpacks. She's the one that moves every few months, so it makes sense that the girlses are enrolled in school close to their dad's place.  I love the editors, they seem to like her about as much as we do.


Jenelle will always be nothing more that a waste of oxygen. Poor Kaiser. She has no feelings for the children she gave birth to and sees them only as something to be used to cause another heartache. Nipple's new soulmate sure loves being on TV but, if her pressing charges against Jenelle helps get Kaiser out of her clutches, more power to her. I honestly think the Roll would be better off with his father than with the evil thing that birthed him.

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Anyone see Leah's Twitter? She is claiming that the soda bottle was empty and so were the sugar packets. Also claims she never drinks soda, nor do the kids. Someone informed her that texting and driving are illegal in w va and that she is clearly not mother of the year. Her response was that she doesn't always text and drive but the person is entitled to their opinion. She also claims that Gracie is just a drama queen and was making stuff up in the car.

Empty sugar packet? No. You can watch the kid shake from the sugar rush.
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Good point. I don't think she's making anyone sick, either.  But she seems like she enjoys the attention of having a sick child.  Bc then, maybe in her mind, she has a pass to be such a shitty mother.

She makes me sick, but I guess it's in a different way.  Leah might run out of bread, but I bet she never runs out of pillses.  I started sympathizing with Gracie last season.  I hope she doesn't get any repercussions from Leah for calling her out from the back seat.  My heart aches for Ali.


I don't understand what's going on with Javi and Jo.  Last season they appeared to get along quite well with Javi even going so far as to help Jo move into the new house.  Lincoln sure is a handsome little guy.


My first thought was also that Kaiser had an ear infection.  I hope someone finally did something to help the poor kid. SMH at her leaving him in the house in his crib while she sat outside and yelled at Nathan over the phone about how Kaiser shouldn't be at daycare when he could be with her. He'd be better off in daycare than with either of his parents.   I noticed that Nathan's Husky, Mogan/Moogan, was at his apartment.  At least I assumed it was the same dog.  I wonder what ever happened to the other dog.  I have to admit that I laughed out loud at the thought of Nathan studying Trig and French.


I like Chelsea's segments.  They give my blood pressure a chance to go down after watching the other three.  Aubree is adorable and it's nice to see Chelsea and Chelsey Grace's real friendship.  I just get the feeling that they are true pals and go way back unlike the so-called friends and relatives of the other moms who act like minions for their chance to get their fifteen minutes. 

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Quick! Someone pull up that footage of Leah driving and drinking Mountain Dew last season and post it to her Twitter page. She is a fucking liar just like Maci. And Amber. Bitch has been filmed drinking soda. What we haven't seen is her working, cleaning, and taking care of her kids.

Remember how Leah would shove lollipops in the kids' mouth to shut them up during their rides home? Then there are the infamous Cheetos. How about those Gummy bears? Cannot forget the canned ravioli. Luncheables! Those poor girls will be eating the cat food.

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Oh Leah, please. You can clearly hear lil Adderall saying "Mama, mama!" and gesturing for Leah to open the sugar packet. You can see Leah opening it. Why is she pissing on the audience's heads and telling them it's raining?

I know people eat ice, but I have never in my life seen someone eat a sugar packet. Especially not a baby! Is that a thing?

I really hate how Kail always involves Isaac in her and Javi's bullshit. "Isaac wants to ask you something." No Isaac doesn't. Isaac wants to be a little kid and not listen to his mother and stepfather argue.

Edited by charmed1
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If this is how Leah starts off the girlses school mornings when she is being filmed, imagine what it's like when it's just her and the kids.  They know when they are going to be filmed, it's not like a camera crew just popped in unexpectedly.  That was her, 'prepared' for filming, AND during a custody fight.  That says more than anything about her mental function. 

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How is it that two parents, who earn a huge anount of money just from this show, could not bother to get the broken wheelchair fixed?

When Make-a-Wish was mentioned, my blood was boiling. That is supposed to be for people in need, correct? Or do they help anyone regardless of income? My sister had access to Easter Seals Association for her child when he was ill, but her insurance was used to cover a lot of his medical costs before Easter Seals would assist.


I saw the follow up post as well.  I didn't think the Dr. was saying they should get the wheelchair repaired with a Make A Wish.  I think it was just a stream of consciousness telling Corey and Leah that they should think about starting things like that while Ali can still enjoy them, etc.  


Leah is such a suck of a human being.  She should not be responsible for any of her children.  As a mandated reporter, I wanted to pick up the phone and make a call watching her episode.  Having nothing for lunch for the girls, feeding them nothing for breakast, texting while driving, the kids being cold and then Addie eating sugar at the table.  Hearing Grace call her out for her lack of actual parenting was almost satisfying if it wasn't so sad and pathetic.


I literally loathe Javi.  While Kail gets on my nerves, nothing like Javi.  I think he's pretty emotionally abusive to Kail.  I knew he was going to tantrum when she called to tell him she was going to eat with the gang.  I knew he was going to order her to come back home and I have Kail credit for hanging up and doing what she planned to do.  I am surprised they are both still married and still think that marriage is a ticking time bomb when Javi gets back from deployment.  


Chelsea and her family are absolutely adorable.  It seems so weird to say, but I feel proud of her.  She has accomplished so much for herself and her daughter.  Of all the teen moms....I think she's the only one I would consider a grown up.  Ironic given her constant baby talk, eh?  


Jenelle is just a trainwreck.  Nothing new there.  She doesn't seem to understand that just because someone comes to your house and pisses you off...that it doesn't make it justifiable to assault them.  I also find it laughable that she thinks she is going to be able to get a job as a medical tech.  A quick google search or anyone who owns a tv is never gonna hire her....this charge or the bajillion that came before.  Sheesh.  I also think it's rich that she keeps saying how much she wants Jace back, but she shows time and time again that she can't handle the actual parenting.  If Barb didn't love Jace to pieces,.....she should give Jenelle what she wants and give him back to her and count the minutes that it lasts before Jenelle sends him back.  

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How do we know that Chelsea doesn't think she's cute so she does it just for the cameras? And yes, Janelle wins as the most contemptible person on the show, but that doesn't mean that someone can't also be annoyed about Chelsea's voice.

After all this time, we know Chelsea's aware of it & isn't trying to change it, so she must be ok w/it. (And didn't she say on the Aftershow that she catches Aubs "doing voices" like her? )

I like her much better on Aftershows when she's not throwing out that "spoiled princess" vibe. That being said, she is pretty level-headed if a little ditzy, and one of the best moms.

Edited by teapot
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I think we have to give Randy some props for Chelsea's success. Yes, she used to call him constantly, but I think that kept her grounded. At least she seems to have parents who are both stable and are successful.

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Weren't Jo & Javi cool last season? Didn't Jo give Javi a beer & help him move? Wonder what happened there? Is it still because Jo sat w/Kailyn once to talk in the porch? Over-react, much?

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Weren't Jo & Javi cool last season? Didn't Jo give Javi a beer & help him move? Wonder what happened there? Is it still because Jo sat w/Kailyn once to talk in the porch? Over-react, much?

Or Javi is taking a page from the book of Tyler and Catelynn and manufacturing drama in an attempt to ensure the show's future. Just wait until he's deployed and calls home only to hear, "Jo stopped by yesterday..."

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We have a family friend with a son with MD and from diagnosis she has spent so much time refining his diet to ensure that he gets the best nutrients to aid with muscle strength. As soon as he was diagnosed she was referred to a dietician who helped with some of the things that needed to be eliminated like bread pasta and to boost protein and vitamins that aid him so they can prolong his mobility and life. From my understanding that if the best thing she can do for him along with making sure he gets lots of vitamin D to help with the absorption of the vitamins and minerals as well as light exercise regularly. I can see Leah throwing a multi-vitamin at Ali the day before a check up so in her mind she can claim that she has made sure Ali gets all the nutrients she can and think has the same benefit.


It makes me quite annoyed thinking that she is shortening the time that Ali will have mobility due to her lazy arse thinking that pills and dicks are more important than her daughters health.

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What a frustrating episode. I ended up turning it off last night because I couldn't handle any more, but of course ended up watching the rest tonight.


Jenelle is just awful. She was looking for a fight the minute Barb showed up, while she was also outside neglecting her kids. I actually feel like Barb is pretty disconnected from The Roll too, but I am imagining it's self preservation. She probably can't take on another baby/toddler, and can't handle bonding with him. She's already got Jace plus his cousin (or at least she had the cousin last season). It makes me sad for Kaiser. He's her grandson too, but I think she's just over dealing with Jenelle and any more of her kids.


Nathan and his girlfriend mugging for the camera was pretty funny. I too laughed at him studying Trig and French. Really?  If so then good for him, but it's hard to believe.


Dsnygrl35 that is kind of hilarious about Leah's Twitter. So she doesn't drink soda, nor do the kids, but they play with empty soda bottles in the car?  And empty sugar packets?  Because if the kids are hungry that seems exceptionally cruel!  "Here, I can't get you any food from the fridge OR the gas station, but have some empty paper and plastic to chew on."  Seriously?


Plus, I've almost been hit by so many people texting while driving that it infuriates me to no end. She was even worse because she seemed to be half asleep at the same time. That was scary.


I hope they do pursue Make a Wish for Ali while she's still well/able enough to enjoy it.  And they seriously need to get that wheelchair fixed and get her using it!  I cringed when I saw Leah yanking her up by her arm from a fall. That looked like it would hurt.


Re: Kail/Jo/Javi/etc. I was really confused on that too. I thought they were all buddies or at least cordial as of last season. I also thought it was odd how Kail pretended to get all emotional on the aftershow thing when she got to talk to Javi and yet they talk 1-2 times a day already.


I like Chelsea and the fact that her segments are such a breath of fresh air. Aubree's first day of school was very cute. So was Pete the Pig.

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Why does Kail look different to me? Plastic surgery? Hmmm..

I thought her face looked different, too. We know she had her ass inflated and her tummy tucked, did she have lipo on her chin/neck area, too? Jenelle has had a lot of stuff done to her face. She looks nothing like she used to.


Didn't Mama Dawn pick Leah's latest house while she was in rehab?   Why would MD get a house for her so far from Corey?    

My guess is that TR's  kids  are enrolled in school in Charleston. We know Leah puts her latest dick's needs before her children. And, I believe she's stupid enough to think that Corey was going to just let the girlses move to Charleston with her after she got out of 'therapeutical rehab' and was all cured.

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I was thinking about the broken wheelchair. I think it was probably up to Leah to have it repaired. If it was up to Corey, we would have heard complaints about him ignoring it, and how he is letting his kid suffer. She doesn't let anything slide if he is responsible for it.  I also think Corey wasn't overly bothered by it being broken because he saw it as a chance for Ali to walk more. 

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I thought her face looked different, too. We know she had her ass inflated and her tummy tucked, did she have lipo on her chin/neck area, too? Jenelle has had a lot of stuff done to her face. She looks nothing like she used to.


My guess is that TR's  kids  are enrolled in school in Charleston. We know Leah puts her latest dick's needs before her children. And, I believe she's stupid enough to think that Corey was going to just let the girlses move to Charleston with her after she got out of 'therapeutical rehab' and was all cured.


Yep. Also, did anyone notice the one of the twins said "They" didn't get me any luncheables when going through the fridge. So they are going to hid her latest dick of the week living in the house, but the girls will let the cat out of the bag. 


I also loled hard when leah exclaimed I'm NOT Cory and Miranda. Not shit Leah. No fricking shit. 

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Yep. Also, did anyone notice the one of the twins said "They" didn't get me any luncheables when going through the fridge. So they are going to hid her latest dick of the week living in the house, but the girls will let the cat out of the bag. 


I also loled hard when leah exclaimed I'm NOT Cory and Miranda. Not shit Leah. No fricking shit. 

Yeah, Corey tried to get Leah to admit she was living with TR at the reunion and she lied and said he was there for a cookout. Yeah, sure. The girls told him he was living there. TR and Mama Dawn probably did the house hunting together when she was at not rehab.

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Lmfao, about the soda bottle. It wasn't originally empty, Leah. So if it was in the backseat there's probably a 99.9% chance one of the girlses was originally drinking it.


In all fairness, considering Leah's housekeeping skills, that COULD have been a few years ago.



I think we have to give Randy some props for Chelsea's success. Yes, she used to call him constantly, but I think that kept her grounded. At least she seems to have parents who are both stable and are successful.


I don't know...Randy's penchant for engaging in Twitter wars with people on Chelsea's behalf makes me think there's something unstable about him.

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Leah was absolutely stoned on pillses that morning while getting the girlses ready for school.  She was out. of. it.


Javi was being ridiculous and mean in my opinion.  Kail trying to explain being civil for Isaac's sake and Javi's reply is, "I don't really care about this."  Nice.  Husband of the year. I feel bad for Kail because I suspect she puts up with his abusive shit because she had such a shitty childhood and she wants "a family".  Too bad she ended up with Javi.  Vee is VERY patient in my opinion and seems sweet and good natured.  I think if Jo ended up with a different type of partner, the relationship between Kail and Jo would be way less cohesive because they can both be immature assholes.  Kudos to Vee! 


Poor Roll and Barb.  Janelle has and always will only care about herself.  Nathan's ridiculous camera loving, yet can't act her way out of a paper bag girlfriend was totally wearing a wig. No hairline, no part, and no scalp to be seen.  Wig. Wig. Wig.


Aubree was adorable on her first day of school and I love watching Chelsea parent her.  She and Kail seem to be the best and most involved moms who celebrate their children!


I think all of the girls looked really pretty during the after show with the exception of Leah who looks 40.  Also suspecting Chelsea may have had a nose job. Unless it's very clever shading with make up, her nose is way thinner than the earlier seasons and 16 and Pregnant.

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I think my favorite part of the recap was reading about Leah's morning getting the kids to school and Ali wondering around and wanting some damn lunchables! I giggled at that. Because that was pretty funny when it happened. It was also followed by Leah stating she "didn't have bread". It's quite sad, I agree. In real time, the twins live with Corey and Miranda now, right? Someone tell me they do so I can feel better about the situation.  

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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What can I say about Leah that hasn't already been said but I still can't believe that a mother would let her toddler down packets of sugar and sweet and low all the while covered in some sort of blue coloring probably from a lollipop. It's a wonder that Addy has any teeth left in her mouth.

Does anyone really believe that Leah can get up at 5? If she is up that early than what the hell is she doing for and hour and a half? And the kids can't eat breakfast at school unless they show up early. They can't mosey on in 15 minutes late and expect to get fed, it doesn't work that way.

I was never the type of mom to make a big breakfast of bacon and eggs before school but I made sure my kid had a bowl of cereal or at least a banana and a granola bar. Life with kids is a lot easier with a little planning. How about you trying packing your kid's lunches the night before and avoid all the morning drama.

And who the hell is she texting at 7am anyway? She looked barely awake, it was scary. Make a pot of coffee and wake up before you drive your girles to school (or lay of the benzos in the morning.) That bitch is going to cause a major accident someday.

Edited by grumpypanda
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I had childhood friend with MD.  He slowly lost the strength in his fingers to push the lever forwards on his electric wheelchair. He eventually lost the ability to speak. He lived to be 19 but spent his last years in hospital. It's an awful disease.
This is a futuristic thought assuming Leah someday gets clean and has a conscience........ when Ali is gone, Leah isn't going to have anything more than foggy, half blacked out memories of her late daughter because she was so fucked up on drugs
and if at that time she goes back and re-watches episodes when mourning, she's going to finally see how terribly she treated the girls too. More regret. Too late, girl.

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I had childhood friend with MD.  He slowly lost the strength in his fingers to push the lever forwards on his electric wheelchair. He eventually lost the ability to speak. He lived to be 19 but spent his last years in hospital. It's an awful disease.

This is a futuristic thought assuming Leah someday gets clean and has a conscience........ when Ali is gone, Leah isn't going to have anything more than foggy, half blacked out memories of her late daughter because she was so fucked up on drugs

and if at that time she goes back and re-watches episodes when mourning, she's going to finally see how terribly she treated the girls too. More regret. Too late, girl.


I never thought about it that way and it was like a punch in the gut.  I don't wish that kind of pain on anybody.  The regret she's going to have is going to be crushing and it'll likely keep her drugged up.  As soon as that horrible feeling creeps in, she'll want to get high and escape it. 

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Well, my favorite shit show is back and better then ever!


The Roll has sure turned into a chubby, curly head cutie, but watching his cold snake of a mother treat his obvious discomfort as an inconvenience was so sad. I wanted to reach through the screen and snatch him up, cuddle him, and give him some baby tylenol. It's that simple, Jenelle, it's called being a MOTHER. I like Barb, but she doesn't have much emotional control around Jenelle and I don't know why she even bothers with that bitch for her own sanity. I never thought I'd say this, but I think Nathan would be more nurturing to his son then Jenelle is.



Maybe you mean Munchausen by proxy? I don't think she has either. I don't think she's MAKING anyone sick. Ali clearly has a legitimate condition. I just wonder if Leah doesn't enjoy the sympathy she gets for being a frazzled mom to 3 kids, two of which are twins, one of which has special needs.


Leah is used to being the center of attention, for good or ill. Mama Dawn obviously favored and catered to her and the rest of her family coddles and enables her. I think she is a spoiled brat who has never had to really lift a finger for herself, mostly because yes, she uses the "poor, pitiful me!" excuse. Poor, pitiful me, my husbands both left me! (Well, I cheated on both, but ya'know...) Poor, pitiful me, my ex and his wife pick on me! (Okay, I may have have not been the perfect mother...) Poor, pitiful me, I'm so depressed and overwhelmed! (Not because pillses, y'all!) Some people seem to view her as so fragile, but she is more selfish and self-interested then anything. I do think she is genuinely concerned about Ali's condition, but I don't doubt on some level the pity others give her feeds her ego and gets people to go easy on her.


I'm sure the whole craziness of trying to get her kids to school is just her being overwhelmed with her crazy busy life! Except that she has nothing else going for her and gets a lucrative payout that most single moms can only dream of. But y'all peoples, it is so tiring not to have a job or be going to school, just sitting around all day thinking about all the drama and dickses and exes and crap, who can blame her for not being able to have her kids fed, dressed and warm in time for school? Man, it is like groundhog's day, every day, with this chick.


With Kail and Javi, I can't really pick a side even if for once Kail was being rational and not a complete bitch. They are both manipulators and I think both play mind games. I think they fight for power in the relationship and Kail had the upper hand at the time, with Javi acting like a whiny bitch to make a point. They really are not good together.


Aubree is adorable. Hell, even my husband was awwing over her cuteness lol. Chelsea can be ditzy but she (and Randy and Lois Griffin) are doing something right. Boring as it is, Chelsea's segments are a breath of fresh air in a toxic atmosphere. I both want and don't want her to leave the show, if that makes sense.

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What can I say about Leah that hasn't already been said but I still can't believe that a mother would let her toddler down packets of sugar and sweet and low all the while covered in some sort of blue coloring probably from a lollipop. It's a wonder that Addy has any teeth left in her mouth.

Does anyone really believe that Leah can get up at 5? If she is up that early than what the hell is she doing for and hour and a half? And the kids can't eat breakfast at school unless they show up early. They can't mossy in 15 minutes late and expect to get fed, it doesn't work that way.

I was never the type of mom to make a big breakfast of bacon and eggs before school but I made sure my kid had a bowl of cereal or at least a banana and a granola bar. Life with kids is a lot easier with a little planning. How about you trying packing your kid's lunches the night before and avoid all the morning drama.

And who the hell is she texting at 7am anyway? She looked barely awake, it was scary. Make a pot of coffee and wake up before you drive your girles to school (or lay of the benzos in the morning.) That bitch is going to cause a major accident someday.

I dont even have kids and I pack everything I need the night before because if I dont, I will forget something. 


Leah can miss me with her excuses. She chose to live that far from her kids school

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Javi was being ridiculous and mean in my opinion.  Kail trying to explain being civil for Isaac's sake and Javi's reply is, "I don't really care about this."  Nice.  Husband of the year. I feel bad for Kail because I suspect she puts up with his abusive shit because she had such a shitty childhood and she wants "a family". 


I forgot to mention this earlier. The whole thing Javi said about having "nothing in common" with Jo and Vee really ticked me off. Yeah except maybe a CHILD!  You're Isaac's stepdad, Jo's his Dad, Vee's his Stepmom. Kind of a huge thing to have in common in my opinion.

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I wonder if Javi was getting so pissy because Kail dropped the child support issue. I know Jo gets a ton of love on here, but why doesn't he have a job by now? He's had plenty of time to get settled and look for work. I know Javi can be a dick, but he is gainfully employed and helping to support the household which includes Jo's son. It just seems like Jo is coasting on Teen Mom money with no plans or long term goals.

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Hi everyone, firstly I just wanna say this is my first point but I'm always on this forum reading everyone's views on each ep. I come all the way from UK, and I'm sure I must be us biggest fan lol. I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit just how obsessed I am with this show. Have watched it since the very start (I couldn't dream of missing an episode lol) we are normally about 6 weeks behind but no way can I wait that long so thankfully I manage to watch online the next day roughly. Just a few things I wanted to write about the latest season so far....

Will start with who I think is the easiest of the moms and that's Chelsea, yes like others I suppose I can describe her scenes as the most boring but yeah maybe that's a good thing. She's done well, admittedly she seems to have come from the most stable and supportive background but I love her relationship with Aubree who is just such a cutie. She's come along way from the moping mess pining over loser Adam and has grown to become a beautiful woman. I think her and Cole are gonna do well together. As for the baby voice you guys seem to get irritated by I love it, but I think that's prop cos being British I love u guys accent anyway lol, oh finally I want her jeep. We just don't get cars like that here unless u super rich!

Ok I'm going get this girl out the way next and that janelle. She is what we called chav in England, loud mouthed and loves a bit of drama, her life is not complete without it. Babs may have her faults and maybe wasn't the best mom while janelle was growing up, I dunno wasn't there but you don't talk to anyone like that especially your mom, who may I add is the only reason jace is still in her life. She doesn't deserve to get him back and I fear for him if she does and what he would become, as for Kaiser that poor lil boy. I don't like Nathan in the slightest but part of me thinks he would be better off living with him especially after the last ep where we saw just how little loving janelle has for that boy. Like others I just wanted to rip him out the TV and give him a big cuddle. Oh and going by the clips ominous up things just go down the usual root, of janelle meets deadbeat, janelle loves deadbeat and deadbeat comes first no matter what, such a shame cos she occasionally shows some maturity and I think maybe I should give her a chance only for it to go tits up yet again.

Kailyn next, I know she not a popular one on this site but I do have a bit of a soft spot for her (think her book helped) I agree she does come across as self centred and indulgent at times, but I do think her love for those boys comes across, and they are always so smart and well behaved she gotta be doing something right, I think she is constantly striving for more maybe because of what she never had, but I think she can come across as a super hard type. I'm glad her and joe are managing to get on but I do think joe should be getting a job and can see why one issues raised in the last season, but u can see the love joe has for Isaac and that goes a long way with me. Now now what's going on with Javi, is this the same guy that actually helped joe move into his new house last season, now either something has happened off screen that we don't know about or perhaps since Javi been in the airforce maybe he getting a bit big for his boots, because from what I can work out its like he looks down at joe and vee like he is too good for them. Anyway I can't see the marriage lasting and I think they both be better off apart in the long run.

Lastly we have Leah, oh gosh I just don't know where to begin, hot mess is the first word I think when I think of Leah. I'm prob gonna be a minority and as of last season I totally agreed with the majority that Leah was just wrong through and through, I was totally team Corey and Miranda (in a way I still am because I do think the girls should be there for the time being) but I'm also looking at it with different eyes. I can see the hostility seeping from both Corey and Miranda and I do honestly think that Leah is somewhat intimidated by that, I think it puts her on edge and she makes mistakes over and over again. Now unlike janelle who I see no love for those boys I really do think Leah loves her girlies to pieces, I just think she is lacking the skills right now to provide the care that she should be. I think she needs more time out with maybe weekends only and I think she needs ongoing help in the meantime, she is a car crash waiting to happen (somewhat literally with the text and drive) which I believe is just as illegal in the U.S. As it is here in England. There's much more I can say about Leah but I don't wanna bore u all, I suppose I will just watch this space because I have heard since filming Corey now does have custody, which yes is the best decision for the girls at the moment although in a way I'm prob one of the few that does sympathise with Leah, and like I said if u asked me last season if I'd be saying that the answer would have been hell no.

Anyway lastly I wanna thank all you guys that been posting on here as I have loved reading your views and opinions over that years.

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