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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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What was up with Mr. Beatnick Beard towards the end of DJ? He acted like he was deliberately trying to slow down the game the way he was delaying selecting clues.

That bugged me too. But I think he was doing this in the beginning, so I don't think he was trying to slow the game down. Maybe.


I got FJ. I haven't read the book, but it just made sense.


I came up with Freakanomics at the last second. I also got Tilden, Blithe (Spirit), and Merry (Widow). 


I knew the answer of Aaron Burr, and I'm not ashamed to admit this, because I freaking LOVED this Got Milk ad. Who says TV is not educational?

I knew it before the commercial, but I, too, love the ad.  Whenever Burr is the correct response on Jeopardy!, I try to sound like I've got a mouthful of peanut butter as I say it.  And because of this, I have the (probably mistaken) impression that Aaron Burr is a frequent clue/question.  Same thing with Sir Isaac Newton.  In an Animaniacs Jeopardy! parody, Wakko responded to every clue with "Who is Sir Isaac Newton?" - and I try to mimic Wakko's voice/accent whenever Newton's a possible correct response.  I do NOT mimic Sean Connery choosing Swords for $400, however.

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I got Tilden, too!!  Although I don't know how--I had no idea that bit of presidential trivia was stuck in my brain.

I guess I got it from the picture. I must have seen him somewhere, and it stuck in the recesses of my brain. Knowing the category was "T" prompted me to remember I suppose.

Edited by peeayebee

I love a game where Archeology is a category.


Close game today.  In FJ I was thinking Panama or The Philippines - couldn't be sure.  Then the I remembered Liberia and was reasonably sure that was the answer.  I think the music may have ended by that point so I would have missed it, too, had I been a contestant.  Tough one.

I never ever ever would have come up with Liberia. Never.

Sarah must have been so confident in what she knew about Coats of Arms to have bet that large. I was shocked.

Tonight both Sarah and Whatshisface, the outgoing champ, were taking FOREVER to choose. I mean, there were what, six clues left after DJ?

Like last night with some of the easier clues, I thought "compartmentalize" was not hard enough for a DD in a $2000 slot.


He acted like he was deliberately trying to slow down the game the way he was delaying selecting clues.

I'm glad someone else noticed! It was subtle at first but in this last game I thought it was pretty obvious. Not sorry to see him and his partial beard go.


Sarah was impressive throughout the game. Too bad she blew it with that wager.

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I'm not sure why I immediately went to Liberia on FJ, but I stuck with it.


Random bit of trivia: Martha Washington had an amorous tom cat she named after the most tom-catty human she knew. Her cat was named Alexander Hamilton.  Apparently, before he met the woman who became his wife, Hamilton was quite the womanizer.  LOL.

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I too was surprised at how much Sarah wagered in FJ. As far as the answer, I didn't get it. At first I was thinking of an African nation, but I didn't think one would have an American ship for a coat of arms, as if celebrating the history of slavery. Obviously I wasn't thinking about it right.


I had another boy-I'm-old moment when no one got Bonanza. I thought knowing the show by the characters (the Cartwrights) was like knowing I Love Lucy from hearing "Ricky Ricardo."


I liked John's story about his wife wanting to go to an island for vacation, so he picked Great Britain. I loved Tommy Lasorda's quote that a player ran so slow that if he got in a race with a pregnant woman, he'd come in third.

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So many people online are wondering what books John Campbell has written, ie, his romance-writin' pen name, but no answers seem to be forthcoming.


Kind of funny to have an author not promote his books on Jeopardy -- in fact, someone said that even at his audition, when asked by the Jeopardy team, he said he would save that tidbit for the show.


As someone who unashamedly reads romance, I am desperate to know!  (Also amused by the number of Twitterers who want to jump his bones.)

And it sounded like she said "Harlekin" but don't you pronounce out the "qu" sound? Like queen, not quiche.

Cadbury chocolate is the BEST chocolate.

I got FJ, a total guess but it made sense to me. I feel like literature or writers have been frequent categories and FJ clues lately.

I didn't think Emma was too young for Garth Brooks, but I guess she is. I knew all the country music questions even though I loathe country music but I also thought they were all rather easy.

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I was surprised Emma didn't know Garth Brooks because it seemed like she knew country music. 


Somehow I correctly guessed Reba McIntyre for Kelly Clarkson's MIL. I assume I heard that somewhere.


I also correctly guessed The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Made sense. I got a chuckle out of Moby Dick being lame and deaf. :D

Apparently I'm 12, because I nearly fell over laughing at Emma winning money by asking, "What is dick?"


(Spotted Dick is one of my favorite foods, especially in cold weather, and mentioning it on Facebook never gets old.  Because I'm 12.)


This totally reminded me of this:



(I could never figure out how they got this past the Hollywood censors...)

Edited by rereader2
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"Spotted" was in the clue, so it wasn't necessary for her to give the whole name.  My local grocery has a Brit section of food with cans of Heinz Spotted Dick.  It's Microwavable!  and it's, by far, some of the nastiest stuff in a can.  Perhaps the real stuff is better, but Heinz makes a very icky product.


I'll take bad food for 400, Alex.

I literally stopped in my tracks at the Harley Quinn non-answer. I couldn't believe they gave her that as it wasn't correct.


I'm rather tired of the variance in acceptable responses. Sometimes Alex lets people work through it, sometimes he says NO right off the bat and cuts the contestant off. Nothing will ever beat that poor woman with the southern US accent who DID answer correctly and Alex made her repeat her CORRECT answer and then said NO anyway. She was steaming mad and it threw her for the rest of the game. I thought they'd review it over the commercial break but the ruling stood. I felt so badly for her, she was just seething.

Apparently I'm 12, because I nearly fell over laughing at Emma winning money by asking, "What is dick?"

You are not the only 12 year old here:)  I think it was the hesitant way she said it, like she's thinking to herself "Am I really going to say "dick" on national television?"


Probably because the clue writers this season also think like 12 year olds -- hey guys, how can we get a contestant to say 'dick' on TV ?  Emma did look uncomfortable saying that.


I'm wouldn't be surprised if we saw the following clue in a nature category soon: "This type of willow can be found in swamps and wet areas".

ChicagoCita, I've read about spotted dick for years in my British mysteries, but what on earth is actually in it?

I'm quite fond it it.  As Greek Geek said, it's a pudding, but not as we 'Mericans think of it.  It's a base that kind of taste like fruitcake without the fruit.  There are raisins in it (that's the "spotted" part of "spotted dick").  I eat it warm with pudding or clotted cream or whipped cream on it, which may be blasphemy to those who are purists, but they don't live at my house, so too bad.  It's a comfort food during those winter nights when the Chicago winds are howling and the actual temps fall below zero.  It's also ridiculously caloric, so I limit myself to a couple times a year.


If it were served with mutton pieces in it, as traditional, I doubt very much I would enjoy it.  Ditto for traditional mince pie, btw.

Edited by ChicagoCita
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Aww balls, it's happened...no Jeopardy! because of the World Series pregame. It won't be on tomorrow either. I mean, I'm super stoked to watch the game, but I would rather watch Jeopardy! first.

We missed it here also due to yet another gubernatorial debate (with more coming next week).  These election, baseball, and football seasons drive me nuts with all the program shifting!

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