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S32.E01: I'm A Mental Giant

Tara Ariano
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I'm just afraid he screwed it all up with his Idol search. Too soon? Maybe, maybe not. But the way he went about it.....You can't just go off on your own that long without some plausible excuse. And WHAT was he doing??? Pulling trees up, roots and all? Did he think the crew went out there 10 years before, buried an idol, and planted some seeds so a tree would grow over it??? I was so confused. 



Tai noticed the three trees because they were dead (as any good gardener would, LOL), that's why he was able to yank them easily out of the ground.  If I saw correctly, he only managed to pull up two of the trees and search under them, I don't think he had time to pull up one tree before the others found him.  I have a feeling that because of the extended footage of him searching, the idol might indeed be under that third tree.  Now, did any of the Beauties catch where he was searching and what he was doing?

Edited by laurakaye
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Good ole B-Smoke Cowboy (as I thought he was saying the first 50 times on Big Brother instead of 'Beast Mode')


Yeah, he hasn't learned to enunciate it any better, has he?  I always heard Beef Smoke Cowboy or Bespoke Cowboy.  But I'm so grateful his giant BMC belt buckle will remind me of the correct words.

Debbie was irritating when talking about herself, but she was so sweet and nurturing to Aubrey when A was dehydrated and freaking out--probably the most sincere of them in that scenario.

Tai did apologize to the trees when he replanted them, heh.  They did come up awfully easily so I can see how he thought they'd been moved there.  I did like his tethering idea for the chickens.  

I wonder if they did the split vote to flush out any idols, but still don't understand why they went with Darnell instead of Alecia, but I am willing to believe there were several factors (the pooping, for one) and not just challenge performance.  Alecia did worse on the challenge than Darnell.  He lost the mask, but as he noted, he helped push, paddle, etc. and she did nothing--in fact worse than nothing on the puzzle.  So challenge performance as a deciding factor should have been at best a draw.


Edited by Jobiska
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To be fair, I'm sure they showed her plenty of sympathy; she was probably carrying on like this for hours, and it wears on a person, esp when y ou can't help them. And remember, this is editing; they focused, on purpose, on the moments of annoyance and anxiety about the challenge: foreshadowing.


Given that humane gestures and selfless acts are few and far between on Survivor, I'm gonna stick with my original impression.   And to be fair, I don't think crying in agony because a larva is consuming your eardrum really rates as "carrying on."   Having a public anxiety attack because you cluelessly signed up for Survivor without considering what you were getting yourself into, that's carrying on.

Edited by millennium
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I was amused when the ladies on Beauty were discussing Caleb and said "he took an alliance of nine all the way to the end" which is not quite true, first off because it's a final two.

But Caleb's alliance fractured and re-fractured the entire time. And Derrick was the leader anyways, Caleb just never knew it.

I'm still rooting for him though because he can be SO funny even when he doesn't know it.

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Well, this first episode is another reason I watch the 'other' survival shows, Fat Fuckers in the Wood, "The bugs are eating my vajayjay" and The Army Dude and the Barefoot One.


No Bear Grylls, Someone pussed out in the food department because the Secret Service doesn't have a sense of humor.............

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I wonder if bug lady tried putting her head in the water and drowning that thing out.

Exactly what I was thinking. Salt water is a natural antiseptic (in higher concentrations, very few things can grow in it, hence salt-water pools), and warming it, would have made it easier to enter the ear canal as well. I also thought that it would be MUCH bigger. The build up, was almost a let down when I saw it. Although, I do not doubt that it hurt (as someone who has an ear issue with scarring and blockage on one side).

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Khaleesi is probably 75% of the reason I post in this section. Keep the commentary coming! 


I'm just going to assume I'm the other 25%.  ;)  She enrolled in an after-school Science program during last season's mess and wasn't up for watching after her homework.  She wisened up and dropped "Extra Science" - though watching these bozos wasn't the real reason.  :) 


I really don't think Aubry or Jen were carrying on, and it didn't really seem like either tribe was annoyed.  Aubry's panic attack was brought on by dehydration.  In the Marines we say "Hydrate or die" and while it sounds funny, it's extremely dangerous to exert yourself in extreme weather for even a few minutes especially when you aren't conditioned to it or in good physical shape.  To be honest, Aubry doesn't look like she's conditioned to exert herself anywhere except her office. 


What a boring post this is, no wonder you folks prefer my offspring. 

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The sound editing guys are really having a field day adding in the knuckle-cracking sound effect every time the bounty hunter flexes his hands.  Which already is too often.


I know I'm old, but I have a strong visceral revulsion to viewing ear gauges, so I hope he goes very soon.  Calling Alecia "Blondie" does not help.  I think she's shown herself to be kind of useless, but she's your teammate and she has a name.

Edited by Special K
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Alicia revealed herself when she said she was 'brawn' and tough because she had been zip-lining in Thailand, walked with two tigers and something else. All of which were passive activities. But, she thinks it makes her tough. I really wish Brawn had voted her out.

So, any chance that Joe knows 'special agent' Phillip. Yea, I didn't think so.

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I just watched a second time and noticed that Jennie almost got killed several times. People were dropping huge heavy things off the boat onto the raft where she was sitting and back at camp earlobe guy dropped a hundred pound rock a few inches from her head. I guess whoever has a hit out on her decided her body was invincible so "drive her insane with a bug in her head," was the next plan of attack. Poor thing, I hope she stays alive and goes far.

I dislike every person on the Brains tribe but Joe. Debbie, because "She chatters constantly and speaks so highly of herself," and the other four because they are all so blatantly ageist. "Low hanging fruit?" "Grandma and Grandpa?" Seriously?

I, also, pretty much turned against the whole Beauty tribe except for Tai. They went on and on about how nice he was, patient and generous with advice, savior of chickens, etc. But the minute he was caught looking for an idol it was like they had unmasked a serial killer. Be wary of him, sure, but don't hate, him.

Yes, the ageism on the Brains tribe was just running rampant. I thought it was particularly rich coming from Not-Obama who is 34. Debbie who is only 49. Since when did 49 become old? I hate the fact that they took one look at them and judge them based on their age. And then calling them "geriatric" - ugh, it pissed me off. I hope Joe the FBI agent wins it all now lol.

Lest you think, I am calling 34 old, rest assured I am not...I am a year older that Not-Obama and while I would not call myself old, I also would not call myself young.

Edited by Sarahsmile416
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Pretty sure the girl with the bug in her ear received medical attention- she was laying with the affected ear up when it crawled out, and it appeared she had a liquid in her ear canal. Probably warm oil.

Where do they get these people- I can't understand how any of them ever get the dumb idea that they would do well on Survivor, and that they cast such ignorant, mediocre, unremarkable people. Unless the show provides them with a lot of food, the big muscular guys have a hard time- it takes a lot of calories and protein to maintain a body's that big, and when in a calorie deficit they usually become worthless.

I may be cynical, but I almost wish they would have two groups and call them Smart group/ Dumb group.

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Regarding the girl that had the panic attack- yes, it is very difficult to remain hydrated in a climate like that, especially when exerting yourself, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what kind of numbskull would sit in the sun on the beach and do their tasks?! Direct sun and solar radiation can raise the temp 10-15 degrees. Common sense dictates that if you feel warm you sit in the shade. Heatstroke is no joking matter.

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That was bullshit. Darnell lost the goggles, but they were in first place when surprise surprise Alecia had to tap out of the puzzle and they lost.


Darnell losing the goggles put them behind from the start.  They could have finished at least second without his mistake. And when he lost them he basically gave up, he didn't try to find them or get an oar.  He expected someone else to do that.  He essentially stood around and did nothing just like Alecia did.  At least Alecia tapped out early so she didn't significantly hold up the team.


Plus he crapped right in front of everyone.


I wonder if bug lady tried putting her head in the water and drowning that thing out.


That was my first thought as well.


I love how every time Debbie got a confessional, she had a different occupation in her graphic. I kept waiting for Pirate Master's hilarious "Scientist/Exotic Dancer" to show up.


Ah, Pirate Master.


Tai was actually in a better position before he started looking for the idol and getting caught.  In general, there seems to be some serious confusion on how to handle the idol - Alecia didn't have any idea how to answer the question "do you have an idol?" either.

Edited by Jersey Guy 87
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There has to be more to the Darnell vote than we saw because otherwise that makes no sense, even by their standards. Kyle, Scot, and Jennifer pretty clearly think Alecia is useless, both at camp and in the challenges, and they think she's kind of sketchy, but they kept her over a stronger player just because he lost some swim goggles? I felt bad for Darnell and find Alecia pretty annoying but on the plus side for us, she's good for unintentional comedy. Kyle and Scot tell her in no uncertain terms that they're voting for Darnell, she almost gets them to change their minds and vote for her instead with her nonsense about maybe-I-have-the-idol-maybe-I-don't, and then praises herself in a confessional for being a "master manipulator." I look forward to a scene of her eating a banana and wondering out loud why the corn tastes so funny.


I'm pretty sure Aubrey did have heat exhaustion because Debbie commented about how hot her skin was. Heat exhaustion can make a person very disoriented, which would explain why she needed people to bring her water and fruit. I think people are getting the impression she was faking or drama-queening it up because of Elisabeth being all eye-rolly and "she claims to be dehydrated but her lips aren't even chapped" about it, as if that's the only possible symptom. Elisabeth is probably a nice person in real life, but that was an assy thing to say. Not everything that happens on Survivor is a scheme.


So far, I can't tell most of the women apart (although I like Cydney and maybe Jennifer and Debbie) and there seems to be a higher percentage than usual of d-bags among the men. Except for Tai, Joe, and RIP Darnell, the men are coming across to me as either dude bros or otherwise way too impressed with themselves; Nick is hilariously vain, but Ice Cream Man and Dr. Fauxbama both seem to have a mean streak. Then again, after the first episode of Worlds Apart, I thought Dan seemed like an okay guy, so I don't exactly bat 1000 on my early assessments.


Is Debbie an actual person or an Andrea Martin character?

Edited by fishcakes
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I, also, pretty much turned against the whole Beauty tribe except for Tai. They went on and on about how nice he was, patient and generous with advice, savior of chickens, etc. But the minute he was caught looking for an idol it was like they had unmasked a serial killer. Be wary of him, sure, but don't hate, him.

I have never understood this concept of hating the person searching for the idol.  Instead of standing there, watching someone search and saying, "How dare they?!  It's only Day 1!"  Maybe get up and get searching, too?  Idols are important in this game!



I know I'm old, but I have a strong visceral revulsion to viewing ear gauges, so I hope he goes very soon.  Calling Alecia "Blondie" does not help.  I think she's shown herself to be kind of useless, but she's your teammate and she has a name.

I have a visceral revulsion to people cracking their knuckles.  I used to work next to someone who did this and I'd have to stop and cringe.  I make my daughter pay me when she does it in front of me.  So that guy can get gone sooner rather than later, please.

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I didn't hear anyone on the Beauty tribe say they now hated Tai because he was looking for the idol. What they said was that they now have a hard time trusting him now. Big difference. The first few days on Survivor are all about building friendships and establishing trust with each other. Sneaking off on your own to look for an idol is not how you do that. This has ben true on every season since idols have been introduced. You need to be a lot more subtle and careful when you go looking for idols so you don't get caught.

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I wasn't really looking forward to this season and I'm still not tbh, but this was a decent ep and I love the commentary here so much that I'll watch even if the show sucks just to come here!


I really like Aubry. To go from such an intense heat exhaustion fueled panic attack to just annihilating the challenge and basically single–handedly winning it for her tribe was amazing.


I also tentatively like all the women on Beauty and I hope the people speculating that they may prove to be a big force this season are right.


I truly do not understand why someone searching for the HII makes them public enemy #1 or why it's proof that they are shady. I think the real reason people get so mad about it is probably because they're actually mad at themselves for not looking for the HII.


Besides Joe and Tai I don't like any of the men, which really is par for the course. But damn I can't remember the last time there were so many douchebags roaming around in one season.


I also really don't like Cydney, but since everyone here seems to love her I'm thinking maybe I'm being irrational. I do absolutely love her hair though. She makes a better Beauty member than all the actual Beauty members.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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There must be something wrong with me, because I find Tai way more attractive than either of the other men on the Beauty tribe.  That tall one is just not at all appealing facially and Caleb has that deformed/alien look that body builders sometimes get.

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Oh my gosh, her running tally of odd jobs (didn't see say "Caretaker for Nuns"???) is the only thing that makes me hope they keep her around. 









Caretaker of None - i.e. not married, not a parent.


So there's no 'warm, motherly' type on this season. i don't think any of the women have children this season. Wow!

Edited by Big Mother
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Yes, she said "caretaker to none" in that litany or increasingly wacko professions. 


And then when she capped it off with, "and between jobs, a server at Red Lobster," I about died.  And with no irony at all!  Seriously, that could've come straight out of an SNL skit.

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Caretaker of None - i.e. not married, not a parent.


So there's no 'warm, motherly' type on this season. i don't think any of the women have children this season. Wow!

I believe Debbie said in her cast video on CBS that s had a couple of children.

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I did like his tethering idea for the chickens.


That was so cute. Not only did it solve a problem at camp, but it made the chickens happier too. I really hope Tai can stick around!


Yes, the ageism on the Brains tribe was just running rampant. I thought it was particularly rich coming from Not-Obama who is 34. Debbie who is only 49. Since when did 49 become old? I hate the fact that they took one look at them and judge them based on their age. And then calling them "geriatric" - ugh, it pissed me off. I hope Joe the FBI agent wins it all now lol.

Lest you think, I am calling 34 old, rest assured I am not...I am a year older that Not-Obama and while I would not call myself old, I also would not call myself young.


No, I get what you're saying. I'm 36 and I have a good friend who is 50. I don't see that as old at all. 

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I know cockroaches crawling into ear canals is a fairly common thing in housing projects and third world countries, but they're just seeking warmth, not supper.   Usually they can be compelled to leave with a spritz of lidocaine.    But this island thing was eating into her head, just like in Twilight Zone's "The Caterpillar."

My first thought was that it was like "Brokedown Palace" -- ugggh, I'm shuddering just thinking about it.

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That was, for me, the reason to vote him off in the first place.


I guess you drop trou anywhere you want when you are in the city?

I have a (former) friend who let her son do that when he was potty training.  Her theory was that she lets her dogs poop and then picks it up, so why not the same with her son?  (Years later she got a ticket and fine for letting another son pee in the street - she was very proud of this).   One of many reasons for her being a "former" friend!

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Caleb when approached by the girls:  "I was afraid no one would recognize me"  dammit that was my hope!!!  I NEVER GET WHAT I WANT!!! 


I thought the bug in the ear would be more cockroachy - but can't believe her teammates watched crawl out and head back in...I would have grabbed that thing as soon as it was out!!!    And now I picture Jen like Sabrina from Raising Hope wearing a Panty Hose on her head to sleep

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I don't fault the other Brawns for not actively helping Ear Girl.  What could they really do?  It's natural to think that if she wasn't at her best that it would hurt them in the challenge.  It's not like they could dig in her ear and get the bug out.  The best they could have done was to tell her to get medical attention, which she may or may not have done.  She sits there screaming every 10 seconds, what can they do for her?  I agree that when she was lying down and it crawled out, the one girl standing over her should have grabbed it immediately instead of letting it go back in and then waiting for Scot to do it the second time.  But apart from that, not much they could have done for her.


Debbie is the love child of Shirin and Carolyn.  She has all of the spastic, won't stop talking, off her meds, annoyingness of Shirin, and the smug self-satisfaction of Carolyn.  Not a good combo.


I thought it was priceless that Obama lumped himself in with "young".  34 to me is pretty much middle-aged.  It's not old, but it's not young.  Young is 19 or 20s.  But mostly, he looks 45.  I wonder if he called himself young because he looks more the same age as the "old lady" than the others.

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I thought it was priceless that Obama lumped himself in with "young".  34 to me is pretty much middle-aged.  It's not old, but it's not young.  Young is 19 or 20s.  But mostly, he looks 45.  I wonder if he called himself young because he looks more the same age as the "old lady" than the others.


To me, the guy only looks like Obama from like the bridge of his nose up -- eyes, forehead, and the close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair.  Which, Obama's hair wasn't anywhere near that gray when he first became president, and he was already in his 50s.**


I know he's not on the Beauty tribe or anything, but that guy is not good-looking enough to impersonate Obama.  IMHO.  :)  



** ETA:  Obama was 47 when he became president.

Edited by Special K
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Aubry's panic attack was brought on by dehydration.


I think at least half of the panicky part of it was not the physical sensation but how it affected her thought processes.  She seemed downright scared that she couldn't think in a linear manner, make decisions, etc.  That's what she kept iterating.  I sympathize.  I have noted that when my blood sugar is low I can't talk right, it's harder to think straight, I'm irritable, etc.  I'd self-identify as a brain (among these categories), so I suspect she puts a very high value on her thinking process as one of her best assets (and considering her puzzle prowess, she has reason), and for it to just disappear is downright scary.  

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To me, the guy only looks like Obama from like the bridge of his nose up -- eyes, forehead, and the close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair.  Which, Obama's hair wasn't anywhere near that gray when he first became president, and he was already in his 50s.**


Here's the pic I posted in his thread yesterday.  I definitely see the resemblance, even with the nose and mouth and smile lines.  I think this is Obama's official mugshot from his first term, before his hair really started turning grey.



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Tai noticed the three trees because they were dead (as any good gardener would, LOL), that's why he was able to yank them easily out of the ground.  If I saw correctly, he only managed to pull up two of the trees and search under them, I don't think he had time to pull up one tree before the others found him.  I have a feeling that because of the extended footage of him searching, the idol might indeed be under that third tree.  Now, did any of the Beauties catch where he was searching and what he was doing?

He asked the two that approached him for more time to look, so I would have imagined that the third tree would have been the first place he looked.  And surely he didn't find it, because I don't think the show ever doesn't show the contestants finding an idol.  They like to capture that happy dance moment.

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Here's the pic I posted in his thread yesterday.  I definitely see the resemblance, even with the nose and mouth and smile lines.  I think this is Obama's official mugshot from his first term, before his hair really started turning grey.




I will concede that he looks more like Obama than any of the other castaways.  :)


Seriously, I can see it, though to me he looks way less handsome when you actually compare him to Obama.

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I note the recap says Caleb was randomly chopping the coconut tree, but the scene started with Tai directing him exactly where to cut to create a cradle/groove for the support bamboo for the shelter, but then admonishing him not to go too crazy with it, and waxing rhapsodic about how he loved trees, which was a little too much for Caleb to process after he'd been told to cut the groove, I think.  Tai didn't read Caleb very well there.  Just tell him where to cut and drop it.

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To me, the guy only looks like Obama from like the bridge of his nose up -- eyes, forehead, and the close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair.  Which, Obama's hair wasn't anywhere near that gray when he first became president, and he was already in his 50s.**


I know he's not on the Beauty tribe or anything, but that guy is not good-looking enough to impersonate Obama.  IMHO.  :)  



** ETA:  Obama was 47 when he became president.


Obama dyed his hair during his first campaign to create a greater contrast with McCain.

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Hey everyone and I wish all of us a great season of Survivor with lots of fun :)


I'm trying to be excited with the new seasn but last one was so overly amazing and always on the edge that I can't find it in me to feel much excitement :( I hope I get proved wrong sooner than later.


Regarding Jason, I'm getting a vibe of winner's edit like the one Mike had in season 30. A dad with kids, the one with autism, has to be a girly dad at home but a badass on Survivor, manages to bring home the money and the title. That's the vibe I get. I do think he is smarter than he looks and he'll drag the nba player along as his "shield" (I miss Joe btw) and win against him on the final tribal council. I'm just way ahead now, I'll stop :P


I felt so sorry for poor Jennifer. It seems like a nightmare to have a bug in your ear and she seemed in a lot of pain but I respected her very much after the bug was out and she said "lets win this, I'm ready" without any sleep at night. Good for her. I like strong women who are not "Parvatis" (yes, I hate her and her gameplay with passion).


I liked Aubry. She has a strange beauty, reminds me of english actresses in a way. I like her vibe and I hope she stays simple as she is now.


Debbie can shut up any minute and I won't miss her.


I also like Neal with his akwardness. I hope he makes it far cause I just love weird and quirky people.


I never disliked Caleb (more than any player in Big Brother who was on my tv doing absolutely nothing). The Amber thing was producer driven in my opinion and I hope he does well cause he seems like a nice kid.

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There must be something wrong with me, because I find Tai way more attractive than either of the other men on the Beauty tribe.  That tall one is just not at all appealing facially and Caleb has that deformed/alien look that body builders sometimes get.


I'm wrong, too, because I think Tai is adorable. (And the most physically attractive guy this season, IMO, is Blue Boxer Briefs on the Brains tribe. Reminds me of Hugh Dancy from Hannibal.) Even if his personality didn't shine so bright, I would still think Tai is a pretty fit guy. He seems in shape and has a pleasant face, but his body type and general appearance don't match popular standards of beauty. When ranked with other people that fit their "type", Tai would easily be more attractive in his group than Caleb or Tall One would be in theirs. It's like how Older Guy on the Brawn tribe isn't necessarily weak, but will appear that way to some people just because youth is popularly associated with vitality and strength.


I think they might have gone less with visual stereotyping when forming the tribes this time. Like, since there isn't any true standard of physical beauty, maybe the common trait in the Beauty tribe is actually that they have strong personal charisma. Or maybe because there are different types of intelligence, the commonality on the Brains tribe is really that they're all very neurotic and overanalytical. Maybe the Brawn tribe is more based around mental fortitude or something. Maybe I just want to believe casting was this clever.

Edited by Liqidclark
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Still figuring out who's who but.............when they huddled before the challenge they told Alicia she's doing the puzzle and didn't we hear her say it's not a good idea because she's no good at puzzles; then female bodybuilder gave her some line about never say don't.  If it went down that way it's stupid to blame her for how she performed.  Two days in if someone says that's their weak spot and it won't help the team win they need to listen.  Although it's a giveaway for later challenges since Survivor tends to be puzzle heavy and she'll be easy to beat and useless to the team.

I don't know that Darnell's bathroom choice was enough reason to vote him out but that's only because I wanted Debbie out more and would rather pretend they had that choice.

Tai should have claimed sudden stomach problems - I never understood why when they hear their tribe coming they don't just drop pants, squat and yell don't come in here you don't want to smell this.  Then just wait and come out moaning about how it hit so sudden and the new diet is messing with your stomach - play it cool and few will question.  Or as Jeff Foxworthy says if you're going to fake a sick day and don't want the boss to ask a lot of questions explosive diarrhea is always a good choice.

Bugs in the ear; it seemed small but considering how you can't even fit a q-tip far in your ear it probably doesn't take much.  But how about an entire ant colony in your head (click if you dare you've been warned)


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The aqua dump has been shown before, maybe not quite so directly I'm not sure.  I doubt Darnell was the first person out there, maybe he just didn't go out as far. 

I don't think that is why he lost to Alecia. 

I wonder if its because he was suspected of having an alliance with Cydney.  I wish Cydney had fought harder to keep him but I suspect she felt that would put her further on the outs or highlight her or something.  She doesn't seem much of a fit with Jason and doesn't like Alecia. 

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A decent episode but I'm still not sure how I feel about the players, other than agreeing with this assessment:

Debbie is the love child of Shirin and Carolyn.  She has all of the spastic, won't stop talking, off her meds, annoyingness of Shirin, and the smug self-satisfaction of Carolyn.  Not a good combo.

I think a case could have been made why either Darnell or Blondie should have been the first to go, so I can't be too mad about the outcome. Blondie was useless in the puzzle but maybe that wouldn't have mattered if Darnell hadn't lost the goggles and gotten back in the boat without an oar.

if you poop in the water and lose the mask a day later, it will be hard to justify the race card as a defense to stay in the game.  the mere thought of having "your shit" on their eyes, though silly, is still disturbing.  swimming with their eyes unprotected from your poop, lol......ugh.

Race card? Where do you sign up for these race cards I keep hearing about? At the post office? The DMV?

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I wasn't really looking forward to this season and I'm still not tbh, but this was a decent ep and I love the commentary here so much that I'll watch even if the show sucks just to come here!

I really like Aubry. To go from such an intense heat exhaustion fueled panic attack to just annihilating the challenge and basically single–handedly winning it for her tribe was amazing.

I also tentatively like all the women on Beauty and I hope the people speculating that they may prove to be a big force this season are right.

I truly do not understand why someone searching for the HII makes them public enemy #1 or why it's proof that they are shady. I think the real reason people get so mad about it is probably because they're actually mad at themselves for not looking for the HII.

Besides Joe and Tai I don't like any of the men, which really is par for the course. But damn I can't remember the last time there were so many douchebags roaming around in one season.

I also really don't like Cydney, but since everyone here seems to love her I'm thinking maybe I'm being irrational. I do absolutely love her hair though. She makes a better Beauty member than all the actual Beauty members.

No, you are not the only one who doesn't like Cydney (ugh the spelling of her name just bugs), something about her just bugs me. I wasn't a fan of her calling Alecia "Blondie" nor was I impressed by her screaming about the bug in Jenny's ear but doing nothing to help get the thing out. She is strong, but so far I see no other redeeming characteristics about her.

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Exactly what I was thinking. Salt water is a natural antiseptic (in higher concentrations, very few things can grow in it, hence salt-water pools), and warming it, would have made it easier to enter the ear canal as well. I also thought that it would be MUCH bigger. The build up, was almost a let down when I saw it. Although, I do not doubt that it hurt (as someone who has an ear issue with scarring and blockage on one side).



Yeah - seriously, I was really bummed out that - the Bug in Question was like a little squiggler. 

I was expecting like... A Bug. 

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Since Tai already announced his ability to forage in this environment, he should have first found something edible, taken it along with him, and then presented it as the reason for his jungle activities.  Waste of a good cover story.  Of course it's possible he doesn't know this flora as well as he expected to, and tried unsuccessfully; also possible his tribemates would still have been suspicious; but really it's too bad he didn't utilize the out he already set up.  I like him and hope this doesn't hurt him.  I am always amazed that it's considered such a crime to look for an idol.


Jenny's earbug had us shuddering.  Cannot imagine spending hours and hours in that state.  She is a badass.  I'm sure they were all afraid she'd be pulled if she officially asked for a medic to take a look.  I would have tried lying in the sun, hoping it would come out for the warmth, and also putting in water or salt water so it might either drown or seek to save itself from the water.  Anyway I am completely in awe of her mental strength.  Her teammates did seem strangely indifferent so I can only guess that at first they were sympathetic but it just got old listening to her cries of pain.

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