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S05.E02: Let It Flow

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I used to watch Alvin Ailey tapes and steal his choreography for international dance routines! I could so win this challenge, if I could sew...

My thoughts:

Alexander's meh...

Kinny's looked like his style, nice dye job.

Fade's walked better than it looked. Sorry to see him go so soon.

Valerie's I found boring.

Emily's was incongruent.

Bam? What's his name? It was fine.

The one I liked best was the black dress with copper lines in it. Who's was that?

  • Love 1

I kind of loved Fade's outfit, which was dramatic in spite of the stiff fabric underneath, and I thought Emily's was just awful. I was sure she'd be sent home, and it's disappointing that it was Fade instead. Really sorry to see him go.

Sam is insufferable, but I did love his dress, and it deserved the win. But Valerie's was *so* boring, I was shocked by the raves it got. I didn't like her in her season, and now I remember why. Tears, drama, and mediocre designs.

  • Love 13

The best part of this ep was not hearing/seeing Asha's talking head. I'm bummed that Fade left.

It should have been Emily. Her design was awful. That fabric was hideous. I also was surprised

that Mitchell (??), the guy with the pompom hat, wasn't in the bottom - I thought his design was

the worst. Although Emily's was right up (down?) there too. Neither one of them make good

fabric choices.


Loved Sam's dress although I do not like Sam at all. I'm not liking any of these designers much

either. I've seen all on their seasons wasn't impressed with them then either. Although Fade &

Kini did some good stuff on their seasons. And Emily seems like a nice person, here and on her

season. Just not liking the other designers at all, here or their individual seasons. I wish they

could have gotten a better cast.

Edited by kat165
  • Love 5

The Alvin Ailey dancers are far and away one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen on this show. I was a little sad not to see Judith Jamison, one of the most stunning humans on earth.

Just, I can't believe even Sam thinks he's not on this show because he's a rabid posturing weasel on the internet. So, given that, screw you, you tiresome off-brand Bratz doll. Your work is dull and predictable and I truly hope you have the career you deserve (which at this point appears to be online shopping at a WalMart price point, if your remarkably accurate Isaac vibe means anything).

Go away, you tedious creature. But you won't, because Tim's such a fan.


  • Love 18

I didn't love Alexander's design but it didn't deserve to be in the bottom over Ken's ugly green dress, Daniel's potato sack cape dress or Mitchell's arts and crafts disaster.

I hated Fade's and Emily's too but I think Emily's was the worst out of everyone's tonight.

I also didn't get the love over Sam's dress. It was fine but nothing special. Same for Valerie's dress really. I usually find Stella's designs kind of dull and dated but I actually liked her dress tonight. It pains me to say this but I like Asha's also.

I can't help but think how the PR juniors would have rocked this challenge (and with awesome attitudes.) This group is just generally boring and uninspired.

  • Love 11

Ugh... what is up with the judges? It's only 1 episode in and they are already on drugs... The bottom looks were so wrongly chosen... I mean, the purple thing and the fug shorts deserved to be there, but both Fade and Alexander did not. Daniel's outfit was such a sad brown mess... and Mitchells purple cheerleader shredded thing was terrible too. I'm sure there were other looks as well that weren't as good.


The challenge was something that moved in the wind... while the lace flower dress itself was wonky, it could have been fixed with a lining, that cape was so dramatic and caught the air really nicely.


I disagreed with the judges on the lace top for Kini's dress, I thought it fit and kept the dress from just being yet another pile of flowy fabric like half of the other dresses we saw.


I liked Stella's because it was different, though I think if I looked at the details i'd find it less and less appealing, so her being in the middle made sense to me. so many of the looks were similar, it's hard to even remember who made what.


I didn't hate Sam's dress, but I didn't find it that impressive for whatever reason. I think I'm not a fan of the pattern and how he mixed it, and the head scarf thing sat funny on her head. I wouldn't have picked him for the winner.

  • Love 2

Forget the designs -- shouldn't we be agonizing over who was right or wrong, Mitchell or Sam, in what was arguably the lamest workroom drama ever concocted by Project Runway?


Alyssa Milano looked like a blue teletubbie.


Zanna couldn't get out of the workroom fast enough.


This show is a wasteland.   There is no standout talent, no shining personalities, no inspiration for miles in any direction, the accessory wall looked bare and the cosmetics company name was flashed on screen more times than the models' faces.


The title should have been: "This Blows."


P.S. Put me down as someone else who liked Fade's dress

Edited by millennium
  • Love 20

How did Fade go home over Emily? Her look was horrible, I thought Emily & Alexander both had horrible looks, I was OK with everyone else, but I thought Valerie should have won over Sam. They also should have pulled back on the wind, it was a little overdone.


Alyssa's makeup makes her look 10 years older than she is, why is she wearing so much of the stuff?

  • Love 1

I couldn't even watch the end because I knew it was going to irritate me.


I don't think Fade cared about getting eliminated, I just get the impression he uses PR for exposure and not to get a win.  I'm shocked they eliminated anyone since they let those two stay last week but whatever.


Kini by far had the best dress on the runway, hearing Vanessa Hudgens talk about how the color made her think of two dresses...just ugh, bitch bye.


I don't know how Dom wasn't in the bottom, or Leyana.  So many of those outfits looked.....tortured, like the fabric had been too manipulated to really flow.  I didn't like Sam's, so I'm sure he won.  Mitchell's looked terrible too.


What the hell is wrong with Alyssa Milano, how is she judging a show about fashion.  Did she think she looked good at judging?  An electric blue romper?  Is someone threatening her unless she wears butt ugly clothing every week?

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 7

I'm disappointed that we barely got any of the dance company. Show more dancing, damn it!


I subtitled this episode: Beyonce Runway.


Sam needs to STFU. First of all, he is an interrupter which is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. Secondly, he totally dismissed Mitchell's feelings. Yes, if you are on tv, people are going to talk shit about you and you have to have a thick skin to deal with it. But when a person says that what you wrote about him hurt his feelings, you do NOT get to respond by saying, "No, no, no, no, no," and then saying that he (Sam) got talked about on the internet even worse. Just because people talked shit about you doesn't make it okay that you did it to someone else.


Layana's whiny simpering voice annoys me.


Layana's bright blue fabric looked beautiful with the wind machine but the actual design was lacking for me. One of the things that you have to take into account for this specific challenge is how the fabric moves when the wind machine is on it. The way she designed this dress, the fabric blew through her legs and made the long skirt look like pants.


Asha's was a huge fail for me. So she made a dress and then wrapped a piece of fabric around the model's waist? Because that's what it looked like. The wind part of the challenge seemed to be an afterthought.


Valerie's vivid orange color looked great on the runway (it's not a color I would wear, but we're talking about the runway here). And her skirt looked great with the wind machine. Like one of the judges, I really liked that Valerie's dress still had great motion even without the wind machine. I also liked that her dress is one of the only ones that didn't have all kinds of extra fabric hanging off. Hahaha, I loved that Valerie was not having any of Sam's bragging.


I liked that Alexander didn't just tack a piece of fabric to the shoulders to make a cape. He designed it to billow with the wind and catch as much air as possible. I didn't like the actual dress though. It looked like a leotard with a lace overlay.


I liked Sam's fabric but I was rolling my eyes at his voiceover about the dress. "I tried to embody the spirit of a woman"?


Ken already had several strikes from me. The first one was the memory of the last time he was on this show. I also loathe that chartreuse color he used. But his actual design was just ehhh. It looked like he made a dress and added a cape.


Daniel's looked like a basic dress from the mall during the 90s with a cape attached to the back. There was almost no shape to his dress at all.


I didn't like Emily's purple outfit. The loose shorts were terrible. The gym short description from the judges was perfect. If she had some some purple satin hot shorts, then it would have looked more like a runway outfit. I agreed with Isaac about just having the model wear a nude bra underneath. What about a simple tank top or shell underneath?


Oh, Stella. That dress was like Stevie Nicks plus fringe.


Fade's design looked like a dress with a chopped off caftan on top.


Mitchell's dress was terrible. I hated the colors, the print, the cut outs, everything. Sorry, Mitchell, it was neither banging nor on point, as you claimed.


I hated the top of Dom's design. It had so much clutter.


Kini's original sketch looked like a giant hibiscus. At first I was disappointed that he only added orange (and not the orange from his sketch) but I ended up loving the effect. It looked like a fiery sunset. The colors were so vivid and I liked the way he cut the fabric in the back so that it flowed differently than the other designers'. The top reminded me of Laura Bennett.

  • Love 10

So according to Project Runway us Middle Agers are not allowed to wear something nice. This annoys me to no end.

Maddening, predictable and ultimately dumb, since now is when many of us have more disposable income than ever. Oh, well. More $$ for this old lady to spend on more interesting things - 'cause it ain't going for the dreck being sold in clothing stores these days.

Really tired of that theme on these shows.

  • Love 11

Maddening, predictable and ultimately dumb, since now is when many of us have more disposable income than ever. Oh, well. More $$ for this old lady to spend on more interesting things - 'cause it ain't going for the dreck being sold in clothing stores these days.

Really tired of that theme on these shows.

What I find amusing is that most of the judging panel is middle aged or older.  Even the Gorgeous is no longer in her 20s.  And Alyssa could really do with some age appropriate clothing.  We aren't all built like Heidi.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 8

Georgina is 39 (which is a spring chicken compared to her 63yo husband), Alyssa is 43, and Isaac is 54. Zanna's age seems to be a big secret, but context clues say mid forties.

Yeah, there were a few close ups on her face tonight and she was maybe smiling, and it was the first time I really saw her age.  63!  I wonder if she constantly tries to scare him into a heart attack so she can get at that sweet, sweet Weinstein dough.

  • Love 1


So according to Project Runway us Middle Agers are not allowed to wear something nice. This annoys me to no end.

Wait till you're in your 60's (like me) and it will piss you off even more. Not ready for house dresses and muumuu's yet and when I am I hope I'm comatose.


Sam picked a good print and made use of it. Aside from that his dress was generic. The fabric won for him.

  • Love 11

So, I guess this is going to be one of those seasons where they sacrifice talent for drama? Cause I'm really trying to work up a give a shit to keep watching, especially if I have to balance it out with Top Chef. I'm going to have to watch this again to see if I really even liked any of those looks, most of them seemed very home sewn in the basement to me. Count me in with the horror at what "older" people should wear. I'm 39, and the stuff in stores for females is appalling. It is either the teenage ho dept., or the Muffy Goes To Tea Crowd dept. I hate them both. I'm too old for see through t-shirts, and I wouldn't wear some of the matronly prints out there if you paid me. I don't know who is designing and marketing that stuff, but they are way out of touch with reality. Back to PR, sad to see Fade go, though I'm not sure he really cared. This could have been a much cooler challenge than it was.

  • Love 9

Since I am old you would think I would mind more that they said Fade's look was old but I don't.  Because his look did look old and the styling and make up made the model look very old as well.  Okay I appreciate that he was going for the cocoon to butterfly look and perhaps he succeeded at that but he didn't meet the challenge.  The cocoon was too stiff and not enough butterfly.  Having said all that I do't think he should have gone home but I knew it would happen sooner rather than later.  I think it is ironic that he went home for a look that was considered too old since I think most of what he does skews young to me.  Young and ready to wear.  I remember him from his season as doing lots of tee shirts with writing.  But I always liked Fade because he was usually very even tempered.


I did not think Sam should have won.  His dress seemed poorly made-that seam down the center was off center and puckering!  It didn't seem to fit his model that well either.  I think he won because the fabric he chose was striking with the thick black and white stripes but I didn't see him giving much thought to anything otherwise.


I liked Kini's the best.  It fit the model and I loved the colors!  

  • Love 5

Regarding Sam and Mitchell:

1. Sam has the right to say what he wants in his blog. I never read it so I don't know if he was intentionally mean to Mitchell or just being honest.

2. Mitchell has the right to have hurt feelings about what Sam wrote and to express that to Sam.

3. Sam does NOT have the right to say that Mitchell is wrong to have hurt feelings and to lecture him about it. Sam doesn't have to apologize or take back anything he wrote, but he doesn't need to make Mitchell feel guilty for having hurt feelings. All Sam had to say was "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but those were my feelings and opinions at the time I saw the show."


I wish Fade was still there (boo hoo).

  • Love 23

I knew the minute they announced this challenge Fade would have a problem with it.  Because his clothing is very cerebral, its not all about "well, this bitch is fierce...work girl!"  So, it didn't surprise me that he would do the stiff cocoon, or that it would be an sort of old school color/texture and combine it with the freedom and joy of the black and white fabric.  The colors were jarring against one another.  I will say that he was the only one that took a risk by not just using flowing fabric to create something pretty, his idea was much more original.  I think the vast majority of them had the same idea "flowy fabric, in the shape of a gown/loose pantsuit"  But I just knew this was going to be a challenge for Fade, he is one of the few bright spots in this cast so I'm sad he had to leave so early.

  • Love 16

1. Sam has the right to say what he wants in his blog. I never read it so I don't know if he was intentionally mean to Mitchell or just being honest.


Well, he was equally vicious to the children of PR Junior, so whatever he is, he's consistent. And TBH, if he was as reported a pussycat IRL and just doing this to be famous, I would think less of him for it.

  • Love 5

I don't think the judges were drinking before hand, I think they were smoking a little crack.  That said, I was disappointed that the designers all interpreted movement the same way.  You KNOW there were designers in past years who would have had things added to the surface of their dresses that fluttered or spun in addition to big old sweeping expanses of fabric or strips blowing back behind the models.


I was sad to see Fade go home, his wasn't the worst by far and he might have stayed had he done more of a slip-like longer dress rather than the stiff one.  I really had Mitchell and Emily at the bottom with Emily walking out the door.  


Specific comments:


Kini:  The dip dying was what made that dress interesting.  I have to agree with the judges that the lace was wrong.  I like the idea of a belt, just not that one.


Fade:  His copper/gold fabric sunk him.  A slinky dress in an actual metallic gold fabric with a bit of length and some movement would have put him in the middle.


Valerie:  I didn't get the love given to this dress.  It was fairly standard with way too obvious illusion netting and a so-so cut to the bodice.  Her color choice was great, however.  Can't go wrong with bright red on a challenge like this.  Middle of the pack.


Alexander:  Butt ugly dress with a parachute floating behind.  Deserved to be safe because he went whole hog on the parachute, but the dress was BAD.  It looks like something I'd have sewed for my Barbie when I was in elementary school.


Emily:  Those shorts were atrocious.  The caftan (more of a cape thing) was nice enough, especially if she'd have reduced the cording a little.  No excuse for not putting a slip or sheath dress under this.


Sam:  I think the fabric choice won this for him.  Hated the head wrap, but having the bold geometric on those layers of fabric flowing behind him was interesting.  It was a truly standard dress, but the fabric design and his layout of the pattern elevated it a bit.  Good, but I wish there had been something better.

  • Love 3

Well, he was equally vicious to the children of PR Junior, so whatever he is, he's consistent. And TBH, if he was as reported a pussycat IRL and just doing this to be famous, I would think less of him for it.

Oh, that's rich. Any of the juniors I saw (started watching late) would have mopped the floor with that little no-talent twerp.

  • Love 12

I thought Mitchell's was the clear bottom. I'm sure he's being kept on for the DRAMAZ wtih Sam. Ugh. Asha should have been in the bottom, but it wasn't the worst. It was just a boring design (dress with flowy thing tacked on). Wasn't a fan of hers in UTG, and I'm just seeing more of the same mundane design here.


When Sam was describing the long scarf and driving in a convertible, all I could think about was how Isadora Duncan died. It almost sounded as if he were deliberately describing her death, but putting a glam spin on it. Ew. I was surprised that no one called him out on it.


Valerie's dress looked like a skating costume with a long skirt. Not bad, but I didn't think it was anything special.


I actually liked Fade's dress. I liked the two fabrics together. But if I am remembering correctly, he went home in his season on the rainway thing, so maybe gimmicky stuff just ain't his thing.

  • Love 10

Maddening, predictable and ultimately dumb, since now is when many of us have more disposable income than ever. Oh, well. More $$ for this old lady to spend on more interesting things - 'cause it ain't going for the dreck being sold in clothing stores these days.

Really tired of that theme on these shows.

I guess according to them we should shop off the rack at Walmart.

I laughed like a lunatic when Kini said "I LOVE working with flowy material"....When 90% of what he produces is tailored, black, sculptural and HEAVY.  Bitch, please.  I've never been a fan of his and I'm still not.  The dip-dye was fine, but I agree the top looked like it belonged to another dress and the black patent belt looked ridiculous. 


The judges are definitely smoking the crack that Nina Garcia left behind last season, tucked under her seat cushion.  


I liked Stella's fringe.  it was nicely unique compared with all the mounds of chiffon drifting around. 


And I downright despise Sam.  Again I agree that the pattern of his material did most of the work, the lazy little weasel.  


I think if Fade had used hammered silver for his sheath dress and left the collar off, it would have amazed them.  I loved him, and I'll miss him. 

  • Love 6

I so glad everyone mentioned PR Juniors last week. It convinced me to watch it and it was THE BEST! It just makes this season of PR "Allstars" so much more disappointing. I liked Sam's print but I can't stand him. Hopefully they are showing us his vile personality so that the pay off when he is eliminated is so much more rewarding. I was pissed they kept Emily over Fade!! I don't get the judge's love of Valerie. I liked her dress last week but this weeks dress was boring and wasn't innovative. Kini just has to win the final challenge!

  • Love 2

Can we have Project Runway SENIOR please (I want Survivor Seniors to BYW) Only people over 50 could judge or be contestants.Maybe the "old" wouldn't be the kiss of death. Because apparently once your past 40 you must hid in your house as there are NO clothes for you! ARRRGGGHHHHHH

Exactly!   I'm not only over 60, but live in a resort town where glitter kittens on $200 t-shirts are the norm.  I can't stand the "anyone over 40 doesn't actually exist (or wear clothes, apparently)" so I'm mainly watching for laughs since this bunch of designers is mostly spectacularly unimpressive.


I actually kind of liked Fade's look, or at least I got where he was trying to go with it.  And it was different from all that overflowing chiffon and I don't think he should have gone home.  Sam is simply a young asshole who knows how to cover his deficiencies (really crappy construction) with the flash of cool patterened fabric that didn't look like the other prom dresses but also didn't deserve the win.  Emily's was awful.  Most of the rest - meh, safe, uninteresting, uninspired.    

  • Love 3

Oh my gods, I have so much to say about this episode, I'm not sure where to begin the bitching....


First of all, I no longer feel sorry for Alyssa on any level whatever as to her makeup, hair or clothes. IF she has a stylist, she needs to grow some balls and fire them, but beyond THAT, this woman is over 40 and you cannot tell me as a celebrity, she has no idea how to dress or what looks good on her, what not to wear, ad nauseum. It's all on her at this point.


Emily SO should have been the one to go home. That thing was horrendiferous. Fade's was not awesome, but nearly everyone else's was not awesome either. In fact, I had a hard time picking the top looks. I GUESS Sam's was the best, but oh my hell, I hate to think of him winning. Which was only made tolerable by Valerie's face when he talked about how Georgina Chapman told him for the second week in a row that he makes the most beautiful clothes. Did she even SPEAK to him at all last week when he presented the 1990s (and not in a good way) meshy athletic looking jumpsuit??


I felt bad for Alexander, too, because he really thought he was going to win, but it was costume-y. Having said that, the cape was beautifully engineered.


Kini's was my clear favourite, but even with that, I hated that black belt. I didn't even mind the lace so much as the black belt. I think he was going for contrast, but I would have either self-belted in the yellow fabric OR gone beltless. I think if the belt hadn't been there, the transition from the lace bodice to that awesome skirt wouldn't have been so jarring.


UGH, this show.


ETA: I'm SO on board for Project Runway Senior!!! Something different besides THIS one and PR Regular....

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 3

Why oh why did they bring back these hacks? Daniel FRANCO?? Again? They're not even trying to pretend they aren't just shit stirring at this point--bringing back minimally talented but hot tempered Ken, Auntie Mame's designer Alexander, three time loser Daniel, poisonous Sam, whiny tender reed Mitchell, nasty mean spirited Asha....the list goes on. The only person I was interested in seeing was Fade. I'd be glad to see Malan Breton, Jack Mackenroth, that nice girl Becky who was tormented by Orange Josh, lovable if a little crazy Ping, the girl who cancelled her wedding and was axed before she even got on, the cute girl from Minneapolis who lost in the dog challenge in season 3, Epperson, Peach Carr, Carmen Webber; there are so many people who just maybe had bad luck and were more interesting than this crew of losers.

  • Love 8

I kind of loved Fade's outfit, which was dramatic in spite of the stiff fabric underneath, and I thought Emily's was just awful. I was sure she'd be sent home, and it's disappointing that it was Fade instead. Really sorry to see him go.

Sam is insufferable, but I did love his dress, and it deserved the win. But Valerie's was *so* boring, I was shocked by the raves it got. I didn't like her in her season, and now I remember why. Tears, drama, and mediocre designs.

I hate that I liked Sam's dress, but I did.  Too bad he won (even though I do think he deserved to) - he's going to be even more insufferable now. 


I actually liked the lace on Kini's dress.  I HATED Alexander's dress.  The parachute was a very cool idea, but wowzers - that see through lace? Yeah, no.  I knew Fade wouldn't make it far, but I am disappointed that he went home so early.  I always looked forward to seeing the designs he came up with.  


Overall episode rating:  F

  • Love 4

I will miss seeing sweet Fade.  I have mixed feelings about his leaving.  I hate to see him go, but I think this platform is not his thing; and is beneath him.  He creates with a different vibe and process than what PRAS can offer.  He also does not play into all the drama (thank goodness).  It may be all for the best, but dang, the wrong person was chosen last night.

I think if Fade had used hammered silver for his sheath dress and left the collar off, it would have amazed them.  I loved him, and I'll miss him. 


I already miss this sweet person, who delivers both art and levity, in a passionate way.

  • Love 11

Are you KIDDING ME last week two pieces of trash get a pass and this week Fade gets chopped because he tried to do something other than "just make a giant unlined cape/train/skirt/thing and call it a day"??????????????

I mean, "fabric blowing in the wind" is, frankly, pretty boring to me, and I thought all the expected giant trains were really boring. I loved Fade's because he was playing with the contrast of light and heavy fabrics. I would have liked to see more of the designers (aside from Alexander, who had that lovely balloon cape but ruined it with weirdo sheer glitter lace fussiness underneath) try to create *shapes* with the wind in the fabric. But I guess you need more than a day for that.

All in all: Ugh. Double ugh.

  • Love 12



Regarding Sam and Mitchell:

1. Sam has the right to say what he wants in his blog. I never read it so I don't know if he was intentionally mean to Mitchell or just being honest.

2. Mitchell has the right to have hurt feelings about what Sam wrote and to express that to Sam.

3. Sam does NOT have the right to say that Mitchell is wrong to have hurt feelings and to lecture him about it. Sam doesn't have to apologize or take back anything he wrote, but he doesn't need to make Mitchell feel guilty for having hurt feelings. All Sam had to say was "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but those were my feelings and opinions at the time I saw the show."

 I wasn't sure of the backstory on this, but I figured they were probably being egged on by the producers to keep this "feud" ongoing. And if Mitchell doesn't get the apology he wants, he needs to get over not getting the apology. I also wondered if maybe he was really as offended as he said, or if he was just doing that to distract Sam  from his work so that Sam wouldn't do well. I guess I may be overthinking this.  I just wished I had a "slap" button on my remote that I could use to slap some of these people. 

I had expected Stella to be in the bottom; I really like Stella for some reason that I don't understand.  I think her view point is a bit to narrow for her to win.

I thought the balloon thingy Alexander did was great, but the rest of it seemed like a cheap knock off of something out of Victoria's Secret.

I am sorry I cannot remember names very well.  I would have sent home the see-thru bra and gym shorts instead of Fade. I think that  is his name.  The butterfly thing didn't work for me, but it was not worse than the one that got offed.

I am not especially fond of Kini (spelling), but I liked his the best. I didn't dislike the lace, but I thought he used too much of it. I am not sure exactly how I would have done that. I think a belt that used one of the shades of the dress might have looked better.

Sam--I am with the poster above who said his remarks about the scarf and the convertible brought up images of Isadora Duncan and not in a good way.  Maybe he is too young to know the story. I didn't notice construction issues with it, but unless they are glaringly obvious they don't seem to show up on my tv. I think if he had chosen another material and omitted the headpiece he would not have one. He seems obnoxious.  

I also liked the third dress of the top 3, but I didn't think it was anything special.  


I didn't record this and my memory isn't what it used to be so I can't comment on the rest.  After the refreshing season of Project Runway Junior, this season of All-Stars leaves a lot to be desired.  Actually, so far it is pretty dreadful.  I still like Stella, but not necessarily her work. I am sure she will be soon gone.

  • Love 2

I was so sure it would be Emily gone just because she seemed so so low-energy/sad in all her talking heads.  Maybe being in the bottom had that effect.  I'll miss Fade--personality-wise I like him even better than Kini (who now will be my main reason for watching).  

My only thought about the Sam/Mitchell feud is that, while Mitchell probably should have dropped it when he realized he wasn't getting anywhere, Sam's argument that "you should toughen up because you'll hear lots worse criticism than mine as a designer" really isn't fair.  You often hear from reality show veterans that "there are only X number of people in the world that know what this is like."  (With PR having had 14 seasons, 15 if you count UTG, it adds up to fewer than 200, right?).  Despite individual feuds, etc., there is still, among most of them, a shared experience and to some degree a camaraderie.  Sam's criticism of Mitchell was not a fashion blogger or TV recapper mocking him, it was someone in the same "family," as it were.  Sam still has the right to say whatever he wants, and Mitchell still sucks, but my point is it's not just some random unknown criticizing Mitchell, it's someone who knows how hard it is.

Then again, petted and coddled and favored Sam and Asha don't really know how hard it is...ugh.

At some point Ken said something about either "keeping it under my hat" or "pulling it out of my hat" and all I could think was "out of that reservoir-tip knit hat you're wearing?"  That hat, and how it sticks up on top, bugs me every time I see it, and I'm afraid I will see it frequently.  Mitchell's ridiculous pompon is a marvel of haberdashery compared to the gray knit condom.

  • Love 6

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