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S17.E17: Manhattan Transfer

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The Good:

Snarky Barba! And righteous Barba too!

They're keeping up the good work with Dodds.

The Tucker/Liv pairing means no more evil IAB. A few years ago I guarantee they'd be shown as trying to bury this.

The Bad:

Another undercover operation gone awry? You would think that they would learn, but then again this is SVU...

Speaking of overdone SVU tropes again SVU is the only unit in the NYPD that cares about young women.

No Fin. I guess he's not really needed since Liv does all the police work now, but until she learns humor he's sorely missed.

Like last week this repeats a lot of previously done plots and makes some questionable writing choices in it's portrayal of a traumatized woman. It's definitely more successful and interesting than last week though.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 3

Do the producers think absolutely no one watches this show? Jonathan Cake is ALWAYS the bad guy in L&O universe!


This ep just seemed so directionless. But at least we know when Olivia is too drunk to watch Noah, she has the good sense to leave him with rando weird potential victim of the week. Also, nice to see L&O will always hire Michael O'Keefe as the suspicious priest.

  • Love 8

Clearly Dodds Sr. is behind everything. Dodds Jr refused to leave SVU, so Daddy figured he'd at least have his son be in charge, have him "move up" that way.


Maybe Dodds Sr. knew about Benson and Tucker, and got Tucker framed because of their relationship, because he knew he could bring Benson down using the fact they're dating. I also think it's possible Dodds Sr. is involved in the trafficking, but I'm not 100% convinced about that. Maybe he knows people who know people, though. Dodds Jr. certainly knew the Monsignor, through his dad obviously. If the church is behind this, with Dodds Sr's willingness to turn a blind eye, this would all make sense.


It's a big coincidence that Tucker is related to the other priest, but eh, contrivance is SVU's trademark.


Also, was Barba jealous? Was he asking on a personal or a professional level? "We're done talking" is apt if this is about the job (Barba should definitely know if Benson is dating someone he might have to prosecute) but super petty if it was personal (it's none of his business who Benson dates).


Lastly, DAMN but the chemistry between Mariska Hargitay and Bobby Burke is legit. And Bobby Burke gave us some amazing moments, as did Michael O'Keefe. Oh, same for the crazy nun who, by the way, Liv, girl, you leave your toddler (or, like, your high schooler) with a potentially unstable person without knowing anything about their diagnosis? What if she was violent?


On the Carisi front, we got glasses, we got a few nice moments, we got a nice crotch shot. Yeah. Better luck next time (to me).

  • Love 9

I liked that the priest went full Quimby on the "I was her GUIDANCE COUNSELOR" line. I wouldn't even begin to know how to spell that to match his pronunciation, but that was some real nice accent work there.


It's weird no one in the last scene mentioned that they'd tell Fin Liv was fired. Do they ever acknowledge his absence when Ice-T has the week off?


I would guess that Liv's firing is just a cover so she can get to the bottom of what's really going on here. I would further guess that the nun is more deeply involved than she claims,first because it was absurd that Liv would have invited her to stay in her home when she was named as a potential suspect; and second because she went to 'threatening a child to save myself' awfully quickThat's not a rookie move.


I also do think it's nice that Liv is standing by her man, but my goodness this was a boring episode. No real investigation, just a lot of wheel-spinning and yelling to no real effect. I hope Liv and Tucker are still together at the end of it, because this would be a painfully anti-climactic end to their relationship. Unless it clears the way for her and  Dodds Pere to get it on. I'd be on board with that.




On the Carisi front, we got glasses,

Indeed! The man looks FINE in glasses. 

Edited by swimmyfish
  • Love 5

I really need Finn to act as the Greek chorus for this show, even if only through facial expressions.  They should have him in a small bubble in the corner of the screen.  Tucker confronts Father Eugene?  Finn = go for it.  Olivia leaves Noah with a possibly mentally disturbed nun?  Finn = WTAF.  It would really make the show more palatable.  

  • LOL 1
  • Love 12

Of course Tucker is innocent. They are framing him only so we´ll start to like him. And Olivia is only one who trust him. It´s just cheap way of selling us on Tuckson. 

I was really looking for this episode because Warren promised that it would be Barba-important. Instead I had to watch Tucker´s outbursts, Benson being "mother of the year" and #BarsonBreakup. So i hated it. Only positive was Barba saying what I was thinking about Tucker.  

Edited by Laethe
  • Love 1

I hope it's the Monsignor. What bullshit that he would wait a year to tell the authorities about Tucker burying a case like that. Put me in the camp loving Benson and Tucker.

When will the next episode be? There were no previews (btw, I'm sick of seeing the tatt chick!) for SVU or Chicago PD.


Seriously why would Barba believe that? That, as soon as Tucker and Liv got information the Monsignor's church/school/whatever was involved, boom, the Monsignor makes a counter-accusation against the main cop investigating them, about something that happened a YEAR ago? Which they never happened to mention/report earlier? That's a load of crap. A deflection. Why would Barba even entertain that notion? I mean, of course he would look into it because it's his job, but why would he believe it? The way he was asking Benson about Tucker, it sounded like he was half-convinced already.


And the next episode is on the 23rd of March, I believe.

  • Love 3

I enjoyed that episode except I really wish Fin was there because something as drastic as Liv being fired deserves a reaction from him since he's known her forever.

I thought Liv was nuts for not only inviting the nun to stay with her but for letting her watch Noah. For a Lieutenant she was pretty naive/clueless about someone she had only just met - who had already been accused of being a little crazy.

I don't think Tucker has anything to do with it because we just had an episode where a character we already knew turned out to be dirty. I do think is cousin is involved though (but seriously - what the heck happened in their childhood that Tucker would so quickly think his cousin is a murderer, because didn't they also tell the monsigneur (or whoever that was) that they talking to the girl??)

I hope Fin is back for the next episode and that little Dodds had nothing to do with any of this (and that he and the rest of the team go rogue). I don't care if big Dodds is involved or not.

Did Barba turn Benson in? He was the only one that knew about her relationship with Tucker. But if he did I don't see how the Benson/Barba relationship will ever be salvaged.

  • Love 6
Carisi in those undercover specs is verging on NC-17.




Let's just pretend Carisi got nearsighted from all the studying and have him wear the glasses all the time.


Or, like, don't justify it. Just keep the glasses, no questions asked. Like when Nikki and Paulo showed up on Lost. Act like Carisi has always been wearing them. I won't complain.

  • Love 11

Where was Fin?! I need him back. And agree about Carisi in the glasses, hello!

A little background, Robert John Burke playes a priest on Rescue Me, he was Father Mickey. Even though his character left the priesthood later in the series, I still called him Father Mickey. I don't think Tucker did anything, it would suck for another Benson relationship to go belly up.

Also, the nun completely creeped me out when she picked up Noah and was all "captain Tucker needs to go now" with the creepy wave.

  • Love 1

An okay ep but I'm not onboard nor will I ever be onboard the Tuckson ship, Liv's a traitor for doing him & I'm team Barba (not the Benson/Barba ship tho just to clarify, I'm just team Barba period). And Tucker also left the apartment w crazy lady maybe about to jump out the window with the child of the woman you're screwing, he wasn't even waiting outside or hiding in the closet. Moron. Not that Liv was any smarter for allowing crazy lady to be alone with her child in the first place.

Tucker's totally innocent in this case though but he touched Liv and that's a crime in itself so whatever he goes down for I'm fine with it as long as the dirty priests/lawyers/cops/judges/etc go down with him.

I'm afraid it will be Dodds Sr who goes down in the next ep, makes me sad, I like eyebrows :(

And I don't care if she's nuts or not, I LOVE sister Nina, she called Liv an idiot and I'm making that a gif so I can watch that over and over and over again.

  • Love 3

March 23.

Come on! The one time I'm actually dying to see what happens next! (I realize this was by design, but dammit, I hate falling prey to their design!)


I enjoyed that episode except I really wish Fin was there because something as drastic as Liv being fired deserves a reaction from him since he's known her forever.

Right? He's the only old-schooler still standing, he's the only one this would seriously resonate with emotionally. We need to see that for the stakes to seem as high as they're telling us.


Barba certainly overreacted a tad. "I'm telling you we're investigating this guy and you didn't tell me you were in a relationship with him?" Uh, yeah, she just did. It's been less than 90 seconds since she found out you were investigating him! Simmer down!


Normally when I need to hide someone from a bunch of unknown murderers, I go ahead and give them my kid. Seems only logical. Especially after two priests just told me she shouldn't be around children.


I enjoyed the mini-Wire reunion there in that one scene with Bodie and Brother Mouzone!


Why did everyone keep saying the only other person Tucker told was his cousin? The Monsignor was standing right there

  • Love 7


Right? He's the only old-schooler still standing, he's the only one this would seriously resonate with emotionally. We need to see that for the stakes to seem as high as they're telling us.


Barba certainly overreacted a tad. "I'm telling you we're investigating this guy and you didn't tell me you were in a relationship with him?" Uh, yeah, she just did. It's been less than 90 seconds since she found out you were investigating him! Simmer down!

I feel like Carisi will be saddened by her departure even though he's only know her for a couple of years. (It's just something about the way he used to call her "Sarge" that made me feel like he had a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for you. Rollins probably doesn't care a whole lot that she's gone, but probably doesn't want Dodds in charge either.

And I completely agree about Barba freaking out because he's been saying stuff about Tucker (for 90 seconds) while all this time (90 seconds) not knowing that Liv is in a relationship with him .

  • Love 4

Given how stupid she behaved in this episode, maybe it is a good thing Liv is out of that office - for a little while anyway.


First, letting the nun stay with her and take care of her child?  Then, not spilling ASAP about her having an affair with Tucker to Barba - did she actually think she would keep that secret and did she really not think she should have told him immediately at the start of that conversation - especially given her position?  


If someone is going to act that stupid - I am in agreement - give the gig to someone else.  


I'm the one with the devil on both shoulders: I hope Tucker is in it up to his eyeballs.  I would not mind Liv having a bit of that sort of angst in her life - let's see how she handles it.  

  • Love 2
Also, was Barba jealous? Was he asking on a personal or a professional level? "We're done talking" is apt if this is about the job (Barba should definitely know if Benson is dating someone he might have to prosecute) but super petty if it was personal (it's none of his business who Benson dates).



He came across that way when he asked if they were sleeping together, didn't he? But when he said "We're done talking" it was more "I"ve got to report this and I really, REALLY resent being in this position." Ugh. I mean, Liv's a Lu and Tucker is a Captain, I believe, so there's no problem there, and if another IAB investigation came up in her squad he'd have to recuse himself, but other then that I don't see what the big slammin' deal is. Cops are married to other cops, for God's sake. They're married to lawyers and court workers too!


I hope all this is for Liv to go undercover.


Okay, the Monsignor guy might as well have sprouted horns and cloven hooves, there--DUH, HE IS A BIG OL' TRAFFICKER! 

  • Love 7

I'm really hoping Dodds Sr. is not the one behind Liv's suspension. Having a high level boss who is not just a servant of the powerful or an evil SOB is something new and different for SVU. Hopefully he's following orders from even higher up or giving Liv the opportunity to work outside the system since it's been so thoroughly corrupted. If they can avoid trashing his character and give the squad a big role rather than having Liv literally solve the case on her own I'll probably be happy.

  • Love 3

I really need Finn to act as the Greek chorus for this show, even if only through facial expressions. They should have him in a small bubble in the corner of the screen. Tucker confronts Father Eugene? Finn = go for it. Olivia leaves Noah with a possibly mentally disturbed nun? Finn = WTAF. It would really make the show more palatable.

Finn could be in our TV screen well along with the closed captioning.
  • Love 7

I'm team Barba (not the Benson/Barba ship tho just to clarify, I'm just team Barba period.)

 Yes. As I have said in the past, Barba is way too awesome for Olivia. But I felt for him in that scene. Whatever feelings are between them, he always has her back, and often goes out on a limb for her. He was right- she should have told him about Tucker.


Other observations;

- I am on Team CarisiGlasses.

- Sometimes it is cute when an actor appears on L & O several times as several different characters, but I rolled my eyes when I saw BOTH Michael O'Keefe and Jonathan Cake in the credits. I think O'Keefe has been on every iteration at least twice (once playing TWINS, for goodness' sake) and he is always up to no good. Cake hasn't been on as much, but L & O is the only thing I ever have seen him on, and he was the scummiest lawyer ever on the original in one of its last seasons, so I am sure the Monsignor is involved.

-The nun is weird and creepy. Why Olivia would leave Noah with him is beyond me. Especially when she has a nanny.

-Fin! Come Back! We need you!

- I think that Papa Dodds is involved somehow. I'm still not sure about Tucker. I wonder what their endgame is with him and Olivia. I do see the chemistry, but it is very inconsistent for both of the characters. I did giggle when Barba said to her, "Didn't he have you and both your partners arrested?" and Olivia was like, "That's all in the past!" (cue eyeroll)


It was a good cliffhanger and I am excited for the next episode, since it is supposed to Carisi-centric.

  • Love 4

Olivia made this episode almost unwatchable, for me.  Losing perspective, poor judgment, jumping to conclusions, up in everybody's faces making accusations.  Settle down, Quick Draw McGraw!


She blows off the nun's reasonable inquiry at the station house with "none of your business," but then overshares how the guidance counselor--who obviously freaks the nun out--is related TO THIS GUY RIGHT HERE!!  (As they both advance toward the shaking sister.)  And this is all on top of the nun telling Olivia she wasn't comfortable with male cops in the first place?  Geez, if I were that nun, I would have trusted Benson about as far as I could throw her; I would have wondered if she'd spirited me away to her apartment to kill me, too, so I don't think they should put that off on the nun being unbalanced.


Barba called it right that she suddenly has a massive conflict of interest (which she wasn't planning to mention) but oh, boo-hoo, Benson's getting railroaded.  Still time to spit some unwarranted venom at Dodds Jr. on her way out the door, though.




She'll probably be wanting a nice glass of wine now.

  • Love 3

Sister Nina really made me miss Sister Peg who was a nun who took no shit from anyone. I am not so sure that Sister Nina has a problem being around children considering the source who told Olivia that.


Show needs to spend more on hair both Olivia and Amanda's hair was awful although Liv's looked better than it looked all season.


Tucker is a good looking older man.

Edited by Lillybee
  • Love 4

Unfortunately, they threw Elliot under every bus at the MTA during Liv's weepy goodbye speech to Amaro, so even if they could get Meloni to agree (and I bet they could), I can't imagine how the writers would fanwank Liv's sudden resentment of Stabler BACK to caring about him again. Shut up, show.

Well if she and Tucker could go from mutual hatred of each other to lovers, then I doubt it should be a problem.

Although I never felt that that statement indicated that she resented Stabler. It was a fact. She did grow more since Stabler had left then while he was there. Now, I don't think Amaro had any influence on her growth , I think it was more Cragen and just the circumstances and natural progression of things. When stabler was there they were equal partners (at most). But when Amaro / Rollins came on the scene- Liv became a Senior detective and was forced (by Cragen) to train the Newbies. And I always thought that it was Cragen who encouraged her to take the Sergeant's exam.

  • Love 2

Do the producers think absolutely no one watches this show? Jonathan Cake is ALWAYS the bad guy in L&O universe!


This ep just seemed so directionless. But at least we know when Olivia is too drunk to watch Noah, she has the good sense to leave him with rando weird potential victim of the week. Also, nice to see L&O will always hire Michael O'Keefe as the suspicious priest.

I know!  As soon as I saw Jonathan Cake, I thought, "Well here's your sex trafficker."

Also, I know! with Liv  not just letting the seriously disturbed nun into her apartment, but allowing her to babysit Noah.  I was sure they were going out that window.  And I'm not sure yet that she (the nun) isn't mixed up in all of this.  Something about how she claimed that the girls wouldn't talk without her presence.  We really only have Nina's word about her role in all of this and no one seems to think it's worthwhile to check her out too closely.  Pay a babysitter, Liv and leave your work at the office.

  • Love 1

I go back and forth on Tucker as a character but I like RJB a whole lot. They just did the corrupt story with Abraham and even if it was someone other than Tucker I don't want yet another corrupt recurring character story now so I do really hope he's being set up.


It's been said here but worth repeating that scene with Barba was just weird because of him getting mad Liv "kept the secret" of sleeping with Tucker... for the whole minute he was telling her the theory. Liv should be fired from Life in general for leaving Noah with a possibly unstable woman who was hiding from being killed. What. The. Hell.


Where is Finn?!


History question: The nun got me thinking about Sister Peg, she was shot by the girl Stabler killed in his last scene right? Did they ever say if she was alive?


When does part two of this air? Since there was no preview I'm assuming not next week.

  • Love 2

I think Barba was mad because Olivia said "don't ask me that", not because it had been such a long 90 seconds. 


I couldn't believe Olivia left Noah with the random unstable nun. Even if you fully believe her side of everything and assume the mental health allegations are lies, going off on her own to infiltrate a sex trafficking ring with no organization or backup behind her doesn't make me think very highly of her judgement. Definitely not someone I would leave alone with my kid. Also doesn't bringing her home sort of taint her as a witness? Can you imagine a defense attorney being all like "and you were living at the Lieutenant's house during the investigation?"


I bet the nun did it, somehow. It was sketchy that she wouldn't let the girls talk to police without her there. Maybe it will turn out she is also a sex predator, and then Olivia can angst over what she may have done to Noah while she was alone with him. 

  • Love 2

Why did everyone keep saying the only other person Tucker told was his cousin? The Monsignor was standing right there

That was driving me crazy! I'm like, Tucker, you didn't just talk to one person, how could you forget Monsignor interrupting, conveniently, if I may add, your discussion with your cousin about Cara???!!!


I can't believe they did an episode of Liv getting fired without Fin there. Heck, at least get him in that last scene! But maybe Ice T's too busy with daddy duties for the meantime.

  • Love 6

I can't believe they did an episode of Liv getting fired without Fin there. Heck, at least get him in that last scene!

Can't believe it? This is SVU. Liv will be in scenes even if there is no logical or story reason for her to be there. Everybody else will miss episodes and scenes that cry out for their presence. At this point I wouldn't be surprised to see Kristin Chenowith guest star on an episode with no Barba or have Fin missing when Munch finally makes a return appearance.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 5

The Monsignor obviously is the Big Bad of this arc. They just stopped short -- barely -- of having him carry around a flashing neon sign proclaiming "I AM THE ONE IN CHARGE OF THE UNDERAGE GIRL TRAFFICKING OPERATION" in all of his scenes.


I'm about 95% sure the nun is legit (and therefore not involved), though I do have that lingering 5% of doubt. I don't think she faked losing her shit in Liv's apartment. And yeah, that was a dumb idea to bring her there. I had to laugh when Olivia said she was somewhere safe, and then it shows her in the apartment. Did everyone else just forget all the times dangerous things have happened to her over the years? Then again, it's not like they put her in Amanda's apartment....


I like Carisi as a character, but I'd been waffling on whether or not I found him worthy of being the object of so much lust, as I've seen on these forums. The glasses made up my mind. I am officially on board that train.


I'm also on board the Tuckson train, because at this point, why the hell not?

  • Love 3

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