Tara Ariano March 7, 2016 Share March 7, 2016 Quote Marcia Clark begins to face public scrutiny for her appearance. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/
Popular Post susannot March 9, 2016 Popular Post Share March 9, 2016 Wow, this is even worse than I remembered. The detective who left OJ's shoes in his trunk--really bad. Completely contrary to chain of custody in criminal trial procedure. I felt so badly for Marcia. I also was given grief by male attorneys over child care issues. Judge Ito was more sympathetic than the judges I encountered. 28 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035312
Popular Post elzin March 9, 2016 Popular Post Share March 9, 2016 I know as I type this it's not even over, but as a menstruating-American, I wanted to dick punch that store clerk. 74 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035341
Popular Post Mya Stone March 9, 2016 Popular Post Share March 9, 2016 This was an acting workshop. Your host has been Sarah Paulson. Marcia Clark, and everything she faced, it absolutely breaks my heart retroactively. You see, as a 13 year old girl, home with mono, the trial captivated me - that ABC exec was right. It was better than any daytime program. But, the thing was, the defense were the fun ones to watch - Marcia was blunt, hard, and not personable. She lacked the "finesse" the defense had. I didn't relate to her. Of course, I was a child. Fast forward to now. I'm a 34 year old mother of two sons. I'm in a VERY demanding program (nursing), and I feel horrible about missing so much of their lives. Time has made Marcia Clark, and all she did, much more sympathetic to me. Her tear, wiped away quickly, as her son hugged her - I've done that very thing. To see her ostracized for her horrible hair (that she was SO PROUD OF, and made me love Darden more for his note to her), her style, her tampon buying...ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. Her struggle is something every woman can relate to. I'm sorry I didn't as a young teen. Watching Ito and Cochran belittle her, and the plight of child care for working mothers, frustrated me. Watching Rosa Lopez's testimony made me nauseous. Watching OJ tantrum made me angry. But nothing filled me with dread more than watching Fuhrman walk in to the court. Special props again go to the musical director. EXCELLENT tunes heard tonight. 53 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035352
Popular Post toodywoody March 9, 2016 Popular Post Share March 9, 2016 Felt bad for Marcia Clark. And Johnny Cochran and his dig at child care was bullshit. Ito getting his panties in a bunch over it was bullshit too. If that had been any of the men there would not have been any questions. That was all unfair and very shitty and the little smirky laugh by OJ didn't surprise me at all. All the men except Darden were dicks go her and showed no respect. She went to law school just like that they did. And then her ex husband going to the media is absolute bullshit. She was dealt a bad hand with such good ole boys who could do no wrong because of their gender. I remember the obsession with Marcia Clark's hair and what she wore, if it had been a man, there would have been nothing said. Such a double standard and bullshit. Once again, I felt so bad for her. Everything she did was wrong, the clothes, the hair, the testimonies, to the media, to her ex, to Ito, to all the male lawyers. Like she stated, they had no idea what it was like to be a working mother living in a man's world. Wow, publishing photos of her, that's some shit. I wish they could have have won just for her because of all the shit she had to endure. What a strong woman to have to deal with the shit she did and publicly all because of this trial. Darden and Clark both were facing so much negativity one for being a female and one for being black and on the wrong side according to some. They may not have won the trial but they won my heart for what they had to endure for just doing their jobs in this media circus. And then Johnny Cochran and the domestic abuse. Such bullshit. The housekeeper just goes to show what a side show this trial was. Mr Johhny, huh? OJ and his bullshit talking to the attorneys what an asshole. I would have told him fuck you man I'm out. 31 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035355
Armchair Critic March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) I knew what was coming and I still dreaded the fallout from Fuhrman. Poor Marcia, her ex-husband going on tv to air their problems and then the nude picture from her first husband (I didn't remember that being in a magazine). I hope the sex with Darden was mind blowing. Edited March 9, 2016 by Armchair Critic 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035359
VanillaBeanne March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I'm totally Team Clar-den! Another great episode, although not for the real life Marcia Clark. And Langes chain of custody gaffe pales in comparison to Vannaters. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035360
CeeBeeGee March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 You're barking up the wrong tree, Marcia. Johnnie doesn't give a shit about women, working or otherwise. In fact given his past history of alleged domestic abuse perhaps he was the perfect attorney for Simpson after all. Gordon probably couldn't run to the networks fast enough. Just loooooved the camera time. And the picture--Jesus. The very first revenge porn. I just wanted to give her a hug when she was fighting back tears after that scene. What a complete dick. THANK YOU Dominick. Thank you for pointing out the obvious--that Johnnie's whole wild-eyed narrative that the cops are framing OJ* is utterly, utterly ludicrous. I am shipping Christopher and Marcia! They are adorable together. And screw all the losers who stopped talking and gaped at her new hair. *Anyone else, possibly. Not that particular very famous, well connected man who threw pool parties for his buddies on the force. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035366
Umbelina March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 Mya Stone, you said it all. This was just masterful. I'm in shock, not because there was anything new there, but because they way they put it together just makes me want to stand up and applaud. My stomach sank when Fuhrman walked in too. Damn. SO freaking well done. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035369
Spartan Girl March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 4:03 AM, elzin said: I know as I type this it's not even over, but as a menstruating-American, I wanted to dick punch that store clerk. My friend and I thought she should have chucked the tampon box right at him. Poor Marcia. If I had to deal with all that shit, I'd have a short fuse too. I cheered when she exposed the housekeeper. A brief shining moment for the prosecution that sadly wouldn't last. So Cochran beat his first wife? Explains a lot. Favorite part of the episode was a toss up between Darden's dancing and the look on OJ's face when he saw Marcia's new hairdo. Darden renews my faith in men. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035370
Primetimer March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 If the scripted Marcia Clark had a made-up dating profile, it would probably look something like this. Read the story 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035378
SimoneS March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) OMG, how horrifying for Marcia Clark. Talk about misogyny run amok. From the shitty clerk in the store commenting and holding her tampons to her shitty current husband to her disgusting ex-. She sure knows how to pick them. What was she thinking with that hair? I could not help myself, I could not stop laughing. WTH! Didn't she have a friend to tell her, "just no!" Did she really cry in the courtroom? What was her boss thinking telling her about the photo in the middle of the trial? Ugh. At least, Darden was kind to her. I actually thought the episode was boring until the courtroom drama started. Could that Lopez woman be any more ridiculous? Marcia was on such a high after that win only to hit the lowest low. Bailey set up Fuhrman good. Boy, does he deserve what is coming his way. Cochrane was such a misogynistic prick with his snark about her childcare and then buying off his ex-wife so she would not talk about his domestic violence. ETA: Sarah Paulson's performance tonight was outstanding. This was her episode. Edited March 9, 2016 by SimoneS 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035373
Popular Post mojoween March 9, 2016 Popular Post Share March 9, 2016 Please note that this in no way diminishes the fact that OJ is a piece of shit and the thought of him is enraging... But Jesus fucking Christ the shit Marcia went through pisses me off beyond belief. That bullshit would never happen to a man, it just wouldn't. It doesn't matter what she wears or how she does her hair! It DOESN'T! I lived through that period in time and didn't think too much of it at the time but I should have. Poor Marcia. She didn't deserve that. Chris/Sterling helped push in her chair. I found it to be gentlemanly and sweet even if thinking that puts me into a bit of a double standard, because he wouldn't push in Hodgeman's chair if he were still there, but I can live with it. 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035383
wanderingstar March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) "This is better than any daytime soap we've got." I see you, Ryan Murphy. This was a brutal episode to sit through. My skin prickled with recognition when Marcia walked through the court in her new hair cut. I've lived that moment - change your hair (or something else about your appearance), think you look awesome, then people still look at you like you're the ugliest thing that ever walked the earth." Woof! I cannot imagine what it must have been like to endure that level of scrutinty (the whole damn world was watching!). The soundtrack on this show - "Kiss from a Rose" sent me back to being in the movie theater with my sister watching Batman Forever. And they included "Sour Times" by Portishead, too? The music director on this show also deserves an Emmy. The list of punchables was LONG in this ep. From Johnnie Cochran mocking Marcia's childcare issues in open court to Garcetti offering to hook Marcia up some image consultants to that awful drug store clerk who really deserved to be smacked in the head with that box of tampons, I lost count of how many assholes I wanted to reach through the TV and straight up strangle. Edited March 9, 2016 by Gillian Rosh 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035397
Eolivet March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 "Don't worry about all that stuff out there -- worry about the stuff in here." Boy, did the prosecution get that one wrong, and badly. And tonight, we see how that "stuff out there" impacted Marcia Clark. Worrying about her children and her hair and tabloid stories. I can't help but think if she was allowed to be completely focused on her work, she might've had time to at least focus on the stories the defense was spinning -- instead of becoming part of the story herself. I also noticed that small moment where O.J. chuckled at the nasty comments about Marcia Clark's childcare issues. I have no idea if it's accurate, but it perfectly encapsulated the casual (and outright) sexism she was facing. What a fitting, yet sad, episode for International Women's Day. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035404
FuriousStyles March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) Holy shit. Emmy for Sarah Paulson please. The look she had when Ito said "Good morning Ms. Clark, I think" and then being on the verge of tears BEFORE the day even started was sickening to watch. What a fucking asshole. I couldnt imagine dealing with that bull, on top of trying such a high profile complicated case PLUS all the stuff she was dealing with at home. (Fact checking: did her ex-husband really go on tv and say she lied about needing to go home early? Matter of fact, was any of that stuff real?...in terms of Cochran's child care comment, Marcia showing up late one day because she was at a custody/child support hearing across the street, etc). And naked pictures? Seriously? The media was even more savage than they are now. I must have missed it but did the cop say why he took OJ's shoes with him home? Did he have something on the stove? Did he have to relieve the babysitter. I mean, I know it was 1994, but this was Los Angeles, not exactly some podunk town with 1000 population. This was a major city, and you mean to tell me in 1994 (not 1974 or even 1984) that idiot didnt know you dont throw evidence in the trunk of your car and take it home? Well of course he knew, since he had never done it before, only that one time. Listen I know OJ is guilty as fuck, and I'd like to think I would have had an open mind going in, but after hearing THAT, plus Fuhrman lying on the stand/pleading the 5th to various questions including whether he planted evidence, I think I would have voted NOT guilty too. Edited March 9, 2016 by FuriousStyles 20 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035405
Umbelina March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) The fun part of this was Darden dancing. Whoa. Thank you for that little bit of non YUCKY stuff! Oh, and what do you want to bet people are googling "Marcia Clark naked" as we speak? Because yeah, I expect to see that link up somewhere, and soon. Edited March 9, 2016 by Umbelina 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035420
FuriousStyles March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) On 3/9/2016 at 4:31 AM, Umbelina said: Oh, and what do you want to bet people are googling "Marcia Clark naked" as we speak? Because yeah, I expect to see that link up somewhere, and soon.*Raises hand sheepishly*. To be fair I only googled it to see if the story was actually true. I found an article written recently about this episode which confirmed a lot of what was shown. There was a link to the original picture that was printed but I didnt click on it. The article said the original picture had a black bar over the breasts (which is interesting since I saw Kim K recently posted her own naked picture with black bars over her breasts and crotch...but whatever). Anyway, Clark's picture was black barred, but obviously the damage was still done. Edited March 9, 2016 by FuriousStyles Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035432
VanillaBeanne March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 4:24 AM, FuriousStyles said: I must have missed it but did the cop say why he took OJ's shoes with him home? Did he have something on the stove? Did he have to relieve the babysitter. I mean, I know it was 1994, but this was Los Angeles, not exactly some podunk town with 1000 population. This was a major city, and you mean to tell me in 1994 (not 1974 or even 1984) that idiot didnt know you dont throw evidence in the trunk of your car and take it home? Well of course he knew, since he had never done it before, only that one time. Listen I know OJ is guilty as fuck, and I'd like to think I would have had an open mind going in, but after hearing THAT, plus Fuhrman lying on the stand/pleading the 5th to various questions including whether he planted evidence, I think I would have voted NOT guilty too. And they have not even gotten into the other major LAPD gaffes. But yet people insist that the jury voted to acquit OJ as black revenge against whitey. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035438
Umbelina March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 4:12 AM, PreviouslyTV said: If the scripted Marcia Clark had a made-up dating profile, it would probably look something like this. http://previously.tv/american-crime-story/american-crime-storys-frump-incarnate-seeks-dance-partner/"> Read the story Beautiful job on this one Sarah! http://previously.tv/american-crime-story/american-crime-storys-frump-incarnate-seeks-dance-partner/ I really needed that one after this episode. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035444
ridethemaverick March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 Poor Marcia. Geez, she really went through the ringer. I was 13 or so during the trial so I didn't catch any of the sexism then but wow. And Sarah Paulson was perfect. Did her hairdresser troll her? Or did he really think that giving her the exact same hair two inches shorter was the shit? And to see her strut into the courtroom like Flawless, Feeling Myself, and Formation were on a loop in her head was heartbreaking. I can't lie, OJ's face when he saw her made me chuckle but everything after that made me cry. This episode didn't grab me the same way the previous episodes did but it was still really good thanks to Paulson's acting. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035446
JakeyJokes March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 Amen to the Kiss from a Rose shout-out. Holy crap, did I love Batman Forever. I was 9. I loved the touch of the soap operas being interrupted. This was the year that "Days of our Lives" had their controversial and never-ending demonic possession storyline, and that was the only show to not lose its ratings. I never knew Bailey was the one who pushed Fuhrman so quickly. Dominick Dunne's "Sorry to interrupt this black thing" had me inappropriately laughing. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035457
Popular Post helenamonster March 9, 2016 Popular Post Share March 9, 2016 My train of thought throughout this whole episode: "I hate men. I hate every man that has ever walked this planet. I can't way to die unmarried and alone." Like, Jesus. First of all, nice thought process, Gordon. My wife is in the middle of the trial of the century, barely has time to breathe, so let me reopen a custody battle that will take up more of her time. And then airing their private business on TV. Eat 10 dicks, you shitbag. Her first husband can eat 20 dicks. Then there was the hair, and the childcare, and the fucking store clerk. I wanted her to go back to that store the next time she was on her period and sit on his face. I HATE MEN. Agreed on the calls for Paulson's Emmy. And I can't believe this show has me typing this out, but here it is: I hope Marcia Clark and Chris Darden fucked each other's brains out back in the '90s, and I hope we get to see it play out on this program. If not, I hope Paulson and Brown do a project together after this where they play characters who fuck each other's brains out. This chemistry cannot go to waste. That housekeeper was a piece of work. Did she think she was helping the defense at all with that testimony? Yikes. Loved that quick clip, I think it was in an automotive repair shop, of people watching the trial like it was scripted TV, especially paired with the ABC execs deciding whether or not to preempt daytime programming. Fucking Mark Fuhrman. Fucking LAPD. Sarah, I always look forward to reading your reviews on this show, and this was the best one yet! 26 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035470
ninjago March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 Man, I am teary-eyed after Marcia responding to Mr. Fucking Johnnie's snark about her childcare. I've been enjoying this show immensely, but sometimes there is a scene or even a line where it makes me feel sick. These are real people, real lives, real families and they were all just put through the ringer in such a casual, callous way. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035484
CeeBeeGee March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 4:38 AM, VanillaBeanne said: And they have not even gotten into the other major LAPD gaffes. But yet people insist that the jury voted to acquit OJ as black revenge against whitey. Perhaps Darden's account of the juror who raised his hand in the black power salute after the acquittal was read is why people feel that way. Just a thought. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035488
ridethemaverick March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I, too, and rooting for Clark ad Darden to hook up. Their chemistry is amazing. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035493
BBDi March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 With regard to hoping Marcia and Chris screwed their brains out...me, too. In each other they must have found the only other person who could properly understand what they were going through. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035494
Mrs. P. March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 This show is so well done, and the acting is really superlative, but I'm extremely uncomfortable watching it. I guess I feel such contempt for Simpson and Cochran and such sympathy for Clark - I hate watching the action play out. I'll probably keep watching, but I don't find it enjoyable. 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035498
ketose March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) I either didn't know or forgot the "Rick James" hair. I guess next week the straight hair makes an appearance. I spent a few moments during the episode thinking "Laugh it up, Johnnie. You're dead now." Ito's circus was a case study in how cameras in the courtroom can thwart justice. People's dislike of the Marcia Clark "character" was entirely because of the daily TV exposure. Edited March 9, 2016 by ketose 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035501
VanillaBeanne March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) This show is about Clark, Darden and Cochran. OJ Is just an afterthought. Shapiro and Bailey are comic relief. I did like the scene at the bar with the Cochrane team and Bailey, as it was good to see that the dream team could sometimes get along. I almost wish this was fiction because I found the scenes with Clark and the new perm hilarious. Awful, but hilarious. How she didn't throttle the store clerk is beyond me. On 3/9/2016 at 4:57 AM, CeeBeeGee said: Perhaps Darden's account of the juror who raised his hand in the black power salute after the acquittal was read is why people feel that way. Just a thought.I realize that some people may think that black people are monolithic, but that was one juror out of 12. And not all the jurors were black. Edited March 9, 2016 by VanillaBeanne 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035510
ridethemaverick March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) On 3/9/2016 at 5:06 AM, VanillaBeanne said: This show is about Clark, Darden and Cochran. OJ Is just an afterthought. Shapiro and Bailey are comic relief. I did like the scene at the bar with the Cochrane team and Bailey, as it was good to see that the dream team could sometimes get along. I almost wish this was fiction because I found the scenes with Clark and the new perm hilarious. Awful, but hilarious. How she didn't throttle the store clerk is beyond me. I realize that some people may think that black people are monolithic, but that was one juror out of 12. And not all the jurors were black. Right. That's like assuming Mark Furmhan represents all white people. Or cops.It was nice to see the female attorney get some lines. Her facial expressions are great but she didn't leave Lab Rats just to pull faces. Edited March 9, 2016 by ridethemaverick 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035536
Anela March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I remember how awful they were to her, but I was still enraged watching this. I had to pause it several times. The BS she went through, just because she was a woman, and a single mother. Marcia and Darden are so cute together! 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035550
helenamonster March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 Also I didn't realize Cochran had his own history of alleged domestic violence. Him and OJ, what a pair. That being said, I echo comments that people have made in other threads: if I was ever accused of murder and I could pick any attorney dead or alive to defend me, Johnnie Cochran would be my first choice. He did his job and he did it well. It's an interesting dichotomy between him/the rest of the defense team and the prosecution. He jumped on covering up his stuff (bribing his ex wife) before it could get out there. It never seemed to occur to Clark that her first husband would leak that picture. But she said it herself this episode: they were all used to dealing with this amount of publicity. She was not. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035561
alynch March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) Loved the thumbs up from Shapiro. Edited March 9, 2016 by alynch 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035565
Jx223 March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) I did feel bad for Marcia in this episode. Her ex didn't support her and acted like a jerk. He knew she had a demanding career, and that the case was time consuming. He should have been willing to help her out more, at least for the sake of their children. It came across like he was using her working long hours and having to rely more on babysitters as leverage against her in the custody case. In the beginning of the episode, he was trying to get out of paying her more child support, in exchange for him looking after the kids more. It can be very tough trying to balance a family and a demanding/busy career, especially when you don't have much support. I thought that her ex looked bad in this situation. Everyone seemed to be piling on her in this episode, from the looks/comments about her old and new hairstyle, to the cashier's comments, at the store. Heck, even the judge for her custody case took a dig at her when the judge said that she's "not Lance Ito" and would hold Marcia in contempt for her comments. I could see how all of these things happening to her would really take a toll on her. At least Darden seemed supportive. I enjoyed him again this episode. Edited March 9, 2016 by Jx223 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035566
LonelyTown March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 4:03 AM, elzin said: I know as I type this it's not even over, but as a menstruating-American, I wanted to dick punch that store clerk. Same here. That pissed me off, and the hair thing made me cry. I'm emotional today. But seriously, all the things Marcia went through. Jeez. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035574
whiporee March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) I can't remember -- are they skipping Bailey attacking Fuhrman over the book transcripts, or did that come later? I felt for Marcia Clark tonight because I was supposed to. They did a very good job of telling that part of the tale. I don't know how accurate it was, but Sarah Paulson did great work. I do think the ex had a point as far as custody -- she wasn't home ever and if he was, then he's a better option than babysitters. And she had to know that if you make a case in open court about needing to get home to your kids, then you need to get home to your kids and if you don't -- and you ask the ex husband you're battling at the moment to cover for you -- then you at least have to worry it could come out. Still was a shitty thing for him to do, but they were in a court fight, and this was ammunition she shouldn't have given him. I don't know if they are working an overarching arc about MC being vulnerable to blindside attacks (so the later ones don't seem as far fetched) or if they were just showing her as not great at anticipating things, but that does seem to be a theme so far. She didn't anticipate the racial elements, either. Edited March 9, 2016 by whiporee 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035594
Popular Post CeeBeeGee March 9, 2016 Popular Post Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 5:06 AM, VanillaBeanne said: I realize that some people may think that black people are monolithic, but that was one juror out of 12. And not all the jurors were black. "Some people"--like the guy who excoriated Darden for prosecuting Simpson? He certainly seemed to think black people are monolithic. Cochrane certainly did when he cast shade on Darden's role on the prosecution team. Don't put words in my mouth, don't accuse me and don't dance behind coy little phrases like "some people." A juror who follows an acquittal after four hours of deliberation--especially when there were reams of evidence against the defendant--with such a political statement is making a mockery of the jury system. That is a shocking gesture. If you're so resentful that some people framed this case in racial terms, then blame Cochran. He's the one who did his very best to ensure we would all think that way. 25 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035605
7isBlue March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) On 3/9/2016 at 5:00 AM, ketose said: I either didn't know or forgot the "Rick James" hair. I guess next week the straight hair makes an appearance. I spent a few moments during the episode thinking "Laugh it up, Johnnie. You're dead now." Ito's circus was a case study in how cameras in the courtroom can thwart justice. People's dislike of the Marcia Clark "character" was entirely because of the daily TV exposure. When Johnnie Cochran went after Marcia Clark tonight for her childcare situation, my sister (one of the kindest people I know) said, "And that's why you died a horrible death, you asshole." This show is stirring up a lot of very strong emotions. I agree with many posters, above, that this is getting more painful to watch, but I can't quit. Edited March 9, 2016 by 7isBlue 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035606
TheOtherOne March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 http://www.ew.com/recap/the-people-v-oj-simpson-american-crime-story-episode-6 Entertainment Weekly's review has some interesting additional details about Clark's life from the book that didn't make it into the show, and one anecdote that shows at least one other prosecutor being kind to her. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035609
Superpole2000 March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I enjoy this show. The only thing that pisses me off is that I fell for all the media and defense antics when this trial occurred and was blatantly cheering for OJ to be found not guilty, simply because I liked the defense more. I hope the rest of the world has also gotten smarter since then, but I don't know. I wonder if this trial would have had the same outcome if it occurred today. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035630
Umbelina March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 5:45 AM, TheOtherOne said: http://www.ew.com/recap/the-people-v-oj-simpson-american-crime-story-episode-6 Entertainment Weekly's review has some interesting additional details about Clark's life from the book that didn't make it into the show, and one anecdote that shows at least one other prosecutor being kind to her. Holy crap. Quote That’s because the darker details of her story (dental rot caused by two decades of bulimia and the banishment of her parents from her life) offer a prismatic, complex view of the woman. Here’s Toobin’s short version, for example, of the points of interest regarding Clark’s two marriages, which Charles Dickens could have never invented in 50 books: First husband Gaby Horowitz was a professional backgammon player (and hustler, according to many), who she divorced in 1979 to marry Gordon Clark, aged 22, one month later. They had met at Scientology meetings (though she never joined the church) and were wed by a lay minister of the Church. In 1989, her first husband Horowitz was accidentally shot in the head (and survived, if in a semi-vegetative state) while cleaning his guns with the same Scientology minister that married Clark and her second husband. And the Scientology minister’s lawyer during the investigation into the accidental shooting? Robert Shapiro. It’s a small world after all. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035646
VanillaBeanne March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) On 3/9/2016 at 5:43 AM, CeeBeeGee said: "Some people"--like the guy who excoriated Darden for prosecuting Simpson? He certainly seemed to think black people are monolithic. Cochrane certainly did when he cast shade on Darden's role on the prosecution team. Don't put words in my mouth, don't accuse me and don't dance behind coy little phrases like "some people." A juror who follows an acquittal after four hours of deliberation--especially when there were reams of evidence against the defendant--with such a political statement is making a mockery of the jury system. That is a shocking gesture. If you're so resentful that some people framed this case in racial terms, then blame Cochran. He's the one who did his very best to ensure we would all think that way. I am not defending the juror who did that. There were 11 others who voted to acquit and who have never justified their decision on black revenge. In fact one of the white jurors stated after the trial that she thought Fuhrman was a liar and thought he planted evidence. So the defense's strategy to try the LAPD resonated with the jury. And I'm not resentful that this case was framed in racist terms. Race was a huge issue in the case. I think race was a factor in how the LAPD policed LA prior to the OJ trial, I think race was a factor with Fuhrman and I think race was a factor with the jury as most blacks in downtown LA did not trust the police and yes, some blacks are just virulently racist/anti-white - but I don't think it was the only factor. And CeeBeeGee, if you don't like the coy tone of my prior response, I apologize and I suggest you re-read your post to me before that. Ending your response to me with a "just a thought" was unnecessarily sarcastic. Edited March 9, 2016 by VanillaBeanne 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035650
Bama March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I graduated college in May of 1994 and was accepted to both law school and grad school. I dithered with my decision until the last possible moment and ultimately chose grad school (public relations) over law. I started and finished grad school during the trial - the verdict came down 2 months after I finished. Watching the trial as a 22 year old and seeing what Marcia Clark went through made me so glad that I did not choose law school - I wanted to be a prosecutor. It's been a long time since something on TV made me cry - Marcia Clark sitting against that door sobbing and all but giving up made me cry. Give Sarah Paulson all the awards - and I too hope the real Marcia Clark and Chris Darden went downtown. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035653
SFoster21 March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 They left out the fact that Rosa Lopez took an entire week with the jury sequestered! I hope the mistreatment of the jury is addressed. It's in Toobin's book. The part with the transcripts and all with Fuhrman is part of the defense case. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035658
Racj82 March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 Damn, who turned her into Rick James? I fucking love this show. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035665
CeeBeeGee March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 On 3/9/2016 at 6:10 AM, VanillaBeanne said: I am not defending the juror who did that. There were 11 others who voted to acquit and who have never justified their decision on black revenge. In fact one of the white jurors stated after the trial that she thought Fuhrman was a liar and thought he planted evidence. So the defense's strategy to try the LAPD resonated with the jury. And I'm not resentful that this case was framed in racist terms. Race was a huge issue in the case. I think race was a factor in how the LAPD policed LA prior to the OJ trial, I think race was a factor with Fuhrman and I think race was a factor with the jury as most blacks in downtown LA did not trust the police and yes, some blacks are just virulently racist/anti-white - but I don't think it was the only factor. And CeeBeeGee, if you don't like the coy tone of my prior response, I apologize and I suggest you re-read your post to me before that. Ending your response to me with a "just a thought" was unnecessarily sarcastic. I think race was the main factor but I accept your response. I don't think most or even many blacks are virulently racist/anti-white and I don't even think that shitty jury was. But I do think they allowed their emotions to overrule their common sense far too easily. (I still can't get past 4 hours of deliberation. That's just a goddamn insult.) And I think at least some of them (that Brenda Moran character) were anxious to get their brand out there in front of the cameras so they could make their $$$ of the case. She made a career out of peddling her association and even tried to solicit the jurors of the civil trial. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035678
Artsda March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I felt so bad for Marcia after seeing this episode. Everything she had to deal with because she was a single mother. Sarah was great! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035680
VCRTracking March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 (edited) I wanted to reach into the TV and shake Rosa Lopez and I want to punch Marcia Clark's ex husband in the face. "Kiss From a Rose" god that song takes me back. Dominick Dunne's reaction to Marcia's new hair was awesome. "Seamy Valley". Edited March 9, 2016 by VCRTracking 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035701
Spacecow March 9, 2016 Share March 9, 2016 I'm a little past halfway into the episode and I already feel so awful for Marcia. She's a much stronger woman than I am, there's no way I could have handled the amount of scrutiny she got. I saw the real Marcia on the dateline episode that aired on Sunday and she looks younger now than she did during the trial. I can't even imagine living with that stress. Sarah Paulson is amazing. I haven't liked her in any season of AHS but I'm loving her now. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/40005-s01e06-marcia-marcia-marcia/#findComment-2035703
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