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S12.E09: The Sound Of Silence

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Not this again... How many more dramas will happen to her. It's not sad anymore, it's boring and quite annoying. I mean she's bean already through hell... more than once. If they don't have anymore ideas of how to keep the show interesting maybe they should end it.


I dealed with Derek's death, I still hate that Penny character though. She's really not necessary.

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15 minutes into the episode (2nd commercial break) on CTV. I won't post any spoilers until the episode is over on ABC, but everyone I'm watching with has been dead silent and on the edge of their seat. It's early to really say much, but the first bit of the episode really has been exceptionally shot, acted, and even written. I love seeing these doctors rally together. 

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15 minutes into the episode (2nd commercial break) on CTV. I won't post any spoilers until the episode is over on ABC, but everyone I'm watching with has been dead silent and on the edge of their seat. It's early to really say much, but the first bit of the episode really has been exceptionally shot, acted, and even written. I love seeing these doctors rally together. 


Ok, I wasn't going to watch live ... but you just talked me into it ... 

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Ok, I wasn't going to watch live ... but you just talked me into it ... 


It's well worth it, in my opinion. I think if fans can get past the fact that it's a Meredith-centric episode that pushes other stories aside for the week, and just look at it as a standalone episode of Grey's Anatomy, any fan should be able to enjoy it. It's really as great as many of the earlier 'event' episodes. You can feel how much went into making it great. The cast is fantastic, especially Ellen and Justin so far. The episode is really, really well written, directed, and put together. I've got about 15 minutes to go here. 

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Even had this episode been fortunate enough to escape the overhyped press, it would have remained a disappointment. Too many moments rang false, and the characters behaved with many of the contrivances that came to define the show in its notoriously ill-written middle seasons. A regression in terms of quality. Terribly underwhelming. 

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My cable went out 15 minutes in, and came back during the opening scene of Scandal. Can't wait to hear what I've missed. But what I did see, reminded me of Mer's "drowning" all those seasons ago. Which is to say, ugh, gimme a break.

Everyone should stay away from Mer; I think she's cursed.

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1. Rip off from ER with Lucy and Carter.

2. For Gods sake! When they realized she couldn't hear why oh why didn't someone get a pen and paper??!!!

3. The guy just had a massive seizure and you leave him on a stretcher and don't put up the side rails?

Other than that, I thought it was a good episode.

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Denzel did a bang-up job directing. I appreciate the artistry of the episode, but I was too distracted by the "Good grief, can we just drop an asteroid on Meredith and be done with it already?" of it all to really, really like it. At some point, it kind of stops being believable that so many horrible and traumatic things can happen to one person and they haven't yet either stared down their own barrel or locked themselves in a basement and never come out.

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I wish all of Penny's scenes were Jo's, because I feel like it would have been more meaningful for Jo to have been on Meredith's case and be there for her, seeing as they never really warmed up to each other, to go along with Meredith witnessing Jo covering Alex with the blanket. It would have tied nicely to Meredith's conversation with Alex at the end. 

But, nope, just like the episode where Derek died, Penny gets the bulk of the face time during a major character's big episode, when that time would have been better spent on incorporating others. 

Edited by funnygirl
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As a stand-alone episode, I thought this was great.  You can tell they really put a lot into the camera work and directing.  Ellen Pompeo and Justin Chambers were really excellent.  And I absolutely loved the scene between Meredith and Webber.  


HOWEVER, this is not a stand alone episode, its a midseason premiere of an ensemble drama that left us with three cliffhangers.  I was resigned to the fact we wouldn't get to "see" the aftermath of all three cliffhangers due to the spoilers but I am still pissed that we had to find out Jackson filed for divorce because they are arguing outside Meredith's room and that we still don't know what actually happened between Alex and Jo (though I guess that will come next week---hopefully).   Though it was predictable, I am glad Meredith finally seems to  realize her selfishness and gave Alex the push to go back and fight for Jo.  


I do appreciate that they never made it out like Meredith was in mortal danger.  


And I still hate Penny.  This episode did not redeem her in the way I thought they would go for.

Edited by Greysaddict
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I think the episode would have worked better for me as the final episode of the fall rather than the first episode after a long break. I felt too removed from everything that led up to it at this point. And they could still have had their 'cliffhangers'...will Japril divorce, will Jo takeAlex back, will therapy work...etc. from this episode to carry over the break.

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An episode where I didn't have to hear Meredith screeching about something or other for 45 minutes?  I'll take it.  But yes, yet ANOTHER trama befalls Meredith.  My God, how much can one person suffer in a lifetime?  Ridiculous.  Oh, and leave it to Amelia to stay true to form and make shit about her.  I heard a lot of "me me me", and was left to hear it from Webber how badly Amelia actually felt about ignoring Meredith's pages.  


One of the few good spots was what's her name finally getting a backbone and standing up for herself.


I also liked the scenes with Arizona trying to clean Meredith up a bit before the visit with the kids.

Edited by FuriousStyles
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I think the hype kind of made it underwhelming to me, but there were some good scenes. I liked the stuff with Alex, Richard and Arizona. Meredith seemed more like the Meredith I used to like by the end.

There was too much Penny. I just don't care. While I was glad they resolved the Amelia cliffhanger, I also thought there was too much Amelia. It was repetitive, and I just don't care.







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First episode I've watched since Derek's funeral, and it's a doozy! I just turned it on because I was bored. I don't know who a lot of the characters are or what the current plots are. But really? Another tragic happening for Mer?

I did like Akex saying everyone in the room was her family though. I can't believe they are the last two of MAGIC there. :( And how far they've come.

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It was an ok episode, not great and way over-hyped.  Like others have said, ER did it first and much better with the Carter/Lucy stabbing.   I despise that these writers think it's ok to dangle cliff-hangers and traumatic experiences in front of viewers and then just gloss over the actual impact with info dumps and time jumps.  It's all set-up and no follow-through.  Derek dies and let's just skip ahead an entire year and a pregnancy.  Alex proposes and rather than seeing Jo give her answer, they jump ahead a few weeks and we learn they're not together through an info dump.  Meredith's attacked and they fast-forward through 6 weeks.  My guess is they'll skip through her recovery like they do everything else.  There IS interesting story-telling in actually writing the impact of all this Drama! and Thrills!  We're unfortunate not to have writers willing to explore that because they're constantly looking toward the next big explosion or natural disaster.


Amelia was insufferable and selfish as usual.  Alex was the MVP of the episode and at least he got decent screen time.  


And can this please, please be the peak of Penny?  Now that she's had her 'redemption' or whatever, can she please just pull an Erica Hahn and fade into the parking lot and never return?  Once again, her boring character got screen time that could have gone to like 6 other characters.

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I knew nothing of the hype and didn't see a single commercial for it, and I was underwhelmed.  It was too much Mer for me.  I need more of the ensemble cast in order not to be bored.


They sure did make it seem like there was something brewing between Mer and Alex, especially when he was whispering to her after he climbed into the hospital bed with her when she was crying.  So I was actually a little surprised when Mer told him to go to Jo and he went.


The kids still exist...so, lol, I wonder who was taking care of them while Mer was in the hospital.


I noticed that Maggie was the only calm one when they were all first working on Mer, and even told the Chief she was fine when he said she shouldn't be treating family.  She was fine.  She doesn't consider Mer as family.

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It was an okay episode. But it was overhyped, like others said and ER did the thing first and that one was scarier- and odd enough not sure if this matters to anyone but me but that ER episode also happened to be ERs valentines day that season I believe. Only saying this because this episode while not V-DAY themed was the one that aired before Valentines day. Kind of odd timing. 


I love Alex but I was also expecting him to confess his love for Mer as well.


The only part that really got me was when the kids came to see her and Zola was scared. 



Am I forgetting something from the fall finale about why Amelia and Meredith had a falling out and she moved out? I'm completely drawing a blank on that.


The last scene they had together, Meredith found out why Owen hated that new Aussie doctor and she would not tell Amelia. Meredith said she had to take care of Owen, she promised Christina Amelia got all angry and then said some stuff about how she is Mer's sister but for some reason always puts Christina ahead of her and Christina left and Amelia is there. Christina is "some woman, not her sister". Meredith then kicked her out of the house. 


I will say this is an odd episode to bring us back to the start after the fall finale. Only because, there were so many cliffhangers in the fall finale and then this episode happens and is pretty random. As far as all of our questions being answered.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I think the episode would have worked better for me as the final episode of the fall rather than the first episode after a long break. I felt too removed from everything that led up to it at this point. And they could still have had their 'cliffhangers'...will Japril divorce, will Jo takeAlex back, will therapy work...etc. from this episode to carry over the break.


As I was watching the ending sequence (Alex showing up to Jo's door, the April / Jackson scene, etc.) I was also thinking that it felt a lot like a finale. It could have worked as the mid-season ender, for sure. But I can see why they'd think it'd make a stronger lead, and I think it was the right call. Now in the coming weeks we'll start to resolve those lingering stories. It reminded me a bit of the S9 premiere where they picked up months after the plane crash and then did flashbacks in episode 2. 


Going forward, I hope we get some major focus on Jo / Alex and I'd really like to see some Meredith / Jo scenes as well. Justin Chamber was fantastic tonight, and I hope he gets a lot to do for the rest of the season (with Jo and Meredith - and on his own.) Otherwise (and maybe this is a bit OT) I'm most eager to see what the hell they have planned for Callie and Arizona, especially since I think there's a real chance of Sara leaving at the end of this year. During the middle seasons of the series, it'd be easy for an outsider to assume Callie was the lead - she got a lot of major stories, often all throughout each season. Now she's been sidelined for nearly 2 years. I know a lot of the cast has been back burnered, some for even longer, but none feel more obvious to me lately than Callie, Arizona, and Bailey. 


I was glad to see Meredith's revelation at the end - she truly does have a village around her. Now I'd like to see them shake up who she interacts with a bit more. Let Alex get a real storyline with Jo, and have the occasional Mer / Alex check-in scenes rather than them always together (as much as I love their friendship.) Give Mer an ongoing patient storyline with Arizona, Jackson, or anyone out of the norm. 

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I knew nothing of the hype and didn't see a single commercial for it, and I was underwhelmed. It was too much Mer for me. I need more of the ensemble cast in order not to be bored.

They sure did make it seem like there was something brewing between Mer and Alex, especially when he was whispering to her after he climbed into the hospital bed with her when she was crying. So I was actually a little surprised when Mer told him to go to Jo and he went.

The kids still exist...so, lol, I wonder who was taking care of them while Mer was in the hospital.

I noticed that Maggie was the only calm one when they were all first working on Mer, and even told the Chief she was fine when he said she shouldn't be treating family. She was fine. She doesn't consider Mer as family.

Meredith and Alex truly seem like family to me. I have never gotten any other vibe. I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised, with the emphasis on the ""sisters" that Maggie and Mer's relationship is so superficial.
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I thought it was well done even though I rolled my eyes at yet another thing happening to Meredith. I have to say though; I really did feel her terror at first when she was in pain and couldn't hear and didn't know what was going on. I was hit by a car once and almost died due to many, many injuries and I remember the feeling of helplessness, people standing over you, and pain.


I did wonder who was taking care of her kids and glad they showed them at least. I still can't and never will buy Amelia as a world class surgeon and can't remember and don't care anymore why Meredith is mad at her. Always love Alex.

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So, do we know why Owen hated that guy? Hope this isn't a double post.

The last scene of the fall finale was Meredith going up to Owen and saying, "I didn't know you had a sister" so Aussie guy probably had a relationship with Owen's sister. That's what I assume.

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Ive always wondered what happens if somebody has to throw up when their jaws are wired shut. In most cases a jaw is wired because of an injury, an injury means pain medication and pain medicine makes a lot of people nauseas.

Just the thought is enough to make me want to throw up.

I must have lower expectations than most of you because I really liked this episode. I like most of them. I didn't start watching until about 3 years ago. I got caught up by watching reruns on Lifetime.

With the exception of one or two, I've liked most of the episodes.

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Meredith and Alex truly seem like family to me. I have never gotten any other vibe. I shouldn't be, but I'm surprised, with the emphasis on the ""sisters" that Maggie and Mer's relationship is so superficial.


I don't think its so much that Maggie doesn't care. I just think shes good at shutting down. Maggie has a bit of a pattern of bottling everything up and then boiling over later.


Richard made me cry harder than McDreamy's death.


The no sound idea was a good one but overused. I'd still say its the best episode in several seasons.

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Ive always wondered what happens if somebody has to throw up when their jaws are wired shut. In most cases a jaw is wired because of an injury, an injury means pain medication and pain medicine makes a lot of people nauseas.

Just the thought is enough to make me want to throw up.

I've had many patients in the hospital setting with wired jaws. Scissors are kept at the bedside, along with suction. Anti-nausea meds may be ordered prophylactically.

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Well, my not following social media very much or getting wrapped up in hype benefits me because that doesn't take away from my enjoyment of stuff I watch. I just like to go in and enjoy.

I honestly didn't think at any point about the unresolved cliffhangers. I forgot what they were to be honest. I was wrapped up in the story.

Also, no I don't compare this to the Lucy Knight drama from ER. That had so many different things going on. Also, dealing with unwieldy patients is a hospital shows bread and butter.

Good work Denzel, Ellen and Justin.

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Just wondering; what was the timeframe from the attack until her recovery and release? Anyone have any idea?

Just wondering; what was the timeframe from the attack until her recovery and release? Anyone have any idea?


IMO a great episode.

Edited by preeya
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Just wondering; what was the timeframe from the attack until her recovery and release? Anyone have any idea?


Well, Amelia had her thirty-day sober chip, so it was at least that long. (Didn't Amelia go out and get drunk the night of Meredith's attack?)


Which begs the question, who was watching the kids for the last month? Alex?

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I've had many patients in the hospital setting with wired jaws. Scissors are kept at the bedside, along with suction. Anti-nausea meds may be ordered prophylactically.

Thanks for responding. I've always been curious about this. It's one of my biggest fears, I have a phobia about having to have my jaw wired shut. I've seriously had nightmares about it.

I'm talking mainly at home after you leave the hospital. I would think once it started coming, you'd be in too much of a panic to cut the wires. When I throw up, it comes on fast, I wouldn't have any warning that it was coming.

Sorry for being off topic.

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Other than the fact that it was an yet another dramatic epi about Meredith, I actually liked it.  And I love that it was directed by Denzel Washington.



While I was glad they resolved the Amelia cliffhanger, I also thought there was too much Amelia. It was repetitive, and I just don't care.


Amelia was insufferable and selfish as usual.  Alex was the MVP of the episode and at least he got decent screen time.  


I totally agree.  The Amelia character has been absolutely useless to me for years.  She's really not significant, she's a bore and she just drains any scene that she is in.   She can leave any day now....please.  Maybe they can have her look for and accept a job someplace else because it's just too hard for her stay at Grey-Sloan Memorial.  Yeah, that's the ticket...(said with an evil grin, rubbing hands together)  :-)

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I thought this was just great. Well acted. Well directed. Well done.


Alex saying that everyone was her family just got me. Broke my heart that the kids were afraid of her.


Off topic (kinda) but since I took a break from social media I am enjoying my shows more.  I think cause I am just watching them cold like I did as a kid. Not sure if those two things are connected but I think they might be. Anyway, I was impressed with what they pulled off tonight.

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This is only the second episode I've watched since Derek died, the first being when Penny came to dinner.  I love Alex and he was amazing in this one.  I assumed he was taking care of the kids since he said to Zola, "You tell me every day you want to see your mommy, and now here she is!" (paraphrased, but the EVERY DAY was in there for sure).  Also, Meredith said it was six weeks when she returned home. So there's that.


Meredith is not my favorite, and then when the only other people who got any real play besides Alex were Penny (hate) and Amelia (Hate doesn't even touch it), this episode did nothing to make me want to return.  I could get on board for Mer/Alex but nothing else interests me. 

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Am I forgetting something from the fall finale about why Amelia and Meredith had a falling out and she moved out? I'm completely drawing a blank on that.

Owen. Mer is looking out for him as Cristina asked her to, but won't fill Amelia in on what she knows about his beef with Riggs (?). (I don't think Amelia and Owen were together in that moment, nor will he tell her. Mer is a lot more hands off, supportive-but-not-asking-details with Owen and blindly takes his side. When Owen's mother is at the hospital, she tells her she isn't asking for details (something like that), but that she's worried about Owen, and "how worried should I be?" and Owen's mom fills her in.)

Anyway, Amelia thinks Mer should tell her because it's Owen and they're sisters, and Meredith shouldn't be loyal to Owen's old girlfriend over her; Mer corrects that Cristina was his wife and says she's Derek's sister, Cristina is Meredith's sister, Amelia tells her Derek would hate what she's become (cold, or something), and Meredith kicks her out of the house.

(I'm not really sure it was bright to make the Grey's audience dislike Amelia even more - unless enough dislike Meredith to offset it? I loved her character on Private Practice, but that's really worn off with the team on Grey's writing her character.)

Great directing and acting by Ellen and Justin. Love love love Alex.

I didn't quite get what was up with the end of the scene where Bailey originally broached Lou's wanting to apologize and Meredith kicking them out of the room. As they were out of sight in the hallway, Bailey was talking about how the last time Meredith was hurt working for the hospital, she bought the hospital, and what did (whoever) think would happen if she saw Lou? I thought it was Callie who answered, "nothing good," but Callie was definitely part of the group leaving the room together. That just struck me as odd, since it wasn't that simple (she was one of six, they sued everyone, and the hospital/Owen/last minute Arizona had screwed up in a way that insurance didn't cover what the court ruled for them, and they only bought the hospital to save it from the unexpected ruin/fallout) and, uh, Callie was one of the people she was talking to, who did the exact same thing on Mark/Sofia's behalf. Other than trying to set up Webber's talk to her about forgiveness ("Meredith holds grudges! She bought the hospital!"), it just seemed neither here nor there.

(I also don't even know how it would work to sue a hospital you own, though surely the hospital has some insurance or worker's comp for this kind of thing, since patient violence is hardly an unforeseeable event.)

I assume that Alex and Maggie (who are both apparently living at the house anyway) had the kids, and not their initially-drunk aunt.

I liked Stephanie's obliging with a gossip update as requested before getting back to complying with a neuro check. (And didn't Amelia say she was *back* at work? So was she loitering outside of Meredith's room as a guest, waiting around until rounds, not a doctor already nearby?)

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The two best things about this episode: Alex snuggling with Meredith while she was crying and Jackson finally serving divorce papers to April.


OMG, way to make Meredith being attacked about you, Amelia! JFC.


Aside from her injuries and the pain, Meredith had my sympathy because she was unable to communicate for so long and then she was at the mercy of everyone else, unable to walk away when she didn't want to listen to someone, unable to hug her kids, unable to tell people to get their asses over there or go away.


I also felt for Lou. He wasn't responsible for his actions. He wasn't in control of himself. I can't imagine the guilt he must have felt over doing something he didn't even remember.


I was cracking up when Meredith said that during her six weeks in bed, she saw things and that's what led her to tell Alex to go to Jo. I was like really? Because the only time you saw Jo was when she wheeled you into surgery and when she put a blanket on Alex. Those two things were enough to convince you that Jo and Alex should be together? I admit that I'm not a huge Jo fan (I don't hate her but I don't love her either), but that didn't play into it at all. It's just that what we saw from Meredith's POV was almost no Jo at all, but somehow that was enough to decide to tell Alex he should be with Jo. Ooookay.


Just the short bit we saw of April screaming at Jackson about the divorce papers made me glad that we missed six weeks of them talking about their relationship ad nauseum. I guess next week we'll be back to April haranguing him and complaining to everyone in the hospital about how he won't talk to her and he's unbelievable and blah blah blah. Ugh.


This episode definitely reminded me of Lucy/Carter, but man, that story was shocking and emotional. This was just another disaster that happened to Meredith.


While it was sad to see Zola not want to go to Meredith, I was like eh, they can come back whenever they want since they live at the hospital daycare 24/7.


I know they aren't going to bring Cristina back, but you know there's no way she would have let Meredith lie in a hospital bed for six whole weeks and not come to visit!


Just wondering; what was the timeframe from the attack until her recovery and release? Anyone have any idea?

In the last scene, Meredith says that she was in the hospital for six weeks.


didn't Amelia say she was *back* at work? So was she loitering outside of Meredith's room as a guest, waiting around until rounds, not a doctor already nearby

When Amelia brings Meredith her 30 day chip, she says, "I'm sober and I'm starting back at work on Monday." I'm assuming she was suspended for showing up drunk the day after Meredith's accident. So yes, all those times that Meredith saw Amelia in the hallway, she was just lurking about on her own time (as evidenced by her lack of her white coat).

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I hate pop up social media graphics on all occasions but I found #meredithstrong incredibly offensive.  The ____strong hashtag began with people triumphing over cancer and is particularly associated with #Bostonstrong following a terrorist event in which real people lost their lives and limbs.  To see that sentiment co-opted by some cheesy hospital soap for their heroine made me sick.

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Meredith gets attacked by a patient. The patient has to live with the guilt of that. Mere's kids are terrified of their mother but let's all remember who the real victim is...




The moment she started with "Do you know how hard it was for me to see you in that trauma room?" I though, "No, she probably doesn't because she was too busy getting her broken jaw pried open and a tracheotomy!" Amelia you are cordially invited to sit. your. ass. down.


But yes, excellent direction by Denzel. That man has a real talent for building suspense. Every time Mere turned from treating Lou to typing on her tablet I expected him to be standing over her when she turned back around like in a horror movie. In fact the way Lou rose up from the gurney was very reminiscent of "The Walking Dead."

Edited by marceline
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The episode was okay. Ellen and Justin were amazing and Denzel's directing was great, the man has some real talent.

There are several things I didn't like about the episode, though. Several. I really didn't want to say this but I honestly think this season has lost its track after episode 5. At this point I don't even understand what they are trying to do. It's so confusing and contrived. 

Last night was a real bummer, imo. 

Things I liked: Merlex, Mer with her kids, Merzona scene (finally!!!!!).


I didn't quite get what was up with the end of the scene where Bailey originally broached Lou's wanting to apologize and Meredith kicking them out of the room. As they were out of sight in the hallway, Bailey was talking about how the last time Meredith was hurt working for the hospital, she bought the hospital, and what did (whoever) think would happen if she saw Lou? I thought it was Callie who answered, "nothing good," but Callie was definitely part of the group leaving the room together. That just struck me as odd, since it wasn't that simple (she was one of six, they sued everyone, and the hospital/Owen/last minute Arizona had screwed up in a way that insurance didn't cover what the court ruled for them, and they only bought the hospital to save it from the unexpected ruin/fallout) and, uh, Callie was one of the people she was talking to, who did the exact same thing on Mark/Sofia's behalf. Other than trying to set up Webber's talk to her about forgiveness ("Meredith holds grudges! She bought the hospital!"), it just seemed neither here nor there.

THIS! What was the meaning of this scene? Odd.

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At first I was like -- this is brutal! simply brutal and my god! what are they doing now to my poor dear

Meredith? Jeeze! What horrible thing is being done to my favorite character???

That was a powerful hour of television. Ellen rocked it!

I am not a regular viewer anymore. Last time I watched an entire episode was the one when Derek was brutally killed. It's like a theme with this show -- kill them! Kill them all!

But I must say kudos. I walked away awestruck. Well done Grey's. Well done indeed.

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