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  1. The hotel's home page says that they charge you as soon as you make your reservation, and they don't offer any refunds or cancellations. I wouldn't be booking there even if I hadn't seen this episode, given that policy. Well, that and I also have a kid. Reasons upon reasons they have no customers.
  2. The name is postpartum psychosis. Trying to harm yourself or the baby is more than PPD, where you may just have thoughts about it. Paranoia is also a sign of postpartum psychosis. Here's a Mayo Cline article on it: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/postpartum-depression/basics/symptoms/con-20029130 I have mostly sympathy for Juliette. (I'm postpartum myself so keeping an eye out for signs of PPD or postpartum psychosis or postpartum anxiety/OCD.) Her body and hormones are doing messed up stuff to her. But I also feel frustration that she won't listen and get help. She needs help. And I don't know who she will listen to about it if not Avery. This show likes to have break downs on stage, though, so I'm guessing that's where this will end up.
  3. I learned somewhere once upon a time that Baffin Island is the 5th largest island in the world. I have no idea where I learned that, but it's stuck with me, so I immediately knew the answer was Baffin Island, even though I had no idea it was named after a person or who that person was.
  4. I got backslash and from there backlash just as the music ended, so I wouldn't have had time to write it down if I was on the show. Count me as another peanut-butter-mouth Aaron Burr person. :)
  5. I'm not a big sports person, unless it's the Olympics, but I knew it was Jackie Robinson because I know the year. When I was a kid, I read the book In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson and I've remembered his rookie year in MLB was 1947 ever since.
  6. "Military enemy" makes me think someone who was in or leading the military, which Hitler wasn't. The poll also exists in our real time line of Hitler and Kaiser Wilhelm actually being defeated, not what they might have done. I think the fear of them is lesser because of that. Granted, I, too, think the poll result is odd, but mainly for the reason that I didn't think the British learned or cared that much about George Washington or held him in such high regard as to win a poll like this. I thought I was going to hate the periodic table authors category because the description sounded confusing, but like a lot of people here, I ended up liking it quite a bit. Of course, my husband and I were tag-teaming it. I was throwing out the initials, and he was giving the elements. That made it fun for us.
  7. Because George Washington beat the British. None of those others, including Napoleon, ultimately did that. I guessed Napoleon, too, but my husband guessed Washington, so he was quite rightly pleased with himself that it was correct.
  8. I believe the category was four-letter words with three vowels. Yes, it was four letter words with three vowels. I completely blanked on Final Jeopardy, and I'm annoyed with myself because I know the answer, and I'm a huge Olympics fan. Plus, my husband and I were discussing this theme song just this past Winter Olympics.
  9. Has anyone ever tried to write with a crayon on toilet paper? It always makes me laugh when she says this because I can only imagine the toilet paper getting torn all to heck. A soft felt pen would probably be better. And adverbs.
  10. They did not. One of the few things I remember from a long-ago linguistics class: This is called a glottal stop. You hear some people say it in words like "bottle," "rattle," "Seattle."
  11. I was a bit appalled that in a Final Jeopardy category called English Monarchs, one of the guesses was Mary Queen of Scots. But I guess if you're just drawing a blank, better to write something than nothing.
  12. That case was really annoying. I don't like cases where the litigants can't tell their story in a way that makes sense, whether it's a true story or not. I mean, even if the woman was really a sex counselor/teacher of some sort — which I totally don't believe — charging a monthly fee to teach that skill makes no sense. At. all. "You're making it sound like I'm a prostitute!" No, ma'am. You're making it sound that way.
  13. I saw the movie, but what clicked for me wasn't having seen it but was the fact it was only movie about a movie from 2013 that I knew of. From earlier this week, my husband and I had a complaint about the Ghostbusters category. The word was underlined, meaning they were talking about the actual movie, not just the concept in general, and Alex specifically called out that it was having its 30th anniversary this year, so, again the original movie, not the franchise in general. But the second clue was a quote about Dana's baby. Who only existed in Ghostbusters 2. That clue wasn't even about the right movie so didn't fit the category. We called shenanigans!
  14. I loved the boots sequence. I love puns in general, and the addition of the visual element was just excellent.
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