njbchlover February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Erika: Her whole body got a spray/ hand rubbed paint to put it into a full body suit. I thought it odd if product can be applied using a sprayer, why the need to have it massaged in with bare hands on her butt. No professional body sponges available eh At first, I thought it may have been some type of lubricant to help her get into that mesh body stocking!! ;-) 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945846
njbchlover February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 When you buy the once a week package, the cost goes down to 50 dollars a treatment and you get a group rate......NOW do you know that the walk in refrigerator with the glass door was doubled as a cryofreezer? "mah loh-ve, I can refrigoorate my leh-mons, my lih-ums and my meh-lons, all at zee same tai-uhm........" Oh....but she doesn't have her "melons" anymore...she had them removed in Ohio!! (Yes, that was really insulting, but it's Yolanda we're talking about, so I hope it's okay!) ;-) 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945874
ElDosEquis February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I think my post timed out. Sorry if it's a repost or it did post before. I cleaned out my mom's house and gave a few purses - brand new - to the Goodwill. It wasn't until I saw how much they were worth later on that made me feel stupid? Leave the price tags on them, just in case. I thought Donney and Burke was a Target line of purses? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945880
poeticlicensed February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I think my post timed out. Sorry if it's a repost or it did post before. I cleaned out my mom's house and gave a few purses - brand new - to the Goodwill. It wasn't until I saw how much they were worth later on that made me feel stupid? Leave the price tags on them, just in case. I thought Donney and Burke was a Target line of purses? I think Target sold Dooney as a one time thing, kind of like they did with Missoni (sp?) and Lily Pulitzer. Dooney's are mid range, like Coach, and can run from 100 or so for a small piece to hundreds of dollars for a larger bag. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945902
MyAimIsTrue February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 My ex-mother in law once bought me a Coach purse as a surprise and I loved her for that, but not enough to keep her good for nothing son around. These days a purse splurge for me is shopping at Macy's. I want to be Eileen when I grow up. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945911
notnowimbusy February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Are they filming the reunion today? YO's instagram page https://www.instagram.com/p/BBnNFGeIs9K/?taken-by=yolandahfoster Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945930
izabella February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 The vibe I get from Erica/Erika is "all bitches want to be me. If they don't want to be me, they are jealous of me". Jellus haters, lol. I was laughing at the massive bus that she has to take her to and from her venues. It must have cost a cool quarter of a mil. My guess is that Erika Jayne is listed as a business loss for Erica's husband every year. Erika said they just rented the tour bus as needed, because, she explained, she doesn't need one full time since she usually flies in her private plane, don't ya know. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945933
ivygirl February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 That awkward moment when you read the RHOBH episode thread to keep up on purse talk, rather than disease talk. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945942
FanOfTheFans February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Here is the thing about the "C" word. It has a history of being used to demean women in relation to domestic violence. If you were someone that had been called that word as you were spat on and had your eye blacked, well then you would have strong feelings about the word. Ericka wants to make it a fun word, hey ok, but the history of the word is still there in relation to domestic violence. I'm surprised this aspect of the word has not been brought up. Maybe this is a push to take the ugly power away from the word. I mean I can remember a time when bitch was not used other than in a derogatory fashion and that is not the case in this day and age. The "C" word has a long way to go before it is mainstream in this manner however IMO. I wasn't impressed at all with Ericka's performance. Dare I call it dull? Even less impressed with her lack of honesty I'm not diggin Kathryn either. Can Yolanda please have at least one conversation that isn't all about her. God, I swear she is the most self absorbed woman I have ever seen. She also had makeup on except around her eyes where she has the dark circles. Hmmm. So why would someone wear makeup but not cover up their dark circles? Still I am not willing to say she is not ill but something is way off with her. I thought Rinna's blog was well written. Too bad she can't be that well spoken on the show. It was very logical and forthright. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945946
Vicky8675309 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I just finished my re-watch and had these thoughts on the last half of the episode (got to lazy to transcribe anything more): Eileen is cute about not caring about handbags but I can see how most of them would want/need a nice bag since their scene is so much about image. It would likely reflect on their reputation if they had a crappy bag. Maybe not for Eileen since she has a talent/skill but for a business woman like LIsaV or wife of a successful business man like Kyle then I can see it. Plus, if they can afford it then power to them. However I love Eileen’s attitude about it! I also thought Eileen’s denim outfit looked great on her! Her outfit was great but her shoes and handbag suck. LisaR also had a gorgeous dress. They all looked good in the limo. That was a fun scene (superficial bitches, lol) until the Yo issue came up (Yo is always a buzzkill). Kathryn tried to get a handicapped sticker for parking because of loss of hearing in one ear. I do NOT like her. Yay on Eileen and LisaR. Eileen is awesome this episode—like she was last season. She mentions Erika as the tattletale in the limo. Kyle seems like a good friend. She is still friends with her BFF from young childhood. All the women looked great and were so supportive of Erika at the concert. Yay Eileen—a word is just a word and it’s not a racial slur. I’m with Erika & Eileen on this issue. Everyone looked good except Erika who wimped out and lied. Just say you don’t want to talk about it rather than lying. Everyone came off well at the after concert gathering except Erika. LisaV and Kyle remind me off teenagers…they are fun! I love all the scenes of the woman joking around and having fun together. It seems so natural between LisaV and Kyle. so on the previews Erika is screaming at LisaR to say who said Yo is a faker, they all need to scream at Erika & Yo for their lying. LisaR isn’t lying and is being loyal to her source. Granted it is just a clip and I’ve been tricked by these previews before but it riles me up that the two biggest liars are attacking LisaR who is just not being a tattletale. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945954
HunterHunted February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 None of the women brought up the c word being used to demean women because these folks aren't that thoughtful or educated. I think Taylor, Adrienne, Joyce, and maybe Marissa are the only ones with college degrees. And while housewives might be well traveled, they are not worldly. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945990
islandgal140 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Erika: Her whole body got a spray/ hand rubbed paint to put it into a full body suit. I thought it odd if product can be applied using a sprayer, why the need to have it massaged in with bare hands on her butt. No professional body sponges available eh Never thought about that. Why get a spray tan for an event just to have to slip into what amounts to a full body pair of black hosiery? Are we sure she wasn't getting sprayed down with Crisco? Half of me wonders if Erika is Kim Zolciak fit/skinny?!? You know - goes to doctors to get shaped and have pockets of fat lasered or melted off somehow. I thought Eileen's outfit of denim jumpsuit and chunky heeled sandals was cute, and I thought the jumpsuit looked great on her. I would totally wear that whole outfit - I thought the shoes looked great with the jumpsuit. Nothing about a full denim onsie with heels in 2016 should work but damn if it didn't and had me searching modcloth for a dupe. Unfortunately, I wouldn't look near as good in it as Eileen. What was the problem with Eileen's shoes? It seemed like the ladies were clowning her footwear and they were cute to me. Just because they weren't designer, the ladies didn't love them but just liked them? Superficial bitches indeed. Kyle's best friend looked so normal with her jeans and tops. Lisa Rinna does have really pretty eyes. I'd like to see her with less eye makeup on. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1945992
lovesnark February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I have another theory on why YoLiar is claiming she swore off makeup. And, it's not because of 'da toxeens'. When I started having horrible hot flashes every 30 minutes (of course, not as horrible as Yo's. She's out hot flashed every woman ever born), the mixture of sweat with foundation and concealer burned like hell. I couldn't get to the sink fast enough to wash my face. It took a few years and a whole lot of money wasted on different products, but I found foundation and concealer that I can wear without feeling like my face is on fire when I have a hot flash. That all started 19 years ago and, unlike Yo, I admitted it was menopause (I was only 39 when it started) sucked it up and learned to live with it. Without spending gazillions on quackery and without HRT. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946017
WireWrap February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Are they filming the reunion today? YO's instagram page https://www.instagram.com/p/BBnNFGeIs9K/?taken-by=yolandahfoster I don't think so, Andy has not asked for questions on his FB page yet that I have seen and he always tweets that he is filming the reunion THAT morning but there was no tweet this morning. Here is the thing about the "C" word. It has a history of being used to demean women in relation to domestic violence. If you were someone that had been called that word as you were spat on and had your eye blacked, well then you would have strong feelings about the word. Ericka wants to make it a fun word, hey ok, but the history of the word is still there in relation to domestic violence. I'm surprised this aspect of the word has not been brought up. Maybe this is a push to take the ugly power away from the word. I mean I can remember a time when bitch was not used other than in a derogatory fashion and that is not the case in this day and age. The "C" word has a long way to go before it is mainstream in this manner however IMO. I wasn't impressed at all with Ericka's performance. Dare I call it dull? Even less impressed with her lack of honesty I'm not diggin Kathryn either. Can Yolanda please have at least one conversation that isn't all about her. God, I swear she is the most self absorbed woman I have ever seen. She also had makeup on except around her eyes where she has the dark circles. Hmmm. So why would someone wear makeup but not cover up their dark circles? Still I am not willing to say she is not ill but something is way off with her. I thought Rinna's blog was well written. Too bad she can't be that well spoken on the show. It was very logical and forthright. It looks like LisaR called Yolanda out on twitter this morning! https://twitter.com/lisarinna/with_replies I just finished my re-watch and had these thoughts on the last half of the episode (got to lazy to transcribe anything more): Eileen is cute about not caring about handbags but I can see how most of them would want/need a nice bag since their scene is so much about image. It would likely reflect on their reputation if they had a crappy bag. Maybe not for Eileen since she has a talent/skill but for a business woman like LIsaV or wife of a successful business man like Kyle then I can see it. Plus, if they can afford it then power to them. However I love Eileen’s attitude about it! I also thought Eileen’s denim outfit looked great on her! Her outfit was great but her shoes and handbag suck. LisaR also had a gorgeous dress. They all looked good in the limo. That was a fun scene (superficial bitches, lol) until the Yo issue came up (Yo is always a buzzkill). Kathryn tried to get a handicapped sticker for parking because of loss of hearing in one ear. I do NOT like her. Yay on Eileen and LisaR. Eileen is awesome this episode—like she was last season. She mentions Erika as the tattletale in the limo. Kyle seems like a good friend. She is still friends with her BFF from young childhood. All the women looked great and were so supportive of Erika at the concert. Yay Eileen—a word is just a word and it’s not a racial slur. I’m with Erika & Eileen on this issue. Everyone looked good except Erika who wimped out and lied. Just say you don’t want to talk about it rather than lying. Everyone came off well at the after concert gathering except Erika. LisaV and Kyle remind me off teenagers…they are fun! I love all the scenes of the woman joking around and having fun together. It seems so natural between LisaV and Kyle. so on the previews Erika is screaming at LisaR to say who said Yo is a faker, they all need to scream at Erika & Yo for their lying. LisaR isn’t lying and is being loyal to her source. Granted it is just a clip and I’ve been tricked by these previews before but it riles me up that the two biggest liars are attacking LisaR who is just not being a tattletale. Kathryn said she was joking about trying to get a handicap placard, she was NOT serious. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946037
Wings February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Oh, yes....she did say that!! But, I'm still trying to figure if the person who was running that cryo-chamber spa was an actual doctor or not. When they showed his name, the letters after his name were NOT M.D. or D.O. - I know that because I made a point of looking for it, after Yolanda announced it was a medical procedure. This therapy was originally developed to "ice down" athletes right after a game, to reduce inflammation all over the body at once rather than using ice packs. I guess this is another new black for extreme health fanatics. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946063
imjagain February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) I hate that Erika didn't admit she told Yolanda. If Erika is being a good friend as Yo says in her blog, then what's the problem. It made Erika look like a weak ass imo. Love Eileen calling the other women superficial bitches, lol. I wish LisaV would have put Yo in her place at lunch. Lisa should have said, I was asked about your children.... *Turn to stare at Kyle and give a dirty look* and I told them Mohammed said they were fine, period, end of it. Yo is a nut, that expects everyone to tip tie around her. The problem is, all the women will, or else be seen as monsters, picking on a very sick women.... Go Away Yolanda please! Erika and Yo going in on Rinna in the preview for next week. That's the mean nasty Yo I know. Very disappointed in Erika. Edited February 10, 2016 by imjagain 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946067
sheetmoss February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Kathryn reminds me of Aviva formerly of NY. I can't quite pinpoint why, Thank you - after lastnight I thought the same. I think we get the Aviva vibe from Kathryn is because she scolds and tells people what they should be doing--Erika's necklace, Eileen's purse. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946094
imjagain February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I almost forgot, Kyle's friend shows up in jeans and a t-shirt, while everyone else is glammed up. I don't know if I found it odd or refreshing? Lol. Maybe kyle told her Erika was performing at a BBQ. 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946171
ghoulina February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Lisa & Kyle were cute there at cryotherapy. They did it to show support for Yo but she does’t appreciate it. Of course Yo says “this is how a real woman takes it” when she does it. Of course she is the best. Ugh, she's so awful. Hello, this was their first time! YoFo apparently gets her ass frozen daily....or is it weekly? Sorry, I'm at only 26% brain function today and can't keep it straight. Point being, she may be more used to it than they are. But at least they showed up and tried it for you. Show some damn appreciation. Same thing with Rinna and the wine (was it wine?) she brought over. Nothing is ever good enough for her Lady of Lymes. 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946194
Vicky8675309 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I don't think so, Andy has not asked for questions on his FB page yet that I have seen and he always tweets that he is filming the reunion THAT morning but there was no tweet this morning. It looks like LisaR called Yolanda out on twitter this morning! https://twitter.com/lisarinna/with_replies Kathryn said she was joking about trying to get a handicap placard, she was NOT serious. Interesting tweets! I missed the bit about her saying she was joking. You would think it would be obvious but people do try stuff like that. Ok, one less strike against her. It was funny finding out Eileen dated Marcus when Kathryn was still with him. They both handled that scene well and it was entertaining. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946195
Vicky8675309 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Yo told Kyle about the non-Gigi's supposedly having Lyme Disease. She said it on camera and didn't say keep it a secret. So why can't Kyle talk to LisaV about it and ask if she knew about it since she is friends with their dad. I wouldn't be surprised if the HWs thought Yo was confusing about her health but they are savvy enough to be cautious in their wording. Kyle and LisaV aren't new to the game of HWs. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946220
ghoulina February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I wasn't impressed at all with Ericka's performance. Dare I call it dull? Even less impressed with her lack of honesty I don't know why, since I have zero knowledge of her genre, but I sort of expected her to be moving around more and singing a bit more....boisterously? She just seemed to be standing in one spot and emitting a very breathy voice. I'll pass..... Kathryn tried to get a handicapped sticker for parking because of loss of hearing in one ear. I do NOT like her. I thought she was joking when she said that? I already do not like her, but please tell me she was joking. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946223
Vicky8675309 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) I don't know why, since I have zero knowledge of her genre, but I sort of expected her to be moving around more and singing a bit more....boisterously? She just seemed to be standing in one spot and emitting a very breathy voice. I'll pass..... I thought she was joking when she said that? I already do not like her, but please tell me she was joking. I thought she was serious except for joking about the reason being not hearing the ambulances but apparently she was joking about it all. I need to re-watch that scene and it maybe open to interpretation. I tend to be overly biased since I have seen so many people try to scam the system. I probably should give her the benefit of the doubt. Edited February 10, 2016 by Vicky8675309 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946236
thewhiteowl February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 IDK Purses are just a necessary thing to me but if I were really wealthy and viewed them as a status symbol, I'd drop some big bucks on them but I'm not and I don't. If you are and you do, have at it. I could not care less. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946255
sistermagpie February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Hated Erica's word necklace - I am one of those people who absolutely despise the c-word, so her explanations were bullshit to me. She wore that necklace to intentionally get a rise out of Kathryn, because Kathryn chided her about that word at Kyle and Lisa's party. Her stupid comment about "YOU'RE in my world now" (or words to that effect) sounded like a lame excuse. Also I thought that was a pretty gross thing to say about her world--didn't she sort of say that after establishing that it was a club filled with gay men? So gay men love referring to women as cunty? That makes them sound like misogynists. Why would those things go together? Why can't Kyle get verbs right? "She's been my friend since I'm 9 years old." It's just like her tagline "I'm born and raised in Beverly Hills." I don't think it's a mistake. It's a construction some people use that I think is okay as an alternate. And why didn't Kyle admit to Yolanda that she was the one who asked Lisa V about the kids? More than once IIRC - but Kyle never owns anything either. She can take the seat next to Erika. Kyle did totally skate on that. I thought it was interesting that LisaV did NOT throw Kyle to the wolves to say that it was Kyle who brought up Yo's kids, Kyle who kept pestering her after LisaV said she didn't want to talk about it, and Kyle who stirring that pile of shit. Yo told Kyle about the non-Gigi's supposedly having Lyme Disease. She said it on camera and didn't say keep it a secret. So why can't Kyle talk to LisaV about it and ask if she knew about it since she is friends with their dad. I wouldn't be surprised if the HWs thought Yo was confusing about her health but they are savvy enough to be cautious in their wording. Kyle and LisaV aren't new to the game of HWs. Yes, Yolanda herself dropped the info about the kids and Kyle asked after their health in a perfectly banal (if overly dramatically breathless) way. Yes, she did push Lisa for clarification when Lisa replied honestly that Mohammed had never told her they were anything but fine, but Lisa didn't elaborate. The whole extent of the "crime" was Lisa saying "Mohammed didn't say anything. He said they were, you know, healthy." Sure Lisa could have said to Yolanda that Kyle tried to push for whether Mohammed was saying they weren't sick (or reveal that Kyle had asked after their well-being to begin with!), but that would still get back to Lisa being the one to introduce that idea. If bringing up the kids' health in general is bad then the fault lies with Yolanda for casually mentioning her kids have suddenly been sick for years. Lisa wouldn't save herself by telling Yo she only said this because she was asked about her kids by Kyle, because why would it matter to Yo why she said it? Kyle's crime, in Yo's eyes, would probably only be that she didn't get up and loudly accuse Lisa of being a bad friend for daring to repeat such a thing. The person Lisa was really protecting wasn't Kyle at all, imo, it was Mohammed. He's the one whose "fine" she was repeating and Yolanda presented it as if it was just Lisa diagnosing the kids being unwell. But Lisa probably had good reason not to get between them on this--she could probably see this was probably a big mess issue for the family. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946266
Tara Ariano February 10, 2016 Author Share February 10, 2016 In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode! If The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills's Yolanda Is European, Why Can't She Pronounce 'Munchausen's'?And more not-quite-burning questions sparked by 'Please Welcome Erika Jayne!' 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946271
Avaleigh February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Going back to the discussion of the word cunt for a moment. I can understand both sides of the argument. I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. I've used the word but it isn't something that I use on a regular basis and I certainly don't go around insulting people with the word. I think that Erika is being disingenuous and full of shit when she comes down hard on all of the women (she grouped them all in) for being offended by the word. When Erika first used the word with Kathryn she was using it in a derogatory way. She wasn't using the word cunt to describe a fabulous woman. She was using that word to describe a "mean" woman and Kathryn objected to hearing it. Erika then asks Kathryn why she's offended by the word in an innocent sing song voice as if she's never heard of women being offended by the word, meanwhile she's using the word in an insulting way. It was too ridiculous and I'm glad they showed the clip again in this episode to show how the conversation went. Kathryn didn't have to be the language police but Erika is full of shit when she asks a woman why they're offended when they hear a word that is routinely used by people to degrade women. Kathryn tells Erika that she doesn't like the word so Erika's solution is to rub Kathryn's face in it because in her opinion Kathryn is wrong and she's going to prove to Kathryn that her opinion isn't valid because it's 'just a word'. I'm not even interested in defending Kathryn over this because she was obnoxious in her own way too. I can see how Erika might have felt like she was being dressed down and put in her place so I acknowledge that Kathryn didn't handle it well. I just think that Erika ended up making more out of the issue than was needed. ETA Erika also tells Kathryn and the other women that they "can't" be offended by the word. Again, Erika is saying that their opinion isn't valid or at least isn't as valid as her own. Kathryn again doesn't help herself because she had to bring up the necklace. She should have just ignored it but she wanted to prick at Erika again who was basically pricking at her by wearing the necklace in the first place. Edited February 10, 2016 by Avaleigh 16 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946274
beaker73 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I must admit that at times I do have "handbag envy" when I see someone with a beautiful Chanel bag or a Hermes Kelly bag, but I have a personal opinion on super expensive handbags. If the bag costs more than the amount of cash I would carry in that bag at any time, than the bag is too expensive for me. That's a fabulous rule! I was totally with Eileen on the handbag thing. I have friends that spend a lot of money on bags, but I never was the type. Don't get me wrong I can spend money like it's my job, but I just prefer to spend it elsewhere. Eileen was gold tonight! I loved her denim jumpsuit, her talking heads, just everything about her this episode was spot on. Let me see if I have this straight: 1.) Rinna has a discussion with a mystery person about Yo and Munchausens and talks to LisaV and Kyle about it. 2.) Kyle asks Lisa about the non-Gigi's and Lyme. Tells her to ask Mohammed. 3.) Lisa asks Mohammed and he allegedly says "they're fine." 4.) Kyle grills Lisa about the non-Gigi's at her BBQ and Lisa tells her what Mohammed said. Erika overhears. 5.) Erika meets with Yo and tells her Lisa was discussing the non-G's. Does not tell her Kyle instigated the discussion. 6.) Rinna meets with Yo and Yo says Lisa was saying the non-G's don't have Lyme. Rinna says it was "lightly discussed." 7.) Yo has lunch with Lisa and Kyle and says that Rinna told her that Lisa was talking shit about the kids. Kyle sits in silence. 8.) In SD, Kyle claims she has nothing to do with any of it. 9.) The group asks Erika if she told Yo and she denies any involvement. Is this right? I feel like I need a fucking flow chart. So...Erika did not tell Yo the whole truth. Yo completely misrepresented what Erika told her to Lisa and Kyle. Erika flat out lied to the group when asked about her involvement. As usual, Kyle sat back and pretended to be innocent. Sounds like a lot of people are at fault here. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946280
LIMOM February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Where does one even get a "cunty"necklace? Was this custom made for the event? 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946311
The Mighty Peanut February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Where does one even get a "cunty"necklace? Was this custom made for the event? I'd google it but I don't want to set off any alarms from my work computer! But, probably somewhere like nastygal would mass produce accessories like that, I would guess. I wasn't really thrilled with anyone this episode...except Eileen. She has a similar purse philosophy as I do. If I had money to burn on whatever I wanted, just for me, no charitable stuff allowed, I'd probably still use my decrepit Old Navy bag and drive my little postage stamp Toyota...but I'd own every fancypants special autographed edition of all my favorite books in my custom designed library with special reading hammocks and stuff like this one: Edited February 10, 2016 by The Mighty Peanut 19 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946332
DeepRed February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Yolanda's relentless (TM a previous poster way back) and rude hectoring of LisaV has cemented my belief that she's first, last and always about control: controlling not only her own behavior but that of everyone around her. If Lisa is good friends with Mohamed, then why the hell can't she ask him about his kids - since Yolanda put it out there - and make a remark or two about them at a BBQ? After reading Mo's carefully crafted tweet after this issue was first raised, I thought that Yo must make his life a living hell too. And no one in her right mind pushes her kid's medical records at someone, demands apologies and chides her about "the universe." LisaV's two or three remarks at the BBQ have to be just an infinitesimal amount of the gossip that I'd guess is all over LA about that nut job, her quack treatments and her kids. No wonder Yo's worn out, trying to control what comes out of everyone's mouth. Take another nap, you tiresome cow. I'm positive that Yo will try to hawk a book (ghostwritten by the ex-whore/health advocate) or get a TV show about her and the non-Gigis' struggle with Lyme, which is why she's so crazy about controlling the information flow. Anything for fame. LisaV may have missed an opportunity, though. She could have taken the kids' medical records and shown them to Mohamed. I wonder if he's seen them. ETA that sistermagpie covered most of this already, sorry. Edited February 10, 2016 by DeepRed 14 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946335
imjagain February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Where does one even get a "cunty"necklace? Was this custom made for the event? Cunts R' Us? :) I was annoyed that Kathryn tried to tell Erika what words to use. But, it also annoyed me just as much that Erika wore the necklace purposely to flaunt it in Kathryn's face. 11 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946337
The Mighty Peanut February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I'm positive that Yo will try to hawk a book (ghostwritten by the ex-whore/health advocate) or get a TV show about her and the non-Gigis' struggle with Lyme, which is why she's so crazy about controlling the information flow. Anything for fame. Daisy's an ex-whore?? She just got 1000x more interesting... 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946349
Miss February February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I thought LVP's reaction to the overflowing dry ice when the guy first opened the freezer was very funny. And, as someone else said, I loved her reaction shots when Yolanda accused her and then presented her with the kids' medical records. On the tour bus there was a barely perceptible expression of contempt on Erika's face right after she hung up from "the boss". It looked as though she was used to eye-rolling or even bad-mouthing her husband to her entourage, and was about to do just that but she remembered she was on camera. All of the women are very pretty, but there were many scenes in these last two episodes where Lisa V, Eileen and Kyle looked so beautiful. 18 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946352
Wings February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I loved the girls having fun in the limo and Eileen's comment about bags! I also agree that cunt is just a word. It is considered vile because we as women react to it so extremely. Stop taking offense and it will fade into the category of sentence enhancers just like fuck, shit, dickhead etc. My friends and I took the sting out of cunt years ago! We use it among ourselves all the time! Instead of silence and just staring, I wish LisaVP would have calmly derailed Yo by saying, I asked Mohamed how the kids were and he said fine. That drew me to the logical conclusion that they were not sick. No need to make a big deal of it. I see I was wrong. So what? Erika cannot lie well at all! Her face said it all; that scene was hysterical! I found myself liking Lisar last night. I may be warming to her. Good for me because I am not interested in Katherine or Erika. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946355
WireWrap February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Interesting tweets! I missed the bit about her saying she was joking. You would think it would be obvious but people do try stuff like that. Ok, one less strike against her. It was funny finding out Eileen dated Marcus when Kathryn was still with him. They both handled that scene well and it was entertaining. Kathryn said she was joking in her blog, sorry, I should have included that fact in my post. LOL Yes, it seems that Kathryn was fine finding out he dated Eileen at the same time as her, both had some fun with that. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946364
Avaleigh February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I'm positive that Yolanda doesn't like the friendship between Mohammed and LisaV. When she suggested that Mohammed simply didn't want to share the truth with Lisa, it seemed like an obvious dig to me ('you guys aren't as close as you'd like to think, Lisa') and I feel like by extension, she doesn't really like the idea of Lisa being friendly or close to any of her children. I'll never forget too that dinner where Mohammed compliments the hell of Lisa right in front of Yolanda. I thought it was an interesting moment and I think it infuriated Yolanda that it happened during a time when she and Lisa were sort of rocky. Yolanda didn't mention Erika talking to her at all. Why does she bring up LisaR talking and not Erika? I think it's because she wants to get LisaR into hot water because she's pissed about the Munchausen conversation. 23 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946365
FanOfTheFans February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Never thought about that. Why get a spray tan for an event just to have to slip into what amounts to a full body pair of black hosiery? Are we sure she wasn't getting sprayed down with Crisco? Half of me wonders if Erika is Kim Zolciak fit/skinny?!? You know - goes to doctors to get shaped and have pockets of fat lasered or melted off somehow. Nothing about a full denim onsie with heels in 2016 should work but damn if it didn't and had me searching modcloth for a dupe. Unfortunately, I wouldn't look near as good in it as Eileen. What was the problem with Eileen's shoes? It seemed like the ladies were clowning her footwear and they were cute to me. Just because they weren't designer, the ladies didn't love them but just liked them? Superficial bitches indeed. Kyle's best friend looked so normal with her jeans and tops. Lisa Rinna does have really pretty eyes. I'd like to see her with less eye makeup on. ITA with your post. I thought Eileen's outfit had a real 70's vibe and the shoes fit right in with that. I do think she works for her body along with some good genetics Ericka doesn't strike me as the athletic type. She looks great in her clothes and costumes but I did not see a lot of muscle definition. Some women don't care for that look either. But by her own admission she likes to eat and that's ok too. I'm glad Rinna called Yo out on twitter. Gonna have to check that out. She'll probably get some backlash though. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946368
DeepRed February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Daisy's an ex-whore?? She just got 1000x more interesting... She used to be a call girl; someone posted that in Yolanda's thread. Call girl, ex-whore, potato potahto. Edited February 10, 2016 by DeepRed 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946375
TV Diva Queen February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Random thoughts as everything I hated was covered: 1) As far as Eileen's shoes, I think she was going for the 70's look, to go with the denim jumpsuit. 2) Erica's make up dude, doing the Nene "Bloop" bothered me. Not sure why, but it did. 3) I though LVP asked Kathryn if she can get a handicapped parking pass. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946378
DeepRed February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Yolanda didn't mention Erika talking to her at all. Why does she bring up LisaR talking and not Erika? Because Erika gives her free rides in private jets and Rinna doesn't. Because that makes Erika a true friend and Rinna merely a co-worker. Because it's Wednesday, or whatever. ETA that I guess I'm on a roll about this damn woman now; I so can't stand her duplicity. No one can talk about the kids, but it's okay for Yo to post endless Tweets and Instagrams about them (Bella and the IV drip), and no doubt pay publicists to get info about the non-Gigis' struggle with Lyme in tabloids like the Daily Mail and wherever. Okay then! Edited February 10, 2016 by DeepRed 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946412
WireWrap February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Daisy's an ex-whore?? She just got 1000x more interesting... Not an "ex-whore" but an ex HIGH CLASS whore according to her bio on her web page! LOL 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946423
DeepRed February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 (edited) Going back to Yo's lunch with Kyle and LisaV, from now on I'm going to take a slug every time Yolanda says "you should have," because all she knows how to do is lecture and upbraid. I'll be paralyzed 15 minutes into an episode. You teetotalers out there can take a slug every time she says "how are you," "how's the family" or "what have you been doing lately." You'll be just fine! Edited February 10, 2016 by DeepRed 21 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946493
RedheadZombie February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Kyle did totally skate on that. I thought it was interesting that LisaV did NOT throw Kyle to the wolves to say that it was Kyle who brought up Yo's kids, Kyle who kept pestering her after LisaV said she didn't want to talk about it, and Kyle who stirring that pile of shit. See, Kyle? LisaV does have your back, even at her own expense. This war between LVD and Yo started way before Kyle came along. I didn't read Kyle's questions as grilling Lisa, or attempting to stir shit. I tend to mind my own business, but even I would have questioned LVP regarding the non-Gigis. The problem isn't that Kyle questioned Lisa, it's that Lisa allowed herself to be caught on camera revealing that Mohamed contradicts Yo. That put Mohamed on the spot, and he was clearly displeased. Frankly, LVP is just too smart to make this kind of mistake, so I almost wonder if she wanted that info out there. She's also an expert at putting the others on the spot with the coy little, "it's just the two of us", so I'm not super sympathetic. I think Lisa knows better than to turn around and blame the situation on Kyle. LVP has the long-term relationship with Mo and kids, and she's the one that should have been held to a higher degree of behavior by them. LisaV and Kyle remind me off teenagers…they are fun! I love all the scenes of the woman joking around and having fun together. It seems so natural between LisaV and Kyle. Kyle brings a silly and playful side out in LVD, that I've only seen her show in scenes with her dogs. Lisa trades sarcasm for slap-stick, drops the cool reserve, and really enjoys herself. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946503
zoeysmom February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I don't think so, Andy has not asked for questions on his FB page yet that I have seen and he always tweets that he is filming the reunion THAT morning but there was no tweet this morning. It looks like LisaR called Yolanda out on twitter this morning! https://twitter.com/lisarinna/with_replies Kathryn said she was joking about trying to get a handicap placard, she was NOT serious. Kathryn doesn't need a handicapped placard she parks in the red zone. Daisy's an ex-whore?? She just got 1000x more interesting... Apparently she is an accomplished prostitute and proud of it. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946507
ryebread February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Beverly Hills is officially more low rent than the OC. I can't with this train wreck anymore. I'm out. See y'all in New York! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946512
WireWrap February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 Going back to Yo's lunch with Kyle and LisaV, from now on I'm going to take a slug every time Yolanda says "you should have," because all she knows how to do is lecture and upbraid. I'll be paralyzed 15 minutes into an episode. You teetotalers out there can take a slug every time she says "how are you," "how's the family" or "what have you been doing lately." You'll be just fine! You ARE right, we really don't hear Yolanda ask anyone about themselves, their lives, their families or their businesses. She only tells them "how well THEY look" so she can remind them (and us) that she is SOOOooooooo sick. She needs to get off this show, I am so tired of her. 15 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946513
Happy Camper February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 " I thought she was serious except for joking about the reason being not hearing the ambulances but apparently she was joking about it all. I need to re-watch that scene and it maybe open to interpretation. I tend to be overly biased since I have seen so many people try to scam the system. I probably should give her the benefit of the doubt. From Kathryn's Blog: "I want everyone to know that I was joking when I made the comment about a "disabled parking" placard. I'm deaf in one ear but by no means do I consider myself disabled...it was a joke, but I don't know if my dry sense of humor was apparent there." 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946521
WireWrap February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 This war between LVD and Yo started way before Kyle came along. I didn't read Kyle's questions as grilling Lisa, or attempting to stir shit. I tend to mind my own business, but even I would have questioned LVP regarding the non-Gigis. The problem isn't that Kyle questioned Lisa, it's that Lisa allowed herself to be caught on camera revealing that Mohamed contradicts Yo. That put Mohamed on the spot, and he was clearly displeased. Frankly, LVP is just too smart to make this kind of mistake, so I almost wonder if she wanted that info out there. She's also an expert at putting the others on the spot with the coy little, "it's just the two of us", so I'm not super sympathetic. I think Lisa knows better than to turn around and blame the situation on Kyle. LVP has the long-term relationship with Mo and kids, and she's the one that should have been held to a higher degree of behavior by them. Kyle brings a silly and playful side out in LVD, that I've only seen her show in scenes with her dogs. Lisa trades sarcasm for slap-stick, drops the cool reserve, and really enjoys herself. Lisa didn't say anything other than Mohamed said the kids were/are "fine" and Mohamed agreed with that via twitter. Yolanda brought up her kids health not just once but twice ON camera and the blame of the kid talk is on her and her alone IMO. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946529
Vicky8675309 February 10, 2016 Share February 10, 2016 I thought LVP's reaction to the overflowing dry ice when the guy first opened the freezer was very funny. And, as someone else said, I loved her reaction shots when Yolanda accused her and then presented her with the kids' medical records. On the tour bus there was a barely perceptible expression of contempt on Erika's face right after she hung up from "the boss". It looked as though she was used to eye-rolling or even bad-mouthing her husband to her entourage, and was about to do just that but she remembered she was on camera. All of the women are very pretty, but there were many scenes in these last two episodes where Lisa V, Eileen and Kyle looked so beautiful. BIB, I also saw that look of disgust/contempt on Erika's face while hanging up on her husband ("the boss"). I wonder if he saw this episode and noticed that expression (maybe he is use to it). Not good Erika! Don't piss off the boss! very stupid of her to let that slip 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/38530-s06e11-please-welcome-erika-jayne/page/4/#findComment-1946530
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