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S04.E14: Sex, Lies And Stassi's Videotape

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That episode felt like two hours long.

The return of the snarky cooks! Yay!

Yeah, Lala. Drug dealers. They're SO HOT.

I wanna have TJ's hummus and cerveza with Kristen! lolz (It's like that feature in US: "stars: they're just like the rest of us!") She's AWESOME, everyone!!! I want that confidence!

I kinda zoned out after that. Cheater dude zzzzzz Scheana Self-congratulatory drunky dinner zzzzzzzzzz Muppet Baby undies zzzzzzz "You HATE ME, Lisa!" Zzzzz saw that part in the previews a million times.

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Lala knows what she says and she is saying it just to say it and to be the cool girl, remember when she said being paid to have sex was dope? Same with how hot drug dealers are tonight. She knows what she is doing and what she's saying. 


Anyone else wanna punch Tom and Amazing Arania in the face during their painting scene tonight?

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I always wonder why Lisa never comes to realize how narcissistic she looks in these two scenarios:


1) Lisa must punish someone (Jax this time)  for bad behavior so there is the appearance that Lisa is a good business woman but in actual fact the TV show matters and not her restaurant and we'll just hope no one mentions the Jax steals everything from Sur that is not nailed down montage at the reunion




2) You (Stassi this time) are a pimple on the ass of Lisa's life.  You and your apologies mean nothing to Lisa but sit your ass down so Lisa can berate you some more.

Oh God Lala saying she thinks drug dealers are hot was the most cringe worthy, eye roll inducing thing I think I may have ever heard on this show. Next to Kristen's delusional "I KNOW I'm a catch!" and "I'm 5'9" and BEAUTIFUL!" Oh and Brittany: "I believe Jax is a good person." Trying so hard not to laugh at these.

That was the ugliest effing underwear I've ever seen. TM Regina George

Is it any surprise to anyone that a friend of Jax's turned out to be a POS?

Shay's comment about Scheana being a "hot... awesome... person" was not only the single lamest thing I've ever heard but also says pretty much everything we need to know about this relationship. Most people would talk about the person's personality, their kindness, care for them, their sense of humor, common interests, etc. The fact he could only mention her looks (and not even "beautiful" but just "hot") says a lot.

Oh Lisa, stop. No one believes you would really contemplate ever firing Jax. We know that you know you only care about making drama for the show. Give it up.

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Oh God Lala saying she thinks drug dealers are hot was the most cringe worthy, eye roll inducing thing I think I may have ever heard on this show.

I'm going with the "it would be dope to be paid for sex." It seems just slightly more ignorant. For one thing I think she has been paid to have sex and another its a difficult and degrading life for many so her comments and giggles trivialize that.

Well, it was vaguely nice to finally see Stassi treated like the vapid wastoid, bridge-burning nasty snot that she truly is---if it wasn't so pathetic on a variety of levels, that is.

I remember how smugly high she was on her own putrid fumes last season, bragging about her invisible boyfriend in her "grownup" apartment and how she was so "above" everyone at SUR((yet she was always hanging out there for free booze/goat cheese balls/screentime)) because she was so busy making her fabulous jewelry line and fashion blogging and styling...as of now, all that's gone nowhere and is just stagnating...

I think she's back with the invisible boyfriend again, but it sounds like they have a rather messed-up excuse of a toxic on-again/off-again relationship anyway...I think she's still got her stupid Podcast, but does that really pay anything? I guess time will tell.

And Lisa totally outted Frank as Stassi's infamous sex-tape director...sadly amusing. Her parents must be so proud.

LaLa is just such a thirsty prick-tease, so desperate to seem like such a "badass" with her try-hard cool chick posturing/idiotic commentary. She reminds me of one of those braindead idiot models from a bad 80's hairband video with her skank flag flying so high.

Of course Jax's braindead girlfriend quickly finds a gig at an LA Hooters. Of course. That was pure deadpan comedy right there.

Not so comedic? Jax's creepy cleptomania...that dude has a real problem if he's so blatantly casual about years of pilfering and shoplifting.

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And Lisa totally outted Frank as Stassi's infamous sex-tape director...sadly amusing. Her parents must be so proud.


She sure did, didn't she?  We saw her fire Frank, so we know she was referring to him.  Um, why is Stassi being coy & not mentioning his name directly?  Is she afraid he's gonna put the vid out?  Wow, she knows how to pick scuzzballs, eh?  Her relationship with Patrick sounds horrible.  And I knew that hipster idiot Kristen was with last ep was a total waste-of-time loser.  Not exactly a surprise to find out just how much of a loser he is.


OK, so Stassi holding up that clutch/purse/wallet she seemed to brag how she knew Jax stole, but she kept anyway, made me go -- er, WTF?  OK, I get that she was being cutesy/tongue-in-cheek, but still -- WTF, Stassi????


Guess I'm missing out on life, but I've never been to a Hooters.  Jax & the Toms chowing down on those chicken things did not give me any motivation to seek one out.  Brittany actually looked very cute in her Hooters outfit.  Run from Jax already, will ya, hun?


Sandoval's place still looks like an awful dump to me.  I don't get it.  Aren't the chucklefucks making much from the show so they can move to better places?  Guess not.


Way to go, Schemer.  Keep plying your boozehound hubby with more booze.  If he ain't an alcoholic already, good way to make sure he becomes one.  Man, she really is a shallow fuckin' moron.  He ain't much better.  Maybe it's better he stays silent.

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Lmao at Jax in the beginning of the episode pretending to cry and saying he doesn't feel bad for himself, but for the other people he hurt. Why do I feel like he was repeating what someone else told him he SHOULD feel? Oh I know why...because Jax has proven time and again that he only cares about himself and his gratification and nothing and no one else.

But i gotta say, I loved when Jax flashed his Hooters VIP card. Hilarious. "...the mayor of Hooterville."

Gotta say I am glad to see Stassi worming her way back in somewhere because I can only see it ending badly. I was guilty in previous seasons of wishing she were gone gone gone, but I find myself strangely glad to see her back with (part of) the crew and hoping she gives us loads of drama and good TH. One good thing about her being gone is that it really allowed me to channel my disdain to Lala (and Scheana of course)...at least Lala is only like 22 years old or something, so she has an excuse for acting like a kid...she is just a dumb kid. Plenty of time to grow up

Also, I fail to see the "punishment" when Lisa suspends these cast member "SUR employees" for her requisite "two weeks" when they only work once a month anyways

Edited by bblancobrnx
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I was tired from last night's workout but couldn't help but wonder why successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks cared so much about what Jax does when he's not at work. I think Brittany's job is a step up from working for multimillionairess Lisa Vanderbucks. Are we SURE Kristen's boyfriend wasn't Jax in a clever disguise? Geez, Arianna is an annoying bitch when painting. Who knew? I was too bored and tired to watch once StASSi moved in with Kristen and was going to thank Lisa Vanderbucks for paying off Frank for only $900.

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Stassi gives the best THs and saves the show from being a total bore IMO. But what's her storyline gonna be? Designing Tshirts with Kristen while they both date Jax look-a-likes?

I guess according to Scheana I must be a "bore" because I'm not much of a drinker. Well Scheaner at least I don't feel like I need to drink all the time in order to have any fun. Goodness, there's more to life besides booze. I guess she must also believe recovering alcoholics who refrain from drinking are "boring" too. I hope she gets raked over the coals on social media/WWHL/the reunion for that one. And she's said that multiple times too.

I kept falling asleep. Was this one exceptionally "blah" or was I just overtired from the weekend? 


Jax was all freaking out that he didn't have any deodorant, and I'm like - "You wear deodorant?" 


Of course Britney works at Hooters. 


Too much Jax, period. Stop trying to downplay what you just did. Theft is theft, no matter how large or small the item. Also, we know Lisa won't let him go, so let's move on.


Kristen and her stage 5 clinger, the whole thing seemed staged. She was too quick to just break it off like that. It was like she knew what the scene was going to entail and got it over with. 



Not NEARLY enough Schwartz and Sandoval. 

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OK, so Stassi holding up that clutch/purse/wallet she seemed to brag how she knew Jax stole, but she kept anyway, made me go -- er, WTF?  OK, I get that she was being cutesy/tongue-in-cheek, but still -- WTF, Stassi????


Frankly, I couldn't care less whether she still uses a stolen wallet. What I do wonder though is how in the hell she keeps a wallet in one piece after all this time! Either I am just some kind of accessory ruffian, or Jax steals the super-high-quality stuff.

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Stassi is trying her best to come across as more likeable and relatable, and it's just not working for me. I know she's still that same spoiled, narcissistic stealth bitch inside.


Brittany working at Hooters?  Too easy.  She really did fit right in there, didn't she? 


So anyone else surprised to hear that Kristin is a serial cheater?  Yea, me neither.  Jack's hipster doofus friend was lame. 


Bronzedog, on 01 Feb 2016 - 9:29 PM, said:

Max looks like he's pushing 50, not someone still in their 30s.


I assume you meant Jax not Max?  And I agree. Jax looks horrific. 

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Stassi is trying her best to come across as more likeable and relatable, and it's just not working for me. I know she's still that same spoiled, narcissistic stealth bitch inside.


Brittany working at Hooters?  Too easy.  She really did fit right in there, didn't she? 


So anyone else surprised to hear that Kristin is a serial cheater?  Yea, me neither.  Jack's hipster doofus friend was lame. 



I assume you meant Jax not Max?  And I agree. Jax looks horrific.

Yes, I definitely meant Jax!

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Does anyone know why Jax would have gotten a warrant for his arrest when he had been legally bonded out? Does that mean he wasn't supposed to leave town, or just that he needed to check in with somebody regarding his whereabouts and didn't? Also, how do you have a non-reaction to news like that? "Oh, I could be arrested at any time? Nbd."

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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But i gotta say, I loved when Jax flashed his Hooters VIP card. Hilarious. "...the mayor of Hooterville."

I assumed that was Brittany's employee discount card he "borrowed" from her, but I've only been to Hooters a handful of times in the 1990's.


Frankly, I couldn't care less whether she still uses a stolen wallet. What I do wonder though is how in the hell she keeps a wallet in one piece after all this time! Either I am just some kind of accessory ruffian, or Jax steals the super-high-quality stuff.

Was that the stolen wallet she was holding? Yeah, my attention was wandering big time by that time.


Speaking of which, what the hell were FI Tom and Arianna painting pink in their apartment and getting all over the carpet?



Anyone else wanna punch Tom and Amazing Arania in the face during their painting scene tonight?

I'm going to have to re-watch the painting scene because I am a glutton for punishment.   She sure did not come off as the "smartest person she knows" dripping that paint and also in her talking head she said "Tom and I's relationship" and something about "between Scheana and I".   Nugget.  How far you've fallen.

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I kept falling asleep. Was this one exceptionally "blah" or was I just overtired from the weekend? 


Jax was all freaking out that he didn't have any deodorant, and I'm like - "You wear deodorant?" 


Of course Britney works at Hooters. 


Too much Jax, period. Stop trying to downplay what you just did. Theft is theft, no matter how large or small the item. Also, we know Lisa won't let him go, so let's move on.


Kristen and her stage 5 clinger, the whole thing seemed staged. She was too quick to just break it off like that. It was like she knew what the scene was going to entail and got it over with. 



Not NEARLY enough Schwartz and Sandoval. 


This is Jax the Pinch here.  You know he was just trying to deflect the fact that when he does wear deodorant he is not buying the stuff.  Likely he hits the local Walgreens and when no one is looking does a pits-smear.



Stassi is trying her best to come across as more likeable and relatable, and it's just not working for me. I know she's still that same spoiled, narcissistic stealth bitch inside.


Brittany working at Hooters?  Too easy.  She really did fit right in there, didn't she? 


So anyone else surprised to hear that Kristin is a serial cheater?  Yea, me neither.  Jack's hipster doofus friend was lame. 



I assume you meant Jax not Max?  And I agree. Jax looks horrific. 


I agree except its more like she is pretending she wore the whole raging entitled bitch thing as a sweater and it has gotten slightly warm and she maybe took if off and now its draped over her shoulders.  Because I don't see its so much as "inside".  It is almost fun to watch her try and do that "look over there" thing in terms of how arrogant she was in her supposed exit for good last time.

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Frankly, I couldn't care less whether she still uses a stolen wallet. What I do wonder though is how in the hell she keeps a wallet in one piece after all this time! Either I am just some kind of accessory ruffian, or Jax steals the super-high-quality stuff.

It was Miu Miu, so yeah, his sticky fingers takes the good stuff.  


I liked how Jax's defense was, "I stole sunglasses; it's not like I stole a car."   All in good time, Jax.  


Brittany's previous employment was Hooters (I remembered from her no resume/no pants interview with Lisa), so it's not surprise she'd try to go back to her old stomping ground.  She's probably more suited for Hooters than Sur anyway.  As dumb as she is, she looks great in the orange shorts!     


Stassi looks so different compared to past clips they show.  I can't tell if it's just the bright blonde hair?  


Lala is a lingerie/bikini model?  Fine, she's somewhat attractive, but enough with DJ Muppet in underwear!! 


I really can't believe Lisa paid lowly bartender Frank $900 not to release Stassi's sex tape.  Lisa, that was blackmail, you should know better than that!


And Schwartz and Katie STILL haven't consummated the relationship after the engagement?  You no longer have 14 people coming in and out of your room, Katie.  Why all the excuses?!! 

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I don't blame Stassi for being underwhelmed by Lisa paying off Frank. $900 isn't a binding legal contract nor is it a huge incentive to keep quiet; he could have just taken the money and released the tape anyway. It's no Kim K and Ray J but it sure beats Backdoor Teen Mom. He'd get more than $900 for it.


It was certainly going above and beyond as a boss, but Stassi couldn't win for losing with Lisa. "I gave him my hard earned money." "Here's your money back." "Don't insult me." 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Frankly, I couldn't care less whether she still uses a stolen wallet. What I do wonder though is how in the hell she keeps a wallet in one piece after all this time! Either I am just some kind of accessory ruffian, or Jax steals the super-high-quality stuff.


It looked like it may have been a Kate Spade wallet (from the logo), and if so, that is a good quality wallet.  


Plus, something tells me that Stassi isn't using her wallet too much - how much money can she have?  ;-)


ETA:  Poster upthread (Teddybear) mentions Miu Miu - could have been that, too...either way, good stuff!!  

Edited by njbchlover
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I'm going to have to re-watch the painting scene because I am a glutton for punishment.   She sure did not come off as the "smartest person she knows" dripping that paint and also in her talking head she said "Tom and I's relationship" and something about "between Scheana and I".   Nugget.  How far you've fallen.


THIS.....so much!!  I also heard James use that same phrase, and it drives me crazy!!  I literally get chills down my spine and my molars hurt when I hear someone say this, and it is used sooo often on reality shows when the cast is trying to sound intelligent.


Basic English grammar - when using a plural possessive form of an object (or should it be subject) - remove the first part {Tom and} and listen if it sounds correct.  "I's relationship" sounds completely, utterly freakin' ridiculous...."Tom's and MY relationship"....."Lala's and MY relationship"....it's not that hard, people!!!  

Edited by njbchlover
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At this point - I am just as sick of Lala as I am of James. Yeah some episodes she makes a lot of sense but the way she keeps hanging around James annoys me to no end.

"Ew no I'll never have sex with him we're just friends etc etc etc"

Yet once again in the episode we see her trying to turn him on by going "Squeeze my ass." WTF - if you're so disgusted by him just STOP hanging out with him. Stop telling him to take photos of your ass. Stop telling him to squeeze your butt. Just stop. What's the point of "teasing" him if you're disgusted by him anyways. Ugh.

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I guess according to Scheana I must be a "bore" because I'm not much of a drinker. Well Scheaner at least I don't feel like I need to drink all the time in order to have any fun. Goodness, there's more to life besides booze. I guess she must also believe recovering alcoholics who refrain from drinking are "boring" too. I hope she gets raked over the coals on social media/WWHL/the reunion for that one. And she's said that multiple times too.

That got to me, too. Because there's no middle ground between "bore" and "drunk"?

And if you're ALREADY referring to your husband's non-drunk personality as "boring," within the first year of marriage, shouldn't THAT be something you take a look at? Rather than the wacko drinking program you have him on? Like, get him REAL treatment, and do some self-exploration yourself?

Ok I feel really stupid but I am lost on this Stassi video. Who is Frank and was it someone Stassi was dating? Is that how this Frank had the video to begin with? Appreciate anyone who can answer. Thanks.

Stassi revenge-dated Frank, who worked at SUR, in the first(?) season, after she broke up with Jax. Lisa got rid of him because he was a jerk. Edited by ivygirl
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THIS.....so much!! I also heard James use that same phrase, and it drives me crazy!! I literally get chills down my spine and my molars hurt when I hear someone say this, and it is used sooo often on reality shows when the cast is trying to sound intelligent.

Basic English grammar - when using a plural form of an object - remove the first part {Tom and} and listen if it sounds correct. "I's relationship" sounds completely, utterly freakin' ridiculous...."Tom's and MY relationship"....."Lala's and MY relationship"....it's not that hard, people!!!

Just say "our."

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Stassi revenge-dated Frank, who worked at SUR, in the first(?) season, after she broke up with Jax. Lisa got rid of him because he was a jerk.


Heehee I love this phrasing.  I need to find a way to work that into my conversational repertoire!


agree except its more like she is pretending she wore the whole raging entitled bitch thing as a sweater and it has gotten slightly warm and she maybe took if off and now its draped over her shoulders.



Excellent description.  Not only is it true, but as a writer and English major, I appreciate this simile very much.

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I'm going to have to re-watch the painting scene because I am a glutton for punishment.   She sure did not come off as the "smartest person she knows" dripping that paint and also in her talking head she said "Tom and I's relationship" and something about "between Scheana and I".   Nugget.  How far you've fallen.


So many of these nitwits have said that (blah-blah & "I's" relationship), I've lost count how many times it's been said & by who.  But that Ari said this -- the one who's just soooooo brilliant & above all the rest of the chucklefucks?  Er, huh????  Oh Ari, how could you?


Enough with the fuckin' crying, Stassi.  Did Bethenny "advise" her how to act on a reality show?  Even Sandoval was rolling his eyes on WWHL when Satan Andy asked him about Stassi's crying.  Btw, Katie was totally right about Sandoval.  He is smug & cocky now.  And Satan Andy noticed it & pointed it out.  Ari is NOT having a good affect on him.  Go back to Kristen!  I bet she really wants to move back into his dump.

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That got to me, too. Because there's no middle ground between "bore" and "drunk"?

And if you're ALREADY referring to your husband's non-drunk personality as "boring," within the first year of marriage, shouldn't THAT be something you take a look at? Rather than the wacko drinking program you have him on? Like, get him REAL treatment, and do some self-exploration yourself?



IMO she wants him to reach that middle ground through her revolutionary addiction cure-all concept of everything in moderation. It's...telling that she wants to err on the side of drinking. She wants him to to be socially lubricated enough to be a good straight man for her own artfully crafted cool party girl persona, and to not be the quiet guy everyone thinks is weird--but not so drunk that he is unable to cater immediately to her needs, and not so talkative that he contradict anything she says. 


Scheana has been getting a lot of flak on social media and her response was, at first, to blame editing for misrepresenting her. Then as she kept repeating what a drag being sober is, she changed track and said she was still learning about addiction. And now AFAIK she essentially stormed off and said she wouldn't be discussing her relationship with Shay. I wonder if Scheana even bothered to research addiction at all, or if she did and just ignored the parts she didn't like, or if she exclusively checked al-anon because she can only relate to addiction if she's the center of suffering. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Ok I feel really stupid but I am lost on this Stassi video. Who is Frank and was it someone Stassi was dating? Is that how this Frank had the video to begin with? Appreciate anyone who can answer. Thanks.

He was a bartender from the first season. He spilled the beans about Jax' cheating and knocking up a chick in Vegas. Stassi immediately broke up with Jax and started dating Frank. Like literally waited 5 whole minutes before she started dating Frank. Stassi stopped being friends with Kristen and Katie because they didn't like Frank. Lisa later fired Frank when he disrespected a customer.

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He was a bartender from the first season. He spilled the beans about Jax' cheating and knocking up a chick in Vegas. Stassi immediately broke up with Jax and started dating Frank. Like literally waited 5 whole minutes before she started dating Frank. Stassi stopped being friends with Kristen and Katie because they didn't like Frank. Lisa later fired Frank when he disrespected a customer.

Don't leave out that she constantly harassed the woman that Jax was revenge-dating.

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I am delighted that Stassi had to admit her sex tape was only worth $900.  :-)

Jax got arrested for stealing sunglasses, but somehow I think this might be more pathetic. There is no way Frank started out asking for $900. He must have started out asking for a couple thousand and had websites laugh in his face. This show is Bravo's most popular non-housewife show, but still these chucklefucks are nobodies. And when you get to the point that you are asking for $900 for a sex tape, I would just keep the tape because selling a sex tape for $900 is almost as pathetic as having to admit that your tape was only worth $900.

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I'm finding Jax's presence on the show increasingly sad. The man is nearly 40 (if not over 40) and he's still acting like he's a week out of the frat house. While his antics are juvenile, he's getting to look more like the dad of someone on one of these shows. How sad will he be as he closes in on 50, still tending bar, still chasing tail? Not fun.

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Jax was all freaking out that he didn't have any deodorant, and I'm like - "You wear deodorant?"


This! He mentioned lack of that AND a toothbrush, and I was scratching my head thinking "isn't that just a typical day in Jaxville?". The only thing funnier would have been lamenting a lack of condoms.


Why did Arianna act as if dropping off Jax's bag was akin to donating a kidney? "You shall like me now! You shall never talk smack on me again! I DROVE TO KOREA TOWN!!!!". Um, ok.

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So many of these nitwits have said that (blah-blah & "I's" relationship), I've lost count how many times it's been said & by who.  But that Ari said this -- the one who's just soooooo brilliant & above all the rest of the chucklefucks?  Er, huh????  Oh Ari, how could you?


Seriously, this usage is like a reality-show staple, I find.

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He was a bartender from the first season. He spilled the beans about Jax' cheating and knocking up a chick in Vegas. Stassi immediately broke up with Jax and started dating Frank. Like literally waited 5 whole minutes before she started dating Frank. Stassi stopped being friends with Kristen and Katie because they didn't like Frank. Lisa later fired Frank when he disrespected a customer.

Thank you. That rings a bell.

Once again, does Kristen only have one wine glass? She brought out her one wine glass when Scheana and Katie. She couldn't stop by Target, Walmart, the Dollar Store to pick up a couple more glasses?

James is still gross.

Lala is annoying and gross. Being paid to have sex is awesome. Drug dealers are hot. James can fondle my body, but I will never ever have sex with him.

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