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S06.E04: The M Word

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Maybe in a vacuum but, compared to Teresa's spawn? She's cuter than puppies!


Perception, I guess. I stopped watching NJ a few seasons back and am not a fan of T and J but, IMO, their daughters are lovely -- yes, even The Terror That Is Milania.





Agreed. Mine is under his first and last name, followed by ICE ( for In Case of Emergency). I don't think it's unusual either. But only Rinna will try to turn it into a thing.


I thought most people used ICE for their spouse or SO. Maybe in BH, ICE is used for one's plastic surgeon?

Edited by steelcitysister
  • Love 5

One of my cousins worked in the office at the law firm, Masry & Vititoe. You know, the one with Erin Brockovich. My cousin met Thomas Girardi when he entered the famous Hinkley case that was portrayed in the movie. Actor Peter Coyote played Girardi's role. My cousin only had a few brief encounters with Mr. Girardi. She had nothing but nice things to say about the man. She mentioned he was the attorney handling a case in which a boy was critically injured on a Disneyland ride in 2000. My cousin told me how much Mr. Girardi was touched deeply by what had happened to this four year old boy and how he was determined to make things right for the family of the boy and to ensure the safety of children in the future. That is all I have. No actual gossip


He's handled some huge cases:



  • Love 2

I have grown to love these women.  Well, not Lisar but she could rise to my liking if she pushes the Yolanda supplement  thing.


 It seems to me  that most are lacking in some common wisdom in conflict resolution and basic philosophy/spiritual underpinnings to guide their reactions.  Not LisaV.  She has got this knocked out. 


Kyle.  Lets look at your torture.  You have a life filled with love from your family.  Just go with that. Please , let outside influences be just that.  Outside your life.  Kathy is a quasi/pretentious  socialite who thinks that an alcoholic in the family casts shame.  Oh please!.  You cannot swing a dead cat and not hit one.  The Rothschild's are probably littered with them.   Who cares?  None of this is about you. None of this is about YOU!


Kim's addiction does not mean you are at a lower station (should that even exist).    Ugh.  Kathy is controlling and I hate that.  My heart goes out to Kyle.  She is in the dark and does not have the knowledge/insight to deal with this well.  She is a good and sweet woman.  sigh  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 8

Some of these posts tonight have made realize some things.  My husband's cell and work number are under his first name.  I couldn't tell you either off the top of my head and my numbers are listed in alphabetical order.  I guess I'm a bad wife...because I don't call or speak to my husband four or five times a day.  I don't text because he can't have his cell in the building but he doesn't have the 'text' gene so it doesn't matter.  We email once in a while during the day and maybe talk on the phone at most three times a week if something comes up.  Geez, who has all this time to talk during the day when you're working?  What do you talk about Erika Jayne?


OK - I do text my kids a fair amount.  And when I 'have' to call I just 'dial' their number from memory - old school and 'mom' thing.  You just KNOW your kids cell phone numbers.

  • Love 8

I agree with whoever said Kyle's girls look like Mauricio.  Let's just hope they didn't inherit that clogged nasal voice thing he always has going on.  Ick!  I just want someone to hand him a hankie and tell him to go over behind a tree and BLOW that schnoz! 


And in the previews we once again see someone getting their nether regions waxed, sigh..........  Is there NOTHING else of interest these pampered ladies do that we can live vicariously through?!  I don't need to see a gleeful Liza Rinna get her bum waxed.  And I gagged at the wax strip coated with removed hair.  Wow, Lisar makes good her claim that she'll happily do ANYTHING for a buck.

Edited by stcroix
  • Love 3

There is no way that Tom Girardi is at the office all day, so I call bullshit on Erica's statement. I would be shocked if he went in more than 2 days a week on average. For someone at his level, he would likely only be working when he is in trial or trying to get a big case. He would never touch a motion, discovery, or the kind of thing you would do at the office.

If she is calling him 5 times a day, he is probably at the golf course half the time.

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 8

Yeah, this is when I like LVP most - when she is in scheming mode and owning it, as opposed to victim mode.  Cersei doesn't look good as a victim, and neither does LVP.


Wait, there have been times when Lisa has owned it? Where was I when this happened? It seems whenever she gets called out on it, she defaults to victim.

  • Love 10

OK - I do text my kids a fair amount.  And when I 'have' to call I just 'dial' their number from memory - old school and 'mom' thing.  You just KNOW your kids cell phone numbers.

Uh-oh. This post made me realize I don't know my kids' cell numbers. Like, at all. I couldn't even dial one number of either of their numbers. I have my husband and kids listed in my phone as 1, 2, and 3 so that they are first on the list of contacts. I just know who is who. That's the limit of my number memorizing skills I guess.


I love all the posts (too many and to long to quote here) about Yolanda trying to take on LisaV. No one will ever dethrone the queen! I bet Yolanda has never come up against someone like her before. She keeps going after her and she keeps losing. It's a lot more entertaining to watch than when she's sitting around looking sadly at baggies of pills.

  • Love 8

I thought this was a fun setup episode.  I believed LisaV's surprise about the second horse, LisaR's FaceTime nonsense, the ear piercing.  I appreciated the drag queen, 'cause that's totally what she is, and what seemed like a nip slip in the reflection of the mirror.  The discussion about Yolanda's health wasn't as gross as I'd expected, and someone upthread noted the show-within-show element makes it fun (I'm betting LisaR will eventually screw up and pull back the curtain).  Plus, I guess none of them really play the game, if the events and visitors in the promos all show up, so it shouldn't get too obnoxious.  


For the first time I saw a resemblance between Kim and Kyle (um, besides the pointing) when they were at LisaV's house and Kyle was staring off with a vacant expression for a moment, mouth slightly agape, and that was neat.  


A whole season of this won't hold my attention, though.  I don't need Brandi's drunken antics or Kim's Kim-ness.  LisaV just needs to keep poking at Kyle, and eventually Kyle's gonna pop.  That'll be enough, unless this is one of those 400-episode seasons.

  • Love 2

I think there were three horses in this episode - the two little ones and the Trojan Horse that is Yolanda.

I think Yolanda is playing a very specific long con this season. Putting aside the question of what percentage her illness is caused by disease, treatments, psychological factors, malingering, attention needs (I'm sure it's a combination of all of them) - I think she has an agenda and is working it.

1. She has not filmed with Lisa V. or Kyle this season. She showed up at Lisa R's party for 10 minutes, because it was the season premiere party and I'm sure it was mandatory, but left right away.

2. Lisa V. and Kyle have said that they have reached out to her multiple times and she has said she cannot see them.

3. But it's not like she's not filming. She's a huge part of every episode, but with one storyline: "my illness and those who are sympathetic to it." Even more, she has brought in two friends (Erika Jayne and Cody Simpson's mom, whose visa fell through) to be in the cast with her. This is a ton of work. She is not too sick to film, quite the opposite. But she is filming with a specific agenda.

4. Yolanda was the architect of the "take down Lisa V" movement in season four. It failed, completely, but she was the real brains behind it. Brandi was trying to do Yo's dirty work against Lisa V. the same way she did Lisa V's dirty work against Adrienne. Joyce said that Yolanda filmed with her, trying to get Joyce to trash Lisa V, and when Joyce wouldn't do it, Yolanda called "cut" and tried to film the scene over. Yolanda tried to accuse Ken of hitting her at a party. Yolanda attacked Lisa for the horrible crime of being a "Hollywood friend" who "didn't bring me Starbucks when I was laid up in bed for 18 months" and "didn't come to my daughter's tile painting party." Yolanda wanted to be the alpha female of BH, and she did everything in her power to dethrone Lisa. It didn't work.

5. Her hatred for Kyle through the years is also well known - she and Kyle had a bit of a detente last year, but it was tentative. But here's my real point...

6. Yolanda is staging a coup. She won't make amends with Lisa V. and Kyle, she won't film with them, and she is clearly trying to divide the cast, with acolytes on her side (Erika, Angie, I don't know where the new girl comes in), she's at this stage recruiting Eileen and Lisa R. to join her (it looks like she's half successful) - she is trying to rebuild the cast around her, and to freeze out Lisa V. and Kyle.

7. She's using her illness to do this. Yolanda is a smart woman, aside from thinking Erika Jayne should perform for the Pope. She knows both that it is impossible to fight with a sick woman, and that many people doubt her illness. She's setting them up to question her, by carrying on so dramatically from a distance but refusing to interact. She's waiting for them to weaken and admit that they don't believe what's going on, and then she's going to pounce. Yolanda's life fuel is being morally superior and judging others. What better tool for that than an illness?

8. I also think that Yolanda is carrying on with anger from last season - she was placed on the Brandi/Kim team, which was fired. Now she is still interacting with both of them (even though she didn't interact with Kim for 90% of the time they were on the show together - she had no use for Kim until Kim became estranged from Kyle); I think Yolanda is really angry that she was put on the "loser squad" and she is out to get revenge, both keeping her old allies close (Brandi and Kim) and recruiting new ones (Erika, Angie, Eileen, tried to get Lisa R). I don't know if she's pro-Brandi as much as she is anti-Lisa-and-Kyle, and is amassing allies.

It's pretty Machiavellian, and as the latest attempt to take down Lisa V and Kyle and become the Queen of the BH, it's a good one. As Lisa R. fairly noted, everyone is talking about "what the hell is going on with Yolanda" - they're just refusing to do it on camera. So far, both Lisa V. and Kyle are doing everything in their power to resist the temptation. You can see the wheels turning for both of them in every scene - they know exactly what is going on, what production wants them to do, and what could happen if they do it. But Lisa Rinna caved (probably at production's insistence). She has gone to the dark side.

So the rest of the season is going to be "Team Empathy"(Yo and her acolytes) versus "Team Selfish and Ignorant" (Lisa x2 and Kyle). That's if the narrative arc follows Yo's plans.

If it fails, then it will be "Team Malingering" versus "Team Real Life". Because the one complication Yolanda wasn't expecting was RHOC and the Season of Brooks. Thanks to Meagan PI, we now have a documented track record of a false illness presented as a storyline for sympathy and attention. So it gives people a different frame for Yolanda. Hence the very very long and detailed list of her diagnosed ailments and names of her doctors in her blog - Yo is trying to avoid being tagged as a Brooks.

I admit, I find this fascinating. It's all about narrative, who controls the narrative, whose story resonates, who can use narrative to control the people around them. These chicks in BH are playing this game at a whole other level.

(For the record? I'm team Lisa-and-Kyle.)

(Sorry for the really long post. And I have REAL WORK to do!!)

Guuurl, you are too good!

("They got the spirit! Yes, they do! They got the spirit! How 'bout you"! ) *In THIS PARTICULAR situation and scenario, I am with you on The Team spirit.

Oooh, Yolaaanda: "Nana nana. Nana nana. Hey! Hey! Hey! Goodbye!" PLEASE!


*[although, I must admit that I do NOT possess the 'Lotsa Lisa Love'. Buut, vs. Yolanda... well...]

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 4

Ryebread when a blind item is put out there for discussion the person posting the blind item knows the answer.  The blind item was answered by the author as Yolanda.  You missed the most important part of it and that was having their adult children dating famous people.  Kyle's kids don't date famous people.  Kyle has a show that features her children RHOBH-she focuses on her family as opposed to her effing Lyme Disease and illness.


In a way, I almost wish that Yolanda WOULD get a spin-off because I would never watch it, she'd be off this show, and I would never have to see her again!  On the other hand, I would hate to see her manipulative antics rewarded.



I don't know, I thought it was quite plain what she meant. I know of both, but I think straight up Munchausen is a lot less common and it wouldn't surprise me if people had only heard of the "by Proxy" version. 



I also thought Kyle's meaning was clear.  She had only heard of MBP.  I think that's probably true for lots of people, so I didn't find it odd or snark-worthy.



I am picturing a whole Suzanne Sugarbaker scenario here, complete with fancy nightgown and a gun!


Yes, that's the visual I was going for!  LOL!


I don't think she's always called him that. It's her latest obnoxious affectation. At her birthday lunch, LisaV noticed that he was listed in Rinna's cell phone contact list like that and joked about it. So....since Rinna's Lord and saviour, LisaV, thought it was humorous, Rinna ran with it and now we'll have to hear him referred to as HarryHamlin all season long. HarryHamlin! ! ShutUP! ! !


She's been calling him that for a long time.  I remember hearing her consistently refer to him as HarryHamlin in interviews years ago.  And she did it last season on this show too.  It's definitely not anything new.  It's kind of annoying, yes.  But that's why I noticed it, and that's how I'm sure she's been doing it for quite awhile.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 6

She's been calling him that for a long time.  I remember hearing her consistently refer to him as HarryHamlin in interviews years ago.  And she did it last season on this show too.  It's definitely not anything new.  It's kind of annoying, yes.  But that's why I noticed it, and that's how I'm sure she's been doing it for quite awhile.

I've never heard her call him that until Lisa and Kyle started ribbing her for it. If she did it last season, I must've missed the episode because for sure I would have snarked about it. I watched their show and don't remember it then either. This season, we've heard it each episode since Vanderpump found it funny and I expect Rinna will continue to ramp up her use of it. Much like a child will overuse a word once they realize it amuses a parent. Or someone else they're trying to impress.

Lisa V's little horses have a pink barn: https://www.instagram.com/p/62db71veJ6/?taken-by=lisavanderpumpTheir names are Diamond and Rose (rose as in the wine not the flower)

A hot farrier: https://www.instagram.com/p/-e01uUPeNx/?taken-by=lisavanderpump

Lisa's latest dog-I wonder if he arrives during the season: https://www.instagram.com/p/_qNZAyveDl/?taken-by=lisavanderpump

Lisa is getting a lot of flack from her comment Tuesday night.

  • Love 6

I am kind of at a loss as to what Kyle should be owning up to.  She has apologized and agonized about 100 times over her moment of rage calling Kim an alcoholic. So I am unclear as to Kyle's accountability.  How many more times does she have to take responsibility for being the one to talk about Kim's alcoholism-something the entire cast had to deal with all season?  When Brandi and Kim decided they wanted to take on Lisa V., it was Kim who thought it appropriate to tell Kyle about the magazines.  Kyle has been schooled through Kim's rehab to call Kim out and for self-preservation has had to set boundaries. 


I think Kyle has explained she is emotional the only three really over the top no teary confrontations were Season 1 in NY with Camille and Season 2 at the party where she and Kim defended Kim against Brandi's assertions.  Again Kyle apologized for her behavior not Kim.  Carlton would be the third because Carlton was such a silly ass there was no reason to be upset.  There is a breaking point for all people and I think Kim's public behavior towards Kyle and others would break most people.  Kim on three occasions went after Kyle calling her stupid at the Poker Party and acting an ass, going after her in Holland for cowering when Kim was attacking one of her friends.  I guess Kyle could have stood up in the plane and said, "oh this is hard she is my sister and this is my friend I love, I love you both, I don't want to be in the middle."  Like Kim did on Poker night.  Then there was the Reunion where Kim was quite cocky and confident being in a no speaking mode with Kyle and making it public.


Kyle cannot win in this family dynamic.  She has two sisters calling the shots and deciding what is acceptable for Kyle to talk about and what is not.  When Kim ad Kathy want sympathy the go on Dr. Phil and included three out of four of Kim's children and talk about what a lush Kim is and the fact she has essentially been using since leaving rehab.  When Kim's vicious repeated biting dog bites Kyle's daughter it is a no-no.  When Kyle scores a sitcom the older sister gets mad because she might be portrayed in a bad light.  Yet that same sister and her daughter didn't hesitate to use Kyle and her show to publicize both the wedding and Nicky's book.  I hate to quote any NJ housewife but as Dina was told when your family is part of the show past or present you have put your family out there and their dynamic.

Some people don't see it and that's fine. It's the whole dynamic. It's the manipulation. It's the riding on the families dysfunction for her own reasons. It's for the malicious way she presented her turmoil for public opinion and to garner sympathy from others. Look I'm not saying that she doesn't have valid reasons to be angry or feel the way she does but I see a calculated pattern with the way she's showcased her poor sad place with her sisters. I have no trouble believing that Kyle has been a nasty hag right back to Kim. Has been cruel and hurtful during pressing times and situations. I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle said the most callus of things to her pain in the ass, burden of a sister. It's the sugar coated, dainty and vulnerable persona she's taken on when she's "Kyle Richards, the sister of addict Kim" that I believe is the biggest elephant in the room with that family now. I don't for one minute believe that Kyle was this blubbering hostage to Kim's dilemmas. I DO believe that she was a pissed off, can't take it anymore, but my loyalty and love tie me to you, tell it like it is, no holds barred sister to Kim and that's not the side she chose to present to us and I think that's what Kim and maybe even Kathy resent the most about the whole ordeal. I think, what I would like to see is Kyle be COMPLETELY real. I can actually believe that her vulnerable and torn emotional reactions are genuine but its the constant need to be this vulnerable sister in connection with the pain and the hurt and what SHE'S sacrificed. She only wants to present the delicate, vulnerable sister that's been struggling with the burden and not the sister that's most likely unloaded and unleashed on Kim unsympathetically which I'm sure has happened. It's presented in such a one sided way that doesn't paint the complete picture. I find that deceitful and I question how particular she is when sharing these details. Her particular narrative has dragged on way too long.


I guess what it boils down to me is that Kyle is no innocent. This constant need to assume that Kyle was just this put upon, quiet tortured sister finally got pushed to her breaking point just in time for the cameras to catch it for the "very first time" is what I feel is a complete stretch. I'm pretty sure she gave as much as she got during stressful times and while I can sympathize with the burdens of loving an addict and what she's gone through with Kim I'm not a fan of glossing over mistreatment because it's directed at someone "deserving" of it. I feel Kyle lost respect for her sister a long time ago and replaced it with a constant undertone of disgust and resentment that I believe Kim was usually referring to when she challenged Kyle. I also really believe the hurt coming from Kim whereas Kyle's sincerity and angst would come across as forced or exaggerated on occasion because otherwise she would seem cold-hearted and she knew it. Not for one second do I believe we saw the moment when Kyle Richards decided to break from her chains.  I think we saw the moment Kyle Richards decided to up the ante with her sister regarding her frustrations with her addiction. That's the moment that I believe unfolded. Not some moment of liberation. Nuh uh. Nope. That was a calculated ambush.


Kim and her issues, problems, etc. etc. ad ad nauseum yada yada. That's one thing I'm talking about Kyle. Not what she was forced to do. Not what she was entitled to do. Why Kim deserved it but why Kyle found the need to do what she did in the way she did it. And what's most fascinating is why it seems to be completely acceptable. Scary. I'm pretty much over Kyle Richards and her so sad life that she's made sure we know all about down to the hiccup with her nieces wedding. The continuous scream for attention using this particularly low reality of her family dynamic has just gone on for so long and milked to death. It creeps me the hell out that now the other cast members are so easily comfortable milking it too. It's a monster that keeps on giving.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

Lisa V's little horses have a pink barn: https://www.instagram.com/p/62db71veJ6/?taken-by=lisavanderpumpTheir names are Diamond and Rose (rose as in the wine not the flower)

A hot farrier: https://www.instagram.com/p/-e01uUPeNx/?taken-by=lisavanderpump

Lisa's latest dog-I wonder if he arrives during the season: https://www.instagram.com/p/_qNZAyveDl/?taken-by=lisavanderpump

Lisa is getting a lot of flack from her comment Tuesday night.



What comment?

  • Love 1

I want a Scnook. Cutest dog (besides mine) I've seen today. What is he?



My cocker spaniel looked like that when his hair got long.  It's probably that or a cockapoo.


I kind of hate that Amazon commercial with the dwarf horse.  Horses with dwarfism have tons of problems in general.  They aren't just small horses.

  • Love 3

Ken can't hire a professional poop scooper to clean up behind the Horses?

Ken probably already does have someone to clean up behind his own poop.


This episode was confusing for several reasons. The first question that comes to mind is why they ever contracted Erika for this show? I get it that she's wealthy because she married a big famous lawyer and her sugar daddy. I get it that she has a stage act under the pseudo-name 'Erika Jayne' in which she does some gyrating half naked on stage as she (cough-cough) 'sings'. I just don't see any kind of synergy possible with the others. Are we to expect to see more of Erika changing into a see-through catsuit with full vaginal and breasts exposed in front of her dressers (or whatever those guys are)?  Great idea Yolanda and David, you get four stars for suggesting she go with David to Rome to do a little dance routine for Pope Francis. Has anyone actually witnessed a Pope getting a lap dance? That would be a possibility if Erika was given an audience with the Pope and would surely boost ratings.


Yolanda and David in Vancouver. What the hell? I mean really what the hell!? She was half dead getting an I/V of vitamin C last week and now she's riding a wave runner with her 'love' in BC?  Maybe she was granted an audience with Pope Francis herself and received a miracle cure. David has even tossed her out of his city apartment sending her to the Four Seasons hotel to live. She said that she got sick 'the day I got married'. How can these two people profess deep love for each other in public and be going through a divorce at that same moment in time? It doesn't make any sense at all. David finally gave a public statement about the divorce that only confused me more than before. He said this in his statement 2 days ago, “I have always had and continue to have the utmost respect and love for Yolanda. Which is why it is so frustrating to see headlines questioning her chronic debilitating illness." Us Weekly had previously reported that David himself had questioned his soon-to-be ex-wife’s illness, believing that she was “exaggerating her condition.” “David and his family think Yolanda just loves the attention of being sick,” an insider told the mag. “And they point out that she’s never gotten a legit diagnosis.”  Never gotten a legit diagnosis? What's up with that?


The last thing that disturbed me about this episode was when Lisa Rinna pulled out her phone and started reading from the Munchausen Syndrome Wikipedia page. Basically, she thinks Yolanda might be making herself sick and it might not be Lyme disease. Then she makes a very feeble attempt at trying to persuade the others that she's feeling very guilty for following Yolanda's Instagram and buying into the rumors and gossip. She's planting the seeds of doubt in the minds of the others.


Last comment is regarding the behavior of Kyle's daughters getting ear piercing. There's something just not right about the screaming, cringing and crying reaction her daughter Sophia had. Does she want to be an actress too, like Portia? Kyle tolerating that type of immature behavior by a fifteen year old is nauseating and embarrassing for both of them. How will Sophia possibly cope with having to push out a 7 pound human from her vagina one day? Spoiled rotten rich privileged kids make me want to puke and one day their parents will try to blame someone or something else for creating and enabling such obnoxious creatures. I can imagine little Portia saying "mommy, for Christmas, I want a live purple unicorn that farts rainbow bubbles" and Kyle would search the universe for one or have one genetically engineered and modified to suit the needs of Portia. Maybe Ken and Lisa can let her have one of those genetically modified poor horses and have them retrofitted with purple hide and a horn on their heads.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 11

I agree with you about it presenting as borderline personality disorder as I now work in a short term psychiatric hospital and I do see that. And of course many are somatic simply because they want lots of medication. BPD are very hard patients to deal with too. The book " I hate you, don't leave me" is a good book for understanding the disorder if anyone is interested.

yes, that book is excellent. Bpds are exceptionally difficult to treat without the insight needed to benefit from therapy or the determination to get and stay well....BUT, I am one bpd who has recovered and recovered nicely.....so, my posting friends, it CAN be done. One needs to be ready.
  • Love 4
steelcitysister, on 23 Dec 2015 - 10:50 PM, said:steelcitysister, on 23 Dec 2015 - 10:50 PM, said:

Perception, I guess. I stopped watching NJ a few seasons back and am not a fan of T and J but, IMO, their daughters are lovely -- yes, even The Terror That Is Milania.



I thought most people used ICE for their spouse or SO. Maybe in BH, ICE is used for one's plastic surgeon?


Yes, I think that Gabriella and Audriana are uncommonly beautiful!  I will agree to disagree on Milania (for now!) LOL I certainly don't think the Umanski children are ugly, but I do not think they are great beauties right now.


zoeysmom, on 24 Dec 2015 - 08:12 AM, said:zoeysmom, on 24 Dec 2015 - 08:12 AM, said:

Lisa V's little horses have a pink barn: https://www.instagram.com/p/62db71veJ6/?taken-by=lisavanderpumpTheir names are Diamond and Rose (rose as in the wine not the flower)

A hot farrier: https://www.instagram.com/p/-e01uUPeNx/?taken-by=lisavanderpump

Lisa's latest dog-I wonder if he arrives during the season: https://www.instagram.com/p/_qNZAyveDl/?taken-by=lisavanderpump

Lisa is getting a lot of flack from her comment Tuesday night.


OMG!  Too precious!  Their little pink house is just cuteness overload.  :)


Portia and Mauricio are definitely twins. He couldn't go to Maury and say that wasn't his kid LOL.



Right? Or any of his daughters for that matter! 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 3
Kyle is familiar with Munchausen by proxy, but she has never heard the word "Munchausen" before? I think I know what she meant, but she's such a dummy that sometimes it's hard to know.


OK quoting myself here, because I guess I didn't make myself clear. Kyle said that she had never heard the word "Munchausen" before, but she had heard of "Munchausen by proxy."


That's like saying that you've heard of French toast, but you've never heard the word "French" before. Doesn't make sense.


What she meant was: I'm familiar with Munchausen by proxy, but I've never heard of Munchausen syndrome before. If something exists "by proxy," then it exists alone, too. 


As one poster mentioned, and I think it was a brilliant observation, Kyle is immature. And I think her lack of maturity shows up in how she expresses herself.


It's also pretty funny that in complaining about Kyle not expressing herself well, I apparently didn't express myself all that well, either. Ah, well.

Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 7
jennylauren123, on 24 Dec 2015 - 11:45 AM, said:

OK quoting myself here, because I guess I didn't make myself clear. Kyle said that she had never heard the word "Munchausen" before, but she had heard of "Munchausen by proxy."


That's like saying that you've heard of French toast, but you've never heard the word "French" before. Doesn't make sense.


What she meant was: I'm familiar with Munchausen by proxy, but I've never heard of Munchausen syndrome before. If something exists "by proxy," then it exists alone, too. 


As one poster mentioned, and I think it was a brilliant observation, Kyle is immature. And I think her lack of maturity shows up in how she expresses herself.


I thought, as I saw a few others have pointed out, that she meant she had never heard the word Munchausen in regards to Yolanda's illness.   Who knows. She might have been talking about the subject for 10 minutes straight, but they edited it down to ...what?  1 or 2 sentences. 

  • Love 5



Last comment is regarding the behavior of Kyle's daughters getting ear piercing. There's something just not right about the screaming, cringing and crying reaction her daughter Sophia had. Does she want to be an actress too, like Portia? Kyle tolerating that type of immature behavior by a fifteen year old is nauseating and embarrassing for both of them. How will Sophia possibly cope with having to push out a 7 pound human from her vagina one day? Spoiled rotten rich privileged kids make me want to puke and one day their parents will try to blame someone or something else for creating and enabling such obnoxious creatures. I can imagine little Portia saying "mommy, for Christmas, I want a live purple unicorn that farts rainbow bubbles" and Kyle would search the universe for one or have one genetically engineered and modified to suit the needs of Portia. Maybe Ken and Lisa can let her have one of those genetically modified poor horses and have them retrofitted with purple hide and a horn on their heads.


HumblePi, we can only hope this was a one off and we are not in store for more of the Kyle Kiddie Kapers. Othewise, if this show goes on we'll see hysteria in House Umansky because someone wasn't elected to Homecoming Court, a friend drives a higher-end car and the sorority of choice didn't extend a bid. Also, it may be a Richards' sister thing: Kathy's reaction to Paris and Barron's behaviors is usually indignation that her cubs are being persecuted; perhaps Kyle's is to crawl into her brood's laps for a cuddle. Maybe she kept Portia's crib handy so they can all squeeze in together when drama ensues.

  • Love 3

I can never quite figure out Lisa's accent. I *think* its an exaggerated RP, but I 'm not sure. 


I could never figure it out, either.  I've always thought she struggles to keep it and it feels forced. Sharon Osbourne also sounds like she makes an effort to keep her's and sounds the same way. Like bad actresses in a bad play.

  • Love 1

I've been thinking the same thing. The "M" Word is much more current and of course the focus of several Lifetime movies and news headlines. Its also a hotter button to push for a reality star to create drama during a behind the back conversation than saying someone is a hypochondriac. It was probably whispered into Lisar's ear by production anyway.

  • Love 2


One way to read the definitions is that a hypochondriac really thinks she's sick, and with Munchausen, she's faking. 

  • Love 13

Some of these posts tonight have made realize some things. My husband's cell and work number are under his first name. I couldn't tell you either off the top of my head and my numbers are listed in alphabetical order. I guess I'm a bad wife...because I don't call or speak to my husband four or five times a day. I don't text because he can't have his cell in the building but he doesn't have the 'text' gene so it doesn't matter. We email once in a while during the day and maybe talk on the phone at most three times a week if something comes up. Geez, who has all this time to talk during the day when you're working? What do you talk about Erika Jayne?

OK - I do text my kids a fair amount. And when I 'have' to call I just 'dial' their number from memory - old school and 'mom' thing. You just KNOW your kids cell phone numbers.

My husband is a medical doctor. If I call, it's important. Otherwise, we talk at home.

I do not know my kid's cell phone numbers, they are in my phone and my contacts are alphabetical too.


Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 5

I could never figure it out, either.  I've always thought she struggles to keep it and it feels forced. Sharon Osbourne also sounds like she makes an effort to keep her's and sounds the same way. Like bad actresses in a bad play.

It's not uncommon, though, for people to rid themselves of regional accents .Especially entertainers. My Closest friend is from Yorkshire and his Yorkshire accent has become mostly Estuary after 30 years in London. I think it's definitely an affectation, but it's not uncommon. 

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 4
It's the manipulation. It's the riding on the families dysfunction for her own reasons. It's for the malicious way she presented her turmoil for public opinion and to garner sympathy from others.



But then, so did Kim so it's really just both of them doing standard reality show stuff. Neither of them is doing it in secret. It's the storyline of the show - shows if you count the scripted thing and Kim and Kathy on Dr. Phil etc. The both want to be on TV, they both want their pov understood on TV, of course, just like everybody on the show.. Kyle's been called out for all of it. Kim's manipulation is just often more dramatic because she's trying to deflect from more extreme stuff on her part. Honestly at this point I don't even know if it's possible to point to Kim's real issues with Kyle as a person it's so overshadowed by her trying to control everyone for her addiction.


I've been thinking the same thing. The "M" Word is much more current and of course the focus of several Lifetime movies and news headlines. Its also a hotter button to push for a reality star to create drama during a behind the back conversation than saying someone is a hypochondriac. It was probably whispered into Lisar's ear by production anyway.



Yeah, I agree. Munchhausen's isn't necessary to do this sort of thing. Really they just added yet another serious sounding condition to Yolanda's growing list.


Still it's kind of fascinating the way that Yolanda on one hand makes such a big deal out of having to be perfect and create a perfect home for her husband in order to keep love alive etc., then at the same time she's at the other extreme being unable to do any of those things and being the one who is the center of attention. Even if she's genuinely ill there's some serious psychological satisfaction going on there!

  • Love 4


OK quoting myself here, because I guess I didn't make myself clear. Kyle said that she had never heard the word "Munchausen" before, but she had heard of "Munchausen by proxy."


That's like saying that you've heard of French toast, but you've never heard the word "French" before. Doesn't make sense.

Still, I didn't take her comment literally. Technically, that is what she said, but is it what she meant? No. The message she was conveying was, she had never heard of only Munchhausen (two h's), she was aware of MbP.  Back when my husband and I were in counseling, I used to complain about how he said things to me. I would point out how he was incorrect and what he meant to say was this, that or the other thing. The counselor told me it didn't matter how he said it because I was smart enough to know what it was he was conveying. Shut me up quick.

  • Love 5

I want a Scnook. Cutest dog (besides mine) I've seen today. What is he?



My guess is he's a cocker spaniel in bad need of a haircut.  You can see better in earlier photos when he doesn't have so much hair.  I was feeling bad about the lack of grooming of my own cockers until I saw Lisa with Schnookie on the VPR aftershow.  Mine absolutely hate having their faces that long and I have clippers at home to trim them up if their faces get too fuzzy between trips to the groomer  Cocker Spaniels are a lot of work and require a lot of time and money.  Not keeping them properly groomed can encourage ear and eye infections if you have one that's already prone.  I just keep mine in pet cuts, because ain't nobody got time for a show cut. 


I don't think he's a cockapoo or labradoodle because he has a cropped tail and I think those normally don't and those also tend to have curlier hair.  The way his hair falls and feathers looks like a cocker to me.  Since Lisa has had cocker spaniels in the past, she might have an affinity for them.  

Edited by yourmomiseasy
  • Love 4

Thank you!

She has all those pills and vitamins everywhere.

Like jeez. She even said too she would swallow bark if meant she could be stronger.

  • Love 3

But then, so did Kim so it's really just both of them doing standard reality show stuff. Neither of them is doing it in secret. It's the storyline of the show - shows if you count the scripted thing and Kim and Kathy on Dr. Phil etc. The both want to be on TV, they both want their pov understood on TV, of course, just like everybody on the show.. Kyle's been called out for all of it. Kim's manipulation is just often more dramatic because she's trying to deflect from more extreme stuff on her part. Honestly at this point I don't even know if it's possible to point to Kim's real issues with Kyle as a person it's so overshadowed by her trying to control everyone for her addiction.



Yeah, I agree. Munchhausen's isn't necessary to do this sort of thing. Really they just added yet another serious sounding condition to Yolanda's growing list.


Still it's kind of fascinating the way that Yolanda on one hand makes such a big deal out of having to be perfect and create a perfect home for her husband in order to keep love alive etc., then at the same time she's at the other extreme being unable to do any of those things and being the one who is the center of attention. Even if she's genuinely ill there's some serious psychological satisfaction going on there!

I have always thought Kim's biggest issue (besides her addiction) is she does not have much to do.  Her at home watching movies is not exactly riveting TV.   During filming last year she had Monty, and he seemed to spend most of his time in Las Vega, the wedding was planned and over pretty quick.  She has the show her children are grown and we never see any of her interests. Forget Kyle for a moment but compared with the other RH she just doesn't seem to have much going on and still can't seem to get places on time. Contrast that with Kyle who has children at home, a husband with a flourishing business that involves many social obligations, a boutique. lots of travel, charity commitments and seemingly lots of work.  Kathy has the same as Kyle with outside businesses and a busy social schedule.  I noticed Kim's big deal was Kathy had time for her and called a couple of times a day and took her dinner.   (All of sudden Kim is starting to sound like Yolanda with her need to have friends cater to her.)




A hypochondriac actually thinks they are sick. Someone with Munchausen's does not. Different disorders.

To me Yolanda sounds more like a hypochondriac.  I think rather than inventing symptoms to get medical attention all she has to do is open her wallet and there are many that are happy to relieve her of her money and develop complicated explanations and disorders to feed her need for attention.  One thing for certain her daily regime must take up an awful lot of time.  I noticed when having guests (sans make up and a combing her hair) she was exhausted.  I think maybe those are words she has gotten use to uttering.

  • Love 4

Re Yo - it has been my experience that the more you lay around, the more you want to lay around. I also have Lyme but didn't have the luxury to totally bask in it and although it's sometimes hard to move, I had to work or starve. Of course there are different levels of the disease. I have joint damage that Yo has never displayed, but, my point is, laying around for months makes you want to continue to lay around.

Schnookie has the tank body of my cocker. He could be a golden doodle or a cockapoo. If we were real friends of Lisa, not just show friends, she'd probably tell us.

  • Love 10

It's not uncommon, though, for people to rid themselves of regional accents .Especially entertainers. My Closest friend is from Yorkshire and his Yorkshire accent has become mostly Estuary after 30 years in London. I think it's definitely an affectation, but it's not uncommon. 


Well, Lisa V's accent definitely sounds like an affectation, that for sure.

  • Love 2

Anybody remember what Lisav said about Brandi on the episode?  Brandi is tweeting about her with #VANDERCUNT.  I guess originally people thought she was just terrorizing Lisav about her recently deceased dog Daddio.  Always one to charge things up Brandi gave this interview explaining she was the real animal advocate because she has two rescues (this from a woman who never really explained what happed to Chica-other than to get her out of filming in Palm Springs) and Lisav uses her animals as accessories.  Such holiday spirit by Brandi.  http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/12/24/brandi-glanville-my-text-had-nothing-to-do-with-lisas-dog/

Anybody remember what Lisav said about Brandi on the episode?  Brandi is tweeting about her with #VANDERCUNT.  I guess originally people thought she was just terrorizing Lisav about her recently deceased dog Daddio.  Always one to charge things up Brandi gave this interview explaining she was the real animal advocate because she has two rescues (this from a woman who never really explained what happed to Chica-other than to get her out of filming in Palm Springs) and Lisav uses her animals as accessories.  Such holiday spirit by Brandi.  http://realmrhousewife.com/2015/12/24/brandi-glanville-my-text-had-nothing-to-do-with-lisas-dog/


Of here is the rest of the story:  http://www.tmz.com/2015/12/24/brandi-glanville-lisa-vanderpump-attack-dog-death/


Edited by zoeysmom
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