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S28.E01: I Should've Been A Boy Scout


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I have ti say when I first heard about "social media stars" I was like "GTFO and we need to break up, Phil."  Then the ruse of them leaving from their homes to meet at 3 pre determined connections only to see all 11 rush out from the Mexico City airport had me rolling my eyes.


And then...it got pretty...good?  Since I have no idea who any of these people are, it did feel like a normal race even though there was a lot more camera mugging and not many older folk.  But the detour was fun (though lopsided) and the roadblock threw most people off to change a lot of the positioning.  


15 years next month the first season was taped.  I feel old.  

  • Love 13

Well....  I still hold out hope for the current season, but can't Killer Fatigue hit ALL of the teams, like, RIGHT NOW????  Please.  It was only 15 minutes in when my basic thought was "at least one team will be eliminated... tonight!"  And then Phil said that "...the last team to arrive....   MAY be eliminated."  WTF.  Oh well, I still hold out hope for the current season.  KF please come visit soon and then stay on for a long while.  At least I didn't feel so bad that the father/daughter team got non-eliminated, because I am a father and I have daughters and I don't think he makes his living on social media. 

  • Love 4

They've broken my show :(   It makes me so sad.  I've never seen such a bunch of loud and annoying racers...even worse than Flo (ok maybe not ..but close).  All the yelling and so much stupidity in one place!  I was almost hoping for that man to be eliminated at the end because he was so dopey during the task.  Then the daughter cried and I felt bad.  What about the crying mother and son?  ::rolling my eyes::   The only team I liked is the magic team.  I hated that they all knew each other and were hugging and mugging at the same time.


I like no elimination on the first episode.  They should keep that.

  • Love 22

Well dammit I kinda liked it. It really is kind of a normal season. You've got a normal assortment of teams really. Gamers, shopping hosts, models, athletes, dancers, etc. And you've got dating, married, guy friends, girl friends, and parents/children.

I can already tell though, that Cole will be the one I can't stand, as he is clearly the one playing to the cameras most (well, him and the models).

That was a really busy hour. If I had to guess, TPTB knew that their 'gimmick' season last spring garnered them a 90 minute premiere, so they were hoping for similar fortunes here, but the ratings from last year couldn't convince CBS to pony up so they had to squeeze it into an hour. Just spitballing of course. But you really couldn't get a gauge on many of the teams due to not enough time.

So much going on. I think this is the first premiere episode with both a detour and a roadblock since....season 1?? (and that first episode the RB was edited out). Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyways, rooting for Tyler and Korey, or the gamers (being one myself). So far its pleasant enough.

Edited by TheRabbi
  • Love 6

TAR is back!

I missed the first 10 minutes, so I'm sort of glad the the first episode was a NEL. I have more time to sort these teams out. They're all blending together for me right now.

  On 2/13/2016 at 2:00 AM, chitowngirl said:

I know who none of these people are except the Southwest Airlines flight attendant. So for me, this is just another season of TAR! My show is back!!!!

That's how I feel. The only person I've heard of is Zach. Although, I was worried about the dreaded selfish coming back because of these "social media stars." Edited by InDueTime
  • Love 2

Why didn't we get a two hour debut? Survivor is going to get 90 minutes on Wednesday. I guess CBS is looking out for the show, and not put any part of it against Shark Tank.


I'm not familiar with anybody cast aside from Tyler via his commercials for YouTube. I'm going to look up the "Vine Magician," but I'm not compelled to seek out anybody else . . . not yet, anyway. Sheri & Cole look like they could bug, but I thought that about Denise & James Earl last season, and they weren't all bad. I question Sheri and (looking him up) Scott being on the show, since they look to be "plus-ones." Also, Scott went outside to find the drums. That was funny.


Helluva Detour . .. either arts & crafts or potential hearing loss. I don't consider 350 mariachi players to be my personal hell, but I'd understand if anybody disagrees with me.

  • Love 4


Well dammit I kinda liked it. It really is kind of a normal season. You've got a normal assortment of teams really. Gamers, shopping hosts, models, athletes, dancers, etc. And you've got dating, married, guy friends, girl friends, and parents/children.

I agree. I saw no more mugging than I normally do when watching the show. Plus I would rather see an entire cast of Z list celebs than one team with the slight advantage of being recognized by locals during the race. It feels like they're on equal footing.


On a different note, my gaydar was getting a serious workout with the guys in this cast - and I am not referring to Tyler and Korey.

  • Love 4

Loud, shrieky, endless mugging and seeking out the cameras, and I want to punch most of them in the throat.  This should be a fun season.  @@ 

Would have much rather have seen them all gathered together at the beginning... an internet cafe, of course (eye roll)... and then just get a wide-angle of Phil in front of that monument saying, "Here I am... come find me."

  • Love 11

OMG - wanting to take a penalty on the first leg?  Does not bode well for the future.  And it wasn't just "dad" who was wandering around outside looking for the drums.  That one woman was trying to dig for them in the sand pile!??!?!


Then he kept trying to make the 13 pieces fit until he finally twigged that maybe there were other pieces that he'd missed.

  • Love 5
  On 2/13/2016 at 2:05 AM, danm said:

And then Phil said that "...the last team to arrive....   MAY be eliminated."  WTF.  

He never says anything else. At least not since Season 1.


  On 2/13/2016 at 2:07 AM, TheRabbi said:

Well dammit I kinda liked it. It really is kind of a normal season. 


To my astonishment, I found myself thinking the same thing. I know and care nothing about their social-media identities, and once they had all arrived and started racing they were like any other year, actually less obnoxious than many. There even was a surprising amount of inter-team supportiveness and friendliness that felt genuine (balanced by decent competitiveness when it came to getting ahead of other teams). I could end up hating it all in a few weeks, but for now I'm cautiously optimistic.

  • Love 7

Ay yay ya yaaayyyy this one was pretty painful... I felt like a whole new crew of editors/camera people have joined while we were away and this slash/dash TMZ bs made it really hard to watch imho but maybe it's because I'm not fully synched with the whole 'Social Media Generation'. I loved the tasks but hated how they were presented.


Once again we need to get out there that there should be NO molesting the clue-givers and worse yet of Phil.


I can't with Kurt (or is it Cole?? he's the annoying brah with the blonde hair) who is louder than the Afghanimals ever were. I also can't with whichever of the team with the gay spikey haired guy on it that has THE worst laugh ever. It sounds soooo damn fake and put on.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 4

What's not to like:


Cole, and more Cole. His Mom seems ok but sort of defeated already.


The entire cast is a bit on the hyper side. But for the gnashing of teeth about the "Social media stars" theme, I didn't really detect a ton of famewhore behavior outside of Cole. Tone deaf maybe with the constantly yelling at the Mariachis trying to get them to give away who wasn't playing. That got annoying fast.


Who thinks taking a penalty is a good idea on leg 1? Yeesh.


What's ehh:


NE on Leg 1. In Theory it's a massive letdown. But the few times it's happened I always feel a wave of relief. To be on the Race for one measly leg would be my worst nightmare. To see the Dad struggle so bad on the RB and almost cost them their race opportunity was tough.


Typical editing leaving a few teams pretty incognito so far.


What's to like so far:


A season without Justin. Halle-freakin-lujah.


Awesome Detour options (even if it was unbalanced). The fireworks shooting bull was sweet. The Roadblock was pretty nice too. Obviously there were a couple of pitfalls that allowed for a totally reshuffle of the order leading into it. The shot at night of the Palace of the Revolution was gorgeous. The Pitstop Museum was striking. Burnie and Ashley talking about castrated bulls. One of the models snarking about whether the Dad was trying to find little drums on the ground (Shura beat me to that comment!), The quote unquote alpha-dog teams both struggled and don't seem like inevitable finalists.


I'm not in the target twitter demographic (80% of my time on Twitter is devoted to playing the @Midnight Hashtag Wars)....but I've been following a few of the contestants feeds over the last couple weeks. Multiple ones were live tweeting the episode tonight and it was heartening to see their individual fan bases so engaged and enthused about how they were doing on the Race.

  • Love 5

I actually liked it too.  I don't watch YouTube videos so they're all strangers to me. I liked to see a lot of people playing nice, although I suspect that won't last.   I don't mind "mugging" for the camera either.  It's a season full of personalities.  As long as they're different, I won't be bothered by it. 


I see it as a sociological experiment.  "Let's see what happens when people stop being polite...and start getting real. "


The challenges were fun too.  When I saw the mariachi challenge, I thought it'd trip people up so I was glad to see that it was challenging but not impossible for a few teams.  And I liked that the roadblock did rearrange the lead order. 

  • Love 8

Once again we need to get out there that there should be NO molesting the clue-givers and worse yet of Phil.


But that's one of the things that separates Phil from Probst. Can you imagine somebody from Survivor breathing funny on him, let alone wrapping their legs around him like Maya did in TAR25? Phil is used to being touched . . . shit, didn't Lori bite him in TAR6?

  • Love 4

That wasn't too bad, though it was kind of hectic.  At least I don't hate any of the teams right from the start, though the mother-son team could start getting on my nerves fairly quickly.


I am kind of glad it was a NEL:  I would hate to have seen that team go home this early after watching that YouTube video of all the planning the daughter put into packing her backpack.  But I got a feeling that their further survival is going to be up to her since he seemed pretty useless.

  • Love 2

I know it's early in the race, but these people are killing me.  Mom and son who BOTH cried need to go.  First.


I don't know how I feel about the non-elim being on the first leg, but here it is.


The mugging for the camera is going to be relentless.



ITA. Youtube "celebrities?" Gimme a break. They're business is about being insular and now they're taking part in competition that requires to be out there and be a part of the rest of the world and interact with cultures that's not about them.


And for the non-elim leg.Boo! In previous seasons there were a lot of other racers that I wished to be spared in the first leg and they weren't.


Has this show ran out of couple scenarios already?

Edited by redfish
  • Love 4

I enjoyed the episode far more than I thought I would given the "hook".

I don't appreciate 'drama' and 'over enthusiasm' aka 'yelling'.......so my teams to watch so far are

-the brothers - I really liked that they pulled themselves up from the bottom and I hope they can keep it up.

-the silly gay duo with one of the guys seemingly quite well known . I enjoyed him and the dumb joke about his hair at the end.

-also liked the couple who have the 'magical' videos. They seem to have a great relationship and sense of humor.

I am sooooooo very, very sick of 20 something dames using their "looks,sexuality". They are typically boring and uninteresting. I am never clear why the show casts so many of this type. I have trouble remembering who they are when they are on camera! I do understand that young men want to see this, but.....I am old.

Loved the tasks this episode.


Cautiously optimistic.

  • Love 12

I don't know who the hell these people are. (Youtube "stars" are not stars to me.) In any event, that young man who either squealed like a teenager or blubbered like a baby and his momma, needs to go. They clearly miss their home and I miss it for them. I'm blubbering in their honor. Please send them home.


As for the non-elimination, I am all for that for a first leg non-elim for every season. I always think it unfair to eliminate someone immediately, before they've gotten their sea legs. Give them a chance to make their first stupid mistakes and then eliminate them!

  • Love 15

I can't distinguish any if the teams since they're all "makes random YouTube videos". Much easier when you can think doctors, engaged, parents, cheerleaders, etc. I guess they're trying to attract the younger, hipper set, but losing us 40-somethings who've been watching for years.

Strange editing. People arriving who I hadn't even seen finishing the previous task. Wandering around shoveling or picking up puzzle pieces? Why were the pieces even outside on the grass? That whole cave challenge was confusing.

If they want to take a penalty on task one, how will they survive?

  • Love 8

I still refuse to believe despite facts to the contrary that Professional Ultimate Frisbee is an actually thing.

I have heard of RoosterTeeth because a friend used to work with them and my boyfriend has heard of the magician who's videos I thought looked really cool bit other than that I am clueless.


Asking a random guy on the street if he's a mariachi?? (His expression was priceless.)

To be fair he was carrying a guitar out of its case walking down the street. Edited by biakbiak

Things I enjoyed:
Korey and Tyler’s (and many of the other teams’) extreme joy at lighting the fireworks.  I like seeing the teams enjoying the experience.

Mass of mariachis.  I would have liked it if they played different songs.  Still found it fun. 

Some complex tasks that mixed up the order of the teams. 
Scott and Jessica rambling around looking for the drums.  And their teammates cheering them on for things like digging in the pile of dirt.  Scott, you’re an OB/GYN.  Go to the hole!  I did enjoy him saying “I have to go back to my box”.  Yes, I am 12. 

As always, Phil.


Things I can do without:

“Are you the one not playing?  Are you the one not playing?”  Maybe if you STFU you can listen and find out who is not playing.  Do you think the person is going to step forward because you asked? 

Jumping on the judges.  Leave them alone.

Anyone who explained they were going to use their sexuality/sexiness/looks to their advantage.  Thanks for sharing such deep and important planning on your part.

  • Love 14

I still refuse to believe despite facts to the contrary that Professional Ultimate Frisbee is an actually thing.


I'm in New Hampshire, we've just outlasted a barrage of political ads. One of my favorites was "This guy knows nothing about foreign policy, that guy is even worse. Marco Rubio is a recognized expert on national security." My question always was, recognized by whom? Just because someone thinks something is a thing, does it really mean that it's actually a thing? 



To be fair he was carrying a guitar out of its case walking down the street.


Good thing he didn't start shooting, Banderas-style.

  • Love 3

I'm one of those people who think that people are definitely mugging.  It's also weird to see some teams already knew each other before the race started.  Considering these are all social media people, that's not a complete surprise, but still weird to see people reconnecting on the race.


I understand people defending the NEL so that teams get a minimum of 2 legs, but have we ever started with a NEL before?

  • Love 3

If to be young today means to follow these people online, I am very glad I'm old. The non-stop shrieking was driving me nuts. If I drank every time someone shouted "oh my god" or "oh my gosh" or used literally incorrectly (I know they've changed the dictionary to have literally = figuratively now, but I still hate it), I would be in a coma.


These people get on my nerves, they are stupid (looking for drums in the grass?), they are crybabies (you haven't even left the house yet), they cannot read directions (asking random people in the wrong place if they are mariachis), they want to take penalties in the first leg, they're fame whores (except maybe the doctor and the FA's mom), and they seem to all already know each other (so I'm sure there will be some kind of alliances which I hate in this game).


The only thing I liked was having a non-elim for the first leg - well, I like that as a concept, but I really wanted one of these particular teams to be gone already. I completely hated the "start from home." Yes, I totally believe that all those flights arrived in Mexico City at the exact same time and that teams were allowed to make their own arrangements from their hometowns.


I've boycotted Amazing Race seasons in the past (the ones with Brenden and Rachel), and I may have to pass on this one, too. If next episode I cannot find at least two teams to like, I just don't think it's worth the pain to my eardrums.

  • Love 10

12 minutes into the show, and they're all still tooting their own flutes.  <sigh!>


Mexico City looked great and the greeter was hot!  And I mean smokin'!


Mariachi Madness was a good challenge -- Firework Bulls not so much.  


The assembly of the masks was quite tricky, due to the inclusion of extra pieces in the excavation sites.  The clue specifically said 13 pieces, so there would be a tendency to stop digging after you found the first 13, and try to force them into making a mask.


I've thought for quite a while that the NEL legs should be at the beginning of the race, so as to give us a chance tocome to know the racers a bit more, before the eliminations start.  I know this is cost-prohibitive, and that other issues have to be considered, but generally I favor a 1st- leg NEL. But see below.


Ok, now, the teams.  


Oh.  My.  Ghodd!!!


A bigger bunch of grinning, self-aggrandizing, conceited wankers, it would be difficult to imagine!  I don't know who I hate more. Them, or the thousands/millions of sheep that follow and inflate these losers into pseudo-stardom.  While I would normally support a leg #1 NEL, I can't help but wish we had a nine-episode season, with no NELs at all, so we could get these shite-hawks off my screen as fast as possible.  But instead, we actually save the guy who is one of the few non-YouTubers, but is so dumb he thought he had to exit the cave and sprinkle his mask pieces all over hell's half-acre, like it was seed-corn or something.


All I can hope, is that this pile of sea-crab shite get hit hard by KF, and early,  so maybe they put a stop to the constant mugging and performing, forget about being a star, and just race the race.  If that happens, this season might be saved.


  On 2/13/2016 at 2:56 AM, Lantern7 said:

But that's one of the things that separates Phil from Probst. Can you imagine somebody from Survivor breathing funny on him, let alone wrapping their legs around him like Maya did in TAR25? Phil is used to being touched . . . shit, didn't Lori bite him in TAR6?


Best moment in Phil-Hugging history:  Cha-Cha-Cha, black as chimney-sweeps from bagging charcoal, throwing their arms wide as they approach the pitstop, and Phil running away to avoid a filthy hug.  (It brings a tear to my eye, to remember what TAR used to be like.)

  • Love 16
  On 2/13/2016 at 4:28 AM, awaken said:

I can't distinguish any if the teams since they're all "makes random YouTube videos". Much easier when you can think doctors, engaged, parents, cheerleaders, etc. I guess they're trying to attract the younger, hipper set, but losing us 40-somethings who've been watching for years.

Strange editing. People arriving who I hadn't even seen finishing the previous task. Wandering around shoveling or picking up puzzle pieces? Why were the pieces even outside on the grass? That whole cave challenge was confusing.

If they want to take a penalty on task one, how will they survive?

The doctor/father said he had dropped the mask shards and was trying to retrieve them. The clue directed them to the drums, but since they couldn't hear the drums from the digging area, I can understand that some people thought they might be outside.

I watch very little YouTube and have not heard of any of these people, so for me, it's just a normal mix of racers. So far, I'm looking forward to this season. Glad to have my Amazing Race back.

  • Love 3
  On 2/13/2016 at 6:14 AM, Netfoot said:
A bigger bunch of grinning, self-aggrandizing, conceited wankers, it would be difficult to imagine!  I don't know who I hate more. Them, or the thousands/millions of sheep that follow and inflate these losers into pseudo-stardom.

My thoughts exactly, only I wouldn't have been so nice about it.


I have never heard of any of these "important, influential" people... and I'm more proud of that now than I was before the show. Apparently, to be a Social Media Superstar, you must be very loud and very stupid. I know and respect the Rules of the Race, but if they don't get these people some handlers, who knows how long this season could last? Until the last of them wanders into the wilderness or off of a cliff, I guess, which might not be long at all, come to think of it.


So far, the ONLY team that doesn't seem to be suffering from terminal Look At Me-itis, combined with Listen to Me Scream-itis, is... the black brothers. (I'm sorry, but like someone else posted, not knowing who any of these people are or what it is that they do makes it hard to identify them right now. Eventually, maybe, we'll learn their names, but "YouTube Sensations" isn't going to cut it this season. So until I learn their names, they're "the black brothers" and "the crying idiots from Alabama" (my home, BTW) and "the girl and her stupid father" and "the gay couple with bad hair and worse laugh" and "guys who play Frisbee" and... "the other teams.")

Edited by Lakebum
  • Love 15


. shit, didn't Lori bite him in TAR6?

This memory made me smile and choked me up a little--she jumped into his arms and bit his neck (it was right after she and Bolo did the Fast Forward where they had to drink some pig's blood...(as I recall, she said it was "nasty")


All in all, I liked it.  I have no idea who the people are yet but the crying boy and his mom have to go.   I am in favour of a first leg Non Elim---I was hoping for a season sometime where they invited all the teams back that were eliminated first...

  • Love 2
Brody and Kurt (guess I got that right) are way too loud and annoying. One of them kept yelling--who is fake playing? Who is fake playing? Omg! Shut up!

Seriously. I wanted to yell back at them, "STFU!" Did they seriously think that one of the musicians would just raise his hand and say, "Me! I'm not really playing!"


Cole (the crying guy with his mom) also started yelling, "Who isn't playing?" so he is doubly on my shit list.

  • Love 14

Yeah and I thought the dating season was the kiss of death.  This could well be not just the stake in the heart of the show but shitting down the corpse's throat afterward.


Loathe half the teams.  Loathe.  I hated the multi open. Hate the overedited shots of drama-lost in the streets.  I thought there was no way anyone could be stupider than the one frisbee guy who thought bellowing everything including asking the members of a task to essentially do it for him.  But there is.  and his name apparently is Cole.  But wait.  The good doctor doubled down.  More times than I could count.  I wondered if I should be concerned when he said he was sad when his daughter had to leave home in her teens to make her career on YouTube.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I saw more mugging for the cameras at a time when they should be racing than even the worst past season.  I predict this might be the first season of multi-losers due to spending more time being self-involved than actually racing.  Did I mention how obnoxious and loathsome I find most of the racers?  Cameras muggers?  I really hope half the racing couples if not more end up being last at the mat and eliminated due to spending more time mugging for the cameras.  I wanted multiple MugFucks.


I'm going to miss the sheer dumbass that is the doctor.  But I am not going to miss the daughter who left home to make her way on Youtube (I'm still laughing my ass off on that even harder than watching that woman start shoveling).  That daughter's vocal fry was so bad in her talking heads I wasn't sure if I should mock her or admire her for multi-tasking since she was filming and grinding her coffee beans for her next morning cup at the same time.

Edited by tenativelyyours
  • Love 7

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