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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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Yes, Serena Benson is long dead, and Olivia's biological father (who is also dead) was eventually identified.  It turned out he was a serial rapist.  So I don't think any offensive "I lied and called a one-night stand rape" twist will be forthcoming.

(Serena's death came while I was watching, but the paternity revelation after I had quit, so I looked up the details to confirm my hazy recollections of TWoP discussion.  I also vaguely recall that perhaps Olivia went through a phase - or maybe just an ugly moment in the midst of one of her "my mom was a drunk asshole" rants - of suspecting her mother of lying, but I didn't dig far enough into the SVU Wiki to see if that happened.)

Edited by Bastet
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I’m almost positive that the show ended up telling the story that Olivia’s biological father date raped Serena? He was played by...oh never mind. The professor is who she thought was her biological father. It was her half brother showing up that we learned their sire was a serial rapist. I pretty much checked out by then. I stopped watching after Elliott left.

I’ve always been disappointed that after showing us how close Olivia and Serena (played by the awesome Elizabeth Ashley) were, and how much they loved each other, that after the show killed her off in season two, and that also, off screen, that they had a toxic relationship. Apparently Serena had fallen off the wagon, or according to Show, she had never been on the wagon, and was an abusive mother on top of it. Purely for PLOT.

Yeah, still bitter.

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13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I stopped watching after Elliott left.

So, when it because Law & Order: Olivia Benson 24/7? Yeah, that's about when I left too. I have tried, here and there to watch newer ones but I can't forking stand Olivia at this point. I liked her in the beginning but she just got more and more unbearable as she started to take over the show. 

Edited by Mabinogia
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I bailed on Law & Order SVU I think in the beginning of season nine. The last episode I saw was after that mess of that trial where Finn's nephew got found not guilty and illegal crap that Benson and Stabler had done got espoused when Cragon got suspended and the detectives are all surprised. Really? After all the law breaking they should be more surprised that they weren't all fired and charged. By the trial I was already hating the show and most of the main characters except Cragon and Munch. Benson especially. I didn't like how that they'd decide someone was guilty, and that was it. They'd go after them. Ruin their lives, break laws, etc. Or how often they were hitting suspects. I suppose its ironic that they got reamed by Cragon in the pilot for messing up that case and told they only get one Get of Jail Free Card, only for them to go on to continue to break laws and worse mess ups. I tried to watch a couple episodes later on but still hated the show. 

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So, just because a show has gay characters they should keep making a show few people are watching?

I was just coming here to post something along those lines. My UO is that, as a gay Latino woman, I found ODAAT to be far from the second coming of television it was proclaimed to be and I don't think Netflix was unfair in cancelling it. I don't believe for a second they would have if it was actually profitable for them because, as people have said upthread, all they care about is money. I think its appeal was grossly overestimated and it was actually quite a niche show. 

Expanding on that, I grew to absolutely DESPISE Lydia around halfway through season 2. I get that she had a rough upbringing, having to leave her whole family behind to move to a country where she was completely alone (I think), but the way the show used this as an excuse to let her get away with her bullshit was infuriating. Don't even get me started on the incredibly manipulative season 2 finale, where not only was Penelope not allowed to have the last word on an argument about her own life because the writers had Lydia conveniently have a heart attack before the matter was settled but we were also treated to what was essentially a half-hour-long Lydia tongue-bath featuring artificial monologues from all the characters (as IF the audience would actually believe for a second that they would  kill her off) that ended in that faux-poignant moment where she tells her dead husband that she's not gonna die yet and that the audience was supposed to cheer over, as if it wasn't THE most predictable moment of the entire episode, and during NONE OF THAT was she shown to consider even for a second that she might have been wrong about pushing Penelope to do something she didn't want to do just because it was what Lydia wanted. No, instead, we got Penelope apologizing to her. Just completely off-putting from start to finish. I had no desire to continue watching after that. 

Whew, feels good to get that off my chest.

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OK, as long as we're doing the L&O:SVU deal can I just add that, (while I'm not about to torture myself via watching any more of it )just ONCE, I'd like to hear of an episode in which the accused that Olivia, etc. thought HAD to be as guilty as sin got irrefutably  proven to have been innocent of the charges and Olivia,etc. and the protagonists had to acknowledge their mistake. Why? Because TRUE justice means that sometimes (just sometimes) folks one would like to believe are guilty may actually be innocent of the crimes they are accused of and one must accept if not like that fact if one truly believes in trying to right wrongs. I mean, even Perry Mason DID once (initially) lose a case! 

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6 minutes ago, Blergh said:

just ONCE, I'd like to hear of an episode in which the accused that Olivia, etc. thought HAD to be as guilty as sin got irrefutably  proven to have been innocent of the charges and Olivia,etc. and the protagonists had to acknowledge their mistake.

Any cop type show I watch, as soon as the protagonists focus on one person as guilty I actively root for them to be innocent. lol It's gotten so bad I do it with true crime shows too. As soon as they say "Well, obviously it was the husband" I start feeling deep sympathy for said husband. It really disappointing when it turns out to be him. 

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On 3/14/2019 at 2:03 PM, juno said:

Over the years the amount of music on tv shows has increased so that not only is it not in the background anymore but it is being used throughout shows. I quit watching Station 19 because they would not turn off the dramatic manipulative music to let me concentrate on the show. Also, New Amsterdam not only brings in the soapy sad music throughout the show but they have this insanely annoying jazz drumming that goes on loadly throughout the show.

With other shows I try to fast forward but I start to lose the plot so it becomes hate watching.

I couldn’t watch Hannibal for this very reason - the music was the main character. Since I couldn’t get past that, not sure if I would have liked the show.

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 I couldn’t watch Hannibal for this very reason - the music was the main character. Since I couldn’t get past that, not sure if I would have liked the show. 

I don't enjoy intrusive soundtracks and mostly end up muting and watching with closed captions. Not for me!

Edited by 2727
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17 hours ago, 2727 said:

I don't enjoy intrusive soundtracks and mostly end up muting and watching with closed captions. Not for me!

I feel I'm weird because unless it's a musical or a montage I almost never really notice soundtracks.  I mean, I'm sure I do on some level, but it's just nothing that I focus on.

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19 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

I couldn’t watch Hannibal for this very reason - the music was the main character. Since I couldn’t get past that, not sure if I would have liked the show.

My husband feels like you do. He did end up watching Hannibal with me but the music really bothered him. He couldn't make it through more than one episode of Broadchurch. Sometimes he'll say he wants to try again someday but I know he won't. It doesn't bother me as long as I can hear what the characters are saying but I tried watching Deadly Class and I couldn't hear a damn thing they were saying even though I really liked the music. I'll probably try that show again once it gets on Netflix and I can use the subtitles.

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5 hours ago, Katy M said:

I feel I'm weird because unless it's a musical or a montage I almost never really notice soundtracks.  I mean, I'm sure I do on some level, but it's just nothing that I focus on.

I rarely notice it so when I do, I know they are laying it on way too thick. Doctor Who has loud music, to the point I often can't hear the characters talking. Very annoying, especially since I love listening to their accents. Funny, I didn't really notice the music in Broadchurch, which I adored (not season 2. Season 2 is a myth, it does not exist. Season's 1 and 3 however, AMAZING!)

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19 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I didn't really notice the music in Broadchurch, which I adored (not season 2. Season 2 is a myth, it does not exist. Season's 1 and 3 however, AMAZING!)

I thought Season 1 of Broadchurch was very good, but Season 3 was uneven.  The parts dealing with the rape storyline were excellent, but those about the family/crime from Season 1 were unnecessary and only served to drag the other storyline down.  Plus, I thought Jodie Whittaker was terrible in Season 3.

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I do not mind product placement in TV shows.

A character pouring from a generic carton of "Milk" is much more distracting to me than a real label. Nor am I fussed when cameras zoom in on car logos or store names (typically on reality shows). Any and all of it is preferable to me than watching dedicated commercials.

I think it could even be useful to have a separate video track similar to Amazon's X-ray feature where viewers could bring up purchasing info if desired. Let's lean all the way into it.

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18 minutes ago, 2727 said:

A character pouring from a generic carton of "Milk" is much more distracting to me than a real label. Nor am I fussed when cameras zoom in on car logos or store names (typically on reality shows). Any and all of it is preferable to me than watching dedicated commercials.

I'm with you.  If product placement is either going to cut down on commercials or allow for a little extra budget, why not?

I do think they went a bit too far on soaps a few years back, where they had converesations about Midol or some other cramps medicine.  And, then soup, I think.

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1 hour ago, 2727 said:

Nor am I fussed when cameras zoom in on car logos or store names

I don't mind the purposeful shot of a product name or logo*, but what I cannot stand is when characters break into conversation extolling the virtues of whatever they're eating, driving, wearing, etc.  Even that could be woven in naturally - people do talk about such things, after all - but whenever I've seen it, it has been blatantly written and awkwardly delivered, so that's the form of product placement that still grinds my gears.  Rizzoli & Isles became terrible about this in later seasons.

*The only time it bugs me is where it's something the character would not eat, drive, wear, whatever -- give it to another character in the show who would (or one we don't know well enough in that way for it to be noticeably out of character), please.

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22 minutes ago, Bastet said:
1 hour ago, 2727 said:

Nor am I fussed when cameras zoom in on car logos or store names

I don't mind the purposeful shot of a product name or logo*, but what I cannot stand is when characters break into conversation extolling the virtues of whatever they're eating, driving, wearing, etc.  Even that could be woven in naturally - people do talk about such things, after all - but whenever I've seen it, it has been blatantly written and awkwardly delivered, so that's the form of product placement that still grinds my gears.  Rizzoli & Isles became terrible about this in later seasons.

They rarely manage to do it without it sounding like a commercial. I remember watching Blackish and having to listen to the family discuss the new Buick Enclave. Now, I get someone being excited about their new car. I even get them telling friends or family about the features it has, but there is an organic way "Omg, and it has this back up navigation system, I can see what is behind me. It's great" and there's reading from the brochure, which was how the Blackish clan sounded. They didn't even try to sound excited about it, they literally just listed off a series of features like they were reading a menu. At least pretend like you like the car and are excited about what it has to offer. And say it in a way humans would speak to one another. Even a car salesman would have sounded more natural rattling off the features. 

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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

I'm with you.  If product placement is either going to cut down on commercials or allow for a little extra budget, why not?

I do think they went a bit too far on soaps a few years back, where they had converesations about Midol or some other cramps medicine.  And, then soup, I think.

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3 hours ago, 2727 said:

I do not mind product placement in TV shows.

A character pouring from a generic carton of "Milk" is much more distracting to me than a real label. Nor am I fussed when cameras zoom in on car logos or store names (typically on reality shows). Any and all of it is preferable to me than watching dedicated commercials.

I think it could even be useful to have a separate video track similar to Amazon's X-ray feature where viewers could bring up purchasing info if desired. Let's lean all the way into it.

3 hours ago, Katy M said:

I'm with you.  If product placement is either going to cut down on commercials or allow for a little extra budget, why not?

I do think they went a bit too far on soaps a few years back, where they had converesations about Midol or some other cramps medicine.  And, then soup, I think.

2 hours ago, Bastet said:

I don't mind the purposeful shot of a product name or logo*, but what I cannot stand is when characters break into conversation extolling the virtues of whatever they're eating, driving, wearing, etc.  Even that could be woven in naturally - people do talk about such things, after all - but whenever I've seen it, it has been blatantly written and awkwardly delivered, so that's the form of product placement that still grinds my gears.  Rizzoli & Isles became terrible about this in later seasons.

*The only time it bugs me is where it's something the character would not eat, drive, wear, whatever -- give it to another character in the show who would (or one we don't know well enough in that way for it to be noticeably out of character), please.

1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

They rarely manage to do it without it sounding like a commercial. I remember watching Blackish and having to listen to the family discuss the new Buick Enclave. Now, I get someone being excited about their new car. I even get them telling friends or family about the features it has, but there is an organic way "Omg, and it has this back up navigation system, I can see what is behind me. It's great" and there's reading from the brochure, which was how the Blackish clan sounded. They didn't even try to sound excited about it, they literally just listed off a series of features like they were reading a menu. At least pretend like you like the car and are excited about what it has to offer. And say it in a way humans would speak to one another. Even a car salesman would have sounded more natural rattling off the features. 

I agree. I like it when it makes sense for the characters in the show. Like Frankie bringing home Subway made sense because they always had takeout food or her excitement at buying one can of name brand vegetables and being excited. That's something they've never really been able to do because of lack of money. Or Gus and Shawn on Psych constantly referencing different fast food and restaurants because they talked about food at lot and ate a lot of snacks so it makes sense when their holding a bag of Doritos or talking about Snyders of Hanover pretzels. Or even Shawn using Siri to ask a question so he can pretend to get a vision. It makes sense when you see a character pouring milk from a name brand or cereal from a name brand. Getting Pepsis or Coke. Or funny like Michael using OnStar on Burn Notice to find the nearest hardware store when he needed to buy a few items to commit a crime or Sherlock using the Micrsoft Tablet to look up rapists on Elementary. It made sense when Sam on Burn Notice would talk about the Cadillac he loved that car and was into Classic cars.   

But I hate when they take time out of the show to talk about something. Like in White Collar Neal and Diana taking time to talk about her hybrid car despite them being in hurry because Peter was in trouble. Or way back when ABC making their sitcoms take Disneyland trips when Disney bought ABC it made perfect sense for Full House they always seemed to have enough money to take family trips but made no sense for the Conners on Roseanne who were always struggling to blow so much money on a trip like that. Or how Natalie on Monk had so many new cars despite how often she was complaining to Monk about her paycheck.

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11 hours ago, Katy M said:

I'm with you.  If product placement is either going to cut down on commercials or allow for a little extra budget, why not?

I remain astonished (in a good way) that Chopped still repackages all the ingredients in the basket and pantry to say just "Chicken" or "Parsley" instead of turning it into one long product placement opportunity.

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15 hours ago, Bastet said:

*The only time it bugs me is where it's something the character would not eat, drive, wear, whatever -- give it to another character in the show who would (or one we don't know well enough in that way for it to be noticeably out of character), please.

To this day, I remember ATWT having Barbara parading around with a Kohl's box. Like Barbara Ryan, fashionista extraordinaire, would be caught dead at a Kohl's.

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17 hours ago, 2727 said:

character pouring from a generic carton of "Milk" is much more distracting to me than a real label. 

I buy milk which doesn't say much more on the label than "Lowfat Milk".  So it actually bugs when I see a lot of product placement on a show unless it's something vital to the plot.  I do realize that probably isn't an unpopular opinion, though.

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I've decided I'm not investing my time in season 2 of Killing Eve.  I love Sandra Oh, and enjoyed Eve's interactions with her coworkers, but I came to loathe Villanelle.  Since it's obvious that she's still a major presence in the story, I'm out.

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1 hour ago, proserpina65 said:

I've decided I'm not investing my time in season 2 of Killing Eve.  I love Sandra Oh, and enjoyed Eve's interactions with her coworkers, but I came to loathe Villanelle.  Since it's obvious that she's still a major presence in the story, I'm out.

You are not alone.  I haven't decided if I'm watching yet or not but I lost a lot of interest in the show during an event in the third episode, I think.  By the end, the premise was wearing thin.

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On 4/2/2019 at 7:06 PM, 2727 said:

I do not mind product placement in TV shows.

A character pouring from a generic carton of "Milk" is much more distracting to me than a real label. Nor am I fussed when cameras zoom in on car logos or store names (typically on reality shows). Any and all of it is preferable to me than watching dedicated commercials.

I think it could even be useful to have a separate video track similar to Amazon's X-ray feature where viewers could bring up purchasing info if desired. Let's lean all the way into it.

I am so used to seeing fake products that when I started watching Superstore on NBC I remember pausing the show to make sure I was really seeing actual products on the shelves.  I agree it would have been really distracting if they had an entire super store with all fake stuff.  So the brand name stuff makes sense.

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17 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I am so used to seeing fake products that when I started watching Superstore on NBC I remember pausing the show to make sure I was really seeing actual products on the shelves.  I agree it would have been really distracting if they had an entire super store with all fake stuff.  So the brand name stuff makes sense.

It depends upon the context for me.  It makes perfect sense in Superstore.

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I liked "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend," but I didn't really give a shit that the part of Greg was recast, and I never got my panties in a twist because he wasn't the "real" Greg. Maybe it comes from having watched soaps growing up, when they used to recast actors all the time, often without explanation. 

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1 hour ago, WritinMan said:

Damn, I'm tired of hearing about Game of Thrones.

Hee! I actually like Game of Thrones and I am tired of hearing about it. I do not know if it is because there was such a long wait for the final season, but I am just meh on its return. I am not spoiled or anything, but think it is a safe bet that I will be underwhelmed with the ending. For some reason I cannot drum up much excitement over the show this season.

My UO is that while I think Busy Philipps seems like a nice person, I cannot stand the way she speaks. I cannot put my finger on it. Is it a vocal fry or valley girl speak? Possibly a combination of both, either way it drives me crazy.

Edited by Misslindsey
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16 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Hee! I actually like Game of Thrones and I am tired of hearing about it. I do not know if it is because there was such a long wait for the final season, but I am just meh on its return. I am not spoiled or anything, but think it is a safe bet that I will be underwhelmed with the ending. For some reason I cannot drum up much excitement over the show this season.

Me too.  I have to keep checking when it's starting.  Slog through 6 episodes and never think of it again.

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21 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Hee! I actually like Game of Thrones and I am tired of hearing about it. I do not know if it is because there was such a long wait for the final season, but I am just meh on its return. I am not spoiled or anything, but think it is a safe bet that I will be underwhelmed with the ending. For some reason I cannot drum up much excitement over the show this season.

Agreed and it's not like we're actually close to the finish line. There will be press every week about the show, then awards season press as we ramp up to the Emmys. then the press will start for the prequel and then one day, when I'm an old lady, GRRM will finally finish the fucking books and there will be more press. And I love the show but it's been a lot.

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Yeah I try to avoid most of the press for it. I can't watch on Sunday nights so I'm hoping I can navigate past any spoilers on social media. EW is notorious for putting major spoilers in headlines like 5 minutes after the show airs. What ever happened to the 2 week window?

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On 4/7/2019 at 12:59 PM, Misslindsey said:

Hee! I actually like Game of Thrones and I am tired of hearing about it. I do not know if it is because there was such a long wait for the final season, but I am just meh on its return. I am not spoiled or anything, but think it is a safe bet that I will be underwhelmed with the ending. For some reason I cannot drum up much excitement over the show this season.

Maybe UO, but I am more excited about Cobra Kai season 2 than GoT season 8. 

If season 7 had not been so much about rushing through plot points (not to mention the instant transportation), I would be more excited about season 8

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I like the kids on competitive reality shows.

I think their accents, excitement, squeals, and beaming faces are genuine and adorable. I don't mind the hair bows, colorful shoes, or any other clothing choices. Some of them have big personalities but that's what makes them fun to watch. 

The derision and criticism that's lobbed at them is undeserved, IMO.

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23 hours ago, DarkRaichu said:

Maybe UO, but I am more excited about Cobra Kai season 2 than GoT season 8. 

If season 7 had not been so much about rushing through plot points (not to mention the instant transportation), I would be more excited about season 8

I'm more excited for Lucifer to come back than GoT.

Some burnout combined with thinking that last season was a big ol' pile of "meh" has me less than amped about the new season.

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I don't get why people are so concerned about finances of people on reality or is that "reality" TV shows.  What does someone else's finances have to do with you?  I'm not being nasty, I really don't get it.

I will watch GOT when it comes back for the final season, but I'm not going nutso over it, however it was an excuse to get HBO for a few weeks.

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20 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I will watch GOT when it comes back for the final season, but I'm not going nutso over it, however it was an excuse to get HBO for a few weeks.

Yeah, I've got to get around to resubscribing soon.  Usually I only keep one premium channel at a time but have to wait to cancel Starz until American Gods is over.  I hate overlap.

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On ‎04‎/‎10‎/‎2019 at 11:40 AM, Neurochick said:

I don't get why people are so concerned about finances of people on reality or is that "reality" TV shows.  What does someone else's finances have to do with you?  I'm not being nasty, I really don't get it.

Depends on the show.  It's not really strange to wonder how people right out of college can afford ginormous mcmansions on House Hunters, for example.

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16 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Depends on the show.  It's not really strange to wonder how people right out of college can afford ginormous mcmansions on House Hunters, for example.

I always assume their family has money.

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On 4/7/2019 at 1:59 PM, Misslindsey said:

My UO is that while I think Busy Philipps seems like a nice person, I cannot stand the way she speaks. I cannot put my finger on it. Is it a vocal fry or valley girl speak? Possibly a combination of both, either way it drives me crazy.

I'll join you at this table. I think it might be both. She recently popped up on the podcast Keep It! and I almost turned it off because I found her voice so grating. It's too bad because she's charming and seems to have a lot of dirt and insight into the entertainment industry.

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On 4/7/2019 at 10:59 AM, Misslindsey said:

My UO is that while I think Busy Philipps seems like a nice person, I cannot stand the way she speaks. I cannot put my finger on it. Is it a vocal fry or valley girl speak? Possibly a combination of both, either way it drives me crazy.

8 hours ago, krankydoodle said:

I'll join you at this table. I think it might be both. She recently popped up on the podcast Keep It! and I almost turned it off because I found her voice so grating. It's too bad because she's charming and seems to have a lot of dirt and insight into the entertainment industry.

I hope there's room for 3 because I just can't stand her. Her vocal fry drives me nuts, & I hate the way her mouth moves. 

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15 minutes ago, Dee said:

Unpopular Opinion: 'Bughead' is TRASH.

I’ll second that and raise it to neither Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhardt are standout actors. They don’t elevate the shitty writing and I don’t find them to be any More distinguishable then every other CW actor who’s been part of a popular ship who somehow gets elevated to being an Oscar caliber actor.

also the writers aren’t out to get Bughead. They give them drama to keep fans watching. This idea that Bughead popularity came out of nowhere and the writer can’t believe that ship took over a potential Barchie ship etc etc is silly. All showrunners want is a popular ship as it draws in fans. There’s rarely a conspiracy theory.

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On 4/8/2019 at 1:56 PM, Haleth said:

Me too.  I have to keep checking when it's starting.  Slog through 6 episodes and never think of it again.

Let everyone stop talking about GoT when the series ends, but only for a short time. Then the spin-offs of the series will begin, and then the books will come out ... It will be infinite!😂

On 4/10/2019 at 5:15 AM, 2727 said:

I like the kids on competitive reality shows.

I think their accents, excitement, squeals, and beaming faces are genuine and adorable.

I also like kids.😍 But I am against them participating in a reality show. This is too much of a burden on their psyche, especially when they lose ... Therefore, I would set the age limit to participate in such shows.

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I not only look forward to the end of GoT but also the point when the hype of it dies down enough so that only fans themselves have to witness themselves gab about it. IOW, I look forward to the day when those who can't/won't talk about anything else at least will just keep to each other rather than keep bombarding those of us who have no interest in it! 

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4 minutes ago, Blergh said:

I not only look forward to the end of GoT but also the point when the hype of it dies down enough so that only fans themselves have to witness themselves gab about it. IOW, I look forward to the day when those who can't/won't talk about anything else at least will just keep to each other rather than keep bombarding those of us who have no interest in it! 

Good luck. I doubt that will happen. 

Exhibits A & B: Lost and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

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6 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Good luck. I doubt that will happen. 

Exhibits A & B: Lost and Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Well, I've lived to see  Star Trek's hype die down to just its own fanbase which no longer overwhelms others- at least in my small corner!  IOW, this would be a good spur for longevity! 

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