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S20.E00: The Bachelor At 20: A Celebration Of Love

Tara Ariano

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OK, so US magazine is blaring that Ben is the first bachelor who says I love you to 2 contestants. Am I the only one who recalls Andy Baldwin telling Bevin "I love you" in their final night?? and of course he also told Tessa. I was also laughing about some of the shows funniest moments, lol. I still remember Jesse Palmer sittong on this chair and he started making out with one of the 3 girls sitting with him...and then he sends her home that nite. a lot of the men were total slobs, lol. and Matt who kept pulling Chelsea into his room when she tried to leave (it was obvious they had sex, she had changed into a sexy gown with no undies) and he ditches her the next day. ugh.

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WTF?! So Desiree/Chris got shafted on the televised wedding but Jade/Tanner didn't?!? Fail!


I wish they could get Meredith to show up at one of these things but she isn't a famewhore so I guess that won't happen. It's nice to know my two favorite couples, Des/Chris and JP/Ashley passed on this.


ETA: I forgot how much I loved the Jen/Andrew, Byron/Mary and Andy/Tessa seasons and proposals.

Edited by FireFoxy
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That was fun.  I could have done without the fake Jared/Ashley I drama, but it was otherwise entertaining for me.  Carly got some normal eyebrows, but she's still desperate for fame.   I thought Jade looked gorgeous and loved her dress.  It was different and I thought it suited her perfectly.  They both looked really happy, as do the other couples.


And bless Chris Bukowski and Michelle Money, they just keep finding new shows to appear on.  They should end up together.   

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 9

I too thought that was alot of fun and they did a great job mixing in some great clips.   I only went "WTF" a couple of times of why someone was there cough EricaRose cough but mostly enjoyed laughing out loud at all the craziness that has been on my TV on monday nights over the years.   And that "RIP Bachelor Pad" made me sad that its not around anymore!


Thought that Jade made for a beautiful bride.   Glad she and Tanner had their families and friends there too and I wish them the best.

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I loved the explanation of pulling a Mesnick--we were just "talking" about that!

And I also liked Ashley and JP's pseudo naming their child after Harrision in that Wheel of Fortune puzzle way of "Chris Harrison Ford." Well, I mean, actually I think Ford (and especially Fordy!) is a stupid name, but I can see Ashley and JP thinking they are hilariously clever.

Hey, why wasn't last year's BiP married couple there--Marcus and Lacy? Is that their names? Jade and Tanner were at THEIR wedding. Then again, they'd have to show how cheap ass their wedding was as compared to this one pulling out all the stops.

Why is Jared still forced to fake date Ashley? But he's doing this to himself by saying things like now's not the right time but maybe SOMEDAY we'll be together. Ugh! No, you won't. Stop telling this girl--and the camera--things like that. Respect her enough to tell her firmly it's not going to happen. You don't want to break her heart, but you're breaking it over and over again by getting her hopes up.

Lots of pregnant former 'ettes but the best was Princess Erica Rose, saying, yep, I always hoped for a shotgun pregnancy (not even shotgun wedding), and I got knocked up after knowing him for 8 weeks...just like a typical Bachelor timeframe! Lol!

Edited by JenE4
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Considering this was a retrospective on all things Bachelor, I was surprised they couldn't find even a moments time to remember Bachelor alums who are no longer with us, specifically Gia Allemand. I mean they had time for Ashley I's pointless quest of Jared, but no time for Gia and others (Eric Hill comes to mind) who have left us? 


Still, while it is easy to be cynical about Bachelor Nation, I did find myself getting verklempt during the wedding ceremony. Jade was incredibly beautiful, and I guarantee you Chris Soules was regretting being so uptight about her Playboy past. 


I was also hoping for more fun scenes from the reception, like perhaps an all-Bachelorette electric slide, or scenes of Michelle Money, Clare Crawley and Chris Bukowski being seated at the table closest to the kitchen, i.e. the loser table. 

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Take away Ashley I. and I enjoyed every minute of the special. It was a great stroll down memory lane. I thought it was the best Bach wedding on TV. I thought Jade looked absolutely gorgeous. And it was really classy. ABC went all out for them.I got teary eyed when Jade walked down the aisle and full out cried during the vows. I am so happy for both of them.
I loved seeing all the old Bachelors. Andrew Firestone still remains my favorite.
Did you notice there was no mention of Marcus and Lacey? Doesn't bode well. They haven't mentioned each other on Twitter or Instagram in months, and didn't spend the holiday together.
I wish they had a mention of Chris and Peyton.


Still, while it is easy to be cynical about Bachelor Nation, I did find myself getting verklempt during the wedding ceremony. Jade was incredibly beautiful, and I guarantee you Chris Soules was regretting being so uptight about her Playboy past. 




The camera went to Chris for like a nano second when Jade first appeared, looking stunning and it did pop into my mind, "wonder what he's thinking now".   Oh well, him being a dumbass just meant she got to meet and fall in love with a great guy.  

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I'll bet Ashley & Jared got paid to play up that "pursuit", so people will continue to be interested in them.  They could both show up again on BIP3 like Clare did.  And I'm betting the Lacey/Marcus relationship is toast, so no mention because I think they never legally got married and aren't still together.    


Chris S. probably thought Jade looked gorgeous, but I'm also betting he was NOT regretting being in the audience instead of at the altar.  I'm also betting he's got a few more years before he settles down.  BIP3 for him?  I'd be happy to see him there. 


I also would have loved to watch more of the reception.  Overall I enjoyed it immensely and liked all the flashbacks.  The man cry package was particularly fun!  

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Andi is even more hideous with bangs.



ha. So true. Glad that no actual minutes of this fun show were wasted on her.  



Did you notice there was no mention of Marcus and Lacey? Doesn't bode well. They haven't mentioned each other on Twitter or Instagram in months, and didn't spend the holiday together.




What holiday? 



I liked Jade and Tanner's wedding, except for the vows-interuptus portion where Carly appeared and sang her incredibly insipid song.  Tanner looks as if he's afraid that he's really dreaming and will wake up at any minute to find that he's really just sitting on the couch dreaming of one day meeting Jade.  


Other than that, Bob Guiney needs to stop laughing at his own jokes so much.  And Chris Soules is currently my number one, most disliked Bachelor-nation personality. Even more than the Bachelor-appointed most disliked, Miss Kelsey Poe.  Does he even farm anymore? Whitney dodged a bullet there. 

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I loved the wedding part, seeing Tanner and Jade happily marry. Jade was so pretty and she looked really happy.


I could have done without the Ashley I/Jared stuff.


I laughed at Chris Soules asking why they didn't get to sit on the couch and Nick Valli commenting back that because he'd be making out with someone on it. Then next thing you know Chris is dancing with 2 women. He was  never really wanting to settle down and marry. 


I did wonder about Marcus and Lacey since there was no mention or clips of them as part of the babies/wedding/couples montages. But they do interact on twitter maybe they're just friends now?

Edited by Artsda


I'll bet Ashley & Jared got paid to play up that "pursuit", so people will continue to be interested in them.

I think so too. Although on this franchise nothing would surprise me. It's obvious to see they've become good friends. I must be the only one but the idea of them being a couple is actually starting to grow on me. Weirder things have happened. I like Ashley. She's silly but kind of quirky at the same time. She just needs to grow up.


I thought it was a lovely wedding. Jade was a beautiful bride and her and Tanner seem so genuine. I wish them the best.


After all the speculation about it I didn't notice Tenley there. Wonder if she finally gave up on Ben? Was every past contestant invited? Did she not get a invitation or just decided not to show up??

Edited by yorklee2
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Missed most of the second half to switch to Downton Abbey, but still loving how in love these crazy kids are. Tanner looks like he feels like the luckiest man in the world and Jade seems head over heels for him. Sooooooo glad to miss Carly singing an original song in the middle of the vows--I wonder why exactly she is getting any airtime for this. We did catch the last ten minutes with Ashley and Jared and they totally seemed to be joking around on the stairs. Not sure they even care that much about each other but I have always thought she was out of his league and in ten or fifteen years she might well be wondering what she ever saw in him, while he might be kicking himself for letting her go. But they can both go away now.

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After all the speculation about it I didn't notice Tenley there. Wonder if she finally gave up on Ben? Was every past contestant invited? Did she not get a invitation or just decided not to show up??


Tenley said in some article where she trotted out her new boyfriend that she wasn't invited and it was upsetting that she wasn't.


No clue if Ben H went to producers and asked for her not to be there.  I'd like to think he's a bigger person than that but who knows as before she went public with this new guy, she seemed still very much into Ben on social media and the thought of her being there could have been uncomfortable for him.

Edited by CindyBee
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Carly got airtime because she and Jade are good friends. Also, Carly and Jade both promote the crap out of products on Instagram, so it benefits Jade when Carly gets extra views and can cross promote her.

Carly can carry a tune, and had to be cheaper than Delores O'Riordan or Big fig Newton or whatever past their prime act has serenaded the past 19 seasons.

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Considering this was a retrospective on all things Bachelor, I was surprised they couldn't find even a moments time to remember Bachelor alums who are no longer with us, specifically Gia Allemand. I mean they had time for Ashley I's pointless quest of Jared, but no time for Gia and others (Eric Hill comes to mind) who have left us?


The show did give appropriate attention to their deaths shortly after they happened. There was no need to bum everyone out during a wedding special. (The Ashley I. stuff was just comedic filler.)


Why did they pretend for the first 20 minutes that it was a secret who was getting married? The official Bachelor Instagram account showed Jade & Tanner before the show aired.

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Chris S. probably thought Jade looked gorgeous, but I'm also betting he was NOT regretting being in the audience instead of at the altar.

I agree. I was never a big Chris fan, but I do give him credit for not being all about looks. If he had been, he would be with Britt about now. I remember how impressed he was with Whitney for being able to talk to a group of strangers and how he thought he needed that in a partner.

Like, MakeMeLaugh, I missed the wedding for "Downton Abbey," and I'm glad I did if Carly sang. Not that I mind Carly but Pastors and singers making the ceremony all about them are one of my peeves.

I missed Mesnik's season so I'm glad to finally see what you've all been talking about. Heh.

For all my usual snark, I got sort of warm and fuzzy watching all the people I've grown fond of. Clare and Michelle Money, Crazy Ashley and Crying Ashley, JP, Des and Chris, my sweet baboo Jared, the beautiful Chantal in the crying regets montage.

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WTF?! So Desiree/Chris got shafted on the televised wedding but Jade/Tanner didn't?!? Fail!


I like to think that maybe they didn't want a televised cheesy wedding although I have to admit, Tanner and Jade's wedding was really beautiful.



I did wonder about Marcus and Lacey since there was no mention or clips of them as part of the babies/wedding/couples montages.


Didn't they have a "legal" wedding?  They could have split up ... 

Edited by AuntieDiane6
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Hey, why wasn't last year's BiP married couple there--Marcus and Lacy? Is that their names? Jade and Tanner were at THEIR wedding. Then again, they'd have to show how cheap ass their wedding was as compared to this one pulling out all the stops.


I don't follow all these Bach people, but why did these two get a big giant wedding?


I thought the big TV weddings were for the Bach when he picks the girl. Like Sean's wedding......Is it because none of them last?


All I could find out about these Jade and Tanner  people is they both have DWIs and she spent 15 days in jail.(??) Do they have jobs?

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Jade & Tanner got a big giant wedding because they are willing to sell their souls for $$$. Jade's job is basically Instagram advertising.

Marcus & Lacy haven't released a public photograph together in about 20 weeks. They are still relatively active on their respective social media with only mentions of each other on Twitter. There has been some speculation that some of their Snapchats are taken in the same places, but the other is never featured. They did not spend the holidays together. They do not do any kind of damage control surrounding the many, many comments of their breakup/"divorce". Their exclusion from Bachelor 20 is just going to fan the breakup flames.

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Like, MakeMeLaugh, I missed the wedding for "Downton Abbey," and I'm glad I did 

I record Downton now because it takes me a lot longer to watch these days.  I had to stop watching it live when they hit the 20's and the fashions became so amazing. I have to stop, back up and slo-mo so much when Mary or Edith climbs into something beaded & slinky.  I'm a total sucker for those!  *LOL* 

Didn't they have a "legal" wedding?  They could have split up ... 

TMZ has reported that none of their sources can find a legal marriage license filed for Marcus & Lacey anywhere.    

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Speaking of Farmer Chris, I noticed he had a part in his hair, and the Ed Grimley look he's been sporting the last few decades is gone. 


I missed a lot because of my channel switching, but I thought the Top Three segments were fun. We got to see Kelsey Poe and her Most Interesting Story Ever again as No. 1 Villain! And an explanation of The Full Mesnick ... you know those PAs are reading here.


I turned back just in time to see Clare of Mesa Verde/Onion Tree fame is pregnant and engaged. Who knew! She's one of my all-time favs.


Bob Guiney ... gah.

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I enjoyed this special as well. The wedding was lovely and I really think Jade and Tanner are perfect for each other. They both want to settle down and seem to think they lucked out big time. Good for them!


Carly should find some other career. Sorry, but that wasn't good.


I forgot how steamy some of those hot tub scenes were! I had to look away.


I also thought it was telling that they pretended like the Marcus and Lacy wedding never happened. I think they've broken up or at least on a break, but it's a bit difficult to explain to people, since they're supposed to be married. What are they gonna say? We divorced, even though we were never really married? Tricky situation.

  • Love 1

Chris S. probably thought Jade looked gorgeous, but I'm also betting he was NOT regretting being in the audience instead of at the altar.  I'm also betting he's got a few more years before he settles down.  BIP3 for him?  I'd be happy to see him there. 


I seem to remember that Farmer Boy came from a religious/Republican background and that's why her porno spread wouldn't be accepted by his neighbors/associates/family.  Out there in the middle of Iowa, it would give people something to talk about for years.  Of course, that doesn't keep him from acting like a wildman.  It's ok when it's a guy, I guess.  I think he's torn--he wants a "good" girl to please everybody else, but he would actually be bored as hell by one.  Poor Chris! Haha.

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There was absolutely no reason for the Ashley I. drama to be included in this special.  The show needs to let this storyline go and most of all Ashley looks pathetic crying for a guy who has always only wanted to be friends.  I wonder if they are keeping Ashley around just in case none of Ben's rejects are Bachelorette-worthy. Let's hope not.

  • Love 3

There was absolutely no reason for the Ashley I. drama to be included in this special.  The show needs to let this storyline go and most of all Ashley looks pathetic crying for a guy who has always only wanted to be friends.  I wonder if they are keeping Ashley around just in case none of Ben's rejects are Bachelorette-worthy. Let's hope not.


An insecure, desperate, Kardashian wannabe as the next Bachelorette!  Sounds great!  I have so much respect for Jard for not getting sucked into her love orbit.  I hope he finds an intelligent, mature, drama-free woman to love who doesn't require three hours of makeup to go out on the beach.


Didn't all the men on BIP avoid Ashley like the plague? 

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I seem to remember that Farmer Boy came from a religious/Republican background and that's why her porno spread wouldn't be accepted by his neighbors/associates/family.  Out there in the middle of Iowa, it would give people something to talk about for years.

Yep, he comes from a very conservative family in a very conservative area and no way Jade would be spared the side eyes and behind-the-back whispering if he had picked her.  I think he liked her enough to NOT pick her, if that makes any sense.  Because her past would always be hanging over her head.


Now watch him go pick up some stripper, on a wild weekend in Vegas, and marry her.  *ROFL*  

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  I wonder if they are keeping Ashley around just in case none of Ben's rejects are Bachelorette-worthy. Let's hope not.

As her obsession with Jared, real or fake, continues to be televised, I can't imagine that a Bachelorette season that starts filming in about 6 weeks is going to feature her and her desperation.  No way ABC and the producers could make her fly as the newest lead, "ready for love".  I think their whole deal is a deliberate goof and a put on for laughs and drama.  And both are obviously participating willingly.  


It was kinda cute at first but now it's getting really old. 

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I seem to remember that Farmer Boy came from a religious/Republican background and that's why her porno spread wouldn't be accepted by his neighbors/associates/family. Out there in the middle of Iowa, it would give people something to talk about for years.

What he actually said to her was that the photos were no big deal but that he was just "further along with his relationship with some of the other girls" -- pretty much what the Bachelors always say to keep from saying, I'm just not that into you.

I don't think the show ever established that Chris was particularly religious or whether he was Republican or Democrat.

It's just possible that Chris found her quiet personality kind of boring. Britt, Kaitlyn and Whitney were all much more out going types.

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That was actually Ashley Salter.

Oh, right, thanks Llama! I get my Claires and Ashleys confused. Let me change my comment to Mesa Verde Ashley is one of my favorites! I recognized many faces last night, but couldn't come up with names. Then there were so many I did not recognize at all for one reason or another.


Yes, Courtney would make an interesting B-ette. And all those men would be falling over themselves to date a MODEL! Ha ha!


Was Ben Flapjack there last night?

It's just possible that Chris found her quiet personality kind of boring. Britt, Kaitlyn and Whitney were all much more out going types.


But Jade is a WILD MUSTANG! Her brother said so!

Edited by saber5055
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Time Magazine said that Chris is Republican.  I added the conservative part based on what his sisters said on the show, but I'll admit he may not actually be that conservative personally.  



I know in one of Chris Harrison's TV Guide interviews, he referred to Soule's hometown as a conservative area, so that was my overall take on the situation.  

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I don't think the show ever established that Chris was particularly religious or whether he was Republican or Democrat.

News reports have him meeting Cruz and Rubio at a GOP fundraiser and being photographed with Perry and Christie, so I'm assuming that's the way he leans.  He's Iowa's biggest celebrity now!

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Yep, he comes from a very conservative family in a very conservative area and no way Jade would be spared the side eyes and behind-the-back whispering if he had picked her. I think he liked her enough to NOT pick her, if that makes any sense. Because her past would always be hanging over her head.

Now watch him go pick up some stripper, on a wild weekend in Vegas, and marry her. *ROFL*

My tattooed cousin and her tattooed husband and tattooed children all live in small town Iowa. They aren't conservative, and are accepted well enough in their small communities to be successful business owners. In fact, their jobs require them to be in contact with farmers on a regular basis. I guess it's not really an issue for Iowans, but the people who have perceptions of what Iowa is and isn't. Chris can pick anyone he wants. Him probably not really wanting to pick anyone is more the issue than what his neighbors think.

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My random thoughts:


I always thought Desirè was a gigantic bore, but she definitly is the prettiest of the bachelorettes IMHO.


Ashley and JPs kid was cute, but in dire need of a haircut. JP is the sweetest and the biggest catch anyone has caught on this franchise according to me. But I'm not impressed that he "helps" Ashley "50/50" with the kid. It's your kid, you're a father. It's not "help", and of course it's 50/50 - or at least it should be pretty damn close. Me also thinks Ashley's "fairy tale" train may come to a schreeching halt when she's bursting with number two and Fordy hits the terrible twos. He looked like a kid who won't go easy on his parents.


Michelle Money needs to quit her love affair with botox and lip fillers - like yesterday.


Whatever happened to Tierra? I would love to see her om BIP.


Still provoked by the Rozlyn shaming. "Inappropriate relationship" my ass. That's Bachelor lingo for "if you flirt with someone other than the holy bachelor then you a ho!"


Erica Rose multiplying ... that actually scares me.


I was already fed up with the Ashley I and Jared "romance" by the end of the first episode of BIP - why make me go through another round of it? Why show, why?!

  • Love 6
Still provoked by the Rozlyn shaming. "Inappropriate relationship" my ass. That's Bachelor lingo for "if you flirt with someone other than the holy bachelor then you a ho!"


I know, right? (tm Emily) I was hoping they would show the reinactment of Putz jumping off the balcony. WAIT! Wasn't that yet another "ho" sleeping with a crew guy, not Rozlyn? It would be cool if Rozlyn and her guy got married. Would they have CH officiate? And ABC pick up the tab? It's a Bachelor love connection after all!

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Geez! That was glorious! I've been watching this since the beginning (but missed a few seasons), so this was a very well done trip down memory lane. I could've done without the Ashley I. and Jared stuff, but everything else was awesome. I agree a in memoriam to Gia and Eric (and whoever else passed away from this show) would've been a better use of air time than a future relationship that will never happen. I can't believe they got Seal for this. What happened to his career? I'm sure he's wondering the same thing.


Highlights of the night were Mesnick teaching that other guy how to pull a Mesnick, Andi's bangs, Carly's original wedding composition, the montage of the bachelors crying, Andrew Firestone making an appearance, and, heck, there was even a Bukowski sighting. I love Bukowski. He's my favorite douche to ever appear on this show. The only one who was missing that I wanted to see was Jake Pavelka.


JP and Ashley's baby is cute, but they named him Ford? Really? Poor kid.


Good luck to Tanner and Jade! They seemed so happy. And here's to another 20 seasons of this craptacular show!

Edited by jmonkey
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