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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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How dare you bring back 19 kids and counting? Stop rewarding this family for covering up abuse and acting like Josh forcibly touching his siblings was no big deal. TLC you are a disgrace. ‪#‎BoycottTLC‬ ‪#‎NoExcuseForAbuse‬

As badly as the parents handled this, I am even more offended by their being rewarded when they hold such repressive and outdated views on raising kids, especially the girls. Their insistence on devaluing education and restricting autonomy among their children should never be presented as something to emulate.

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Amy's affair proof. Sure. (One of the comments claim she cheated on him while they were dating).



"We love our Sundays," says Amy. "After church we go for Mexican food and mimosas and just sit there and talk about what we learned. Even on our honeymoon in Cancun, we woke up at 6 a.m. and did a Bible study right there on the beach. It was one of my favorite moments."

Drinking on the Sabbath. What a madcap rebel! Don't get a DUI coming home from church.

Edited by JoanArc
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Tim Tebow did Lip Sync Battle. Jim Bob now considers him a heathen.

Good Christian boys just don't fall from the sky. Boob better learn to forgive and forget quickly! It's all about ratings here not real love or affection.

As badly as the parents handled this, I am even more offended by their being rewarded when they hold such repressive and outdated views on raising kids, especially the girls. Their insistence on devaluing education and restricting autonomy among their children should never be presented as something to emulate.

THIS a million times over.

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Focus on Jana? I somehow doubt it. Stepford Stay at home probably has a few lines. Jana will smile, showing the appropriate number of teeth and repeat the lines she learned at Journey of the Heart. She will reiterate how gawd has laid it on her heart to stay in captivity, maybe wistfully claim she is open to the 'right' man (arranged by JB) .There is a real Jana buried deep under that mindfucking somewhere, but I think she is a walking billboard for the cult. But her bullshit is more tolerable than watching her married sisters, suffer through the aftermath of the 'thing' while being parenting one child, grifting or cleaning toilets

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It irks me that we're supposed to be fascinated by Amy simply because she behaves like a semi-normal human. This thing has come in a weird full circle.


People must really be hard up for "stories." Who the heck assumes that cousins are raised in the same way? Who thinks that not abiding by the same rules as your cousins abide by makes you a "rebel"? It's absurd.


They must have knowledge that the Duggar name alone attracts buyers, I guess. Good grief.

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People must really be hard up for "stories." Who the heck assumes that cousins are raised in the same way? Who thinks that not abiding by the same rules as your cousins abide by makes you a "rebel"? It's absurd.

They must have knowledge that the Duggar name alone attracts buyers, I guess. Good grief.

. This, this, and this! Good gracious People. I hope Amy's cover is their lowest selling ever. Then maybe she will be the last Duggar ever on the cover. (Yeah I know!)
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It irks me that we're supposed to be fascinated by Amy simply because she behaves like a semi-normal human. This thing has come in a weird full circle.

I love how the people at People put person Kate Hudson right next to her. Super unflattering.


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So Amy is on People.  I thought I saw Duggars on another mag when I went thru the checkout at the grocery yesterday, but I didn't have the chance to flip through to see what it was.  Hope maybe someone else saw it and can report. Thanks in advance.

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It seems that any typical reality family, maybe with the exception of the Little Couple, don't last long on TV. I see the Duggars in the same way as most other reality TV families - as whacked. I've never watched the Kardashians or Honey Boo Boo, but have read enough, and seen enough story clips to think they're not folks most would aspire to be like. To me the Duggars and other reality families are more like freak shows, or car accidents, something that makes you want to watch and look away at the same time.


TLC is savvy, they show enough of the whackedness to keep people shaking their heads and coming back to watch more, while at the same time walking a fine line so the (naive) Duggars will still allow themselves to be filmed. There are so many subtle, and a few not so subtle moments, that you know the editors left in on purpose, and edit to emphasize. One that stands out to me was when Miss Cathy was at the Duggars and Michelle must have complimented her on raising Derick or something to that effect, and Cathy said. "Well we used the same book as you to raise our kids." The camera went right to Michelle's shocked face before Miss Cathy said, "The Bible". The producers know about the To Train Up a Child book that the Duggars used, and know most of the viewers know that too. 


For TLC, the Duggars are a train wreck & a cash cow. 

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Amy says she fell in love with Dillon while she was playing nurse when he broke his leg, an injury sustained in another drunk driver incident. Booze brought them together!
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Amy says she fell in love with Dillon while she was playing nurse when he broke his leg, an injury sustained in another drunk driver incident. Booze brought them together!

Well the Duggars must see that as a match made in heathen hell. They probably have their guesstimated date of divorce in their black book of sanctimoniousness

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Jana and John David will largely stand in for Jim Bob and Michelle during talking heads as the surrogate parents/adult authority figures for the main Duggar family.


Well, Jana already IS the parent so I suppose it would only be TLC making it official.

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So Amy is on People. I thought I saw Duggars on another mag when I went thru the checkout at the grocery yesterday, but I didn't have the chance to flip through to see what it was. Hope maybe someone else saw it and can report. Thanks in advance.

Probably In Touch? I just saw it too but the line went too fast for me to read it. Here's a summary I found online though. http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2016/01/jim-bob-and-michelle-duggar-fighting-over-josh-marriage-hanging/

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Wanted to add according to that In Touch article summary Michelle and JB are fighting about Josh and it even mentions potential divorce. I have very strong doubts as to how accurate any of that is.

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Probably In Touch? I just saw it too but the line went too fast for me to read it. Here's a summary I found online though. http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2016/01/jim-bob-and-michelle-duggar-fighting-over-josh-marriage-hanging/

I really enjoyed this fake story *eyeroll* especially because every therapist is out there to talk about their clients without the fear of getting their license taken away. *sarcasm*

Well isn't Josh MEChelle's favorite kid? I can see her wanting him to stay and Boob keepingb him at a distance. Can't wait til Josh is released from Jesus Jail. I want to see where his life goes.

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I really enjoyed this fake story *eyeroll* especially because every therapist is out there to talk about their clients without the fear of getting their license taken away. *sarcasm*.

I know, the whole thing seems totally fake to me. I doubt they'd see a licensed therapist so probably no worries there, but I sincerely doubt the story is much more than speculation. If I see it again on the magazine rack I'll check it out. I won't go so far as buying it lol but I'll read it.

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I love how the people at People put person Kate Hudson right next to her. Super unflattering.


She looks like Michelle Bachmann in that cover (well from the neck up anyway). It's one of the more unfortunate covers I can remember. It's so tacky. That magazine really has fallen into the shithole. 

Tim Tebow did Lip Sync Battle. Jim Bob now considers him a heathen.


Maybe they should ask Jim Bob and Michelle to pop on. They can sing "I'm A Believer" and "Holy Holy."


They'll probably just get Amy and her husband instead...

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Is it just me or does Michelle look really airbrushed on the latest cover photo? Her hair looked so much smoother, and her eyes looked less psycho. She looked good but it looked like such a fake pic.

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Is it just me or does Michelle look really airbrushed on the latest cover photo? Her hair looked so much smoother, and her eyes looked less psycho. She looked good but it looked like such a fake pic.

I thought the same thing.  People makeup and hair?  Or airbrush?  

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I really enjoyed this fake story *eyeroll* especially because every therapist is out there to talk about their clients without the fear of getting their license taken away. *sarcasm*


My mother subscribes to every tabloid, so I took one for the team and read the article referenced.  Turns out in Federal court cases, there is no therapist-client privilege.  *star wipe* "The moooore you knooooow!"

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Is it just me or does Michelle look really airbrushed on the latest cover photo? Her hair looked so much smoother, and her eyes looked less psycho. She looked good but it looked like such a fake pic.

We've seen recently posted photos of M/JB, and they had gray streaked hair and lots of new age marks on their faces. I say that InTouch cover was 15 years old!

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I would bet the deed to our house that J-Chelle and Jim Boob will never, ever, ever get a divorce. Imagine child support for nine children, let alone the other eight adults who are still on Daddy's payroll. Their house is also large enough that they could go for days without seeing each other. Maybe J-Chelle will move into the girls' dorm with Anna! Wouldn't that be a treat?

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I would bet the deed to our house that J-Chelle and Jim Boob will never, ever, ever get a divorce. Imagine child support for nine children, let alone the other eight adults who are still on Daddy's payroll. Their house is also large enough that they could go for days without seeing each other. Maybe J-Chelle will move into the girls' dorm with Anna! Wouldn't that be a treat?

"I get the big bed, and give me your jewelry box!"

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Probably In Touch? I just saw it too but the line went too fast for me to read it. Here's a summary I found online though. http://www.thehollyw...rriage-hanging/


Thanks.  Guess I didn't miss much.  I would guess much of any disagreement about how to treat Josh depends on what they think is the best way to treat him so that they can get their show back.  I can see Mechelle not wanting him hanging around the house, though. And Jim Bob wanting him back so he can keep an eye on him. 

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The worst thing about the In Touch article as shown above, is that they identify Jana as being molested by Josh, and that she is not married because of that.  I don't think Jana was molested at all, and I'd be ready to sue.  Seriously.

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I would bet the deed to our house that J-Chelle and Jim Boob will never, ever, ever get a divorce. Imagine child support for nine children, let alone the other eight adults who are still on Daddy's payroll. Their house is also large enough that they could go for days without seeing each other. Maybe J-Chelle will move into the girls' dorm with Anna! Wouldn't that be a treat?

I would actually bet, dollars to donuts, Jim Bob would move into the prayer closet before Michelle gives up the master bedroom. Patriarchy be damned! Michelle ain't sharing a room with a bunch of kids.

Edited by flyingdi
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I love how the people at People put person Kate Hudson right next to her. Super unflattering.



*I* love the juxtaposition of the Duggar family and the Manson family on that cover. The cult irony. Oh my.

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Josh's new jail?

Too nice.

Here's a laugh. Up until a few minutes ago I thought the treehouse was a, yunno', a climb-up-in-the treehouse treehouse! That beautiful metal roof has a water-collecting pitch. kind of odd.

Edited by NewDigs
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It looks more like a gazebo than a tree house for kids, I doubt it's built to be a play house.

I can see Boob and MEchelle commandeering it as their sweet fellowship hideout. It would fit nicely with their arrested development to make out in a treehouse.

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I thought the same thing. People makeup and hair? Or airbrush?

Heh I can't believe I'm even thinking about it this much but I bet People would've done a better job. I'm thinking In Touch has the lower budget hair/makeup/photoshop crew.

The worst thing about the In Touch article as shown above, is that they identify Jana as being molested by Josh, and that she is not married because of that. I don't think Jana was molested at all, and I'd be ready to sue. Seriously.

Totally agreed! I know we're not supposed to get into speculating on which girls it was other than the ones who came forward, but I'm almost positive Jana wasn't one of them based on everything that's been released. And even if she was it's horrible to say that's why she isn't married.

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Skill and a cherry-picker crane, it looks like--isn't that the white thing in the foreground below the lip of the coulee (or whatever they cll those in Arkansas)?

Yep, that's expensive equipment. No way did the Duggar Horde build that thing...the metal roof alone is the tip off and those things aren't cheap.

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It never looked like something for the kids to me. The kids literally don't do anything, and the parents never do anything for the kids (except for birthday lunch).


I bet it has some God-related or money-related theme (or, better yet, both!). I'm going to guess that there were multiple episodes filmed around the construction of the "spritual retreat" house, or that it was built to serve as a site for the many upcoming Duggar weddings (and to be rented out to other fundies for that purpose).


I think we talked about it a while back, but this is an obvious business for the family. They can buy a couple of big tents, a bunch of folding tables and chairs, some cheap linens, and get some cheap industiral place settings -- they already have an industrial kitchen. JB can claim that it makes financial sense since he has so many kids to marry off (heh, heh), and it would be an appropriate business for his unmarried daughters (and the married ones, too).

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