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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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I hope they don't get that, but with TLC taking to long... gross.

TLC doesn't have clean hands in this situation. For all of their insistence that the Duggars only account for ".5%" of their yearly profits, their actions (or lack of them) speaks louder than their words. I'm still thinking about what several posters mentioned when the producer of 19KAC (and please correct me if I got his job title wrong) said during the interview episode re: their airing the footage of Josie's pooping her pants, paraphrased: "Why wouldn't we air it?"


These are not people who have any interest in what is best for the five survivors or the littles in that house. They're focused on money. And they're making lots and lots of money from a show they're paying anywhere between $25K and $40K an episode to the talent -- in other words, CHEAP. Even if they're feeding the Duggars during production, it's a fraction of what the big networks spend to produce 22 minutes of television. And they have 10 years of reruns in the can already. They don't pay residuals on those episodes, so all the advertising they can sell is pure profit.


Someone in their executive suite has decided that it really doesn't matter if advertisers pull out; they'll just find more. They think those who've been posting all over the Web about "Josh was FORGIVEN" and "He without sin should cast the first stone" will think it's a real moral victory to see the Duggars on TLC again.

  • Love 6

While I doubt very seriously that the Duggars have reached out for advice to an image consulting firm or a crisis management firm, I hope that they have consulted a lawyer. I really can't imagine that there is anything that they could say in this interview that could salvage their reputation, but I do think that there are things that they could say that could make it worse.


I also don't think that it's beyond the realm of comprehension that they could try to deflect blame and toss almost anyone else under the bus: Gothard in particular, but Grandpa Duggar, or the Bates family, or anyone they can think of who might have influenced Josh in some way.


I don't think that JB and J'chelle are fundamentally honest people and I don't think that they are honest with themselves, or capable of any significant self-reflection. They have never owned up to their relationship with Gothard or to their use of the Pearl's "child training" methods. 


I would love to see a real analysis of what went on in their household. I would love for Megan Kelley to show them the "sexual abuse counseling" worksheet from Gothard that has been floating around on the internet and ask them about it. Then, I would love for them to cut away to an interview with an actual licensed counselor who could explain the long-term effects of that type of "counseling" on victims. I would love for them to show the early specials with 14 kids crammed into a 3 BR house and J'chelle explaining how much "fun" that is for the kids, and then cut away to a scientist who explains the psychological effects of overcrowding on lab rats and zoo animals. I would love for them to show a clip showing how the kids get to "schedule" a half hour with Mom and Dad every month, and then cut away to a psychiatrist who can explain the long-term effects of no parental attention or affection. And so on.


I would love all that, but that's not what will happen. We will get one  hour of Jesus, and forgiveness, and humble, and modesty, and purposing to do better.

  • Love 22

On TMZ Live, Harvey Levin talked about the future of the show.  In response to one of his staff saying that TLC feels betrayed because this (the cover-up) has put the whole operation at risk and it's upsetting a lot of (TLC) people, Harvey said:

"Upsetting and pissing off people (meaning TLC) to the point where....I've got to be careful in the way I say it because of our various sources....but they (TLC) are outraged and I think there is a sentiment there that they want this show gone.  On the other hand, they don't want to look like they are being forced into removing the show and I think they're not going to do this on the timetable of people online getting all outraged because they don't want to make it look like they have to program based on what people online say.  And I think that's a legitimate concern, actually"

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 8

I'm not seeing any benefit to anyone regarding this interview.  Jim Bob and Michelle can't explain this any better than it's already been explained.   We all know they didn't have a clue as to what to do, so they did whatever some other chuch elder with no college education or  background in psych told them to.   If they were intelligent people, none of the last 10 years would have happened the way it did, and they wouldn't have said and done the things they have.   There is nothing they can say right now that will swing the court of public opinion.   What they can do is to start sending their younger children to actual schools, colleges, churches, psychologists, encourage them to play sports and other team activities. In a year or so, start speaking out about the dangers of the lifestyle they lived, how it led to isolation that was harmful, etc.  Encourage their older children to go to college, join actual churches, let go of the legalese for their own family, offer to put the young adults in apartments, or dorms.  It's okay to encourage them to have roommates for safety.   But, refuse all interviews, refuse to consider any more reality shows .... for anyone in the family. 

Edited by mythoughtis
  • Love 9

Disagree that this is over in two months. Child molestation and worse yet, a cover up of child molestation while presenting a facade of piety and wholesome values, are defining and last a very long time. Ask anyone at Penn State.

Yep. When my daughter was applying to college she got offers from Penn State. She said no way will she be going there.

While I doubt very seriously that the Duggars have reached out for advice to an image consulting firm or a crisis management firm, I hope that they have consulted a lawyer. I really can't imagine that there is anything that they could say in this interview that could salvage their reputation, but I do think that there are things that they could say that could make it worse.

I also don't think that it's beyond the realm of comprehension that they could try to deflect blame and toss almost anyone else under the bus: Gothard in particular, but Grandpa Duggar, or the Bates family, or anyone they can think of who might have influenced Josh in some way.

I don't think that JB and J'chelle are fundamentally honest people and I don't think that they are honest with themselves, or capable of any significant self-reflection. They have never owned up to their relationship with Gothard or to their use of the Pearl's "child training" methods.

I would love to see a real analysis of what went on in their household. I would love for Megan Kelley to show them the "sexual abuse counseling" worksheet from Gothard that has been floating around on the internet and ask them about it. Then, I would love for them to cut away to an interview with an actual licensed counselor who could explain the long-term effects of that type of "counseling" on victims. I would love for them to show the early specials with 14 kids crammed into a 3 BR house and J'chelle explaining how much "fun" that is for the kids, and then cut away to a scientist who explains the psychological effects of overcrowding on lab rats and zoo animals. I would love for them to show a clip showing how the kids get to "schedule" a half hour with Mom and Dad every month, and then cut away to a psychiatrist who can explain the long-term effects of no parental attention or affection. And so on.

I would love all that, but that's not what will happen. We will get one hour of Jesus, and forgiveness, and humble, and modesty, and purposing to do better.

I hope they have a real therapist weigh in. Then I hope that therapist calls JimChelle out on their bs.

Here's what I'd most like to hear Megan Whoever ask, and it's something I haven't noticed on other posts or online articles. It is the first thing I noticed as odd, then downright weird, about the Duggars, about a year and a half or so into the start of the show. I think the answers to these questions, if JB&M were honest, would explain a lot of other questions the public has about this family. Why are you two here, instead of that 27-year old son of yours? Why isn't he taking responsibility and speaking for himself right now? He's been married for 7 years, has 3-nearly-4 kids, makes 100K a year, lives out of state - and you're still calling the shots in his life? What is up with you people?

Agreed. JimChelle really don't realize how bad they're looking. I mean they are at fault for covering it up and not seeking help but Josh was also the one that played a part

TLC doesn't have clean hands in this situation. For all of their insistence that the Duggars only account for ".5%" of their yearly profits, their actions (or lack of them) speaks louder than their words. I'm still thinking about what several posters mentioned when the producer of 19KAC (and please correct me if I got his job title wrong) said during the interview episode re: their airing the footage of Josie's pooping her pants, paraphrased: "Why wouldn't we air it?"

These are not people who have any interest in what is best for the five survivors or the littles in that house. They're focused on money. And they're making lots and lots of money from a show they're paying anywhere between $25K and $40K an episode to the talent -- in other words, CHEAP. Even if they're feeding the Duggars during production, it's a fraction of what the big networks spend to produce 22 minutes of television. And they have 10 years of reruns in the can already. They don't pay residuals on those episodes, so all the advertising they can sell is pure profit.

Someone in their executive suite has decided that it really doesn't matter if advertisers pull out; they'll just find more. They think those who've been posting all over the Web about "Josh was FORGIVEN" and "He without sin should cast the first stone" will think it's a real moral victory to see the Duggars on TLC again.

I saw some conservatives speak out against the show including my very conservative friend. He's disgusted by the molestation cover up by JimChelle and Josh molesting his sisters. He posted that he had to tell his kids why they can't watch the Duggars anymore. So there are people against the show but there's plenty more for it. However child molestation is the worse crime anyone can do. Society hates molesters. If Josh had premarital sex or even cheated on his wife that's not bad. Well it is but not as bad as molesting a child.

I'm sorry, but nothing will make me watch Fox news. I will have to read about it here. I have my limits

Lol. Me too. I lose brain cells if I watch 1 second of it. But I'm tempted. Maybe I'll head over to free Jinger and read the recaps

Deadline had more information about it. It's going to be just JB and Michelle. It will be pre-taped to air during Megyn Kelly's timeslot (9 PM ET). There will also be a one-hour special of The Kelly File on Friday that will be devoted to the Duggars.


Wish it were live and people could ask real legit questions. I want on the spot answers

  • Love 5

I don't know. I don't agree with Megyn Kelly's politics, but I think she's smarter, more ambitious and better at her job than a lot of people give her credit for, and she isn't a fundie leghumper. I think if FOX news wanted this to be a complete lovefest then they could have assigned this interview to someone who would be a lot more sympathetic to the Duggars. FOX has to walk the line too. Despite what a lot of people seem to believe, not every Christian conservative in the country is rallying behind Josh and his parents. I would wager that a fair number of FOX viewers have no interest in seeing a softball interview and would love to see Megyn call Jim Bob and Michelle on the carpet for their behavior. They're no longer a heartwarming public interest story. There are real, serious questions to ask them now, and I think we'll see at least some of those come out.

  • Love 6

The Duggars have already clued us in regarding the content of the interview. They intend to share their hearts, their tears, and their forgiveness. Nowhere do they say they have agreed to answer any and all questions. I have a feeling JimBob will announce at the outset that he has retained an attorney and on that attorney's advice there are certain topics he cannot discuss. That gives him a convenient out. This so-called interview will be a dog and pony show that will leave viewers knowing nothing they didn't already know.

  • Love 11

I think another commentator was right. There needs to be a separate thread to discuss this interview with Megyn Kelly. I hope she's not going to handle them with white kid gloves like Erica Hill from NBC did.

I have high hopes for Megyn Kelly since she's a journalist, former attorney, and news pundit and political commentator on the Fox News Channel. Erica Hill is....um yeah, she's Erica Hill.

I don't have high hopes, but Megyn Kelly did coin the name "Fuckabee." (By accident? lol) she really wasn't too easy on ole Mikey. Edited by DangerousMinds
  • Love 2

I don't know. I don't agree with Megyn Kelly's politics, but I think she's smarter, more ambitious and better at her job than a lot of people give her credit for, and she isn't a fundie leghumper.


But she chooses to work for Murdoch's propaganda channel, so there is that.  I'm a bit surprised that they didn't choose CBN as a venue for their interview, to be honest.

  • Love 3

The Duggars have already clued us in regarding the content of the interview. They intend to share their hearts, their tears, and their forgiveness. Nowhere do they say they have agreed to answer any and all questions. I have a feeling JimBob will announce at the outset that he has retained an attorney and on that attorney's advice there are certain topics he cannot discuss. That gives him a convenient out. This so-called interview will be a dog and pony show that will leave viewers knowing nothing they didn't already know.


Yes, I think this is exactly what Boob will say, even if he hasn't hired an attorney. When all is said and done, I bet this interview will look like most of their TLC episodes have looked in the last year or so. The same dreck repeated over and over again by the same two people, no real news, nothing interesting going on - and lasting an hour when it could easily have been accomplished in 15 minutes. 

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 6

Gird thy loins, fellow posters... see

I see that Megyn Kelly is no fool. She's going to play both sides. By announcing that she'll also have a one hour 'Kelly File' airing on Friday, she'll have two days in which she and FOX network will be able to review remarks, comments and opinions about her Wednesday interview and act according to whether they're negative or encouraging towards the Duggar's. Once again, we the viewers will be subjected to their bias or political agendas.


If FOX had any balls at all, they would have Megyn conduct the interview live, in New York or Los Angeles, away from the bible-thumping hometown area they live in. Put them in a neutral location physically. Conduct the interview then have the viewing audience be able to ask the real questions live via Twitter or Facebook that Megyn, FOX or the Duggar's have not hand-picked themselves.

  • Love 4

The Duggars have already clued us in regarding the content of the interview. They intend to share their hearts, their tears, and their forgiveness. Nowhere do they say they have agreed to answer any and all questions. I have a feeling JimBob will announce at the outset that he has retained an attorney and on that attorney's advice there are certain topics he cannot discuss. That gives him a convenient out. This so-called interview will be a dog and pony show that will leave viewers knowing nothing they didn't already know


See, here's where this won't help them, regardless of what Megyn does or doesn't do. Anyone who already is ok with them, fellow fundementalists, really don't need the dog and pony show. Anyone who is on the edge is going to be all "What the hell???" at Jimbob and Michelle for going on the news and basically applauding themselves for how badly they've handled things. This isn't homeschooling or courting or having weird modesty issues - here in America, we're actually pretty live and let live about a lot of stuff - but now we're talking about child molestation. I don't care what your religious beliefs are, if you catch your son diddling five different girls, you get him some real help and you *remove him from the home*. Frankly one serious question I do have for the Duggars is exactly what sort of counseling did Josh receive - because maybe he went to ATI's creepy camp, or maybe a personl friend had him do manual labor and MAYBE this shouldn't be a mystery.


With a taped interview - the thing I don't think the Duggars realize is that Megyn *could* screw them to the wall with their lies. "Michelle and Jimbob say Josh was sent to X Clinic for Christians but the treatment facility has no record of it" or "Jimbob said the trooper gave Josh a stern lecture... lets hear what Jimbob's friend, state trooper, and convicted child pornographer has to say about it...."


Of course Megyn could also follow the "they're so persecuted..." storyline  so who knows.

  • Love 7

i agree

I too am liberal but I don't blame politicians for cozying up to him before they knew about this. Mike Hucabee however....

I think Huckabee came out in support of Josh for fear that questions about his own *sick, twisted, little shit that he raised would resurface.

*allegedly. And I'm too much of an animal lover to post the details, but if you're unfamiliar, Google, "David Huckabee" and prepare your stomach.

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Lisa Bloom was on Dr. Drew last week. She said she has worked on reality show contracts. They are usually 400 pages in length and cover just about everything. Lisa said that at the end of the day the company that is producing the show own you.


So my question is did TLC void their contract? Otherwise if they are under contract did this an interview get set up for them?

Forgive me if this has been asked, but doesn't it seem odd that JB&M announced the interview, rather than Kelly/FOX? Is that standard operating procedure to let the interview subject take the lead? 


Also: want to thank everyone here, especially the mods, and the posters who've provided specialized knowledge in their fields ranging from obstetrics to criminal law. Thank you.

  • Love 6


I don't know. I don't agree with Megyn Kelly's politics, but I think she's smarter, more ambitious and better at her job than a lot of people give her credit for, and she isn't a fundie leghumper.


I will be very surprised if Megyn Kelly doesn't go after them full throttle on this.  Boob is in way over his head with her and she will eat him alive IMO.  I've seen her interviews and it is not her style to let people get away with trying to stick to talking points or spew BS.  If it goes a different way, I will be shocked.  

  • Love 6

Suz, I know that the bit of hope I have for it is because of something I saw on The Daily Show. Jon Stewart showed a clip of Megyn smiling as she jerked over a politician (Jeb Bush I think) and then puts up a photoshopped picture of himself and Megyn skipping thru a field and is all "Oh Megyn... you and I, what we could have been together.... if we weren't completely opposed" or something like that. If Stewart is giving her props.... then she might come thru on this. I really don't see her as ok with the Duggars

  • Love 4

Although I definitely don't want the sisters identified (although the internet has speculated way too much on that topic) I do wish that the WHOLE family could be interviewed. At least give those girls a voice. Let them talk to someone outside of their family and religion. Can't somebody help them? Now that it's out that abuse has taken place in this home does CPS or others have the authority to speak to the minors in the home individually? Can the daughters get real therapy now? Or because it was such a long time there's nothing that can be done? I'm truly worried about how things are in that home right now. 

Four of them are over 18 and legal adults. According to the law they are free women and have voices. They can't speak out. They are Duggar's and their loyalties lie with the family no matter what happened in the past. They're all brainwashed and no matter what happens, they will remain silent and inconspicuous, let Jim Bob run the show, and possibly never speak publicly about any of it.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 5


Or are they just talking to each other as usual, figuring out how to once more spew their oft-told stories from the bikini lawn-mowing onward, with a special "tearful prayerful" spin all about "forgiveness" and "grace"?

"We'll put Josie on Michelle's lap. Great! Then, if Megyn asks a hard one, pull out Jill's pee stick and announce Baby Dilly 2. Oh Jim Bob, I love it!".

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Does anyone know how common it would be for Fox News to agree to only ask pre-screened, pre-approved questions, for an exclusive interview like this one?

I'm not a media expert but I would say the chances that there is an agreement in place that the Duggars will only answer pre-approved, pre-negotiated questions is 100%. I am also predicting there will be a "very special announcement" of some type as well.


The only way FOX News landed this interview was the guarantee that the Duggars would not be challenged or sandbagged. And of course, this is IMHO. Any journalist worth the name would have insisted that any interview include Smuggar, or it wouldn't happen at all.


Here's a thought. A group of female sportswriters spearheaded an effort on Twitter to donate the cost of a viewing of the recent Mayweather/Pacquaio PPV to domestic violence shelters around the country. Maybe people who are pissed off at the Duggars over a faux "interview" should donate a few dollars to RAINN or another abuse survivor organization. I don't want to put cash in FOX News' pockets by watching it.

Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 10

I can't watch the interview, even if I wanted to, so I'm trusting that one of you neat, special blessings will be able to report back.  

I'm curious as to who will be driving this interview.  Obviously Boob would love to dictate the direction that it takes but a good interviewer wouldn't allow him to completely run the show. I have never seen Megyn Kelly so I don't know what she is like as an interviewer. I would love it if she interrupted Michelle farting on about Jubilee/modesty/difficulties of having 19 kids and bought her back to the real topic of Josh being a child molester.  Because there is no way that JimChelle will be staying on the topic of their Golden Son having sexually assaulted his younger sisters. 

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PEOPLE wrote another fluff piece on the Josh scandal. Why do I get the feeling they're trying to set a sympathetic tone in all of their Duggar coverage? Anyway, this time they spoke with the Duggars' pastor at Cross Church**


Duggars Pastor Ronnie Floyd on Josh Duggar's Scandal


**Title is misleading because the article clearly states that only Derick and Jill are active members at the church. It's well known that the rest of the family (including Ben and Jessa?) do a home service at their creepy warehouse with the blacked-out windows. I'm kind of surprised that the Dillards would choose a somewhat progressive (in comparison to her parents' small-minded beliefs), mainstream church. Maybe Derick hasn't drunk as much kool-aid as some thought? For instance, their pastor recently gave a sermon about the Bruce Jenner transgender news - 

He also brought up Bruce Jenner's recent announcement that he is transitioning from male to female.

"What's remarkable about this is the world is applauding," said Floyd. "Gender is not fluid.''

Floyd tempered this fire and brimstone with references to the Gospels that "all humans be treated with dignity and respect'' whatever their sins. "Bruce Jenner is no different from all of us. We are all sinners. The key is cleansing our sins through Christ's grace."

The congregation was multi-racial, all ages, especially young couples, teens and kids.


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Let me translate...preacher guy can't stand the fact that people aren't condemning Bruce Jenner to the seventh circle of hell because God made him male and that's that. I suspect preacher dude is grinding his teeth to bits trying to behave himself and not make the Duggars look even worse by saying what he really thinks in his tiny little hate-filled bigoted mind.

  • Love 5

I just want to add that I only brought up the pastor’s comments on Jenner because I thought it was surprisingly open-minded approach compared to what Michelle has said about transgender issues in the past *edit* and how that may relate to the Dillards viewing things differently from the Duggars. Maybe I’m in the minority though?

I still have hopes that Derick will show Jill that there’s more to the world than Gothardism. Maybe she won’t change overnight or give up completely everything that she believes in. But I see it as a good sign that Derick's slowly exposing her to a more mainstream lifestyle, ie. going to a church where they play (Christian) rock music, seeing people sing and dance during service, being surrounded by - and maybe even becoming friends with! - women who wear pants and go to work, etc. 

Edited by Mariva
  • Love 1

PEOPLE wrote another fluff piece on the Josh scandal. Why do I get the feeling they're trying to set a sympathetic tone in all of their Duggar coverage? Anyway, this time they spoke with the Duggars' pastor at Cross Church**


Duggars Pastor Ronnie Floyd on Josh Duggar's Scandal


**Title is misleading because the article clearly states that only Derick and Jill are active members at the church. It's well known that the rest of the family (including Ben and Jessa?) do a home service at their creepy warehouse with the blacked-out windows. I'm kind of surprised that the Dillards would choose a somewhat progressive (in comparison to her parents' small-minded beliefs), mainstream church. Maybe Derick hasn't drunk as much kool-aid as some thought? For instance, their pastor recently gave a sermon about the Bruce Jenner transgender news - 


Well, Ronnie Floyd might be called progressive compared to the Duggars, but not by much, I'd say. He's every bit as committed to the exact same "gay agenda" rhetoric as they are, for example. That said, it's true that he heads actual churches that have congregations and play a lot of music and so on. The church probably does represent a compromise between Jill and Derrick -- and it is nice to see them trying to meet in the middle.

Edited by Churchhoney
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PEOPLE wrote another fluff piece on the Josh scandal. Why do I get the feeling they're trying to set a sympathetic tone in all of their Duggar coverage?

People has invested large sums of money in their relationship with the Duggar brand. They're not going to take part in any shenanigans that could sully their investment. Plenty of PEOPLE-Duggar magazine covers out there still to be written.
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"News on the August 2 Duggar Appearance at LBC:

After much prayer and thoughtful consideration, we have decided to cancel our August 2 event with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. We are praying for the entire Duggar family

and everyone involved in this heartbreakingly difficult situation. If you purchased a ticket for part of our August 2 event online, a refund will be automatically issued to you

within the next week."

  • Love 15

I just went to Megyn Kelly's FB page. Go read it - it is an ear full. Conservative and Republicans are going nuts demanding she not go easy on Boob and J'Chelle. VERY FEW of them support the smuggars.  It was an interesting read.  I do not usually watch Fox but will be watching Wednesday. I have seen her tear people apart, but they were always liberal or democrats. 

  • Love 18

Suz, I know that the bit of hope I have for it is because of something I saw on The Daily Show. Jon Stewart showed a clip of Megyn smiling as she jerked over a politician (Jeb Bush I think) and then puts up a photoshopped picture of himself and Megyn skipping thru a field and is all "Oh Megyn... you and I, what we could have been together.... if we weren't completely opposed" or something like that. If Stewart is giving her props.... then she might come thru on this. I really don't see her as ok with the Duggars

I may be in the minority and I don't discount that Megyn has her moments, but I don't think she's really going to have much of a choice over what she gets to ask. 

  • Love 6

The Fox viewers can demand a hard hitting interview all they want, but it's not going to happen. Jim Bob's picture ought to be in the dictionary next to the term "control freak." Without an iron clad agreement specifying what the approved questions are, he would never have consented to this.

The Duggars are looking for some sort of redemption. All I expect to hear is "Josh made mistakes.....We were shocked....We prayed like we've never prayed before.....We shed many tears.....We turned to God.....We did what we thought was right....We've put this behind us.....God has forgiven Josh and so have we..." In other words, same old, same old. I think they are delusional enough to think that talking about their hearts, their tears, and how their faith has seen them through is going to be enough to get their show back. Expecting them to discuss the specifics of the abuse or to accept any of the blame is about as unrealistic as expecting to hear that they've given up their fundie ways and enrolled the kids in public school. Impossible.

Edited by Hpmec
  • Love 13

Well, Ronnie Floyd might be called progressive compared to the Duggars, but not by much, I'd say. He's every bit as committed to the exact same "gay agenda" rhetoric as they are, for example. That said, it's true that he heads actual churches that have congregations and play a lot of music and so on. The church probably does represent a compromise between Jill and Derrick -- and it is nice to see them trying to meet in the middle.

Exactly. I guess it's good that he doesn't think rock music is demonic and is probably fine with women working outside the home, but his beliefs on transgendered people, gay rights, etc., are just as regressive as theirs.

  • Love 1

Re Kim Kardashian's announcement that she's pregnant, I'm happy for her as she's been wanting a second child, but I can't help but wish this announcement would have come later so as not to distract the press from the Duggar story.

Why should it? She's a freaking (stupid) reality "star" having a baby. That happens all the time.

Josh Duggar is a bona-fide scandal, and should remain in the media to discuss this very real issue. Not to mention it's TLC's 2nd such scandal in a year.

  • Love 4

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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