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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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I kinda have 2 minds on this matter while I believe the LBGT community should get the same rights as heterosexual relationships, I don't think its necessarily fair to ban the Duggars simply because they don't agree. At the same time I don't like that they actively degrade people who do not believe the same as them... So they kinda have it coming. I think the show has run its course scandal or not, will hopefully be cancelled soon, although I do enjoy the snark I don't think I can sit through another courtship/ marriage, especially when they all follow the exact same formula.

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I kinda have 2 minds on this matter while I believe the LBGT community should get the same rights as heterosexual relationships, I don't think its necessarily fair to ban the Duggars simply because they don't agree. At the same time I don't like that they actively degrade people who do not believe the same as them... So they kinda have it coming. I think the show has run its course scandal or not, will hopefully be cancelled soon, although I do enjoy the snark I don't think I can sit through another courtship/ marriage, especially when they all follow the exact same formula.


I think there's a huge difference between not supporting gay marriage, and comparing those in the LGBT community to child predators and molesters. 

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 13

I'm permanently in the prayer closet, Jellybeans is there a lot also, we get frequent flyer miles.

Besides repenting, you two can help with the home foolin of the J'howlers & lost girls while you're in there. Wasn't MEchelle shown there helping Hanny or Jenny with their writing lessons? I'm sure she would appreciate the help.

An interesting take on the latest Duggar firestorm from a gay writer. He contends, and I concur, that we need to keep these people talking. It's easier to take on the enemies you know than those still lurking in the shadows. This can also pertain to Smuggar and his work at the FRC.



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I think there's a huge difference between not supporting gay marriage, and comparing those in the LGBT community to child predators and molesters. 


Agreed.  Phil Robertson falls into the first category, and that's why the whole Duck Dynasty brouhaha blew over.  I had asked on another thread, why the secrecy around this family?  Why does TLC attempt to hide them the way they do?  Even the Today Show, Good Morning America, they are treated like folksy innocents.  They are self righteous Fundamental assholes. 

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For the record, my husband travels and does business in many conservative Islamic counties. He has no problem identifying as a very open and practicing Christian. Muslims are among the most courteous and respectful of anyone of Christians visiting their country, when those visitors show the same courtesy to them.

The problem is the The Duggars and JB don't show this courtesy. Saying "gracias" and being openly repulsed by food or cultural traditions such as dancing; insisting that the only real Bible is written in English, going into a dollar store with 20 people and effectively shutting it down to see if you can find a "made in USA" item - these have NOTHING to do with their religion and EVERYTHING to do with their being unappreciative and poor representatives of Americans abroad.

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Phil Robertson falls into the first category, and that's why the whole Duck Dynasty brouhaha blew over.

Actually, I don't think Phil ever said anything about gay marriage. His entire rant about gay people was likening homosexuality to bestiality, thieving, and drunkenness, and how a vagina was more desirable than a man's anus. He also said some ignorant tripe about how black people were happy before the civil rights movement and that he never saw any black person mistreated. On top of that, he also advocated for child marriage so that men could get girls when they were still young enough to be impressionable and malleable.


If anything, I think that the Duggars campaigning against gay marriage is what's made this blow up in their faces, and the fact that Michelle's transphobic remarks were done in an effort to defeat an anti-discrimination ordinance. 


The real difference between the two, IMO, is that as truly disgusting as Phil's comments were, he wasn't out there trying to turn his beliefs into law the way the Duggars are. 

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As a Catholic I have to say that the church's teaching is similar to the Duggar's in that we are told that marriage is a sacrament between a man & woman only, & that birth control & abortion are wrong.

I live in Ark now & there are plenty of Baptists here who believe the same.

So although these boards are nearly 100% against what the Duggars are saying, IRL I think (at least in this area) plenty of people agree (as the previous poster from OK pointed out).

I don't think the Duggars show will be pulled because of the petition. Rather that they are running out of manufactured storylines & viewers are getting bored. And I'm not going to sit through watching every one of those kids court & plan a wedding.

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Actually, I don't think Phil ever said anything about gay marriage. His entire rant about gay people was likening homosexuality to bestiality, thieving, and drunkenness, and how a vagina was more desirable than a man's anus. He also said some ignorant tripe about how black people were happy before the civil rights movement and that he never saw any black person mistreated. On top of that, he also advocated for child marriage so that men could get girls when they were still young enough to be impressionable and malleable.

If anything, I think that the Duggars campaigning against gay marriage is what's made this blow up in their faces, and the fact that Michelle's transphobic remarks were done in an effort to defeat an anti-discrimination ordinance.

The real difference between the two, IMO, is that as truly disgusting as Phil's comments were, he wasn't out there trying to turn his beliefs into law the way the Duggars are.

What? Phil needs to have several damn seats. Not all gay people or gay men have anal sex just because he likes vagina. So if his wife wants to have anal or a man wants anal does that make him gay? And child marriage, has he seen the damage done with children getting married in other countries? Girls die because their bodies aren't developed enough to get married. Most suffer abuse.

Related to Michelle's robo-call...If I had a choice between being trapped in a public restroom with a transgender person or with Bill Gothard, you can be certain I would NOT pick Gothard. It seems disingenuous of the Duggars to be so outspoken about so called "sexual predators," yet they have barely acknowledged that the leader of their religious movement has been accused of numerous incidents.

Edited to add "so-called" because I do not consider transgender people to be predators of any sort.

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If I had a choice between being trapped in a public restroom with a transgender person or with Bill Gothard, you can be certain I would NOT pick Gothard.


This is a really good point. At this point in time, even the Gothard Board of Directors (or whatever they're called) have had to tacitly acknowledge that Gothard is a predator, and there hasn't been a peep of acknowledgement from the Duggars. They sent their daughters(Jana, at least, I don't know about the others) to JTTH where they would be exposed to this guy, but they are concerned that someone will pretend to be trans-gendered in order to sneak into a women's restroom and molest children.


This is the problem with all of their logic related to the LGBT community. No one pretends to be transgender. No one pretends to be gay. It's not fun to be gay (especially in Arkansas), and it's certainly not fun to be transgender. People who are born this way are ridiculed, tormented, bullied, and often outcast by their families and communities. No one would pretend to be transgender in order to molest little girls in a public restroom. 


There are real things to fear in life -- men and women who struggle with gender identity are pretty far down on my list.

Edited by maraleia
terminology- its transgender not trans-gendered
  • Love 10

I remember a story I heard while I was in Yemen about a 5yo who had precocious puberty, here uncle raped her, she became pregnant, the baby ruptured her uterus at some point and they both died. I'm certain groups would say it was her fault. I came home and found the story on the internet.

Again, keeping things in the realm of reality. There is something known as "the age of accountability" which varies between individuals from about 8-12. During this time NO child is responsible for his/her actions (although the parent would be.)

Even Gothardites would not condone the rape of a five year old. Five year olds are expected to dress modesty and behave similarly to their older sisters as a form of practice, not because they are at fault for leading people astray.

This still leaves us with children who are appallingly young, but it is also true that the average age to marry in Gothard's world is 25 or older. The Duggar and Bates have the advantage to marry younger due to money.

And child marriage, has he seen the damage done with children getting married in other countries? Girls die because their bodies aren't developed enough to get married.


I remember a story I heard while I was in Yemen about a 5yo who had precocious puberty, here uncle raped her, she became pregnant, the baby ruptured her uterus at some point and they both died. I'm certain groups would say it was her fault. I came home and found the story on the internet.

Just to clarify, Phil Robertson wasn’t talking about prepubescent children. More like 15-year-olds. It was still a gross thing to say - marry 15-year-olds because by the time they’re 20, it’ll be too late! - but he wasn’t advocating pedophilia.

This is the problem with all of their logic related to the LGBT community. No one pretends to be transgender. No one pretends to be gay. It's not fun to be gay (especially in Arkansas), and it's certainly not fun to be transgender. People who are born this way are ridiculed, tormented, bullied, and often outcast by their families and communities. No one would pretend to be transgender in order to molest little girls in a public restroom.

I'm going to take this to the Old Time Religion thread because I think my question will be better suited there. (GEML, follow me! You might be able to answer it.)

Edited by galax-arena

I never imagined that Jessa drank so much of the Kool Aid.  Maybe her relationship and marriage to Ben has made her more religious.  She's using social media to spread the word of Jesus.  http://www.enstarz.com/articles/51625/20141123/jessa-duggar-news-2014-reality-star-sparks-controversy-again-for-preaching-to-her-fans-on-her-social-networking-accounts-photo-video.htm  

May I politely suggest that we move off the discussions of religion and homosexuality in this thread?  Feel free to take those to the religion thread if you like.  But some of this is wildly off the topic of media mentions of the Duggars.  Yes, I realize they are getting media attention BECAUSE of their beliefs about gay marriage, etc., but that discussion should be limited to whatever they've said or done related to the topic.  Let's get off the Duck Dynasty issue and the difference between the beliefs of the Robertsons and the Duggars, for example.  Thanks.

Darknight, I clicked on the link to Michelle's "parenting advice."


MY EYES!!!!!!!  Oh good Lord, that scrunchy, crunchy hair and those bangs!  And her "I'm right down the road."  Shit, lady, you don't take care of your own kids.


To quote Rhett Butler, "A cat's a better mother than you are."


Please, Duggars, just go away.

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I'm just glad they didn't do that thing that some people seem to think is so sexy.  That thing where the two draw in close for a kiss and then their tongues come out and smack into each other at least a full second before the rest of their faces get there.  It's always squicked me out.  I like the tongue wrestling to be safely contained inside the kiss, thank you.

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Michelle thinks she has parenting advice for her kids.  Ha! 


It would be so awesome if any of this were true. If I were an alien who had never seen this circus and were forming my opinions based on reading stuff like this, I'd think the Duggars were pretty great. I work in public relations, and I probably should consider hiring them; they certainly know how to play the game.

I had no idea where to put this.  Since the information comes from an article, I figured I'd be safe with the media thread.


So, who will be at the Duggars for Thanksgiving?  Jill and Derick are splitting the day between families.  Jessa and Ben will be with his family. Reportedly, friends will join the Duggars.  With all those people, Michelle is only having two turkeys.  Paper plates fill up quickly, I guess.


ETA: The big surprise to me is that Michelle's sister will be joining them.  (How many sisters does Michelle have?)  I hope it's the lesbian sister, and I hope she announces plans to marry.  Hey, a girl can dream. 


Source: http://www.ibtimes.com/michelle-duggar-reveals-jessa-jills-thanksgiving-plans-how-many-turkeys-it-takes-feed-1729155 

Edited by DamWrite
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I think that Derick's family would appreciate the company considering the time they have had lately. I bet the Dillard/Byrum household could use some joy this week and I'm sure Derick's mom is happy to be a grandmother soon. Jerick would just get lost in the crowd at the Duggars. Glad that Jessa may be converting to the Seewalds; anyone know where Josh and Anna will be?

I'm a bit confused about something fellow posters. Didn't the folks from Duck Dynasty say that they aren't proponents of gay marriage too? TLC yanked their show lickety split, didn't they because of that? So why are the Duggars being given exceptional treatment for indicating the same? Someone correct me if I'm wrong about that. Thanks..

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Floridamom, I think you've confused shows and networks.  Or maybe I have.  My memory says:  


  1. The Duggars (a show/phenom I do not watch that's been on TLC for most of the present century) have the usual bigoted attitudes of cult + fundie + other tropes that might be followed at the Southern Poverty Law Center.  
  2. The old geezer Robertson with the bigoted + anatomically stupid attitudes about homosexuality on Duck Dynasty (another show I do not watch, but on A&E (which used to be Arts & Entertainment, and like the old Bravo channel, an outlet for really poshly made British historicals and edgy modern dramas (balanced parentheses is an IT thing, sorry))) is the guy that got himself but not the show briefly suspended (IIRC), or at least is probably responsible for the concurrent drop in that show's ratings.  
  3. The show that got yanked lickety split off TLC was Here Comes Honey Boo Boo (yet another show I do not watch, but which finally shamed me into giving up Toddlers & Tiaras), when Mama dumbass re-united with the ex (also ex-con) who molested Mama d's oldest daughter a decade earlier, which event Mama d believed her daughter had made up.


Duggars appear to still be making money for TLC (which used to be The Learning Channel, and was actually educational), and therefore parent network Discovery.  Absent an exceptionally public scandal that is both illegal and ick-level immoral, this show will only die when the ratings ($$$$$$) do.  The only other shows I remember being insta-yanked in the last year (months, really) is Seventh Heaven (another show I never watched!) because of Steven Collins, and anything C___y, because we all already know.


Suddenly I want a cleansing shower.

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the link didn't work so lets try it again....



and is it me or is it weird to read about them in the International Business Times?


Josh and Anna are going to the Kellers and I think that picture is from one of Jill's showers....

No post for the news but after watching that new episode about Famy,  I am really thankful that no one died from roasting those hot dogs on wire coat hangers. 


I know the Duggars don't watch the news, but maybe they should research the boy scouts that died from that crap.  

Edited by truthtalk2014

Where did this come from? I looked on-line and only saw an urban legend about people dying from roasting hot dogs with oleander branches.

The paint on wire hangers is toxic.  I had not heard of the oleander branches but that makes sense.  The flowers will kill dogs if they eat them.  I think in ancient rituals, the bark and such was used to make a tea to poison people.  


I'm sure Boob and Boob jr. would love to make some tea for the gay and lesbian alliances around the world. 

Yeah they are digging their own grave. They really have no idea how the outside world works. FYI every month 73,000 Latino's turn 18 and most of them vote Democratic. No matter how many kids these fundies have they will never catch up to the young people who are more progressive every day and will be able to vote in 2016.

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There are reports (you decide if they seem credible) that Jim Bob and Tim Tebow's mother have been meeting to set up Tim and Jana.


Oh heavens no.   I mean that sincerely.   Tim Tebow is getting respectability as an analyst.   He is leaving that whole Tebow circus behind so he can have a real career.    His football career went nowhere partially because of the crazies who followed him around and created such a distraction for teams.   He marries into the Duggar clan that is all gone, gone, gone.   Although I do not see him following the SlumboobMillionaire party line and doing what SBM says to do and living on the compound doing menial chores.

I did enjoy watching it with the closed captions on. At the end, they say something like, "happy Island guy" and in the middle (the best one) when Anna is mumbling something, the CC picks it up as "Factually challenged." I do appreciate Freudian closed captions.

As a deaf person that relies on CC's, I get very annoyed when captions do NOT reflect what was said.

When I know it happens, I always email the show producer and let them know they are not getting accurate captions.

I REALLY get pissed when foul language is used and they "clean it up" to keep my mind pure. I prefer to visit prayer closets.

  • Love 13

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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