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S32.E05: The Devils We Know

Tara Ariano

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This show needs to a better job of disguising who is going home. All of a sudden, this girl Anna who we have never seen before talks lots and lots and lots. It couldn't have been more obvious that she was leaving. The other candidate was the other new girl Michelle who apparently just joined the cast. But her tribe didn't lose, so it was Anna.

Peter is a dick. He is so arrogant, telling Jeff that the probability of the other three joining together was "very low". I wish Jeff had asked him about the last time he was at tribal when he also said he was in control. This odious man cannot leave fast enough.

I'm not sure what Tai and Scott's game plan is. Have Julia come back and join with them against the three brains?

  • Love 11

I must have missed something or not paid attention to him that much. What has Neal done to get so much dislike? I haven't paid much attention to the ice cream man.

Glad you asked! For me it was he spent the first two episodes talking smack about the "old" people behind their backs ..clearly biased against their age and they have NO CLUE he's not really a nice person and they have even aligned with him...and then there is his stupid bow tie and pants....I hate SURVIVOR contestants who have to bring some sort of schtick to the show...be it Russel's hats, the dimbulb ice cream scooper and his yellow shirt or Colby "I'm such a Texan I brought the Lone Star flag".

  • Love 13

Glad you asked! For me it was he spent the first two episodes talking smack about the "old" people behind their backs ..clearly biased against their age and they have NO CLUE he's not really a nice person and they have even aligned with him...and then there is his stupid bow tie and pants....I hate SURVIVOR contestants who have to bring some sort of schtick to the show...be it Russel's hats, the dimbulb ice cream scooper and his yellow shirt or Colby "I'm such a Texan I brought the Lone Star flag".


I didn't notice him saying any of that lol. Shows how much I pay attention to him. 

  • Love 2

I'm having trouble getting into this season.  Most of the people I find extremely annoying are getting a lot of airtime and seem to be in positions of power, while the less objectionable people are dropping like flies.  It doesn't help that between the Medivac last week and Julia getting the red bandanna, Beauty got screwed through no fault of their own.



I'm not sure what Tai and Scott's game plan is. Have Julia come back and join with them against the three brains?


I'm fairly sure that Scott's game plan is hang with the Brains, knowing that Julia will likely go next and Tai after her.  I don't know if Tai has a game plan other than to play his idol when its his turn to go.  By not playing the idol tonight to save Anna, he pretty much assured he's likely going to be part of the minority on that tribe until the merge. 

  • Love 8

Yeah, keep those dudes around. They're so useful in challenges. What? You say that the dudes didn't do anything to help you win this challenge, and that's why you are sitting at TC? Hmm...

I hope Tai does eventually go home with the idol in his shoe. I really can't stand anyone who has gotten air time. I hold out hope that Julia or Michelle is interesting. Everyone else just sucks.

  • Love 4

Anna was clearly blindsided and she expected Tai to play her idol and she, Tai and Scott would vote for Peter. That didn't happen. I always wonder why someone who gets voted out and feels betrayed doesn't just blow the plans of those who betrayed them.

The evictee clearly isn't prevented from saying anything, as we see many instances of them wishing the others well. But what about the reverse? Especially after Tai had gone on about how he thinks there are no idols... It would have been hilarious if Anna had muttered "why didn't you play your idol like you said you would Tai" as she walked up to get her torch snuffed.

Scott wants to join Tai's idol with Kyle's idol so he must be hoping they all make it to the merge. I think he's thinking too far ahead.

  • Love 6

I love how Tai has love for all creatures, big and small....except for Peter.


LOL!  Seriously though, how off-putting is Dr. Peter?  It didn't take him long to alienate two thirds of his original tribe.  Then, at the tribe swap, all three of his new tribemates agreed after spending just a few days with him that he's smug and cocky.  Wow.  He's so smug that it just oozes through the TV screen at tribal.


Oh, how I wish Tai had used the idol to save Anna.  I get wanting to save the idol for yourself, and he probably wanted to break up the 3 beauty women's alliance that seemed to be very tight.  You don't want 3 people who are that close getting to the merge together.  However, I don't think he should have showed Anna and Scot the idol unless he was 100% sure he wanted to use it.  That was a mistake that really could have hurt him (and still could if Scot betrays his trust).


If I was Anna, to punish him for blindsiding me I would have said "Tai has an idol, he showed it to Scot and I" as I left tribal.  

Edited by me5671
  • Love 4

I think Anna was too shocked to react; also, for the more shrewd ones who care about how they're remembered, maybe they don't want to look bitter.  I wouldn't, because I really wouldn't give a F about the outcome of the game after I leave it.


I believe that Scot likes Tai.  He could have done the easy, simple thing and align with the Brainiacs and not give a F who leaves the game.  He clearly did.  Also, Dr. Peter likes Tai.  Good thing Tai didn't write down his name.  Though no idea what happens next week.  Tai will re-align with Julia, I hope... 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 5

By not playing the idol tonight to save Anna, he pretty much assured he's likely going to be part of the minority on that tribe until the merge. 


I'm worried that this might happen too.  If you hold onto the idol too long, it only gets you 3 more days.  But if you sit on the idol, all your allies are voted out and when you finally use it, there may be no one left to work with against the competing alliance to keep you in the game long-term.  A blindside of Peter would have changed the course of the game by taking the Brains out of power and forging a strong alliance of Tai, Julia, Anna, and Scot.  That alliance could have given him more protection long-term and given him more control over the game.  

Edited by me5671
  • Love 14
Anna: If you're going to bring one frilly bra for your time bring one that I don't know... supports you instead of having your cup(s) floweth over...

Anna's "I may not have the biggest guns..." comment when talking about her arms drew a big laugh from my four-person viewing party.  This season is taking some serious hits in the eye candy department.


I hope Joe's comment about the lack of immunity idols was just Tribal Council misdirection, since I'd expect more from an allegedly smart FBI guy.


The mini-Exile Island for Julia was a very smart twist, if perhaps one that was unintentional if production had to adjust on the fly after Caleb's medivac.  It really added a layer of strategy to the game in having both tribes adjusting to the possibility of a Beauty joining them. 

  • Love 8

No Tai love here.   The little worm made a genuine pact with Anna, then did a 180 without telling her.     I could understand if he had set up the plan as a ruse, but it was legit.   He simply went back on his word because big, strong Scott told him to.  Again, I have no problem with people bluffing, but when you make an honest pact you should honor it.   And my feeling on that goes all the way back to Dreamz and Yow-man.  What happened to Anna wasn't a blindside as much as an outright betrayal.


Scott's logic makes no sense to me.   He seems to believe he has an advantage because he knows who has the two halves of the Super Idol.   And they're both not him.  Huh?


I watch Survivor and Amazing Race.   In both instances this season, there's no one I like or want to see claim victory.   It makes for some tedious viewing.

  • Love 7

I think Tai only proposed to blindside Peter, because he thought that he was going to be the target. But once Scot convinced him that Anna was the real target and Tai was safe, I can see why Tai did what he did. He wanted to save himself and go as far as possible in the game. and it's not like he was aligned with Anna in the first place. 

  • Love 15

Interesting episode with the one person only tribe....(although, in the end it hurt the beauty tribe the most)


I feel like in general this showed how bad Anna's strategy was. First, they made it quite obvious that the females alliance was strong. They never out rightly worked with any of the other male tribe members except caleb to vote nick out. I mean if you're winning challenges at least work with everyone even the ones that you hate. Although, It could be the extreme lack of the team itself for forming more of a strategy with each other. (they all seemed very laid back)


The pre split strategy was worst than her other strategy. She quickly turned on Tia by stating he had an immunity idol. She could've figured out everyone dislike towards peter. Could of sold her information on julia being a strong ally to herself basically saying that Tia could get a stronger alliance. Worst case would be a tie against peter. She had options to work around this.


On the other tribe, The result of this tribal probably helped the other beauty tribe members. I mean if I saw an overwhelming majority of beauty on the other tribe...I be kind of iffy to say the least. Michele better work hard on building allies because nick is certain not one to depend on.


On liking the contestants, I usually dislike everyone and the ones, who I like, usually get voted off. (almost every season) I'm use to hating everyone. I just keep my bias away (It is a game and we can't assume what we are shown is a good example of them in real life). My strategy if you hate someone is just to laugh at them. Peter is too cocky (bad gameplay and disillusional); Jason picks on Aliecia for being clueless/on the bottom. (not nice but not making you look like the most perfect person either); Debbie is annoying (She is so off the walls that she is goofy); Neal (cheese cloth style that helps his business...I would do the same thing. His bias towards older people in a game with a lot of physical task); etc....You can find millions of dislikes and likes between any contestant. Oh I forgot Tia (He hits on a lot of people even knowing he has a boyfriend. He has no game strategy other than being likeable. Although, he is a nice, caring person.)  

  • Love 2

Ugh boring and depressing, getting Worlds Apart vibes :(  Very predictable outcome.  It was clear the way the swap went that a Beauty was doomed.  I think, like others, that Tai made a bad choice, and it would have been much better to use that idol and get rid of a Brain.  (Especially Peter, because, jeez, that guy.  Unbelievable how he went straight back to 1000% smug.)  Beauties would have been in control at whatever the Yellow tribe is called and have numbers at the merge.  I always want people to do what LJ and Jefra did when they were the two original Beauties on a tribe of Brawns in Cagayan--stick together!  Refuse to budge on that!  It got them through.


(But it's interesting how the reaction is different with Anna throwing Tai under the bus, compared to Kelley Wentworth doing the exact same thing the exact same way last season.  Is it the subtlety of the editor's art?  The fact that we'd seen Kelley before that episode, finding idols and stuff?  Just pure likeability?)


Julia was suffering much worse than I expected on her Tribe Of One, since there was a camp there, unlike what some people have gone through, like Danielle on the original Exile Island.  I figured she'd be relaxing a la the Sugar Shack.  If that Brawn beach really is the Angkor beach, that place is totally cursed.


I liked Anna, I liked the Beauty Gal Alliance, I'm not excited about how it's going to go from here on.  Rooting for you, Michelle and Julia!  But I don't feel good about your chances...

  • Love 5

You didn't find an HII so obviously it doesn't exist <sarcasm>. I like Joe but that was really reaching.


Strange, but I get the feeling I'm the only one who didn't take Joe's comments at face value. 

I had the impression ExFBIGuy may have just been screwing with the others - Peachy included.

Plus, there's an added benefit: if anybody actually did buy into it, that's one less person to compete with in searching for a idol.  :D


Peter said using his doctor's skill is "pandering"?

I'm pretty sure that's against the law in Wisconsin - as opposed to, say, Las Vegas, where it's practically a viable career choice.


If Nick were the most intelligent person, why wasn't he on Brains?


Thinking you're the most intelligent is usually an immediate disqualification.  ;)

  • Love 7
I'm having trouble getting into this season.  Most of the people I find extremely annoying are getting a lot of airtime and seem to be in positions of power, while the less objectionable people are dropping like flies.  It doesn't help that between the Medivac last week and Julia getting the red bandanna, Beauty got screwed through no fault of their own.



Same here.  I like Tai, and the other people I'm rooting for have essentially gotten zero screen time.  I'm scared that once they do start getting screen time, I'll have even more people to root against.  Early opinion is the winner of this season will be the best of the worst.  I don't even think a merge can save this season, unless Kyle, Scot, Peter, Nick, and Neal all get blindsided in a row (well, that would save it for me).  But then, who would be left?  I can't even get excited about those people.  Two people I can't stand have idols.  I remember during Cagayan, Jeff said he didn't think people would have been so opposed to the Tyler Perry idol if anyone other than Tony had gotten it.  Same might apply here if this idol twist isn't a complete bust (I'm sure TPTB will make sure it isn't).  Peter is an arrogant oblivious ass that seems to really, truly believe his own hype.  Nick, if they still took luxury items out there would probably have his mirror.  He's trying way too hard to be the obnoxious villain.  Scot and Jason are just grade a assholes.  Neal, he creeps me out.  I don't know why, but he just does.  


Debbie is nuts.  Also trying too hard.  Don't care for Cydney or Aubry, though they may be all that I have left to root for.  Still liking Tai and Joe, as well as Julia and Michele.  Did I forget anyone?  Well, that probably means I don't like them.

  • Love 2

So I take it that Nobama didn't become a doctor out of his overwhelming love for humanity. I got a kick out of him heaving a big sigh and saying, (in essence) " Now I'm going to have to pretend to care about these people and their stupid injuries!" And how he immediately forgot all about that after the tribe split.

Yeah, this was a fairly boring episode. I found Dalton Ross's recap over at EW.com far more entertaining than the episode itself. In it he assures us that, yes, Julia has been in the show since the beginning. 

Since, until last night, the Beauty tribe has never been on the chopping block, I feel that we really never got to know them. I know Tai, of course (who doesn't?), but the others are just an attractive blur. I'm glad Ice Cream pants found the Idol..at least now I can probably pick him out of a lineup. 

  • Love 5

Has Nobama ever seen this show before? How on earth does he expect to win if he keeps on being an overconfident jackass? I suppose he thinks people will vote for him because in his mind he's the best looking and smartest person out there? Pffffttt.

He'd be a perfect person to drag along as a goat. But somehow I don't think he's the type of person who would be making all of these abrasive comments just so he can lock up second place. I think he is just an out-of-touch jackass.

Nick is a real prize too. We already know that he thinks he is better looking than most people he knows. Now we learn that he thinks he is the smartest person on his new tribe.

I wish Nobama and Prick had ended up on the same tribe. They'd be so focused on outdoing each other. I imagine them constantly preening and saying "no, I'M prettier" and reciting Pi out to 100 digits. Or maybe they could have a simultaneous hold your breath underwater contest and both get swept out to sea.

  • Love 9



Julia was suffering much worse than I expected on her Tribe Of One, since there was a camp there, unlike what some people have gone through, like Danielle on the original Exile Island.  I figured she'd be relaxing a la the Sugar Shack.  If that Brawn beach really is the Angkor beach, that place is totally cursed.




Her inability to make fire and boil water made her pretty dehydrated.

angkor beach is so cursed!

  • Love 2

I like Aubry, Julia, Michelle; I don't mind Tai, Cydney, Debbie, Neal and I'm enjoying hating Nick and Peter for being such pantomime villains so for me this season is going just fine. I certainly don't feel all 'There's nobody to root for, this season sucks monkey balls.'

Poor Julia. Those shakes looked a bit worrying. Hope she found or was given water.

Edited by Gweilo
  • Love 7

Do not make me cheer for you Scot.  Don't do it you prick!


No kidding!  It's like he turned into a different person this episode.  I think the dynamic on brawn was awful, and he and Kyle bring out the worst in each other (I'm not excusing the behavior).  This episode, he showed a surprising amount of strategy & knowledge of the game, and I thought him fessing up to his man-crush on Tai was adorable.  Then I felt all icky for Scot making me smile inside, because he was so awful to Alecia.  And I was really impressed at him in the challenge - comparing him to Nick in that challenge to me epitomized the difference between real strength and gym muscle.  Certainly some people have both (I think Cydney does), but I don't think Nick is one of them.



Oh and I forgot to mention.  Not only did Unlikeable Scot save Tai (bleh) but Unlikeable Fauxbama also came to Tai's rescue too!  LOL!  Everyone band together to save him, yes, that's right....


Tai right now is reminding me of JT - he is so well-liked by his fellow players that he should be giving everyone huge red flags, but they all want to keep him around.  Tai also has shown that he knows the game, and also that he can step up and do things that you know are against his character (killing the chickens, lying and deceiving) when he has to.  And he does it well.  I really like him and hope he goes far.  And I love that even he thinks Dr. Peter is an ass.


I don't think voting out Anna was necessarily a bad move for Tai and Scot for a couple of reasons.  First, in the last episode Tai had a comment after Caleb was evacuated that now the girls had the control, and it would either be him or Nick going home.  He recognized that he was fourth at best with the three beauty women.  Aubrey and Joe clearly hate Peter, so it is possible that Tai/Scot/Julia will be able to exploit that.  If not, they still have Tai's idol, and if they use it next week to get rid of a brain, they have the numbers for another 2 votes (and this would be worst-case scenario if they go to tribal 3 times before the merge).  I'm not saying it was a great move, but I don't think it was terrible and I can see ways it could work out for them.


I'm clearly in the minority here, but I am enjoying this season for the most part.  I think/hope Peter and Nick are being given the Drew edit, and we will see some beautiful downfalls in the upcoming weeks.  I don't necessarily like a lot of the players but I'm not getting a visceral "make it go AWAY" reaction like I was with Dan and Will from any of them.  And for me, almost any Survivor is better than no Survivor.

  • Love 16

You know, I can go either way when it comes to switching up the originally established tribes pre-merge. Sometimes there's an already formed alliance that I'm really rooting for, so I totally dread Jeff's "Drop your buffs!" But this time, I was ready for it. Let's shake things up a bit! 


I was so glad to see Bounty and Lurch split up. I have a feeling that a lot of their bravado came from having each other as backup. They might end up being more humble and respectful on their new tribes. MIGHT. We'll see. But if not, watch out Bounty - you've got Debbie on your tribe! 


Speaking of Debbie - this she is an "electronics expert". Production, I will never stop loving you for giving us a different little nugget of gold every week. I'm sorry, but I'm just loving Debbie. Girl knows how to WORK. She immediately appeals to Cydney by telling her she could tell she was smart. She knows exactly how to work people, and is damned entertaining to watch. Especially when she's swinging from tree branches like a gleefully deranged monkey. I know their tribe didn't have to go to Tribal, but I'd wager that Brawn would decide to go with her and Neal, not Beauty. 


The other tribe (sorry, I do not remember their new names yet) made a good choice in getting rid of Anna. I was kind of hoping, and guessing, Peter would get blindsided, because of all his braggadocious talk, but oh well. I think it was the right choice. They didn't have a definitive way of knowing that the 3 Beauty girls were tight as hell, but now they're broken up for good. And Tai is a much better asset to have around camp. 


I still didn't even know all the Beauty girls's names until this episode, and am not invested in them at all, so I have zero issues with any of them leaving. I just hope the one stuck alone on the Brawn beach doesn't die out there!

  • Love 14

I don't mind that Tai betrayed his alliance mate Anna.  It was clear to him that the other 4 were voting for her so why should he stick his neck out and burn his idol for her?  The "anyone but me" strategy is a fine one if the player isn't going to be an immunity monster.  Tai is certainly better off in a 5 person alliance than a 2 person one.


Now, if Tai had been the target and used his idol to vote out Peter?  That would have been a thing of beauty (pun intended).

Nick, if they still took luxury items out there would probably have his mirror.  He's trying way too hard to be the obnoxious villain.


And failing miserably.  Not only is he not as pretty as he thinks, he's also not interesting enough to get the evil edit when playing against people like Kyle and Peter. 


Why would anyone care that Julia is only 18?


It just occurred to me who Joe reminds me of... the General in White Christmas.  He has about the same amount of personality too.  Zzzzz

  • Love 7

Debbie saying she wanted to align with the Brawn tribe because they're so strong...does she realize this is the same tribe that went to TC three times?  Strong doesn't necessarily mean smart.  And LOL at her telling Cydney that she was "ripped" two weeks ago.  I only wish Debbie and Caleb could've spent some time together out-storying each other for a few days.


I loved how Tai immediately zeroed in on Scot.  Tai giggling that Scot wears a size 18 shoe was the highlight of the episode for me.  I was like, "Tai!  Caleb just left, dude!  Give yourself some time before you find a new crush!"  And I agree that Scot is much more tolerable away from Bounty, but that doesn't speak terribly highly of his character that he let himself be swayed so hard.


Peter...how sweet of you to pander to "these people" by waking up from your nap in order to give them a few minutes of medical attention.  I'd like to see him brought to the end as the goat, because he'd just sit back and wait for the money to rain down on his glorious head.  What a tool.


Joe saying that he thinks there's not an immunity idol this season was odd.  I cannot believe he's not taken any notice of anyone on his tribe scouting around for idol clues.  Didn't Liz say that she spotted Neal looking for an idol clue in the supplies they brought from the boat on Day One?  And Joe hasn't noticed anything?  Not buying it.  Perhaps Joe is trying to play at being clueless.  I think he's way smarter than that.


Nick is the smartest person in the game?  LOLOLOLOLOL...*snort*...LOLOLOL.  Okay, whatever.

Edited by laurakaye
  • Love 7
Scott's logic makes no sense to me.   He seems to believe he has an advantage because he knows who has the two halves of the Super Idol.   And they're both not him.  Huh?


I assume he thinks that since he's very close with Bounty, and he's getting in good with Tai, he can somehow get them to use it for their mutual advantage in the game at some point. 


No, because whenever I see Debbie I'm too busy thinking this:









Whenever *I* see Debbie, I'm picturing this:



  • Love 5

I actually liked Scot this episode and I have to say, when he was walking into the water it reminded me of the end of the episode of Game of Thrones (Hardhome) where they flee the army of the undead and a giant is walking across the water. He is ENORMOUS.  Life must be both so much easier and so much harder for him in ways I cannot possibly imagine. It's very very good for him to be away from the Brawn tribe.


While I still kind of like a lot of people left in the game...Debbie doesn't bother me, Neal doesn't bother me, most of beauty except Nick seems nice, etc...there isn't anyone in the game who I like as much as I liked Jeremy last year. 

  • Love 9

This was a pretty boring episode. Once a Beauty went into exile, it was almost certain that a Beauty would be voted out from whichever tribe lost. It would have happened to Brains too, if a Brain had gone and the split was otherwise pretty even. The only tribe that wouldn't have been hurt would have been Brawn if they'd all gone three different ways because then there wouldn't be a majority once the exiled Brawn rejoined. It just seems like a poor choice on the part of the show to do it this way. It would have been more interesting if they'd cancelled last week's vote after Caleb's evacuation and gone with the original plan of two tribes of 7 each.


Tai and Scot have a cute Mutt and Jeff thing going on, but I can't even enjoy it because it's Scot.


Peter: I'm in the catbird's seat!

Debbie: I'm the mastermind!

Jason: Everyone's coming to me; I'm in control of the game!

Neal: I have the idol, the game is mine!

Nick: I am the smrtst person here. S-M-R-T!

Peter Again: I learned nothing from that TC where I was blindsided, so I'm going to talk about how invincible I am!


Fortunately for them, it's not a competition to see who's the smuggest egotist. There'd be no way to decide among them.

  • Love 19

This season is really giving WA a run for it's money in terribleness. They probably came up with the Second Chances concept on the fly when they realized airing WA and this season back-to-back would've been horrible.


I think the only person left that I like is Aubry. I like Tai, but he does give me creepy vibes sometimes. I liked Julia and Michele a lot, but the fact that they're friends with Jason and Scot pretty much ruins it. Debbie is alternating between being entertainingly crazy and just being annoying. The rest of them are assholes. Oh, and then there's Cydney, who I wanna like, but her 'I wanna get rid of all the girls' in the first ep is keeping me from getting there.


I felt bad for Anna during all her confessionals where she was laying on her side because her implants looked horrible.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 12

Probst is already hyping Anna up to be Kelley Wentworth 2.0:



Anna was my pick to win it all, so that shows you how much I know. Did I overestimate her gameplay or was she just the victim of bad Survivor luck with the tribe swap?
I think Anna has a LOT more game in her.  She is a hustler, a negotiator, great in challenges, and a person willing to throw others under the bus to save herself. What’s not to like! She might be a great “Second Chance” nominee!

Hey, I don't blame him. Parvati is officially retired, and like someone said earlier, Kim Spradlin is birthing babies left and right. He needs more suitable women for that eventual All-Stars season or whatever they'll call it.

Edited by slowpoked
  • Love 2

I suppose the challenges are designed in advance, so they only had materials for two teams for this one. If that's the case, after Caleb was evacced I think it would have been great if Jeffy had audibled and just cancelled the tribal. Then switch with two tribes of seven. I would have loved to have seen the three brawn split up. Would have been awesome if Kyle and Alecia had been the only two brawn and to see if Kyle would have attempted to join with her or the others.

Had no idea Cydney went to UPenn. She must be smart then, but doesn't seem particularly socially smart.

  • Love 2


I felt bad for Anna during all her confessionals where she was laying on her side because her implants looked horrible.

Oh my goodness, yes.  I wasn't sure if I was seeing the bad outline of her implants or an odd tan/dirt line.  That whole confessional was awkward - her weird positioning, plus she seemed to be yelling to the cameraperson.  Maybe it was windy and she was trying to talk over the wind, but it was strange.

  • Love 7

I hope Joe's comment about the lack of immunity idols was just Tribal Council misdirection, since I'd expect more from an allegedly smart FBI guy.

Due to all the things that have gone down in this country in recent years, my opinion of the whole FBI/CIA force wasn't too high to begin with, but now I'm almost starting to wonder if Special Agent Philip was real.

I think Joe was serious and he thinks that because people looked and didn't find anything, there must not be any idols. I never believe they're just saying something for strategic reasons unless they interview otherwise.

  • Love 4

I'm not sure what Tai and Scott's game plan is. Have Julia come back and join with them against the three brains?


If that was their plan they would have been better off keeping Anna.  Then they'd have a 4-2 advantage instead of a 3-3 split.  I understand the thinking among the brains - get rid of a beauty so you don't wind up with three when Julie gets added to your tribe.  But Scot and Tai don't seem to have a long-term plan (unless Scot is hoping to be a double agent, appearing to align with the Brains while feeding information to Tai and Julie).

  • Love 3

The quote function isn't working for me at the moment.  But I totally agree with the above sentiment of "Almost any Survivor is better than no Survivor."  I'm not fascinated by this season, but I'm still glad to have a season to watch.


Not a lot of strategy to talk about in this episode, in my opinion.  I actually have always liked Scot when he wasn't interacting with Alecia, and I found him very cute with Tai.  Then again, anybody can look good in association with Tai, it would seem.  I think Tai is shaping up to be the kind of player who stabs you in the back and you just don't hold it against him.  As someone said upthread, similar to JT.  Also, I get the feeling that Anna may not feel too bitter towards Tai even though he "blindsided" her.  She was throwing him under the bus (and owning it) first; and, she seemed like the type of person who feels like it's a game and doesn't speak to your future outside-of-game relationship.  Also, since she's not on the jury, even if she did feel backstabbed, I doubt it would have much of an effect on Tai's game either.  (Unless I supposeScot tried to say how untrustworthy Tai was, but the chances of that seem pretty miniscule.)


I totally agree about Anna's awkward confessionals!  "Here, lie in the surf, it'll look cute.  Oh, the surf is loud, so you'll have to yell now."  Not their best work!

  • Love 7


I actually have always liked Scot when he wasn't interacting with Alecia, and I found him very cute with Tai.  Then again, anybody can look good in association with Tai, it would seem.


What a fascinating idea, that Tai has a kind of magical ennobling effect on all he encounters, no matter how vile or heinous.  It'll be interesting to see what effect he has on Kyle.  Talk about "Beauty"!

  • Love 3

The quote function isn't working for me at the moment.  But I totally agree with the above sentiment of "Almost any Survivor is better than no Survivor."  I'm not fascinated by this season, but I'm still glad to have a season to watch.





I third this. I had low expectations for this season and I think it's ok. By this time in S29, I was so bored. And Fishbach said last nite that he liked this season more than S30 WA at the same point and I would agree there also. mostly bc S30 is a bottom 10 season for me. I loathe that season.

  • Love 1

i remember from an interview many years ago Boston Rob said that it's key to fit in with the tribe of which you are a member (and Rudy basically said the same thing during the very 1st season-'I have to fit in with them...'). Therefore I wonder if Scot may be following that line of thinking-blend in with Kyle, and now that he's on a different tribe, he can blend in with Tai and the others. It's actually a pretty good strategy that has taken different forms throughout the years.

Debbie is playing an interesting game-I wonder if it will start grating on people that she has done everything that they have done, only better. I think others see her as harmless at this point, but there could be a shifting of opinion about her as the game continues.

  • Love 7


I didn't even know there was a julia.

Thank you.  I thought it was just me.  I swear I've never seen this girl in my life.


Just how many boobs did Anna have stuffed into that bra of hers?  No way there were just two in there.


Tai shouldn't worry about going home with an idol in his pocket because underpants don't have pockets.  Just saying.


I don't understand why Tai is getting flack for turning on his alliance with Anna when she spent the entire episode going to every person on the tribe to talk trash about Tai and explain why he should be voted out.  I couldn't help noticing that for a professional poker player, she sure telegraphs her agenda really clearly.  She was absolutely transparent and so not one person bought what she was selling.

  • Love 18

Nick as a greek god? like Hephaestus? :>


Can't really blame Tai for not using the idol on Anna, imo, he should have used it, then Julia comes in they will have the majority number in that tribe, but he didn't have an alliance with the beauty girls, he is keeping the idol for himself. 


Scot, you don't have an idol and I don't see someone will ever ever use an idol on you :P 

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